Newspaper Page Text
+Yel. 7. Ne 39,
September Bargains
It .in‘s\tt\e;r-afint wheser you wanat Spring
or Summer, Fall or Wintér goeds, we sur s
havq‘ them, and AT <
We positively handle nething but i'eliablc
up to date merchandisg, for men, wemen and
children. s 3
We Knew How And Where To
Buy; So we Buy Itßight;
And ean sfford te se li it te you RIGfiT. Mrs,
Welfson and Mr, Baray ~ Wolfsoa ‘who are
esiding at presat in NEW YORK; are out
Faily losking for Bargains; thoy are getting it
too--and te Hazjshurst it gees, . 1
We ate ready for a Qic fall business, we must
o break therecord: help us do it.
i Popular Price’ Store,
" 'Hazlehurst, Ga,
And no Store can meet our prices. 'We invite you to come and let us show yeu
threugh our many departments, that are overflowing with Brand New Pretty
Fall Goods. In our Dress Goods Department yeu will find all the newest pat
terns and colors. Opr Shoe Department was never more complete; we have all
the Snappy Shapes, and the easy shez, for iadies, men and children.
This Department embraces many tables. A. B. Kirshbaum’s Fine, all mo0l; hand
tailered line for your inspection, and the prices will suit you; theyare SB.OO to
$22.50. 'We -also carry a cheaper line of clohing for men and boys.
. Weceyld fillevery page of this paper, eaumerating the many bargains you will find at eur store, and then not
be able te tell you of one half of them. Ceme te our store and let us preve te you that iu: statements are tfye,
. We have rare Bargains for Court Week Days.
‘We guaramteg you, that we are the leader of lew prices in thissectign: and we defy competition, - el .
" The Store with Right Prices. @ = | "
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Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursdqy, Soepf. 23, 1909,
Capitol Drug Store,
Hazlehurst, Ga.
’ "Phoné¢ No. 51;
Having recently begun the
Drug Business in your com
‘munity, | take pleasure in in
viting you to call at my store
when in need of anything usu
ally found in a complete up-to
. ! - :
1 have a fresh and clean steck eof
Drugs, Medicines, Druggists’
' Sundries, Cigars and Toilet
‘ Articles.
If my service suits you, toll ofhers, If not, tll ms,
Our Motto: Reiiabie Soeds.
Bear in miad, eur steck is Complete and we
Cheerfully S?licit Your ngronatg.
DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop'r.
SI.OO Per Year)
- Eezoina-Cured, <<
Pimpies Disappear and Complex-
AR Cleared Over-pjght, .
Wow * ork—Tlousands are taking
gdvln of tife'generous offer made
y the Woodworth Ce. 1163 Broadway
New York City requesting an experi
ental package of ?Amols the new skin
discovery, which is mailed free of
ehsm allwho write for it. Italone
iss ent to clear the cemplex’on
r:or night and rid the face of pimnles
An a few hours. .o \
. Those who have tried Lemol ) 'will
find that the 50c box on sale in = wile~
hurst o't all drog stores, is sufticieut @
cure the worst form of Eczema where
the ‘garts affected are nottoo dlr&
on the fiut’lggllcmion of Lemola
irehing will stop. It has cured thous
ands afflicted with FEczema, Teetors
Rashes, Itches, Irritations, Acmed,
Scalings and Crusting of skin. scalps
of infants children and adults. I$ is
good for preservstionand furificaflcn
of the,skin, scalf, hair and hands for
the prevention of the clogging of the
poerg the usual.cause of pimples also
the tment of scalds wounds sores
chappings as well as the toilette and
an].'in ¢ :
| Asthma, Cured
Expert Modical Scientists An
. mounce Startling Results ob
| tained by Sempine,
f’ "New- York—Thousands sre taking
1.-adva.nusvo of the generous offer made
by The Woodworth Co. 1163 Broadway
‘New York City, requesting an experi
‘mental package of Senpine, the great ..
discovar{ for Asthma, Hay fever,
Broachitis and Catarrsh.whichis mail
ed free of charge to all who write for .
3%, It is curing thousands of tne ost
stubbora Cases. It makes no difference
how long you have been suffering ur
how severe the elimate conditions are .ive, Senpine will:cure you,
! If yéu have experimented witn other
‘treatments and haye failed so find a
‘cure do not be disceuraged but send
for & yrial of this wonderful truly mer
itous remedy which is a seientificcom~
| %ound discovered by & 'Professor of
Veinne University. and is being re
commended by thousands. :
1.-I ll'.-l —— 11-. .._— -.—— - ..1..‘
A dark-brown Jersey heifer,
unmarked, two and a half years
old. Will pay a liberal reward
for the return of said heifer te
my home. G. W. BssT,