Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, July 20, 1867, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN Yol. S.-dSTo. 131. T H K Tri-Weekly Republican IS PUBLISHED EVERY Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, DY CJ- "W. HANCOCK: KDrrOR A PHOPRIETOB. termsTs2 for THREE MONTHS. Rates of Advert]sum. — Two Dollars a square, of ten linen or l««s for the first in sertion, and One Dollar for each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Americas h»J surrounding country. Thankful for patronage heretofore jiivcn him, he hopes by unremitting atten tion to business to merit a continuance of the same. Office next door to the Post Office. July 14 if. ~ML £)»’ OFFEP.S his professional services to the citizens of Americas and surrounding vicinity. Office on the North East corner of the Public Square, where he can be found day and night. mar 19 ly* M EL) 1C A, Jj . Dr. A. D. BRUCE, OFFICE at F. M. COKER’S, opposite the Post Office. All calls loft there, will receive prompt attention. june 7 lm. ATTORNEY AT LAW, aMERICUS GEORGIA. £o*.. Office in Masonic Building, up stair mar 19 ly. WKvmK Mawk m a Attorney at Law, ■Americas, Georgia. in Masonic ITall. Jan. 18 ts. J]@SIEIPIMI An ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americas, . . Georgia. VLJ TLL give prompt attention to profest 11 sionai business in Sumter, Schley, Web etas', Lee, and Terrell counties, except cases in the CcdiNVy Court of Sumter County. Office in tb-e'OeriH’t Souse. *Jttne 9 ts. ' ”o 7 tT Goode, r ATTOIi NE Y A T LA\V , Americas, Georgia, jnn 15 ts James J. Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stairs. En trance between B W. Smith &. Go’s Con fectionery, and Ford’s store j in 19 ts COf^EnCiALAGENCY. © a MAWKIKI 8, ATTORNEY & COLLECTOR, Americus, Georgia. F tOPOSES to devote himself mainly to conveyancing and commercial practice. Will keep dockets shewing progress of cases from comiueuccment of suits to settlement -of claims, at all times subject to inspection .f parties, and Dock's showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in the coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Speer ft Hook’s Building. Aug 2 ts. FURNITURE A. T COST!! I _ M. P. Calloway & Son, Corner Fourth & Cherry Streets, Intend to close out their present business, now offer their ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT COST 1 IT CONSISTS OF FINE WALNUT SETS, COTTAGE SETS, PARLOR SETS, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WHAT-NOTS, lIAT-RACKS, TRUNDLE BEDS, CRADLES, MATTRASSES, FEATHERS, &0., Also, a large assortment of Window Shades, Wall PapCr, Carpeting, Matting, Oil Cloth, &e., and in fact everything usually kept in a First Class Furniture Establishment, july 9 4t TATION ERY, COPYINgTnK, YZ at I)R. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drug Store. W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE ANP RETAIL. DEALER IH HARDWARE, c i t ■. i: it v , Ac. Ac. dDC; AMERICUS GEORGIA. rjMIB subscriber thankful for the liberal |L patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus and the public generally, that he Ims in store, and to arrive 1 5 O STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BUILDER’S MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES. GLASS, PUTTY. PAINTS, and Wood and Willow Ware POT WARE, |jouse fnnibliing 600 H Plated and Japancd Wares, Ae. JJ®“A[I of which will be sold at as low prices as can be purchased anywhere .south. - • Roofing and Guttering DONE IN THE BEST WORKMANLIKE manner and WARRANTED. 1 TIN-WARE ' Manufactured, and for sale low lor Cash, april 20 ts Mills House, Corner Queen and Meeting Streets CHARLESTON, S C. rrniis FIRST CLASS HOTEL HAS BEEN thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Coaches always in readiness to convey pas sengers-to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his powtfr for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, ieb 12 ts Proprietor. Smithyille Bakery. rjHIE unders gne.t would resprclfnlly an nounoe to the citizens of Smitlrvilie and its vicinity, that we are prepared to furnish FRESII CAKES of *ll description, in any quantity and style, anil as cheap as any Bakery in Georgia. We intend keeping on hand a supply of ROUND CAKE, STONGE CAKE, GINGER CAKE, TEA CAKE, &c., We wi-U also keep a full supply of all kinds of Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Cider, Lemonade, &c., &e --{SSL Weddings and Parties supplied at short uotice. In connection with our Bakery, we have opened a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES. HAIR OILS, SOAPS, &c. * Bi2L Prescriptions carefully compeunded through the day, and all hours at night, by IV. B. Harrison, M. D. 11. C. BAILEY & CO. july 6 lm. Now is the Time rjio BUY YOUR JOINT MEAT AT THE Grain Emporium, aB it is being sold at fig ures so low as to amount to jour own price. Call at once if you would save money. M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts A.. S. CTJTTS, Broker and Commission Merchant, AMERICUS, GA. WILL pay the highest market price for cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned W. Bryce & to., New York- »ov 21 ts NICKERSON’S mifire mm&&. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Refurnished and opened October Ist, 186 k. mar 12. Americus, G-eorgia, Saturdav, «X uly 20, 1867. Atlanta Advertisements. j &wmmm ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, PROPRIETORS Bryson and Wiley, Clerks. ma NATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ‘ j PRATT, POHD & COREY, Proprietors. tee- A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Clusb Hotel, ElexanUy I nrniehed throughout. Pine Billiard Parlor with Phelan Tables. Bar stocked with Choice Liquors ami Wines, mar 12 ly r • if Ii j J. T. JENKINS & CO., | I l| fJlntg'j, pints, <f §enurals,|l t OILS, WINDOW GLASS, j PATEIT iltim K, K j ■lComer of Prior and Alabama Streets, 5 II „ if || Atlanta, : Georgia. j mar 12 3m. if tL*_ \t £j_EOBGHA STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ‘MJSQNIC ORPHAN’S HUM V The Legislature of the State of Georgia, at i<s last sen*ion. gran ed lo W. W. Boyd, and others, a Grant to adopt a Lottery, or series < f Lotteries and Agencies, to raise money fi r the purpose of building a Home fv»r, and support ing Indigent Widows and Orphans - the Home to be called the “ MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME" The grantees have associated with them, as a Board of Managers, some of the best citizens of the State, in the great woik of benevo lence and charity. We call the attention of the public to the Grand Scmemk below, and ask your patronage In purchasing Tickets, you will remember that should you fan to draw a prize, that your money will be stiictly and Masouicully ap plied ttra charitable work. Ai eos"s’ S a State L© 11 er y, I FOR TIIE BENEFIT or TOE “MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME!” To be Drawn in open public at ATLANTA GEORGIA. Wednesday, Ua7 15th, 1887—Class B. Wednesday, June 19th, 18G7—Class C, i Wednesday, July 17ih, 18ST—Class D- I SCHEME THE SAME FOR EACH MONTH.; 1 Prize of SSO 000 is $50,000 j 1 . tizenf 20,000 is 20 000; 1 Prize of 10.000 is 10.001) 1 Prize off) 000 is 5,1)00 ; 1 Prize of 2.500 I „ - 0 0 ' 1 Prize of 2,500 ) ar ® °' UUU ! 24 Pr izes of 500 are 12.000 j 50 Prizes of 200 are 13.750 125 Prizes of 2000 are 20.000, 100 IT.z-s of 100 are 10,000 ! APPROXIMATION PRIZE?. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing cs $50,000 Prize are 4,509, 9 Approximation Prizes of f2SG each for the nine remaining- ilrof the same ten of the No. drawing the $20,000 Prize are 2 250 9 Approximation Prizes of S2OO each for the nine remaining units of tire same ten of tho No. drawing the SIO,OOO Pitze are 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for tire nine remaining units of tire same tell of the No. diawing tire $5 000 Prize are 0 18 Approximation Prize) of SIOO each for tire l ine remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 ILizes are 1,800 424 Prizes, amounting to 168,000 j Whole Tickets sl2 ; Halves S6 : Quarters $8; Eighths $1 50. tis AH the Prizes above stated are drawn at Every Drawing. F LA. IST OF THESE GREAT LOTTERIES, AND EX PLANATION OF DRAWING. The numbers from 1 to 80,000 correspond ing with the numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encir cled with small lubes, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Prizes in accordance with: the.-cheme, are similarly printed and encirV. | cied, and placed in a glass wheel. All the Plizes, in accordadce with the Scheme, are; similarly printed and encircled, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two buys, b jndfolded, draw j the Numbers and Prizes. One of tire boys draws one number from the wheel of Num bers, and at the same time the other boy draws out one Prize from lire wheel of Prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibit ed to tho audience, aud whatever prize comes out is registered and placed to the e-e.'i; of that number ; and this operation is re . - ed until nil the prizes are drawn out. The Pickets are printed in the follow m" style : They aie divided into Quarters i Eights, priiilr and on the face of tire Ticket - Four Quarters or eight Eights, hearing to* same number, constitute a Whole Ticket. Prizes payable without discount. VV. W. JOYD, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manges Atlanta, Ga., g?” Orders for Tickets by mail or Express to be addressed to L K. BROADGENU Agent. Or W VV. BOYD, Principal Mauagr e L. A- SMITH, Agent for Americus Office oposite post Office. March II Bm, AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. mill®: WHOLESALE AM> RLTAIL C onfectioi iers, AND DEALER* IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, AND ALL KINDS OF !m||| isriHSS, | PRES E RV E S, | jp|:; ? ■ f ll l CHEWING j'.| : Ml ' ALSO A LARGK ASSORTMENT OF | PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES A LA ROM, LOT OF m X s 13 JE3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 2W Fresh BREAD and CAIvKS always on hand. Social atul Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice. Give us a call. april House aiici Lot For Sale or Rent. rpHTS House and Lot formerly otenpied by 1. Joseph Block. y. COHEN, Ageut. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 1807. I hereby author use Mr. S. Cohen, legal Agent of my House and Lot in Americas, Ga , to rent or sell five same on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. “OLD MBS. BAILEY’S SON” IS STILL I V T <> W \. AT THE J” o e>lz*37' St:ox*o OF BAILEY’ & TINSLEY, IfHO keep on hand and have constantly arriving, a well selected assortment of v U Wa _d:es, Clocks. Jcwel-y of all kinds. Fhot. Guns. Pistols, Pistol Cartridges of ail kinds, Percussion Caps, die., &c. WATCH WORK CANNOT BE EXCELLED “\«a Persons wishing to have their Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry WELL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled 'r. this portion of the State, will do well to call on them. SPECTACLES, of all kinds, constantly on hand. £4.5“ All work done at the shortest notice and WARRANTED. march 16 ts IL7€T ©intod 2 'J HE UXCURRENI’ BANK BILLS in the country, und for which the highest fig • ures will be paid in Currency or Produce.— The highest price will ais.r be paid for COIN — either Gold or Silver—at the Grain Emporium of M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts MACHINE OlL—Different Qualities, at DR. ELDROGE’S i june IS ts Drug ore. IJHYSD TAN’S ORDERS filled with re liabio Drugs, at reasonable ratss, at DR. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drug Store. T H JO FINEST and LARGEST STOCK OP Carriages Buggies, & Harness, 1 yer in South Moslem Georgia, now on ex hibition at WM. SIRRINE'Ii CAIIIME Si IAIIESS REriSITOEY. Our best recommendation is that wo WAR RANT ALI. OUR OWN MANUFACTURES. Those wishing to purchase anything in our line will do well to call and examine our stock before going elsewhere Having had long experience in the manufacturing of Buggies and Harness, we fed authorized to say that we cin compete with any market in piiee, style and workmanship To enable us to do this, wo use the best Eastern Timber, Finest Case Burdened Axles and English Tempered Springs. We keep constantly on hand acomplelc as sort ment of Springs, Poles, Axles, Harm Mount’g, Iron, Harness Leather, Felloes, Ornaments, Hubs, Pat. Leather, Spokes, Knam Leather, Shafts, Whips, &c. We desire to return lo our customers, who have favored us with their liberal patronage, our thanks, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. \VM. Slit RIND, juue 11 ly. J. W. It EM Li: V. c. DE WAAL. STOVES, * TINWARE, POT WARE AND House Furnishing Goods. REMLEY & CO. NEXT DOOR TO C-. V. HAi’SETORR, UAVE juet received a luigo lot of Cooking Moves, which they vtiii sell at lower pii ces then they have bevu sold for heretofore in this maiket. Sheel Iron. C opper and Zinc work done (o orikr. TI X WARE W HOLES ALE AS 0 It ETA S L AT LOW FIGUKES. ROOFING. GUITFRING, etc. made a spe cialty, and attended I•> in ary pm tof South western Georgia. Work warranted J. W. Keinioy attends to nil work in par son. apiil 27. ts Stevens House. 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Dowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ripilE STEVENS HOUSE is well and jj widely known to the travelling public. The location i.-, especially suitable to mer chants an<l business men ; it is in close prox imity to the business part of the city—is on the highway of Southern and Western travel —and adjacent to ail the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The v teveus House has liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its in mates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated—provided with gas amt water — the attendance is p.iornpt and respect ful—and is generuusly provided with every of the season—ut moderate rates. The rooms having beeu refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to oiler extra lacilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Gucsdfc GEO. K. CHASE A CO. may 30 6m. To Tiie Ladies. AIISS SUSAN NOBLES TUKES tliis occasion of informing the La. A dies of Americus ami Sumter ci unty, that she is prepared to cut, fit and make dresses for Ladies and Childien, in tiro VERY LATEST AND MOST FASH ISiAAMS I. IE STYLE. She invites the ladies to call and examine her beautiful patterns, at her father's Dental of lice, in the Cranberry building. She feels confident of given satisfaction, may 9 ts metallic BSariaS tases. A FINE ASSORTMENT, kept constant. /A Iv on hand S P BOONE. Ag’t. July 2 4lf NEW DRUU STORE VXD C' ons ectionei *y at Smithville, Lee Cos., Ga. 11. and BAILEY & CO., | RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of, IV Planters and riiydcians to their firge i andfwell assorted Stock of unadulterated j Medicines, Chemicals. Uri gs, lVinfs, Oils, j And all other articles in the Drug line. In the CONFECTIONERY depart ment w r e have on hand and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Rai sins, and everything usually kept in a first class confectionery. 11. C. B. & CO. FINN'S HOTEL; (Formerly Atnericus Hotel.) Americus,’ Georgia. THE undersigned. Proprietor of the above j 1 Hotel, now c‘ffiorn to the public eutettaiu ment not to be surpassed in Southwestern Georgia. His rooms me kept in good order, ami bis ta'ole bountifully supplied with the best the countiy alx «ids. Every at rent inn is paid to his patrons by hise’eik, Mr lb beat I unde, and sn vants — , lit 1 is determined to nive satisfaction. Piissengeis stopping at this house are con- : veycrl to ana from the depot, free of charge. * 'i'he Proprietor »vill i*e alwav* gVd to art t; ne repiesentatives of the Press at hi* Ho«el may 9 and. JOHN FINN. 13 exital Notice ft Mi E undensigned respectfully invites the J attention of his old friends and coinnna nity at large, that he is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given those branches of Dental Science hts attention for a number of years, he can promise all who may give him their pptroa age that their work will be done in tlie very best and latest style. His materials are ut he best selection Teeth mounted on vulcan ite base from one to a full set. He guaranties to give perfect satisfaction, both in fittingafld beaut y, ileaiso uses.the vitrous oxide in ex tracting teeth, which is better ad .pied for that purpose than anything now know so the age ]gg§^,W:i?ches can also be repaired tiring | leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up suit s in the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph office and adjoining Boon's furniture store. Mar. 19-tl. Dll. .1. NOBLE. FRAGRANT GLYCERINE COMPOUND. New Article for the Toilet! Healing and Soothing, Pleasant to Use. A Fine Pei fume. t REMOVES Eruptions and LU ugbneHS < f the l “Liu, Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, Chopped j Face, Lii b and Hands, almost like magic Asa Domestic to Soften, Whiten and Beau | tifv theiSkin, it is unequaled ! Try i» ! Prepared only by J. S PEMBEKI ON & CO , I Columbus, Ga., and sold in Amorim-, bv Dr i; J. ELD RIDGE, and Dr. H C. BAXLEY, april 18 Cm ~ Attention Invalids! HAVE on hand at the Grain Emporium, j 15 Bb!s. RYE FLOUR, the very article for the dyspeptic, which 1 ; will sell at figures astonishingly low-. Also, Flour, different grades, for family : uee at reduced prices, to close out a consign ment, and a line lot of Tobacco. Planters I wouid consult their interest by giving me a 1 call. A large supply-of Tennessee BACON and ; CORN always on hand, june 29 ts t&w. M. H. STEPHENS. A IST ODJE TO J. S. PEMBERTON & CO’S SHE! SOUTHERB 111?. The Popular Standard Perfume of the South. Ilnii sweet lloquet! Extract of Flowers, Culled from Flora's choicest bowers, And distilled in crystal vases, Like pearly tears, wept by the graces, ’Tis thee we sing, thou sweet lloquet, From morning dawn till close of day ; In thy sweet breath dost thou combine The odor of the Jessamine, With oilier flowers, rich and rare. That scent ihe fragrant Southern air ; The Tube Kose and the Viol.J. The Moss Hose and the Mignionette, The Heliotrope, and olhci flowers, lilooming in onr sunny bowers, In t. ee unile their sweetest sccnis, To make thy far-famed excellence. LILLY. Note This delightful perfume is put up in beautiful wicker oovered bottles and is so highly concentrated aud delicate that a few drops will leave its delightful odor in the handkerchief for ninny days. *iTha Tiade;supplied by J. S. PEMBERTON & Cos., Columbus, Ga , Propiietorg and Mann j factoring Chemists, Columbus, Ga. For sale in Americus, at the Drug Stores of I Dr E. J ELDRIDGL ! a«sd Dr H f. BAILEY. July i Whole ISTo. 28Q. “Fast.”—lf there in anything in oh' language which puzzles a Frenchman, it is the different significations of the. fggpl word. The perplexities of a persevering monsieur arising from our word ‘fast’ »£ mors numerous than one would suppose, ss, for instance: ‘Zis horse, sah\ ho go queck, whatyai* say W ‘Yes, lie is a fast horse,’ ■Ah! pardon, monsieur, but your friend say he make fast his horse when he tis him post so be no go at ail.’ ‘Very true: ho is made fast by being tied.’ ‘Ah, zat canned be ; he oanrot go fast, but what you call a mm zit keeps fast?’’ “Oh, he is a goud man who aoes Hot eat on faxt days. ‘But I have s<.en one ton vivant, wha tat and drink and rides, and do every zing. Zc people say he is a bad man lie is very fast.’ ‘True, that is Culled living a fast life.’ ‘Ah, eertainment; zen all the days of his life must be fast days.’ ‘Certainly they arc.’ ‘Kb hien ! Docs he eat every day?’ ‘Certainly he does.’ ‘Den how cun he keep fa.t?’ ‘Why he keeps going to be sure.' ‘Alais ter.ez! You tell me to stand fust when you keep still, and go fust when you want me to run—diablc take za fast.’ We slated that “anew fashion in la dies’ bonnets has made its appearance— the long ribbons which depend frota them down the hack being fitted at the ends with little gold bells.” Thts is s til ruble broad hint on the part of the la dies. They wish those who arc after tbem to know that they have no settled objection touring. At n medical student's examination ha was asked : “Do wounds often heal by the h-st intention ? ’ “Not when the pa tient is rich and the doctor poor.”— “When does mortification ensue?”— “When you pop the question, and are [ answered no.” Miracles Never Cease.— There is a hoax going the rouuds of the press, i that a negro in Virginia is gradually tur ning white, which seems to amaze every* i body. But thousands of white men have, turned riigc/ers within the last few year*, 1 without surprising anybody. ' -V farmer in New York willed hi.< daughter four thousand dollars on condi tion that slip would marry a Catholic clergyman. As Catholic clergymen do not marry, the daughter endeavors to break the will. The defence is that, the old uian didn't mean she should have any of the property, and took this way of say ing so. Good Gospel.—An afflicted editor, who is troubled with hand-organs under his window, longs for the “evil davs” mentioned in Ecclesiastics, when “the grinders shall cease because they are few,” and the sound of the grinding,” shall ba “low.” A lady was asked the other day why she chose to live a single life. She naiv ely replied : “Because lam not able to support a husband.” Sharp! A smart negro was, asked a few days ago, what he thought of the cotton tax: “It’s unconstitutional, sar, and anud or tax is more unconstitutional, sar do whiskey tax sar. I used to get a gallon for two bits, sar, and I has now to give two dollars on account of dem Northern taxes. Use gwine to help blow dem up, sar, I is !” 33?"*’ A recently matrimonial adver tisement ir> a New York paper was for a I usband “having a Homan nose with strong religious tendencies.” Worth Knowing.— One pound of green copperas dissolved in a quart of wa ter and poured down a kink drain will ef fectually destroy the foulest smells. For water-closets on board ships and steam hi ats, about hotels and other public pla ces, there is notbrig so nice as to cleanse a? simple green copperas. Dissolve 4 un der the bed in anything that will hold water it will render a hospital or other place for sick free from unpleasant smells. For butcher’s stalls, fish markets, slaugh ter-houscs, sinks and wherever there are offensive putrid gases, dissolve copperas and spirinkle it abour, and in a few days the smell will pass away. If a cat, rat, or mouse liic-s about the house, and sends forth an offensive gas, place some dissolv ed copperas in an openjvessel near the plaeo where nuisance is, ad it willsoon pu rify the atmosphere.— Vontrbions for A lahama. OELF-SEALING PRESERVE JARS at DR- ELDRIDGE’S juue 18 If Drug Store. Breast pumps, nursing bot tles, Instruments, &c., at DR. ELPRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drug Store- Lamps, kerosene, &c„ at ’ DR. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drug Stor«. Everything in the drug line at DB. ELDRIDOE'S june 18 ts Drug Store. Large assortment of PATENT Medicines, at Dr ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Deng Store,