Newspaper Page Text
%mm om it may cencern
GBORGIA--—--Jeff Davis County:.
I. L. Cook having made applica
tion t> me in due form to be ap
pointed permgnent administrator
upon the estate of Mrs. Augusta
Cook, late of said county. Notice
is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first
Monday in January 1910. Wit
ness my hand and official signa
ture, this the 6th day of December
Huxry Coox,
GERORGIA---Jefi Davis County.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinary of said county, will be
sold at public outery on the first
Tuesday in Janvary 1910, at the
court house in said ceunty, between
#he usual hours of sale the follow
ing real estate situate in Jeff Davis
county, to-wie: The north half of
lot of land number 458, in the
second land district, containing two
hundred and forty five acres.
Terms will be cash or ciedit, as will
be determined by the administrator
ou the day of sale: the sale will con
tinue from day to day. until com
plete®. This the 6th day of Decem
ber 1909. . L. Dyar,
. : < We keep constantly on hand for sale ">
Horses, Mules, Wagons
—==—_ Buggies and Harness.
. We can suit you and save you money en
Anvything in Our Line
L Tt is one of our greatest pleasurésto be able to
please our customers, in whatever they might need
, in our line, We have lived here all of our lives,
and are well known from one end of Jets Davis
county to the other, Thanking our friends and cus
: tomers for their past patrenage, we are,
; Yonrs te serve,
-h:v | ‘ -
‘ 4 \
. - oflie o
i i PR Thin
~ kugene & K. bD. Wlilams.
o o el R s S Be R D
i e T ¢ S L o g ei U sBT e
New York.—Sult for SIOO,OOO for
breach of promise tn marry has heen
begun here against Dr, Annabel Ze
laya, second son of President Zelaya,
of Nicaragus, by Llizabeth Juliet
GEORGIA----Jeff Davis County. ‘
Notice is hereby given that the
undersignetdd has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell land belonging to the estate
of William H. Brown for the pay
ment of debts. Said application
will be heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Mon
day in January 19107 This 6th day
of December 1909.
Mrs. Lona B: BRowN,
Administratrix upon estate W. H.
- T S ——— et ITWAW] - SR
To whomit mayconcern
GEORGIA----Jeff Davis County.
John W. Hinson, Guardian of
Emma Wilcox. has applied to me
for a discharge from his Guardian
ship of Emma Wilcox; this is there
fore to notify all persons concerned
to file their objections, if any they
have, on or befoie the first Monday
in January next, else he will be
dischtrged from his Guardianship
as applied for. This the Bth day
of December 1909.
: Henry Cook,
Ordinary Jeff Davis County, Ca.
|ommm Davis Couny.
By virtue of power of sale con
tained in a security deed executed
biy John W, Hinson, Jr., in favor
of the Umion Savings Bank of
Augusta, Ga., and transferred to
the undersigned, dated Oct, 5, 1907
ryecorded in Book 1, page 6561, the
undersigned will sell before the
court house door of said county, on
the Ist Tuesday in January, 1910,
between the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
following described property to-wit:
Lots of land Nos. 250 and 211 in
the Ist land district of said county,
formerly Coffee County, containing
980 acres, and being the hdme
place of said Jno. W. Hinson, Jr.
Said property to be sold as the
property of the said Jno. W. Hin
son, Jr., for the purpose of satisfy
ing the debt secured by said securi
ty deed,together with interest there
on and expenses of this sale,
Amount of debt, $2000.00 princi
pal. Terms of sale cash. Matured
by reason of default in paying in
terest. This 7th day of December,
1909. Gro. J. B2Bson,
Parker & Highsmith, Attys.
for Transferee.
If you wish to borrow money at
8 per cent, apply to A. J. Herring
ton or J. C. Bennett, Correspon
dents for James Fran & Son,
- G e e i atel <b B R
Twelve Persons Have Recently Been
Cruelly Done to Death,
Paris,—France 18 atirred hy the
discovery of two horrible erimes, At
Marseilles a wine seller slew his
whole family and killed himgelf, He
shot his mother end cut the throats
of his wife and thelr three children
with a razor,
At a farm near Tonnerro, two Swiss
towherders, hent on robbery, lured
a farmer, his wife and four domestics
to a cow house, where all were slain,
The murderers escaped to a nearky
.7 Taft lasues a Warning,
Washington.—lt is sald President
Taft has served notice on ambitious
members of congress that the newly
srganized machinery for the taking of
the coming census is not to be utilized
for peclitical ends, He addressed
eighty-five supervisors of the census
at the executive office and told them
plainly that if they used their offices
or permitted the enumerators directly
under them to further political ends
he would remove them promptly.
Met Death lin Eievatos,
Akron, Ohio.—Through the parting
of an elevater cable in the new Goow
rich building, James Yenna was
killed, and Guy Larocco was fatally
hurt. Yenna’s head was practically
severed from his body. Later, Frank
Hardgrove, leaning through a window
on the same floor of the buildiag, fell
out and broke his neck.
“Forty-Niner” Left Millions,
New York.—The estate of Calvin
Paige, a retired merchant and forty
niner, amounts to $6,449,4CC, accord
ing to afiidavits filed in the surro
gate’s court here. Paige went west
in the forefront of the first gold rusn
He built up a large fortune, but ::ver
married, and his niece and ne.hew
~*='3e the greater part of his estaie,
Beaten to Death With Brass Knucks.
Es Panola, Fla.—Officers are scour
ing the country in search of Lem Ba
ker, a white man, who is charged with
killing J. B. Todd, a secticn foreman,
here. It is said that in a fight fellow
ing a quarrel, Baker literally beat
Todd to death with brass knucks. Ba
ker formerly lived in Baxley, Ga.
Peoples - Drug Store,
w™u™ TELEPHONE No. 7. W™y
We handle nothing but the wvery best
. —f-—-— and purest ——
All Preccriptions Receive our Prompt Attention.
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jew
elryever seen in Hazlehurst before; and, you '
will find our prices are right, too.
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY of every
description. When in need of writing material
gaie th Sel U 8 .o, % o 0 4 5 & sy
N e et ™
Peoples Drug Store.
J. W. TARVIS, Prop.
W. 7. PATRICK, Prop. T,
T o
I carry a fresh and complete lize of
& I carry One of the most complete
JC linesof ¢
Ever Shown in Hazlehurst
I live within a few s‘eps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any hour of the night by those who
may need medicine after Lhave ciosed.
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parlor,
et A e Wede 1 I 3
American Magnate Now Outranks
; Noted Rothschilds,
London.—J, Plerpont Morgan 13 |
-the foremost figure In high financ
: ing, outranking even the Rothschi
' The recent recrganization of the 1
~don firm by which it becomes Morg
- Grenfell & Co,, Sl¥ Edward Cha:
- Grenfell becoming the junior parts
places the great American finan¢
“in direct connection with the B¢
of England, Sir Edward 13 a direc
in the “Old Lady of Thread-nee
Street.” :
The control of the big insura
companies in America, the steel tru
the great banks, and many other
terprises has made Mr, Morgan |
foremost financial figure in Ameri
It is now said that he proposes
take a leading position in the broac
field of Eurcopean finance,
Night Riders Burn Tobacco Crop,
Cynthlana, Ky —The barn cf K
ward Judy, together with 5,000 poun
of tobacco, at Beaver Baptist churc
this county, was burned presumab
by night riders. All telephona wir
in the vicinity were cut and sevexJ
shots were fired Judy was an ind
pendent grower, He recently sold h
crop to a local tuyer but had not d
Editor's Home Dynamited.
St. Louis.—The residence of Harr
B. Wandell, city editor of The S
Louis Star, has heen dynamited, .
note shoved under the door and foun
ufter the explosion, read: “H, W.-
Be careful, next time wunder you
¢hair.” The ncte was unsigned
Wandell refused t~ izenss the caus:
of the explosion, pleading izncrance.
All subseribers to the capita:
stock of the Hazlehurst Cotton Oi
Co., who has paid part on thei
stock and owe for the balance ar
requested to come forward and pay
the balance they owe on their stock
within thirty days, or such shares
will be canceied, and the amount
paid in will be forfeitod to the Cot
ton Oil Co.,
Jno. F. HaLL
O ct 26th.1909. Presiden