Newspaper Page Text
The News,
§. A.FAOKLER, Rditor and Pub'’r
§ULIAN K, PARKER, Asso, Editer
e e ——————————————— e
w | JEFFBavis CoONTY !
m as second olass matbter
March 1,.1004, at the post office »
Hazlehurss, Ga.' :
B L it
m ; .‘:. - 5-3 3[
Publisher's NOtice.
.We havenot . been 'satisfied
with the paper we, have beenl
giving the public, blat it was the
best that we could do with the
fiaterial we had to work with. J
owever we are happy so state,
that we have purchased .2 good
cylander press and new.type, and
within a couple of weeks we hope
to issue an eight page paper from
this office second to no weekly
paper in the state. -
, We have had many nica things
said about us by the brethren
of the press during our long publishing week
ly newspapers, and . tryiag to
please an ‘ynappreciative public,
but never hefore in our life have
we ever received such a flatter
ing editorial notice, as we did in
last Saturday’s Atlanta Georgian.
It was from the pen of that bril
lignt editor—Col. F. L. Seely. It
was in reference to our play. and
ourself. ; .We _doff our hat,
yea, touch:‘the ground with
our forehead, inacknowlegement
of this high compliment. - J
- We notice-that the brick work
of our water-works plaat is near:
ly completed. -~ We note, also,:
‘many water-mains - scattered
over town, so from the present
outlook, the people of Hazlehurst
will soom- be drinking artesian
water. :Whenever the water
works plant is ‘completed, and
everything working . . right,
wouldn’t it be 2 good idea - to%or
ganize a fire department? This
town has nho protection whataver
and its time our people were giv
ing this mr tter serious theught.
¢ . o . ' « . & . » ~4'
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C; Ly '
orsing To Hazlehurst
k% g 1 § s
%L!.R<= 2 ; ' o~ o B
rg- Y g 78N ¥ a Ea ) e L e il J2k
SEPTEMBER 13 & 14, Two Days Only.<ssr .
ks wplidr oby g i . £ : ~ : - 4 sl 5. :
i:rlg,:; }:;Lgr %fi;&%;cfifi v %ava‘-."néflallasj'beefl--.pheno‘mesnal. From time to tifie the é’:‘wani,iah
; B na 1 1 WS 1T inte o . i . o 4 < aiv 3 2K y
W%{efil}zothefis 'had fajled m?rblg nifitlofitgrs p;.o»g his patients ‘testnymg to hi§ work m cagas
o 20T ARASTOW has consented to visi¢ abgye place hecayse of the urgent requdst’of seyeral proms
inent citizens of your county who, havins‘tried him the; sl td fillandd '
b dg,;‘.‘“&g .g i fi;nbwledégandoéki;flwng trxed him the_:mselveaf wanted their friends to get tha
v ADls aflordsian exceptional oppojtanity t 5 vésidents of your Town and Coundy in sécuring the
".89""095 aid AdVlefof'the}‘}fiost sugcessful e},*és"igslht‘éx\pe_frg in CGeorgia.: - dy 2 --'.Myg ; |
¢.. ‘:~.;,~,.'j } :’ 3 \bl -f Yo :;1
N 3 A s ) ': . PN ~ }<r 2 {:’: :
% Tt i v ’ s ol 0 SR T IR Lo - i L R ST A A T
¥, * ;Ei”cg’ wt, - ¥ e
Officers Bennett, Grant, Her
rington and Ellis, of the City
Cour't of Hazlehurst, have quali’
fied, and the. first term es said
Court will convene 2nd Monday
‘&n Octéber; 1909, Following is
list of Jury drawn to serve at
this term; .
| Cl Lo l'lall’ Jq' Do ]prrfl. R' M'
Montgomery, J. W. Jarvis, W. P,
‘Willjams, J.: C. Quinn, Dick Pick
ren, Geo. W Yawn, J. W. Bmith
H. P. Ellis, L. D. Long, John M.
Byrd, W. Wooten, J. WNl!Carter,
Sr, W, J. White, Wm. Morris Sr,
R. H. Bllis, Walter ' Horn, J.B.
Williams, B. Burkett, Jas. L.
Brantley, D. W. Dyal, AR. L.
Mosely, J. N. Smith. 1
Y ———————— '
Give Us Your Ginning.
I am in the ginning business.
I gin both Upland and Sea Island
Cotton. Will gin Sea Island cot
ton at SI.OO per hundred, and
¢over for same. Upland cotton
40cts, per hundred, and cover
for SI.OO. Will deliver it at the
depot at Pine 'Grove free of
#harge. Bringon your cotton,
M. B. Johnsop.
Don’t Rum.
The risk of losing your rights bv et having
yeur Deeds and Mortgagés on Rederd.
- +'Every Deed Conveying Land-
Should be Recorded in' the office of the
Clerk of the Superiot, Courtof the, County
where the sand lies. Record . .may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
prierity ever a subsegitent rccorded deed
from the same vender.”==Section 36; 18.
- “Mortgages en realty must be recorded
in.the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in ‘the ceunty. where the ni&ftgagar
residesat tifne of execution.’~Sectien 27, 26
I will re-record at hzlf price any deed
recerded in the eld ceunties. i
- Yours for protection, a 0
Eyé¢'Symptoms, |
-: Many peépple enjoy splemdid
vision, but have eye imperfect
ions of yrhich they are not . con
scious, Helidaches, mervousness,
neuralgia, ifdigestion and many
other disorders dre symptoms of
serious troubles. We relieve the
‘above troubMs by means of glas
ses which remove thestrain!from
the eyes ardl nervous system.
The above is oply possible in the
parlors of an expert Optometrist
eq]uipped with the modern ‘ap
pliances for weighing the ''eye
sight. If you have eye trouble
it is important that you come'.to
us at once. W.'R. Wilson, Jowe
ler & Optometrist, Douglas, Ga.
September bargains is adver
tised on tirst page, Read: it and
get ready to help make things
lively at Wolfson's, .
~Watéh out for Mrs. D. Pat
rick’s fall and winter opening.
Her ling of hats and millinery
are excpected to arrive daily,
~ We have just received g full
line of stationary; when in need
call on ve.Capitel Drug Store.
. ’ %
o ¥ & " . '
| i " “z .. = | ." A ’
ook Listen.
| ';. \ ; "4 ; ,’\ "
W¢ invite the publi¢ to stop ot our Store
loek at_our Geods, and‘listen at our prices.
We guarantee to sell you goods’as ehéap as
you can buy them any where, considering the
| quality. i
A L B b
Qur Furniture
' i stacked from the floor “tfo the ceiling, and is the best
assorted stock ever shown in Hazlehurst, consisting of
3 & : ¥ v
Oak -and Iron Beds, Mat
; tresses, Springs, Chairs, |
\ . .
| Reom Saits, Odd
Dressers'& Wash-
: - b —‘.' ‘i
!18 & ;
Center Tables, Dining Safes, IZtc.
dud.weare selling them just ag cheap as they pos;sfiibly ‘
can be sold. Let ut know your wants in furniture be
fore-buying. 'o 4 Vo) 3
The Famous Red Seal Shees.:
A compicte stocik now dn our shelf, justarrived a sow .
days ago.- You should patronize home industry. Red
Seals are made in Georgia, and are made good, too.
The Red Seal Shoe Factory will give away 100
pairs of shoes this year for a record of longest service. |
Buy your next pair from us, try your luck for a flew
pair free. .
Shild Bici¢ Clthin ¢
We fifi%'e just received and marked up onme of the
nicest lirss of Men’s and Boy's Custom Made Cloth
ing ever shown in Hazlehurst. ‘The pricé is printed on
each Shield Brand Suit, and you know ata glance what
a suit is worth. Prices range from SIO.OO to SIB.OO, no
more or’less. § A i
We aiso-carry & zoed line cf Hats, Sfléap}eNotions,
Dry Goeds, Crockery, Tin and Enamel Ware. Trunks,
Bags, Ete., ‘ . 3 :
Call'on us wfign in tewn, make éur stere
headquérters; | snd remeémber, if ybu are’
leoking for both quality aiid quantity, it will’
pay youi to see us.
. R