Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, January 05, 1867, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN, Vol. 2--JSTo. 37. , , THE Tri-Weekly Republican IS PUBLISHED EVERY Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, BY O, *W. HANCOCK, EDITOR it PROPRIETOR. ' TESMS: $3 FOR THREE MONTHS- E,\tes of AnvBBTJSiNQ. —Two Dollars a square, of ten lines or less, for the first in sertion, and One Dollar for each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards. 'WIHLLI!© lA □ S^WKUIKI@ P Attorney at Law, Americas, Georgia. 257” Office in Masonic Hull. .Tan. 18 ts. A smL'£T a ATTOHNEY AT LAW, AND real estate agent, Amoricus, •••'•• Georgia. ■\\riLL give prompt attention to professional IF business in Sumter, Schley, Webster, bee, and Terrell counties, except cases in the Corns ty Court of Sumter County. Cilice in the Court House. June 9 ts. CIMERCIM. AGENCY. S. H . HfIWKIMI, ATTORNEY & C DLTiE T OR, Americus, Georgia. PROPOSES to devote himself mainly to con veyancing and commercial practice. Will keep dockets shewing progress of from commencement of suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and nooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first col lecting office in the country. Liberal patron age solicited. Office in Speer & Hook s .luild. lag- _ _ Aug 2 ts - M» EL ©KODOIE OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Americus and surrounding country Thankful for patronage heretofore to business to merit a continuance ot the same Office next door to the Tost Office. July .14 ts. s. b. mmms.M. a. Physician and Surgeon, OFFERS his Professional services to the citizens r.f Americus and surrounding country. Can be found at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store, during tiie day, and the liotel at nigiit. Nov 15 6m* A. S. CXJTTS,” Broker anil Commission Merchant, americus, oa. WILL pay the highest market price for cot ton. , . Cash advances made on cotton consigned to W. Bryce & to., New York- nov 24 tt ~T Wa W MEAT LIE Y.,’ 15 R O Ei K E , Cmmmsswn fjfeMtai, AND GENERAL lI'TSURANCE AGENT AMERICUS, GEORGIA. IIBKRAL ad Vinces made on Cotton shipped to j New Yoik or Savannah. Particular attention paid to the puichase, sale and shipment of Cotton and other produce. Collections made and promptly remitted for. fftT Refers to Wu Bviicf. & Cos , New York ; J. W. Lathßop & Cos., Savannah ; Seymour, Johnston & Cos , Macon. July 7 dm. r ©Aim DR,- J. T. LAMAR offers his profes sional services to tire ciiizens of Bottsford and surrounding neighborhood. Can always be found at his office, Jay or night, unless pro fessionally absent. Oct 0 Om. NEW PRODUCE HOUSE, w, l mm k cm, White and Yellow Corn, 111 ally quantity and at low prices. IB aeon, BY CASK, OR RETAIL, Lower than can be bought in Macon, FLOUR, the best in the state. /■•A BARBELS on hand, and more to arrive— OU Call and sec it, Fresli ALeal. At the price of Corn. A CAR LOAD OF NEW TENNESSE CORN, to arrive in a day or t wo. You Bacon, Corn, Meal and Flour Buyers I if you want to buy cheap—you had better call at th no P v r *tf CC h °" 3e ’ OPP W?L. CROCKER “C --PIANOS’ PIANOS! ON band, a few extra Pianos, which are of fered at low prices. S. P. BOONE, July 24 ts, -Agent. Americus, Greorgia, Saturday* January 5, 1867. AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. RARE CHANCE I OR INVESTMENT! VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOE SALE! SIX SPLENDID tOTS FOR STORE ROOMS IMMEDIATELY ON TIIE SQUARE! I NOW OFFER FOR SALE THAT WELL known and valuable property in the city of Americus, known as the Americus Hotel, certainly the most, eligible and prominent stand in the town for business houses. There are SIX LOTS, the corner one embracing 60 feet front, and the remainiug five 25 feet each, and all running back 100 feet. On the corner lot could be built a magnificent TOWN HALL, so much needed in the city, and which would pay a very high renf* Iu the rear I offer 175 feet front on College Street, and running back about 180 feet. Now is the time to buy property in Americus. Tt is advancing rapidly, for the reasoiAhat it is a capital place for business and the most healthy places in South Western OSirgia And besides the society is proverbial for its ini tolHgenco. Apply to the undersigned. o a W. CHAELTO^ It. C. BLACK. | J. M. STAN FOB I). BLACK & STANFORD DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND FINE LIQUORS I r p t fR l undesigned would respectfully inform 1 the citizens of Sumter, that Hiev have open'* ed a Grocery establishment, in connection with their Bar, next door to Dr. Bailey's Drug Store, where they have on hand everything usually kept in a Groceiy Store, which they are offering to the public as cheap as they can be purchased in the place. They have on hand FLOUR, MEAL, 15 A CON, LAUD, SUGAR, COFEE, TOBACCO, SUGARS, BAGGING, Rope, Twine, Maeori Sheeting, Augus ta Shirting, Yarns, Osnatnirgs, Mackerel, Powder, shot.,-Cheese, Crackers, Liquors in cases, assorted &c., &c., &c. A large lot of TIN ami WOO DUN Ware.— They respectfully ask the public to call and ex amine their stock of TURK LIQUORS always on hand. BLACK & STANFORD. P. Pi Parties from Sumter, Marion and ad joining counties, bringing Cotton to this market for sale, and not being able to dispose of it at fair p»io»»e, c»n have ifc sold at fair prices by leaving samples of the same at our store. Dr. Black, who has been engaged in pur chasing and selling Cotton for a number of years, will attend to the sale of it for p anters at a better price than they cau get, free of charge. Oct 20 if. Desirable Property FOR SALE. DESIRING to visit Tennessee for thejpurpose of settling up my Uusintss, preparatory to moving to another section of country, I am now offering my desirable city property in Americus, for 6ale. Parties wishing to purchase will find it a very desirable place, having a good, well arranged home, consisting of six rooms, neatly finished and in good repair ; also, a kitchen, with two rooms, a house for servants, a smoke house, sta ble, corn house, &c., and all necessary out houses, including wash house, with furnace, &c. The domestic arrangement of the place is com plete, having hoise lot, cow lot, calf pen, &c Ihe property is situated in front of “ Furlow Female C lhg«»,” on a high, healthy locality, and is beautifully ornamented with shrubbery, &c., also, a large orchard of selected fruit.— There is twelve or thirteen acres of land under The above property being within one third of a mile from the public square, adjoin ing tbe residence of Col. J. V. Pi ice. Nov 13 ts M. H. STEPHENS. TO RENT. Four brick shores in americus.— Call ou J. .V PRICE. Oct *0 If. r PHE Great Hair ReMorative, at 1 Dr. E J. ELPRTDOE’S tept 8 if Diug Store. AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. j r HAET, NORTH SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE, Americus, Georgia DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ; Keeps constantly on hand CORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SUGAR, SALT, COFFEE, TEA, And all other articles in tho line of GROCERIES . -—AND— Provi s i o n s • Country Produce -wanted. July 20 ts. ~B> LEN DI D AItRI VA L OF MEW IPo^Kl©S a AT C'Y M- ISAYS’, manufactured by WM. Jl m KNAIiJS & CO.; Baltimore, Md. These instruments excel others in sweetness of tone and volume, ar*.{ possess many advan. tageg OveT all other Pianos, and one of them will be on exhibition at the World’s Exposition at Paris, the coming Spring. Ladies, be sure to call at Mrs. Mapp’s aid examine ier yourselves. Terms reasonable. G. M. HAY. oct 20 ts WAREHOUSE AND €.omm'b'.oiou|lfvc{tante. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. \TTE are now at the Ware-Hrit«e formerly IT owned by Dr. U. C. Black, on Cotton street, but will soon be at our old stand in the brick Ware-House now being built by Mr, E. B. Loy less We are prepared to furnish Bagging and Rope to Planters, make advances on cotton or other produce in store, ship cottcn to New Orleans, Savannah, New York or Liverpool, making lilw-al advancements on our shipments. We also insure cotton in our Ware-House, as «ieap as it can be done in any other house in Whe city. Our warehouse is remote from any other building. As our senior has been in the cotton business for the last fifteen years, and al ways on ;he side of the Planter, we hope to .1 . « raaonnublft share of the cotton business. Gotten shipped to us from below this point on the S. W. R R , will only he charged one (SI) dollar per bale and no dray age at this place to our Warehouse. U’ept. 15*tf. TO THE PUBLIC ! I AM happy to announce tlmt lam prepar ed to manufacture any kind of BUGGY OR HARNESS that may be called for, at short notice, and have now on hand a stock of • FINE HEW BUDGIES. at my Carriage Repository. To those acquainted with my work, I need hardly state that they are of my own manufac ture, and as mv long experience in the business i enables me to compete with any market North or South. I will not be UNDERSOLD, and will guarantee to duplicate any noithern buggy or harness brought to this market, for less money than such work cost, laid down at this place. I am also prepared to do all kinds of Repairin g at siiort notice, and shall keep on hand a good stock of Carriages of all descriptions, end would call (lie attention of Carriage and Har ness makers to my tine stock of materials now on Land at my new sale room, and to which I expect to make such additions as necessary. I wilt order froth other markets any kind of vehicle that may be required, nl a very small compensation. Old stand. July 14 ts WM. SIRRIXE. IjM-nK Wines and Brandies for Medical use at . Dr. E j. ELDKIDGE’S sppt 8 ts Drug Store. I aSiPS, Kerosene, and Chimneys, at L Dr. E. J. ELDKIDGE’S sept 8 If Drugstore. Patent medicines, at 1 Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S sept 8 ts Drug Store. IJINE SEGA US and Tobacco, at ! Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S sept 8 ts Drug Store, PERFUMERIES and Toilet articles, at Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S sept. 8 ts Drugstore. PHYSICIANS uideis tilled wiiii reliable LJiugs, at Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S sept 8 ts Tru r Store. 1)OCK PoiAoH at l Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S sept 8 Drug Store. TUiESH AND BURE DRUGS at Dr. E. J. EEDRIDGE'S Drug Store, North corner Public Square, sept 8 if IJVEKYTHING ill the Drug line, at Fj Dr. E. J. ELDKIDGE'S pent Btf x Drug Store. iixcsa \ i* <a i-: FOR SALE. Sight exchange on New York and Savannah, in PH ms to suit purchasers. July 7 6m. J- W. WHEATLEY. Metallic Burial cases. A FINE ASSORTMENT, kept constantly /V. on hand. S. I>. BOONE, Ag’t, July 24 ts AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. eTmledTc in |PERFUM ERIE | 5 AM now occupying my large new store room, in the "Cranberry building, nexl doorto Adams, Speer & Cos., where I have now | on hand, the LARGEST STOCK OF FRESH AND PURE EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Quinine, Morphine, Castor Oil, Blue Mass, Calomel, Opium, Rhubarb, Epsom Sails, Camphor, mmmT mmmmm Drake’s Plantation Eittors, Gallighan Pills, Aytr’s Ague Cure, Indian (Joligouge, Ayre's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, \\ right’s Pills, Strong’s Pills, Dr. Iloof land’s German Bitters, Alustang Liniment, Davis, Pain Killer, Soothing Syrup, GAELING OIL, ARABIAN LINIMENT, DALLE'S PAIN EXTRACTOR. HEBREW PLASTER. PILE SALVE, samm Mm mm. Kerosene Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Blue Stone, indigo, Copperas, Sulphur, Alum, Bi Car soda. ! Fine Perfumery, P.rttshes, Crfmtis, Soaps, Flavoring Extracts, etc. I am offering everything in the Drug line low j fGi ( ASH. j Uliysicians will make it to tlieir interest to eall and examine my stock and prices before j purenasing elsewhere. Fll IMIS MD HOSES, I At Macon and Augusta Prices ! As I buy my goods in very large quantities, and exclusively for the Cash, I cau afford to sell them as low as any house in the South, 4fcc~ 1 warrant everything 1 sell. X-TL G- BAILE’Y’. N. It.—Prescription acciu-atclv prepared at all ! hours of the day and night, bv \V. A. C'uoSe ! ivho is an exporiencod and scie'ntilic Apotliecaf i-y. [nov isiiin] JI. C.U. """FALL TEADET JTew Go oils I Cheap for Cash! We are now receiving and opening our stock of FALL DID WI’iTER GOODS, iu which may be found Prints, Bleached & Brawn Sheetings and Shirtings, Hosiery and Gloves, Dress Goods, Flannels, Liuseys, Tweeds, Kerseys, Blankets, Shawls, Nubias, Ladies’ Cloaks —a nice assortment—and any and everything pertaining to this Department. We also have a heavy Stock of MEN’S, BOYS’ & YOUTHS’ ©IL®TRIOKI@ 3 800 T g A A D !§UOE iiats and Caps, We can fit your body or suit your purse, regardless of the dimensions of either one. In short our Stock is complete, and suit ed wants of the people, and we there fore respectfully invite our friends to walk up, examine our Stock, and get their share, before it is too late. WINDSOR & .TOWERS, Next to A B Addison’s Confectionery, Oct 16 ts SWEET OPOVOXAX ! Is the sweetest Ex tract made. Supercedes all others. Try u once; will use no other. Sold at the Drug store of [oct. 9tf ] Dr. E. J. ELDRIDGE. AMLRIITS ADVERTISEMENTS. Furlow 4& Ilroa, lO AYE just received a lot of Lad es Dress Goods, consisting of MERINOS, (Magenta) do. Mazarine, do. Blue, do. Purple, DcLaines, Poplins, (very fine,) Alexandras, Sontags, Nubias, A beautiful assortment of each, I-jadies’ Cloaks, A large lot of LADIES’ HATS, Good, better, best. HOOD S, White and Colored, Ladies’ Collars, Ildk’fs & Hosiery. GLOVES, &c. Americus, Oct 25, ts ARE YOU IISUKED? THE undersigned is Agent for the following old, reliable and prompt INSURANCE COM PANIES, and is prepared to take risks at as low rates as are equitable ; JEtna Ins Cos., Hartford Conn. $",000,000 Phoenix Ins. Cos.. Hartford Conn. 1,000,000 Home Ins. Cos , New Yoik, 2.000,000 Continental Ins. Cos., New York, ].OOO 000 Lorrillanl Ins. Cos., New York, 1,000,000 Metropolitan Ins. Cos., New Yoik, 1,000,000 North American Ins. Cos., N. Y , 500,000 Georgia Home Ins. Cos , Columbus, 250ffi00 Empire Srate Ins. Cos., Augusta, 200,000 The above Companies are represented with a combined Cash Capital of nearly FIFTEEN MILLIONS DOLLARS, and are unsurpassed iu their promptness in settling losses. 42?” One Hundred Thousand Dollars taken up on one risk. J. W. WHEATLEY, General Insurance Agent, July 7 6m. Americus, Ga. NO FIT! m PAY! S. COHEN, MERCHANT TAILOR, ¥ OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Sumter that lie is still engaged in the Tailoring business, and ready to wait on all who may desire anything in his line. He keeps on hand an assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, Broad Clolhs and Fancy Cassimeros, He is prepared to cut and make Coats, Yosts and Pantaloons, in the neatest style and at the shortest notice, llis motto is “ No’ Fit, No Pay.” 42?” Repairing and cleaning clothes done iu the neatest style and warranted to please. Oct 4 ts. A Shmali Farm for Sale, /-~\NF, and a half miles from the Court House, on the Oglethorpe road, containing nine ty-five acres, about 50 acres cleared; the bal ance very well timbered. A comfortable dwell ing. with 4 rooms and necessary) outbuildings, good water and healthy location. Also, 14 acres timbered iand within the im corporation, lying due east of Mr. R. 11. Dan iet. It can be divided into lots to suit purchas ers, or I ivili sell the whole. There is not a handsomer or healthier location in the city of Americus- [ Oct. G, if] SP. JONES. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. IYHE undersigned is now prepared to make (o order, Gentlemen’s tine BOOTS and SriOES, out of the fine.-t and best Calf Skius. Also, French Morocco Shoes for Ladies. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Repairing done at 'he shortest notice. I have Tor sale, a splendid assortment of Lasts, Fiench, Calf and Curry-sole Kid Skins, Sole Leather, Bindings, and a full lot of Shoe findings, to which the attention of dealers is particularly invited, which I am selling cheap for cash. P. It. STANFIELD, Oct 2 ts. NEW 10RK ADVERTISEMENTS. Tomlinson, Benia rest Cos,, 620 Broadway, T7ew *3Tork« Have associated with them MR. W. NY. NV OODli UF F, Foimerly an Extensive Dealer iu CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES AT GHirriN and ATLANTA, GA., }JOR the purpose of supplying Merchants and . flanters at the South, by wholesale or res tail with any style of Carriages, Enggies or Plantation Wagons. Mr. Wooditiff's long experience in tiie car riage business, will enable us to give satisfaction in supplying gord substantial work, such as the conntiy demands, r.t as low prices as can possi bly !‘e furnished for cash. We will keep con stantiy on hand LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES, the same as formerly sold by Mr Wood-off, and which became so universally popular ail through the South, as the best Buggy in use. Ul.I hi si iIB IN A\lU I "i M' ' WAGONS, of the very best make iu America, for 2, 4 or ti horses. We invito all who want any article in cur line to address. Tomlinson, demaresjt co. June 16 iy York. Whole IST o. 198. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Notice IN consequence of a severe accident which befi-11 me sometime sii.oe, rendering it impossible for me to attend lo my business, Mr. Soloman Council will act as my Agent in attending to all my business, such as Col lecting and paying out money, and receiving bills for lumber. Persunß indebted lo mo will find their accounts in the hands of Mr. Grunoil. [decßtfj SAM. IIEYS. Plantation for Sale. I AM offering for sale, my plantation, situated about four miles south of Amer icus, containing 0504 acres, 400 of which is cleared and in good order. A good dwelling house and all neoessaiy outbuildings on tbo place, and well supplied with water. A bar gaiu can be had by early application. For further information apply to D. IV. Lewis who is my agent to sell, dec 8 ts DAVID DOBBS. A Rare Chance! "TTTE will sell at cost, at Friendship, Ga., fourteen y V miles West of Americus, a well selected and assorted stook of Dry Goods, Groceries and Confection eries, fresh from New York. Those desiring to situate themselves in afeitilo and pleasant country, would do well to call on us immediaU.- ly ar and examine our Stock. Society as fine as can bo found in Georgia. People Responsible and liberal. House large, new and well finished. Southwestern Ga. furnishes np better stand for business, as it is situated at a considerable distance from other business.places, and among the moat wealthy planters in Sumter Co.— Having interest West, we are determined to sell out at Friendship, so that we can give attention toother lusi nes , needing our presence. We would be pleased to an swi r any questions that may be asked of us, by those w ishing to engage in the Mercantile business. One of us will be at the store at all hours. The house can be rented on "easy terms,' and posses sion given immediately. dec 20 it J. N, WADSWORTH & BItO; Stop the Mule! STRAYED away from a drote. between the stable and depot, on the night of tfce 28th, a dark, b.ow n horse MULE with a patch of hair rubied off ot his hip. Any person returning him will bo amply rewarded, aud information concerning him thankfully received, (dec 1 ts) J. W. JORDAN, Jr. MALE ACADEMY. AMERICUS, GA., YI r C. DODD ai dI. G. HUDSON will open a Halo V V . School at “ The Rylander Academy,” on tho 7th day of January, 1807. instruction will be given in all tbe branches usually taught in High Schools aud Colleges. Scholastic year, of forty weeks, to consist of two Terms. Spring Term to commence 7tli day of January, and end 21st and yof June. Fall Term to commence 3rd day of September, aud end 2utn day of December, 1807. CTJAKGES: Tuition, Spring Terra, Regular Course, §43 00 “ “ “ fop Beginners, 28 oO “ Fall Term, Regular Course, 32 00 I* fop Beginners, 22 00 Tuition due at the beginning of each term. No deduction for absence, except by special agree ment. We only ask thoso to patronize our school, who wish their children to submit to thorough mental and moral training, and sood discipline. dec f lp» ISTotice. ALL parties are warned not to sell any property to any one representing him self as an agent of mine, as I will not pay any demands for such purchases in the fu ture. [nov 1 liu] G. M. HAY. For Sale. IAND, Slock anJ Provisions for sale— i one Half of purchase money Cask. M. B. PICKETT, dec 8 2t Plains of Dura, Ga. Valuable Property for Sale. TUK7' ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in V w February next, in the town of Stark, ville, Lee county, agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, two lots in the town of Smithviile; one business lot No. 2, fifty feet front and one hundred back ; also, the residence which contains lots Nos. 22, 27 and | of 10, and a fraction of ] acre, all making 2f acres. It is a desira ble place, and a very good dwelling, with 4 rooms, hip roof. All sold as the propi rly of J. IV. Adkins, late of said county, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors, dec 8 tds.* L. 11. ADKINS, Adm’r. To Holders of Cotton. }AM prepared to make liberal Ca-h advances on shipments of Cotton to New York, or any other market in the United States, and consign to No. 1 houses. Als ,to ship direct to LIVERPOOL if desir ed, and hold it till owners say s« 11. Holders of Cotton at any station on S. W. R Rond can have their Cutron shipped without any trouble to themselxes They have only to send mo Warehouse or Railroad receipts, and get the advances desired by return Express. I take charge of the Cotton, pay tuxes, ship, and make returns here as soon as sold: F. M. COKER, dec 11m Broker and Commissicn Merchant. Bacon & Flour jq HHDS CLEAR SIDES 10 “ Shoulders, 100 Sacks Family Four, warranted fresh from Sweetwater Mills. A fine assortment of Flour, various brands, which 1 will sell cheap for cash or exchange for Cotton or Warehouse acceptance 80 days. M, H. STEPHENS. Dec. 11, ts next door to Post Office. Plantation for Sale. I7OR the purpose of winding up an agricultural part -1 nership, heretofore existing between the under* signed, we offer for sale, one of the Beat Plantations in Southwestern Ga. It is sitnated 16 miles from Americus, lying on'ftho waters of the Kinehafoonee and Lauuahas6e creeks, con taining 1137 acre.:, well improved, GUO acres of opeq land ; 200 of which is rich bottom hammock, apd 150 acres of similar hammock in the woods. The place is finely timbered and watered—runuing water being in every field. Aud one of the Healthiest localities in the State. Thirteen Mules, Corn, Fodder, Meat, Stock, farming implements and Blacksmith’s tools c.-n be bought w ith the place. There are 2n good Freedmen now on the plac 3 . who want to remain, and engagements, in tne sale, cap bo made for their retention and employment. A t'asn purchaser can obtain a bargain if he applies soon. HAWKINS* ROBSON. Americus, Ga., Dec. 5 ts Notice. ALT. persons a r e camioned against trading for two promissory notes-given to A. M, Little ; one for four hales of Cotton, arid thl other fur three halos. One due December, 1867, and the other due Dea-'niher, 1858 Thev were given for a lot of land that Wil. lisnr Lashlcv lived oa, H, 0 BaSS. dec 13 liu'