Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, July 23, 1867, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN. Vol. 9.-No. 122- T Id K Tri-Weekly Republican IS PUBLISHED EVERT j Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, BY Z - W. HANCOCK EDITOR i I’UOPRIETOB. TERMS: $2 FOR THREE MONTHS. Rates or Advkbtikino.—l’wo Dollars a square, of ten lines or lees, for the first in sertiou, and One Hollar for eaeli subsequent ins^Tiou. l’rot'essioual lards. ml'Ka ¥■ i^y©!E OFFERS his professional services to Uie citizens of Americus an.l surrounding country. Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, lie hopes by unremitting atten tion to business to merit a continuance of the same. Bf%„ Office next door to the Post Office. July 14 ts. Dljtw'tM. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Americas and surrounding vicinity. Office on the North East corner of the Public Square, where lie can be found day and night. mar 19 1 ) ■ ‘ M E I ) I C ALr Dr. A. D. BRUCE, OFFICE at F. M. COKER’S, opposite the Post Office. All calls loft titers, will receive prompt attention. June V lrn. <S IE ©■ A ■ L©lFf ©N s ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Office in Masonic Building, up stair mar 19 ly. wjttfinc s® hi, Attorney at Law, Americus, Georgia, 23f”Oliice in -Masonic Hall. Jam. is ts. Aa ans'ilcy, ATTOnSJEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Americus, . Georgia. TUIEL give prompt attention to proses, ll sional lusiuess inSumter, Schley, Web sicr, Lee, aud Terrell counties, except cases in (he County Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. June 9 ts. O. T. GroocLe, ATTOI iN E Y A T LA W , Americus, Georgia. jan 15 ts James J Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMBRICUS, GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stairs, En trance between IS W. Smith & Go’s Con fectionery, and Ford’s store. jan 19 ts COWIIVIERCiaL agency” ©a [ML Kl AWCCQ Mip ATTORNEY & CORRECTOR. Americus, Georgia. |)UOPOBES to devote himself mainly to 8 conveyancing and commercial praotjoe. Will keep dockets shewing progress of cases • from commencement of suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and hooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in tlie coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Speer & Hook’s Building. Aug 2 ts. FURNITURE A. T COST!! M. P. Calloway & Son, Corner Fourth & Cherry Streets, Intend to close out their present business, now offer their ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT COST I IT CONSISTS OF FINE WALNUT SETS, COTTAGE SETS, PARLOR SETS, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WHAT-NOTS, HAT-RACKS, TRUNDLE BEDS, CRADLES, MATTRASSES, FEATHERS, &c., Also, a large assortment of Window Shades, Wall Paper, Carpeting, Matting, Oil Cloth, &c., and in fact everything usually kept iu a First Class Furniture Establishment, july 9 It _ STATIONERY, COPYING INK, Ac., at UR. ELDRIDGE'S june IS ts Drug Store. W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER HARDWARE, CUTLERY, (fee. 4iC. &c, AMERICUS G BORG I A. TFMIE subscriber thankful for the liberal |_ patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus aud flie public generally, that he has iu store, and to arrive 15 0 STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BTJILDIETUS MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY. PAINTS, and Wood and Willow Ware POT AYARE, Douse 7 urniAiiu] 600bs, Plated and Japaned Wares, E«y“A[l of which will be sold at as lorl prices as can be purchased anywhere EouG M Roofing and Gutterin J DONE IN THE BEST WORKMANLIKE manner and W AIIRANT E D. TIN-WARE Manufactured, and for sale low for Cash, api'il 20 ts Mills House, Corner Queen aud Meeting Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. This first class hotel has been thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage is-respectfully solicited. Coaches always in readiness to convey pas sengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, leb 12 ts Proprietor. Smithville Bakery. THE unders gned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Smithville and its vicinity, that wo arc prepared to furnish FRESH CAKES of all description, in any quantify and style, and as cheap as any Bakery in Georgia. We intend keeping on hand a supply of POUND CAKE, SPONGE CAKE, GINGER CAKE, TEA CAKE, &c., We will also keep a full supply’ of all kinds of Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Cider, Lemonade, &c., &o - Weddings and Parties supplied at short notice. In connection with our Bakery, we have opened a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS, SOAPS, &c. J POL. Prescriptions carefully compounded through the day, and all hours at night, by W. B- Harrison, M. D. H, C. BAILEY & CO, july G lm. Now is the Time rjlO BUY YOUR JOINT MEAT AT THE Grain Emporium, as it is being sold at fig uvea so low as to amount to your own price. Call at once if you would save money. M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts _A.S.CHTTS, Broker ami Commission Merclianf, AMERICUS, GA. WILL pay the highest market price for cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned W. Bryce & Cos., Mow York- uoy 24 ts NICKERSON’S aukirnars wmm. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Refurnished and opened October Ist., 1860. mar 12. Americus, G-eor*gia, Tuesday, July 2S 9 1867. Atlanta Advertisements. | AKSftfCAN BOTSi). ALABAMA STREET, ( • ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, rROPKIETORS Bryson and Wiley, Clerks. ma NATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors. A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Elegantly Furnished throughout. Fine Billiard Parlor witti Phelan Tables. Bar stocked with Choice Liquors and Wines, mar 12 ly j J. T. JENKINS & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, faints, Qlfjeinitals, | OILS, WINDOW GLASS, FATES! rams, M, IC. I Corner of Prior and Alabama Streets,l j Atjxnta, : : : Geobuia. ! mar 12 3m. ;j J. W. it EM LEY. C. DK WAAL. STOVES, TINV ' POT WARE AND House Furnishing Goods. REMLEY & CO. NEXT DOOR TO G. M. HAY'S STORE, HAVE just received a largo lot of Cooking Stoves, which they will sell at lower pri ces then they have boeu sold for heretofore in this maiket. Sheet Iron. Copper and Zinc work done to order. TINT WARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT LOW FIGURES. ROOFING. GUTTERING, etc , made a spe cialty, and attended to in any part of Scuth western Georgia. Work warranted. J. W. Rcmiey attends to all work in per son. april 27. ts Stevens House. 21, 20, 25 and 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Eowlirg Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rrillE STEVENS HOUSE is well and 8 widely knowD to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to mer chants and business men ; it is in close prox imity to the business part of the city—is on the highway of Southern and Western travel —and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment cf its in mates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated—provided with gas and water— the attendance is p.tompt and respectful—and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season—at moderate rates. ®si?“ The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. may 30 6m. To Tlie Ladies. MISS SUSAN NOBLES TAKES this occasion of informing the La dies of Americus and Sumter county, that she is prepared to cut, fit and make dresses for Ladies and Children, in tljo VERY LATEST AXD MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. She invites the ladies to call and examine her beautiful patterns, at her father’s Dental of fice, in the Granberry building. She feels confident of given satisfaction, may 9 ts Metallic Burial Eases. 4 n\i: A .|; kept conAutj XX ly on hand. S. I'. BOONE, Ag’s. | July 2 Iff I AMERICUS ADVERTISEMENTS. mfmrnm, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL C onfectioiiers, AND DEALERS IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, AND ALL KINDS OF A^^^y^3lOO.TJS3 | |M|il Wilis J s PRESERVES,! : FINE CIGARS, H ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF i Ei S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. i3T Fresh BREAD and CAKES always on Land. 237'" Social and Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice, Give us a call. april 4 ts House aud Lot For Sale or Rent. THE Hm;se and Lot formerly occnpipd by Joseph Block. S. COHEN, Agent. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 1807. I hereby authorize Mr. S. Cohen, legal Agent of my House and Lot in Americus, Ga., to rent or sell the same on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. “OLD AIRS. BAILEY’S SQjST” IS STILL I,V TOWS. AT TIIE £T © -w ©ls*37" S "t o> r © OF BAILEY & TINSLEY, WHO keep on hand and have constantly arriving, a well selected assortment of Wa _hes, Clocks, Jewel r y of all kinds, Shot Guns, Pistols, Pistol Cartridges of all kind's, Percussion Caps, Ac., &c. U®„ WATCH 'WORK CANNOT BS EXCELLED-” r-M Persons wishing to have their Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry: WELL repaired by experienced workmen, who cannot be excelled in this portion of the State, will do well to call on them. SPECTACLES, of all kinds, constantly on hand. | £62? All work done at the shortest notice asd WARRANTED. marsh 10 ts i "Vir SLTOL tod 2 TIIE UNCURRENT BANK BILLS in the country, and for which the highest fig. ures will be paid in Currency or Produce,— The highest price will also be paid for COlN— either Gold or Silver—at the Grain Emporium of M. 11. STEPHENS. june 22 ts TY/JACHINE OlL—Different Qualities, It A at DR. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts l)rug' a ‘3re. PHYSICIAN’S ORDERS filled with ro liable Drugs, at reasonable rates, at DK ELDRIDGE’S june IS ts Drug Store. THU FINEST and LARGEST stock; of Carriages Buggies, & Harness, Ever in South Western Georgia, now on ex hibition at IV 91 . SIRKINK-S uuubirons mm Our best recommendation is that we WAR RANT ALL OUR OWN MANUFACTURES. Those wishing ro purchase anything in our line will do well to call and examine our stock before going elsewhere. Having had long experience in the manufacturing of Buggies and Harness, we feel authorized to say that we otn compete with any market iu price, style and workmanship To onablo us to do this, we use the best Eastern Timber, Finest Case Hardened Axles aud English Tempered Springs- We keep constantly on hand a complete as sortment of Springs, Poles, Axles, Harness Mount'g, Iron, Harness Leather, Felloes, Ornaments, Hubs, Pat. Leather, Spokes, Enam Leather, Shafts, Whips, &c. We desire to return to our customers, who have favored us with their liberal patronage, our thanks, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. \Y-U. SIRRINE. june 11 ly. USTIETW DRUG STORE AND C oniectioiieiy AT Smithville, Lee Cos,, Ga. H. C. BAILEY & CO., I RESPECTFULLY invite tiic attention of |) Planters and Physicians to t Heir large andjweli assorted Stock of unadulterated Medicines, Chemicals. Drugs, Paints, Oils, And all other articles in the Drug line. ment we have on hand and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Rai sins, and everything usually kept iu a first class confectionery. JJ. C. R. & CO. FINN’S” HOTEL” (Formerly Americus Hotel.) Americus,' Georgia. THE undersigned, Proprietor of the above X Hotel, now offers to the public entertain ment not to he surpassed in Southwestern Georgia. His rooms are kept in good order, and his table bountifully supplied with the best the countiy affords. Every attention is paid to his patrons by hiscloik, Mr. Robert Turnle, and servants.— He is determined to give satisfaction. Passengers stopping at this house are con veyed to auu from the depot, free of charge. The Proprietor will be always glad to see true representatives of the Press at his Hotel may 0 ts. JOHN FINN. Dental ISTotice rinHU umlersigned respectfully invites the atteniion of his old friends and commu' nity at large, that he is now prepared to du both mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given those branches of Dental Science his attention for a number of years, he can promise all who may give him their patron age, that their work will be done in the very best and latest style. His materials are of he best selection. Teeth mounted onvulcan ite base from one to a full set. He guaranties perfect satisfaction, both in fitting and beStty. He also uses tfreyitresus oxide in ex tracting teeth, which is better adapted for that purpose than anything now know to the age- can also be repaired dring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with neat ness. All work warranted. Office up stairs in the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph office and adjoining Boon’s furniture store. Mar, 19-ts, Dli.J. NOBLE. FRAGRANT GLYCERINE COAUPOTJJSTD. New Article for the Toilet! Healing and Soothing, Pleasant to Use. A Fine Petfqme. REMOVES Eruptions and Roughness of the Skin, Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, Chapped Face, Lips and Hands, almost like magic. Asa Comestic to Soften, Whiten and Beau tify the Skin, it is unequaled ! Try it ! Prepared only by J. S. PEMBERTON*CO., Columhus, Ga., and sold in Americus, by Hr. E. J. ELDUIDGE. and Ur. H. C. BAILEY, april 18 Cm TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING obtained License to distill spirit uous liquors in this county, the subscrib er is now prepared to distill for all persons needing anything of the kind. Ho will dis till on shares, or will pay the CASH for all fruit delivered at the distillery, known as Mile’s stills, near Muckaieo Bridge. Warranted to give satisfaction, july 18 3P JAMES HANCOCK I Attention Invalids! "J HAVE on hand at the Grain Emporium, 15 Bbls. RYE FLOUR, the very articlo for the dyspeptic, which I will sell at figures astonishingly low. Also, Flour, different grades, for family use at reduced prices, to close out a consign ment, and a fine lot of Tobacco. Planters would consult their interest by giving me a call. A large supply of Tennessee BACON end CORN always on hand, jtme 2!> ts. t&w. M. 11. STEPHENS. -A. IST ODE TO J. S. PEMBERTON A CO’E sweit mmn {hit. The Popular Standard Perfume of the South. Hail sweet Boquet! Extract of Flowers, Culled from Flora’s choicest bowers, And distilled in crystal vases, Like pearly tears, wept by the graces, ’Tis thee we sing, thou sweet Boquet, From morning dawn till close of day ; In thy sweet breath dost thou combine The odor of the Jessamine, With in her flowers, rich and rare, That scent the fragrant Southern air; The Tube Rose and the Violet, The Moss r,ose and the Mignionctte, The Heliotrope, and other flowers, Blooming in onr sunny bowers, In t!;ee uuite their sweetest scents, To make thy far-famed excellence. LILLY. i Note This delightful perfume is put up 1 in beautiful wicker covered bottles and is so j highly concentrated and delicate that a few drops will leave its delightful odor in the handkerchief for many days. fft.'l'he Tradejsupplled by J. S. PEMBEBTON & Cos., Columbus, Ga , Proprietors and Manu facturiug Chemists, Columbus, Ga. For sale in Americas, at the Ding Stores of Dr. E. J ELD RIDGE, and Dr. H. C. BAILEY, july 4m Liost. IN Amerieus. on Saturday, the 13th inst., a Bteel'bound leather pocket.hook, old and much worn, containing between five and six dollars in rnoneyy, and several papers, among which is a note on Wju. Brewer fi r One Hundred Dollars, due some time this year, dale forgotten ; a receipt given by Judge Scarborough, for Two Hundred and Thirty odd Dollars, and various other receipts and accounts pn different persons. A reasonable will be paid for the recovery of the pocket book arid contents. FRANCIS HALL. july 16 ts PERRY HOUSE COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. rjtlllS POPULAR. HOUSE is now open, I and I will be pleased to accommodate all who may feel disposed to patronize it at tiio following rates, fpr the present.- Transient Board per day, $ 3 00 Day Board, per month, 30 00 “ “ “ payable in advance, 25 00 Rooms furnished on reasonable terms. figg,.. All papers friendly to this enterprise will please publish once and send us a paper, and when they visit Columbus call at the Per y House add their bills are settled, july 13 It ACTON YOUNG & CO. STOIYEHST TNROM my lot, at the Douglas House, iu I’’ the city of Albany, on the night of the 2yih July, a large gray HORSE, lie is dap. pled gray ou the rump, and a little flea bit ten on the neck and shoulder; lias a very fine mane and tail—mace disposed to flow a little. Ilis Lack was a little sore where the buggy saddle had rubbed it, his shoulders were also hurt from driving last week. He was in good order when stolen. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered for the recovery of the Horse. D. J. OWENS. july 2 ts Albany, Ga. IMPORTANT TiIHOIiSEKfEPERS! REVOLUTION IN THE Preserving of Fruits, &c. SPEAR’S PATENT Fllf-PRESEMNG WTIOI, IT is a perfect Antiseptic, the cheapest and best method in the world for PRESERV ING All kinds of Fruits, Jellies, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Cider, Wine, Milk, some kinds of Vegetables, &o, &c IT SATES SUGAR. It saves the trouble of sealing. It saves the expense of Scaling or Air-tight Jars or Cans; it is 00 per cent, cheaper than any other method. It will Preserve Milk Bwees From 12 to 36 hours longer than it will nat urally keep, with a result of furnishing more Cream and making more Butter iu warm weather or in warm olimates. One Bottle will preserve 128 pounds j of FRUIT, or 48 Gallons of WINE or CIDER, 1 or 128 Gallons of MILK. WARRANTED TO CONTAIN NOTHING INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. Full Directions for using accompany each Battle. It is Cheap, Healthful and Effectual For sale by Grocers, Druggists and Merx chants generally. M. F. KELLOGG, Newnan, Ga , I Agent for the State of Georgia I Dr. J. SIMMONS, July 11 ts it. Agrul iu Amcricuh, G- 1 Whole No.'Bßl. The Latest From The Seng Writers. BY THE ,( F.VT OONTKIBUTEIE,” The man who “Drempt I dwelt in Maable Halls” has opened a marble quarry there, and is doing a thriving bu siness in getting out grave scopes, The author of ‘‘Carry o>e hack to Old Virginia” has opened a livery stable and is carried back in bis own conveyance whenever he wants to be. The man who sang “ I am lonely sines mother died,” isn’t quite so lonely now. The old man married again, and his step mother makes it lively enough for hiua. The author of ‘‘Life on the Offegfl Wave” ia gratifying his taste for the sea by tending a saw mill. He will be on the water. The one who gave “The Old folks at Home” to the world has recently taken them to the poor house, as they were getting troublesome. The author of “shells of Ocean” is id the clam business. The man who wanted to “kiss him for his Mother” attempted to kiss his mother for him the other day, and him | gavo him a woltoping “for his mother.” The one who wailed so plaintively, “Do they miss me at home?” was missed the other day, together wilh a neighbor’s wife. He is missed by a wife and seven ehildrc-D, The author of “Three iilind Mice” has started a menagerie with them. The man who “Five o'clock in the morning,” found that no saloons werg open at that early hour where he oo.ila get his bitter?, so he lies a bed rather la ter now. “Give me a cot in the valley J love” has got a cot. iu the infirmary. Mein Cott! The man who sighed, “Take me homo to die,” took Dr. Kerr’s System Renova tor, and is now a “Fine ould Irish Gin tleiuan.” “Meet me by moonlight alone,” has ; left off meat, and taking to drink, ’ The author of“ Roll on, silver moon,” has opened a ball alley. Silver moon cant roll on his alley without paying 'for j!t --> The disconsolate one- who sings, ‘ Have you seen my Maggie?” has heard if her. Another fellow informs him through the music store, that “ Maggie’s by my side. “I’d offer thee this hand of mine,” has sued for breacb.,of promise. “Oh ! Susannah,” has settled with her at length, and don’t owe Susannac any more. The author of “ Old Arm Chair” is still in the furniture business. The one who pleaded “ Rock me to sleep, Mother, Rock me to sleep,” has at length been gratified, His mother, yield ing to his repeated solicitations, picked up a rock and rocked him to to sleep,- He hasn’t woke up yet. The one who asked “ Who will Care for Mother now ?” has finally coneluded to take care of the old woman himself, as no one else seemed inelned to, Maxims. —Wait for others to advance your interests and yon will wait until they are not worth advancing. An evil 1 abit is never conquered by yielding to it. The richer man makes his food, the poorer lie makes his appetite. Live within your means, if you would have means within which to live. If you would be nothing, just wait to be something. The best capital to begin life with, is a capital wife. The pleasure of doing good is the only one that never wears out. A Yankee made a bet with a Dutch man that he could swallow him. Dutchman lay down upon a table, and the Yankee taking his big toe in his mouth, nipped it severely, ‘Ow, you are biting me,’ roared the Dutchman, ‘Why, you old fool,’ replied the Yan kee, ‘did you think that I was going ta swallow you whole ?’ Fating while the body is fatigued, is a very injurious habit; but severe la bor soon after a heaity meal, is none the 1-SS so. A largo sbaro of vital force is required to properly perforin the process of digestion, and ii this is called away to the muscles or brain to accomplish severe physical or mental labor, the stomach is left insufficiently supplied, find the food remains for a long time undigested. Telegraphic Feat.— A gentleman residing at Newport, R. 1., soot a mes sage at noon ou Monday, the Ist iust., to Alexandria, Egypt, and reoeived a reply at the same office the following day, at 1 o'clock r. m , being twsnty five hours iu transmission both ways—a distance, to and fro, of not less than fourteen thous and miles. A fellow was told at a tailors shop that three yards of clotb, by being wet, would shrink one quarter of a yard “Well, then,” be inquired, “if you should wet a quarter of a yard, wouhj there be any left ?” •