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; —Cartoon b)i'filiefx:yman, in the Washington Star.
One Who Strives For Man's Work “a Horrible, Misshapen Monster,” He De
clares-:-Sees Suffragists’ Doom---Their “Quiet Appeal Will Be Drowned
by Howling-Dervish Suffragettes”---Talks to Girl Graduates.
‘Albany, N. Y. — Bishop William
Croswell Doane, in his address to the
graduating class of St. Agnes’ Scheol
bitterly attacked the new woman in
her efforts to do man’s work, and de
nounced the woman suffrage cam
paign as a ‘hysterical clamor em
ploved in the pursuit of this chi
“Your womanhood is your especial
gift of grace and honor equal to, but
different from, the glory of man
hood,” he said to the young women
students. ' “Nothinz but mischief and
misery and confusion worse confound
ed can come from the attempt to
make the two the same. The mascu
line woman, the effeminate man, like
bearded women or a long haired man,
is a lusus naturae, a monstrum hor
rendum informe. SSo, first, you are
to keep and guard as a sacred trust
your womanhood, your femineness.
“In the stress and strain, in the
crush and pressure of our modern
life, woman has elbowed herself into
certain kinds of work in which -she
resembles and rivals man. How
much humanity, how rhuch soclety,
has gained by it, if employed women
are to meke unemployed men, it is
difficult, if not impossible, to -say.
‘And yet I believe things will right
themselves in time. But this deep
line of distinctive cifference remains
unehanged. . i.o |
““There are still a multitude of oc
cupations in which neither can sup
plant the other. And .in our huge
country, with its growing demands,
the balance will sooner or later be
struck. ‘While each sex must confiee
itself to certain sorts of occupation.
men being unable to do much ofi
women’s work, as women are unable
to do much of men’s, where there is
common ground of possible service
they will not supplant, but rather
supplement, each other. Ay
“Only, whatever the point a.®l
place of meeting be, in mental or
manual labor, in professional, or in
any other, bear yourselves always
with the decency and dignity of true
womanhood, and choose, where choice
is left to you, the occupation and
position that most fitly belongs to
you as women, realizing and remem
bering that equal dignity attaches to'
"Se Secretaf;’W'ilson Declares on Getting Degree of
“» LL.D. From McGill University.
' Montreal, Canada.-—At the special
vconvoration of the governors of Mc
-‘f}m University at Macdonald College,
:Its}f3’~'~' school of agriculture, the de
s B A, =
‘sree of doctor of laws was conferred
upon James Wilson, the United States
Secretary of Agriculture; Dr. James
Karl Russell, Dean of the Teachers’
Colle'g of Columbia University, and
geveral Canadians,
In an address Secrctary Wilson
“Half the people under your flag
and ours till the soil for a livelihood.
They are not the governing class in
either country, while they hold the
balance of power at the ballot box.
“It is their duty to prepare to use
Not Gnly End War But Destroy All Present Interna
tional Relationships.
London.—Tt is not easy to explain |
how grave a facter in modern civili
zation the aeroplanz has Jecome in
the estimation of all Eurcpean gov
e‘rnments. The question seriously
digcussed in all the chancel'eries is:
Will the aeroplane end y/ar or will
.it,first destroy the presenf gystem of
Ԥnfernational relationship?
1t is now freely admitted by many
high authorities that with'n perhaps
ghree or four years airships will dom
;1: t@, anld lfi’}flf& ‘! S.l“rh’f
larmisis as Captaip Bulgaeh afinm
every duty done, or every service ren
! dered, or every position faithfully
' filled.
“I believe myself that the vocation
of a trained nurse is as honorable
and as valuable as the calling of a
physician, and to my old-fashioned
notion is more suitable and more be
'coming. In spite of the fair figure
i and quick cleverness of Shakespeare’s
} Portia, I think the place for the wom
en pleading is with Mrs. Ballington
‘Booth in the cells and corridors of
jails rather than in the courtroom be
fore a jury and a judge. And I am
| absolutely sure that the admission or
‘the intrusion of women into the min
istry is not only against the teaching
of Scripture and the tradition of cen
turies, but is the spoiling of their
great power and teaching and influ
encing in schools and classes a few at
a time those whom the very closeness
and quietness and privacy influence
and effect,
“Deep in the very roots of nature
and character the cleavage of this
difference lies. Guard it and humor
it as the choice and special gift to
vou of power, as the intimation and
indication to you of the lines by
which to shape your lives. Truly as
the boy is father of the man so truly
the girl is mother of the woman. And
I have hope and confidence to thick
that some such shaping and setting
as your womanhood has taken cn her
will make and mold your womanheod
when you get out into the world.
“I cannot count it necessary and
perhaps it is not wise for me to cau
tion you against the loudly shrieked
call to give women the right to vote
and to be voted for. lam dispossed
to think that the quiet and decent ap
peal of a few of the so-called suffra
gists will be so drowned in the sort
of holwling dervish performance of
the so-called Suffragettes that they
wlll fail of any effect. At any rate,
thé argtinent should be addressed
rather to legislators than to you, ex
cept so far as one is justified in say
ing here to you that your womanhcod
will gain nothing by suffrage, and is
losing every day in its dignity and its
true influence by the hysterical clam
or which is emvloyed in the pursuit
of this chimera.”
power with conservatism and intelli
“Many new things are proposed
with regard to government nowadays
that require cool heads to consider,
to adopt or to reject. The street cor
ner and the saloon are not as safe
forums as the farmer’s fireside when
public questions are acute.
“The ecoming millions that will
find homes on this hemisphere will
look to agriculture to feed and clothe
them. Manufacturing industries will
exnect to be fed cheaply. Commerce
will look to the soil for traffic. The
banker will look to the fields to give
life to enterprise and maintain the
balance of trade, and the educated
tarmer will be the wellspring of all
these movements.”
that half a dozen aeroplanes in evil
hands could destroy London,
England has at last an aeroplane
that can fly, but it is a mystery that
has set the whole country wondering.
1t flies only at night and it has been
geen at widely different places in the
vicinity of Peterborough. Nobody
knows from whence it comes.
Stead has a sensational article in
the Mail afirming that in a short
iy SRS O g wnd bt
‘toms systems of Europe and obliter.
' ate the fromtiersl *.. .iy L 0 ket
THE TEETH Paxtine excels any dentifrice
! in cleansing, whitening and
removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroying
uerms of decay and disease which ordinary
preparations cannot do.
THE MOUTH Paxtine used as a mouth
wash disinfects the mouth
and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the germs
which collect in the mouth, causing sore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness,
THE EYES when inflamed, tired, ache
and burn, may be instantly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
c ATAHRH Paxtine will destroy the germs
that cause catarrh, {xcnl the in
flammation and stop the discharge. It is a suse
remegy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful
icide,disinfectant and deodonizer.
m in bathing it destroys odors and
leaves the body antiseptically clean.
For a beautiful illustrated resort book
let, issued by Atlanta, Birmingham and
Atlantic Railroad, entitled “Seashore
and Mountain,” with up-to-date resort
map, send two cents in postage to W.
H. Leahy, Gen'l Passenger Agt, A. B.
& A. R. R, Atlanta, Ga.
Manufacturing War Relics.
With the approach of the centen
ary celsbrations of the famous Tyro
lean fight for freedom a new industry
has been created in Tyrol. Every
veterans’ aszociation and rifie club in
the land is pre2paring some kind of
festival at which historic guns and
flags and other emblems will be dis
Unfertunately, these relics have be
come rathsr scarce in the hundved
years which have elapsedq since the
war; but undaunted by this trifling
circumstance the ingenuous peasan
try are setting to work to make thoir
own relics.
In this enterprise-they have deve!l
cped remarkable ingenuity. A new
flag is usd for scme time as a dust
er, and then after being carefully
smeared over with grease on bo‘h
sideg is put up in the garret where
the grain is stored, In a very few
days the mice have made some artis.
tic ‘bullet” holes in the flag, which
is then hung out in the garden. The
sun does the rest, and a faded anl
tattered flag of really venerable ap
pearance is the result.
The village blacksmiths have shown
»o less cleverness in meking historic
cannon, and there is ro reason so
fear that the centemary celebrations
mrill suffer from amy laek of relics of
the war.—lnnsbruck eorrespondence
Pail Mail Gazette. ‘8
Be merciful to the nature whiolt re
sembles the reed im that it bends to
every whiff of air, and cannot stand
Bad Food and Good Health Won't
The human stomach stands much
abuse, but it wonm't return good
health if you give it bad food.
If you feed right you will feel right,
for proper food and a good mind is
the sure road to health.
“A year ago I became much
alarmed about my health, for I be
gan to suffer after each meal, no mat
ter how little I ate,” says a Denver
“I lost my appetite and ithe very
thought of food grew distasteful, with
the result that 1 was not nourished
and got weak and thin.
“My home cares were very heavy,
for beside a large family of my own
I have also to look out for an aged
mother. There was no one to shoul
der my household vurdens, and come
what might I must bear them, and
this thought nearly drove me frantic
when I realized that my health was
breaking down.
“1 read an article in the paper
about some on with trouble just like
mine being cured on Grape-Nuts food,
and acting on this suggestion, I gave
Grape-Nuts a trial. The first dish of
this delicious food proved that I had
struck the right thing.
“My uncomfortable feelings in
stomach and brain disappeared as if
by magic, and in an incredibly short
space of time I was again myself.
Since then I have gained 12 pounds in
weight through a summer of hard
work and realize I am a very different
woman, all due to the splendid food,
Grape-Nuts.” : : ;
“There’s a ‘Reason.” - Trial will
prove. Read the famous little book,
“The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs.
' Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
‘ W.‘ Al, 5" ’!\,’“" .’;" e &sy "‘.‘\"".V.!"“‘.;:Y".’;, ,"/]5 “
The Spark From the Hoof.
DBy C. A. 8, DWIGHT,
One dark night a clergyman was
returning with his wife and boy from
gservice held in a quaint little village
on an island off the New England
coast, A thick fog had settled over
the island-—one of the thickest ever
known there — and as the parson
drove along through the dripping at
mosphere, on a narrow country road,
with trees on either side, and with
many a twist and turn to the path, his
horse shying every now and then at
some gatepost or fence rail, hisnerves
were strained to the utmost. He
feared, lest in the gloom, with its
fantastic shadows, he dash into some
belated vehicle coming the other way,
or piteh off into a wayside ditch, Sev
eral miles had been traversed in this
exciting and dangerous manner, and
the driver was sorely tried,
But just at that juncture a clue
was given to the unfamiliar stretches
of the roadway. Ahcad was heard
the sound of wheels and the intermit
tent click of a horse's hoof against
' the stones. Every now and then
“would come a glint of light where the
hoof struck the pebbles of the road
bed. By keeping in view the spark
from the horse’s hoof a certain guid
ance for the way was obtained, and
after several miles of such traveling
home was safely reached.
In life the clue to progress is often
given by a spark from the horse's
hoof. Ahead of us, on the journey of
life, is some ore to whom perhaps the
road is more familiar, and the diffi
cultics of transit are less. Incident
ally, as they travel, they throw out,
perhaps unconsciously, some hint or
token, like the evanscentspark struck
off in contact with the sharp rocks of
the way which, useless to them, is a
help and cheering sign to some toil
ing brother behind. The spark beto
kens companionship for one thing,
since it shows that others are sharing
the dangers or difficulties with which
one is surrounded, and it also serves
as a telltale token of the way in which
safety lies, and along which progress
is to be made.
L e e s SN AW
Many a man sticks to the right only
to find that he is left.
The fellow who falls in love doesn’t
always take a tumble to himself.
It isn’t always the most attractive
rersons who attract the most atten
Some giris would rather marry a
mere man than cherish an ideal for
the rest of their days.
Some people are always going to
make hay while the sun shines to-
There are men who will pay their
debts with promises, and then ask for
a receipt in full.
It isn’t fair to talk about a man
behind his back. It is better to be
perfectly frank and kick him in the
No man can be happy unless he can i
The temple of debt has more en
trances than exits. .
Too many friends will put 2 man in
the poorhouse.
Have you ever noticed that the hen
pecked man cocs all his crowing away
from home?
Even the man who is laying up
treasures in heaven shouldn’t allow
his fire insurance to lapse.
Don’t esk a candid man for his hon
est opinion unless you are prepared
for a jolt.
There are some few people who ac
quire fame and wealth without for
getting their old friends.
My haberdasher tells me that in
spite of the fact that more men are
wearing belts, suspenders still con
tinue to hold theirown.—From ‘‘Mus
ings of the Gentle Cynic,” in the New
York Times. ,
A Truthful Verdict.
Farzo, N. D., once boasted a com- I
posite postmaster and coroner. He
was called one day to give his ver- l
dict upcn the case of a stranger who
had been the victim of a fit on the l
main street.
As the man was known to nobody
he was hurried to the much-prized
new city hospital. There the case was
diaznosed as appendicitis, but when
the operation tock place the attend
ing surgeon discovered that the pa
tient has been previously relieved of
his appendix.
The doctor endeavored to retrace
his steps, but the strange man died
from the effects of the operation.
The postmaster-coroner, in render
ing his verdict, filled in the space
after *‘Cause of Death” with a rub-,
ber stamp which read, “Opened by
e e e e e iee . T
A Possible Reason.
Holbein's picture of Christina of
Denmarl:, painted under orders from
Henry VIII. of England, who had
some thought of marrying the prine
cess, has just been sold for $330,000.
THe enormous price is eéxplained by,
the fact that the women Henry VIIL
did not marry are much rarer than
thfii%f‘{%ghé.ffiid-.-:klsmx.fitl Bveme
ARG I Tt R e
St 2
" oL I Hagm
- s 8 a
By LydiaE.Pinkham’sVeg
etable Compousd
Chicago, 111. — “I want to tell you
what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for me. 1 was so sick
that two of the best doctors in Chicago
said I would die if I did not have an
- > P
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aa yAI ol L ANE D
etable Compound had helped hor, and
I tried it, and after the third vottie
was cured.”—~Mrs. ALVENA SPERLING,
11 Langdon Street, Chicago, 111
If you are ill do not drag along at
home or in your place of employment
until an operation is necessary, but
build u‘; the feminine system, and re
move the cause of those distressing
aches and {,,ains b{ taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s o‘fetab e Compound, made
from roots and herbs.
For thirtg years it has been the stan
@rd remedy for female ills, and has
positively restored the health of thon
sandsof women who have been troultted
with displacements, inflammation, ul
ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic Hains. backache, bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzi
ness, or nervous prostration. Why
don’t you try it?
s(" X .
One gets it by highway men—Tens
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forence. Constipation and dead Liver
make the whole system sick —Every
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Billions use CASCARETS, Life Saver!
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Mot MirsEuthnces.
Ventilators, Skyfig'hp, Roofing.
oFeratidn. I had
a read¥ had two
operations, and
they wanted me to
go through a third
one. Isuffered day
and night from in.
flammation and a
small tumor, and
never thought of
seeing a well day
a(iain. A friend
told me how Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Veg.