Tri-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1865-1867, July 27, 1867, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN. Vol. a.-No. 134:. T U K Tri-Wcckly Republican IS PUBLISHED EVSJBY Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, IIY cj. w. kancock; EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. TERMS: $2 FOE THREE Kates op Ahvkhtisino. —Two Dollars a Suimro, of ten lines or less, for llie firs), in senior:. ami One Dollar fur each eubaeipiett' inpfivlinn. Professional Cards. rm, >' a ®u mwm OFFERS bis professional services to the citizens of Amerieiis anJ surrounding country Thankful for patronage heretofore given him, he hopes hv unremitting atten tion to business to merit a continuance of the same Office next door to the Tost Office. July 14 ts. " m* Q& *P- feTUSO# OFFERS his professional services tu the citizens of Americas and surrounding vicinity. BfjU Office on the North East corner of Hie i ; uuH'C—?ouai , e, where he can be found day and night. trot? lb Jy ~ M e b i"cJa-'l 7 Dr. A. D. BRUCE, OFFICE nt F. M. COKER’S, opposite the Post. Office. All calls left there, will receive prompt attention. june 7 lui. A. L©IFT ©M p ATTORNEY AT LAW, ZI.MERICUS, GEORGIA. Office in Masonic Building,, up stair mar 10 Iy. WOLIUB 7. MAwS ! «» s - Attoraicy at Law, Amcrians, —Georgia. •aSU’Olßec in Masonic Hall. Jan. 18 ts. Au AfeSCiY* ATTOHNEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Americus, . Georgia. WILL give prompt attention to profest M sional business in Splinter, Schley, Web pfer, Lee, ami Terrell counties, except cases in the County Court of Sumter County. Office in the Court House. June 9 ts. O. T. Goode, ATTO KN E Y A T LA W , Americus, Georgia. jan 15 ti’ Janies J. Scarborough, Attorney at Law, AMERICUS GEORGIA. OFFICE in Masonic building, up stairs. En trance between B W. Smith j, Co’s Con fectionery, and Fold'a store. j.iu 19 ts AGENCY ®« IKL H&WGCfI N® s ATTORNEY & COLLECTOR, Americus, Georgia. PROPOSES to deyote himself inaiuly to conveyancing and commercial practice. Will keep dockets shewing progress of cases from commencement of suits to settlement of claims, at all times subject to inspection of parties, and nooks showing every business transaction. No pains spared to make his office the first collecting office in the coun try. Liberal patronage solicited. Office in Speer & Hook’s Iluildiug. Aug 2 ts. j. rt. cjyin, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Office at the store of Wilburn & Cain, on the .North Side of t he Tulle Square. July 23-Gm* Professional Calls. CALLS for Drs. Hardwicks &• Hawkins left at the Drug Storej of Drs Eldridge or Bailey, will be promptly attended f o,' or at cither of their residences. july 23tfi Dr, J, B. HINKLE TV FSPECTFULLY informs Hie citizens of JLV Americus and Sumter county, that he has permanently located in their midst for the purpose of practicing MEDICINE, SURGERY and OBSTETRICS. He has for several years, made Surgery a special study, and has operated repeatedly, with perfect success, for Cataract, Pterigium, Stone in the Bladder, Haemorrhoids, &c. <£c. Office up stairs, over P. II Oliver’s store. ,Oan be feuud at Finn’s Hotel, during the night. JUT Orders left at the Hotel, or at the Drug Store of Dr. E. J. Eldridge, will receive prompt attention. july 23 ts Prescriptions Carefully filled, at all hours, day- and night, at DR. ELDRIDGE’S june 18 ts Drag Store. stationery, copyincTlNK., &c., P at. DR. ELDRIDGE’S jutic IS ts Drug Sforc. W. L. WADSWORTH WHOLESALE AND II IST All* DEALER IN HARDWARE, € I! T B. IS K V , dfcr. &r. ifcc, AMERICUS GEORGIA. rpHE subscriber thankful for the liberal J- patronage heretofore extended him, would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus and the public generally, that he Iras iu store, nnd to arrive 1 5 O STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BUILDER’S MATERIAL NAILS, LOCKS. HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY - . PAINTS, and Wood and Willow Ware POT WARE, House 7unusj}ing (bftU Plated and Japaned Wares, Me, Efe§“A|l of which will be sold at a* low prices as can be purchased anywhere sKuth. I Roofing and Guttering DONE IN THE BEST WORKMANLIKE manner .and WARRANTED. TIN-WARE M anufacturci], and fur sale low lor Cash, april 20 ts ~ Alills^l-loase, Curlier Queen and Meetfing Streets CHARLESTON, s 0. This first class hotel has been thoroughly repaired, re-fitted and re-fur nished throughout, and is row ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, avhose patronage is respectfully solicited. Coaches always in readiness to convey pas sengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the accommodation of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, leb 12 ts Proprietor. Smithviile Bakery. f | YHE unders gnea would respectfully nn- Jj licence to the citizens of Smithviile nnd its vicinity, tlmt we are prepared to furnish FRESH CAKES of all description, in any quantity and .style, and ns cheap ns any Bakery ill Georgia. YVe intend keeping on hand a supply of POUNDCAKE, SPONGE CAKE, GINGER CAKE, TEA CAKE, &c., YY'e will also keep a full supply of all kinds us Candies, Nuts, Raitins, Cider, Lemonade, &0., Sic- BFfL Weddings and Parties supplied at short notice In connection with our Bakery, we have opened a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS, SOAPS, &c. 2 BSL Prescriptions carefully compounded through theday, and all horns at night, by YV. B. Harrison, M. D. 11. C. BAILEY & GO. july G lnt. Now is the Time rpo BUY YOUR JOINT MEAT AT THE Grain Emporium, as it is being sold at fig ures so low as to amount to jour own price. Call at once if you would save money. M. H. STEPHENS. june 22 ts A.S.CUTTS, Broker and Commission Merchant, AMERICUS, GA. WILL pay the highest market prico for cotton. Cash advances made on cotton consigned YV. Bryce & Cos., New York- >w> v zits NICKERSON’S Minna’s hot m. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WH- Rirfurnished and opened October Ist , 18.10. mar 12. Americus, Georgia, Saturday, July Q 7, 1867. Atlanta Advertisements. &mmwm fcravsi, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. WHITE & WHITLOCK, PIU riUETORR Bj&yspNtvml Wiley, Clerks. mu nationallTotllT Corner Whitehall Street and W. A. Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PRATT, POND & COREY, Proprietors.! 45- A Newly Erected, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Elegantly Furnished throughout. Fine Billiard Parlor with Phi-tan Tables. Bar stocked with Choice Liquors and Y\ lnes. mar 12 ly J. T. JENKINS & CO., Wholesale Dealers in oni§s, flints, (fjcnucals OILS, WINDOW GLASS, ruin MIIIES, It., It. Corner of Prior and Alabama Streets Atlanta, : : : : Georgia. mar 12 3m. J W. It KM LI: Y. C. PE WAAL. STOVES, aV'A'TMi.ri.; -v*. _ TINWARE, POT WARE 4ND | House Furnishing Goods, REMLEY & CO. NEXT DOOR TO G. V. HAY’S STORE, UAYE just r< ceivecj a large lot of Cooking! StoVca. which they will Pell at lower pri-J ces then they have beeu sold for heretofore j iu thus ujafket. Sheet Iron. Copper and Zinc work done to order. T IST WA R E W HOLES ALE A\ D RETAIL} AT LOW FIGURES. ROOFING. GUITF.IIING, etc. made a spe J cialty, and attended to in any pa't of South l western Georgia. Work warranted. J. \V. Kcmley attends to ail work in par son. april 27. ts ■ Stevens House. 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway-, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, * ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rpilE STEVINS HOUSE is well and |_ widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to m<*v chants and business men ; it is in close prox imity to the business part of the city—is on the highway of Southern and Western travel, —and adjacent to ail the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The tevens House has liberal accommoda-! tion for over 300 guests —it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its in mates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated—provided with gas and water— the attendance is pjomptaud respectful—and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of tlie season—at moderate rates. JS&- The rooms having been refurnished < and remodeled, we are enabled to oiler extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. tfLUSL <fc CO. may SO 6m. To Tlie Taclies. | MISS SUSAN NOBLES r j'AKES this occiisipn of iufurmipg the La ; 1 dies of Anienout; and Sumter county, that ; she is prepared to out, tit and make dresses] for Ladies and Chihlien, iu tlio VERY LATEST AND MOST FASHION MS L.E STYLE. She invites the ladies to call and examine he r beautiful patterns, a, her father's Dental of fice, in the Gran berry building. She feels confident of given satisfuciion. may 9 ts Metallic Bisrial « ases. A FINK ASSORTMENT, kept constant. / V Ivon hand. 3. P BOONJi, Ag’t July 2 4(f AMERHIS ADVERTISEMENTS, mmm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C on fee lion ei*s, AND DEALERS IN Candies, Fruits, Toys, : AND ALL KINDS OF I V&T •* 'rj i £• -a 3* 1 > Wgo ods, 1 8! mm WINKS,| .I ip PRESERVES, I FINE ''CIGARS, \ j L •] CHEWING T93ACC9. ' , -if i- ■ ALSO A I.AECR ASSOr.TMRNT OF PERFUMERY I ', TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES A LARGE LOT OF JE* I H3 S OF EVERY’ DESCRIPTION. 23)~ Fresit BREAD and CAKES always on hand. 23f“ Social and Wedding Parties supplied at the shortest notice. Give us a call. april 4 ts IT on.- ;e and Tot For Sale or Rent. THE House and Lot formerly occnpfed by Joseph Clock. S COHEN, Agent. Macon, Ga., April 10th, 1807. I hereby authorize Mr. S. Cohen, legal Agent of my House and Lot in Americus, Gu , to rent or sell llio same on my account, may 18 ts L EMANUEL. Spear’s Patent MHlfflMl. sun FOR Preserving Fruits, &c, For sale at the Drug S{.orc of july 20 If Dr E. J-ELDRIDGE. Wagons ! Wagons! IF OH SALE. ONE TWO HORSE wagon, new and war ranted, in every respect Al*o, One FOUlt-HOiioE Wagon strong and serviceable. Roth to be seen at Mr. Price's Warehouse, and will be told very cheap for cash, or Warehouse Apply toJ. Y. PRICE, on the premises, june 22 ts CITY BOOK STORE. Removal. miU: subscribers would inform the public J that they have removed their Book Store to Dr. Andrews’ Drug Store and J. 13. Sulli van’s Jewelry shop, under the new Motel, where everything pertaining to the Book bu siness may be obtained. Our stock embraces: School Book3 of every kind, Juvenile Libraries, Histories, Light Literature. Toy Books, Photograph and Ladies Albums, Ladies’s Portfolios, Paint Boxes, Stationery, School and Law, Music and Musical Instruments. NUNN & CLKGfIOIIN. july 20 ts THE UN CURRENT BANK BILLS in the country, and for which the highest fig ures will he paid in Currency or Produce.— The highest price will also be paid for COlN— either Gold or Silver—attheGrain Emporium M. 11. STEPHENS. juuo 22 ts MACHINE OlL—Different Qualities, at DR. KLDRtDGE’S june IS ts Drug a *A>re T H K FINEST and LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages Buggies, & Harness, Ever in South Western Georgia, now on ex hibition at EiiRBIiOE & HMMSS BErOSIfOBY. Our host recommendation isthnt we WAR RANT ALL OUR OWN MANUFACTURES. These wishing to purchaso anything in our line will do well to cull and examine our stock before going elsewhere Having had long experience in the manufacturing -of Buggies find Harness, we feel authorized to say that wc c.u compete with any market in piice, style and workmanship To enable ps to do this, we use the best Eastern Timber, Finest Case Hardened Axles and English Tempered Springs. We keep constantly cp baud a complete as sortment of Springs. Pole", Axles, Harm s» Mount’g, Iron, Harness Leather, Felloes, Ornaments, Hubs, Pat. Leather, Spokes, Enam Leather, Shafts, Whips, &c. YVe desire to retur,] to our customers, who have favored us with their liberal patronage, our thanks, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. W.YI. SIRRINE. juue 111 v. ISTEW DRUG STORE C onlectionei*y AT Smithviile, Lee Go., Ga. 11. C. BAILEY & CO., r RESPECTFULLY' invite the attention of U Planters and Physicians to their large andf,well assorted Stock of unadulterated Mpdioiaps, Chemicals. Drugs, Paipts, Oils, And all other articles in the Drug line. In the CONFECTIONERY’ depart ment wa have on hand and are constantly re ceiving a fresh supply of Candies, Nuts, Rai sins, and everything usually kept in a first, class confectionery. 11. C. lb A CO. FINN’S HOTEL] (Formerly Americas Hotel.) Americus, Georgia. r |\4E 1 Hotel, now ofibrn to the public entertain meiit not to bo Biirpajdetl ip Southwestern Georgia. His rooms are kept in good order, ami his table bountifully supplied with tbo best the country ass »rds Every attention is paid to his patrons by hiseleik. Mr Iv*beit Tunde, and servants.— He is deteriiiined to aive satisfaction. l’. s-etigeis stopping at this house are con veyed to. i;n . from 1 h« depot, free of charge. The Pioprietor will Ic always gad to set true repiesentatives of the Pr»ss at his Ho el may 0 if. JOHN FINN. Dental TSTotice* rgIHE undersigned respectfully invites the attention of his qlu friends and cotumu' nity at large, that he is now prepared to du botli mechanical and operative dentistry.— Having given (hose branches of Dental Science his attention for a numbep of years, he can promise all y/ho may give him their patron age that their wprk will be done in tlie very fcest and latest style. His materials are of he best selection Teeth mounted onvulcair ite base from one to a full set. He guaranties to give perfect satisfaction, both in fitting and l«aiity. lie.also uses thevitrous oxide in ex tracting teeth, which is better adapted for that purpose than anything now know to tlie ago- Watches c<*u R1&-) be repaired dring leisure hours, by the undersigned, with ucat ness. All work warranted. Office up stairs in the corner of the new Hotel building, fronting the Telegraph pffice and adjoining Boon’s furniture storp. Mar. 19-ts. DR. J. NOBLE. FRAGRANT GLYCERINE COMPOUND. New Ai’ticlc for the Toilet! Healing and Sootliing, Pleasant to Use. A Fine Pet futite. REMOVES Eruptions and Roughness of the .*'kin, Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, Chapped Face, Li, sand Bauds, almost like magic. As i\ Comestic to Soften, Whiten and Beau tify the Skin, it is unequaled ! Try it ! Prepared only by J- 8 PEMBER ION &CO , Columbus, Ga., and sold in Americu*. by Dr E J. ELDRIDGE. and Dr. H. C. BAILEY, april 18 6m TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING obtained License to distill sp:i-it uous liquors in this county, the subscrib' er is now prepared to distill for all persons needing anything of the kind. He will dis till on shares, or will pay the CASH for all f/uit delivered at the distillery, known as Mize’s stills, near Mucka.’ee Bridge. YVarranted to give satisfaction, july 13 "U JAMES HANCOCK Attention Invalids! "J II A V E on hand at the Grain Emporium, IS Bbls. RYE FLOIR, the very article for the dyspeptie, which I will sell nt figures astonishingly low. Also, Flour, different grades, for family use at reduced prices, to close out a consign ment, and n fine lot of Tobacco, pjanters would consult their interest by giving me a call. A lai-ge supply of Tennessee BACON and CORN always on hand, june 29 ts t&w. M. 11. STEPHENS. ODE TO J. S. PEMBERTON & CD’S SWEET Sfflffi! WET. The Popular Standard Perfume of the South. Hail sweet Boquet I Extract ol Flo,let", t tilled fro;n Flora’s iboiotst bowers, And distilled in crystal vases, Like pearly tears, wept by the graces, ’Tis thee wc sing, thou sweet Boquet, From morning dawn till close of day ; In thy sweet breath dost thou combine The odor of the Jessamine, YYiih other flowers, rich and rare, Ti'al seeqt the fragrant Southern air; The lube Rose and the Y'ioht. The Moss Rose and the Migniouctte, The Heliotrope, and other flowers, Blooming in otir sunny bowers, In t:.ce unite their sweetest scents, To make thy far-famed excellence. LILLY. Note This delightful perfume is put up in beautiful wicker covered bottles and is so highly concentrated and delicate that a few drops will leave its delightful odor in the. handkerchief for tunny days. ® The Trade ■supplied by J. S. PEMBERTON & Cos., Columbus, Ga , Propiietors and Manu tacturing Chemists, Columbus, Ga. For side in Ameiictis, nt the Drue: Stores of Dr E. J ELDRIDGE. and Dr. H. C. BAILEY, july 4m Xjost. IN Americus on Saturday, the 13th inst., a steeliboitnd leather pocket.bonk, old and much worn, containing between five and six dollars in rnnneyy, and several papers, among which is a note on YY'm. Brewer fin One Hundrpd Dollars, duo some time this year, date forgotten : a receipt given by Judge Scarborough, for Two Hundred and Thirty odd Dollars, and various other receipts and accounts on different persons. A reasonable will he paid for the recovery of the pocket hook aud contents. FRANC IS HALL. July 10 ts PERRY HOUSE pOAUMBtrS, GEORGIA. riMUS POPULAR HOUSE is now open. J and I will be pleased to accommodate all who may feci disposed to patronize it nt the following nates, for the present ; Transient Board per day, $ J 00 Day Board, per month, 30 00 ■’ “ “ •• payable in advance, 25 00 Rooms furnished on reasonable terms. g-").. All papers friendly to this enterprise will please publish ouce and send as a paper, and whop Jhey visit Columbus call at the l’er.y House add their bids are settled, july 13 It ACTON YOUNG A CO. STOLEN 17U50M my lot, at the Douglas House, in ' the city of Albany, on the night of the 29th July, a HORSE, lie is dap. pled gray on the and a little Ilea hit ten on the neck and shoulder; has a very fine mane and tail—mane dispo-ed to flow a little, liis back was a little sore where the buggy saddle had rubbed it, his shoulders were also hurt from driving last week. He was in good order when sto en. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered for the recovery of the Horse- D. J. OWENS. july 2 ts Albany, Ga. Illflilimf TO MEEffEU! REVOLUTION IN THE Preserving of Fruits,&c. SPEAR’S PATENT FMIT-PjIIEIM SOUTH, ’ TT ib a perfect Antiseptic, the cheapest and 1. heal method in the world for PRESERV ING Ail kinds of Fruits, Jellies, Spiced fruits, Tomatoes, Cider, AVino, Milk, some kinds of Vegetables, &c , &c IT SAVES SUGAR. It save? tlis trouble of sealing. It saves the expense c>f Sealing or Air-tight Jars or Cans; it is 60 per cent, cheaper (han any other method It will Preserve Milk Sweet From 12 to 36 hours long, r than it will nat urally keep, with a result of furnishing more Crear.. and making more Butter iu warm weather or in warm climates. One Bottle will preserve 12S pounds of FRUIT, or 48 Gallons of YY'INE or CIDER, or 128 Gallons of MILK. WARRANTED TO CONTAIN NOTHING INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. Full Directions fur using accompany each Bottle. It is Cheap, Healthful and Effectual. For sale by Grocers, Druggists and Mer chants generally. M. r. KELLOGG, Newnan,Ga , Agent for the Stato of Georgia. Dr. J. SIMMONS, July 1 1 'f It. Agent ir. Aoimmis, Ga Whole ISTo. 283. Beene in Maximilian’s Prison. The Convent of the Capuchins is a type of the min that has descended upon ancient public edifices nil over Mexico, Its towers, its architectural ornaments, its distinctive marks of any sort, have been razed or torn away. Tbo thick walls enclose chambers paved with tits and scantily furnished. The meanest neglected paintings adorn some of the walls, The windows, like aj! those of all Mexican buildings or dwellings, are ben. red with iron. It is a natural prison, My acquaintance opposite found the archduke and his companion in one of the rooms in the ground floored this con vent on the afternoon of the 3d June. — Maxim'lliun lay asleep upon the pave ment; Piircc Sulm-Salm sat writing at a coarse table; two sentinels lounged at the entrance. As the visitor entered, the prince en joined caution. ‘Do n< t speak too loud, sir,’ he sail ; 'the erapeior is sleeping.’ The visitor took a seat by the table ‘I do not wish,’ was L.s response, ‘to disturb yiur companion. I merely call ed to inquire whether I can be of any ca sual service. 1 have some acquaintance with Escobedo.’ ‘Escobedo? It is impossible to speak ofbiin. lie has already determined.’ ‘Upon what ?’ ‘That the emperor,’ replied the prince, lowering his voice,‘shall, of course, die.' ‘Do no* he sure. Eseobedo—■■' It is a mockery. Escobedo will do nothing. The emperor has applied to Juarez for a postponement. My wife huR gone to see him ; she should be hero 10-eUy. It is just possible— ’ Here Maximilian, disturbed, awoke slowly, and raised himself upon his arm. ‘ls there, then,’ he asked,’ ‘any further news from J uarez V ‘Not yet, to-day. Tliie gentleman on ly comes from Escobedo.’ ‘What,’ said the archduke, wearily, an he got up and approached the table, ‘ia there from Escobedo V The visitor explained, as before, that be was not sent, but bad come to learn whether he could be of any service. ‘Alt, is that all ? I thank you. JJqt I fear— ’ ‘Pah !’ interrupted the pripce. ‘The muleteer ! the—’ But here the archduke chocked 14* companion. ‘Hush !’ he said; ‘I trust more to thj princess than a hundred Escobedos. We will wait lor her.’ ‘She ought to come,’ said the prince, an?iously. ‘She will do what she pan.’ The speaker emitted his seat and walk ed the floor, liis eyeglass dropped un noticed from its perch. His fingers writhed nervously behind his back. He tried to hum a tune, bn* failed. Maximilian sank into the vacant chair. For a few moments he was silent. Thcu he lifiod bis eyes with a pleasant smile, and sjoke: •You are an American or Mexican— which V ‘Both. I was born in Guadlajara, ancj have lived in the United State?. SfiJ! siuiling, the archduke continued : ‘The Arm ricans, I suppose, would not regret to hear of my death ‘I think they would ; they are not such a people; I hope they will not hear of it.’ ‘We shall see.’ The archduke’s face became sobered, and he spoke abstracted ly. ‘I did what seemed for the best. — They deceived me. I am afraid tliey will regret'— Hero he leaned bis head upon bis hand, and seemed to be waiting and listening. The visitor sat uneasily, regarding flip two prisoners—-one motionless, the other pacing to and free The barking of a dog in the street, the souud off a carousal in an opposite building, the soldiers voices in the savon, were all cruelly distinct. A lew minutes were thus spent. Thpn a hustle was heard outside; the door open ed, and a soldier am uiced ‘La Senora!’ lu an instant Prince Salui-Salm had the new comer in his arms. She was the voluntary messenger, his wife. She hud just arrivid fQ n San Louis Potosi, lroin Juarez. Her face was sun burn* and soiled, her shoes were torn ; her whole ferm trembled with nerveless fatigue as she laid her hands upon her husband’s shoulders. The atohduke came forward eurgerly, wai'ing fur h.s turn, The prince was heard to ask in a whisper : •Ilad you any success? What did Juarep say V •Th*y will do what they havo said in ti e dispatches. They have granted tho delay.’ She turned to .Maximilian : ‘O, your majesty, lam so glad.’ Maximilian took the princess' handanfl kissed it. ‘May God bless yon, mad ame !’ 1 c said; ‘you have been too kind, to one who is afraid he can never serve, you.’ The princess forced a snnle. ‘Do not, be too sure of ihat, your majesty, I shall, have some favor to ask for tho prinoo here yet.’ ‘You will never need to ask that, road ame,’ responded the archduke, leading the lady to a seat. But you look weary. Yon are tired. Wo can offer little. Prince, you most care for your . I, —s-* Mfe Turning his face aside, Maximilian moved abruptly tn m rif -fjfflWiniljii, 'lt why. Ilis strained, but almost audible. Tlsjf&rißce with one hand on the back of his wifaV chair, aud with the other uplifted towai4 tho archduke iu muto protestation, cosh hardly restrain his own. * "...