Newspaper Page Text
? Lo‘e ACS.
# 'Mr, H. G. Wes§; went up to Ma
‘con last] Saturday to visit his
‘bréther. 4
b Don’t buy your fall hat” until
you see Mrs,D. Patrick’s beauti
"ful line. : ;
i Weregret to learn that the,
ioar old baby of Mr, and Mrs.
owldnd Cook islvery sick.s ¢
' ' ‘
R That little Joe Brown train is
mighty convenient for the peo
ple of this section.’ v
' The baseball season is about
over in this section. So is the
ate water melon ¢rop. :
Mr.. W, T. Patrick js in Atlanta
is weelc. Mr. Roberson has
arge at the City Pharmacy dur
his absenge. ;
r. J-D. Elking, the assistant,
sashier of the Bank of Hazlehurst
has just returned from a week’s.
visit to IMitzgerald.
Dr. Christian row has a full
.supply of his famous Catarrh
Balm and Croup Specific on
‘hand. Try a box. cure guarantee,
£ J. A. Armita_i;,te still puints
houses. The fall is the best tim€
“to have your paiuting dene. 3
Rev. W. B, Screws will begin
a series of meetings at the Pres-"
byterian church; this place, on
the 7th inst. :
* We hear of gonsiderable sick
ness around Mst now, though
very little in Hazlehurst.
B New faFrgoods,of the latest:
?yles and best workmanship, is
goi:ing in daily {rom New York,-
~at Wolfson’s,
The lasi Quartely Conference
tor this (Methodist) charge will
+ be held at the Methodist churgh,
3 p.-m. Saturday, -Rev. E.IF. Mor
gan will preside, and preach Sun
day, Sth, wrorning and evening.
- Col. R. B. Price is likea fish
out of water these days, and
can’t be satisfied in any one place
long 2t a time. 'The cause of
this restlessness, is, Mrs. Price
and baby went down to White
Springs, Ila., on Saturday last to
spend a few wesks,
¥ You talk about yeur full stores
but ycu ought to drop in at S. B.
Freedman’s sinc= he has opened
up his mammoth stock of fall
and winter goods. e will have
something te say to the tradirg
public next week. i
Tulk aboutyour big ears of
corn, Jefi Davis county is pro
ducing them. A iew days ago
‘while Mr. G. W. Harrison, who
lives four miles south of town,
was passing through his corn
field, he plucked an ear 12 inches
long. And then, just to beaf
this ear, Vir. J. M. dinson pro
dutes an ear from his field 14
inches leng. Our people are
solid for bread another year.
The fa'l term of our. Superior
Court convenes here on Monday
morni: g HSeptember 13. Judg
ing irom the size of the docket,
tnis will be a pig court.. There
are ‘our murder cases down to
be tried during this term, three
white aad one celored,: besides
many more important cases.
BeSi& Wiiliams have just re
ceiveddand epened up their fall
and winter stock of dry goods,
notioms, shees etc., and every
thing in this store is first-class.
Ladies, visit this store and in
spect their beautiful line: of fall
gnd winter dress goods, neck
wear, notions, ete., and you will
'be sure to make a purcliase be
fore leaving. Read theis- ad,
whieh appfears in tuis issu‘é;‘
Many school teachers are here
.this week from Jeff Davis, Ap
pling and ¢ther counties, attend:
fé.ng' the meeting of the Teachers
fAnnual Institute. These annual
meetings of teathers are gvery
instructive and every teacher
who attends them learns some-,
thing Sg sw.aqpp%‘idgbga; ..The
News welcomes the teachers o
ix b “4.;»7 -G g fl':‘» ey "
gt N R
i b , R
plt Ty B 8 g Wy s + 4o
riends a ustomers.
oot b |‘ h -'*\"r
WE. have been doingi business in Hazlehurst for duite awhile,
and have always tried todeal square and honorable with oun cus-
St : : i ! ll .
tomers. v Whenever we tell them a picce of geods, ora pair of
Y b 3 . : 5 S y » '
shees is all right, they cam depend :ppon what ;we tell them. We
will not misreprssent goods. In fact, no shoddy: goods enter our
store. We handle nothing but the very best goods.
Pe " ¥ .
Our Fall and Winter Stock
‘ 3 ' ,
Has arvived and been opened up for your inspection.
B, Al .o
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LAY AL SN 05 . 5t L\ "
DR 02 It s2o O et : .
{!!!, L ” ’&&%}’{7, ;fij‘,’fj,',‘,‘fff":"‘i'\'\'x i\ We have the most beautiful and
: . "}} ALY o v ,;“‘ ,;')l}\,'!{l: ”'W\:“-;’\ . ¢ : :
; ///f M&\/ ;‘v . g durable line of Ladies Fa'l and
| 40 )’;R\*\;\/’» @ : ,/// AN~ Winter ‘Dress Goods ever ex-i
R ,it 4? : ot ;
R eRA\ S ' n this towa before:
A \\l L/ ”&m\ 7:,”,1“-,,/, ,]% 5 hibited in th
AN iS W 0, : |
fh‘?“ \\\ :i\\ Y 4'/,"’11; /N\ A ‘\‘ 7 ,J:’ TR e,
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;‘i ’ i
. $ g - ’ +¢ B
Our Noetion Department Can’t be
Wéa,,keap up with the very latest Styles in Ladies |
o¥R s e
Neckwear and Rushiags.
S ! 1""16 . |
hoés. ‘
: < * S ‘2" - . )
WEAR and the RED BELL |
! Teh "- T {
~ v ‘ ’ & .?\‘l:‘ ‘ ‘ -~
. Scheol Shoss. sAy .
Come to our stoge and bring your : W ¥al » A
children, and let ns fitthemupina® /& . QARG i
v AT %, AR
o{ . ; :
gocd, durable pair of school ‘shoes, i s
VR, G !
sematiting they can’t kick oatin a " 7 x&’?&
1 o ‘ ‘ . _,'.'\ e 5
week or two. r ‘l.f"leng!‘h_Ongßi"\’?(}e..
: Pis an imporiant consideraiion
: . ' {@hisvslglisllll,%&sig fitling ;hog
. . & 0 ok 3 % BER
—————————Asunexcelled e oS, L~
'l-%ers ond orierns Z—'—’—d 3.22,
~ Let ussell youa €WAN DCWN HAT. We have them for
Men and Boys: :
5 \“w‘*i '-
Wik R ; v " '
“ [ 079 R ’ :
. Kid Gloves
(41 \‘x‘\é‘x{&m o ' U,
1 " "\‘l“gg{f",‘,'}‘ .“\ ¢ jr:‘. .
1 /4 §§, i e
'»,.{ VA 'z:’%c% :, * ;‘. ak ..
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We have a large linc of PANTS, for bofli Men afid Boyd.
JLiiis is a spientid Bhirt, gnd you will fnd the ptices low. =
T : } P 14
Rl . £ d 3 . 4 I '_' a 8 s s
A iigeliné of McCéll's Patents on harid att the time
b>'s¢! i : ‘ A
We cordially ifivite you to come to see'us, inspect otr goods{
and get our pfices. Its a pleasure to sho't gotds, whether yous
buy or not. 8013cit.infg’ _you# continued patronsge, we are |
yours:Yo please, ~ F . f b N
n . T
ur Mid - Summer
e B a "':»4,. ""' ;""‘,
' ih B % ok B
TO.mzfi;e reony for our new Fall and Winter
Goods, that are arriving every-day, we are
offering our entire stock of seasonable merch
aidise at extremely- low figures; We must
h#ve rosm. Thisis no fake sale er chance
gaime; simply a 2 good time to get more" goods
than you dver did before, for less money.
lltsa cieam business proposition, e
it Rl
Evérything most in Summer
-~ Dress Goods, Fine Laces,
Fabrics, Hosery, Etc.
[, i £ .o
! A NS e IRnN AP
; onozs and Slippers
i The Kiser King Shoe is the best
~ shee in the world. . They
- wear lenger and look bet
~ locr othan any other shoe
manufactured. @~
All Low Cut Shoes must go at
Some price before the sum
. mer is over.
“We doi't .usuilly. make s GREAT
NOISE, but we have a line of Goeds that
pleases, and the prices are sure to suit you,
oLI B MTaatie b
Clothing, Glothing!
| | ’ dabad - B
‘What a glorious feeling to
detk out in New Clothes---
paXticelarly in such clothes as
we carry. IThey are designed
and made: by celebrated
master tfailors. 2 2
Our. Clothes cost no more than
-the ordinary.};, . -
: ¥, : 2 s
- Comge, let us show you. -No obli
gation to buy. It wiil be cur pleas
ure fto show you amyihing , you
might wish to inspect, and give
you prices on same. i ¢ -
Thanking ; our many éqyal
frierids arid ustemers for their
past wpatronage, and soliciting
a centinuiance; of same, we are,
yours anxious to serve you,
| g ee i e |