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—|ts Up To You.—
~oT“ Y g | .
See This Flachine, Read Our Offer.
3 . sl i ; &9 v :
———————————— 2 ——— T — . | A e e e
i £ s AAN Dl W
: %i,. Jord NP T A | e e ¢ @, |
- ..W . Sin oing Machine :
L. $2.98 Cash to Every Customer
e | - Whose Cash Purchases umount to $25,0
Call at our Store and heag the gpcgially prepared Records of Bands %fxd other instrumental Music, Songs. Stoxies, Recitations,
e and assure yoursclf thét this is the bgst ?fl"crcdt ' ‘
oae Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn far 52,56 o Crery Gustomer whose [ash Purchases Amounts fg $25.00,
. e, S 3nd hcag‘ this wonderfulinstrumeat “wdl¢arn how easily you cap obtain one. Samm_ ‘
J. J. Frazizr & Son, \
R~_The Old Reliable CGrocerymen,—
HAZLEHURST; - . . . ? 7 . GEORGIA.
':\ .; :\' « ‘\. :‘\}\?:.'?::\;\‘:,,";\‘. »\ \‘s!_ \\;{_ \\ \ N\.\ . “\.\’ 3\\\ \. . g”(;’
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v PRy e wamhed oy a 1 5E @ 3
‘ se A A eE KD B; 5§ < * )
£ 7l o e 'é' . ‘;é' £y g = B BN ¢ -6 f;
4 Bl TR Raiee 7. A ored A b 4 } T,
AL gBA oo bi e B 2
o ™bt Sl otiids TGI G s TS
G T R iR ’r‘@wfi:&:@»“*”';’?fl s R R S
gs& AR L e LAT R R NN
T ITind You Have Always Dought, and which has been
| in use for over 80 years, has borns the signatnre .
£y ¢ e an€ T 2 hoon made under his pefe
V 5 W T monsi cupervision ginca itsivfancy.
GLk p #ILCCEUe 5e o one te doosive you in this.
i | All Ceunterfoits, Imitsiions nad ¢“Just-us-good’ are bust
‘L 4+ Experiments that trids vith znd endsuger the health of -
| Infunts snd Children—Expericnes agoasd Experimenfs
A. g .
%, What is CASTORIA
&, What is CA: |
" Qastorla is & harmless svheiifute for Castor Oil, Pape~)¥ |
| geric, Dirops and Sociiiin:; Syrups, It i 3 Measnnte. kit' L
L . { containa neither Opiuni, Licrphine mor other larcotie .
ii';z substance. ‘lts pge is its gua:vutee. It destroys YWorms
;- and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrices and Wind
t Colice X relieves Teething Troubles, curzs Coustipatigmy |
. and Flatalency. It assimilates the Food, regulates thel |
i Stomach and Bowels, giving heuiiny and naiuyal sleepe §@,
' The Children’s Panacea—Tl:s Mother’s Friend, :
, oy . :
:. v ‘{_M:‘ . : . . —
|%, /7 Béars the Zignature of .
YA i - M .
3 - ‘ I .RN
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The gmfi Ve Vago figmnvs Bo t
| i L e Y ot
X 10& h’wib :..;L.Lnav‘ :
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in Use For QOver &0 Years. |
7 5
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T L TR i"Me 0,
, NOW S the ~
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it ; : ; ; .
“ i e . « o .A
" s " . g :K‘ » , . ‘ \ i '." ' 4.:'.;-1“?‘»"\‘ TN
.l L, B©»f o i 'g,:f, :‘g,(. . | fp—
-~ Qgzlled His Papa Dowa,
Ltttte Wity s a Lright boy apd @
Pucy boy. ity apt answers have
often turzod oway wrath aud often
turned it upon hin strengiy. The oth
er day his fathor was reprimanding
him: for som¢ mizdecd, and Willy was
‘answerlng very sauecily. The father
“‘became vers angry and, seizing the
youngster Dy the collar, safd: “See
here, - young inau, you must not talk
like that to uic. I never guve my fa
{ ther fmpuderce when T was a boy.”
Wiily was uot foazed at all. With a
cheruble sm:iie he locked into. papa’s
eyes and said, “Sut, papa, maybe your
1 father didn't uced it.” "Twas ali off.
Wiy escapod punishment, while papa
{ retired to anciher room.
This Vzle of Tears.
| The news tuat science had at length
discovered the means of destroying
the germ of the last {ll which flesh
was heir to called forth rapturous re
fotetngs throughout the world.
*RHenceforth perfect health will
retlgn universaily!” people everywhere
exclaimed and guve themselves up to
congratulations, .
Bat that was not to be. In the very
pext day's paper was the account of
somebody havinz invented a mlicro
scope so powerful as to reveal a lot
more germs, which meant, of course,
that it would be no time at all untfl
qverthdy wasg gick again.—Puck,
WRhough the “drink called choco
late™ did not appear in England. until
165PIts restorative properties soon be
camo:generally known. Thus, on May
24, 2661, after an evening oi carous
tng, ‘Pepys “worked in Ihe marning,
with 'my bead i{n a sad taking through
the last night’s driofiovbieh I em
very, sorry, for; so rose and went out
with ‘Yir. Creed to drink oer’mafming
draft, which he d!d give ne I choco
late to @ettle wmy stomach.” : |
BT el el /
On the Mend. \
Branson-1I noticed your wife ait
ting Dy the window sewing this morn
ing. ¥ thought yon told me yesterday
she @was 1. Woodson--80 she was,
but today she’s on the mend.—Brooke
lyp Bagle, -
Qoing Out. j . ;
My.. B—There, I’'ve let my clgar go
out. Do you kuow that it epolls e
wm how good it 18, i you
%o po o&t Mrd ;B.~—~Yes; a
cigar 13 a good dedY ke o man in that
o 5 Psl it g, W
VA W,» 'iwu >'” . ;a;’;;mf“ o
Pecujiar Marriage E!‘!tqg.
Northern India ant the island of
Banquey ecan certatsiy claim to
have the most peculiar marriage
rites of any country. Iu the former
a cow and a calf are invariably re
quired at the marrisgze. The ani
mals aré¢ driven into a narrow run
ning stream, the priests and the he
;‘troaxed couple alzo standing in the
water. The man and woman each
catch hold of the cow’s tail, and the
priest pours water out of a glass
vessel upon their joined hands,
while all present mutter certain
prayers. The young folks are then
declared to be man and wife, and
the priest claims the cow and calf
as his fee. In the island of Ban
'q;.:ey the officiating priest takes a
sharp knife and with it makes a
small incision in the right leg of the
bride and bridegroom. From each
incjsion he gathers a few drops of
blood and trensfers them to the
' other one’s leg. 'l'his operation, to
gether with a short religious formu
l la, constitutes the whole of the mazr
riage ceremony.
A Wonderfui “Coo.”
.Some of the tenants of a Scotch
‘nobleman noted for his temperance
principles were being cntertained
ong day at dinner. There were plen
ty of aerated water and milk for
them, but nothing stronger. One
of the farmgrs, who knew by expe
rignee what to expect, had provided
himself with a flask of rum and, un
known to a& brother farmer, poured
& generous quantity into the glass
of milk which his neighbor had
elocted to drink. In due time the
unsusglectin.g farmer put the glass
to his lips and seemed to enjoy it so
that he never stopped till he fin
ished it. Then he turned to his
wend and remarked, “Haech, man
mas, what a coo™ — Y.ondop
%"m‘mfi there is none i
hato" ‘than cruelty, the extrem
est of glt vicee—Montaigne, . g
Sl Ry
¢FE e Finele 7 i
“It seems to me,” said the Ihdtan
eitef a 9 he watchadithe white man's
encropchments, “that.all my property
very soon will be a wental reserva
-4 9 Az % Moog %%o o
Sl T S LT ‘“fl:fi}mm“” i A
. Cl,rvrz\ Balssope. ¥ - E g
* thought 1 knew all gifont
pors,” emdd the mav. “I had seen tails
org’ scissors for cutifhg heavy cloth,
(dressmakers’ cciseois for etting Otmsy
fabrics and lace an? *l‘x“ffllu scissors
for cuiting papcr, .n 2 nally grape
vines, all kinds of aetals xmen for,
ghearing sheep,. 4 in s of that;
wide z’{nowbdadqgcisbors I was plf";
zled when I Ba® the large, peculfarly.
shaped paip of scissors lying fn thal
“ 'wmfltwse scissorg for? I
asked s
“Carving meat’ he satd. ‘With
ectssors of this kiud carving becomes
nere child’; play’
“‘ never saw anybody use ghem?
caid L g A 7 '
“‘Nobolly does.rsothemtgaid the
Clerk—~that s, ofly a very few. In
Barope carving selssors are poruiar,
beeause they cnt right throush ineat,’
gristle, bone aud all, but it takes a,
little practice to learn to manipulate
the things, and nobody in this country
has patience epough for that.'”—Exe,
w' . EI
S Bealerin &
I heve some bargains iz dwel
ing aouges, alse in vacans lots.
“* _ash, balance;’ terms te
su. " ’
Haalehurst, » » » » » Georgi
' i
TRADE-MARK,; 88, x
Copyright, 1894, 's. '6, 1902,"¢ and 1909,
: by W. G. Broum:m‘.“db A
The foll FYyvre i
Ia m.bloo:? ::‘ wre o:::d“by \his’rru.
whioh fakes from one day %o two weoks alter the
ring commenoes to work; apcording te disesse and
. The ring 2-& &o aoid ereate
dm:Flod actirn. romavinll the exeess o
u{% whioh eures isenze and will keep jt ofll_mt
t's &l:lu. iabetes--it is net .&m with
;fl&u._ rea---Bt. Vitus's R’anca. lorosis---
Hickmeas--Painful Lsd ive Monthiy
etiods, Uremia, cope, fll»u. flomu Pros
fi&tlon. Nosebieed. Inteornal onor:guu. o
Ith...a stony oosorefio- %:-od % o nose- ~Ade
B e TRt
oular, ohtl?. Mesoular, A':thmu.tkouno Roo
o, nr# s, Valvular Rheumatism of ‘EM
‘l\lc 'ever, Rheumatic Par n--- Broin
», Myes. Eare,l.imnba, Pen, Opontou%:fltm
Ob!:ul. i”:n_y Deganeration of 8 Ap
gi'e'(fis. hni mation c’ Bov;gl:}hmi‘r TRL-|
~ Acidity, of Ntomach, whioh cavises txe woesl
Mad of sonsti tlon--t!x ether kind is cuased by
free stuas, Suncor torsinom Cumoosgrs,
F."..“.% Gr m.'&.;.a&’e'.'. Calonli, Dopests om
Tooth, to:m on Nails. Proriasis, falt-rhoum
Varicose Veine amd o{rn. Varicoce e--varioow
Mn‘l:.lh. scvotum-- x::a‘ :“.ll!::'da’»ré: ;n ):\'{ :
. w" 'E‘"' s Boariet, 1 Freid and
m “gov:‘ i ‘fih ;;:g h:rn;f:: fifr-&; wii
oure T.r.. u‘ rone X
s ,00; dm‘?
fi’" “:“ orlfil wana '-Sgtru& ’ i
ivéry, if you 40 pay 20 ® ring i
‘/;v" ":d"" . ')%':’; 4 «fl’ ‘ a ‘éfi : l‘!