Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 7. No 40,
Sentember Bargains
It matters ad: wisthe: yau waiat Sorlad
o. Sunmnce, Fall or Wintér goeds, we su s
W e prsitively handle nothing but reliable
up to dats macchandise, for men, wemen and
We Knew How Aud Where To
Buy, So we Buy Itßight,
And can afford te sell it to yeu RIGHT. Mrs.-
W elfson and Mr, Barny Wolfson who are
residing at presnt in NEW YORK. are out
daily looking for Bargains; they are getting it
too--2ad te Hazlehurst it gees,
We ars ready for a big fall business, we must"
‘break therzscord, help us do it.
; Popular Price Store,
’ Hazlehur», Ga.
~ New Fall Goods are [lere
And no Store can meet our prices. We invite you to come and let us show you
threugh our many departments, that are overflowing with Brand New Pretty
Fall Goods. In our Dress Goods Department ycu will find all the newest pat
terns and colors. QOur Shoe Department was never more complete; we have el
the Snappy Shapes, and the easy she:, for iadies, men and children.
This Department embraces many tables. A. B. Kirshbaum’s Fine, all wool, hand
tailered line for your inspection, and the prices will suit you; they are SB.OO to
$22.50. We also carry a cheaper line of clohing for men and boys.
We could fill zvz+y piiz of this paper, eaumzrating th: maay barfains you will find at our store, and thea not
be able to tzll you of oas hali of tazm, Coemz te our starz anl 12z us peove tr you thit eur statements are true,
We have rare Bargains ior Court Week Days.
We guarantee you, that we are the leader of low prices in this sectien; and we defy comp=tition,
; : ' “’i‘ ' ;
The Store with Right Prices. '
io":SoT ' 1 \ " . ?
A ' j > ‘
\ . ; 3 iQ) . )
Hazlcimrst. Jeff Davis County, Georgia, 'Tliursday,' Sept. 30, 1909.
Capitol Drug Sto
;apitol Drug Store,
"~ Hazlehurst, Ga.
'Phonz No. 51.
Having recently begun the
Drug Business in your com
munity, | take pleasure in in
viting you to call at my store
when in need of anything usu
ally found in a complete up-to
date. |
I have a frzshaad clean stooc es
Drugs, Medicines, Druggists’
Sundries, Cigars and Toilet
Imy s3ris2 Sits yau, 13l obayrs, if 10, Bl ma,
Our Mgttfl: R::l:{i:;ubriz énj)ds.
8.1- im miad, 01c553:% i 3 Comnolais anl w:
Chzzrfally Solizic Yoi: Patronage,
DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Proo’r.
SI.OO Per Year.
[ Eczema Cured,
Pimples Disappear and Complex
jon Cleared Over-night,
New York—Thousands are takine
advartage of the generous offer myle
by the Woodworth Cx. 1163 Broadway
New York City zefl:estlng an experi
ensal vackage of Lemola the new skin
discovery, which is mailed free of
charge to all who write for it, Italone
is sufficieat to clear the cemnlex’en
over night and rid the face of pimples
in a few hour:.
Those who have tried Lanola will
fi d thatthe 50¢ box on sale in Hasla~
Lurst at al: drug stores, is sufficient t»
sure the worss form o! Eczema whera
tne parts affected are wuot too large.
on the first application of Lemola the:
itching will stop. It has cured thous
ands afflicted with Eczemu, Teetrrs
Rashes, Itches, Irritations. Acmes.
Scalings and Crusting of skin. sca'ps
of infants childven and adults. 1t is
good for preservationand lur:fleation.
of the skin, scalp, hair and hands for
the prevention of the ciegging of the
poers the u ual cause of p'mples also
the treatment ofsculds wounds seres
chappings as well as the toilette and
Asthma Cured
Expert Medical Scientists An
nounce Startling Results ob
tained by Senpine.
New York—Thousancs are taking
advantaygs of th 2 generous offer madaz
b ¢ The Woedworth Co. 1.63 Broadway
New Yo.k Citv, requesting an exne:i
ment.l puckage of Senpiue, the great.
d:scovery tor Astuma., Hay lever,
Bronchiiis and Catarrah which is mail
ed free of charge to all who write for
it. It s curing thousands of the mosi
stubbora Cases. It mak2s no differenee
how tong you huve been sutfering or
how severs the elimate conditions are
~where yvoa .ive, Senpice will cure you,
If you have experimented witn other
tretmes:s anw have jailed to find &
¢.re do noi ne disceuraged but send
fora trial of Ihis wonder:ul truly mer
itous remedy \ hich is ascientiliccom—
poun. uscove ed by a Professor of
Veinpa University. -nd is being re
commended Ty thousands.
A dark-brown Jersey heifer.
unmarked, two and a half years
old. Will pay a liberal reward
for the return of said heifer te
imy home. G W. Bgsm.