Newspaper Page Text
We have stopped making prom
isomas to when we expect to
print Our paper on ournew press.
We would have swore last weelk
that The News would have been
printéd ‘en the big press this
week, but it wasn’t. When about
two-thirds up it was discovered
that an impression screw was
broken, and we had to send to
the factory for another one bej
fore we can finish putting the
press. up. Maybe the new
one will arrive some time, If it
gets here betwen now and
Christmas, we will try and give
our readers a decent holiday edi
tior, The trials, troubles and
disappointments of the average
countyy editor are ‘many.
r The grand jury got busy last
week and found many bills,so we
learn. :
~ The grand Jury presentments
will appear in our nexs issue.
Mrs. J. N. Smith visited friends
in Douglas recently.
Mr. A. J. Brannan returned
to Owens lerry, Ga.. last week.
My, J. N. Wolfson left on Wed
.sday morning for New York
JAty, to visit Mrs. Wolfson and
children, who are attending
school there. Alsoto purchase
the balance of his fali stock while
there. -
' Dayvid Williams returned to
‘Mcßae Monday where heis at
tending s@hoo]. i -
¥ Up to last Tuesday merning,
Hazlehur had received 350
bales of cotton this' season, and
the average price hiad been 12c.
:* Mr.! Albert Dyal, of near
Gralnam, left Sunday for Abbe
ille, Ga., where he yxoes to enter
the Dixie Telegraph Shool of that
place. o,
| Rev. W. C. Embry, of Mcßae,
will preach at Philadelphia next
Sunday, the meeting 1s expect:
‘ed to ¢continue several days.
BS. C. Fackler, of Jasper, Fla..
son of the editor of this paper,
is up Here on a few days [visit.
Ha says that he likes Hazlehurst
and we have persuaded him to
come up and locate with u§ per
manently, which e has decided
to do, after he returns to Flori
da and straightens up his gffairs
down there. He is a sing job
‘printer and ere long we hope to
be able to turn out artistic job
work o shart notice. .
Only cne murder case ' 'tried
last week, leaving three mgre on
‘the docket. It vould have taken
three weeks hard work tc have
cleared the Superior court docket
this term, so we have been in
formed. % ;.
. You wouldn’t hardly know the
interior of the Capitel Drug
‘Store now, there has been such a
wonderful improvement made in
‘it. Dr. Pirkle, tlie proprietor
has just received and had put
up . fine fixtures around every
wall. The furniture is beautiful.
When you step into this drug
store you imagine that vou are
in Macon or Atlarta, And tle
prescription case 1S right uv tc
date. Dr. Pirkle is a'very popu-
Jar gentleman, and 1< not only
enjoys & tne drug and cold
drink trade, but he is doing a
fin lpra.ctice. ;
Owning to a down pour of rain
from 6:30 up to 9 eo'clock on
mhursday night ‘last, “the Ups
and Downs ot a Country Editer
Company didn’t give a perform
ance in Douglas lilke advertised.
There would have been a large
audiance out so witnesy the per
formance, had not it rained so
long, and so - hard. The people
over there were very anxious to
gee the play, and wanted the
company to refhain pver unti]
‘Friday night, but seyeral memg
bers were compélled: to return’
‘hdme, the uext day, h‘fi ce we
PT Rl b a 0 ]
2 3 : ‘ ', o %
.. 1 a : .. "dq
riends and Lustomers.
‘ 'y ‘
WE have been doing business in Huzlehurst for quite awhile,
and have always tried to deal square and honorable with our cus
tomers. Whenever we tell theifi a picce of geods, ora pair: of
. . ' . k 2 % v
shces is all right, they cam depend upon what we tell them. We
will not misreprssent goods. In fact, no shoddy goods enter our
store. We handle nothing but the very best goods.
Our Fall and Winter Stock
. > \I" 4 . - :
Has arrived and been opened up for your inspectiou.
s 'lf ~
D Ualß BAP W\ - 00C000C00CEO00000CO0CCECO
\ TSR E W%Mt || -
PP oe A s | 5 |
o M%%mg ””’%@?HWQ We have the most beautiful and
oV, P\ QA A am‘é‘y\'_g\ § .- :
/H{& .‘-\l\-:./ " » gy durable line ‘of Ladies Fall and
o ARG ) e - _ : $
, ‘?fi”fifgfig ;f"l\\j\}‘\' "'fiflh‘, 2//é% M Winter ‘Dreés Goods ever ex-
T i /’,;Z{ % hibited in this town before.
! \)" éil IS lfln‘
' ‘,f‘ A \ NJ»)"' /i //“ '///{‘ s \‘TE' \"l‘4:(’4, \Mi‘\,t‘h‘.:'.'fi'f 4 o
8] . L N\ {_fl, «//?\\\“‘, R Faat
Iy NS e RN el A v
- /,///m i ;,:“‘.,\\{\\\';\\\\3-,. eBB 0000CICO0ILTICO0CSO000000
g g
¥ & \ .
Our Notion Department Can’t be
Excaing. .
We keep up with the vé'ry la,téist Styles‘;i:i Ladies
. 3 .‘ “ .
‘ Neckwear and Rushings.
SHON, SUCHAS « & ¢ ~~ . & Yy #at
WEAR and the RED BELL.
.‘.",:’/ 5 ‘
: = ™ xAn'e
i B LR o k
Scheol Shets. 772 g™
1 : h, WY kel
Come to our store and brmg-yourfi: )\ ¥o S
children, and"let us fit them up in ag‘ " « 4’¥
geod, dlirablé pair of ‘school shoes,' i’ ' | e
something thdy can't izick outin a \" :
week or two. . ';!f léfigflf"f S.C’fVi(.:e'\
s L sangmporianfmnsngierahott
it his siylish,casy filling shoe
—_— e sis unexcelledirspes Zoss
‘ : ?Lf)im owd Posberns 2397329,
Let us sell youa SWAN DOWN HAT. We have them for
Men and B'pys. »
| A YNGR ; : |
V. //) B 8 ? ;},, WE CARRY THE BEST,AN DJ
i) B L o, e A ;
eA ; '
“‘ B . «‘r B KID GLOVES N TOWN. 1
o ' coe ol
We have a large li:ié of PANTS, for bbth Men and’ Boys. l
' This isa splendid Shirt, and you will find thie pricés lpw: 1
}-" Y ; 9 ; sAg ’l - ' 4
A fargeline of McCail's Patéats on hand all the time,
:‘.{ iz :\) \ 3
We cotdially ifivite you to gome to see {B, inspect our goods
and get our prices. Its a pleadure to show; goods, whether you
iy or fpt. Soliciting, yout continued :patronage, We, ate,
w s ',:\Y "'ihm: i i G i |‘; \4
B o &«&m fiflm ) R R i e R R
G ¢ i '
Ace hare, and have been opsaed up and
marked dewn very close.
A esoAT T S P\ S o 571 A s7TB ML S 0
We kzap everything instock that the humaa
family need, such as eatables and s_qnhceh'ine
. . % L .9 .
0 wear., You will slways find eus prices
just as low as we can censistantly make them
What we statein our advertisements ar®
tfacts. W e had rather miss 3 dozen salés.than
e misreprctent a single article in eur stoie,
Shoss and Slippers
The Kiser King Shoé is the best
'shee in:the world. They
wear longer and “look:bet
tcr than any other shoe
At Low Cut Shoes ‘must go at
Some price before the sum
- ¢ Merisover. -
. We don't usually make i GREAT
NOISE, but we have a line of Geeds that
pleases, and the prices are sure to suit yeu.
p e . ~ o s
Cothing, G othing!
: What a glerious feeling to
deck ‘out In New Clothes---
particularly in such clothes as
wecarry. They are designed
‘and made byr celebrated
master tailors. £ . £ -
Our Clothes cdst no tiore than
-t he ordinary.’
" Céme’let us show yoii. No obli
gation t 6 buy. It will be our pleas
ure to show yeu anything { you
might wish to 'incpect, and give
yjou prices on dafne.; YDN
Thanking our many ‘loyal
friends and cuistomers for their
past patronage, and- soliciting
w.centinuance: of sarie, weare,
yours atixiotis to serveyou,
';.; . n“': " J-".‘_ 4 8 ‘-k‘;~,,' 1o ma ,¥ 4 ;