Newspaper Page Text
. Myra McHenry, who has frequent.
ly been arrested for chopping up sa
loons with her hatchet, has left Wich
ita, Kan, for Washington, D. C.
where she says she will keep tab on
congress this winter, When the city
officlals of Wichita learned that she
wanted to go east they took up a col
lection to defray her expenses.-
What is believed to have been the
first presidential mansion in the Unit
ed States is being torn down in New
York city to make way for a struc
ture paying larger revenues, It was
known as the old Van Altren house,
and stood under one of the immense
arches of the Brookiyn bridge on
Cherry Hill, It was to this house
that President Washington returned
after taking the oath of office, and
there he resided from April 28, 1789,
to February 23, 1790,
The final appraisal of the estate of
the late 1. H. Harriman fixes the to
tal at $149,000,000, His widow, there
fore, becomes the richest woman in
the world,
Professor Robert J. Sprague of the
University of Maine in an address
before the Women’s Literary union,
said: “Divorce is not an evil. It is
rather a patent medicine, taken to
relieve the ills of the family. The
only remedy ior divorce will be found
in a co-operative working by the fam
ily and in a spiritual rather than an
econcmic upion. The zenith of indi
vidualisin has been reached. Woman
has become a household pet. Man
builds her an elegant home and puts
her' in it. From then on man and
woman cease to be partners.”
The North Carolina board of agri
culture has passed a regulation hav
ing for its purpose the keeping of
the boll weevil out of this state. The
regulation forbids the importation oi
cotton sced, cotton seed hulls, loose
cotton in any shape and baled cotton
unless compressed from Arkansas,
Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Ala
bama. .
Completed statistics of the football
g ,on closed on Thanksgiving day
give a total of thirty-three deaths and
two hundred and sixteen seriously in
jured as the frightful result. Of the
killed, twenty-one were high school
boys and nine college men. Of the
injured one hundred and seventy-one
were college men and forty school
boys. In consequence, university and
preparatory school authorities have
launched a new movement for re
form in the rules of the game.
The marking of the graves of the
Confederate dead who died in north
ern prisons probably will occupy all
of next year, and Secretary of War
Dickinson has asked for an exten
sion of time for performing this
work after February 26, when the leg
islative authority will expire. Gener
al William C. Qates is the commis
sioner charged with the duty of
marking these graves and Secretary
Dickinson says that while General
Oates has been dilligently at work,
it is still incomplete. He thinks,
however, that it can be finished with
in the next calendar year.
The government of Honduras, ap
prehending an armed invasion, has
proclaimed martial law throughout
the republic. This information reach
ed the state department but no indi
cation was given as to the source
from which the invasion was expect
The president was called upon by
the senate to furnish it information
concerning action taken under the
treaty of March 1, 1905, for the sup
pression of the *“white slave” trade.
President Taft’'s speech, delivered
at Winona, Minn., during his recent
tour, in which he sustained the
Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, will be pre
sented as a senate document. An or
der to this effect was given by the
senate. ;
The “Thomson meteorite,” which
fell in McDuffie county, Georgia, near
ly twenty years ago, has been receiv
ed by the Smithsonian Institution in
this city through the courtesy of
George H. Plant of Macon, Ga.
A gun is being designed in the
army arsenal for the purpose of
shooting drigible balloons and aero
planes. The chief of the ordnance in
his annual report to the secretary of
war submitted outlines of some of the
difficulties which the gun must over
come. “Dirigible balloons and aero
planes move rapidly, change direc
tions quickly, alter their elevations
at will and are removed from any
objects that assist aiming,” points out
the ordinance chief.
Tired of having American naval
officers take a back seat at foreign
funerals, weddings and other gather
ings with an international tinge to
them, Rear Admiral Potter, aid of
personnel to the secretary of the
pavy, wants congress to revive the
rank of vice admiral.
The rank of rear admiral has been
conferred upon A. C. Dillingham and
Hugh Osterhaus by the navy depart
ment. Rear Admiral Osterhaus has
peen assigned to the command_of the
Fourth division of the Atlantic bat
tleship fleet.
Merchandise not exceeding $lO in
value and meeting the postal regula
tions as to weight, may now be sent
through the mails to and from the
Philippine Islands. Heretofore all
merchandise had to g 0 by express or
freight. Mail order houses of this
country and relatives and friends of
Philippine employes successfully heti
tioned the treasury department so
the vaiver of tho order SEEEES Phil
ippine merchandise the HAHINE ROIV-
% O
f 7 0
17 X \
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i : ‘\
1 N ,
man is ke a clock run down, MUNYON'S
VITALIZER will wind him up and make
him f)o. If you are nervous, If you are
Irritable, if you lack confidence In your
self, If you do not feel your full manly
vigor, begln on this remedy at once, There
are 76 VITALIZER tablets in one bottle;
every tablet is full of vital power, Don't
spend another dollar on quack doctors or
spurlous remedies, ov fill your l{;tem with
harmful drugs. Begin on UNYONS
VI'{AL[ZER at once, and you will begin
to feel the vitalizing effect of this remedJ
after the first dose. Price, sl, Yost-gal o
Confirms a Theory.
It has been decided that a child
of Russian {;arents born on a Ger:
man ship is*a subject of Emperor
William. This decision confirms the
South Carolina theory that kittens
born in an oven are pones of bread
—Houston Post.
Eczema For a Year—Got No Relief
Even at Skin Hospital—ln Despair
Until Cuticura Cured Him.
“T was troubled by a severe itching and
dry, scurfy skin on my ankles, feet, arms
and scalp. Scratching made it worse.
Thousands of small red pimples formed
and these caused intense itching. I was
advised to go to the hospital for diseases
of the skin. I did so, the chief surgeon
saying: ‘I never saw such a bad case of
eczema.” But I got little or no relief.
Then I tried many so-called remedies, but
I became so bad that I almost gave up in
despair. After suffering agonies for twelve
months, I was relieved of the almost un
bearable itching after two or three applica
tions of Cuticura Ointment. I continued
its use, combined with Cuticura Soap and
Pills, and I was completely cured, Henry
Bearle, Cross St., Little Rock, Ark., Oct.
8 and 19, 1907.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
In the matter of music it isn’t only
the drinking songs that are written
in bars.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
It's liguid—pleasant to take—acts immedi
ately. Try it. 10c., 25¢, and G6oc. at drug
One of the newest automobile tires,
a Pennsylvanian’s invention, consists
of a number of-rubber - blocks to be
mounted in a steel channel and re
versible, so that a new surface can
replace a worn one.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets re(fu!ate and
invigorate stomach, liver an bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take.
Do not gripe.
i, BA Rl
The legs of a hobby horse that re
ally moves are equipped with springs
{n such a manner that when its rider
shifts his weight from the saddle to
the stirrups a forward motion to it.
Have you a cough or cold? If so, take at
once AlYen'a Lunf Balsam and watch re
sults. Simple, safe, effective. All dealers.
Btill Learning.
The question as to whether or not
a college education pays is being
solved in Alton. After only one year
in an educational institution there
several young men learned how to
smash S2OO worth of glass in an of
fice building. MThey are still learning.
—St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Rheumatism and Neuralgia never could
get along with Hamlins Wizard Oil. Wiz
ard Qil always drives them away frem the
premises in short order.
Lipton'’s Start.
Everybody doesn’t know that Tom
Lipton first came to this country
when he was 16. The boy was fath
er to the man. He earned a month's
lodging at a hotel by persuading 40
of his fellow passengers to go there
for their first meal—Omaha Bee.
Exposure to cold and wet is the first step
to Pneumonia. Take Perry Davis’ Pain
killer and the danger is averted.
“You want to divorce your hus
band? You say you cannot agree’
What evidence can you give of in
compatibility of.temper?”
“Why, I want a divorce and he
dcesn’t.”—Le Rire.
lich cured in 30 mmutes by Woolford’s
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
" Peanut Fluctuations.
The last thing to recover from the
Hudson-Fulton celebration was the
five cent bag of peanuts. Even that
has resumed its normal proportions.
It dwindled painfully while the cele
bration was on. Big crowds always
affect it that way. Other foods re
main comparatively stable in quan
tity for a fixed price, but the mob
diminishes the allowance of peanuts
;01' a nickel by half.—New York
A City's Small Shops. :
Tt has been recorded of Chicago
that it has no “little shops,” that all
the space In the downtown district is
taken up by the great stores This
observation wag taken without reck
oning with the woman shopkeeper
and her stronghold, the skyscraper.
The woman shopkeeper flourishes In
great numbers and the floor space
that she occuples is 80 tiny that she
gseems to be engaged in play shop
keeping nevertheless, she makes a
living and pays her rent. by the
test that she stays year after year.
Every year new specialty shops in
women's apparel are opened until at
the present time it is possible to
buy everything that a woman needs
or ever wants to hope to have in
geparate “little shops” under the
roof of one skyscraper. Incidentally,
in some of these buildings a dainty
little lunch can be partaken at what
are known as ‘“woman’'s prices.'—
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day,
Dr. Detchon’s Relief for Rhewmnatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action 18 remarkable, Removes the cause
and disease quickly disu‘{)pears. First dose
greatly benefits. 75c. and sl. All druggists.
Every man is the architect of his
own fortune, and he wants to be con
stantly building extensions.
T New Book on
il Consumption
e & 200 page, cloth bound medical book
[ KA SB4 on consumption. Tells in plain,
DL M P simplo lnngungehow consumption
pLITNEROEE A can bo cured In your own home,
IR 1] 3 ol Write today. Tho Book 8 abso
b sl 'lu tely free.
8429 Water Street, Kalamazoo, Eicle
e KL
T T e 3 iLk
oA g 2 EEQ.:,; y R e f‘,’
TR P 0y o W 2 N A
Ny O VA e A S R SN
/‘\' ’ ':'W""; 1' oy k 3 o A
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Write for free booklet on treatmsant of Stosk aa,
‘onltrv. Made by Southern Physicians- THRX
m———‘-“fi——-———"m—v—w—'—-*—v —— T Spp—— r——
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye.’ One 10c, package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water botter than any other dye. You
san dve any garment without ripping apart. Write for free book'et—How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Cotors. MONROE DRUG CO., Quincy, Illinois,
&s : 9
National Swrgical nstitut
ational swyical [nsfitute
72 8. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga.
i ! ’ - -
Ty | -
} &l. t‘ f
ot e Sty %
This Institute Treats Club Feet, Dis
eases of the Spine, Hip Joints, Paraly
sis, Piles, Fistula, Hernia, Rheuma
tism, etc. Send for illustrated circular.
» g
{f'you but
knew what harsh
cathartics do, you’'d
always use Cascarets.
Candy tablets, vegetable
and mild. Yet just as effective
as sai‘s and calomel. Takeone
when you need it. Stop the
trouble promptly. Never wait
till night. 852
BT o Smnite is marked €€ C.
Classical music is the kind that is
really much better than it sounds.
How a Severe Case of Kidney Disease
Was Conquered.
i Mrs. Sherman Youngs, Schoharie,
'N. Y., says: “Doan’s Kidney Pills
saved my life after years of suffering
that ran me down to such a degree
e of weakness that I
RN could do no work,
- and the pains I suf-
R sered would throw
" me into spasms. I
R wag dizzy, worn and
(RT3~ sleepless, my back
x\ ) ; ached terribly, I had
" rheumatism and was
nervous and all unstrung. I thought
I tried every known medicine, but ii
was not until I began using Doan’s
Kidney Pills that I began to get help
The pains slowly disappeared, the
kidney secretions cleared up and in a
few weeks my strength returned so
that I could work about the house
again., It is three years since then
and Doan’s Kidney Pills have kept
me well.”
Remember the name—Doan’s. Sol 4
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foa
ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
Lots of men never realize what
thev can’t do till they try. :
As she is termed, will endure bnvelr and patiently
agonies which a strong man would give way under,
The fact is women are more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles,
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free of charge
and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, R, V.,
Pierce, M, D., President, Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Picrce
has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids’
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and has had a wider practical experience '
in the treatment of women’s diseases than any other physician in this country,
His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and delie
cate women is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription,
The mun; and varied symptoms of woman’s peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People’s Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above.
RS T lah b VTN N
. " . oggh, 7o Y, S Tl = I AR
RS 1() Bt *".‘*".‘:"l}%}‘” ;,/',’Tv “"'-/Al-\-!‘m;»y‘aflfi-;(«»«‘Pf/g 4
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I}#‘[’*7 )B\ 484 ST Q}f By :f"ii'v Naere. DA AL tp‘: z,.\ur\“
: o - I "J". (4 ‘,"\‘4 ! Yoo | ;}g".‘ ) ),he 4 e ""}' b“‘. )
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ge‘Ol i | kv et A 4 1) Srmwerntof: AL \ "‘uq,w“-\""'.-" VY IX W\ .
W; BST O ey TN
Now open to those wishing to learn TELEGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING
and RAILROAD AGENCY. Tuition reduced to $45, and $2.50 of stu
dents’ railroad fare paid. Excellent board at low rates. Students qual
ify in 4to 6 months. Our graduates POSITIVELY GUARANTEED posi
tions paying $45 to $65 per month to start on. Diplomas awarded. Great
demand for Telegraphers. Write today for Free 64-page illustrated
catalogue which gives full particulars.
BOX 272 i 4 % 8 & . NEWNAN, GA.
When Cold Winds Blow
When cold winds blow, biting frost & e :
is in the air, and back-draughts down e :
the chimney deaden the fires, thenthe 8% R N
Oil Heater b=B
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)]” : E"i"""){
, ) ' E ALY T |
shows its sure heating power by | e
steadily supplying just the heat that e R o
is needed for comfort. & -
The Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected e e |
by vlz‘eather conc};tions. It nevelr failis.MNo S e
smoke—no smell—just a genial, satisfyin UGS B .
heat. The new ' : ’ fi\ ;;;?%,,,.,__/»;,," a
Automatic /‘vf "
. ' Ry~ -
Smokeless Device /4 & q
Y{events the wick being turned too high. / ~
emoved in an instant. &
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil—sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours—solid brass wick garriers—-damper top—cool handle—oil indicator,
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circulag
to the Nearest Agency of the ’
= RERE DR ;'g““r ! \
B a 8 S 8 e e i
Y oo -t -
iy :'}s | 4
Ao 8 \
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) o e
. | gy )[ B
i 7 S
. ‘Wherever you live, W. L. Douglas shoes are within .
' your réach. If your dealer cannot fit you, write for
- ‘JMail Order Catalog. W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass..
Merely hoping for the best never
gets a man anywhere.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Chfldren
teething, softens thegums, reduces in{lamma
tion, allays pain, cires wind colic, 25¢ a } ottle
A plain duty is like a plain person.l
It is always the least attractive. 1
Wear W, L. Douglas comfortable,
easy-walking shoes. They are
made upon honor, of the best leath=
ers, by the most skilied workmen,
In all the latest fashions. Bhoes in
every style and chape to suit men
In all walks of life.
If 1 could take you into my large
factories at Brockton, Mass., and
show you how carefully W. L. Doug=
las shoes are made, you would
then understand why they hold
their shape, fit better; wear longer
and are of greater value than any
other make.
CAUTION.—Sece that W. L, Douglas
name and the retail price is s.amped on
the bottom. Take No Substitute.
v,'r;,' ;.,.' » Q
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Tell the truth, admonishes the
Philadelphia Record, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth—
that is, if you don’t care anything
about making friends. 2