Newspaper Page Text
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riends apd Lustomers.
R\, L ——.
WE have becn doing business in lazlehurst for quite awhile,
nd have always triel to deal square and honorab'e, with our cus
mers, Whenever we tell them o picce of goods, or 2 paiv of
lLices is all right, they cun depend npon what we tell them. We
vill not misreprssent goods. In fact, no shoddy goods enter our
tore. We handle nothing but the very best goods,
ur Fall and Winter Stock
Has arvived and been opaned up for your in<pactin.
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Our Notion Department Can’t bs
We keep op with the- very latest Styles in Ladies
Neckwear and Rushings.
WEAR and the RED BZLL.
Scheol Shets.
Come to our store and ‘bring your
children, and let us {it them up ina
geéd, durable pa'r of school shoes,
something they can’t kick a
week or two.
Let us sell youa SWAN DO N HAT. We have them for
Men and Boys. . ;
' \\,‘E\M"‘\{"‘,(
b dpRE . '
/e Kid Gloves
v / /4 -é ":/’/< :
' (ot AN
fi :;1"-' T
We have a large line of PANTS, for both Men and Boys.
This is a splendid Shirt, and you will find the-prices low.
A largeline of McCall's Patents on hand all the time.
We cordially invite you to come to see us, inspect cur goods
and get our prices. [ts a pleasure to show goods, whether you
buy lor not. Soliciting your continued patronage, we are
yeurs to please, ot ' .
1/ / / oof i/ .l 8 :
We have the most beautiful and
durable line of Ladies Fa'l and
Wirter Dress Goods ever ex
hibited in this town before.:
r.!.,.\ ; o
e 9 X |
- /’1;» \°‘ - : i
| T
S If length of service
Pis an imporiant consideralion
this siylish,easy fifiing shoe
sis unexcelled Zorrozss, Lea~
‘= Thrers and Lorierns 2597390
Grand and Petit’ Jurxrs for the
Spring Term Superior Court
Fullc)\_ving is a list of the Grand
and Petiv Jury drawn gt this, vhe
September term 1999, of the Super
10¢ Court, to serve at che !'ebr.ary
term, 1910, :
: . Crand - Jyry! :
J. T, Sellers, Sherard Byrd, J E
varn, N. L. Hatton, sr. Jesse W, -
dams, G, 1 Mg, 31 ams, G, 1,
llis, jr. Charlie Johnson, K. E, L.
Hand, uideon Yawn, G W Dyals
iX. W. Roddenberry, J. D. Pittman
G. W, Meldachin, . 13, Pennington
S. W.Johnson, J 4. 1. Stokes, sr.
O. W.llark, Y. L. Wood, V B
Woodwurd, K.J. Riddles, T. J.
Halls L. C. L 8 Iy, L. 8. Kilis,G.} .
Arinsirong, ‘L. o, Eilig, J. G, Googe
G. D Wison, W. R. Ilitomen, |
Pezit Jury. {
M. F. Reyaolds, W. w. Miller, H.L,
Couliins, R. L. Guoze, N. L. taatten,
jroJ. R. Und2rwood, J. L. Kllis,
w. W, Harrigoa, H. G Tree t, Wl
Ray,James N. Yawn, John M.
Byrd, J. A. Saipes, Lewis W. John
son, W. L. Willems, G W Carter,
T, L. Ellis, R. H. »tatford, H. E.
Hand, W. B. Burns, J M Ray,
J. W, Penningion, W. T. DParrish,
J. R. Horton, W. J. Yarboro, W.M.
Googe, J. . Williams, T, T, Lewis,
W. M. Spell, J. T. Smith, W J
White, J. A. Pickren, N. Rickerson,
W.T.Purie. i P Lwmg, J ¥
Stokes, jr.
dow About Gol. P, L. Smith [or
State Seut?
To the voters and citizens of Jelf
Davis county: From the creation
of the Third Senatorial . Dis
trict to the creation of the new
county of Jeff Davis the selection of
a candidate for- the State Senate
from the 3rd was in rotat'on; each
county was given the privilige
every third térm. When the new
county wes created Applinghad the
Senator, Next, Picree taken it,
then Wayne, Appling came in to
take it again, and now it scems to
be Jeff Davis’ time if all are satisied
to put forth enz of her loyal sons of
the wirezrass.
Now, we do not want to doviate
from the rule. If it is our timz, we
want te say who he shzall be. How
about Col."P.'L. §mith? - Heis a
native born citizen and a good lav -“
var, and wow!:dl possibly do S)me‘
good work for his county. Voter, |
GEORGI *---Teff Davis County. '
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Orainary of sizid county for leave
to sel! land belonging to the exs
tate of Elegy Dyal, for the pur
pose of distribution, said appli
cition will b heard at th: reg
alar term of the court of Ordina
ry for said county to be held on
the first »onday in October 1909,
This the 6th day of Sept. 1909.
§ ¥ W DYAL
Administrator on the estate of
Eiegy Dyal.
Farming Impliments for Sale.
- I havein mny possession, and
}um agent for same, one and twe
two horse Cultivators. These
are great labor-saving.maclines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved and are made from
the best material. They alse de
lthe very best work that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
within the next 60 days at actual
. cost, for casi.. :
I havealso, corn and cotton
H)lamters, which will be seold at
‘cost, within the next 60 days. .
- Coneand "sec 'f;.bem, if you
need anything in this line
H. J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga. R. F. D, Ne. 2
Give Us Your Ginning.
lam in the ginning business.
I gin both Upland and Sea Island
Cotton. Will gin Sea Island cot
'ton at SI.OO per hundred, and
cover for same. Upland cotton
40cts, per Gundred, and cover
for SI.OO. Will deliver it at the
depot at Pine Grove free ol
charge. Bringon your cottoa,
: M. B. Johnson.
v y [
When in need of onion sets, drop
in at the People’s Drug Store,
Jur Fall ae Winter
- bid
A::hzraallhvebien bp ratd upand
. e ST
marked dowa very ciose, -,
We kzep everything instock that thic human
faally nz2:l, suazh as exwtidlzs and somethiag
t) weéar. You will slways find eur prices
ju.t as low zs w¢ caa, consistantly mzke them
What we state ‘n our advertisimeats are
facts. Wz had rather miss = doz2n sales than
to misrearcsent a siafle articiz 1n our store,
o e Q
Shoss and Slippers
The Kiser King Shoe is the best
shee in the world. They
wear longer and look bet
tcr than any other shoe
All Lew Cut Shozs must go at
Some price before the sum
| mer is over.
" We don't usually make a GREATH
NOISE, but we have a line of Goeds that
pleases, and the prices are sure to suit_you.
: 0 &. " Y A
Clothing, Clothing!
What a glorious feeing 0
deck cut in New Clothese---
particularly in such clothes as
we carry. They are designed
and made by celebrated
master tailors. @& & |
Our Clothes ccst no morethan,
the ordinary.’ |
Come, let us show you. No obli- 1
gation to buy. It will be our pleas
ure to show you anything you
might wish to inspect, and give
you prices on same. .
sl o<L Al 5 o : “ .
Thanking our many. loyal.
friends and customers for their
past patronage, and soliciting
a centinuarce of same, we are,
yours anxious to serve you,