Newspaper Page Text
Wity s T, o 0 theflest Taoe
Ay i Dsarvenags, as polie
oakeryasthrednut horsain sl
cmaty, within tar land hones of
sale, toshe higaast bid lee [or
casll eartn prprey, of whieh
the followineisa fa’l anl eom:®
plete dascriprim: One landred
(1O aerrs, worao s losy, of land
ivinganv! beitg in the N asth
West corner ol lo* of land nu'n
bered Three uedred and Fif
teen (315) in the 2nd la o istries
oborigingliy Appling, now Jeff-
Davis County, Georgin and
bounded on the North and West
by the original land I'nes of said
ok, 01 the Bast and South by
lands of Mary C. Tuckor, .
Said property levied on as the
propercty of Ll, Bryant, to sat
Infy an execution issued from
the city comt of Dounglas, Cassie
Connty G®orgi, in fuvor of T'he
Citizens Bank of Haziehurst
against M, A. Bryant, J. ]. Jow
ers, o. 1. Bryantand J. I, Her ‘
“lington, said property being in
possession of J T Bryant.
Sutd property pointed out by
J .. Herrvinzton, indorser and
tenant inpossession notitied “in
writing. Tais the Ist, day of
Sept. 1909, W, MR
Sheriff. |
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis Cnunby.}
Wiil ba sold on the tirst Moes
day in Octover next, at puinCl
o itery at the conrt hense in said
county, within the leg | hwars of
sale, to the hichest bid.ler for
cash, certain property, of which
the loilowing is a full and com
piete description. all of the S»uth
hall of lot of Jand numbered
Kive Hundred and Forty Two
(342) in tha 2nd « Jand district of
sqid eonnty, eontaining Two Hun
dred and FHorty [fve (213) acres
mere or less, and bourded on
the North by lunds of E. C. Yawn |
and Delone o Yawn and on East
South snd West by original land
lines. Said property levied on as
the property ¢f J. N. Yawn to
satisfy an execution issued from
the city court es Hazlehurst, Jeff
Davis County, Georgia, in favor
of the Baxley Sanking Conpany |
against James H. Yawn, James
N. Yawn principals and J. E. zmdl
J. W. Varn, mdorsers. tuid‘
property being iz possession of
J.N. Yawn, and pointad out by
J K.and ] W. Varn indorsers.
This the Ist day of Sept, 1909.
W.H. Eriis,
: Shariff.
Also at the same time and
place will be =old the following
property, to-wit: 145 acres of
Lot of Land No. 241 first Dis
trics of Jeff Davis County. levied
upon and will be sold as the prop
orty of Jas. W. Veu., to satisfy a
tax ti. fa. issued by W. ] Googe,
Tax Oollector Jeil Davis County,
for State and County Taxes for
vear 1908. This Sept. 6, 1909.
W. 1. ELLis, Sherift.
Will also be sold belore the
court house on the first Tues
dav in December 1909 the
following property to-wit: Lot
of Land No. 267 alse lot No. 266
both lots lying and beirng in the
Ist District Jeff Davis Conunty,
levied upon as the property of
Frank M. Appleby, to satisfy a
tax fi. fa. issued by W, J. Goowe,
T. C. jess Davis county for state
and zounty taxes for the year
1908. This Sept. 6Gth, 19¢9.
& W. H. ErLric, Sheriff.
Also at the same time and
place will be sold the following
property to-wit: 18 acres ol lot
of land No. 862 first District Jest
Davis county, levi:d-upon as the
property of Lucy Buckhannon,
ro satisfy o tax ti. fa. issued by
W. 1 Googs, T. C. Jest Davis
county for state and county tax
es fer the yvear 1908, This Sept.
Gth 1909. W. 11. Ellis. Sheriff.
Me Likes the [Tiser IKing Shoe.
ifegs ey, ke, Lur 20 1069,
T WU Weatherly— Dear Sir:
Please send me pair No. 6
Kiser King No. 872 shoes. The
pair that I bought of vou ten
months ago is good for soar
months more. T want anecthe
pair belore you are out, {or they
the best- and ecasiest shye I
ever wo e. Kespt, ;
Jobn Kevegt
T. H. Weatherly sole agent, fai*
Davis County. " a n-3m
Dr. Chgistian now has a full
supply of Lis famous Catarrh
Balm and Croup Specific on
hand. Try a box, cure gnarantee
Tbe ‘. »' ‘ i eilfible
e i
| |
J. J. Frazier & Son,
86 PHONE 86.
Frze Delivery to Any Part of City
Square Deatings and Goods of Cuality, %
We are Always in the
‘ ‘
: . *
LY | ‘
We handle everything that is kept
ln Aa first-class . |
‘1 Grocery Store.
We thank our old custemérs for their
patronage, and solicit new oné_s.~ If
you trade with us once, youare sure
'to trade with us ever afterwards.
Hazlehurst, Ga,
, Trace No, I—l,ooo acres in budy,
’125 weies in culunvauon, ¥ gßoud 1w
Jwideangs, This jand .@8 une mila
Jdver Livat, caa be VU acres puil ul
Wliay § wailes north of Gy ui Hae
Jdelilist, Al S3OO per acre,
"liacy NO, z—idv b budy, gocd
10Cadta 1o SLOCK lalm, can we 4oy
ACles pul o cuadvailon, ciuil il
wuw Gu lands, very goud wuuse uie
ausheu, was one aaile 11ver arent; o
wiies northeast of wduzleausst, Gu, AL
5.0 per oure, ‘
liuct No, 5=370 acres In bedy, 40
acios in cultivatidn, goud bul.dings, 4
andes of nmazleaurst, west, ol $5:09
Jer acre,
Tiacy No, 4—3800 acres in bedy, 4
niles nerth of Mazlehurst, with, (175
sers. in cultivation, 50 acres goud
swamy plantation, .25 Adies upiand,
1k very rich land and veiy produes
Jdve, buiidings in fair condition. At
310,00 por acre,
'ract No. $—243 acres In body, 8
mniles cast of Hazlehurst, 65 acres in
cultivation, goed land, good buildicg,
excellent waier, At §bH.vo er acre,
Tract No. 6—245 acres in body, 7 1-2
miles of Hazlehurst, 40 acres in cul
tivation, common buildings in good
condition, At s6.coper acre,
Tract No. 7—300 acres in bHody, 65
acres in cultivation, gocd 6 rooi
uouse frame, finished and painted;
;ood barn and other outbuildings; 6
arge bearing pecan-trees and apple
jrehard and gocd water, This farm
s two miles ncrth of Hazlehurt, wiin
yublic road in front yard; telephone
line passing, with connection. Tltis
is ene-of the most conifortable farms
‘n the county, healthy and preductive.
q4izh red pimply lands. $4,500. Terms
11,200 cash, S3OO Jonuary 1, 1910, 3590
Januar 1, 1911: SSOO January 1. 1912;
June 1, 1912, 15es, icterest gr
deerrd paymints at 6 per cent,
D f l" ' 7s ‘ R o o
Peoples Dru@ >,
__&> TELEPHONE No. 7. tmme
Wehandle nething but the very best and purest
All Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Lttention,
A complete stock of all Drug
Store Sundries. |
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Goll Jewelry
ever sesn in Hazlehurst befare; and, you wiil
find eur prices right, too.
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY es every des
criptien. When in meed of writing material
ceme te the :
Peoples Drug Sfore
The City Pharmacy,
W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r,
Sadie” " T N
I carry a fresh and complete lize of
Drugs and [ledicines
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Kt
——Beautiful line of——- :
Elegant Ice Crecam and Scda Parier,
il live within a few sieps es my drug stere, ané ¢
easily be called at any heur of the night by these v
may need medicine after I have clesed. |
will be proud of eull at cnce &
e 2how you wuat | huve, Will
eusy leius ard paymeuts on all
City Froperty cf Hazlehurst,
wO, I=—one house and lot in
of Hazlehuret, ua,, couisting of
hal! acre es lend fronting on
Lachee sueet, the wain suvo. €
iy, ard Cemetery street; a ¢
o, with 6 10om buliding, 2 g
wiod lov and barn; renvs for |
Por onta; will sell lor sl,.u, 3
cash; SSOO January 1, 1911, or
laike gued nules bankable ror ¢
No, ¢=One hcuze and lot cn
ley and Mcßae streets, consist
vae-alf eere of land; new, wel
fsaed 7 ruem cbullding, house
jatuted; good new bairu; wiil =
' $2,500; easy payments; rents O
per month, :
No. 3—-" Three-fourths of an a
land fronting Tallanassee strec,
two veiry gcod houses; reant 1o
each per month; will sell for §!
casy payments, :
No. 4-—=One vacant lor on T
sce str.ct; one-hall acre, wel |
ed; will sell for $300; cash f
Lank notes,
No. s—Two vacant lots om o
tery street; one-half acre fiont;
sell for $300; cash or gocd nuie
No. 6—One vacant lot fromting
liams street: one half acre frovt;
vell for $1350. \
N.. 7—One vacant lot on Baxie;
Mcliae streets; one-halt acre,;
gell for $250. Cash or sood 1
Coeme and see this property ani
1 home ‘in the City. of _Hazlel
Good faeilities for educating
children; wood water; healthy p
zocd locality for any Kkind of
ness. |