Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, July 18, 1867, Image 1

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THE THi-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN Vol. S.-ISTo. ISO- T H E Tri-Weekly Republican IS I'UBLISIIKD EVERY Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, AT CL 'W. HANCOCK EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. TERMS : 32 FOR THREE MONTHS- Rates of Adveutisivo. —Two Dollars a square, of ton lines or less, for the first in sertion, and One Dollar for each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards. IfSJpiTSr ¥3® f OFFERS bis professional services to the citizens of Amerivus and surrounding country Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, be hopes by unremitting atten tion to business to merit a continuance of t he same. Office next door to the Post Office. July 14 ts. Ma M. IS). M C L I@® OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Americas and surrounding vicinity. Offleo on the North East corner of the Public Square, where he can be found day and night. mar 19 ly* M EL) I C A L . Dr. A. D. BRUCE, OFFICE at F. M. COJvER'S, opposite the Post Office. All calls left there, will receive prompt attention. june 7 lm. L ® IF T © k 3 ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Office in Masonic Building, up stair mar 10 Jy. WOULD® Atloriicy at Law, Atnel'icus, Georgia. E3f“Oifice in Masonic Hall. Jtm. 18 ts. HOWEIPW Si. AIMISLIEY, A7? LAW, ANI) REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americas, . Georgia. YVMLb give prompt, attention to profes* t \ sional business in Sumter, Schley, Web fcier, Lve, ami Terrell counties, except cases in 1 lie County Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. June ‘J ts. O. T. Goode, A TTO HNJS Y A T LA W , Americas, Georgia. jan 15 ts James J. Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stairs. Fin trance between B VV. Smith & Go’s Con fectionery, and Ford’s store. jan 19 ts _ COI«iERcSL AGENCY, 8. ■Ma [H] AWCCQ M 8 s ATTORNEY & COLLECTOR, Americus, Georgia. I PROPOSES to devote himself mainly to conveyancing and commercial practice. IV ill keep dockets shewing progress of cases from commencement of suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and oooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in the coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Speer & Hook’s Building. Aug 2 ts. FURNITURE .AT COST!! M. P. Calloway & Bon, Corner Fourth & Cherry Streets, Intend to close out their present business, now offer their ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE .A.T GOST I IT CONSISTS OF FINE WALNUT SETS, COTTAGE SETS, PARLOR SETS, BUREAUS, WASIISTANDS, WIIAT-NOTS, HAT-RACKS, TRUNDLE BEDS, CRADLES, JtIATTRASSES, FEATHERS, &c., Also, a large assortment of Window Shades, Wall Paper, Carpeting, Matting, Oil Cloth, &0., and in fact everything usually kept in a First Class Furniture Establishment, july 9 4t STATIONERY, COPYING INK, &cf at DR. ELPRIDGE’S june 18 ts ’ Drug Store. W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL EH HARDWARE, C U T 1. DRY, «&C. &C, &C| AMERICUS GEORGIA. THE subscriber thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus and the public generally, that he has in store, and to arrive 15 0 STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BUILDER’S MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS, IIINGES, GLASS, PUTTY. PAINTS, . and Wood and Willow Ware POT W-ARIO, if)ouse r iirnisj)iitg (Sootos, Plated ansi Japaned Wares, &c. B@“A[l of which will Resold at as low prices as can be purchased anywhere South. Roofing and Gutterii|f DONE IN TIIE REST WORKMANMKE manner and WARRANTED. TIN-WARE * Manufactured, and for sale low for Cash, april 20 ts Mills Hons©, Corner Queen and Meeting Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL HAS BEEN thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Coaches always in readiness to convey pas sengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, teb 12 ts Proprietor. Smithville Bakery. riIHE unders gned would respectfully an £ nounce to the citizens of Smithville and ils vicinity, that wc are prepared to furnish FRESH CAKES of all description, in any quantity and style, and ns cheap as any Bakery in Georgia. We intend keeping on hand a supply of ROUND CAKE, SPONGE CAKE, GINGER CAKE, TEA CAKE, &c„ We will also keep a full supply of all kinds of Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Cider, Lemonade, &c., &c- Weddings and Parties supplied at short notice. In connection with our Bakery, we have opened a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS, SOAPS, &c. a Prescriptions carefully compeunded through the and ty, and all hours at night, by W. B. Harrison, M. D. H. C. BAILEY & CO. july G lm. Now is the Time r£!o BUY YOUR JOINT MEAT AT THE Grain Erapotiunr, as it is being sold at fig ures so low as to amount to jour own price. Call at once if j'on would save money. M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts .A. S. OUTTsT Broker anti Commission Merchant, AMERICUS, GA. WILL pay the highest market price for cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned \V. Bryce & Cos., New York- 24 ts NICKERSON’S £&uvvsh'b itfgi. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ttri. Refurnished and opened October Ist, 186 U. mar 12. Americus, G-eorgia, Thursday, July 18, 1867. Atlanta Advertisements. iSSmicAH nmm, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, PROPRIETORS Bryson anil W ilky, Clerks. ma “NATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors. ;BS~ A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Elegantly Furnished throughout. Fine Billiard Parlor with l’Uelun Tables. Bar stocked with Choice Liquors aud Wines, mar 12 ly 1 J. T. JENKINS & CO., i i Wholesale Dealers in tlrugs, 'jjhiuts, CfjfeiniralsJ OIUS, WINDOW GLASS, MUST IBISES, M, M. ! Corner of Prior nnd Alabama Streets, 1 . Atlanta, : : : Georgia, j mar 12 3m. It STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ‘MSSONIC ORPHAN’S HOIYI .’ The Legislature of (he State of Georgia, at its last sesdon, granted to W. VV. Boyd, and others, a Graut to adopt a Lottery, or seriesi f Lotteries and Agencies, to raise money for the purpose of building a Home for, and support ing Indigent Widows and Orphans —the Home to bo called the “MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME ” The grantees have associated with them, as a Board of Managers, some of the best citizens of the State, in the great work of benevo lence and charity. We call the attention of the public to the Grand Scheme below, end ask your patronage In purchasing Tickets, you will remember that should you faii to draw a prize, that your money will be strictly and Masonically ap plied to a charitable work. Georgia slal c Lollcry, FOR TIIE BENEFIT OF TIIE “MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME!” To he Drawn in open public at ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Wednesday, May 15tli, 1837—Class E. Wednesday, June 19th, 1837 —Class C, Wednesday, July 17th, 1867—Class D SCHEME TIIE SAME FOR EACH MONTH. 1 Prize of $50,000 is $50,000 1 brizeof 20,000 is 20 000 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize of 5.000 is 5,000 1 Prize of ISH 6 ’ ooo 24 Prizes of 500 are 12,000 65 Prizes of 250 are 13.750! 125 Prizes of 2000 are 25,000 100 Prizes of 100 are 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing ce $50,000 Prize are 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 7250 each for the nine remaining' itpof the same ten of the No. drawing the $20,000 Prize are 2 250 9 Approximation Prizes of S2OO each for tlie nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize are 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining unils of the same ten of the No. diatving the $5 000 Prize are 0 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the line remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. diawing the $2,500 Prizes are 1,800 424 Prizes, amounting to 168,000 Whole Tickets sl2 ; Halves $6 : Quarters $3 ; Eighths $1 50. fir Ail the Prizes above stated are drawn j at Every Drawing. 3? LA IST OF THESE GREAT LOTTERIES, AND EX PLANATION OF DHAWING. The numbers from 1 to 30,000 correspond ing with the numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encir cled with small lubes, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes in aceoidance with the Scheme, are similarly printed and encirs cled, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes, in accordadce wiih the Scheme, are similarly printed and eneirclad, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two boys, blindfolded, draw the Numbers and Prizes. One of the boys draws one number from the wheel of Num bers, and at the same timo the other boy draws out one Prize from the wheel of Prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibit ed to the audience, aud whatever prize comes out is registered and placed to the e-edit of that number ; and this operation is re, "a - until ail the prizes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the follow .uv style : They are divided into Quarters r Eights, printed on the face of the Ticket.— Four Quarters or eight Eights, bearing tr> same number, constitute a Whole Ticket. Prizes payable without discount. W. W. lOYD, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manges Atlanta, Ga., UP Orders for Tickets by mail or Express to be addressed to L R. BROADISENT Agent. Or W. W. BOYD, Principal Managr-e li. A- SMITH, Agcnl for Americus 1 Office oposite post Office, March 11 3m. AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. mmmm * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C oiifectioiiers, AND DEALERS I.N Candies, Fruits, Toys, AND ALL KINDS OF t>l’>s jl ms, j '.s, I ! it V ES, | 3IGARS, p | ALSO A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF JE» I *E3 S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. USf” Fresh BREAD and CAKES always on hand. SSjP* Social and Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice. Give us a call. april 4 ts House and Lot For Sal© or Rent. THE House aud Lot formerly occupied by Joseph Block. IS. COHEN, Ageut. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 18G7. I hereby authorize Mr. S. Cohen, legal Agent of my House and Lot in Americus, Ga , to rent or sell I lie same on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. ! ‘"OLID MRS.BAILEY’S SOJST” 3 S STSUi IN T O W N. | AT TUB j © w o 1 :r 37- Store OF BAILEY & TINSLEY, f |VHO keep on hand and have constantly arriving, a well selected assortment, of J w V Wa Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, Shot Guns, Pistols, Pistol Cartridges of j 1 6 all kinds, Percussion Caps, Ac., &C. E@=. WATCH VV ORK CANNOT BE EXCELLED."®! Persons wishing to have their Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry j WELL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled in this portion of the State, will do well to call on them. SPECTACLES, of all kinds, constantly on hand. All work done at the shortest notice and WARRANTED. march 16 ts I m %7U’ ! TIIE UNCURRENT BANK BILLS in the country, and for which the highest fig - ures will be paid in Currency or Produce.— The highest price will also be paid for COlN— either Gold or Silver—at the Grain Emporium of M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts MACHINE OlL—Different Qualities, at DR. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drug • u *ore. PHYSICIAN’S ORDERS filled wltiTrc liablc Drugs, at reasonable rates, at DR. ELDRIDGE’S juac 18 ts ' . Drug Store. T H K FINEST and LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Buggies, & Harness, Ever in Souih Western Georgia, now on ex hibition at CMlfilftEE & mis "refositbbY. Our best recommendation is that we WAR RANT ALL OUR OWN MANUFACTURES. Those wishing to purchase anything in our line will do well to call and examine our stock before going elsewhere Having had long experience in the manufacturing of Buggies and Harness, we feel authorized to say that we cm compete with any market in piice, style and workmanship To enable .us to do this, we use the best Eastern Timber, Finest Case Hardened Axles and English Tempered Springs. . We keep constantly on hand a complete as sortment of Springs, Poles, Axles, Harms* Mount'g, Iron, Harness Leather, Felloes, Ornaments, Hubs, Pat. Leather, Spokes, JSnatn Leather, Shafts, Whips, &e. We desire to return to our customers, who have favored us with their liberal patronage, our thanks, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. WM. SIRRINE. june 11 ly. J. W. RBMLEY. 0. DE WAAL. STOVES, . TINWARE, POT WARE AND House Furnishing Goods. REMLEY & CO. NEXT DOOR TO G. M. HAY’S STORE, HAVE just received a large lot of Cooking . Moves, which they will sell at lower pri ces then they have been sold for heretofore in this inarkot. Slice! Iron. Copper anil Zinc work tlaae to order. TIN W A 111: W UOLESALE AN I) It ETA IL AT LO W FIGURES. ROOFING. GUTTERING, etc, made a spe.. dairy, and attended to in any part of tenth western Georgia. Work warranted. J. W. Ecmley attends to all work in par son. april *27. ts Stevens House. 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON TIIE EUROPEAN PLAN. rrUIE STEVENS HOUSE is well and | widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to mer chants and business men ; it is in close prox imity to the business part of the city—is on the highway of Southern and Western travet —and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its in mates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated—provided with gas and water —- the attendance is p.iompt and respectful—and notable is generously provided with every deratacy of the season—at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Gue%s. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. may 30 Gm. To The Ladies^ MISS SUSAN NOBLES r jpAIvES this occasion of informing thf La. L dies of Americus and Sumter county, that she is prepared to cut, fit and make dresses for Ladies and Chihlien, in the VERY' LATEST AND MOST FASH VON AISLE STYLE. She invites the ladies to call aud examine her beautiful patterns, at her father’s Dental of fice, in the Granberry building. She feels confident of given satisfaction, may 9 ts Metallic Burial Cases. VFINE ASSORTMENT, kept constant. lv on hand. S. P. BOONE, Ag’t. July 2 ltf HSTEW DRUG STORE A SI) C ons ectionery at y I Smithville, Lee Cos., Ga. 11. C. BAILEY & CO., - IAESrECTFL'LLY invite die attention of V' Planters anil Physicians to their large andjwell assorted Stock of unadulterated Medicines. Chemicals. Drugs, . Paints, Oils, And all other articles in the Drug line. Tn (lie CONFECTIONERY depart ment we have on hand and arc constantly rc- | ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Itai- , sins, and everything usually kept in a first class confectionery. 11. C. 15. & CO. j Film’s hotell (Formerly Amcricus Hotel.) Amerieus,’ Georgia. r THE undersigned, Proprietor of the above 1 Hotel, now offers to the public entertain ment not to bo surpassed in Southwestern Georgia. His rooms are kept in good order, and his table bountifully supplied with the best the country affords. Every attention is paid to bis patrons by hiscleik, Mr Robert J’unde, and servants He is determined to give satisfaction. Passengers stopping at this house are con veyed to arm fiom ilie depot, free of charge. The Propiietor will be always g ad to see true representatives of the Press at bis Hotel may 9 if. JOHN FINN. 33 ent al Notice rjjHlK undersigned respectfully invites the £ attention of his old friends and coni mu * nityat large, that he is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given those branches of Dental Science his attention for a number of years, be can promise all who may give him their petroii age that their work will be clone in the very best and latest style. llis materials are of he best selection Teelli mounted on vulcan ite basefrom one to a full set. lie guaranties to give perfect satisfaction, both in fitting and beauty. He also uses thevitrous oxide in ex tracting teeth, which is better adapted for that purpose than anything now know to the age* BgfLs.Wa I dies can also be repaired clring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up stairs in the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph office and adjoining Boon’s furniture store. Mar. 19-ts. DR. J. NOBLE. FRAGRANT Gr33Y OERINE (X)M l'Ol'M). Now Article for the Toilet! Healing and Soothing, Pleasant to Use. A Fine Pei fume. tITHMOVES Eruptions and Roughness of the ij hkin, Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, Chapped Face, Lips and Hands, almost like magic. Asa (domestic to Soften, Whiten and Beau tify the Skin, it is unequaled ! Try it ! Prepared only by J. S PEMBERTON & CO , Columbus, Ga., and sold in Amerieus. by Dr E J. ELD RIDGE, and Dr. 11. C. BAILEY, april 18 Cm Attention Invalids! HAVE on hand at the Grain Emporium, ' 15 Bbls. RYE FLOUR, the very article for the dyspeptic, which 1 will sell at figures astonishingly low. Also, Flour, different grades, for family use at reduced prices, to close out a consign ment, and a fine lot of Tobacco. Planters would consult their interest by giving me a call. A large supply of Tennessee BACON and CORN always on hand, june 29 ts. l&w. M. 11. STEPHENS. AN ode TO J. S. FEMBEHTGN A tQ’g Sl® SGIHEHN MET. The Popular Standard Perfume of the South. Hail sweet Coquet! Extract of Flowers, Culled from Flora’s choicest bowers, And distilled in crystal vases, Like pearly tears, wept by the graces, ’Tis thee we sing, thou sweet Boquet, From morning dawn till close of day ; In thy sweet breath dost thou combine The odor of the Jessamine, With other flowers, rich and rare, That sceut the fragrant Southern air ; The Tube Hose and the Violet. The Moss llose and the Miguionette, The Heliotrope, and other flowers, Blooming in onr sunny bowers. In thee unite their sweetest scents, To make thy far-famed excellence. LILLY. Note This delightful perfume is put up in beautiful wicker covered bottles and is so highly concentrated and delicate that a few drops will leave its delightful odor in the handkerchief for many days. sfTtie Trad by J. S. PEMBERTON & Cos., Columbus, Ga , Proprietors and Manu facturing Chemists, Columbus, Ga. For sale in Amcricus, at tbo Drug Stores of Dr. E. J. ELDEIDGE. and Dr. 11. C. BAILEY. July dm Whole ISTo. 279. Tiie Editor Axdtiie Fortune Tth iee.—•A Kentucky -edifof visits!-*-for tune teller roctntly. lib iriftkci the-fol lowing report of eonoerO ing the past and future: ffTbo* hast served three years in the for a horse thou didst not steal. Thoa will be governor of the State, and after wards decline a sratin the,United States Senate A wealthy jmmg lady, with blue hair, auburn eyes, ant l very beauti ful, is now about to graduate from th« , House of' Correct ion, whom tho» wilt 1 marry as soon as thy present wife dleaj, | which will be at (he fourth full of 'tfte'' ! next tnoon. r rhon wilt become possessed of this lady’s wcafth and elope with the wife of a coal-boat engineer. Thou wiTt go to New Orleans and start a keho bant, which will bring thcc in great riches.— After an absence of nieteeir years tbou wilt return to thy repining wild, Isy thy 1 princely fortune at her feet, be forgiven, ! and alter raising a family of nineteen [ children, die happy, at the age of nincty | nine.” Ax amusing incident occurred in one of our down-cast churches a few years ago. The clergyman gave out the hymn:. “I love to steal awhile away from every cumbeni)g care, and spend the hour of I setting day in humbly grateful prayer. n I The regular chorister being abseut, tha ' duty devolved upon good old Deacon M. ; who commenced, “I love to steal,” and then broke down, liaising his voiee to a slill higher pitch, he sang “I love to steal;” and, as before, he concluded be ; had got the wrong pitch, and deploring lie had not got his pitch tuner, ho deter mined to succoed if he died in tlio at i tempt. ]>y this time all the old ladies ! were tittevi g behind their fans, whist the faces or the young ones were a}l in a i broad grin. At length, af'er a desperate cough, he made a final demonstration ! and roared out, “I love to steal.” This j effort was too ranch. Every one but the ) godly and eccentric parson was laughing, i lie arose and with the uttuuat coolness said, “Seeing our brother's propensities, let us pray.” It is needless to say that but few of the congregation heard the | prayer. A Chicago paper says; 'AVe took a : new reporter on Inal yesterday. Us went ont to hunt items, and after being i away all day, returned with the following, which he said was the best he could do: ! “Yesterday we saw a sight that froze our muscles with horror, A hackman, driving down Clark street at a rapid pace, came very near running over a nur.-o and two children. There would have been one of the most heart-remjing eatastrophies ever recorded, had not the nurse, with wondetful forethought, left the children at home before she went out, and provi dentially stepped into a drug store just before the hack passed. Then, too, the hackman, just before reaching the cross ing, thought of something he had forgot ton, and turning about drove in the op posite direction. Had it not been for this wonderful concurrence of favoring circumstances, a doting father, a loving mother, and affectionate brothers and sis ters, would have been plunged in the I deepest woe and most ultcrablc funeral I expenses.’ The new reporter will be retained.” Can’t Surrom - Himself. —The fol lowing Las been handed us as the ver batim conversation of two blacks on Thursday: Ed.—Say .Jo", what is dat oaf do peo ple have to take when dey register? Joe. —“You is sworn to support the United States.” When he was interrup ted by Ed. saying: How du h—ll is I gwino to sport de whole United States when I can’t sport myself? And if dat is de case ise gwine to leave the United States.— Columbus Sun. The last Brooklyn Union vouches for the truth of the following: In Brooklyn last Tuesday night, a young lady resi ding at No. 45 I’rinco street, refused to go to rest in her bed room, on the ground that she had a presentiment that thero was danger of some kind threatening her while she was in that room. She accor dingly slept in another part of the house. In a course of a storm that night, the lightning entered the bed room and shiv ered to atoms the bed in which she usual ly slept. A cioss and grained wife is for her husband what a heavy 1 urden is for an aged man. A good and gentle wife, oa the contrary, is a crown of gold for her husband. Every time he looks at her his heart and his eyes rejoice. An exchange paper says there is a young lady in their town so modest that she will not allow the Christian Obsetv er to remain in her room over night. A Western editor has placed ove*his marriages a cut representing a large trap, sprung, with this motto: “The trap down—another ninny caught.” MiscellaXY. —One of the editors of a New Orleans paper, soon after begin ning to learn the printing business, went to court a preacher’s daughter. The next time he attended meeting ho was taken down at hearing the minister an nounce as bis text: “My daughter >is grievously tormented with a ‘devil.”