Newspaper Page Text
%oca [ .(’i);?cwa
Col, Price is attend'ny Camden
Superior court this week. l
~ Sheriff Oversireet, of Baxley was.
in the city Tuesday on business,
Ol R T Williams visited Mont
gomery county on Saturday last on
J W Bighem, of the Foot &
Davies Co, Atlanta, was here a few
days ago,
Remamber that the Peoples Drug
Store keeps the finest {ine of sta
tionery in town,
Frank MeDoncld, an engineer on
the Florida East Coast, was here
Sunday visiting friends. ‘
The Sclicitor of the city court
informs us that there are 57 crim
inal cases on the docket for the Oc
tober term,
Mr. Freeman Dritt’s mule threw
him on Tuesday morning last, and
the fall came near disiocating his
right shouldor,
Both of our baaks are in fine
condition. The only thing that
worries us is, we have no cuash to
deposit in either one of them.
Col L Carter, one of Jesup's best
finanziers and business men, and a
director of Citizens Bank of this
plaza, was in Hazlehurst this week.,
All the farmers in this part of
the ecountry szams o bein 2 jolly
mood these days, and 12 and 13gts
cotton is enough to make them feel
good. i
Farmers, many of you could pay
vour subscription to The News in
corn, sweet-potato2s, chichens, eggs, |
and almost any old thing to eat, if |
vou only would do so. |
If its preity and up-to-date pos
tal cards you are looking for, to |
send to your friends or sweethearts, '
go to the Peoples Drug Store. They |
have jus: received a large and beau- |
tis -1 line of them. [
Mi Youug the contractor,is mak- !
ing Mr I M Haynes’ residence look
like a new building altogoth - 4
New rooms are being added, thel
roof coverel and other improve
m:2*3 mode to the strietyre, )
Mr W F Bagiman and i J Rod-l
denberry have gone into the mer
cantile business together at Denton,
And we learn that our townsman,
Mr E M Taylor will move to that
place and open up business soon,
No clestric lights these nights.
The plant was levied on a few days
ago, and has been shut down ever
since. The city council ought to
buy this electric plant, and run it
in connec:ion with the waterworks,
On Sunday, October the 3rd, a
protracted meeting will begin at tte
Baptist church this place, and will
continue for several days. KEvery
body is invited to attend this meet
ing. A great and glorious revival
is anticipated during this meeting.
Nr.J. W. Outlaw, of Hahira,
delivered an able address on Sat
urday afternoon last to quite a
number of farmers. He is con
nected with the Farmer’'s Sea Is
land News, of the above place, and
se2ms to be a pretty good hustler.
We are glad to 'state that Mrs
J. A. Moore, of Douglas, is on the
road to recovery. She has bheen
down many days with typhoid fever
and last week she was so low, that
her mother (Mrs, Latimer) and
other relatives of this place, were
summoned to her bedside.
Mrs. D. Patrick handles nothing
but the very best of millinery.
And again, she keeps up with the
very latest styles in hats and mil
linery goods. Ladies, visit her
place of business and inspect her
lovely line of fall and winter hats.
Ilts a pleasure for her to show them,
whether yon buy or not.
Mrs. D. Patrick has just received
and opened up, the most up-to
dat and beautiful line of millinery
goods ever seen in this town be
fore. Her line of fall and winter
hats can’t be excelled in Macon or
Atlanta. She cordially invites the
ladies of Hazlehurst and surround
ing country t» attexd her,~
A G. & F. train passed through
town on the Southern track 'T'ues
day morning enroute to Augusta.
This train contained the officials,
‘their families and housenold gouds.
The headquarters of this road has
been at Douglas for quite awhile
but now it has moved 10 Augusta,
WANTED---I"ive thousand light
lniug bugs to furnish lights for the
City of Hazlehurst. Bugs must be
delivered within the next two
weeks. For further information
apply at this office
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Knight*have
gone to house-keeping, They are
‘domiciled in the Brown cottage,
where they will be at home to their
friends in the future. There never
was a more popular couple of young
people in Jeff Davis county than
these two are, and their frionds are
Miss Delle Lovingood, of Tate,
Pickins county, Ga., arrived last
Saturday, and on Monday mornugi
went to work in Grant & l’ricx:':s-l
law oftice as their stenographer.
She enmes highly recommonded, |
and is from one of the hest fa milies!
in mid le Geoorgia, ‘
W. T. Patrick, Sheriff Fllis and
Roger Williams spent last Sunday |
in Douglas. ~ Mr. Patrick informs
us that Dr. Hall isimproving rapid- |
Iy, and when he recovers .suffi':ient-'
ly to travel, he is cominz over to,
Hazlehurst and spend a few days.:
No man ever livied in this place
who had more good friends thanl
Dr. John M. Hall has. And weare
~l'ways glad when he visits u-, 1
We are glad to note that M",‘
Pearce is having six more rooms
built to his hotel. He couldn’t naar
accommodate the people court weok |
He could feed them, [ righs ':‘:.:"vl..‘
but couldn’t sleep them. Thiz %
one of the most popular hotels onl
the Southern Railroad, and has the
reputation of setting as good tablel
as any hotel in the state. Mr. O.W.|
Clark has been awarded the contrast|
to do the work. 1
Trank ilail, colored, 1z ot & free
man vet, us many thought after
reading in the lagt issue o The
News about his case beinz noll
prossed. The bill that was =2
prossed was a defective bill and the
five vears sentence impoz>! on Hall '
during last sp-ihg termm by Judze
Parker, still hangs over his hea.
Hall’s lawyers have earried his :~:1s:l
to the Supreme Court, anl the gen
eral impression is that this courti
will aftirm the lowaer court’s de |
cision. \ '
Th: New Balah Primitive Bap
tist Association will convene at Mt.l
Carmel church on Friday. October
Bth. FEverybody is invited tol
attend. I
On Wednesday of last wesk a ity i
election was held to elect a mayor,
to take the place of IHon. J ' Ben- !
nett, resigned. There were two
candidates in the field for this officc
Dr. R H Green and Mr. F M Hayns.
‘The vote stood when the polls|
%(:loscd: Hayvnes 21, Green 69. |
‘ Col. J. R. Grant received a coupleJ
of barrels of apples from his old
North Georgia home o few days
ago. He said that something” had
to be done, for his good wife had
stated to him plainly, that he could
either order some apples from their
old home county, or else she would
pay a visit up there herself and get
them. So he decided it was cheep
est to order them, and didso. They
were fine and this editor and his
three little boys ‘were presented
with a dozen or two which was en
joyed very much.
Our Water-works Plant Nearing Gom.
\ pletion.
Our waterworks plant is nearing
completion, the power-house with
Ia 100-horse power engine, has been
completed, save a few finishing
touches, This building is 39x43 ft.
The reservoir is now ready for
water, and the foundation for the
tower and tank are completed, and
within aicquple of weeks this part
tower will be 80 sect high. "
The capacity of the reservoiris
100,000 gallons of water, aid that
of the tank 60,000 gallons,
~ The work of putting down water
mains throughout the city are near
ly completed.
A gentleman by the name of
Loyd has the eontract for boring
the well, and work is going steadiy
on; he charges the city so much per
Mr. W. W. Wilks, the Supeain
tendent of this work, informed the
editor of this paper on Monday last
that everything would be finished
up and ready to tnrn over to the
ity within the next five weeks,
The Formers Unioa Raliy.
The Farmers Unlon Rallv at
Rosky Dranch church on Friday
iagt was a grand succeess in every
sens 2 of the word, 8o we lzarn, We
wanted to attend thiz raliy, and
aim to go if we had to make a s:w-l
rifice to do so, but it happened, we
had business on our hands that x_l:‘xyl
that could not be postponed, so we
had to forego this pleasure and rc-i
main at home. The day was beau
tiful, the spealkers were at their bcst!
and the dinner could not be bcnt,l
so we were told. While the crowd!
was large, there was plenty left ati
the table to feed as many more.
Sorry that we have been unable
to secure the names of all the speak
ers present on this oczasion. A Mr.
MeDonald, from some point in mid
dle Georgia, was the speaker of the
day, and he was equal to the occe
sion, making a splendid spcech.|
Rev, Googe was called upon ufter
dinner, He mad: an exzellen: talk,!
¢ iving his hearcrs fine adviea, ‘
We only wist that someone who
w 2 pest hed written up this
R omnbimetp A g B
In condusion we want to =siate
that the Parmers Union are growing
right along in th's seetion. |
A AT |
Taylor to Hang - on November 3rd
For the Murder of Belcher.
Fate Tayler, who wa3s on irlal ..
Appling superior court lass weekh
£3r tha mur lor of W A Boleher, was
found quiliy, with no recommenda
tion for mer:y, br the jury Friday.
ifromaoon. He was sentenced to
h> hanged November 3rd by Judgc!
Par'zar. The defence made a me
gon [or & nzw ol
Taylor killed W A DBelcher on
the 10th day of last August for no
visible reason except a slight alter
cation that they had early in i
morning. He was carried to Bruns
wick Saturday afternoon for snfe-’
keeping, The condemned man
stood to receive his sentence with-‘
out a tremor, afier stating in &
distinet voice that he had no l*c:monl
why the death sentence should not
be pronounced. ‘
He was represented by Messrs
King & Sellers, and Solicitor J H
Thomas was assisted in the prose
cution by Messrs Parker and High
Taylor is a younz man and has
a wife and two children. i
Why Not Let
A 22N e .
‘—‘ A Qu‘ O ‘ = ‘
%’ *\‘Q ?:';; ) é F 2
o 4 % "\h%-!\
B iU
Come After Your Job Work. fie'i|
Give You Prices,
Plain Talks on Fertihzers
A Talk to Iruit-Growers
You uee a fertilizer
of course, but do you
use enough ?
The yield flcr acre,
and the profit therefrom
incrcases in far greater
proportion than the cost
of additional fertilizer,
What is an increase in
cost of $2.00 to SIO.OO
per acre for fertilizer
when the rcturns therefrom
show an increase of $50,00 to
$250.00 per acre?
The big Magnolia TFruit
Farmsat Durant, Miss., tested
the wcilknown Virginia-Car-
STV, e eain it Bt
o g f
L o\"%&
- S
’_:" g~
R/ Aol
.”\" B 2 et
[ T - )
: e Secsmiiin
acre were used. :
This is modern intensive cul
ture, the method that is doub
ling and trebling the crops of
all kinds of fruit in
either good or in poor
and worn-out land all
over the country—and
in good soil, too.
fl“w 2
~ ;“ 3 ."_Q = i B P
_— A & e ?4’.‘;\";.‘:::‘;1;-
e e ;6 ] '{u"lh.:" P
g SV e T
.'.fw:—'«b. ‘x{{?‘ :i.;.A‘. R
‘Af’-fi!’ T ¥ Ts 30
“';_‘.'«:‘ A .'nb"'-n-l R
il R s y ;;f@.**«. v
= ¥ eRe oel
', ) - i
£ *”’u o 0 i
) -~
| fl>, Lemiar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon
B B& ~> _ liver medicine, cures indigestion, con-
By By B stipation and biliousness, arous-
EY S B l ing the liver to proper i\ealthy
B 8 B u*‘* S action. It never nauseates or
. NGRS gripes, but acts gently and thoroughly.
j gfl‘i ok o ———————————————————————————————————————————
“*-u....-A' Wt 3 st BEAGRMNEY L s i . -
"'(t "~ ? " 'v&:’s}": ";;‘,:f,iil":;y v 5 5 4 {
N 54 1 3 0 ba,e (), DRy
e A T R R
P e P o P @
P. P. P. will purify and vitalize your
blood, create a good appetite and give your
whole system tone and strength.
A prominent railroad superintendent at
Savaunah, suffering with Malariu, Dyspep.
sia, and Rheumatism says: “After taking
P. P. P. he never felt so well in his life, and
feels as if he could live forever, if he could
always gt P. P. P.”
If you are tired out from over-work and
close confluement, take
P 7. 7.
If yzu are feeling badly in the eprin
end out of sorts, take v 8
PP 7.
If your digestive organs need toning up,
P 77
1f you snffer with headache, indigesticn,
debility and weakness, take
PR 7.
It you suffer with nervous prostration,
nerves unstirung and a geweral let down
of the syswn, take
E.E. V.
For Blood Poison. Rheumatism, Scrof
ula, Old Sores, Malaria, Chronic Fewale
Complaints, take °
Prickly Ash, Poke Root
and Potassium.
The best blood purifier in the world.
Savannah, - < Georgia.
is printed for folks who want to
keep up to date on big things,
and who don’t want to be bored
to death while they’re at it.
So its chinks are filled with
good stories, good sentiment,
and good humor.
Read the publishers’ talk this
month, and Kou’ll sec just
whore we standg, - w -
e o
s ._;.-t
olina lertilizer
quantitics on
their strow
berry crop.
Result: when
1,000 lbs. per
acrc were used
the profit was
acre than when
500 lbs. per
(% ¢ SR, & S
' \_'l!324"!sl&@@-.
. The cYield will be
according to the
amount of plant food
you give your trecs or
plants — you can de
pend onit, The better
th:?' are fed the greater
and more valuable will
be your crop. Fertil.
ize sparingw and you
reap sparingly,
The fact that ever a miilion
tons of Virginia-Carolina
Fertilizer were sold last ?rear
proves them to be without
cqual. Every fruit farmer,
no matter what method he
now uscs, should get the Vir-
ginia - Carolina
new Year Book
or Almanac.
It is free to all
who-are intes
ested enough
to write for it,
Address us to
thenearest city
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk, Va.
Columbia, S. C.
Atlanta, Ga. .
Columbus, Ga.
Savannah, Ga.
Montgomery, Ala,
Memphis, Tenn,
Shreveport, La.
'y - 3 A
Copyright, 1874, '5. "6, 1902, 4 @i 1909,
bv IV. ;. Brownson. :
The following dieenses are caused | ¥ acid
im the blood m«t are cured by thisrine. 4
which takes froimn one way to two weshs, fter tha
Fing cOmMNences to WOrk: accoraing o Girtase and
cipoumein cves, Tha ving and the acid (reste aun
elncteo-shewienl action, removing the vacess of
acit, which cures the disesrs ana will heep it Chle v
Briche's Disnase, Dishetes-it is net u habit with
i dren, Onares -5t Viteg's Liance, Chlorosis---
Groan orekaoss -Painful aniu "x‘u»i\o Muenthy
Perio 5. (Tromia, Stnycope, Lpiejer. Nervoss Pros.
At oL Noso noewi, Tatoras! 51(~u;l~!l‘hl'xefi. Khino
JitH---i BrORY ooneration formed it the rose---Aue
nai s, Polypus, Qesarect, Goiire, Y nooping-Ceugh,
Rhsarmatnsi---lafana ey, Gout, Lun:lcpn, Ar
cieatar. Seiativ, Moo, Awthn o, fce ache, dew
rale .. Neurotin, Vaont o€ L Wuntatism of Feart,
Py onatie Faver, Fheumotic: lirairew By 1,
waip Bee Ware ivabe e, Crevitere, 'l ypenriners,
Speeav, Qovaity, Jwity §ezeverntion of Jiears. £p-
U tieipir, Tate nat e o f Fowels, Chronie Dysan
¥ Anit s, o steaach, yhitl (aveep the wer §
At el oustiprtion--the eiler bive is cairr oy
A weaso, Qaner g eoron -y earens I
arrs. Oraonetieo Aineeys, Brec g Piadder
penasibly, ites iz o Onl)atenas, 70 o, DeiESitien
L e s A sotg on Nai'e ~ riv, Yiterher r
I L SECCe e Yivio. e
Rs e Lie ROTOL se Yeiveawne Uligy im
Vo o ate-nfbenone] o dur s er BG4 ee, TTREEN
. ofocts n” athoria, Feoaract, ' vel wr i
lapind ™ This ping ¥ vets o ceoad e b
ot H3ame aRd v o iRI lien s TP RNER
Clain Biv., moo Guil Gongng e ibisay
By Mail wr 211 read oy Paoves® Culgetn
vty il you vish to rey <t . &
1 .“‘,:,‘: N G‘ur.vuru o ek ,I‘l
T’w- 3 ...',‘.{_,f‘h“n“':d' - - .'...,;-...\.:..5:t»‘!‘); .-‘-_d.f} a
. ;,.n‘.‘&. AZENTE SAL b ;.u..‘.u.x.ula ...:!:
fedee Oot Ntme so 1705 Banran €4 [ Talsf Aty fir.
e i Ae+ e M 'i‘ ]
Wrong Again. s g
dia s K
A political speaker was attacking}
the government of the day withs
. NN
more venom than reason. A mam.
at the back of the hall at Jast erie
out, “You’re wrong, sir!” A’ litth
nettied, the orator continued withsf
out heeding. Presently, in answes}
to znother strong assertion, camy ;g
$ e ’ A
again, “You’re wrong. sir!” T} “é
speaker looked angry, but continucdy
on the warpath. “You're wrongd
gir!” again rang out. s
Angrily addressing the persistey o
one, the orator cried: “Look i’
I could tell this man somethingd
about this government which woulds
wake his hair stand on end!” ! ¥
“You’re wrong again, sir!” camel
exultantly from the eritic as i
stood up and removed his hat. Figh
head was as bald as the proverbiaf
billiard ball.—London Globe.
The Plain Part of It. 4
“Id the young man they caught i
¢raudulent transactions peculate Vers |
much ¥’ A e
“I donno about that, but he stole &)
lot”—Dßaltimore American. i
¥ S al%y
Excrilas and Eatinge 07
There can be no egercise withoal
(A S
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P N i R
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sflx"; }fi\’h
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PO =
ki tvs =y
Durham, N. C.
Charleston, S. C,
»Baltimore, Md.