Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, July 11, 1867, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER RUPIIRI ItIAN Vol. S.-JSFo. 117. T H K Tri-Weekly Republican IS PUBLISH*:]) EVERY Tuosdajs, Thursdays & Saturdays, BY CL *W. HANCOCK EDITOfi * PROPRIETOR. TERMS; 5>2 FOR THREE MONTHS. Raxes op fVj.VEuriaisa Two Dollars a square, of ten lines or less, for the firgt, i u . sertion, aud Ouo Dollar for each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards. ii® o ©a IBSME OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Americus and surrounding country Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, he hopes by unremitting atten tion to business to merit a continuance of the same. Office next door to the Post Office. July 14 ts. ©!&□ !M. ©□ iiM3°iL [£(§)© OFFERS his professional services lo the citizens of Americus and surrounding vicinity. Office on the North East corner of the Public Square, where he can be found day and night. mar 10 ly* “me rTi c .a. Xj . Dr. A. D. BRUCE, OFFICE at F. M. COKER’S, opposite the * Post Office. Al! calls left there, will receive prompt attention. june 7 lm. V t ©Wj ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS GEORGIA. Office in Masonic Building, upstair mar 10 Jy. WILLII© IHI^WCC Attorney at Law, Americus, Georgia. Office in Masonic Hall. .Tan. 18 ts. /h a ANQLIEY, ATTOHH.3TT AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americus, . Georgia. WILL give prompt wi. ta sionat business in Sumter, Schley, VV eb .tier, Lee, and Terrell counties, except cases in the County Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. J une ts. ~ O. T. Goode, ATTOIt NE Y A T LA\V , Americus, Georgia. jan 15 ts James J. Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building:, up stain*. En trance between B VV. Smith & Go’s Con fectionery, and Foul’s store jan 19 tt COMMERCIAL AGENCY. ■B. H. HAWKINS, ATTORIUEY & COLLECTOR, Americas, Georgia. -f)ROPOSES to devote himself mainly to conveyancing and commercial practice. Will keep dockets shewing progress of cases from commencement of suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and nooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in the coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Ppeer & Hook’s Building. Aug 2 ts. Dr. W. W. FORD, Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST. HF.NEWH the tender of his thanks to his numerous friends of South West Geor gia, for their liberal patronage tlic last elevs eh years in Americus, and respectfully in forms them that his office is a permanent in stitution of this place. He id now prepared to perform all operations in Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry in the best and most du rable manner. He spares neither time or expense in keep, ing fully up with his Profession, ilia pat rons will receive the benefits of all the im. provements that are made and that areadopt e 1 by the Dental Colleges and Scientific por tion of the Profession in Europe and Amer ica. Ho has Prof. Barker’s improved apparatus for generating Nitrous Oxide, Protoxide of Nitrogen or Laughing Gas, anew Anaesthe tic agent, not so dangerous as Chloroform or Ether when inhaled. He has Dr. Welsh’s improved Narcotic Spray instrument for pro ducing Local Anesthesia, with Ether or Rhigolene, this instrument is being univer sally adopted by Surgeons and Dentists in Europe and America, giving great satisfac tion. It is verv simple and perfectly harm less to the most delicate and fragile constitu tions. it is therefore preferred to Ether, ■Chloroform or Nitrous Oxide. Ilis office is at his private residence, near Johnson’s A Harold’s Warehouse. His of fice is comfortable, quiet and pleasant. La dies having dental operations performed can enjoy all the privacy of home. N. B. From and after this dale he will bo found at his office at all times from sunrise until sunset. Americus. Go■. March 28th, ts W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HA-RDWA-JHC, CUTI.EISV, < * S '*'* dbc. &ci AMERICUS GEORGIA. rpun »utrau>H>ei- tlm uV tat for VM , A patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform lire citizens of Americus and the public generally, that he has in btore, and to arrive 15 0 STOVES, OF KVERY DESCRIPTION. DTJIDDED’S MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY. PAINTS, and Wood and Willow Ware POT WARE, fiimse -tfnrnisljiitg (Sootos, S’Jafcd and Japancd Wares, &c. ePgrAil of which will be sold at' as loA prices as can be purchased anywhere Sout* Roofing and Gutterinfl DONE IN THE BEST WORKMANLIKE, manner aud WARRANTED. * 1 TIN-WARE Manufactured, and for sale low for Cash, april 2U ts Mills House, Comer Queen anil Meeting Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL HAS BEEN thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Coaches alwtiys in readiness to convey pas sengers to and from 1 lie Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, ieb 12 ts Proprietor. J. J3 STEELE, I C. 0. NORTH, a. w. wa it bell. i New Yoik. IRTH, STEELE k WARDEU, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ra.«CY eeoas. STATIONERY, I PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, Hosiery, White Goods, Furnishing Goods, Embroidery, &c. No 167 MEETING STREET, mar 14 3m CHARLESTON, S. C. J. ELLISON ADOEr., j E. I>. ROBIXSOV, J. ABOEK SMYTH. j. e.Tadger & 00., Direct Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, CIiTLERY, GUIS, Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Ac. No. 139 MEETING STREET, Near Charleston Hotel, and No. C2EAST CAY J CHARLEST ON, S. C. mar ' 2 3m DU P. U. MITCHELL. W. K. PILSnUBY. P. H, MITCHELL & CO. (At the Sign of the Yellow Coffee Pot.) AMERICUS GA. ||AS IN STORE A LARGE LOT OF Sound White Corn. Their Stock of G ROC EIl 1 E S 18 COMPLETE. They are manufacturing Wholesale and Re tail TINWARE Give them a call may 9 ts Americus,. Q-eorgia, Thursday, -Tilly 11, 1867. Atlanta Advertisement. iiEaiuAiawS7 ALABAMA STREET, ; ATLANTA GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, morn ietoes BrvoOV and Wiley, Clerks. ma "natioSal hotelT Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors. tt&' A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Elegantly Furnished throughout. Fine Billiard Parlor with Phelan Tables. Bar stocked with • mar 12 ly J. T. JENKINS & CO., Wholesale Dealers in finigs, pints, (Lfjemitals, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Fill! MllllS, tt, tt Corner of Prior and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, : : Georgia. mar 12 3m. ; OI_EOIiGIA STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE iSSONiC ORPHAN’S HUM V Tlio Legislature of the State of Georgia, at its last session, graned to W. W. Boyrl, and others, a Grant, lo adopt a Lottery, or series < f Lotteries and Agencies, to raise money for tbe purpose of building a Home for, and support ing Indigent Widows and Ornhana—the Home be culled tbe “ MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME ” Tbe grantors have associatrd with them, as a Board of Managers, some of tLe best citizens of the State, iu the great woik of benevo lence and charity. We call the attention of the public to the Grand Schisms below, and ask youi patronage In purchasing Tickets, you will remember that should you faii iodravv a prize, that your money will be strictly and Masonically ap plied to a charitable work. Georgia State Lottery, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE To be Drawn in open public at ATLANTA GEORGIA. Wednesday, Hay 15th, 1867—Class E. ■Wednesday, June 19:h, 1837—Class C, Wednesday, July ;7th, 1867—Class E SCHEME THE SAME FOR EACH MONTH. 1 Prize of $50,000 is $50,000 1 .liar-of 20,000 is 20 000 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize of 5.000 is 5,000 i 1 Prize of 2 500 H s ’°° o ! 24 Pi Izes of 500 are 1 *2,000 I 55 Frizes of 250 are 13,750] 125 Prizes of 2000 are 26.000! lUO Prizes of 100 are 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSOO each for the nine remaining units of tiie same ten of the No. drawing do $50,000 Prize are 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of *250 each for the nine remaining’ itsof the same ten of the No. drawing the $20,000 Prize are 2 250 9 Approximation Prizes of S2OO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the iSo. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize are 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. diawing the $5 000 Prize are 0 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 Paizes are 1,800 42-4 Prizes, amounting to 138,000 Whole Tickets sl2 ; Halves $6 : Quarters $3 ; Eighths $1 50. All the Prizes above stated are drawn at Every Drawing, j 3 isr OF THESE GREAT LOTTERIES, AND EX PLANATION OF DRAWING. The numbers from 1 to 30,009 correspond ing with tbe numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encir cled with small tubes, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes in accordance with thebcheme, are similarly printed aud encin cled, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes, in aceprdadee with tbe Scheme, are similarly printed and encircled, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two boys, b indfolded, draw the Numbeis and Prizes. One of the beys draws one number from tbe wheel of Num bers, aud at the same time tbe other boy diaws out ono Prize from the wheel of Prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibit ed to the audience, and whatever prize comes out is registered and placed to the c-e'ir of that number ; and this operation is re. a - until ail the prizes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the follow -u' r style : They are divided into Quarters t’ Eights, printed on the face of the Ticket.— Four Quarters or eight Eights, bearing ti<‘ same number, constitute a Whole Ticket, Prizes payable without discount-. W. W. 10YD, Deputy Graud Master, Principal Mangel Atlanta, Ga., {g” Orders for Tickets by mail or Express to be addressed to L. R. BROADBENT Agent. Or W. W. BOYD, Principal Managr-e L, A. SMITH, Agent for Americus Office opositc post Office. March 11 3m. AMEftICtfS ADVERTISEMENTS*” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C oiifeetioners, AND DEALERS IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, AND ALL KIND." OF ||j|j WXBUB 3., | ||| PRESERVES, I | FINE CIGARS, I : w i4 m ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ’ PERFUMERY, TOILET ’ and FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF PIPES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. asr Fresh BREAD and CAKES always on hand. Social and Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice. .. Give,us a rail. april 4tf House aud Hot For Sale or Rent. THE House and Lot formerly occupied by Joseph Block. S. COHEN, Agent. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 1867. I hereby authorize Mr. S. Cohen, legal Agent of my House aud Lei in Americus, Ga , to rent or sail the came on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. “OLD AXES. BAILEY’S SOIST” SS Mil. I, IN TOWN. AT THE J" e ©lry Stonro OF BALLEY & TINSLEY, WIIO k e ep on hand and have constantly arriving, a well selected assortment of Wa Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, Shot Guns. Pistols, Pistol Cartridges of ! all kinds. Percussion Caps, Ac., &c. "WORK CANNOT BE 1 SXCELtIjED. Persons wishing to have their Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry i WELL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled in this portion of the i! State, will do well to call on them. SPECTACLES, of all kinds, constantly on hand. } »sSS»» Ail work done at the shortest notice and WARRANTED. inarch 26 ts L. A. SMITH, GROCERY MERCHANT, No. 8. LOYEESS’ BLOCK. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. J£KEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Bacon, Meal, Salt, Lard, Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Store. Also, Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Shirting, Boots, Shoes, &e., &c. All of which can bo purchased on ae reasonable terms as at any house in the place. Planters and others need ing Groceries of any kind, are Invited to cal! and exam ine ray stock. Thankful for past favors*, I solicit a con ttnuM.ce of tho same- at my new location. I*. A. SMITH, ju*\ 10 ts No. 8 ,LoyleSb’ Block. ■ T II K FINEST and LARGEST bTCCK OF Carriages Buggies, & Harness, Ever in South Western Georgia, now on ex hibition at WM . SIRRINE’S EillMf MSS IBBiniY. Our beat recommendation iaihat we WAP. Those JIJO. MANUFACTURES, line will do well to cal! and examine our stock before going elsewhere. Having bail long experience in the manufacturing of Buggies aud Harness, wo feel authorized to say that we e.n compete with any market iu price, style and workmanship To enable uh to do this, we use the best Eastern Timber, finest Case Hardened Axles and English Tempered Springs. Wo keep constantly oil hand a complete as sortment of Springs, Boles, Axles, Harness Mount’g, Iron, Harness Leather, Felloes, Ornaments, Hubs, Bat. Leather, Spokes, Knam Leather, Shafts, Whips, &c. We desire to return lo our customers, who have favored us with their liberal patronage, our thanks, and hope to merit, a continuance of the s*nms. WM. SIRRING, june 11 ly. J. W. RKMI.r.Y. * I>E V.'AAJ.. STOVES, TINWARE, POT WARE AND House Furnishing Goods. NEXT DOOR TO G. M. HAY’S STORE, |.T AVE just received a large lot of Cooking SI Stoves, which they will sell at lower pri. ces then they have been sold tor heretofore in this market. Sheet Iron. Capper and Ziac work done to order. TI.N WARE WII OLE SALE AN 1) RETAIL AX LOW FIGURES. ROOFING. GUTTERING, etc , made a spe cialty, and attended to in any pait of South western Georgia. Work warranted J. W. Hemley attends to all work in par son. april 27. ts Stevens House. 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, X. Y. Opposito Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rjpilE STEVENS HOUSE is well and | widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to mer chants and business men ; it is in close prox imity to the business part of the city —is on the highway of Southern and Western travel —and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The tevens House has liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guests—it is well furnished, aud possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its in ttciU’S. The rooms are spacious and well lated—provided with gas and water— t lie attendance is prompt and respectful—and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season —at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and%modclcd, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CIIASE & CO. may 30 6m. To The Ladies. MISS SUSAN NOBLES r DAKES this occasion of informing tho La. J. dies of Americus and Sumter county, that she is prepared to cut, fit and make dresses for Ladies and Childien, iu the VERY LATEST AND MUST FASHIONABLE STYLE. She invites the ladies to call aud examine he l ' beautiful patterns, at her father’s Dental of flee, in the Gran berry building. She feels confident of given satisfaction, may 0 ts illelailic Burial t’ases. A FINE ASSORTMENT, kept constant, lv on band. S P ISOONIC. Ag’t, July 2 -irf NEW DRUG STORE AND C ons ectionery at Smithville, Lee Cos., Ga. 11. C. BAILEY & CO., r>ESPKOTFULLY invite the attention of V Planters ami Physicians to their large an jwell assorted Stock of unadulterated Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oils, And all other articles iu the Drug line. &%, Iu the CONFECTIONERY depart ment we lmve on hand and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Rai sins, aud everything usually kept in a first class confectionery. H. C. B. & CO. FINN’S HOTEL. _ (Formerly Americus Hotel.) Americus,' Georgia. f PHK undersigned. Proprietor of the above 1 Hotel, now osiers to the public entertain ment not to bo surpassed in Buuthwesteru Georgia. His rooms are kept in good order, and his table bountifully supplied wi(h the best the country affords. Every attention is paid to his patrons by hiscleik, Mr. Robert iimdc, and servants,— He is determined to give satisfaction. Passengers stopping at tliis house are con veyed to arm from the depot, tree of charge. Tile Proprietor will be always tpad to see true representatives of the Press ut his Hotel may 9 if. JOHN FINN. Dental ]STotice rTi HE undereigaed respectfully invites the attention of his old friends and commu nity at large, that he is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given those branches of Dental Science his attention for a number of years, he can promise all who may give him their patron age. that, their work will be done in the very best and latest style. His materials arc of he best selection Teeth mounted onvulcan* ite base from one to a full set. He guai'auties to give perfectsaiintaction, noth in fittinganu beuffiy. He also uses the vitrims oxide in *>x ”■ -'-*«• y> can also be repaired dring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up. stairs in the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph office and adjoining Boon's furniture store. Mar. 19-tl'. DR. J. NOBLE. FRAGRANT GLYCEHINE COMPOUND. New Article for the Toilet! Healing and Soothing, Pleasant to Use. A Fine Perfume. REMOVES Eruptions and Ruugl neBB of tbe skin, Freckles, Sunburn, I'ao, Chapped Face, Lij.s and Hands, ulmost like magic. Asa t'omeetic to Soften. Whiten and Beau tify the Skin, it is uneqnaled ! Try it ! Prepared only by J. 8 PEM BER’I ON &CO , Columbus, Ga., and sold in America*, bv Dr. E J. ELDRIDGE. and Dr. 11. C. BAILEY, april 18 Gm Wagons ! Wagons! FOB SALE. ONE TWO-TIORSE wagon, new and war ranted, in every respect. Also, One FOUR-lIOKoE Wagon strong and serviceable. Both to be seen at Mr. Price’s Warehouse, and will be sold very cheap for cash, or Warehouse acceptance. — Apply to.J. V. PRICE, on the premises, june 22 ts A.. S. OtTTTSr Broker and Commission Merchant, AMERICUS, GA. WILL pay the highest market price for cotton. Casli advances made on cotton consigned \V. Bryce & Cos., New York- n «v 24 ts Groceries. A GENERAL assortment of Groceries and Provisions, will be kept constantly cm hand and sold low. Those who prefer can furnish us funds, and we will order supplies for them from the West, free cf charge. We intend to do our best for tho inteiest of cur customers. Give us a trial. jan 31 ts TOOLE, SCHUMPERT & CO. Attention Invalids ? HAVE on hand at the Grain Emporium, 15 Cbls. RYE FLOUR, the very article for the dyspeptic, which I will soil at figures astonishingly low. Also, Flour, different grades, for family use at reduced prices, to close out a consign ment, and a fine lot of Tobacco. Planters would consult their interest by giriug me a call. A large supply of Tennessee BACON and CORN always on hand, june 29 ts. t&w. Jl. H. STEPHENS. NICKERSON'S BMTIiI WMTm. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tSUßefurnished and opened October Ist, mar K. "Whole- IN'o. 273. Train on Soffr&gfo, Tba eccentric Bo»rge l-'rancis Train lately addressed a party of Congressional ‘•Excursionists,” Wade and others, upon tbe summit of the Pilot Knob in Missou ri. Speaking of women voting, te said : r . Li^ e Se " ator Wade, Igo for them [Applause.] It is the only fa !c hedge wo can have on the negroe’s voting. [Oh, and hisses.] I believe, with these distinguished (Senators, that a woman is a man and a brother. '[Loud cheers and laugluer. j IV omen are more virtuous than men : more moral, less brutal Be siues, women rule their homes—why Dot help save the nation ? (Applause.]— (jive us woman’s suffrage and I will or down filth avenue ana - vote: er into the White House. [Loud cheers and some di-sent.] Women should vote. W hy should the plantation boor—the unle-iered. ignorant African, whoso hair erows up and back into his head like the Banyan tree—whose leg is set in the mid dle of his loot [laughter] ; who Ins nine cubic inches less of biaiu iuside of bl» tluek skull [hisses]; who has only 150 t ores to the square inch of cuticle, which accounts for us being able to smell him for half a mile [laughter and hisses]: why should this half savage of the back woods plantations make laws for Anna Dickenson or Harriet Betcher Stowe ? legislate for your wives, hororable sent-' tors, or mine ? (Applause.) A Standing Account.—“Mr. Slo cum. I believe sir?’ es, sir—James Slocum. ’ ‘Some six months ago, Mr. Slocum, you gave me credit for a pair of boots— price five dollars. I have now called so liquidate that demand.’ ‘Owe me five dollars ? Well, really wo have no remembrance of the’hct.’* * ‘Be that as it way; the debt is due, ana must bo paid.’ Here a-middle aged gentleman in pep per and salt pantaloons, took out a well filled wallet, and handed Slocum a S2O note. Slocum balanced the account, and handed to the middle-aged gentleman, in the seasonable wearing apparel, lifteea dollars, being the balance of the bill. > file middle aged gentleman left, while Slocum went off in a reverie. til, tbe world is not so bad after all; here at least, is one genuine honest man. We will never speak ill of the hu man race again.’ lot of notes, and current bills.’ ‘Certainly, sir.’' Bullion runs over the ‘pietured-blotting paper,’ and throws out a twenty dollar bill. ‘What do you throw that out for? ‘Not worth a cent—one of tire net? counterfeits—came out yesterday.’ Slocum onee more goes into a reve rie. ... •• ‘flung that villian ! That’s the very bill that honest man paid me yesterday for the boots. What a vile woyld!— Dont believe there’s an upright man op earth.’ The last we saw of Slocum, ho was tearing off to the police court to enter a complaint. We never heard of bat one old wowau who “kissed a cow,” but we’ve seen many a pretty girl kiss a good seized calf. Thad. Stevens says that while lie lives, “the South will catch hell.”— But when he dies it is quite probable that hell will catch Thad. tUF® A punster says : “My name is Somerset, I am a miserable old bachelor. I cannot marry; for how could I hope to prevail on a young lady possessed of the slightest notion of delicacy to turn a sum - merset.” How many young men are car ried away by a fine musical, charming voice, a pretty, light-footed reeling ball room dancer, a lazy, lounging, street yarning flirt—an oily-tongued, hollow hearted, deceptive piano-pounder, und re gret their folly when, alas, too late. ESP” Quite a number of women, most of thrm old maids, have issued a call for a convention, stating their object to bo “to gain a true knowledge of the nature and attributes of men.” We respectful ly suggest to them that they are not going the right way to work. Why don’t they get married? iSP"*- A lad in a western county in New York witnessed the performance of some jugglers a short time since, and in imitation of some of their tricks swal lowed his jack knife with blade open, three inches and hall long, with bone handle, and still lives l Esgr““Will you lend father your paper sir?—he-only wants to read it.” “Yes my boy, and ask him to lend me his dinner, L only want to cat it.” 15?“ Some very important ques tions were to have been decided by ballot at Athens, Ala., on the evening of the 28th ult.—the questions as to who is the ugliest married man. tho ugliest unmarried man, the prettiest married lady and the prettiest -wnmar | vied lady in the village.