Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, June 29, 1867, Image 1

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THE THI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN. Vol. Qi-KNo. US- T H 1! Tri-Weekly Republican IS ptiIILISHKU EVERY Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, BY a, "W. HAIsTCOCK EDITOR «t rnomiEToß. TERMS: $2 FOR THREE MOUTHS Rates of Aiivkiutsino. —Two Hollars a square, of ton .lines nr loss, for the first in soriion, aud Uue l'o'iar for each subsetlueui insertion. Professional Cards. OFFERS his professional services to Hie citizens of A merit*us find sitprounding country Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, he hopes by unremitting at ten - 1 ioil to business to merit a continuance of the same Office next door jo (ho Post Office. July 14 ts. ~W, ©rf X LLO>£> OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Amuricus and surrounding vicinity. Office on the North East, comer of the Public Square, where he can be found day and night. tjiar 19 ly w m e® 9 a7T@[f tom s ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Office in Masonic Puilding, up stair mar 10 ly. IHIAWiiC K§, Attorney at law, Americus, Georgia. ™-g?“Ofliee in Masonic Hall. Jan. 18 ts. JOSEPH A* mmv£Yg ATTOnSfS’sT AT UW. AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americas, . Georgia. t\'lLL give prompt allenlion In proses, 1T sional business in Sumter, Schley, V, eV> *ier, Lee. and Terrell counties, except cases in'tlie County Cover of Sumter County. Office in ilie Court House. June 9 ts. O. r _T. G<>()(Us AT T GUNEY A T LA W, Americus, Georgia. ian 15 ts James J. Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMHRICtTS GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stairs. En trance between B W. Smith & Go’s Con fectionery, and Kind’s store. j tn 10 ts COMtVSERC!AL AGENCY. 6. IMlu HAWCC QM § „ ATTORNEY & COLLECTOR, America*, Georgia. gVIOPOSES to devote himself mainly In | ' conveyancing and commercial practice vfcll keep dockets shewing progress of cases from commencement of .suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and cooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in the conn ivy. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Speer & Hook’s Building, Aug 2 if. A.S. CUTTS, Broker aud Commission Merchant, AMERICUS, C,A. WILL pay the highest market price soy cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned \V. Bryce & <. 0., Mew York- "<»v 24 ts Dr. W. W. FORD, burgeon and Mechanical DENTIST. 1J ENEWS the tender of his thanks to liis MoL numerous friends of South West Geor gia, for their liberal patronage (tic last en years in Americus, and respectfully in forms them that his office is a permanent in stitution of this plaoe. lie is now prepared to perform all operations in Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry in the best and most du rable manner. He spares neither time or expense in keep, ing fully up with iiis Profession. His pat rons will receive the benefits of all the ion provements that are made and that aretidopt c l by the Dental Colleger and Scientific por tion of the Profession in Europe and Amer ica. lie has Prof. Barker’s improved apparatus for generating Nitrous Oxide, Protoxide of Nitrogen or Laughing Gas, anew Anesthe tic agent, not so dangerous as Chloroform or Ether when inhaled. He has Dr. Welsh’s improved Narcotic Spray instrument,for pro ducing Local Antesthesia, with Ether or lihigolcue, this instrument is being univer sally adopted by Surgeons and Dentists in Europe and America, giving great satisfac tion. Jt is verv simple and perfectly harm less to the most delicate and fragile constitu tions, it is therefore preferred to Ether, Chloroform or Nitrous Oxide. His office is at his private residence, near Johnson’s A Harold’s Warehouse. His ot. fice is comfortable, quiet and pleasant. La dies having dental operations performed can erfjoy all Hie privacy of home. N. B. From and after this date he will be found at his office at ail times from sunrise until sunset. Americus, Ga., March 28th, ts W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALES AMY KKTAXJ, DEALER IN TIA-IiDWUvIIK, € I T I, i: It V , &C* fii-C. &Ci A M K ft JCIRS.,„ 150 RGI A. rpilF subscriber thankful for Ihe liberal j patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus and the public generally, that, lie lias in store, and to arrive 15 0 STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BUILDER’S MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, ITT TV. Ea:nts, and Wood and Willow Ware POT WA.R . Mouse furnis[jin§ 6ooils, Plated and Japaned o 'arcs, Ct-p r "A[l of which will be sol(l at as lnm its can be purchased up;,'where Scmijf Roofing and Gutterinl DONE IN THE ft ESI 1 W 0 ft. 1C MA N UIH miui n vv ai)4 W All P« ANT Ep. | TIN-WARE • .Manufactured, and fur sale low for Cash. april 20 t f FELDER & SON, DEAL. EllS IN DRY GOODS —AND Groceries. Americus, Georgia. \\' F are now receiving a large and well * y selected Stuck. In the DRY GOODS line we have everything usually kept for the wants of the public, embracing lull lines of Dress Goods, l’t ints, Shirtings and Sheetings, Cassimercs, Linen Ducks, Drills, _ Tickings, Clothing, White Goods, Uoois and Shoes, Hosiery, Hats, Crockery, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirt Fronts, Shirts and Drawers, Threads, Combs, Duttons, Braids, Perfumery, Umbrellas and Parasols Ac., Ac, &., &c, Groceries. WF. have always on hand— BACON, LAUD, FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE,SYRUP, SALT, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, etc. Also, all kinds and grades of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS. All%f which were bought for CASH at the lowest prices, and we pledge ourselves to sell to CASH BUYERS af prices to suit the HARD TIMES, april 22 ts. To Tlie Tadics. MISS SUSAN NOBLES TAKES this occasion of informing tlie La- X dies of Americus anti Sumter county, that she is prepared to cut, fit ami make dresses for ftadies and Cbihlien, iu the VERY LATEST AND MOST IASH IQN ABLE STY I.E, She invites the ladies to call and examine her beautiful patterns, at her father’s Dental of fice, in the Granberry building. She feels confident of giveu satisfaction, maj 9 ts illetaliic ISurinl liases. \ FINE ASSORTMENT, kept constant. xV lv on hand, S. I’. BOONE, Ag’t. July 24 ts Americuis, GeoT*gin, Saturday, June £9, 1567. Atlanta Advertisements. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, PROPRIETORS Bryson and Wiley, Clerks. ina NATIONAL 11OTEG Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATE ANT A, GKOIiGX A. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors. ifca' A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Class Hot el, Elegant ly Furnished throughout. Fine Billiard Parlor with Phelan Tables. j Bar stocked with Choice Liquors and Wines.; mar 12 ly M | ! j li | J. T. JENKINS & CO., 1 Wholesale Dealers In S " ; (ftnigs, Ihiuis, (Ljmmrdls, t! OILS, WINDOW GLASS, I j; PATESTIICIUC, 61 1, Corner of Prior and Alabama Streets, j Ati.anta, : : : Georgia, j piar 12 3m. Q_EORGIA STATE LOTTERY. FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE ‘MASONIC ORPHAN’S HO MV Tim Legislature of the State of Georgia, nt its last session, graued to W VV. Boyd, and others, a Grant to adept a Lottery-, or seiie*< f lotteries and Agencies, to raise money fur the purpose of building a Home for, arid t-upport ing Indigent Widows and Orphans the Home to he called the “ AIaSOKIU OIUHIAN’S HOME " The grantees have associated with them, as a Board of Managers, sonic of the best citizens < f the State,- in the great wotk of beiievo h and charity. We call the attention of the public to the Grand Schenk below, !»nd a*k your patronage In pm chasing Tickets, you will remember that should you faii to draw a p»i#*, that your imoney will be stiictly and Masonic illy ap plied to a charitable work. c o i-g- ia SJst ic Bo j t c»■ v, FOR TIIE BENEFIT oy THE “MASONIC OB HI AN’S HOME!” To be Drawn in open public at ATLANTA GEORGIA. Wednesday, May 15th, 1867—Class B. Wednesday, June 19th, 1867—Class C, ■ Wednesday, July 17th, 1867—Class D goiqssiE the same fqk each month, 1 Piizo of $50,000 is $50,000 1 irjgcof 20.000 is 20 000 1 Fiizoif - 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize of 5 000 is 5,000 1 Piiao of 2.500) . 000 1 Prize of 2 500 f e ,UJU 24 Prizes r.f 500 are 12,000 5-» Prig soi' *J-30 aie 1*1.750 125 Prises of 2000 are 25 000 100 ih.jj *s of 100 are 10,000 IPPROXIM vTION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSGO each for the nine remamiog units of the same ten of the No. drawing ce $50,000 Prize are 4,500 0 Approximation Prizes of ,250 each for the nine remaining ituof the same ten of the No. drawing the $20,000 Piizearo 2 250 9 Approximation Prizes of $.200 each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize are 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. chawing the $5 000 Prize are 0 18 Approximation Piizes of SIOO eacli for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No;;, drawing the $2,500 Baizes are 1.800 424 Piizes, amounting to 168,000 Whole Tickets sl2 ; Halves $6 : Quarters $3 ; Eighths $1 50. All the Prises above stated are drawn at Every Drawing. r L~A. IST OF.THESE GREAT LOTTERIES AND EX PR OF DRAWING, The numbers from 1 to 00,000 correspond ing with the numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encir cled with small tubes, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes in accordance with the!*chomp, are similarly printed and enciro cleJ, and placed in a glass wheel. All the! Piizes, in accord a dee with the Scheme, ate similarly printed and eiicirclad, and placed in auothcr glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two boys, b indfolded, draw the Numbers and Prizes. One of the b» ys draws one number from the wheel of Num bers, and at the same time the other boy dtaws out one Prize from the wheel of Prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibit : ed io the audience, aud whatever prize comes . out is registered and placed to the c-e-’ir of that number ; and this operation is re •* - ed until ail the prizes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the follow «i" st yle : They are divided into Quarters *• Eights, printed on the face of the Ticket.— Four Quarters or eight Eights, bearing tn‘ same number, constitute a Whole Ticket. Prizes payable without discount. 'W. W. 1 OYD, Deputy Traud Master, Principal Mangel Atlanta, Ga., Orders for Tickets by mail ur Express to be addressed to L R BKOADBENI Agent. Or W. W. BOYD, Principal Managi*c Ij. A- SMITH, Agent fur Americus Office oposite post Office. Match 14 iho. AME BKIS ADVERTISEMENTS. iifiiiHf; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C onfec tooneirs, 4 VD DEALERS IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, AVXt ALL KIKDa OP I, i\jT ° ° ° T)S, I P R E SERA E S, | ; j PINE CIGARS, i f IjtJjSkk' 1 CTSWINO TOB.ICCO. ! ;i m * ' ALSO A LAr.Cn /'.SSOKTMKNT OF PER I-'UM FRY, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF PIPE S OF EVEIIY DESCRIPTION. I5F° Fresh BREAD and CAK ES always on hand. EYY' Social and Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice. Give us a call. april 4 ts House and Lot For Sale or Rent, rpilE House and Lot formerly occnpipd by JL Joseph Bloc!;. 8 t’QHEM, Agent. Macon, Ga., Apii! 10th, 1867. I hereby authorize Mr. 8. Cohen, legal Agent of my Home and Lot in Americus, Ga , 1 to rent or sell the tame on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. “OLD MRS. BAILEY’S SOTT” i* * T ! 1, 1, I T « VV ,\ . AT THE e -w elry Store OF BAILEY & TINSLEY, WHO keep on hand and have constantly arriving, a well selected assortment of Wa _bes, Clocks. JeweUy of ail kinds. Shot Guns. Pistols, Pistol Cartridges of | all kinds, remission Caps. &<?.,. &«. B®-WATCH WORK CAIINOT° BE EXCELLED. “IBa Persons wishing to have their Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry WELL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled in this portion of the i! State, will do well to call on them. SPECTACLES, of all kinds, constantly on hand. EST' Ail work, done at the shortest notice and WARRANTED. inarch 16 ts L. A..SMITH, GROCERY MERCHANT, No. 8. I.OrLESS’ CLOCK. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. J£BEPS CONSTANI'LV ON HAND, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Bacon, Meal, Salt, Lure), Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and every other article usually found in a Grocery : Store. Also, | Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, Ac., Ac. ! A.I! of which can be purchased on as ret s enable terms | as at any house in the place. Planters and others need i mg Groceries of any kind, aio invited to call and exam -1 ine rny stock. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a cop j of the same, at m v new location. I * J<- A. SMITH, 1 j* tlO ts No. 8 .Loyleas’ Blgck. Miscellaneous Advertisements, Mills House, Corner Queen and Meeting Streets CHARLESTON*, 8 C. This first class hotel has been * thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur- ; nislied throughout, and is now ready for t lie accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage in respectfully solicited. Coaches always in readiness to convey pas sengers to and from the Hotel, The Proprietor promises to do all in hiy power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH riRCELL, lebl*2tf Proprietor. J B feTEKMC, I C O NORTH, \. w. war dell, j New Yoik. kith, mu l \mmi WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, Hosiery, While floods, fuipubinß Good*. Embroidery, &c. No 107 MEETING STREEP, mar 12 3m CHARLESTON, S. C. ,T. I 1.1 fSON mlS',li, j E. r>. ROBINSON, A. MCU. BROWN, l a. H. MOFFETT, J. A DOER SMYTH. J. E. AD GEE & CO., Direct Importers and Dealers in HASBVARE, MTIEH, MS, Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Ac. No. 139 MEETING STREET, Year Charleston Hotel, and No. 02 EAST BAY, CHARLES! ON, S. C. mar 1 2 3m T<>miisaso;a, Demamt Co* 620 Broadway, New fSToik- Have associated’witli them MR. W. W. WO O DEU FF, Fotmeily an Extensive Dealer in CARRIAGES ATTD BUGGIES At AT AXT A and GRIFFIN, GA. Id OR the purpose of supplying the tiade . and Planters at the South, by wholesale <>r retail with any style of ('aniages, fiftg*- uies or Plantation Wagons. M.. Woodi tiff s long experience in the car riage business, will enable 11s to give satisfac* tion in supplying good substantial wmk, such afi the country demands, at as low prices as fan possibly be furnished for cash. Wc wjli keep constantly on hand LIGHT COX COED BUGGIES, the same as formerly sold bv Mr. Wood uff, and which became: so universally popular all throughthe South, as the best Pxiegv in use. We also furnish IRON AXLE PLANTA TION WAGONS, of the very best make in America, for 2, 4 or 6 hoisev. We invPe ail who want any article in out line to address TOMLINSON, DEM A REST CO. June 16 ly New York. M ARSHALL HOUSE, BROUGH ITOTST ST. SAVANNAH, GA. THIS first class Hotel has been remodeled and newly refurnished and put. in perfect order throughout. The traveling public may rest assured they will find comfortable ac commodations at this House, novel ly ISTZErW" IHiUU STORE AND C* miectioiiery AT Smithville, Lee Co.,Ga. 11. C. BAILEY & CO., ry KSPJECTFULLY invite the attention of \j Planters and Physicians to their large and well assorted Stock of unadulterated Medicines, Chemicals. Drugs, . Paints, Oils, And all othc-v qvtides in the Drug line. In the CONFECTIONERY depart ment wo have on lund and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, R&i sins, and everything usually kept in a first class confectionery. If. C. E. & GO. (Groceries. \ GENERAL assortment of Groceries and I lx. Provisions, will be kept constantly on hand and sold low* Those who prefer can furnish us funds, and we will order supplies | for them from the West, free of charge. We j intend to and » our best for the ioteiest of < ur customers. Give us ati ial. 1 jan 81 ts TOOLE, SCHUttPERT & CO. Amcricus Advertisemeuls. FAMILY rpin: undersigned iias otenkd a FAMILY (BOTCH STORE, at his old stand, on the South corner of the Square, where he will keep a supply of Groceries & Provisions, Os Every Description which he will offer to the public on the most reasonable terms for CASH or country pro duce. Give me a call. JESSE HARM. fc-b 5 If FURNITURE! s. i*. bo«Ak, A£«' i» t,! AMERICTIS, GEORGIA. r| l. \K MS p leas ur e in inf •» in fiiiiiT mini, fij& FINE MAHOGANY pi <1 WALNUT PARLOR Sets, Walnut and Enameled Chamber Setts, Sofas. Tete a Tttes, Mahogany and Walnut Cushioned Pat lor and Rocking Chairs, A creat variety of Cane and Wood rb-Lo Bureaus of all kinds, Marble top Tables, Beadstrads, all kinds and prices, Spring Beils and Matt tresses, and j) the articles usp illy kept in a tir*jt class FUBNITURE WAREHOUSE- j All of which being bought for CASH ho is j enabled io sell at \T.KV LOW PRICES 1 mar 28 ts DR r. 11. MITCH ELI. W. K riLSBURY. ! P. H, MITCHELL & CO. (At (he Sign of the Yellow. Coffee Pot.) AMERICUS, GA. MAS IN STORE A LARGE LOT OF Sound White Corn. Thoir Stock of G It 0 C E It I E 8 Ii COMPLETE. They are mannfactmlne; Wholesale anil Re tail TIN-WAEE Give them a call. may 9 ts Uciita l Notice rjAllK undersigned respectfully invites the J attention of his old friends and commu nity at large, that lie is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given those branches of Dental Science his attention for a number of years, he can promise all who may give him their patron age. that their work will be done in the very best and latentstylp. Ills materials are o.‘ lie best selection Teeth mounted on vulcnrr ile base from one to a full set. He guaranties io give perfect satisfaction, both in fitting and beauty. He also uses thevilrous oxide in ex tracting teeth, which is better adapted for that purpose than anything now know to the can also he repaired dring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up stairs iu the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph office and adjoining Boon’s furniture store. Mar. 19-tf*. DR. J. NOBLE. C. D. BARKSDALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Amcricus, Georgia. T > ESPECTKI’L- o B ** Xv LY informs f/7--: "A ffgf Hay’s Block, apd ilpfujaL . ?lj • is fully prepared to U* 1 ’ instance, If not, no pay. ile lias on hand a superior stock of Cassimeres, Cloths, Vest tings, Trimmings, Ac. to which he invites the attention of the gentlemen of the city.-- Terms strictly CASH. feb. 5 t im. Minim t in.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUoaS, GROCERIES, Western Produce, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE On Cottor* •t t. next door to the Pcbt Offle*, AMEBIC DG GEOHGIA jan 31 Whole USTo. 2-71. HUMOROUS- The coat of a horse ia the- gift of Da tura. That of an ass is often the woik of a tailor. Why is an author the most peculiar of animals! Because his tail comes out of his head. Who are the dishonest people ?—• Hardware mcrchauts; they sell iron anti steel for a living. A man who was thrown through ft window, sash, glass and all, remarked af terward that he had never experienced such piercing panes before. • * , Carlyle, ir. hia vdvice to the young men, says: If you doubt to kiss a pret ty giil, give her the benefit of the doubt.” ‘l’m going to raise your rent said a landlord to his tenant. ‘Thank you.’ replied the tenant, ‘for I’m blessed ii I can raise it myself - ” In a western del ating society, the question for discussion was as fullows: If a fellow haint nothing when ho gets married, and the girl haint,is her things, or bizzen hern ?” Ilizzen’s hist and hern’s hern. The Trundle-Bed. “Mamma,” said Eddie, while looking out the window ono evening during a thunder-storm, “Mamma, isn’t it time for me to go to sleep? I hear God pulling out his trundle-bed for the little angles to sleep in.” A married lady found her two sons quarelling, and hopes of putting an end to their differences, ottered the following: ‘You young rascals, if you don’t de si.-d directly, I’ll tell both your fathers.’ A widow in Paris, aged forty-five mar ried a younfr man aged eighteen. By her first husband she had a son, whose ago at the time of her second marriage was twenty one. She recently died, and by her will Left her fortune to her son and husband. As her husband was not of age, her son was appointed his guardiaD. A “tin” wedding was observed after an unsual manner in Vermont the other day. The wife eloped with a young fel low, taking with her all the “tin” her husband had saved in ten years. The discovery of her absence of course closed the festival. A lady asked a gentleman the other day why so many tall gentlemen were baehclors. The reply was that they were obliged to lie crosswise in bed to keep their feet in and a wife would be its the way. A man was asked what i»d»eed him to make a law student of his son. “Oh he was always a lung little euss, and I thought I would honor his leading pro pensity. Sober for Once.— A correspondent has a good annecdote cfa man who rarely failed to go to bed intoxicated, and dis tuib bis wife the whole night. Upon his being charged by a friend that he never went to bod sober, he indignantly denied it, and gave tho incidents of one particular night in proof : l’retty soon after I got into bed wife said: ‘Why husband what is the mat ter with you? You act strangely.” “There is nothing the matter with me,’ said I, “nothing at all.” “I’m sure there is,” said she; 'you don’t act natural at all. Shan’t I get up and get something for you ?” And she got up and light a candle, and then came to the bedside to look at me, shading the light with her hand. “I knew there was something strange about you,” said she, “ why, you are bc bef 1” “Xow, this is a fact, and my wife will swear to it; so don’t you slander me any more by saying I haven’t been sober iu six months, because I have.” Z52U’ “I have seen a woman professing to love Christ'more than the world, clad in a silk dress costing §75; making up and trimmings of the same, $10; diamond ring SSOO ; watch, chain, pin and other trappings, $300; total, $ 1100—all hung upon frail dying woman. T have seen her at a meeting in behalf of homeless wandores in New York wipe her eyes up on an pspensive embroidered hanuker chief at the story of their suffering, and when the contribution-box came round take from a well-filled porteraonnaie of costly wurkmanship, twenty five cents tci aid the society formed to promote their wolfaie. Ab, thought I, dollars lor rib bons and pennies for Christ.” —[Spur- geon. Prayer.—Luther used to say, aod is was not one of his worst sayings, that prayer was, as it wore, the leeches of his troubles. But were this all, it would be a. poor thing. The dim dawn of prayer teaches us that its meridian light is itself the dawn oi heaven. In the sinner’s life, the roses perish, and the-thorns are left;in the good man’s, the thorns die and the roses live. We may make angels of our own ten der kind and loving thoughts and feel ings, by letting them fly to others. KSS- A pretty little girl in North Adam* pretended to go on a visit to Vermont, but instead, went to Troy, joined a Methodist clergyman there and eloped, the clergyman abandoning his wife and several children.— The “shepherds'' seem te be cutting up aw-, fully this sc asm.