Newspaper Page Text
Ice cream every day at Capitol
Drug Store.
Cotton gins in this section are
running on full time these days,
If you want to be In style get
o Regenstein hat from Vrs. Pat
Mpr. Riltan Turner of Nashville
paid The News office a visit on
Saturday last.
Coetton (8 rolling into our
town pretty lively these days,
and the farmers all seem happy.
J. A, Armitage camn decorate
veur walls in the beautiful ala
haatine colors with stencil berd-
Mv. Bteven Douglas, who lives
wbout 12 miles west of here,
was in The News office on Nat
urday last, ‘‘chewing the rag"
with the editor, |
Rev. C. Munbgomere" & Pres.
byterian minister of I't Vernon,
and a hrother of Dp. B. M. s.onte
gwomery of this place, nreached
heve in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday last: in the . forenoon
akd at night Heis & polished,
well educated goantieman, and &
tine preacher., ;
Reliable up 10 date merchan
dise a 4 homest lowest prices, in
plentiful, at the Pepulav Price
store of Welfson's,
Providence permitting, Rev.
J. 8. Jovrdan will preach at
iientn’s Chappel at 11 o'clock on]
snnday next—-sun time. The
ususl aftercoon service is called
i for that day, |
J A Armitage has just re
eeived & uew line of wall glpor
samples New effeots on bord
ors and walls, The most beauti:
ful designs aver produced.
My, J. J, O'Quinng, vur populsr
and eb'iging agent here for the
Southern 5, Ry has u good. Joly
patare, and on Thursday lusy we‘
noticel that he was unusually
happy. Wa ssked the oauge, he
replied thut a basutiful little girl
baby hud made its appearence at
his home that moraing, and would
remain with him atd his wife for
quite awhile, he hoped, to be &
salace and comtors to them, And
that was the cause of his bhappi
QOur Public Scheel.
Our publie schoel opens up on
Monday morning, the 13th inst,,
with the following faculty in
Prot, ]J. B Cheatham, Prinol
pal, Miss Iris Littlejohn, Miss
Annie Bell Russ, arnd Mrs. A. T,
Vonderau, assistants, Mes, W. M,
'Glrma.n music teacher. Haw
eyer there will have to be one
‘more assistant elected, to fill the
vacancy csused by the resignu
tion of one of the abave teachers,
All of these teachers are well
qualitied: snd we trust that &
prosperious school is 1 store for
our people, 1
s |
The Police Court.
~ Your henor, the Mayor kad
elght moeurner's up before him
on Monday morning last—all col
ored., There were two “nigger’ in town Saturday
night, and some of the guests,
Jjust for pantime, began to sheot
oul the lights along about 1 o'
clock Sunday morning, and do
other things, such as curse loud
enough to be heard for several
blogks away. Nerman Byrd, &
youthiual lonking gingercake col
ored darkey, seemed to have
been the worse nigger in the
bunch, for he =mpted his pistol
right in the house, where they
were all dancimg, and baving a
goud time, Norman wanted to
play oad, and the ¢onseguences
are he gotinto & bad serape, for
he waus no' only flned in the
Mayor's court, but he will have
to face & higher court. And
right here we will ask & question
ard its this: Did you ever hear
of » negro featival on & Maturday
night . your life, that there
wasn't a cutting, or shooting
Ncrape,or sknock down and drag
ont tight wt it before the thing
wan over? \We never have, .
These urvests were made by
Mr, J. M, McDeonald, who is
deputy warshul und deputy sher
if Tiis eight that was convic’
ted wus nob all that was pulled,
there beiny seventaen argested
made ou this oeecasion, The
oalanee is out on bond and will be
tried Friday. This is a pretty
good nights work for this officer.
A Card of Thanks,
To my patrons of Halmetto
school; I wish to thank you for
your kind co-operation shown me
in the management of the sgheol
term just closed. While the
isohool opened “‘Y with about 30
pupils enrolled, It soon doubled
{ts enrollment. The interest
these patrons are taking im the
welfare of their sghools and com
munity will assure them in the
near future, a schnal second to
none in the eounty, Again thank:
ing both patrons and pupils for
the kindness shown me, I am,
Your friend ani teacher,
R. J. Roddenberry.
Have you visited H, Ceck &
Son's store lately? If not, you
should do so, and inspect .their
large stock of fall and winter
goods. This store is actually
packed from floor to ceiling with
new goods of every description.
No matter what you might want
in the furniture, grocery, hard:
ware, shoes, clothing, dry goods
and notion line, you will find it
pight here, And another fact,
you wil! always find the prices
right at this store. Do yeu want
a real stylish, up-to-date suit of
clothes for slo,oo—and they are
good enough, and pretty onou%h
to be married in—drep into H,
Cook & Son's store and ask Row:
Jand Cook or Raleigh Woud to
show them te you. You will
buy & suit before Jeaving their
store, e
After spending sevaral months
herse, the guest of her sister—
Mrs. J. R. Grant—Miss Mae
Reynalds left for her home in
Clayton, Ga., on Friopay last.
During her visit here she made
many warm friends among the
young people who regretted to
gee her go. She will probably
return here in the wintar.
The editor of this paper has
a beautiful, new sweet-toned
Lamhard Plano that he is very
anxious to despose of, as he has
no @arthly use for it. It cost
$3656 at the factory without the
freight, and we can sell it to you
below factory prices, If its a
piano you want, we can morg
than suit You in both, quality
and prive, :