Newspaper Page Text
Summer Tourist Tickets
Lake, Mountain and Seashore Resorts
and all Eastern Cities,
Full information can be had of any Seaboard
Ticket Agent, or by applying to
R. H. STANSELL, Ass’t Gen’l Pass'r Agt.,
Savannah, Ga.
' §2 dear old tunes we all love, words ‘
and music complete for piano or or
gan, for 10 cents. America, Annie
Laurie, Auld Lang Syue, Battle Hymn |
of the Republic, Catch the Sunshine, ‘
Columbia, Comin’ Thro’ the Rye, Dar- |
ling Nellie Gray, Dixie's Land, Flag
of the Free, Hail Columbia, Home,
Sweet Home, Juanita, ILecad Kindly
Light, Lilly Dale, Long Ago, Marching
Thro' Georgia, Massa's in the Cold
Ground, My Bonnie, My . ‘Maryland,
Old Kentucky Home, Old Black Joe,
Robin Adair, Rocked in the Cradle
of the Deep, Swanee River, Sweet and
Low, Blue Bells of Scotlard, Last
Rose of Summer, Old Oaken Bucket,
Star Spangled Banner, Vacant Chair,
Those Evening Bells, Tramp, Tramp,
Tramp, Uncle Ned, We're Tenting To
night, When the Swallows Homeward
Fly and twenty others for 10c, stamps
or coin. Particulars of our great of
fer of a Piano Free for a little assist
ance in your own home is enclosed
with the song book. You can earn
a piano by merely allowing your
neighbors to se it, if you send at
once. For a short time we will send
a gold plated finger ring FREE as a
souvenir to each one who sends a
dime for the song book. Send today
to Piano and Music Co, Galesburg,
1l ts
An old established manufactory oi
high class goods desires to secure a
little more capital to meet the in
creasing demand for their product. It
offers a small issue of 6 per cent cou
pon bonds at 80e on the sl. $25 bond
for S2O. SIOO bond for S3O. For full
particulars address Drawer 52, Gales
burg, Il ; : tt
When the death of George Mere
dith was announced a group of Lon
don newspaper boys quarreled as 10
his identity. One held that he was
an amateur champion cyclist, anotl
er maintained that he was “the boss
of the biscuit firm,” but they finaliy
agreed to the argument of the third,
that he was the “bloke what played
in the cup final at the Crystal palace.”
are for sale by all progressive
; Hardware and Sporting
| Goods Merchants
; and
| DAN BEARD'S splendid effort
' § —*¢GUNS AND GUNNING "— .
will be mailed postpaid to any
applicant by J, STEvENS ARMS
‘ & Toon Compaxy, Chicopee
’ Falls, Mass., upon
e receipt of price.
\ F , For paper cover edi
“ (\* tionforward 20 cents;
i N VA\ for cloth bound book
N 5',4 send 50 cents,
B ad
&s&l rop Fritten
WD S oy
P.0.80x 4099 4
Chicopee Falls, Mass.
4' LJ.‘ €1 GoShalien o S
Professional Cards.
—— e e ]
Doctor of Dental Surgery.
Chapman-Patrick Building.
Dr.L.P. Pirk
r.L.P. Pirkle
Physician & Surgeon
Diseases of women and children a
Calls attended to promptly—day or
Office in Capital Drug Store. Office
Phone 51; Residence Phone 92.
Attorneys at Law
Hazlehurst, Georgla.
Practices in state and federal
courts. <Collections a specialty. Of
fices upstairs in Court House.
King & Sellers,
Will practice in all the courts.
Office at the Court House,
Attorneys and Counselors At Law,
I secure loans on your
farm lands for any amount
at ¢per cent interest.
| Call and see me before you
i boriow money. All loans
| made promptly.
| 9-6-06.
Nervous Headache
“] know from experience that
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills will
relieve severe cases of headache
quickly.” MRS. GEO, S. HENRY,
Sullivan, Wash.
In many persons the least excite
ment, exertion or irritation causes
headache. They cannot attend
church, theatre, places of amuse
ment, travel, or mingle in a crowd
without suffering an attack of head
ache. The nerves of the brain are
easily excited, and this irritable con
dition causes pain. Such persons
should take ;
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
before starting out, or on the first
indication of ‘an atta¢ck. They
invariably relieve all such misery.
.. _The first Pack ?0 will beéeflt: if not,
your druggist vfil return Jyour money.
.f.’i':"Ez‘éf'il;{?’,n‘fill'vf gi.}“;;.¥l';;§;i;‘w,firliii%§,;*.‘A.‘ A gt ZL
For a beautiful illustrated resort book
lot, issued by Atlants, Birmingham and
Atlantic Railroad, entitled “Seashors
and Mountain,” with up-to-date resort
map, send two cents in postage to W,
H. Leahy, Gen'l Passenger Agt, A. B
& A. R. R, Atlanta, Ga.
.ee et e e e ee e
A business man who had met with
reverses passed through a trying
year. At every turn failure stared
him In the face. Every curtaliment
possible was made, and he weather
ed the storm, after protracted anxl
etles whioh sprinkled his hair with
gray. After the crisis was over, a
friend expressed his sympathy for
the ordea! through which he had
passed, and gagdmitted that he was
surprised that he had kept up his
courage so long.
“1 should have given up dut for
one thing,” the other answered. “Theo
attitude of my family kept heart in
me. You know my girls are just at
an age when money means a great
”eal. They stopped their music and
painting lessons, without a murmur.
They wore their last yea®’s gowns
and retrimmed their last yvear's hats,
and nothing in their manner indicat
ed that they looked at it as a hard
ship. All the servants but one were
dismissed and the girls took hold of
the work of the house as if it had
been play.
When I came home to dinner at
night, 1 was expected to pass judg
ment on Mary's hiscuits or Ellen’s
coffee. They made mistakes and turn
od them to account in keeping up my
spirits, and sometimes, after my
hardest days, I have laughed tiil the
tears came over Lelia's account of
how ‘she cut both sleeves of her
shirt waist for the same arm, and her
difficulties in getting them adjusted.
“Yes, the crisis is over and Wwe
have smooth sailing again. DBut that
is actually less of a comfort to me
than the thought of the gallant way
my girls stood by me in that year of
trial. It was the ‘silver lining to the
cloud.’ ”—Young People’s World.
“1 cracked a lawyer's house the
other night,” said the first burglar
disgustedly, “and the lawyer was
there with a gun all ready for me.
He advised me ter git out.”
“You got off easy,” replied the oth
“Not much I didn’t. He charged
me $25 for the advice.”—Philadelphia
“Something new in a rural drama.”
‘“How now?”
“In the first act, they cook a big
meal; in the second act, they eat it.”
“And in the third act they send
for the doctor, eh? That's realism,
all right.”—Louisville Courier-Journal,
Made Over by Quitting Coffee.
Coffee probably wrecks a greater
percentage of Southerners than of
Northern people, for Southerners use
it more freely.
The work it does is distressing
enough in some instances; as an il
lustration, a woman of Richmond,
Va., writes:
“l was a coffee drinker for 7years,
and for about six years my health
was completely shattered. I suffered
fearfully with headaches and nerv
ousness, also palpitation of the heart
and loss of appetite.
“My sight gradually began to fail,
and finally I lost the sight ot one eye
altogether. The eye was operated
upon, and the sight partially re
stored, then I became blind in
the other eye.
“My doctor used to urge me to give
up ooffee, but I was wilful, and con
tinued to drink-it until finally in a
case of severe illness the doctor in
sisted that I must give up coffee, so I
began using Postum, and in a month
I felt like a new creature.
“1 steadily gained in health and
strength. About a month ago I be
gan using Grape-Nuts focod, and the
effect has been wonderful. I really
feel like a new woman, and have
gained about 25 pounds.
“I am quite an elderly lady, and
before using Postum and Grape-Nuts
I could not walk a square without
exceeding fatigue; now I walk ten or
twelve without feeling it. Formerly
in reading I could remember but lit
tle, but now my memory holds fast
what I read.
“Several friends who have seen the
remarkable effects of Postum and
Grape-Nuts on me have urged that I
give the facts to the public for the
sake of suffering humanity, so, al
though I dislike publicity, you can
publish this letter if you like.”
Read “The Road to Wellville,” in
pkgs. “There’s a Reason.”
Hver read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are genuine, true, and full of
m m Tttt .-«\" iy Vo uv {
Frank ¥, McMillan, chief inspec
tor of the postoffice department, tens
dered his resignation to Postmaster
General Hitcheock, to take effect July
31, in order to become vice president
of the National Surety company of
New York,
Nirs, D, E, Finley, wife of Repre
sentative Finley of South Carolina,
invited the president to attend the
Kings Mountain celebration at York
ville, 8. C.,, October 7. The invitation
was extended on behalf of the Kings
Mountain Daughters of the American
Revolution of South Carolina.
The democratic congressional com
mittee will soon begin its campaign
work, The committee's effort will be
to win a majority in the next congres
sional election, The executive com
mittee has just been announced by
Chalrman Lloyd as follows: Rainey,
Illinois; Finley, South Carolina; John
son, Kentucky; Hitchcock, Nebraska,
and Palmer, Pennsylvania,
President Taft sent a telegram of
condolence to Mrs. Leopold Mark
breit at Cincinnati upon the death of
her husband, who long had been.a
prominent figure in the affairs of that
city. “Colonel Markbreit was a brave
soldiers,” said the president; “a pub
lic-spirited citizen, a knightly gentle
man, and one whose friendship and
courtesy to those who came within
the influence of his charming person
ality will always be cherished as a
sweet memory.”
Owen Dowley of Chicago, 111., prob
ably laughed himseclf to death at a
joke cracked by his cousin, Kdward
Dowley, The couple were sitting on
an iron railing and Owen’s spasm of
mirth shook him off into the base
ment fifteen feet below, His cousin
found him on the flocor unable to move
and he was hurried to a hospital,
where it was stated that his spine
had been broken,
Lurbon Krustoff and Nolia Nosoff,
two natives of Bulgaria, were arraign
ed in the police court at Ensley, Ala.,
on charges of sending Black Hand
letters and dynamiting the bakery
and home of J. Mideoka, another Bul
garian. The foreign population is
greatly wrought up over the arrest.
Miss Annie Mcrgan, daughter of J.
Piermont Morgan, made an escent
in the drigible balloon Ville DeNgan
cy at Nancy, France. The airship
made a magnificent cruise over the
city. Miss Morgan was gmazed at
the speed of the airship and at the
ease with which it was controlled.
Tribesmen attacked a French re
connoitering force near Tazzguert,
Algiers, and four French were killed
and fourteen wounded before the na
tives were routed.
By his long flight at Fort Myer
whike carrying Lieutenant Frank
Lahm of the signal corps, in the dis
tinguished presence of President Taft
and other notables, the aeronaut Or
ville Wright beat the record of his
own brother, The only records that
are now held outside the Wright fam
ily are those of Henry Farman, Hu
bert Latham, Louis Bleriot and Leon
Dela Grange for cross-country jaunts,
and that of Louis Bleriot in sailing
across the English channel.
E. B. Barnes of Demopolis, Ala,,
narrowly escaped a horrible death
while driving out to his farm in his
buggy. His horse became frightened
and in attempting to hold him the
rings attached to the bit broke. Mr.
Barnes, realizing his danger, jumped
and in doing so his feet became en
tangled in the lines and he was
dragged a distance of three hundred
or four hundred yards. By great ef
fort he got hold of the lines and un
buckled them at the end, thus extri
cating himself,. He came out of
the acecident with his right leg brok
eh in two places, just above the an
kle, Tbhe left ankle was dislocated
and he received severe bedily bruises.
However much a master of detail
Senator Aldrich may be. H. T, An
drews, a lawyer of New York city,
who was formerly attached to the
force cf the appraiser of the port,
thinks he has caught him in an omis
sion—the Payne-Aldrich bill provides
no classification for flying machines.
Mindful of his difliculties with auto
mobiles which were unclassified when
they first began to be imported, Mr.
Andrews sent a telegram to Chairman
Payne, of the ways and means com
mittee of the house, in which he calls
attention to ‘“the failure to mention
the mose modern of all inventions in
the tariff act, and recalls the per
plexities formerly experienced in seg
regating the various materials.
It is said’' In New York city by
members of the Hudson-Fulton cele
bration committee that James M.
Beck, former assistant attorney gen
eral of the United States, and now
chairman of the commitiee on aero
nautics for the commission, is in
Paris, endeavoring to arrange to have
M. Bleriot, who recently crossed the
channel in his monoplane, and Hu
bert Latham, another French aviator
of note, bring their airships to New
York for exhibition flights during the
Chancellor McCool of Scooba, Miss.,
rendered a decree annulling the mar
riage of C. H. Stuart and Annie Mor
rison Stuart, members of prominent
families in this section, who were
married just a little more than a
week ago, A few hours afterward the
same judge performed the ceremony
uniting the young couple in marriage.
After the first wedding in Bay St.
Louis, following an elopement, the
father of the bride obtained posses
sion of his daughter through a writ of
habeas corpus and had the groom
arrested on the charge of swearing
falsely to her age, which is fifteen
years, in securing a marriage license.
After this decree, the intercession of
friexfis %fioxa \do,v;gd tht; b;m:ig{e of pa
rental objection and the couple pass
ed on again to the marriage altar.
7N A
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Vierna Sausage
‘ Is distinctly different from any
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Just try one can and itissure to
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be served at frequent intervals,
Übby’s Vienna Sau=
SA/Pe just suits for breakfast, is
fine for luncheon and satisfies at
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Libby's Food FProducts it is care
fully cooked and prepared, ready
to-serve, in Libby’s Great M|
White Kitochem«= the
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§| the world,
, Other popular, ready-to-serve
Libby Pu-e Foods are:—
Cooked Cornod Becf
- Peericss Dried Beef
Veal Loaf
’ Evaporatod Milk
Balked Boans
Chow Chow
Mixed Piokles
Wrrite for free booklet,—'‘How
to make Good Things to Eat”’,
Insist on LB y’s at your
Libky, MolNeill & Libby
’ Ohlicago
The corozo tree abounds through
out the Mexican state of Tobasco,
being most abundant in the virgin for
gsts, as it requires shade and humid
ity to develop favorably.
If the world owes you a living, col
lect it, but collect :t honestly.
_Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
l\yrvom Troubles, Capudine will refl:wo you.
It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi
:tell. Try it, 10c., 25c, and 50c. at drug
Dramatic Humor in China.
At most towns we have caned at
theatricals formed cne of the sights.
The din and discord of the band at
tracted us more than once even if
the play had no fascination. It mat
terg little or not at all to a foreigner
what the plot is all about, as this
drags on for two or three days, some
times longer. We witnessed a scream
ing act which was evidently the pun
ishment inflicted on the villains of the
drama. Three men in almost a state
of nudity were being soused with
buckets of water and making many
grimaces as the cold douche was
dashed in their faces, Judging bY
the frantic shouts of the audience this
“situation” was evidently the height
of dramatic humor, and as we stroll
ed away the poor villains were still
taking their punishment as stage vill
ains should.—Shanghal Mercury.
“A woman who tries to look like
a man is a fool,” announced Mr.
“I should say she is,” said Mrs. J.,
looking him over carefully.
And even though she agreed with
him, he didn’t like it, somehow.—
Cleveland I.eader.
Beggar—Say, mister, I'm out uv
work an’ I've got six small children
t’ support. Won’t youse gimme a
few pennies for ’em?
Citizen—Much obligeq for the of
fer, old man; but I've got all the
children I need at present.—Chicago
Daily News.
Every package of -
Post Toasties
Contains a little book—
-66 ¢
Tid-Bits made with
0 7
A couple of dozen recipes
’ 0 [ .
Of fascinating dishes,
¢ .8
A help in entertaining
Home folks or company.
Pkgs. 10c and 15¢—