Newspaper Page Text
E Twe .e Yy *fi‘ i ; k
8. A.FACKLER, Rditor and Pub'r
JVLIAN X, PARKER, Asso. Eaitor
{ JE¥FYDavis CouNTy
' Knotered as second glass matter
March 1, 1904, at the post office g
fllfllfimi. G‘Q \
: 3
m > - - o 2!
. Cou;cil Proceedings.
A motion carried that the so).
lowing officets reports be appro
ved.' Clerk’s report Aug. 8, 1900,
Collected mince last report on Joe
Hal'smote -~ ' "18:50
Business taxes 10.00
Scheol tax in fi. fas, '4.86
Advolorum : . 5.94
By com on businqss tax " 23
By Treasurere’s receipt . 89.05
Marshal’s report Aug. Srd 1009,
By Treas, Recpts: ¢n finds 2250
finds on ha.xl:# .50
By Treas, Recpt's. street
fund 52 00
By Treas. Recpt’s street
" funds 22tr =6O
Balance on street fynd 62.50
Total on hand 72.C0
Treas. Receipts =
Treaurers report Aug, 3, 1900.
Street funds, rec’d of J, M,
W,_eg;b street tax 59.00
over drawn street funds 111.01
over drawn last month 169.86
ghecks paid - 8.25
School ['unds
Bal. on last report 360.71
rec’d H, E, DeFoor 486
%he,c}rs paid : 70.00
Balance on hand 295.57
General funds
Rec'd gM. Webb fines 23.50
Rec'd H. E. DeFoor fines 18.50
Rec’d H. E. DeFeor bus. tax 9.75
Rec’d H. E. DeFoor adv. 5.94
Over drawn tp day 210,57
Over drawn last report 192.21
checks paid ; 76.03
General ‘conditinn of Treasure
street funds over drawn 1i9.11
general funds over drawn 21057
School funds on hand 295.57
Total over drawn 34.11
: . 829.68
A motion earried that the {ollow
in%iclaims be paid.
J. M. Webb salary ;4000
W. C. Jones work on streets 1.50
J. H. Boone feed oats 1.00
J. A. Cromartie feed oats = 2.0¢
Calvin Maloy contract clear
ing of water wk’s greund 38.50
J. M. Webb freighg on dis
infectant - . ‘%t - 305
Vonderau hfg. Co, stakes in
- cemetary 09.7¢
Lee Hartfield salary 13.00
Ben Foster cleaning closet soy
. 2 weeks 400
Hazlehurst . L. Co. lights 50.50
Wilson Hdw. Co, Hdw 3.90
R, C. Williamms cart 20.00
H. E. DeFoor clerk service 7.37
A.B.Hurseyho dingelecttsn 1.00
R. T. Willianis Lulding
. election 1.00
i ; 162.18
A motion carried to adjourn.
J.C. BannNkrT, H. E, DEfoor
Mayor, Clerk,
Listen -~ We would like to
make about six Ilcans of irom
SIOOO.OO to $5000.00 each in less
Davis Coufity, to good men, on
well improved farms, at the in
terest rate of 6 per cent. Louns
negotiated promptly with no red
tape. If you desire money to
eithet invost or pay off a mort
gage on your farm and have tive
gflfa in which to pay it back,
k. V%W time. .Ngm‘;;iull;.(,an
& Trudt Company. Tiftod, Ga. |
5 .
« :
3 .'v:‘ . “
ook, Listen.
. : .‘t'
We invite the public to stop at our Store
loek at our Geods, and listen at our priccs.
We guarantee to sell you goods as eheap as
you can buy ther any where, considering the
quality. /3
. ‘ :.
Our Furniture
is stacled from tho floor to the ceiling, and is the best
assorted stock ever shown in Hazlehurst, consisting of
Oak and Iron Beds, Mat
tresses, Springs, Chairs,
Room Saiis, Odd
DPressers & Wash-
Stands.” -
enter Tablgs, Dinipg: Safes, Etc.
and we are selling them just as icheap as they possibly
can be soid. Let us know your wants in: furniture be
fore buying. : p
RN . . o
The Famous Red Segl Shoes.
A complete stock now on our shelf, just arrived a few
days ago. You should .patroqize home‘;industry. Red
Beals are made in Geergia, and are made goad, too.
The Red Seal :Bhoe Factoty. will g¢ive away 100
pairs of shoes this year for & .’x:oc:ord"of longest service.
Buy your next paiv from us, try your luck fora new
pair free.’ : ! P
» ¢ .“'j‘w, .
Shield Beand Clothin
figfi’kfiu’;é dat® I ér:‘gfi k“;‘ ] &5 @
We have just received and marked up one of the
nicest lines of Men’s and Boy’s Custom Made Cloth
ing ever shown in Hazlehurst. The price is printed .on
each mhiald Brand Suit, and you know at a glance what
a suitis worth. Prices range from %10.00 to $13.00, ro
more or less. . ‘
We also carry a goed line of Hats, Staple Notions,
Dry Goods, Crockery, Tin anfl Enamel Ware. Trunks,
Dags, Fte. '
Call on us when in town, make our stere
headquarters; and remember, if you are
looking for both quality and quentity, it will
pay you to see us. . | }
| H. COOK & SON.
GEORGIA—Jest Davis ofw
F, L. Dyal L.aving made appli
cation. to me in due form to be
appointed Agministrawr ~upon
the estate of Blegy Dyal late of
said county. ‘Notice is hereby
given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the firsti
Monday in September 1909. ‘Wit- i
ness my hand and efficial signa
ture, this the 2nd day of August
1909. - HENRY COOK;
To whom It may concorn
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
R. E. L. Hand, having made
application to me in due form to
be appointed administrator upon
the estate of W. R. L. Hand, late
of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will
be héard at the regular tes-m of
the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first
Monday in September 1909.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this ‘the 2nd day of
August 1909, ° HeNRY CooOx,
, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Mamie Eula Williams, having
made application for twelve]
month’s support out of the es
tate of James L. Williams, and
appraises duly appointed to set
apart the same having filed the;y
return, all persons concerpgq
are hereby 'required to ghow
cause before the court of Qpqin
aty of said county on the first
Monday in September 1909, why
said application should not be
granted. This the 2nd gay of
Aug, 1909, HENRY Coox,
‘ Ordinary.
Dar’t Run
The risk of losing your rights bv nat having
yeur Deeds and Mortgagés on Record,
~ "Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
prierity over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vender.”==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages en realty muit be recorded
in the county where the ladd lies; on per
gonalty, in the ceunty where the mortgager
residesaf time of execution.” -Sactien 27, 26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recsrded in the old ceunties.
Yours for protection,
The City Pharmacy,
W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r,
- S g
I carry a fresh And complate lize of
Drugs and [ledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
- —Beantiful line as—es
| Elegant Tce Cresm and Soda Parlek,
I live within & few i_‘.ops of my drug stor;, and can
easily be called at any heur of the night by thoss whe
may need medicine after I havé clesed.
' The editor of .this paper has
a beautiful, new sweel-toncd
Lambard Pia no that he is very
anxious to des pose of, as he bha
no parthly-use for it. It roaz
$565 ‘at the factory| without tlp
freight, shd we can sell it to ycu
below:fact ory prices.. If its a
piano yru want, we can mere
than suylt You in both, quelity
and price,
I@l o I w
P. PP w:ll ‘O%udflfy -na “flr‘!?'o:yonr
wholesystem tone a.:sg:urenzth. o
sia MMm says: “After Taking
P. . P. be never folt 80 well in his life, and
feols as if he coull live forever, if he could
alwaysget P. P, P." s
dgim mmw&’“ ovenwork and
Pc Po B,
o T, e e
‘&!. your digvetive-organs need mqg up,
suffer with head indigestion,
P 4 \
Po Po Po . ‘
It you saffer with nervous prostration, 1
m um»f.:'nd & peneral ket down
Po Po PD } ‘
noum Poleon, WF&"": I
Cotupintns, e et
. Prickly Ash, Poke Root_
" .« Bnd Potassium.
The dast bicod purifier fn the world,
Sevamnal,' « W