Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 25, No. 25
No people of any section of
the State have been more fa
vored than the people of this
county, No storms, winds, hail
or other disasters have been
visited upon us as in other
gections and neighboring states,
and we have each prospered as
a result of the wonderful to
bacco harvest and the bright
prospects for the ungathered
crops. Our people should be
very thankful for this good for
tune, but just now Wwe should
pause to consider the best uses
to which our resources can be
put. A -wild and reckless ex
penditure of money could only
bring future regrets and a deep
gense of guilt, with nothing
tangible to show for the toil,
effort and sacrifices made in
making the crops. The things
actually needed for the comfort,
happiness and contentment of
the family should be purchased
a sufficient sum reserved for
the care and comfort of the
family until another crop can
be made and harvested, and
the surplus funds ‘ carefully in
vested in good bond or real
estate. .
It should be the desire and
ambition of every man in the
county to own his home, and
with careful management al
%fim Q:‘L‘.!ei,» every man could
start on that road which leads
to the accomplishment of that
desire. We will be glad to help
aid and assist in such an under
taking in any way consistent
with with good bahking prin
ciples, and we want you to feel
that this institution stands ready
to assistin the development of
the county and take part in any
movement tending to promote
the progress and welfare of our
It has been possible for us to
accomplish what we have done
by the confidence and friendship
of the citizens of this county,
and we hope that in the future
it will be possible for us to give
%0 the citizens of this county an
institution worthy of their con
fidence and better able to serve
the needs of the people.
We are ready to pay all the
time certificates on maturity,
and it is our plan to increase the
capital stock of the bank so that
we may be in a better position
to serve this section. Most of
the stock will be taken by the
present stockholders and officers
and a small portion will be of
fered to the publie.
Mr. Z. W. Kirkland, as presi
dent, will devote more of his
personal attention to the affairs
of the bank during the coming
year, and it is our hope'and
plan that we may care for the
peeds of every worthy citizen
and aid in the development of
one of the best counties of the
Birthday Party
Little Miss Bennie McEachin
g>lebrated her fourth birthday
Friday by entertaining & mum
per of her little friends from 4
g 0 6 o'clock. A variety of
gemes provided amusements for
‘the litfle guesis, “at the con
clusion of which cake snd cream
91,50 A Yoor, ' Thy Nowe
MR eah S Re b -oy h?
Waslehursl News'
New Mattress Co.
Does Renovating
In Quick Time
The Acme Bedding Company
is the name of a new mattress
factory and renovating shop
that has just opened up at 626
Edgewood avenue, While the
name and equipment is new,
the proprietor, J. C. Stowers,
has long been identified with
the mattress renovating busi
ness in Atlanta and is a work
man of exceptional ability, and
is surrounding himself with
other experts in this line.
Mr. Stowers has been the
means of building established
reputations for other firms and
now he is in business for him
gelf. Again he is sure to give
all customers that class of reno
vating work that pleases well
all that have him do their work.
As this is the season when
the boarding house keeper and
the hotel manager begin to
make preparations for their
fall and winter guests, it is
well to look over the older mat
tresses and see if they do not
need renovating.
As this is also the season
when Atlanta people begin to
get ready to move, thisis a good
opportunity to -have the Acme
mattress new again so -that it
goes into the new home as a
new mattress.—The Atlanta
Mr. Stowers has moved his
plant to Hazlchurst.
e i
Vereen May Get
Bennett’s Post
~ Atlanta, Aug. 9—Governor L.
G. Hardman today was expected
to submit the nomination of W.
C. Vereen, Moultrie banker and
developer, to the state senate
as a member of the highway
board for the post now held by
Stanley S. Bennett. ,
The report that the Moultrie
banker’s name would be sub
mitted gained credence last
night after Mr. Vereen had
called at the governor’s office
yesterday and remained in con
ference with the chief exesutive
for some time.
Mr. Vereen, who is the father
of W.J.Vereen, former chair
man of the state democratic
executive committee, is widely
known in South Georgia business
and political circles.
Mr. Bennett’s term hay ex
pired and is the only one
remaining to be filled by the
governor. M
. e U
Cemetery Cleaning
There will be a cemetery
cleaning at Satilla Church on
next Tuesday, August2o. All
who have loved ones buried
there are asked to come help.
QU_ALITY-RENOVAT_ORS. All wark Guaranteed.
Let us make a new Mattress out of your old one at a
very Jow cost to you. #‘One Day Service” We arelo
cated in Hazlehurst parmanently ‘s@ I, will appreciate
your wo;?. ‘We arelocated in the Glar .qjl" .
" Ths'American Mattréss Contphny
;{;i;hirot, Goorjin, August 18 1929
Candidates Closely Bunched
In Race For Chevrolet Cars
}Largelt Extra Vote Offer
‘ Closes on August 26th.
~ Subscriptions worth More
Votes Now. Still Time
To Enter and Win.
The mammoth subseription
campaign being conducted by
this newspaper finds all of the
caudidates nominated working
hard for the two Chevrolets and
the many hundreds of dollars
in cash tobe givenaway. So
far, the race has been exceed
ing close with first one candi
date and then another taking
the lead only to relinquish it
later to a more energetic work
The bonus offer, the largest
extra vote offer tobe allowed
during the campaign comes to a
close at the close of business
for the day on Mondav, August
26th. Up to and including this
date an extra bonus of 60,000
extra votes will be allowed on
every club of $15.00 in subscrip
tions turned in. This means
that the ones who expect to
ride away in the Chevrolets
snould lose no time but should
make every minute count before
the end of this period. In this
campaign it is not the number
of subscriptions which count
nor the amount of money turned
in, but the candidate polling the
largest number of votes will pe
declared the winners.
for a candidate to enter and
win. From the list of votes
published today one can readily
see just how easy it would be
for one, not even in the race as
yet, to enter and be leading the
entire field by the next count
of votes. A Chevrolet Sedan
for spare time offorts. Come to
the Campaign office at this
newspaper and let the Manager
show _you how to win. It costs
nothing to enter—nothing to
win, so use your spare time
during the next weeks in boost.
ing this newspaper and your
reward will comein the shape
of a new car or a cash prize or
commission, Every active can
didate wins. The one polling
the largest number of votes
‘will receive a brand new Chevro
jet Imperial Sedan, valued at‘
$803.00. The second prize win
ner will geta Chevrolet Road
ster, valued at $636.00. The
third prize will be SIOO.OO, the
fourth $75.00 and the fifth sso.\
Any of these prizes are nice, 80/
if you have any spare time and‘
a little energy, send in your
name and get started in the‘
campaign. The Campaign Man
ager will gladly exp'ain the full
details to you andif you would
be the preud possessor of new
car, lose ne time, but come by
the office, now, today and get
get started.
. Mr. C. D. White, of Atlanta,
Supt. of Southern Bell Tele:
p-one Company, spent last
week in the city, guest of Mr.
lind Mrs, W. R. Weod.
© Pull for Hazlehurst—or pull
| Please assist me in gathering
ma local news items by phoning
. Mrs Otto Middleton.
_ Wanted—Settled white wo
gn ta keep house and care for
three-year-old boy. See me at
once. Mrs. Lott Johnson 3-tp
" Mrs. S. J. Land and son, Ray
pond, returned home Saturday
rom a pleasant visit to friends
nd relatives in Meridian, Miss.
' Mrs. Eugene Evans has re
rned home from a visit to
glatives in Florida. |
" Miss Francis Snell has re
arned home from Lakeland,
a. She was accompained home
by Miss Euginia Giddens who
will be her guest for a few
*Mrs Holt and baby, of At
g ata, are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Holt will be remembered
as Miss Eunice Miles of this
“Mrs. W. E. McDuffie “and two
children have returned to their
home in Macon.
ififlrs “T. R. Knight and child
en, of Miami, and Mrs, Mark
Wileox, of West Palm Beach,
passed through the city last
Thursday enroute to Asheville;
N: C., tospend the remainder
summ ""9r. :
‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchell
R prosewier
Miss Francis Mitchell is visit
ing relatives in Brunswick.
Mrs. C. O. Smith and children
were guests of relatives in
Helena recently.
Mr. D.'T. Curry, of San An
tonio, Texas, 18 the guest of his
mother, Mrs. D.T. Curry, and
sister, Mrs. L. C. Pennington.
They will all go to Hazlehuret
this week-end to attend a fam
ily reunion of the Currys.—The
Eastman Times-Journal
~ Mrs. J. F. Snelland children
have returned home from At
lanta. |
~ Miss Walton Hinson is visit
ing relatives in Florida. o
Mrs. W. C. Jarvis and daugh—l
ter, Gwendolyn, have returned
‘home from a visit to relatives
in Savannah.
l Mrs. M. Lynn had as her
guest last week, her sister,
‘Mrs. McLendon.
~ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reagin
‘were recent visitors [in Atlanta.
Trade with advertisers for
they wafit your business.
Miss Margaret Middleton
gpent Friday in Jacksonville.
Miss Willie Clements, of Lum
ber City, was the recgnt guest
of Mrs. W. R, Wood. |
Misses Helen Glover and
Mamie Ursrédy spent part of
lgat'week in Douglas.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Watson
and davghter, of Atlanta, were
guests of relatives here last
week. '
_ Miss Louise Wilcox hss re!
turned bome from a delightful
vigit to Miss Catherine Christian
in Atlanta.
. Mra, J.C. Bennett ieft Tues
day_for Imdian Springs, Lake
Junaluska and "New Haven,
Conn., ‘'where she will ..spend
Mz, 0d Mra, Jock Bond ese
visveg sliiven lan,
Grand Jury Drawn
: For Sept. Term 1929
C. R. Morris
B. F. Wileox
D. F. Miles 4
Dr. E. A. Lambert -
G. P. Hall
I. L. Girtman
M. N. Durden
W. C. Jarvis
J. B. Durden
Walter Kersey
W. B. Stone
W. T. Schell
H. S. Herrin
J. I. Mims
C. A. Latimer
John Walko .
C. A, Ellis
I. R. Girtman
A. C. Lewis
C. L. McEachin |
&Igyman Ellis
. G. Floyd
J. C. Watkins .
T. A. Herrington
R. A. Cook ’
B. F. Ursrey
Banks Lewis
E. A. Colson
L. W. Spell
H. D. Wilson
Traverse Jury
L. W. Brantley, Isham Hughes
G. G. Yawn, Clifton Taylor,
J. P. Yarbrough, G, W. Best,
J. P. Ryals, TrL. Sams, W. T.
Dixon, Manning Quinn, I. W.
Sellers, A. L. Thornton, J. F,
Herrington, O. W. Clark Jake
Turner, B. A. Walker, J. O.
Kitchens, H. G. Truett,J. W.
White, ”A. L- EIE'. VJ ‘ i E"g ! vyc"‘,i
‘Martin Jarman, L. E, Hesters,
J. J. Creamer, J. W. Creamer,
Thomas Sears, J. L. Crosby,{
S. H. Sanders, J. N. Kitchens,
S.: D. Powell, L. D. Brantley,
Clyde Smith, A. L. Williams,
L. Harrell, J. W, Hughes, R.
T. Powell, T. J. Hall, B. F:
Wheeler, J. A. Terrell, Joe
Simpson, J. H. Johnson, J. A.J
¥ Cox, Cox, C; A, Yawn, ©U.
C. Quinn, A. C, Bennett, Pat
Herrington, C. C. Dyal, Eh’as‘
¥awn, C.-R. Rolling, H. C.
Burdette, J. L. Brown, W. L.
Wilkes, A. F. Creech, Leroy
Rembly, N. L. Brewer, J. H.
Boone, C. C. Reagin, B. B.
Hand. -
Revival Services |
4 At Union Springs
Tne revival services at Union
Springs church will begin the
third Sunday in August and
will continue through the fourth
Sunday. C. F. Thomas, the
pastor, will be assisted by Rev-
B. A. Roth, of Douglas. Every
body is invited to attend these
services. |
Standing of Candidates
Mrs. G. N. Yarbrough, Hazlehurst . . 141,000
Mrs. Norma C, Park " . . 185,000
Mrs, R. T. Barbee, Denton, Ga. . . 138,000
Miss Mary Catherine Woodward, H’hurst . 120,000
Mrs. H. B. Hurley, Hazlehurst, . . . 130,000
Miss Irene Daniel v - . . 45.000
Miss Nettie Lou King * e
Miss Bertha Mae Grindle, Lumber City . . 128,000
Miss Mamie Ursrey, H’hurst Ga. 5 . 101000
How Subscriptions Count This Week:
Ten one year subseriptions counts 120.000
Ten two * o 260.000
Ten three ‘' i o 420.000
Ten five - v i 156.000
Tenten. * *' “ 1,600,000
(Thia schedule decreses afier the first week of 2 cab
idates emtey.). o ik
Forseyinfammation Phone 48, v
$1.50 Per Year
She Can’t Find
Words to Express
- .
Her Gratitude
‘‘Before starting Sargon I was
weak, thin and underweight,
but I am on my fourth bottl+
now and have actually gained
ten pounds. This wonderfui
medicine has done so much for
& &é X
me I never expect to be without
it as long as I live.
“No_one will gver know how
I have suffered with stomach
trouble for the past ten years.
My food simply would not di
gest. About two o’clock every
morning the gas pressing up
around my heart would cause
palpitation and I would be so
nervous I couldn’t go back to
sleep. I also suffered from con
stipation and biliousness and
terrible sick headaches. :
“What a relief and joy it is
now to sit down and eat a
hearty meal—just anything I
want—without trouble of any
kind, and how wonderful itis
to enjoy a good night's rest and -
””.fi oueh wgt ;ar" S
ize lam the same poor, suffer
ing woman I was a few weeks
I can’t find words to express
my gratitude the way this treat
ment has restored me to splen
did health again.’”’—Mrs, L. E.
Hardman, 671 Woodward Ave.,
S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Sargon is now called ‘‘Th®
Medicine With a Million Friends’
Its marvelous record of achieve
ment is probably without para
llel in the history of the drug
trade of this country.
Middleton Drug Co., Agents,
Mrs. John Lewis and young
son, of Alma, are guests of her
gister, Mrs. G. M. Quinn.
‘Standard Matress Works
Mr. Simon Yawn, proprietor
of the Standard Mattress Works
will be found in the Duncan
Building on Railroad Street in
the ' future. Bring us your
mattresses for repairs, or write
to P. 0. Box 415, Hazlehurst,
and your work will be called for
and delivered. All work guar