Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, June 27, 1867, Image 1

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THE TBI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN. Vol. 2.-uNTo, ill. T K JK Tri-Wcckly Republican is rarn.tsirun T. vert Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, n y zs, wi hancqck: i;mron * ruorr.iETuii. TERMS; $2 E3R THREE MONTHS Baths op A»vkhti«"«. —Two Dollars a failure, of Utt <«' )*>*>- <'<>■ Iho first, in serlion. ami Dire I>o)Jftc for piu:h nuliseciueu 1 insertion. Professional Cards. rr nSf, fe p 0 3i&u if OFFERS bis professional services to Ihe citizens of art J s,i»'comphog country Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, he hopes'by unremitting atten tion to business to merit a coutinuance of the same ftfQrr. Office next- door to the Post Office, duly 14 ts. ai. p- M p Lie@© C\ FFEItS his profession:*.! services to the f citizens of Americas and st;iioundiug vicinity. Office on the North East corner of the Public Square, where he can be found day and night. 41 ar lb ly* <&£©■ A ■ L (Q) IF T © INI, ATTORNEY Af LAW, AMERICUS GEORGIA. Office in Masonic building, up stair piar If) ly. 11 iLUifs A' u !rJ \IM iiC INI © v ADwiiey al Law, Ainerii-us, Ororgi:). in Masonic llall. .Jnn. 18 ts. k a AM@ikEY| ATTOaNHf AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americus, . . Georgia. \\riLL give prompt attention to profesi It sional business in Sumter, Schley, Web si or, bee, aud Terrell counties, except cases in the Cot-sty Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. June 9 ts. O. T.Goode, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americus, Georgia. jfin 1-5 if James J. Scarborough.. Attorney at Law, AMERICUS ..... GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stair*. En trance between 1! W. Fulfill & C</«'Con fectionery, and Fold’s store. j in 19 ts AGENCY. G* t WBCO ATTORNEY & COLLECTOR, Americus, Ge.orgia. PROPOSES to ilcvole liimsclf mainly lo conveyancing and commercial practice Will keep dockets shewing, progress of cases from comineuoen.ent of suits to settlem nt of claims, at all tjmes suhject to inspection of parlies, and nook.-, showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his etfiee the first collecting office in the coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in bpeer & Hook’s Building. Aug 2 ts. A. S. CTJTTS, Broker and Commission Merchant, AMEKICUS, OA. WILL pay the highest market price for cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned \Y. Bryce & Lo., New York- u «v ii ts Dr. W. W. FORD, Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST. EXEWS the tender of his thanks lo His Jutt- numerous friends of South West Geor gia, for their liberal patronage the last clevs en years in Americus, and respectfully in forms them that his ptfipe is a permanent iu tuituiion of this place. He is now prepared lo perforin all operations in Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry in the best and most du rable manner. He spares neither lime or expense in keep, ing fully up with his Profession. His pat rons will receive the benefits of all the imi provemeuts that are made and that are adopt ed hy the Dental Colleges and Scientific por tion of the Profession in Europe and Amer ica. lie lias Prof. Barker’s improved apparatus for generating Nitrous Oxide, Protoside of Nitrogen or Laughing Gas, anew Aiungtlip tio agent, not so dangerous as Chloroform or Ether wlien inhaled, lie has Dr. Welsh’s improved Narcotic Spray instrument for pro ducing Local Anaesthesia, vvilh Ether or Xthigolene, this instrument is being univer sally adopted by Surgeons and Dentists in Europe and America, giving great satisfac tion- it is verv simple and perfectly harm less to the u)ost delicate and fragile constitu tions, it is therefore preferred to Ether, Chloroform or Nitrous Oxide. His office is at his private residence, near Johnson's A Harold's Warehouse. His of fice is comfortable, quiet and pleasant. La dies having dental operations performed can enjoy all the privacy of home. N. B. From and after this date he will be found at his office at all times from sunrise until sunset. Ajoericqs, Ga., March 28th, ts W. I. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE ANJ> RETAIL DKAI.EIt IN TIA.ILD WARE, e i t i. c ■: v , «fcc. &p. &ei ........GKOHdIA. THE subscriber thankful for the liberal pYitruiuige heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform (h<* citizens of Americus and the pit blit; gene rally, that lie has ift sloyp, qnil lo arrive 1 50 STOVES, OF EVERY' DESCRIPTION. I; l' I l.i >K i ;'s MATERIAL NATES, LUCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY, PANTS, and Wood and Willow Ware POT WA-IiTC, Souse furnidjing (ho|iL| Plated and Japancd Wares, im, B£j-s“A[l of which will be sold at ns lr,v pi iccc as can be purchased auyiyljure tSoßli. Roofing and Guttering DONE IN THE BEST WOIIKMANLIK manner and WARRANTED. * TIIS T Id Manufactured, and for sale low for Cash, anvil 20 ts FELDER & SOM, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS —AND G-roceries. Americus, Georgia. WE are now receiving a large, and well selected Stock. Juthe DRY GOODS line we have everything usually kept for tbe wants of tbe public, embracing lull lines of Dress .floods, i’l hits, Shirtings and Sheetings, Cassimert'3, Linen Ducks, Drills. Tickings, Clothing, \\ Lite Goods, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Hats, Crockery, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirt Fronts, Shirts ami Drawers, Tl;reads, Combs, Huttons, Braids, perfumery, Umbrellas and Parasols &c., <fcc, &c. G-roceries. V,’L have always on band— BACON, LARD, FLOUR. KU« A R. CO FFK E, S Y R UP, SA I.T, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, etc. Also, all kinds and grades of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS. All of which were bought for CASH at the lowest prices, and we pledge ourselves to sell to -CASH BUY ERS at prices to suit the HARD TIMES, april 22 ts. Xo TJie XmadicM-Y. MISS SUSAN NOBLES XAKES (bin occasion of infoiming tlie La- X dies of Ameifiiits and Sumter county, tbai she is prepared to cut, lit and make digsbes for Ladies and Children, iu the VE R Y LAT ES T 4ND MOST FASH I Ol| AQLE STY 3,15. She invites tlie ladies to call and examine her beautiful patterns, at her father’s Dental of 6ce, in the Cranberry building. She feels confident of given satisfaction, may 9 ts Metallic Burial East’s. VFINE ASSORTMENT, l«pt constant. lv on hand. £ P, BOONE, Ag’t. July 24 ts A-iiiericuß, Georgia* Xlmrsday, Rune 2V , 1807. Aiiama Advertisements. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WRITE & WHITLOCK, l»Ri PRIF.TORB Hkvson and Wilky, Clerks. ma “ NATIONAL "HOTEL, Coiner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATLAN’J’A, fiJsiOltCilA. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors. A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Cluso llosol, Elegantly Furnished thrmmhqut. Fine KflliUrd T*:tr!or with Phelan Tables. Bar stocked with ChoiceLhiuorsunu Wines, mar 1* ly J. T. JENKINS & CO, ;! Wholesale Dealers in j 1 %in\p, ilaiuts, (L Ijnnicalsjj OTI.S, WINDOW GLASS, MTIT HEIICIIES, M, i. Corner of Prior and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, : : ; Georgia. mar 12 3m. £ i EOKGIA STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE PENFFfT OF THE l msm\c orphan's \m : TltC U g-s’atiue of the Stale of Georgia, at itg lust ses'inn, gnn'cd lo W VV. Ho)'d,«an(l other 8, a Grant u> adopt- a Lottery, o. st iies( f LotterieK and Agencies, to raise money for ihe pqr.pcse pf building a ihune for, and support ; ing Indigent Widovvs-ai and Orphans the Home lo be called the “ M.A&ONIG ORPHAN’S HOME " J’he grantees have associate<l with them, as a Board of Manngeri*, some of the best cil zens < f the State, jn the gicttt work of Uiucvo ieiice and charity. I We call the attention of the public to the 'Grand Scheme below, -• mi a.-k y< ur patronage In pm chasing Tickets, you will remember that should you faii to draw a [>riz«, that your money will be sti fitly ami Masonic dly ap plied to a charitable work. Georgia Slate L <> tJei’ y, FOR THE BENEFIT OF Til F. “MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME!” To be Drawn iu open public at ATLANTA GEORGIA. 'Wednesday, May 15th, 1867 —Class B. Wednesday, June 13th, 1867—Class C, Wednesday, July i"rh, 1867—Class D SCHEME THE SAME FOB EACH MOft'Tll. 1 Piizs -.f §OO 000 is $6(7,000 1 irize.uf 20,000 is 20 000 1 I’iize if 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prise of fiOOO iu 0,000 J p!* "i o lon i a, e 0,000 1 Prize of 2,51)0 \ 24 Prizes « f 5-0 are 12.000 55 Prizes of 2*)o aie 13.750 125 Pi iz *s of 2000 are 25 000 100 IV.z sos 100 are 10,000 iPPUOXIM VTION PRIZES. Prizes of SSOO each for the nine remaining units of tlie same ten of the No. drawing lo $50,000 Prize are 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 each for the nine remaining' itsof the same ?en of the No. drawing ihe $20,000 sh iz* are 2 250 9 Approxiuiati /n riiz.'.s of S2OO each for the nine remaining units of tlie satne ten of ihe :No. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize are 1,300 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. dia.viug the $5 000 Prize are 0 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the l ine reinain rig units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 Puizcs are 1,800 424 Prizes, amounting to 158,000 Whole Tickets sl2 ; Halves $0 : Quarters $3 ; Eighths SL 50. Ai! ihe Prizes above stated aie drawn at Lveiy 4>iawing. P X A. IST OF THESE GREAT. IjOTTEUIES, AND EX PL\NATION OF DHAWIKG. The numbers from 1 to 80,000 correspond ing with the numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips oPpaper and encir cled with small tubes, and placed in a glare wheel. All the Prizes in accouianee with thefcheuie, are rimihulv printed and clod, and placid in agings wheel. All the Prizes, iu at cordadee with the bcheme, aie similarly printed and eniiiclod, and placed in another gla>s wheel. 'Hie wheels are then revolved, and two boys, b indfclde 1, draw the Numbers and Priz s. One of the b ys draws one number from the wheel of Num bers, and at the same time the other boy diaws out one Prize from the wheel of Prizes. 1 be number and prize drawn out are exhibit ed to the audience, and whatever piize come out is registered and placed to the c-e it of that number ; and this operation is re •> - ed until ail the prizes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the follow m style: They are divided into Quarters r Eighth, printed on the fade of the Ticket - Four Quarters or eight Eights, hearing to same number, constitute a Whole Ticket. Prizes payable without discount. W. W, 10YD, Deputy Grand Master, Ihincipal Maugea Atlauta, Ga. I^’Orders for Tickets by mail or Express to be add reused to L R. DROADBENT Agent. Or \V v W. BOYD, Pfincipil Managre 1,. A. SMITH. A geut for Amvricus .'iffic.c opositc pvit Office. March 14 3at. AMERUT'S ADVERTISED ENTS. HfHHEiC WHOLESALE BETA It. C onfection .ers, AND DEALERS IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, AND ALL KINDS OF ■... t ' 'T~~\ ®hwj I'ancy | 'T^^CjOODS,!! %j WIRSS,| ‘j CHSWIN3 Toß\CCo^j 1,1 v' {:■- Vvrgx?'--'*- li* ' if' ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF i'EIIFU M E It Y, TOILET anil FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF JP X lE3 S OF EVERY DESCBIPTION. 2W* Fresh BREAD ami CAKES always on k^ntl. C-Y:' Social ami Weakling' Parlies supplic-il at tlie iiligrtcst mnico. Giv.c us a call. april 4 ts House and Lot For Sale or Rent. rpttE House and Lot formerly occupied by 1. Joseph Block. 8 COHEN, Agent. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 1867. I hereby authorise Mr 8. Cohen, legal Agent of mv Home and Lot in Americus, Ga., to rent nr sell tlie same on lu.y aceount. may 18 ts L E.MaNUEL. “OLD MBS. BAILEY’S SOIST” is mill i. i.> to iv \. AT THE tT o w ©lry Store OF BAILEY & TINSLEY, WHO keep on hand and have constantly Arriving, a -well selected assortment of Wa Claeks, Jewel r y of all kinds. Shot Guns. Pistols, Pistol (hirtridges of | all kinds, Percussion Caps, &c., &o. WORK CANNOT BE Persons wishing 10 h.ave their Waiches. Clocks, or Jewelry j WJtLL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled in rhi s portion of aie | State, will do well to call on them. SPECTAObKS, of all kinds, constantly on hand. fc-j-f* All work done at tlie shortest notice and WARRANTED. march. 1C if L. A. SMITH, GROCESY MERCHANT, No. 8. I.OYLESS’ BLOCK. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. T£KEI’S CONSTANTLY QN HAND, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Bacon, Meat, call, Lard, Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Store. Alko, m Osnaburgv, Sheeting, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, &c., &c. At! of -which can bo purchased on as retmanaUla terms i as- at auy home iu the place Planters find other, need* i»!K Ginturim of auv kind, are invited to call ami exam -1 joe my stock. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con I of the same at olv new location. 1.. A. SJfITH, I ja -10 ts No. a toy less'Bicck. Miscellaneous Advertisements, Mills House, Corner Queen and Meeting Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. This first class hotel has hern thoroughly repaired, re-lltted and re-fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the u worn mod at ion of the travelling public, Whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Lunches always iu readiness to convey pas sengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, leb 12 ts Proprietor. J B ►TEKLE, I C. C NOBTH, a. w. war dell, J New Yotk. SOUTH, STEELE i fIIEU, WHOLESALE DEALERS I\ PANC.Y <4OO PS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, Huciury, White Goods, FumishiDg Goods, Embroidery, &c. No 167 MEETING STREET, mar 12CHARLESTON, 8. C. .1. Ki.l I.SON ADDER, I E. D. BOBINSON, A. MOO. VKOIVN, | G. 11. MOKKETT, J. ADGKR SMYTH. J. E. ADDER & CO., Direct Importers and Dealers in llllil)wake, ii fitin, (ins, Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMKIjTS, Ac. No. 139 MEETING STREET, Xciir Charleston Hotel, and Xo. 62EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. Q. mar 1 2 3m Ttiiulinso!!, Deiutu'cst Co fi2o Brco.dway, NewiYoik. Have them MR. W . W . WOODR UF F, Fovmetly an Extensive Dealer in OAHRLAtrES AND BUGGIES At ATANTA and GRIFFIN, GA. Ip OR the purpose of supplying tbe fiade . and FI niters at the South, by wholesale or retail with any style of Damages, Bug l ' gies or Plantation Wagons. Mr. Woodrufflong experience in the car riage business, will enable us to give satisfac tion in supplying go-, and substantial woik, such as the country demands, nt as low prices ns can possibly he furnished for cash. We will keep constantiy on hand LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES, the same as formerly sold by Mr. Wood uff, and which became sy universally popular all throughthe South, as the best Bntrgy in use. We also furnish IRON AXLE FI AN iA TION WAGONS, of the yery best make in A rneriua. for 2, 4 or 6 horsey. We invfie all who want any article in out line to address TOMLINSON, DEM4RE6T CO. June 1G ly New York. MARSHALL HOUSE. BROUGHTON ST. SAVANNAH, GA. TUTS firs! class Hotel has beep remodeled and newly refurnished and put in perfect order throughout. The traveling public may Lest assured they will find comfortable ac commodations at this House, nov 24 ly HEW DRUG STORE % AND C onlectionery AT Smitliville, Lee Go., Ga. 11. C. BAILEY & CO., |) b-SPEGTEULLY invite the Attention of 1\ I’lnnterg and I‘bysicians to their large and well assorted Stock ol ugaduhcrattid Medicines, Chemicals. Drugs, raints, Oils, And nil other articles in the Drug line. In the CONFECTIONERY depart ment we have, on hand and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Kai sins, and everything usually kept in ft first class confectionery. H. C, B. & CO. Grroeei'ies. A GENERAL assortment of Groceries and jA provisions, will be kept constantly on hand and sold low. Those wbo prefer can furnish us funds, and we will order supplies for them from the West, free of charge We intend to and.) our best for the interest of cur customers. Give us a trial ian 31 If TOOLE, bCHUMPERI & CO. Americus Advertisement!. FAMILY fiROGEMESf rjMIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A mm? mmw ma, at Uis old stand, on Ihe South corner of the Square, where he will keep a supply of Groceries & Provisions, Os Every Description which he will offer so the public on the most reasonable lernis for CASH or country pro duce. Give me a call. t # jesse h a ft!)r. fob 5 ts FURNITURE! si. 6* . il «> it Y SC, Agent, ATCEKICTJS, GEORGIA. HRAKF.S pleasure iu infmro 1 irtg bin hfindrt Hpd the public that he has now on iiamlaud i-? daily lauciviiig a fine stock cf flllllEl Fl'HlTll, Consisting in part of FINE MAHOGANY n and WALNUV FaKLOR Bets, Walnut and >'*d Chamber Betts, bofas, 'Fete a 'lYtes, Mahogany and Walnut Cu.*hioiu-d FuGfir (\nd Racking c'hairs, A erreat vaiiety of Cane and Wood Seat Chair.- 5 , Bureaus of all kiiuls, Marble top Tables, Beadeteads, all kinds and prices, {Spring Beds ai j Matt tosses, and jthe articles usually in a first class FUJBIVIT‘CJJI23 WAR2HOUSE. All ©f which being bought for (’ ASH be is enabled to ; ull «t YLLY LOW PRICES ! H\ar 211 ts Lit P. 11. SUTCUELL. W. iv I’ILSJiURY. P. H, MITCHELL & CO. ( U the Sign of the Yellow Os, e Pot.) AMERICUS GA. J|AS IN STORE A LARGE LOT OF Sound White- Corn. TUoir Stock of GROG E 11 [ E 8 I- COMPLETE. They are mimufactuiing VATioh s-ftloand Ro tail TIN-WAR^ Give them a pall. may 9 ts I) ciital jST o tice• riAHE undersigned respectfully invites tlie J atiention nt bis old friends and coßium. nityat. large. ti. .t he is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative 0< i.: i try . — Having given those bran dies of Dental Sclem e his attention for a number of year®, he “can pro fa fee Jill y/ho n;ay p-j vc him t,l;mr pftrO.i wge. that their work will be done in f!.c very best and latest style. His nmtcrfiis are of ho best selection Teeth mounted on vu!cnn‘ «te base from one to a full set. He guaranties iO give perfect sat i.-faotior.. butii in httingand beauty. He also us«'s tlicvilrous oxideiu ex trading teeth, which is better nd ipied for that purposetlian anything now know to the age* Wat dies can also be repaired and ring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up stairs in tho corner of the new Hotel building, fronting tlie ’Telegraph Office and adjoining Boon's furniture store. Mar. l.i-tf' DU-J. NOBLE. C. D BARES]}ALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Amcficns, Georgia. Rbspectfcl- LY’ informs the citizens of Americus and \i cinify that he has opened a Merchant Tailoring Ei»fab TMi rnent, in the ly-.r of Mrs. Mnpps* Mil linery Store, G. M. Hay’s Block, and is fully prepared lo either cut or make Clothiug, or both, in the 'latest styles, and satisfaction guaianleed in every ■ L, . '•/ imt jj |.;p-|| instance, If not, no pay. lie hr.s on hand a superior stock of Cnssimeres, Cloths, Vest lings, Trimmings, Ac. to which lie ipviles ihe attention of the gentlemen of ike city.— Terms strictly CASH. feb. 5 t Hf Mmw & m„ WHOLESALE DEALERS IX LIQUORS, GROCERIES, Western Produce, A X D GENERAL MERCHANDIZE On Cofctoi? «ct, next door to tiro Pc«t. Offlco, AMERICU; GEORGIA - it tjt ,jv. ,i Whole USTo. 270. Notes From the Holy Land The Cincinnati Gazette is publishing a set ies of letters from Egypt and from the East, which we .extract the following description of locality dear to the heart* of every true Christian : GA MW INKS OX OLIVET. It was a favorite idea with our party to spend onr last evening in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives. We desiro-to see the run set and rise again on the city, and quietly to dwell for a little season amidst those localities most familiar in the history of the Saviour and most dear in the associations of his people. Accordingly we had our tents pitched near the summit, the day before we left,, and agreed on meeting in them for a late dinner Not waiting for the rest, I left the ehy in the middle of the afternoon, and disc'nding in the vailcy of Jchosa phat by the usual way crossed to GETUSEMAXE. The inclosed pardon is on the fjrst rise of the bill after crossing. I had been around it, and under the scattered old dive trees repeatedly before,but had nev er entered the inclosure. Now 1 had ob tained admission, and spent some time amidst its walks. The exact locality of Gethscmar.e is unknown, and the taste is very questionable which has turned the supposed locality into a tea garden, yet anywhere in litis neighborhood one feels the impression of that most sadhjsublime scene in the Baviours history, when he agonized ‘‘with strong crying and tears,” with ‘‘sweat as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground.” Yet, woubl you believe if, that even over a lo cality so hallowed the sects ere at strife; and the Greeks, dissatisfied that the Lat ins have a monopoly of Gcthsemane, ara preparing a Gethscmanp of their own,, having some time Since inclosed it and now keeping it waiting for the trees to get a little older before opening it and pooelaiinirig it the garden. At least wo were so informed. , -, Near the garden is a grotto fitted np with an altar ip which the disciples are said to have slept while the Saviour pray ed. And a little farther off—down in the bottom of the valhy—is the alleged tomb ts the Virgin, from which they say she was rapt bodily into heaven. The chappel Luilt over this tomb is also con veniently made to inclose the tombs of JQsephj the husband of Mary, and Joa chim and Anna, her parents. And this, when the Third General Council of the Church held at Ephesus declared that, the Virgin was buried in that city, and in the Church in which the Lounc.lwas met ! You pay you money, and taka your choice. C'IiUKCII or TilE ASCENSION. On the very summit of Olivet is a mosque, (he top of whose minaret com mands a view, in some respect the most interesting in the world. The view is pan ramie, hut enough for you there that Jerusalem is at vour feet, while behind you is. a long stretch ofihe Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley, with the blue moun tains of Jvloub hejpnd rising in bold and grand relief. • Within the inefosire of this mosque is a small nets.renal chapel, which has replaced the old Church of the Ascen sion. This chapel is bare of furniture, and captains nothing of interest, except a stone, from which, as is alleged, our Lord rose to heaven. A depression in the surface of the stone, not much in the shape of a foot, is alleged to have been tins last earthly footstep. As our Saviour is known to have ascended from a part of 1113 Mount t early a mile from here, af Bethany, the invention of *he stone and footstep lias hardly a sufficient amount of plausibility to make it even amusing.— But I find the Moslem door-keeper, mount my hopse, and ride over to BETHANY. The vitlirsge of. Martha and Mary is farther down the eastern side of Oivet than I had imagined. Even from the minaret just spoken of no part of the village can be seen, it being sitaated un der a declivity oh the mountainside. Thi rr is' no attraction in the village itself, The houses arc humble, being small r.nd fiat roefed. Yet they are built of substantial stone, whi h redeem them from contempt. The streets are, perhap«, a tittle less filthy than those of most Syria’.; villages of similar size. The surround ing country is beautifully picturesque, and the appearance of the almond and fig trees, and grain fields was, at time of my visit, inviting. Difficult, it may have been, yet it was not utterly impossible to think of this place as the Jerusalem home of our Saviour, and ol its neighbor hood as the scene ( f one of his most stu pendous miracles. The reputed tomb of Lazarus is on the northern ride ol the village. A long flight of sf ops deepnds down to a spacious chamber, and a low passage way leads front tills into a smaller chamber, in which the body is said to have laid. Whethep or not this was the actual tomb of Laza rus, i was glad to see it. as exhibiting a specimen of the tombs anciently prepar ed for the dead of Bethany. From t such a grave as this, it- not from this it self, we may tl iuk that Lazarus MM .forth, at the bidding of the omnipotent word of Jesus. . ■ ' • , 1 • * ■ , z4l LblW The North Carolina tolacco ervf *»s failure. ” *■* «***•*