Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, November 17, 1866, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN, Vol2--No- 21. fi'i-WccMn .§ejraMton. PUBLISHED EVERY Thiesdaya, .Thursdays & Saturdays, "AT* $2 for Three Months. Rates ot Advertising.— Two Dollars A square, of tea lines or less, for the first, inser tion, and One Dollar for each subsequent in sortiou llrufesioiuil tolls. JOSEPH. TTO3USV AT LAW, AND REAL estate agent. Amorieus, • ••'•• Georgia- WILL vive prompt attention to professional \V business in Sumter, Schley, Webster, he*, and Terrell counties, except eases in the Coun ty Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. -Tune J -t. JAMES J- SCARBOROUGH, CIIABLF.B T GOODE. Law Partnership. SCARBOROUGH & GOODE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Amcrictis Georgia HAVE associated themselves in ihe practice of Law. and will attend the courts in the toi lcwing counties: Sumter, Macon, Schley, Web ster, Terrell, Lee, Dougherty, Houston and Doo lv, and will give prompt attention to u.l dusi uesa confided to their cave. gifT Office in the Masonic Building. Nov. 23 ts WUiLlLfli) M A WJC : IS© p Atloraey at Law, Amorieus, —* Georgia. ggp”Offteo in Masonic Hull. Jim. 1« ts. J). w~. jj QRXJxI JIGS-, READ ESTATE AGENT, A*\IERICUS. v . GA \UILL be pleased to serve parties who wi.-h to \) purchase or sell Lands, Town or City prop, erty in South-Western Georgia. REVERENCES : Speer fe Hooks, Furlow & Bro , W T. Wads' worth &Cos , Am Miens ; J - B. Loss k Son, Ma con, Ga.; Aug, T. Wetter, Savannah, La. July 3 Cm T AGENCY. ©„ Ml A WCCOKIip ATTORNEY & C DLL3 2D .1 , Amerieus, Georgia. PROPOSES to devote himself mainly to con vevaiuing and cornmercial practice. t\ iil keep dockets shewing progress of cases trom commencement, of suits t > suttlem nt ot c :..nis at all times subject to inspection of parties, and nooks showing every business transaction, ho puns spared to make his office the first col lecting office in tire country. Liberal lty'° n age solicited. Office in speer & Loo!, s build. l»g. A;i: - "• ®K(IiJ©E OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Amerieus and surrounuing country. Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, he hopes by unremitting attention to business to merit a cont.inua.Mce of the same, Office next door to the Tost Otnce. July 14 If. L Wo WMIIATLISY, IS ll & K B'l it, Cmmms.siau Iftoluint, AKD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT AMERICUS,. GEORGIA. LIBERAL advances made on Cotton shipped to New York or Savannah. Particular attention paid to the purchase, sa.e and shipment, of Cotton and other produce. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Refers to Wm. Bykce &Cos , New Tone ; J, VV. Latiirop & Cos, Savannah ; Seymour, Johnston &Cos , Macon. Ju! y 7 6m. ©AraV DE- J. T. LAMAE otiers his profes sional services to the citizens of Bottsford and surrounding neighborhood. Can always be found at his office, day or night, unless pro fessionally absent. Dct 9 im. 4<i«ld Wanted. WANTED One Thousand Dollars in Gold, for which the highest market price will be paid. [July 7 6m] J- W. WHEAT LA • E XCI ArH E IiOR SALE. Sight exchange on New York and Savannah, in sums to suit purchasers. July 7 Cm. J - w - WHEATLEY. iTldnllic Bm'iaS tass«. » FINE ASSORTMENT, kept constantly on hand. S. P. BOONE, Ag t. July 24 ts GAINES So CO., MACON, GA., -iTfILL MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES UP VV on shipments of Cotton and other produce to BEARDEN & CO, 20 Beaver St., New York. July 81 ts Amerieus, G-eorgia, Saturday, November IT, 1866. fuim-inis (pimlismriits. I. N 1i .\ LIT, NORTH SIDE OF TIIE PUBLIC SQUARE, Asaici'iciis; Georgia j # tf.wi’wP* DEALER IS GROCERIES and provisions, Keeps constantly on hand CORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SUGAR, SALT, COFFEE, TEA, And all other articles in the line of . GROCERIES AND— Provi s i o n s • B3?" Country Produce wanted July 20 ts. Da E W FIRM. AL [LIIM* A.MERICUS, G A. Dealers in groceries, pure liquors CIGARS, TOBACCO, -&c, &c. In connection with the establishment is a Billiard room where gentlemen can spend an t our ov two very pleasantly. Give us a call Our liquors and cigars arc the best, in the mar- COBB& ALLEN. Nov 7-twtf.. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE fp;:iE nibsciiber Is obliged to pell bis present 1 residence, in order to meet Rome pecuniary obligations for width bis honor is pledged His premises are pleasantly situated, three miles from Amerieus, near enough to the city for a business man, if be keeps a horse and buggy.— The dwelling house i* a comfortable cne for a ?mal 1 family, and the out houses are good, the whole of tho buildings having been put up in the winter and spring of 1803. The water is as good as can be l in South Western Georgia. I will sell the buildings, with twenty acres of land, (on which are some f:» trees, andj a fine little vineyard), for ™ W OXI2 TTIO ES. IXU I) 011 AM< LESS Til AX THE SAME WI PR() ! 'EJIEXTS <LI A r BimL! I>E NO IF CJIAIIAIXG x<rn%XG FOJI TILE LA XU! Besides, I will pell, if the furchaser desires it from 100 to 400 acirg of good farming land, ad joining the premises, at n very low price. I wil also sell the growing rr< p. a pair of fine young mules, cows, lings. wagon. buggv, &c. For fin. ther paiUciilars c-dl on tho subscriber, at the store of r.PKRIt A HOOKS, Amerieus, On. J. J. ASSESS 12 Y. July 5 ts ARE YOU INSUKEIPr fpilK undersigned is Agent for the f.illowirg 1 r id. r liable and prompt IN.'UR ANOE COM PANIES, and is prefirutd to take risks at as low rates as are equitable ■■ Jv'na Ins Cos., ,rd Gr nn. $8,090 090 Pheenix Ins. Cos., Hartford Conn. 1,000.000 Home Imp. Go , New York, 2.000,000 Onntinenta! Ins. Cos.. New York, 1.000 000 Lorrillaid Ins. Cos., New York, 1.0C0,000 Metropolitan Ifrs. Cos., New York, 1.000,000 North American Ins Cos., N. Y , 500,000 Georgia Home las. Cos., Columbus, 250,000 Empire Srate Ins. Cos., Augusta, 200,000 The above Companies are represented with a combmed Cash Capital of nearly FIFTEEN MILLIONS DOLLARS, and are unsurpassed in their promptness in settling losses.. One, Hundred Thousand Dollars taken up on one risk. J. VV. WHEAT LEY, General’lnsurance Agent, July 7 om. Amerieus, Oa. j. ¥□ & mm WAREHOUSE AND AMERIGUS, GEORGIA. ITfE aro now at the Ware-Hou ; o formerly \ ! owned by Dr. R. C. Black, on Cotton street, but will goon be at our old stand in the biick Wave House now being built by Mr, E. B. Loy less We are prepared to furnish Bag-ring ardPu pe to Planters, make advances on cotton or other produce in store, ship cotton to New Oilcans, Savannah, New Yoik or Liverpool, making liberal advancements on our shipments. We cari also insure cotton in our Ware-House, as cheap as it can be done in any other house in the city. Our ware-house is remote from any other building. As our senior has been in the cotton business for the last fifteen years, and al ways on the side of the Planter, we hope to do a reasonable share of the cotton business. Cotton shipped to us from below this point on the S. W. U U , will only he charged one (SI) dollar per bile and no dray age at this place to our Warehouse. Sept, lo*tf. wIITED,^ 1 AAA BUSHELS of DRIED FRUIT, I.UvU 1000 BUSHELS GROUND PEAS, sepfc 18 ts G. M. HAY. j Furniture \ Furniture I I AM just receiving direct from New York, at the New Brick Store, above S. Waxel baum & Bro., a fine stock of Furniture, all qualities, from fine Walnut Mahogany ancl Rosewood to common, which are offered at. as low prices as the times will allow. Cali and examine. 8. B- BOONE, Agt. July 24 ts. billiariTsaloon. THE undersigned would inform the gentlemen of pleasure that they have just remodeled their tables, and furnished them with anew sett of balls, &c. Persons fond of playing the game will find our tables equal to any in the State.— Gall and try them. * COBB & ALLEN. Jan 18 ts. SWEET OPOPOXAX ! The only elegant Perfume* Is found on all toilets, and nev erstainsthe handkerchief. Fold at the Drug stora of [oct 9tf ] Dr. E. J. ELDiUDGE. Mmn : -lU armivM 4 ' -‘ OF FALL & WINTER GOODS! Important to the Trade. WE ARE JUST RECEIVING AND OPENING OUil STOCK OF FILL HUD WINTER GOODS, Embracing everything usually found in a first-class House. The attention of Merchants and Planters is directed to our well-selected stock. Our line of DRESS GOODS Is everything Hint could he desired, and we intend to keep the stoex up to iis present stand ard. IVe have not space to specify, but believe we can fill all orders complete. Our HOSIERY, GLOVE AND YANKEE NOTION DEPABTffl’fiT Is amply supplied. W r o have also a splendid slock of ENGLISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN * CASSIMERES & BROADCLOTHS. Also, a fme line of 01 [] a E L 0 M K INI @ „ 7-8, 1-2 and 10-4 BLEA CUED I) OMESTIGS. Wc have also a splendid assoitmcnt of C L O T IT I oST G Well adapted to our Country trade. Our stock of BOOT3'A NDS H OI 8 Is unsurpassed by any House south of ILlt i. more, embracing about 400 cases Men’s, Wo men’s and Cliildren’s Boots and fchoes in every variety. Also a fine lot of Men’s and -ooj's Hsts, Indeed, we might say that we have almost ev erything £*roceries» With exceeding large additions to our Gro cery Department, we can now compete with any section* We have: 100 bales India Bagging, 300 coils Rope, 10,000 lbs Arrow Tie, 5 bales Bagging Twine, 150 bbls. Flour, ssorted brands. 75 bales Maeon Sheeting, 10 bales Augusta Shirting, 20 bales Yarns, 40 bales Osnaburgs, 250,000 lbs. Iron and Steel, 200 kegs Nails, assorted, 150 casks Mackerel in bbls,, half bbls., qr. bbls and kits, 100 bbls. Blue Fish, 150 bbls. Sugars, assorted, 500 boxes Tobacco, all grades and quali ties. 75 ags Coffee, 75 kegs Soda, 75 boxes Soda, 500 bags Shot, 75 kegs—J, i and whole kegs of Powder, 300 M Gun Caps, 23 kegs 5,6, 7,8, 10. 12, 14 and 20 In. Rubber Belting, 40 boxes Cheese, 20 boxes Herrings, 40 doz. Seives, 50 doz. Brooms, Schnapps, Pickles, 1-4, 1.2, and gallon jars, Candy, Sardines, Starch, Soaps, Teas, Crackers, Pine Apples in case. Raisins, Indigo, Madder, Castor Oil in cases, Cases Liquors, assorted, Russ’ Preparations, assorted, &c., &c., &c., Ac., Dealers are respectfully requested to give us a call, and we feel confident we can make it. to their interest to examine our goods and prices. J. ie. 21015$ & SOS, Wholesale Grocery avd Dry Goods Dealers, 65 Second and 96 Cherry Streets, sept 6—3 m MACON, GA- llkcon FAIR NOTICE TO ILL IS GIVEN BY IYIEGRATH, PATTERSON a CO., OP A Macon, ft organ. That they arc now receiving; ami opening their Fall Stock of Staple mtii faiun (Groceries, Which they wish to sell to the people of Southwestern Georgia, at VERY LOW cash prices. _ j. Their stock consists in part of 50 Ibis. A. B. C. Crushed' and Pow dered Sugars. 2 hhds and 5 bbls. Muscovado Sugar, lo Sacks Rio Coffee, 5 “ Java Coffee, 75 bbls. Flour, 50 Sacks and half sacks of Flour, 0 hhl3. Cuba Molasses, 3 “ Sugar House Syrup, 200 Choice Sugar Cured Ilarns, Also, Candles, Carnied Fruit, New Mack erel in bbls, half bbls, quarter barrels and kits. Raisins, Nuts and Figs, Candies of all kinds, with a large stock of choice Groceries, including everything you can call for. \v o a v e row offering Corn "Whiskey, 1 (Georgia) at $2 50 to y 2 75 ; a common Bourbon Whiskey at 62 2.5 to 62 50 ; a good article at 63 to $1 ; with a large stock of fine Wines and Liquors, and as wo buy and sell only for CASH, can offer bargains. MEG RAT IT, PATTERSON & CO., Mu'berry St., Opposite Lanier House, sept 27 3m. MACON, GA J 11. AXDKESOK, 1 LOUIS 10 AKDERSON S- T WALKER. REmO V A E . l ink Mis>iiiß@®N & mm GROCERS AND £ onunissioit JJlcrrljuiits, MACON, GEORGIA. RAVE removed from their old stand to their New Store, on Poplar street, between Se ond and Third, where they keep constantly on hand, a large and complete sti ck of GP.OOE RIF.S, PROVISIONS and PLANTATION SUP FLIES. Agents for Pratt’s Cotton Gir.e, and Iron Tics Bagging and Rope always on hand. We solicit consignments of Produce end Cot ton. and ere prepared to receive and sell (lotion for Planters. Commission on Storage, 50 cents per bate ; selling, 114 per cent. sept 15 8m HOME AGA! N . At the Old Stand, next to the Lanier House, wkee FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Can be bought at REASONABLE TRICES. 03?" Call a sad Sec Bureaus, Bedsteads, TVashstands, Wardrobes. Chairs, Tables, Safes, Couches, Trundle Bedsteads, Cribs, Cradles, Ac., &c.,&c. Not having a large capital, I am compelled to sell at a small profit, in order to pay hanusand debts. GRENVILLE WOOD/ may 10 ts Macon, Georgia* SDMiiS, JOH-G 8 REYNOLDS WARIiBOUSE AND Cmmmsslmi fgtectats, (At old stand of Harris & Picss). Corner Second and Poplar Streets, MACON, GEORGIA. y> ESPEOTFULLY inform th«ir friends, and the lb public generally, that they are now pre pared to aive their personal aitention to the Storage of Cotton, or to any business entrusted to their care. The old friends of Harris & Ross and of Adams & Reynolds, will, we hope, extend to ns the liberal patronage heretofore given to the above named houses. Particular attention will be given by us to the purchase of Plantation Supplies, when or dered. A. B. ADAMS, 1 Late P. REYNOLDS, 4 Adams & D. B. JONES, 3 Reynolds. sept 15 3m Lunquest & Mallory's mi m v PHOTOGRAPHIC G ALLEKY, Arcade Building — Cotton A venue, MACON, GEORGIA. Cheapest Gallery in ilie City ! Strangers visaing Macon are invited to call an 1 examine our elegant Carte do Visiles, softly toned Ivobytypes daJecately tinted Porcelains. and those pretty little Gem Photographs, the latter only si,so per dozen. Strangers visiting the City can have Photo graphs Furnished in time for the evening trains by calling at the Galleiy at any time before 11 o'clock A. M: J. M I.UNQUEST. LEE MALLORY’. Sept. 15—3 m. WANTED. Walnut k e dar Lumbar. FOR which the highest price will be paid by GRENVILLE WOOD, may 17 ts. Macon, Georgia. 3untrims j B. c. m.Ai i:. | J. M.STAxroun. ! BLACK & STANFORD DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND H 8 8 UQU 0n S ! r j''tlE nrder.-igned would respcctfullv inform i. the citizens of Sumter, that they have open ed a Grocery establishment, in connection with their Bar, next door to Dr. Bailey’s Drug i- tore, where they have on hand everything usually kept in a Grocery Store, which they are offering to the public as cheap as they can be purchased in the place. They have on hand FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, LARD, SUGAR, COFEE, TOBACCO, SUGARS, BAGGING, Rope, Twine, Macon Sheeting 1 , Augus ta Shirting, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Mackerel, Powder, Shot, Cheese, Crackers, Liquors in cases, assorted <ic., &c., etc. A large lot of TIN and WOODEN Ware. — j They respectfully ask the public tn call and ex amine their stock of PURE LIQUORS always on hand. BLACK & STANFORD. P. Si Parties from Eumter, Marion and ad-> joining counties, bringing Cotton to this market tor sale, and not being able to dispose < f it at fair prices, can have it sold at fair prices by leaving samples of tire same at our store. Dr. Black, who has been engaged in pur chasing and selling Cotton for a number of years, will attend to the sale of it for p anters at a better price than they can get, free of charge. Oct 20 ts. A itare Chance l "5" OFFER for sale at FIFTY PER CENT j BELOW THEIR CASH VALUE, a Dwelling House and lot, and Store House and Lot, al! in the city of Amerieus, Ga. ! The Dwelling is close to the Square, lot large, and a beautiful location. The Store’.llouse is new, and in perfect order. Apply to. I-. M. COKER, Oct. 11th. Im. SP EEN D 11) A 11 R I V A L OF MIW IP 0 A INI ©© . AT M- HATS’, manufactured by WM. KNABL & CO.; Baltimore, Md. These instruments excel others in sweetness of tone and volume, and possess many ndvan. (ages over all other Pianos, and one of them will be on exhibition at the World’s Exposition at Paris, (lie coming Spring. Ladies, be sure to call at Mrs. Mapp’.s aad examine fer yourselves. Terms reasonable. G. M. IIAL. ect 20 ts RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY DOR SALE! SIS SPtENJUO 10T8 FOR STORE ROOMS IMMEDIATELY Ol\ THE SQUARE! I NOW OFFER FOR SALF* TH \T WELL known and valuable property' in the city of Amerieus, known as the Amerieus Hotel, certainly the most eligible and prominent stand in the town for business houses. There are BIX LOTS, the corner one embracing 30 feet front, and the remaining five 25 feet each, and all running back 100 feet. On the corner lot could be built a magnificent TOWN HALL, so much needed in the city, and which would pay a very high rent. In the rear I offer 175 feet front on College Street, and running back about 180 feet. Now is the time to buy property in Amerieus. It is advancing rapidly, for the reason that it is a capital place for business and one of the most healthy places in South Western Georgia And besides the society is proverbial for its in telligence. Apply to the undersigned. C. W. CHARLTON- Amerieus, Ga., Sojpt27, 18(56 ts FURNITURE AVliole TVo. 18Q. flO FIT ! NO PAY ! s. cohen’ merchant tailor, ¥OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Sumter fbat'he is still engaged in the Tailoring business, and ready to wait-on all who may desire anything in ins line. He keeps on hand p.n assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Brpad Cloths and Fancy Cassimeres. Kfc is prepared to cut and make Coats, Vests and Pantaloons, in the neatest style and at the shortest notice. His motto is “ No Fit, No Pay.” sis Repairiqg and cleaning clothes done in the neatest sti lo aud warranted to please. Oct 4 ts. A NEW EPOCH IN M DICIIE! A Now System of Physio ! The smallest quantify of drngs with thegreat est amount ot effect on disease. MAG GI EL’S PILLS AND SALVE ! Maggiel’s Pills and Salve are cemposed of concentrated extracts of Herbs hitherto unknown as Medicinal Agents. They are powerful to cure yet harmless as milk. Oise PiiJ a Bose ! Their action on the liver is perfect in its re sults, and is superior to that vile drug Calomel, as daylight is to darkness Maggicl's Pills are a Medicine. They are a powerful tonic, and never constipate. They are the magic Pill of the day in compaiison with ail others and im* part health to every diseased organ in the sys tem. Many severe cases of Jaundice have been cured in a few days and affections of the bladder and kidneys in a single night. They are peculiarly adapted to Female Diseases of a debilitating na tuio. and when once known have become a household treasure. fJU all who can believe facts and can have faith in evidence, read the following: Know all men by these presents, That on this, the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, personally came Joseph Hydock to me, known as such, and being duly sworn, deposed as folr lows : That be is the sole general agent for the United States, an l dependencies thereof, for preparations or medicines known as Macgiel’s Pills and Salve, and that the following certifi cates aro verbatim copies the hist of his knowledge and belief. JAMES SMUITRE. | [l s ] Notaiy Public. Wall St., N. Y. Junel, 18GS. Db. Maggiel :-I take my pen to write you ! ( f uiy great relief and that the awful pain in ! my ride ba= left me at last— thanks to your j medicine. Oh, doctor, how thankful lam that I can get some sleep. I can never write it | enough. I thank you again and agaiu, and I am sure that you are really the fiitnd of all sufferers. I could not help writing to you, aud hope you will not take it amiss. James Myers, 116 Avenue D. ..This is to certify that I was discharged from the army with Chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by Ur. Maggiel’s Pills. Wilson Haevey, New Y'ork, April 7, 18G5. 27 Pitt street. The following is an interesting case of a man employed in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring j melted iron into a flask that was damp and wet, ! caused an explosion. The meltpd Iron was ; thrown around and on him in a perfect shower, ' and be was burnt dreadfully. The following j certificate was given to me by him about eight , weeks after the accident: New York, Jan. 11, 18CG. j My name is .T.-c L Hardy; lam an Iron Found er ; I was badly burnt by bot iron in November ! last ; my burns healed, but I had a running j sore on my h g that would not heal; I tried : Maggiel's Salve, and it cured mein a few weeks. This is all tiue, and anybody can now see me at Jackson’s Iron VYoiks, 21 Avenue. •1 HARDY, 119 Verrick Street. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS, I had no appetite ; Maggiel’s Pills gave me i a hearty one.” “ Your Pills are marvelous.” “ I send for another box, and keep them ia the house.” “Dr. Maggiel Las cured my headache that was chronic.” “ I gave half of one of your pills to my babo, for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” “ My nausea of a morning is now cured ” “ Your box of Maggiel’s salve cured me of noises in the head. -1 nibbed some of your salve behiud my ears and the noise left.” “ Ber,d me two boxes ; I want one for a poor family." “ I enclose a dollar ; your price is twenty five cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar.’ ‘“Send mo five boxes of your pills.” “Let me have three boxes of your salve by iciurn mail.” “ I had a headache two months ago. so that I could scarcely see out of my eyes. Your Mag giel Pills removed it over night and left my bowels regular. Nothing like them for consti pation.” “ I have been severely afiiicled with an affec tion of the kidneys. Maggiel’s Pills aro cer tainly curing me.” A lady writes : “ Your Pills are really a med icine. They have cured me of constipation and | general iil health. lam delighted with them.’ I Have over 2CO such Testimonials As this, but want of space compels me to con clude. J. J. MAGGIEL, M. D , 11 Pine Street, New York. Maggici’s Bills and Salve. NOIICE.—None genuine without the en-’ graved trade mark around each pot or box signed by DR. J. MAGGIEL, New York to counterfeit which is a felony. J.-y Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medi cines throughout the United States and Canadas at 25 cents per bex or pot. gig" Sold in Amerieus at the Drug Store of Dr. E J. Elbridgb Sept 20 w&twly. MRS. MAPP, HAS just returned from the North, and is now opening an excellent assortment of Millenary Goods for the Ladies.*.at the store of G. M. Hay. She respectfully invites the Ladies to call aud ex amine her beautiful stock. b'cpt. 27 ts. IBosisu and Lot for Sale, AVERY Desirable Houre and Lot convenient to tlie Square. House has six rooms and lot contains 2 1-2 acres. J. TV. JORDAN Agt, Oct 2nd, 1806;