Newspaper Page Text
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The Farmers Union Rally has
o{ll postponed until Septeaiber
Mrs. Nog@y Lott is the guest
ol her duaM@ter, Mrs. J. F. Hin:
¥ Say Red Seal, and say it plain,
the best shoe on foot. H. Cook
& Son.
Mzs, W. H. Cox and family
léft on Wednesday last so: North
eorgia to visit relatives.
Mr.T. B. Austin, of Tampa,
Fla., is visiting friends and rel
atives in the city this week.
My, Morris Levy has accepted
%, position, as clerk, with a large
dry goods firm in Donglas. |
' 10c enamel ware, a craeker
jack bargain, Come see them.
H. Cook & Son
My, (1. A. Ellis has moved his
aw mill, and other machinery,
rom near Hazlehurst to Alamo,
18 |
J. A. Armitage still Paints
Nouses. The fall iy the best time
to have your painfing done.
The ecitor is on ,u(.'e cick list,
The ‘dey’i’’ ils on the wane,
So, if you fa’l to gdt your psper-
There 's 0 ove th blame.
| { DEVIL.
\lessrs, F. . anjd Carl Forres:
tor. tespect.v2ly oj)} Jackson Miss.
’.\:M; tacon, Ga., 311'1_11 visit their
\ arenty, MF. and"xix's‘ A. B. For
\_- stor, *his weelf. :
7. A, Arxaitage has just re
co v anew line of wall *paper
1 .ples. New effects on bord
#x and walls. The most beauti
ful designs ever prudaced,
i The series of meetings récent
ly held in the Methodist Church,
theugh many were-coßspiciously.
absent,] were well attended
and ggubtless -aecomplished
much good.
My, H. Daniel has moved ‘to
Fitzgerald. Heand his wife =2l
be greatly missed' iz tiazlehnrst,
tor they werce both very popular
young peopie. .3 =
Mr. J. A. Moore and. famlly
moved to Douglys this week.
Hazlehurst parts-with these good
people with reluctance. - .
Mr. S, B. Freedman ireturned
home Sunday moeininglast from
the Northern markets, wiere he
had been for a couple of weeks,
buying Lis fall and winter goeds.
On Friday Aug. 27th. the Alta
mahd aud Oak View school will
close with a picnic at Qak View.
Educational improvements will
be ably discussed by eminent
J. A, Armitage can decorate
your walls in the beautiful ala
bastinc colors with stencil bord
ers. ‘
B Farme's—those of you who
are due for Tlie News—Dbring us
gome sweetpotatoes or chickens
and let us credit them on your
subscription account. This 'is
an easy way to scttle your sub
Mr. H, H. Hand, one of our
thrifty and prosperous farmers,
brought to this office last Satur
day, a curiosity, in the way of a
sweet-potato. We suppose that
you might call it a triplet potato,
for there are three of them joindd
t,ogetsher. ; '
t On Friday nigh‘}ast some
thief entered Dr. RAgH. Green’s
dental office and took therefrom
about 825.00 worth of gold that
he usedin fillicg teeth. The
Doctor had received a notification
only a day or;two before this
robbery, stating that there was
a gang of th'eves going over the
counti y robbir}g; all dental offices
thev cam : in contact with of its
g Id, Nouthing else was takefi,
gld seemed to be all the thieft,
or wieves, wanted. Gmi
\ Ifitis & bargain in furniture
that you gre%{&fldég’ _see us,
;; need “room “in’ this depart:
fa nesd FOOm T Gook WY, -
Col, JR, Grant"
’ ’ Y e '
A lew deys .{:d Col. J. R.
Grant'was appointed Solicitor bf
the City Court of Huzlehurst, by
Governor Brown. It was thought
for several days that néither of
the aspirants=(Grant “dnd Par
ker) would be appointed, but
that it would be another party.
ButCo!, Grant had a long petition
besides he had many prominent
men to work for him in this mat
ter. Ard another thing, he hust:
led, he mever stopped worlt - day
nor night, after he announced he
was’an aspirant for this appoint
ment. And now-a-days a fellow
has got to hustle—and keep
hustling—if he wants an oftice or
anything else.
Col. Grant has only bean a
citizen of our town eight months,
but during that time has made
’wonderful strides. On his ar
rival here he formed a co-part
nership with Col. R, B. Price in
the law business, This firm-soon
werked up a fine practice. Then
he was appointed' county Solici
tor, and now he is Solicitor of the
City Court.wzs,Yes,§ Col. Grant
has boen climbing some, since
locating in Hazlehurst.
He is a genial, jolly man, easy
to get acquainted with,” He has
made many staunch {riends
since locating here, as was de
monstrated by his recent ap
Good Farming.
On Friday morning last we got
into the buggy with Mr. J. J. Fra
zer and rode out to his faurm
with nim,which is situated about
two and a half mies northwest
of town. :
" We knew that Mr, Frazier was
one of our most useful and pub
lic-spirited citizens, and chock
full of enterprise. We knew that
he was a successfull merchant
and real estatg dealor, and that
he also made a most excelleat
¢ily councilnran, but we did not
know that he was a first-class
tarmer before last Friday, buta
stroll ever his. plantation convine
ed us that he was up-to-date on
farming, also.
. He has one hundred ard twen
acrés in cultivationy and about
eighty acres of this land was
Aeared‘upsince Christmas. He
has 90 acres planted in cotton,
12 acres in peas gnd 18 acres
planted in corn, sugarcane,
sweet-potatoes, etc.
You can doubt us if you like,
but its a fact, some of that land
is going to produce two beies of
cotten to the acre this year. We
were raised in a cotion country,
and help make it while growicg
up, and we have often heard
good farmers say, that cotton
‘that would produce fifteen bolls
+o'the stalk, would make a bale
}to't}he acre. This cotton will
average from 20 to 75 Lolls to the
stalk. Its tine cotton, aund there
is toing to he many bales gather
ed from.that 90 acres,
Mr. B. D. Foskey runs the
farm, and has demonstrated the
fact that he is well up on making
This 120 scres was tended
avith three plows, and talzing in
consideration that 80 acres of it
was new land, shows that there
has been lots es hard - worg, by
man and beast, dofte on the place
this year.
Mr. Frazier can well be proud
of his farm, for lie has a good
one. He says that he is going to
start hands to work right away,
clearing up more land. Next
year he will have 200 acres in
cultivatien instead of 120.
And another thing abcut his
place, it is so convenient to town.
While he had a late start, and
the crop iooked little and dis
heartening in the spring, he will least S3OO or SIOOO this
year from his cotton crop. And
this is what we cail making mon
ley farming.
I'se often ax’d mysef d 2 qubstion
An’ I'd saitantly lsk to kne’, .
‘Doses dey hab water-meiuns in haben
i Lak dey docs down here below?
Es dey’s got no melons up dar— i
‘ An’l'se got doubts er bout dat, shos-
Dis earth am heben ‘nuff for me,
Doss here whar de melons grow, *°
i’ BILAS, .
»~Shield brand clothes are hot
stufl, but thez' gvill not.bnrg you,
T'py thom aad be convinced,
PR IS 2H. Cooke & Son
\‘ E 5 & % 0o i
G s,. At k‘ "%, U
enfle ' entertainments given -is
this towd within a long tim
canie off at thé hospitable howe
of Mr.and Mrs. S, F. Leßoy dn
Wednesday afternoan el last wee
It was a birthday pavty, wiven in
honor of little Miss Charlotie
Leßoy. Those Gpresent wera:
Helen Royal, ertrunde Arm.
strong, Eula May Best, Ora and
Annie Johnson, Ruth and Sallie
Graham, Alene.. Akin and Joe
Tippins, Lillian Wilson, "and
Maud Hinson. o
They engdged in innocent
plays, sang, romped, ard had
the time of their lives.
But the most importwnt foat”
ure of the entertainment, Was
the cake cutting.s There
was a nice little ring placed in a
Jarge cake, and all present had
a right to cut a slice from this
cake, and the lucky one—the one
who got thé ring in theirslice of
cake-was entitled to a box Of
candy. Little Miss Maud Hin
son feund the ring in her slice of
cake, consequently she was en
titled to the box of candy -
The birthday party was great:
ly enjoyed by every one present,
and along abeut 6 o’clock’ p. m.
the little guests began to depart,
expressing the hope that little
Miss Charlotte Leßoy may be
spared to have many more birth
day parties.
An Awful Murder.
DOUGLAS, GA., Aug. 20--De*
clairing that he had rather see
her dead than maryied to an
other, William McLeod, a farm
hand, today confessed to Sheriff
_&ickerson that he murdered Miss
Mattie Graham, a wealthy and
refined young woman whose body
was yesterday discovered in a
swamp near her home at Hokos
boro, Coffee county. 1‘
Going into every detail, his
statement is that he left his
work and went to the house be
fore ainmer. Not seeing her he
ask for Miss Mattie a.nd--"befi{g
informed that she had gone”
her field for a melon, he follow'sd
and found her.
Both started back towards tife
house side by side. Coming %o
a branch near the house hp let
her precede him. Whenst her.
back he caught her by the lels
arm and cut onpe sice of har
throat. _ : 9
SHe turned and looked him in
the face and exclaizred: “Lord
have mercy’” the only words she
ever spoke after’ the attack.
Then Le finished gutting her
throat and cut her in the side aß’
she fell.
te stamped her in the face,
washed the biood from his knife,
face and overails, and when dry
went to the house and ate dinnser
His only motive for his crime
was that he had rathey see Ler
dead than to see her marry Byrd
Mobley. \ ; all the facts that the
sheriff was able to obtain, the
murder was the blackest and
most foul ever committed in Cofs
fee county, was actuated by
SHeriff Fiils is a widower now.
His good wife is away, taking an
outing, and visiting friends and
relatives. After spending a
while in Douglas, she will go on
to Ocilla gnd visit her married
daughter who resides there.
[#it were possible, we ‘would
keep our eye on the Sheriff dur
ing Mrs. Ellis’ absence, but this
thing is impossible, for he is go
ing all the time. Marbe heis
here this morning, and in. the
afternoon he is twenty miles
away, somewhere in the county,
serving papers. So, he is a pret
ty hard man to keep up with.
- Lost. :
On streets of Hazlehurst, mile
age beok on Southern Railway,
with fifty to seventy five miles of |
mileage. Returnto undersighed’l
and réceive reward. 00l
Jas. R. GRANT.
We have the biggest bargain
in the state in & brand ne¥, Cham
pion New Mome Sewing Machine.
If you don’t believeis, come %o
The News office and see the al
{tor, and. he will convince yoR
Qur Mid - Summer
TO'mqles teom for our new Fall and Winter
Goods, that are arriving every day, we are
offering our entire stock of seasomable merch
andise at extremely low figures. We must
have roem. This is no fake sale er chance
game; simply 2 goad time to get more geods
than you' ever did: before, for lgss money.
Its 2 cleaw business proposition. "
Everything most in Summer!
Dress Goods, Fine Laces, |
Fabrics, Hosery, Etc.
S R AJS 0.1 S IS BU I L e ZmY TR B€ 5w
- Shoes 'and Slippers-
The Kiser King Shoe is the best
- shee in the world. They
wear longer and look bet
tcr than any other shoe
All Low Cut Shoes must J
Some price before the sum
meF i§. over.
We dop't usu_allywmake 3 GREAT ¥
NOISE, byt we have a line of Goeds that
pleages. and the prices are sure to suit you, §
e _
What a glorious feeling to “
deck out lin New Clothesse
particalarly in such clothes as j
we carry. IThey are designed i
and made by celebrated f
master tailors. 2 2 8
Our Clothes cost nc morethan
the ordinary.
Come, let us show vou. No obli
gation to buy. It will be our pleas
ure to show you anyihing you
might wish to inspect, and give
you prices on same,
Thanking our- many loyal
friends and customers for their
past patronage, and soliziting
a centinuance of same, we are,
yaours anxious to serve you,,