Newspaper Page Text
§. A, FAOKLER, Editor and Rub'r
[VLIAN . PARKTR, - Editor
" Eotered as second clgss matter
March 1, 1006, at the post ofice a
Haslabureh, Go.
While strolling around last
Sunday afteypoon, accompanied
Wy our little boyd, we ‘went as
far dewn the G. # B AR W
the watertank, Just beyond the
tank is a small pond, and we
gotice\l many martins sailing
over it, and ocyasionglly” phey
would touch the surfice of the
pond. Off g little wiys, perched
on an old dqa,% pihe, we discover
ed many martins, We just sup
posed that the older birds were
fiarmn: their young to fly, prior
to taking their flight. :
}« Now, here is the point we
want to' make. The martins
come South early in the spring
and raise théir young, and along
in July leave in big droves. New,
where do they go to after leav
ing the South? ~ ‘
" Will some learnad brother,
who is well up on the hahits of
birds, give us the desired infor
fation? :
N Fond parent, did you ever buy
your boy # geat and wagon?
Yes, did you gay? Well then,
you know how itis.
" A couple of months aga we
bought two of our boys a goat
;piece. %’hen a wagon, then
harness, then feed. We were
figuring the other day, and are
tonfident that that pair of goats
have cost us at least ten dollars
during the past two months.
They have already broke up the
wagon and harness, by running
away, §o often. Willie was
stamding in front of them last
week, while they were hitched
aip, braging to some boys about
gpw gentle they were. Justto
prove Willie a stery, they made
a bredk, knocking bim down,
running over Lim,and continu
jpg dewn the street at break|
neck speed. Willie was badly
hurs, but he denied it.
We have come to the conclu
sion, that a goat is like the aver
age mule, will be good and ap
t1;:1.1‘(&111:1y kind along time, just
get a chanca to kill you, We
have got no confidence whatever,
in a goat or a mule,
" Sam Faclklar, now es Hazle
hurst, Ga., was back .to his old
stamping ground at Crystal
River last week, but failed to
show himself to his Inverness
friends. All right Sam, but you
shan’t slide down on our cellar
door any more, nor look down
inte our raimwater barrel and
holler “boo!”’—lnverness (Fla.)
Chronicle. |
Major, we couldn’'t wmake it.
We did our best to get over to
Inverness before leaving Florida
but our time was limited and we
had to rush back. Tiis was
strictly & business trip.
However, we expect to drop
down that way again before
many moons, 4nd when we do,
we are certainly going to spend
a few days at the pretiy little
city of Inverness, and "“chew the
Tag’’ with Walter Warnck, Geo.
Carter. yourself-and many more
friends—until you a.l become
tired of ua. Now, see if we
dor’t? Yes,and we expect to
!slide down on your cellar door
some more, too, and lock down
into your ‘rainwater barrel”
again. See if we don’t.
Col. Sidney D. Dell arrived
!;ere on Saturday last from Da
i rien, accompanied by his bride.
They are stopping at the Chup
man boarding house. Col. De.l
has cinly recently left a law
college, with his diploma and
has settled here for the purpose
of practicing his chosen proses
gion. He has started outin life
#ight, and The News with g
,fixem both much hdappiness.
Tanty [ Odmmianeee
any value to the seil of our coun
x. ‘We work ouy roads under
¢ old road systsm,and there
fote we have no funds for road
working,' We are not working
our convicfs on the roads, there
fore they would be public nuis
ance as Yo the benefit OJ our
reads. Théy will sot ificrese
{he producys of the soil or put
ope njoreagre in cultivation for
you, ' you must do that
yourself, and be'sure that you
get in enough to pay your part
of the expensge of the County
Commissioners. They will not
build or cayse any one glse to
build one more hogse jn your
gounty. o ;
" County Commissioners must
be paid for their servises, at
the rate usunally, S2.OC per day.
Vhere is this money to come
from? Will or can the Com
missioners save our county any
money? 1f so [ ask SOTG one
to point it out.’ ON, yes, lam
free to admit that they could
and possibly wouid spend a
great deal more than our Hon.
Ordinary has, far tney would
e drawing out fynds whether
or not they earned them, or put
any funds in the Treasury.
No, I cannot see how we would
he bénefited by the creatien ofa
board of commissioners in the
little, sparcely settled county es
Jeiff Davis. We need more farms
and farmers, so that we can have
more revenue, and when the
farmers gets more able to
pay it infor the commission
ers to haye some place to get
their self approved vouchers paid,
then possible it would mnot bear
30 hard on that producing class.
Now this is the way I see it, and
I 3m open for conviction. Let
some one give Uus light. Most
Resptfully, Citjzen
__Amoe’ Apedype.
*We always wondered a little how
Amos Dore and his wife got glong—
peally” Aunt Em Macomber said
fmokly. “Some in the neighborhood
gaid they'd never overheard a gingle
loud or cross word on either side, but
Lije Daniels always stuck to it that
Amos was as mis'able at home as a
man coyld be.
Y“He never spoke right out {ill Aipos
died and Mis' Dore went back up
gountry to her folks.. &hen he let
p“t." :
“What?'" queried Aunt Em's yisitor.
“Well, Amos workgd loggiug along
side of Lije every winter, and sum
mers they hgyed together most al
ways, and it scems,” saild Aunt Em
impressively, “that Amos couiplained
of his shoes hurting him about all the
time, Finally Lije asked whi he wore
tight shoes.
““Why don't you get a pair big
enopgh says Lije one day.
“ayell, I'll tell yoy,, Amos says.
“When I wear tlight shoes I forget all
my other troubles”’”—Youth's Com
Polishing a Diamond.
'Phe polishing of a dinmond s a very
glow process, because of the great
hardness of the material; besides this,
the work must be frequently inter
rupted to allow the disk to cool out
after it has become uverbeateq by
friction. KEach time a new facet is to
be cut the diamond must he removed
from the dop and reset at another
angle, and the diamond cuttep trusts to
his eve alone to guide him in this deli
cate adjustment, althoygh in the case
of very small diamonds a magnifying
glass Is necessary. The skill shown
in placing the stone in the heated
metal, sometimes with the bare band,
is suipprising. The regular brilliant
has fifty-six facets, besides the table
and the collet—thirty-two sbove the
girdle and twenty-four below—but as
eight facets are first formed, both
above and below, each of these being
recut into three or four smaller ones,
there are considerably more than fitty
six separate surfaces to be cut.—Dr,
George F. Kunz in Century.
Qualitiea of the Topan.
Tho name of the precious stone toe
serted in the mMng of Gyges hew not
been banded down to us, but #¢ §s prob
able thatdgimvas the topax, whiose won
ders Philostrates: recounts o the life
of Apollonius. An attribute bf the sun
and of fire, the ancients calied it the
wold mignet, as it was credited with
the power of attracting that metal, in
dleating its veins and discevering
the treasures. Heliodorus4n bis story
of Theagenes and Gharicles says that
the topaz saves from fire all those who
wear it and that Charicles was pre
served by it topaz from the fiety veugo
ance of Arsaces, queen of Ethiopia.
'his stone was one of the f@rst tale
mans that Theagenes - possessed in
LEgypt. “Fhe topaz at presend symbol
izes Christian virtues—faith, justice,
temperance, gentleuess, ClestMpCKiny
xfl‘ Loy ‘«A’;J " ‘?v #-A &l AT R l
“. h L'““ ,h o ,_:
lenth century. Warren Hastings, tha
pretpnder, the rebel lord§' or the us:
fortunste Admiral Byng saswereld
oqually the purpose of speculation, sl
there were' ilso regular guotations én
the lves of notérious bighwaymeh.
Sir Robert .vupd'le at one perlod ‘Of
:u.camr. when his life ‘was ehdao
ered by popular tumults,’ was lnsured
for many th&unndr, nnd when George
11. fought at Dettingen 25 per cent was
pald agaltst his return. Such specula
tive Insurances were, however, largely
checked by the gambling act as 1774,
which made insurable interest a neces
sary condition for a valld policy.—Ay
gonaut, .
LU i Y
A Junction City man told of & re
zmrk made by a womap At whose
ome 2 number of people took supper
ong night during a political campalign
in Sumner county, This particular
wpman, though young In years, way
the mother of seven children, Nat
urally ‘the children were reasonably
close to one sike. When the “cam
palgnérs” went {nto 'the woman's
pouse obe of them' noticed the dunch
b children and saf] td the woman in
n friendly way, "I’}:xm all yourd, or is
this a pienfc?” *““They are all mine,”
;he.mplled wearily, “and {t's oo ple
ple."-“Kunsas City Journg. .
“Pogsn’t this boat tip 4 great &ml?‘;
asked" & pl‘;l’lg young woman the
‘g’tewan}‘. r ; :
‘®The veasel, wma'am," sald the stew
ard, "“is trying to set a good exarmple
o the passengess.” .
An Attrastion. \%
Mrs. Otflet—Bo there s o SN
your tpansept to her memory. YD she
do w(htw to bqu r'e,yvh inn the
church? Mrs. Perry—Well, lge' wore
2 Dew hq}"evory Sunday M thn;g
Sheriff Bales.
GEORGIA—Jeff Dayvis County,
Will be sold before thg court
house of Jeff Davig county, in
Hazlehurst Georgia, the usual
place for holding Sherift’y sales
of said eounty, on the First Tues
day in August, which is the 3rd
day, 1909, within the legal hours
of sale, the hereinafter desgrioed
personal property, said proper
ty to be delivered where the
same is now located, to wit:
Near theresidence of W. . King.
One 13 horse power engine, Tal
bot male. One 20 horse power
vreturn tubler boiler, one pop
valve, eng stecam gpuge and
piping, ona. governor. Said
property levied upon and by
virtne and to satisfy three (3)
attachments fi. fas, isgued from
the county court of Jeif Davis
county. One ia favor of Carver
Brothers, one in favor of Loty &
Poer, and ore in favor of W. T
Cliett, 4nd against W. H. King,
said property levied upon as the
property of W. H. King, Defend
ant in attachment, and in his
possession, said property poinited
out by the Plaintiff. |
Said above described proper
ty having been advertised and
sold according to law, and P. L.
Smith being then and there the
bestand highest bidder, and said
P. L. Smith having failed to pay
the purchase price at said sale,
the same is thereof re-advertised
and sold at the risk of the said
P. L. Smith, the purchaser there
of at said sale.
This sth day of July, 1909,
e W. H. ELLIs,
~ Sheriff Jeff Davis County.
Farming Almpllments for Bale.
I have in my possession, and
am agent for same, one and two
two horse Cultivators. These
are great labor-saving machines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved-and are made from
the best material. They also do
the very best work that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
within the next 60 days at actual
cost, for cash. :
I havealso, corn and cotton
planters, which will be sold at
cost, within the next 60 days.
Comeé and sec them, if Yyou
need anything in this line-
H. J. FFussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga. R. I. D. N 0.2
B i ]
‘ For Sale ‘
We have practically a new No.
6 Remington typewriter which
we will sell for SSO. cash. Write
iat once, National Loan & 'Trust
, Company; Tifton; Geotgia.
"’” .*# t, betwee "7\3 AL
Nicke! case with Elgin move
ments. linder will return same
te Guy Hull, or the News effice
and e renrqed. This May 11th
1909, WY . 26
b Etiii
5 or ¢ doses 666 will’ cure any
case of Ghill and Fever. Erice 25
' ity P
~The City Pharmacy,
’ W. T. PATRICK, Prop's,
! e
I carry § frash and complete ;l'ino of
Drugs and [ledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
-.jj-—-'Bea:'?tiful line of——
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parler,
I live within & few steps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any hour of the night by those why
may need medicine after Thavg closed.
Don’t Ryn
The risk of losing your rightg by not having
your Deeds and Mortgaggs on Record.
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Reccrded in the effice of the
Clerk of the Supgrior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
prigrity over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”"==Section 36:' 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies: en per
sonalty, in the geunty where the mortgager
residesat time of execution.”-Section 27, 29
I wiil re-recore at balf price any dged
recarded in the old coupties. |
- Yours for protection,
Peoples Dru¢ Siure,
__>' TELEPHONE No. 7. Lo
We handle nothing but the very best and purest
Rl Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attention,
e ——r o ————————————————
i ————————
A complete stock of all Drug
‘ Store Sundries,
Judt received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
~ ever seen in Mazlehurst befere; and, yeu will
' find eur prices right, toe.
—————————- - ————————————————
We carry a fine line eof STATIONERY es evety des’
. criptien. YWhen in need of writing matprial
come te tho
~ PGOples Drug StOl;‘G:‘
T ). W, JARVIS, Pre. ' |
nish Srain is eriginal! first mig
in 1888, andite sOßNizad
the most s tovy article
the kind u the market. Pee
ples Drugs. ‘Stere carries a com:
plete stock, : '
P“. t:t l-e.dmar'fid from
1 r.Shocw slwé; Ointment