Newspaper Page Text
O B s
Superintendent A, B, Coombes of
the prison farm at Milledgeville has
resigned. While no reason has been
advanced for the resignation of the
superintendent, it is sgupposed that
he has wearied of the criticism that
has fallen to his lot and has decided
to put an end to it by severing his
connection with the prison farm,
From Thomasville comes the news
that Willlam H. Mitcheil, convicted of
the assault on Miss Lucile Linton and
whom Governor Brown recently re
fused to pardon, is still ill and is
conflned in the Thomas county jail,
wh he is being atitended by his
who has stood by him so brave
rough his trial and his efforts to
e a 'pardon or commutation.
ell's attending physician states
there {8 no material change in
condition and it is uncertain when,
if ever, he will be able to begin to
serve his sentence of twelve months
on the chain gang. So far as Gov
ernor Brown is concerned the Mitch
ell case is ended. He will take no
steps to see that the sentence ot
twelve months on the gang is enforc
ed. The carrying out of the sentence
is a matter left entirely with the of
ficlals of Thomas county, and if his
condition remains the same as it now
is he may never serve as a convict.
~ Joseph F. Gray of Savannah, the
railroad commissioner, agaiust whom
quo warranto proceedings have been
begun by Honorable Guyt MclLendon,
the deposed commissioner, will noc
be in any hurry to answer the
charges filed by the contesting form
‘er officer. Mr. Gray states that he
has until the day the case is set for
‘hearing in October to present his an
swer, and that he will probably re
quire about that length of time to get
it on he record.
Congressman Adamscn has received
a leter from Secretary of War Dick
inson saying that Cadet John H.
Booker, Jr., of West Point, Ga., had
nothing to do with the hazing of Ca
det Rolando Sutton, of the Military
academy, but that Booker was dis
ssed for permitting without inter
ance, cadets of the third class to
e cadets of the fourth class to
= hwn on allfours and run a race
Bk g and then auaction them cff.
; ;33"'" Brown has granted a
3 of twenty-eight days to J. M.
St of LaGrange, who was to have
£9n hanged September 10 for the
SMrder of G. L. Rivers. The crime is
Jaid to have grown out of jealousy
because Elliott thought Rivers atten
tive to his wife. Elliott’s mother is
at work in Chattanooga to secure evi
dence favorable to her sgon's applica
tion for commutation. It is claimed
that he is mentally unbalanced.
The Georgia Woman’s Christian
Temperance Union will hold its twen
ty-seventh annual convention in Ma
con, October 5 to 8, inclusive. It is
expected that every union in the state
will be represented.
Shackelford Brothers of Athens and
Wilcox county, have bought the Dr.
Walker place, about six miles north
west of Abbeville, with four hundred
acres, for SB,OOO.
The cotton market opened up in El
berton in full blast. The crop in this
county is a little short but indications
are that it will bring good prices
throughout the coming cotton season.
The merchants of Elberton are very
enthusiastic about the fall and win
ter trade. The corn crop is larger in
'Elbert county than in years and more
iwheat was raised this year than us
ual, . :
The cotton crop in Butts county is
opening rapidly and is being gathered
and brought to market as fast as prac
ticable. The Jackson market is one
of the best in the state. The cotton
‘buyers there have been paying from
three-eights to a half a cent a pound
more for cotton than any other mar
ket known in the state. There is ¢on-’
siderable rivalry in the purchasing of
cotton here. This fact causes cotton
to be brought to Jackson from a long
distance. It is claimed that the cot
‘ton crop has been damaged consider
ably on account of the dry weather of
the last few weeks. Just to what ex
tent it has been damaged is impossi
ble to tell at this time,.
There has been much sorrow among
the housekeepers of Savannah for the
past few days. Beef has risen in
price, It is claimed the high price
of grain is to be thanked for the in
crease, added to the fact that the
grass-fatted- cattle have about all been
killed and marketed. = ¢ '
The originai manuscript of volume
19 of Georgia’s Colonial Records, as
prepared by ex-Goverhor Allen D.
Candler, have been lost, and unless
found the state will have to put in a
claim to, be reimbursed for expense
of 'procufing another copy. The man
#lscript, consisting of 950 pages, .in
cluding volumes 17 and 18 of the rec
ords of the London board of trade,
came from London, England; legisla
‘ture making special appropriation to
cover expenses, Colonel G. W, Har
rison, who was the official state prin
ter at that time, knows nothing of
the lost manuscript, but stated to the
rinting commission that he would
filake a thorough search. According
to law he was held under bond to the
state at that time. If the matusecript
cannot be found, Colonel Harrison
‘stated that he would bear the ex
pense of getting another copy from
The options on the property just
utside of Chattanooga which Govern-
Cr Brown was authorized by the gen
eral assembly’ to purchase for termi
nals for the Western and Atlantic
Railroad, have expired. Neither Gov
ernor Brown or Attorney General Hart
received any word from the owners
¢ .the property as to Whetfilr ‘the
f%fim, s would be extended = .
" Rl
_ PRICE 25 Cts.
MUNYON Rl Malled postpald on re-
T\ celpt of price.
pl L| S You ean't have a
i beautiful complexion if
- we your blood is impure
‘ or if you suffer with
indigestion or any stomach or liver ailment,
Munyon’s Paw-Paw Pills regulate the
bowels, correct indigestion, constipation,
biliousness, torpid livers, jaundice, sallow
and dull complexions. They purify the
blood and clear the skin of pimples, sores
and most eruptions.
One pill is a gentle laxative; two pills a
thorough physic. They do not gripe, they
do not weaken. Price 25 cents,
53d and Jeffernon ‘Sts.. Phila., Pa.
"OILED _ .t "%
will give you full value \"‘m‘» ~
for m dollardspe'nt ,‘fl\. \
an n |~
the wer&mea%er. r“’ ’
suis ¢3e2 VAL )
SLICKERS *322 . ' ey
s3i {8 [
AJ.Tower CO. BOSTON,U.S.A. s
Migs Upper—l do so enjoy repar
Mrs. Cumso—My husband won't
drink anything but oolong.—Boston
Hick's CAPUDINE is the best remedy-—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Celd and restores normal conditions. It's
liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25c. and
§OO., at drug stores.
Bees Swarm on Man’s Head.
A cloud of bees in Allison Park
yesterday spied the uncovered head
of T. L. Hanny, constable for Al
derman G. R. Cain, and started to
swarm on the unprotected cranium.
Alderman Cain came to the rescue
with gunny sacks and Hanny suc
ceeded in getting “out from under”
after ten minutes unpleasant experi
ence. Bystanders picked a few
stingers out of his scalp and he
spent the rest of the night bathing
his head with ammonia.—Pittsburg
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first put up
40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate
stomach, fiver and bowels. Sugar-coated,
tiny granules.
Husband Killed, Gees (nsane.
W. W. Hopkins, brakeman, was
.killed and another of the crew in
jured when a freight train was de
railed on the Chatham division o!
the Rutland Railroad near West Leb
anon, N, Y.
The accident occurred shortly after
midnight when a shoe dropped from
one of the rear wheels of the thiri
car, causing the derailment of the fec!-
lowing five cars and caboose.
Mrs. Hopkins, when informed at
her home, in Bennington, Vt., of the
death of her husband, suddenly be
came demented and made a fierce as
sault on Charles E. Roberts, train
despatcher, whose duty it was to
break to her the news of the acci
dent. Mrs. Hopkins violently drove
the despatcher from her house, in
flicting bruises and other slight injur
ies before friends were able to gain
partial control of the woman.—New
York Herald.
The surest remedy for cramps, colic and
diarrhoea i Painkiller (Perry Igavis'). Get:
the genuine. 2ic., 35¢. and 50.. bottles.
Southern Chivalry.
The leisurely chivalry of the old
South lingers, declares the Chicago
Post. In Florida one branch of the
State legislature hags passed a bill
requiring that when an automobile
meets any other kind of vehicle “the
chauffeur shall stop, turn out to one
side, and if a lady or child be driv
ing the team the chauffeur shall get
out and help same by with their
horses, mules, oxen or whatnot.”
A little bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil is
a medicine chest in itself. It can be ap
plied in a larger number of painful ail
ments than any other remedy Ymown.
Norah, after watering the lawn.—
“Missus, do you hang up your hose?”
Misstress—“Certainly, not, Norah:
we always pay cash!”—Christiap
Work and Evangelist. '
Mrs. Winslow’s Boothing Svrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain, cures wind colic, 26¢ a t ottle
New York street cars killed! 444
persons in 1908 and injured 35.060
You Look Prematurely Old
Rich lowan's Mobby That ls Proving
Expensive to Missourl Valley
Farmers llving along the Nishna
River, in Western Towa, a short dis
tance cast of Omaha, and between
the towns of Avoca and Western, are
confronted with a umnique condition.
Their crops are being eaten up and
tramped into the ground and they
are powerless to prevent the whole
sale destruction because the laws of
the State do not permit the killing
of deer,
A herd of nearly four hundred deer
is roaming about the country eating
the young and tender grain and
tramping into the ground what is not
eaten. There is no open season in
Jowa when deer can be killed, and the
killing at any 'season subjects the
killer to a fine of SIOO and costs.
Collection of the herd was a hobby
of William Cuppy, one of the pioneer
residents of Avoca, a rich farmer,
owning several thousand acres of
land, much of it being along the Nish
na River. Upon the death of Cuppy
the administrator of the estate was at
a loss to know what to do with the
animals. In time the court ordered
a division of the property and the set
tlement of the estate. The land was
sold and ‘all the persoral property ex
cept the deer was disposed of. No
person seemed to want deer.—Min
neapolis Journal.
Knicker—How long does your wife
plan to be away? Bocker—Two
trunks.—New York Sun.
The paint on a house 1s the extreme
outside of the house. The wood is
simply a structural under layer. That
is as it should be. Unprotected wood
will not well withstand weather. But
paint made of pure white lead and
linseed oil is an invulnerable armor
against sun and rain, heat and cold.
Such paint protects and preserves,
fortifying the perishable wood with a
complete metallic casing.
And the outside of the house is the
looks of the house. A well construct
ed building may be greatly depre
ciated by lack of painting or ‘hy poor
painting. .
National Lead Company have made
it possible for every building owner
to be absolutely sure of pure white
lead paint before applying. They do
this by putting upon every package
of their white lead their Dutch Boy
Painter trademark. That trademark
is a complete guarantee. &
The Mayoralty chair of Cambridgze
thas come to be called “the hoodoo
'chair” by those who have followed
Cambridge politics for many years.
Humor Came on Legs and Ankles—
Could Not Wear Shoes Because
of Bad Scaling and Itching.
| “I have been successfully cured of dry
| eczema. I was inspecting the removal of
| noxious weeds from the edge of a river and
! was constantly in the dust from the weeds.
| At night I cleansed my limbs but felt a
‘ prickly sensation. I paid no attention to it
l for two years but I noticed a scum on my
| legs like fish scales. 1 did not attend to it
i until it came to be too itchy and sore and
| began getting two running sores. My
| ankies were all sore and scabby and I could
[ not wear shoes. I had to use carpet and
| felt slippers, for weeks. I got a cake of the
i Cuticura Soap and some Cuticura Oint
| ment. In less than ten days I could put
l on my boots and in less than three weeks
| I was free from the confounded itching.
| Capt. G. P. Bliss, Chief of Police, Morris,
| Manitoba, Mar. 20, ‘O7, and Sept. 24, '08.”
i Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
i of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
. Visitor—Why are you naughty so
| much of the time?
| Bobby—Mamma gives me a nickel
every time I promise to be good. And
she never wants me to promise to
' be good unless I'm naughty.—Cleve
!land Leader.
sl e S
| Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator.
| Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c.
~ Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25c.
| Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c.
Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15¢c.,Liq’d, 25¢.
Rough on Moth and Ants, ‘Powder, 25c.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c.
K. 8. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N, J.
| We trust the Chicago man who has
'just had a lamb’s bone grafted into
| his leg will keep away from the
!wheat pit, says the Ohio State Jour
-5 nal,
| ——————
_Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
, {u'srvous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
.t‘.;l,llqull‘g;x’;:.eaficnt to nkod—zgg immedi
; Lot AR sl .. 25¢, an at dreg
A woman who has posed for nine
sears as a man is to resume appro
priate garb. Strange, exclaims’ the
Philadelphia Ledger, that the prevail
ing style of feminine rmaiment did not
' induce her to postpone reform.
Each of the ohief ore
A PM &l the body is &
ink the Chain of
3 LWGS Life. A chain is no
utron‘lor than its
weakest link, the body
' no stronger than its
weakest organ, If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is &
|weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-oalled
“‘ weakness '’ is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or discase
of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, Diseases and
weaknesses of the zomuch' and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce’'s Golden Mellical Discovery, When the weak or diseased stomach is
cuted, diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but which
have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also,
The strong man has a strong stemach.
Take the above recommended *‘Discove
ery’ and you may have a strong stome
ach and & strong body.
GiveN Away,—Dr, Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser,
new revised Edition, is sent free on reccipt of stamps to pay .
expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vole«
ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
——————————————————————————————————————— e e .
is delicious and cooling. It is economical because one
| pound will make 280 cups. Try a pound. In sealed cans,
. 60 cents.
Is always the same—ALWAYS GOOD,
Guest—Your hotel is splendidly lo
cated, landlord.
Landlord—Swept by the ocear
breezes, Sir.
Guest—Er-yes! I certainly haven™
noticed any girl around with a broom.
—PBoston Transcript.
A Dark Picture to Look Back Upon.
- John Corey, Constable, Attica, N.
Y., says: “From September, 1896,
: i to March, 1897, |
| &}5 was confined to the
| e:.’.;;;-;."-;fi!* house, an invalid,
',h from kidney trouble.
MPN For months | had
B&/ tottered about on
O L I crutches, a discour-
A g aged and despairing
PAG ey ~man. 1 was prac
‘ MG 4 ticafly crippled with
Ilumbago. 1 decided to try Doan’'s
| Kidney Pills and a short while after
|1 began using them 1 was able to
walk. After taking seven boxes |
;threw away my crutches and the
| lumbago has not returned from that
| day to this. Through using Doan’s
_Kidney Pills I am to-day a healthy
! man.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A monument to the mnegro poet.
Paul. Laurence Dunbar, is to be un
veiled in Woodlawn Cemetery, Day
ton, Ohio.
cheap, and on easy terms. Farms ranging in
size from 50 acres to several hundred, and in
price from §7 per acre up. Write us for de
geriptive booklet, prices and terms,
’,""'c“ /’—“""6 h\/ .
s o 1T
b ) Lgeddigodat
' i= By Do’ (VTR
Write for froe booklet on treatinsnt of dLocd 4.
Poultry. Made bv Southern Phvsicians- TH
“I tried all kinds of blood remedies
which failed to do me any good, but I
have found the right thing at last. My
face was full of pimplesand black-heads.
After taking Cascarets they all left. I am
continuing the use of them and recom
mending them to my friends. I feel fine
when I rise in the morning. Hope to
have a chance to recommend Cascarets.”
Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25¢, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu
ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to
cure or your moaey bacl. - 922
G » '
A ae This Trade-mark
@( Eliminates All
‘ f O Uncertainty
Yt % in the purchase of
R T {)aint materials.
ity (fi tis an absolute
FTIIY. 2 guarantee of pur-
SR wltV and quality.
Sk 4‘3’ &é}zp For your own
R R <%# protection, see
SRR NN that it is on the side of
g every keg of white lead
'\'& you buy.
BV 1902 Trinity Building, New York
National Surgtcal [nsfifute
o:/ ; - .
o s
’ o
st e ' &
- Al
. W "
This Institute Treats Club. Feet, Diseases of
the Spine, Hip Joint. Paralysis, Piles. Fistula,
Femaie and private diseases, Hernla, Rheuma
tism, Urinary Orgauns, etc. asend for illus
trated cireular.
Steven's 22-Crack Rifle, $2.95
iver & Johneon, single barrel gun;
12 or 16 ERUE® ...vioerriniiinens 33.75
22 Winchester Rept. Rifle, $8.50
Steven's doulble bLarrel Hammer
3 gun; Il} 'nuzo; 30 c:]r %‘inzh l 5“.85 :
thaca Hammerless deuntle barre
> gun; !%31050;130 imhb.l.... $14.40
teven's Hammerless dcuble barrel
Bgun; ;‘1 gu1gefi.................. 515-85
aker Batavia Hammerless; 12 or
w]fi gauge; 23, ::1’0; or 32 ,i:m-h.... " 318000 \
inchester solid frame Repeating
shot gun; 12 gauke....cocovunens 320‘00
Guns at all prices. Write for catalogne. With every
gun at 810 or over we give free a $l5O Coanvae
Bunting Coat, State chest measuroment.
BOURNE & BOND, 880 Market St. Louleviile Ky:
THE TEEer Paxtine excels eny dentifrice:
in cleansing, whitening andl
removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroying
all germs of decay and disease which ordinary
tooth preparations cannot do. C
THE MOUTH Paxtine used as a mouth=
wash disinfects the moutls
and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the germs
which collect in the mouth, causing sore ttnrod‘,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
THE EYES when inflamed, tired, ache
and burn, may be instantly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
cAT AHBH Paxtine will destroy the germe
that cause catarrh, heal lge ine
flammation and stop the discharge. It is a sure
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful ==——
germicide, disinfectant and deodorizer, (g
Used in bathing it destroys odors and p:\ ‘
leaves the body antiseptically clean. Eff bl
i (At. 3809