Newspaper Page Text
R General.
A fréak corn tassel was taken from
the farm of Fred Catt, near Arlington,
Ind, The tasse]l is a bunch of green
folinge fourteen inches in length and
eight inches thick, The top of the
bunch was similar in shape and color
to that of the common tassel, Several
gmaller tassels were in the bunch,
Thore were small, green shoots, in
which grains of corn were forming.
Bach grain had a separate husk and
stalk and silks were forming about
the grain,
saving that she did not want to see
President Taft “hobnob” with Presi
dent Diaz, “Mother” Jones, of labor
union fame, aunounced that she in
tended to go 1o El Paso, Texas, to pre
vent the mecting of the two presi
dents, She did not say in what man
ner she would wy and prevent che
John D, Rockefeller spent several
hours one day recently in putting Dr,
W. C. Bitting, his former New York
pastor, now of St, Louis, to wnat the
oil king calls *the fire test of the
links.” The pastor outpointed him in
a golf match over the Forest Hill
course in which the two as partners
were deteated seven sirokes,
Modern houswives are veritable Lu
cretia Borgias, declared Dr. Harvey W,
Wylie, head of the United States chem
istry bureau, who is attending the Na
tional Convention of Pure Kood and
Dairy commissioners in Denver, Col.
“The modern Lucretia,” he said, “is
here in flocks, using the telephone,
handing out poiscn from the ice box,
from the broiler and the skillet and
the little tins of dinner she buys when
breathlessly rusiaing home atter her
exciting bridge games at the club. It
is the duty of every woman, whether
she is a hou.ewife or not, to inform
herself on the laws of hygiene. The
average ice box is a charnel house,
which not only holds death, but
spreads it. And, too, many housekeep
ers allow disorder and uncleanliness to
prevail in their kitchen and larders
through ignorance or indifference.
They’d rather pick out a Beethoven
sonata, read an lbsen play, or memor
'ize a bridge rule, than trace & pto
maine to its lair and eradicate it in
the interest of family safety.”
The geological survey issued a re
port on coal ' produced in the United
States for 1908. The figures for Ala
bama are;11,004,593 tons, as compared
with 14,250,454 tons in 1907, a decrease
.of 2,645,861 tons, in round numbers
(the estimated decrease in the value of
the coal as compared with the year be
fore was $3,750,000.
During the last twelve years, the
period covering the administration
of Secretary of Agriculture James
Wilscn, the agricultural balance of
trade in the Unittd States increased
from a yearly average of $234,000,000
to $411,000,000, or 75.7 per cent, ac
cording to the department’s year book
just made public.
Reports to the navy department say
that the new United States torpedo
boat Flusser, one of the new boats
now building for the navy, had her
preliminary builders’ trial on the
course off Reckland, Me. She made a
speed of 31.03 knots, which makes her
the swiftest vessel in the American
Rear Admiral C. S. Sperry,who took
the Atlantic battleship fleet on its
cruise from San Francisco to the Phil
ippines and through the Suez canal
to Hampton Roads, will be placed on
the retired list. He has reached the
age of’ sixty-two years,
Heavy dewands for the Hudson-Ful
ton commemorative stamps are now
anticipated by the postoffice depart
ment and postmasters throughout the
country have been notified that the
department may find it impossible to
expediate requisitions for these
stamps, This special stamp will be
issued in sheets of sixty instead of
one hundred, the regulation number.
Alarmed regarding the permanency
of their state papers and other valu
able documents, the leading govern
ments of the world, headed by the
United States, are seeking paper of
as nearly an indestructible a character
as it can be made. This announce
ment was made in a statement by the
department of agriculture, which was
prepared by F. P. Veitch, chief of the
leather and paper laboratory, bureau
of chemistry on “The Need for Good
Confirmation of the story that Gov
ernor Blackburn, of the Panama ca
nal zone, is about to resign to return
to Kentucky, was given out by JJames
Blackburn, hig -brother. It is an
nounced that the former senator will
bring a fine Arabian stallion back with
him and establish a breeding farm in
The naval yacht Elfrida has been
turned over to the state of North Car
lina for the use of its naval brigade.
The Elfrida has been for some time
in use by the naval brigade of Con
necticut and is used almost exclusive
ly for this -pu%pose.
M. C. Cohen of Waynesboro, Ga.,
has been appointed special agent by
the director of the census buregn of
Washington, to take the ginners’ rec
ord for the season of 1909-1910. Mr.
Cohen is well known and popular and
his friends are congratulating him on
being honored by the department.
The secretary of the treasury re
ceived a letter postmarked Pasadena
Cal., from an unknown writer contain
ing a SSOO contribution to the con
science fund. -
One of the features of the encamp
- ment of Sons of Union veterans was
' the discussion of the erection of ga
.peace monument in the
Sons of Veterans, U, 8. A.,, and the
- United Sons of Confederate veterans.
There is guite a strong sentiment in
A value of £4 a milligram (equiva.
sent to £114,000 an ounce) has been
placed on radlum by a contract just
entered into between the British me
talliferous mines and Lord Iveagh
and Sir Ernest Cassel for the supply
of 7% grams (rather more than a
quarter of an ounce) of pure radium
bromide. This very large order for
radium will be supplied from the'
above named company's mine near
Grampound road in Cornwall. In the
short history of radium there has
never hitherto been known any great
or order than a gram. The first re
colored order on a large scale will
therefore be supplied from the Brit
ish source from which several of the
smaller orders have already been sup- |
plied. Messrs. Buchler & Co., of Bruns- |
wick, will produce the radlum troml
the Cornish pitchblende under the
superintendence of Professor Giesel,
their chief chemist. The 7% grams
of radium referred to are to be pre
sented by Lord Iveagh and Sir Ernest
Cassel to the radium institute, to the
information of which they have al
ready contributed very large funds.
The radium institute, which will be
under the surgical direction of Sir
Frederick Treves, is expected to be 1
ready to receive patients suflerlnz‘
from cancer about the end of the
present year.—London Times.
Chase for President. -
A circular, “strictly private,” asign
ed by Senator Pomeroy, and in favor
of Mr. Chase for President, has been
detected and published. It will be
more dangerous in its recoil than its
projectile. That is, it will damagze
Chase more than Lincoln. The effect
on the two men themselves will not
be serious. Both of them desire the
position, which is not surprising; it
certainly is not in the President, who
would .be gratified with an endorse
ment. Were 1 to advise Chase, it
would be not to aspire to the posi
tion, especially not as a competitor
with the man who has given him his
confidence, and with whom he has
acted in -the administration of .the
government at a most eventful period.
The President well understands
Chase’s ‘wish, and is somewhat hurt
that he should press forward under
the circumstances. Chase tries to
have it thcught that he is indifferent
and scarcely coguizant of what Is
doing in his behalf, but no one of
his partisans is sO well posted as
Chase himself.—Gideon Welles, in the
The new Chinese government ar
senal at Canton now turns out rifles
and quick-tiring guns, according to
the latest patterns, which are almost
as good as those imported from for
eign countries with regard to make
and finish.
Not a Penny to Pay For the Fuilest
Medical Examination.
If you are in doubt as to the cause
of your disease mail us a postal re
questing a medicalexaminationblank,
which you will fill out and return to
us. Our doctors will carefully diag
nose your case, and if you can be
cured you will be told so; if you can
not be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated to us in any way, for
this advice is absolutely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
you see fit. Send to-day for a medi
cal examination blank, fill out and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our eminent doctors will diagnose
your case thoroughly absolutely free.
Munyon’s, 53d and Jefferson Sts.
Philadelphia, Pa. :
T’he. man who *“won’t listen to rea
sqn’ is generally thinking the same
thing of us.
Whether tromncffl;sl.l ';l::tc:;n?&?h' e
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you
{ge'ly“@éd—meusant to take—acts immedi
id g ry it, 10c., 25c, and 50c. at drug
Many a fellow doesn’t seem 100
realize the difference between taking
a brace and taking a hracer.
Do your feet eve i
sore g’;; n‘ifibt?’ R.l_lrb fifllergrsgi.thacz?y]i:?g
Hamlins Wizard Oil. They’ll be glad in
the morning, and so will you. .
It is better to have toe-little con
fidence in yourself that to have too
much in other people.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
easy to take as candy, regulate and invig
orate stomach, liver andegbowels. Do not
It is undoubtedly good luck to pick
up a pin, if it happens to be a diamont
Perry Davig’ Painkiiler for seventy years
has been curing diarrhcea, dysentery and
oowel complaints. Get tho genuine.
According to the report for 1907-
08 of the London County Council Edu
cation Committee there were in the
schools 882,834 elementary schol¥rs
—a decrease on the year of 7,759.
"You Look Prematurely Old
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Because of thoee ugly, arizzly, gray haire. Use ''La CREOLE™ HA R RESTORER. Pg'can, SI.OO, retail
The most interesting announce- |
ment ever made in connection with
the automobile industry was un
doubtedly that made a month or two
ago to the effect that the new models
of the White Steam Cars could be run
on kerosene, or coal oil, instead of
gasoline. Everyone at once recog
nized that the use of the new fuel
would add materfally to the advan
tages which the White already pos
sessed over other types of cars.
There were some people, however,
who were sceptical as to whether or
not the new fuel could be used with
complete success and, therefore, the
makers of the White Car, the White
Company, of Cleveiand, Ohio, deter
mined to make a public demonstra
tion of the new fuel in the 1909 Glid
den Tour.
From the standpoint of the publie,
no test more satisfactory could have
been selected. First of all, the dis
tance covered on the Glidden Tour,
from Detroit to Denver and thence to
Kansas City, was 2650 miles. This
was certainly more than sufficient to
bring out any weaknesses, if such had
existed. Still more important was
the fact that the car was at all times
while on the road under the supervi
sion of observers, named by thaese
who entered other contesting ecars.
Therefore, it would have been impos
sible for the driver of the White to
have even tightened a bolt without
the fact being noted and a penalty in
flicted. At night the cars were
guarded by Pinkerton detectives and
could not be approached by any one.
' The number of pilgrims who went
‘to the holy places of Islam (Mecca
and Medina) this season is estimat
ed at about 170,000.
Face and Neck Were Raw—Terrible
Itching, Inflammation and Sore
ness—Alll Treatments Failed—
Cuticura a Great Success.
“Fezema began over the top of my ear.
It cracked and then began to spread. 1
had three different doctors and tried sev
eral things, but they did me no good. At
last one gide of my face and my neck were
raw. 'The water ran out of it so that 1
had to wear medicated cotton, and it was
so inflamed and sore that I had to put a
piece of cloth over my pillow to keep the
water from it, and it would stain the cloth
a sort of yellow. The eczema itched so
that it seemed as though I could tear my
face all to pieces. Then I began to use the
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and it was
not more than three months before it was
all healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, North
field, Vt.. Deec. 19, 1907.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. |
The students of physiognomy haveJ
not yet analyzed the reason why some
men grimace like apes. |
After All Hope Had Vanished. J
Mrs. J. H. Bennett, 59 Fountain
St., Gardiner, Me., says: “My back,
. used to trouble me l
i so severely that at |
& (/// | last I had to give up. ’
=9 1 took to my bed and
% % stayed there four |
: i months, suffering in- |
eg‘ tense pain, dizziness, |
; g ™ headache and inflam
q/w; of the blad-‘
;/}\, o 8 der. Though with
€ ! out hope, 1 began{
Wt using Doan’s Kidney |
Pills, and in three months was com- l
pletely cured. The trouble has never |
returned.” 1
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. ]
Foster-w. X, i
An unlucky thing about having a |
house full of children is when you |
would like to sleep in the morning, |
confesges the New York DPress. |
The complete success of the new
fuel while on this 2650-mile puktlic
test and the advantages gained
through its use were well described
in the following dispatch which the
correspondent of the New York Sun
gent to his paper at the conclusion of
the tour:
“A feature of the tour which was
watched with special interest was
that the White Steamer used kero
sene, or ‘coal oil,’ as fuel instead of.
gasoline. The new fuel worked
splendidly throughout the 2650-mile
journey, and all claims made in its
behalf were fully proven. First of
all, as regards cheapness, the White
driver secured kerosene all along the
route from 6 cents to 10 cents cheap
er per gallon than was paid for gaso
lene. Seocondly, the new fuel was
handled without any precautions, and
it was not unusual to see kerosene
being poured into the fuel tank while
the crew of the car and an interested
crowd stood by with lighted cigars
and cigarettes. At the finish of the
tour, the White was the only car per
mitted by the authorities to enter
Convention Hall, where the technical
examination took place, without
draining its fuel tank. Thirdly, the
new fuel proved to be absolutely
without smoke or smell. Fourthly,
kerosene could be purchased at what
‘ever part of the route was most con
venient, and not once during the trip
through the ten States of the Middle
West was there found a grocery store
where kerosene was not readily and
cheaply obtainable. Finally, the
French Opera Tea
French Opera Coffee
V'High living doesn’t fit one for the
hicher life. S
If afiiicted 9 ’
marwent | HOMpSON'S Lye Water
' b i N <2 =4 ;
\ D) ,
9 N U/%%/ Ce® 3., = :
NA- — A
> T
S N - ...
A v/ Finer flavor, greater succulence and more
‘5 weight are insured to your Fall o
(252 (abbage and Onions )\
22 (abbage and Unions S
& // by adding Potash to the commercial fertilizer you use on f
s y these crops. It produces sound, solid heads and bulbs with
= 4.7 much improved flavor, and matures the crop well ahead of frost \ 7
/ , Potash Pays é
81/ 1 i ti to 9 = gE—
WU oot o Erage ™ ver cons o NS
b T Onions. Two lbs. of Potash {0 every 100 Ibe. of
) / fertilizer increave the r'emh sotal 1 per cent. \
A = ! Send for Literature t soil, s \
7 B Lee by eiperis. - Aailed /IS \
[ 7 A/l on request—Free. R\‘
x z) Jj) CERAR KaLL WORKS Mita 6a., 1224 Candler Bldg. f? RSN )
\—.-/_/ ZL_ Chicsgo, Monaduock Block New York, 93 Nassaa Bt. 2 M&"( LS b
g 2 W e '( - ": /
‘ ¥y N T . \\ & !
Iy —— =~ e E i Y=
- o NSENEP W(l9 i/
“’/ Nt 3 "y
LY e s ‘-‘"- ) G
amount of fuel used on the trip
showed that kerosene is at least
fifteen per cent. more efficient, gallon
for gallon, than gasoline. The car in
other respects made a most creditable
showing, and there was the usual riv
alry among the observers to be as
signed to the White so that they
could ride with the maximum of com
fort. The only adjustments or re
pairs charged against the car during
the long trip were tightening a lubri
cator pipe and wiring a damaged mud
guard. These penalties were not in
flicted until more than 2000 miles
had been completed with an absolute
ly perfect score.”
A particularly interesting feature
of the new White Steamer is that
either kerosene or gasoline may be
used as fuel. The necessary adjust
ments so that thefuelmay be changed
from kerosene to gasoline, or vice
versa, may be made in a couple of
minutes; but so completely successful
has kerosene proven to be, that it is
not believed that any purchasers will
care to use gasoline.
The White Company report that
the demands for their new steam cars
—both the S2OOO-model and the
S4OOO-model—exceed their most san
guine expectations. It is evident that
'the combination of steam—-the pow
ier which everyone understands and
' has confidence in-—with kerosene—
the fuel which everyone has on hand
and can handle without any danger
—is thoroughly appreciated by
up-to-date purchasers of automoe
' biles.
; New York, Coney Island and Atlantio City W
; gocket stereoscope, Beautiful novelty, send 18¢0F
- Btamps.The Royal Mt‘c.&nl-.Co..Baltlmoro.K‘.
————————————— e ————— A ————