Newspaper Page Text
ity @ A Tilßadil . v“s‘vwr e R LN
The New Convict System Has
Proven Successful.
Road Work Has Been Satisfactory in
Every County Where Convicts
Have Been Employed.
Atlanta, Ga—The new state con
viet system is no long.r an experi
Put imto operation on April 1, six
wonths ago, it is proving a greater
success than its most ardent support
ers had hopgd for, and in couunties
where road work is being done by
convicts under the new plan, it is giv
ing absolute salistaction, No com
plaints of its workings have becn
lodged aguinst it,
“The new system is proving a great
er suecess thun any of us ever haped
for,” said Captain Wiley Williaras of
the prison commission, while discuss
ing its operation. *“I have visited
many counties, great and small, dur
ing the past few months and have
kept in close touch with the workings
of the system, and everywhere 1 have
been the county authorities have ex
pressed the greatest satisfaction, Its
superiority to the old lease system
is being practically demonstrated by
the enthusiasm for good roads and
the splendid work being done to build
them up.
“The skoptical critics of the new
systein,” continued Captain Williams,
“prophesied that the idea of putting
convicts in charge of the various
counties and working them upon the
roads would prove visionary and
would result in failure because the
county authoritics who were inexpe
rlenced in hendiing convist would
have all sorts of trouble with them.
“On the contrary there has been
comparatively little trouble from this
source; there have been fewer es
capes than anybody anticipated; only
two or thee of the wardens have
heen changed because of inexperi
onee; the management of the com
viets has been entirely satisfactory,
and splendid work has been done in
every county where they have been
“It was also said that many of the
counties, especially the smaller ones,
finding failure staring them in the
face, would turn their convicts back
upon the state and thus seriously han.
dicap if not completely defeat the
workings of the system. On the con.
irary, we have not bheen able to sup
ply the demand for convicts. As an
example County Attorney Willing
ham of Monroe county applied to the
commission for fifleen more convicts
for Monroe, and the application could
not be granted because the convicts
wereg not available, :
“The new convict system is certain
ly no longer an experiment.”
He Would Be Away Two Months if
He Accepted All
Atlanta, Ga.—ls Governor Brown ac
cepted al lthe invitations received to
attend county fairs in Georgia, he
would be out of his office two-thirds
of the time during October and No
Governor Brown has found it nec
agsary, therefore, to decline practical
ly all such invitations, and aside
from 2 trip in November to Macon,
Augusta and Savannah with Presi
dent Taft, he will not go away from
his office, unless important matters
arise to take him,
While he would personally like to
accept the open-handed hospitality of
fered him at so many places, Govern
or Brown recognizes that duty calls
him to remain in his office every day
possible. People come from all parts
of the state every day to consult him
about matters of importance, and he
teels that it would be an injustice
to them to be away so much.
The DRistrict Agricultural School Must
Wait for Extra Funds,
Atlanta, Ga.—lt develops that tlie
cleven district agricultural schools
must wait until next year for the ad
ditional appropriations of $2,000 each,
which was given them at the last
sousion of the legislature,
The legislature passed a bill appro
priating $22,000 to the agricultural
schools, or $2,000 each, to be paid
them immediately and out of any
funds in the treasury, “not otherwise
Theie ‘are no funds in the state
treasury ‘not otherwise appropriat
ed,” a fact which was clearly devel
oped in connection with the proposed
purchase of land near Chattanooga to
he used for terminals for the Western
and Atlantic railroad.
It is also reported that the state
hoard of health has exhausted its ap
propriation and is in need of funds.
Supreme Court Hands Down an Im.
" portant Decision,
. Atlanta, Ga.—According to a decis
tion handed down by the supreme
court it is not unlawful for a firm
doing busziness in Chattancoga to so
licit orders for intoxicating liquors
by uce of the mails in the state of
The case in question was that of
Rose vs. the State, and was carried
up from the city court of Ailanta. Its
effect i to,(revm..%dflfim,phthfi.
“.lr. , n‘s,” t*t ~, " :':‘i‘f ‘:' M the ;
Not a Penny to Pay For the Fullest
Modical Examination,
if you are in doubt as to the cause
of yqur disease mall us a postal re
questiug a medical examination blank,
which you will fill out and return to
us. Our doctors will carefully dlag
nose your case, and if you ecan be
- eured vou will be told so; if you can
s not be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated to us in any way;
this advice is absolurely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
vou see fit, Send to-day for a medl
cal examination blank, fill out and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our eminentdoctors will dlagnose
’ your case thoroughly absolutely free.
Munyon's, 53d and Jefferson Sts.,
‘ Philadelphia, Pa.
The money you see in your dreams
is pood enough, while it lasts, but it
docsn't jingle in the right way.
The majority of property owners
are under the impression that spring
time is the only painting time. DBut
the fall of the year offers several ad
vantages to the painter. One of the
most important is that surfaces are
almost sure to be dry, and there is no
frost or inner moisture to work out
after the paint is applied.
Pure white lead-—the Dutch Bey
Painter kind—mixed with pure lin
seed oil (tinted as desired) gives a
winter coat to a building that is an
armor against the severest attacks of
the winter rain,sleet, winds and snow.
National Lead Company, 1902
Trinity Bldg., New York City, makers
of pure white lead, Dutch Boy Paint
er trademark, are offering to those in
terested a complete painter’s outfit,
consisting of a blow pipe and lead
tester, book of color schemes, etc.
State whether you want exterior or
interior decorating,
- To spoil the child and spare the
rod is the average opinion of the
complete angler.
Women who suffer with backache,
bearing down pain, dizziness and that
constant dull, tired feeling, will find
comfort in the advice of Mrs. James
T Wright, of 519
Goldshorough St., Kas
m ton, Md., who =ays:
9 oMy back wasinavery
aqg;' t bad wa-, and wken
_l‘@(«’ ;',not painful was so
S R weak it felt as if bro-
R %+ ken. A friend urged
m’ me to try Doan’s
% Kidney Pills, which 1
did, and they helped
me from the start. It made me feel
like a new woman, and soon [ was
doing my work the same as ever.”
Remember the name—-Doan’s. Sold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos
ter-Milburp Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ‘
1t doesn’t take a long time to find{
out how much of a fellow’s homhlow-i
ing are not grace noties, |
Rough on Rats, unbeatahle exterminator.
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25¢.
RKough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25¢,
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c.
Rough on Roaches, Pow’d, 15¢c.,Liq'd, 26c.
Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder,2jc.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25,
E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jorsey City, N, J.
No man is master of himseif until
he has laid truth down as the corner
stone of his existence.
Hick’s CAPUDINE is the best remedy-—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's
liquid—effects immedistely. 10c., 25¢c. and
00c., at drug stores
It is of little use to go out and buy
contentment—search for it in your
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets late and
invigorate stomach, liver a':(fu bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take,
Do not gripe.
To nurse a grievance requires uo
preliminary course in a trainingschool
or hospital.
Perry Davis’ Painkiller has been the
etandby for colds, neuralgia, strains, burns
or bruises for over three generations.
The average man is prouder: of
guessing the weather than he would
be of understanding the tariff. |
Mrs. Winelow’s Soothin |
teething, softens the gun;‘s,sr?duuxz:: !x.lf:{‘lhntxlgm 1
tion, allays pain, sures wind colic, 25¢ a I ottle
Manila had an earthquake, notes
the Chicago News, but it was much
lighter than some the city had when |
under Spain’s incapable management.
Formosa, with its population of
3,000,000, is running the Philippines
neck and neck in the export of su
gar. KEach exporteq a value of M"l
000.000 in 1907. :
AL Wy W 4 . 1 . b L LI el o i IR NIRRT 5o 0 chih SRR ¥ | Jie ot PR 88/ > A P R A
mLA TP YR W TR - Regy A v ‘ Yy " AN AT LAY, L S A ) ‘(.’:' N PRANH Rt e o ¥y ¥ 4 T3l 1
4 ORI P B . TR 4 R \ CLRAT IR XA ST i(TOlB SBt N L, VRO ] " R’ » o Stk 1) Rt L ORI X TS, TR S 43 " ited
":‘!kll “".}} \{;'\\? el "‘le% e el Y Loy g 6 e‘:A P I i"l b L “: “ Pt L 0 Rl 'H»l't'».‘{‘,’:‘f»‘fi'z"" 1.-' AR lot e 154-‘,",‘ A s .'.}“ y 3 ."‘--’-‘ K '_,x\'fln:
Dy Mt vt of S RGBT 7PNAR SR L W it eL6O7 0 L ; LR RR S QR E Lot o SRR PR Fe f CAST A A s Pl by A v &ke ibehs Betss
A b DI O DGR AT, RS M iR ey SRR )R G R (RN R | L
A 0 VD QO SOO THORH A i Pl [ PR A (R 54 b P il ) A B P7O 1T LR RR i L v Witk o
e 'l/i‘ g AL TTR ACI IR g Yy [FRRLAR KO7 TEN S /R 4 el g T AL Ps S ] ¥
WAy Dy dr AN CE ORI AT i LA O ORE il AR e SRR o R : )
) h B ] ; (R ik '»,f);-.'.“ il R £ i } ] 3 i . ,
Ay ¢ : R ot g ?
: Yop Pt 1 { : R
W il ; : 4
o e ACRTE o : : j :
A ¥ W j
R R e -y > - b ¥ ) Ll
Because of thoss ugly, ariztly, gray haire. Use 'LA SEREEEEEEREIALS TORER. . Prico, SI.OO, retall.
One morning when the late Joel
Chandler Harris was at work at his
?ed!torm desk he had a visitor who
‘briefly stated his business as follows:
~ “1 notice that you print obituaries
in the poetry line?”
} T
~ “Certainly you do; and mighty
poor ones, at that. Now, l've been
going to fun<rals and writing obitu
arles ali my hfe, and | can beat any
thing that I've seen in that line in
vour paver. Wbhen it comes to obitu
aries, I'm what they call ‘hot stuftf.,’"”
“That,” sald Mr. Harris, “is what
we wish to avold, It's too suggestive
for obituary- notices, Take a seat by
vne window, and cool off."—Atlanta
The popularity of the long-winded
man, thinks the Philadelphia Record,
is short-lived.
Spread Whole Box of It on Crackers
-—=Not the Least Injury Resulted
—=Thus Proven Pure and Sweet,
A New York friend of Cuticura writes:
“My three year old son and heir, after
being put to bed on a trip across the At
lantie, investigated the stateroom and lo
cated a box of graham crackers and a box
of Cuticura Ointment. When a search was
made for the box, it was ffad empty and
the kid admitted that he had ecaten the
contents of the entire box spread on the
crackers. It cured him of a bad cold and
I don’t know what else.”
No moré conclusive evidence could be
offered that every ingredient of Cuticura
Ointment is absolutly pure, sweet and
harmless. If it may be safely eaten by a
young child, none but the most beneficial
results can be expected to attend its appli
cation to even thbe tenderest skin or
youngest infant.
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies. Boston, Mass.
Of two evils it is still better to
choose neither.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach oe
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi~
ately. Try 18, 10c., 25¢, and 50c. at drug
stores. koo
No man feels that he has a right
to be left. :
O Ve Ik, . ! T— NNP G N S — ee g e WT T
b . e er i ran any other dye. You
Colo b! ter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers, ‘They dye In cold water botter L ;
ean 33&°§'£§°$?m3.“chwfimflc ripping apari. Write sos free booklet—How to Lye, Bleagh and Mix Colors. MONRGOE VRUG CU., Quincy, Miinois.
" 200 e -+ - ~——-m:':‘:-:—-,'—"‘l.
It was in this very cottage in Brookside, 15 miles
= % -
from Birmingham, Ala., that three [talians nearly
died of Fever. They had been sick 3 months. John
- ~
son’s Tonic cured them quickly---read letter below:
et N
: ; Brookside, Aia., May 4, 1608
The two physicians here had 3 very obstinate cases of continued Malarial Fever, All
were Italians and lived on a creek 50 yards from my store. These cases were of threc
months standing, their temperature ranging from 100 to 104, The doctors had tried every
thing in vain, I persuaded them to let me try Johnson’s Tonie, I removed 211 the prin:-
ed matter and let the medicine go out in a plain-hostle as a regular prescription. The €!-
sect in all three cases was immediate and permanent. They recovered rapidly and there
was no recurrence of the Fever, S. R. SHIFLETT. .
Established 21 years. The Oldest, Most Rellable and Best Telegraph Sehool
inshe sovth, Tuition reasonable: hoard cheap; town healthful and pleasant. We teach
and LADIES. Open year round:. Studeunts can enroll at any time. Most modern equip
ment: instruction thorough and practical. Only ¢to 6 months required 10 qualify for
service. Diplomas awarded. Graduates GUARANTEED good positions. They begin on
§45 to $65 per month; rapid promotion; steady employment. Constant demand for
Telegraphers. Telegraphy is the only trade or profession NOT overcrowded. Write
today for our 1909 handsomely illustrated 64-page Catalog. It contalus full partic
ulars about Telegraphy and our Schocl and will fully convince you that the 8. B.T. is
the BEST. Itis FREE and will be mailed promptly on request. You can’t afford Lo miss
it. 1t will encourage and inspire you.
THE OiL THAT PENET dotandlid N
Keeley |
F 4 .
A g This Trade-mark
& Fliminates All
. '@% Uncertaint
'/4%/«!» : ncertamnty
Lty & in the purchase of
iRy paint materials.
00l % It is an absolute
~,f,’*-l'lf‘ P ik, guarantee of pur-
A =¥\ ity and quality.
"" %%"@ For youqr own
DN protection, sce
R ‘\;}x“‘f:’"l;“({ that it is on the side of
Y every keg of white lead
gg, you buy.
- 1902 Trinity Building. New York
Whiskey, Drugs, Gigarettes and Tobacco Habit
Administered by Specialists for Thirty Years. Correspondence Confidential.
R B T e o on . s e § 'y
When You Think by
Of the pain which many women ecxperience with every
month it makes tho gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be uimost & miracle.
While in general no woman rebels egainst what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
pot gladly be free from this recurring period of paio.
Dr. Plerce's Favorite Prescription makes G
weak women strong and sick women
well, and gives them freedom from pain.
It establishes regularity, subdues inflame- i
mation, heals uleeration and curec fe
male weakness. r ]
Sick women are invited to consuit Dr, Pierce by letter, .
Jree. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly
confidential, Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you want a book that tells all about woman’s diseases, and how to cure
them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mnilm
only, and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustra
Common Sense Medical Adviser—revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers,
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps.
Buy Your Coffees & Teas
“ in Sealed Cans.
Insist on getting
No chance for Dust and Dirt to get in it.
It is clean, full weight and wholesome.
Packed by '
: . Can be handled very easily. The sick are cu red, and ali others In
. . same stable, no matter how “ex{mnod," l&n from having the
' N R LA disease, by using SPOHN’S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURe. Give
: ) ~\” RN on the tongue or in feed. Acts on the blood and expels germs
) 2K é\w i X of all forms of distemper. Best remedy ever known for maves in
; MACHPES N A‘4 N ; foal. One bottle guaranteed tocure one case. dic and §1 & bottle;
i N o N 0 #5 and sio dozen, of druggists and harness dealers, or gent exprese
g A B \\i\ o g md by manufacturers. Cut shows how to poultice throats. Our
i {8 PSS I e ;’ : free Booklet gives everything. Local agents wanted. Largest
e ¥ gelling horse remedy in existence- twelve years.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bactericlogists, Goshen, Ind., U. 8. A,
s e Wit S e R R N R IR BRS
P I s " v' ‘l
‘F or the baby often means rest for
both mother and chill. Little ones
like it too—it’s so palatable to take. [&
Free from opiates. i
All Druggists, 25 cents. ‘J y
S — M %
f e eiR e
e i “1
e T e S‘ W
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i | A PGSR g
et i e = i )
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;_-l'q 'fl,.«q-n‘ i R fl it I
P Biber it alaryensal = 7d Riiße
2200 BUL Rap esl TVA o Tenl I !
Y LYy GEGRICATT [ Ry Koo ] l‘ .P d
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= A ~a 0P 1 1 A
= 0 e Do o /- t‘r‘fl
W) i e teerans |if “ |
‘wu\ .\ IR Bt ol (. o
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All a woman has to do to discover
brains in 2 man is to be his mother,
exclaims the New York Preses.
) NG s
v Q/ (N (i s S
('\T {v."' |AP
Ko, BRI\ ©YE R 4 /1.1?2
AR SRS \.‘l‘.h .
& % PN
™P| V. 3’!"
8 For MINERS, ; -‘
j and All Men who do Rough Work.
B Will make your shoes last longer. They
B are casy to attach. ,A!;{ cobbler can put
% them on. They will make your old shoes
M good as new. You can buy shoes sited
B with them from your shoe dealer.
Send for booklet that tells all about them,
8 United Shoe Machinery Co., "Sksa
Steven's 22-Crack Rifle, §52.95
I ‘e?rjdi;fiis;hjfififio berre! gun;
vl2 or 16 gaUE® ..cvvieeaans iaes 33075
22 Winchester Rept. Rille, $8.50
Sioven's double Waszel Hammer sll 85
gun; 12 gauge; 30 or 32 inch... .
Ithaca Hammerless Adouble barrel 814 40
gun; 12 gauge; 30 inck ......... .
Steven’s Hammerless double barrel sls 85
gun} 13 GABED. coe cosissccsrrocen . A
Baker Batavia Hammerlers; 12 or 318 00
16 gauge; ul'h?oi or 32 l(lmrh.ii.. ¢ .
Winchester so rame Repeating
shot gun; 12 S2O-o°
Guns at all prices, Write for catalogus. With every
gun at $lO or over we give free a $l5O Canves
Hunting Coat. Siate chest measurement.
BOURNE & BOND, 239 Market St. Louisviila. Ky,