Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Loyal Georgian.
M (it's r\. fi.v.. li NT U . 1 -Ul.
Wo pro informed that the Uogiotra
tion of voters at Dolaiglo’s farm, jmsseil
olf quietly yesterday. Our colored
citizens were on hand in largo numbers,
one lirudred ands ty-eight having
their names rogistereil, but eight
whites appeared. They will give the
J ; e to the lerw of the Kelx-I party,
end prove that they not only know
howto vote, but that they ku >w who
their “best friends” are, and know
who to support by their votes, the
party that emancipated .and enfran
chised them.
OHM 8 tl
ihnvud ot the H' : r*t S.**w„ ,t 'he
Thirty t.i.dht’nng. <**■
An .1'" i'"i- ecru:. h,„.i. yoatc <„
th, Stole nf Ai-rt«/:
lit it r*-i’Vl ‘>H tin nut 11,, .1 f
Uci<rencntii*iri * if.. I ni.'r.l so. e* <>■. Amo, -'
ot Vonyrc** That tin approptia
imu tiy tlie constitution of the State of
Nevada to cUuentionr.l puqsises of the five
hundred thowsaml «rre> of land granted to
said Stall) tiy the law of September fotu h,
eighteen lunidred mid forty one. tor pim>"
sts of irternai in»|»iovwncnt. is hereby up
proved amt continued
Si i 2 Atolbe ti' •/uirtri/, Tlin.
land ef|Ual in amount to seventy-two rntiri'
sretion.-, tor the ia aliii*imii ut and maim >-
nance of a nnivetw.j 'n said B'stt, hluti'w
granted to the State m Nevada.
see tt. And he ii f ’■ n.rt.'M, That'lie
gr.-int inane by lew of the second day if du'y.
ightcen hundred and- .Tty two, to cm U
slate, of laud equal to thirty thousand acres
lor crich of its sc net or? end reoresentaiivi"
in Congress. is ex tendril to the Stale of
Nevada; ami ttic diversion of the (ginreeds
of these lands in Nevada, from tin t 'aching
of sgrji .dture anil meelinnic Hits to that of
die theory and practiceol mining E allowed
and mtlitorized without causing a forfeiture
of said grant
Sue. 4. And he U forthrr onteted, That the
l’rcsideiit of the United States, by and with
die advice mill consent of tlio Sonata. shall
he, and lie is hereby, .auduin/.ed to appoint a
jurveyor-general fur Nevn la. wliosh vl*locale
liis I'llice at su< li place ns ' tic Secretory of
the Interior shall lnmi tunc to time direct,
win use niiiipt nsiiuni] shall lio tlirs, ■ hotisicid
dollars per nnmmi, and whose duties powers,
obligations, rrsimnsibililics, and nliowxncea
for clerk hire, oil ice rent, fuel ami incidental
expenses shall lie the same ns those of the
*m ,-eyo; general of Oregon, under t lie dire,
linn of tin' Secretary of the Intelior, and
sii. h iiislnieliona ns lie may from time to
bun; di iall it advisable to give him
See. a. A.ul In it fvrth.r fancied, That in
extending the surveys of the public lands in
the Stale of Nevada, the Secretary of ihe
Pneiior may. in hi* discretion, very the lines
nf the subdivisions from iv reetnngulai form,
to suit the drcuicsianec’ of the counUi
t,HI ip all eases iaitiis valuable fur mines af
po'd. nil vet. quicksilver, or copper shall be
lesnvad from side
Kp,(. G And hi H fee l, O' Il' h’f4 % Tilllt
it-ilil the Stale of Nevada sliali iiave Kv
i -rod hei iad quota ol lands named -in tins
iirst. hi com 1 , and third sections of this act,
the pulpit lends in that SUilo slmll not lie
siiltjix I in •vilify, side, or loiabun nndeT liny of the ! luted Slates, nr any *rrip or
warrants issued in pmsuanee of any such
Jiw except tin homestend is't of May
twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
mi ni ls amendatory thereto. *nd the nets
granting mid regulating preemptions, but
-hall lie reserved exclusively for entry by the
suit! Btate for the period of two year* after
-iteit server shell have been made: /Varf'W,
That said Stilt• • iiiittll select said lands in her
mviymlne and right, in tracts of not lew.
than forty in-res, and disposi of the same in
trails ill'll, exceeding three hundred and
I.wenty niro.-/ oily to actual ret tiers u id
luma tide occupants: AMI prorated, farther.
Tlmt city and town projierty shall not licsiiti
ieet i selection under thisju-.l : Andprorated
I rthrr, The this s<wtion shall not be con
Mined to interfere with or impair rigli's
heretofore arf|itirec! undei any law of Con
\»-i'«ovK)«, Inly 4. PSW.
i 11 \ J’TJell ( JjXV ! |
A., A.! yen tiny Jet ode fj> the Stole .f
1 j,/if... / / nits in th-' Canrir .rtUiH „/ *
if.i'i.t y llnnti from t'ormtii* a. t/“ Aefiv.i
m Any
licit etf.-teil by tbr S. ot. 'i and Jinan nf
Hrp, Cf i.o.iirc* of the V rtfd Stuff* of Armtct
■„ I',marcs* ivtcnMnl T|mt there lx-, and is
In rebv granted to the Slate of Oregon, to aid
in the eopitjruction of a military vragon ror.d
from the town of Corvallb to •>n Aequinns
llav. ihn e ailernate S'-i tioM tier mile from
t l n: ttiioeeiqetd ptildie lands, destxnated try I
odd muiits'i s. and not more than -ix miles fre,m |
».d i i-wd VrarUUd, That the lands hmeliy
giant -d stall! lx- ev lusively »|>pii<-d in the
~nisiruethl ll of s-lid road, and shall iH-tes
tiiii-ct! of only ns if* work prognstea; aim
Mil- same slial’l lie a!>|ilied to no other purge
•Wt wliatever: And jcron'dr.l farther. Tlmt ;
si . ami s'! lands heretofore reserved to tlio
l aitedHtaUa by net of t ongress, nr other |
. niipen-al authority, ls> and the same nr-, ,
Ilsi'in n. fiom till- oj«-ra*i«>H of |I : ‘ act, ex i
cept so far as It nisv l«e necis; 7»ry to toesi"
the rouln of said road through the t-Xiae. in
tviiii h etse tlie light of way is granted.
Sue. i. And hr it farther rsntrted. That
the said lands hereby granted to said fttate
shall Is' disposed of hy tiie legislature there
of for the purjsKte afori-aaith and for no
other; and tlie said road sliali be and reuiain
a public highway for tlie use of lliegoveni
mint of the L lined States, free froiil toils or
otbn-charges ups -ti the trsnsjiortalion of any
|Xo|viay, troojvs. or mails of the I nttrd
Sue. :t. And he U farther'ed. Tlmt
sai'l road «luOi )*■ hour.rucucl with sucli !
g adn. .lam and Or at gee a* l l } permit of dh J
tegular use ns a wagon re-ail, and in sueli (
other sjivt ial manner as tlie State of Oregon ,
may prescribe. _ i
sy e. 4. And hril f.irtb.rr rtntrledi TllSt the i
'a id* hereby granted to said State shah he
disposed i[ ("nilv in the following manner,
that is lossy when the governor of sain
State slut)! certify to tin- Secretary of the
Interior that anv ten continuous imleaof -aid
roml aie completed, then a qtifriitity of land i
in ehygianted coterminous to said eoßipleteu
poiiion of sai l road, not to ex< eed thirty.i
-■ bens may In- r alii, and so from time to
ime until said road is tompHed; **n if,
aid road i* no* eomjileted within five yci ra _ \
tv a ftirthi r sailshall lie made, anil the land |
- unsold shall revert to the Ttiitwi,
Ari-iujv np, ,1 tily 4. ts*;r,
A.. |*l Hi.iteurj to. /; ,f /. .W.
ta the Stale *f Win rn'»' , n. i" idler) "tr Sr■
, ... b. i , . ■ -,!
in tin id. Math. ,
licit nnt.-t.d the . .i,-f Routt ■"/
Rcpr MtSeSif *of tr , Vt i'rdf 'esqf A tru'V ,
in f'tdigrces .yttmhlA T .;.! herr be, cr.d
Is hereby gtiuitcd to the St„ -of >' -niie> a,
for flu purpose of nidi l. ii I. < -
of a nul.oud from llou.-toi-. in tin v unit, >t
ilounton. llirongh the eoumier of Fii)ii».'-v
Mown. lVuhnn, and V; !*< a
western boiimlm v ot tin.- Stale , :.nb ;.i. ■>
ara’lroad limn I in: .irn; , tfirenn ll tin- -■ n
'Vs if 1 eiki Si if, r'lirve.. and Mel
.to such point on the western bound: ry o' ie
state ai the legislature tis Hie S- mi v h.
temriue. every alternate o . lion of hind if
uatisl by odd numbers to the innouut of re
nltornnle Ms-tionr par mile on -:i .-ale
i»f said Wild; but in case :i aiiall .-.{••) urthet
tie- United Stall have, wt ■ n ti: lines . .
route of raid loiid.ouedellii ~ !> ■■ e . -.1, . ■',(
any si-etion, or pint tln-rrof, <: rant and e.o ,r
--said. <u That the right of pro -o.pfi .. or hnuit
stmd settluin-nt lia: ittaehed to Is- -at ! or
that tlie same lias been reerr e". to tin- ii
ted State., for any pun. - e what' . i- it
shall he the dutj oi the Set reu.rv > tl.i i.i
lertor to ee-u-. eto !:e ri-lveteu - • ti, put;
ses aforesaid, from the puhl.c h.n i of 'h
United State-3 licet: t V, ibe tiers oi . --eth us !
iihove -pecified, so mu-ii '.am! io alien. f“ I
si .'lion;! or parts of . e “oi .■ and sig -.atsi by
odd inn’il>ers as ritall be equal *• r.cliU n
as the United Statca have sol.!, f i -ivcd t
utlier.vise appro;.rial. <*. or t > w uadi -u' ii m
of ),iv:ne*ieait sculen'i-.u or pr: n .iuien !ti j
alt.ielicel as aforesaid, which ’.old-, tbiu j
dbated by odd numbers mid tin, bj ... |
direc.ion ot he Stv-refry i: -ho Ir t.. ..
sliail tic held by s,i:d Si or of .Mh jv.viSr.: !
Hit pnipo • v end rits.! j‘. e-u.i and. I
That t lie lend .so ,v leetnil 'i, »i.-e’ .
locnteil mon i-n.ii iST.ii. in.a- irioi . j
lines -i sa'ti road.: .1 1 -/i-c /•/.<.
Thai no land -Oiidi .. .rranb.'-I ••-. ~1 ; ti—i
by the pii'visitms of ihis uei ,i'!u ,rd
1 withui the jurifdicrioTi of • -g -m ~t
! Minin-v a. 1 «i’p. *•**. "wt -••v
and dl lands hoivtnf.-ir* o •
Vne -d State lye any actol 1 mtcrsf, f, ■
xiyv ther maimer by - ii.p- ;-n> ->-.
for (lie pu’ pise of Milling in n-v <o jo ■>'
inter ltd Improvement m <>ihet purj
wliati-vei, fie. and 'he ami i. r.-by, ~
served aim ex, - ptcei from Ue op.-nt'oi; of
this act. evee: t i far as .1 nisi in- ii i •!
nn'rosttry to incite the von,' ,f aid r. oi
tit- u-t -.. ih i . '■■■'. 1* o - ' vhicb
the i !ghtof way shall h gvi:i ai pro-.
Uie Uuifi el sfltinv h-1 via in pc ■ ■ -s:r.n ,e
H»'e "u ret i.
Hki ? And be it farther h ..nrii, Tnat
tin- ?ee.tion« par’s of section:, of id
which by surah gram shall roiiio i t-*
dll L'e’ted SI •- i a-'iiin :. - n.'io ,
each side oi s.o ! load si,oil I ' b - id
fur less '.nan dot 14. !h- ndolnmtu p-ie't
ot pulviie lands when solel, noi . ii' l .* ty -i
said Imuls ticcorue. siibjeet safe- .- pr,\ ,te
entry until the same rini'l have i. cn t ; 1
offered at J .italic rate- 11 H- lupin l bi.iv
at or abuvi- die ninimum price i.- idorcf '-
i'ri/r 'ditt. That neurd tliuui lid. citler*
der the [lie empb-.n lave ... Un
HtaP-s mil.-/ alti-l due pron. in s.-dleim ,u,
impi-ovemeit- imd .K-eup-iion oow j’i
viflixl by law. pin-i lia:.' in s.-uie the .n
i M-mtednuiiiinum priei An-' •-..»• 'do!.
Tim* settlor! tmdei the ->n>\i--io -s of ihe
liinnestc-a.l lu'v who rh.di mnlo- d.iee a i
the pas 'gc if the eel. upon tbs s<‘<|i
liumucicd by i veil inunb.-T-i, t and v. m ~o ,
ply with *iii t !, '".m rid i"<|U'r.-or ' of- i
a- I f-ha” tic i- ti’leii :>pr ■ : lor .. . .mn e
not. exceeding eighty acres each, onyd
in this mi' ■ > .in eoi'tbny iioiwiili tvidi •
Sr.i !(. A-d he i );S/..-i ’. "
tln-liiinhi hereoy iHitte' .'• - i)ei' .
Itn-disj) !■' I nr- '( tislii’n o : Minn:
for ; 'upases o: i.-osiud and ;i !■. ,
and tin said i: ll -d . led! Is- n. .. hn ’ ) •
lie higl -ray. I r the us; i'< .y mi >• ’
of tin t.'iiiied S'-tti a, iratiO id r hi o’ >tl -.1
xh.irg ' ujn.ti tin- ,i- of r ■
, th.-io'-ne : '•lie.-!' , ;or :•.
the coat, charge, and expi . . in rlf rei.|i--
of the e unp.-uy oi v-irjioi.'.th.-., >n thi-h
micix-ssois or imsig.'-, hav’-ng < : rt,ti- m •
tin- hem-lit ' f ’lie land !-,ou ■ in -ie .nidi
Har 4 ,'twl t.e '■ )vr<ii i. h .t'
the lr-ii'a li'-’-i'iiy gn itcd an d 'a *p..--..i
of by eg id fie? }■ : tb-a , ijl— . Oil ' 1
[ unit, nnd :i mu'-n.i •/ . n..m :
Wlicn tii" jpivi moi'oi bode so. . u-i ' >
to the ttac etary of-In Jaiirfor tbn' any s,
timi of t«t eoi’seent'Vi; tiidee oi ami rof i
10-'ipleled, ill ft good, auhslmiti and. .•end x > k
nmnl'kc manner, r. u first-ihd railroii.
then the Hocrotary cf the Intel:ar Mini) is
to the tdabi ptilent* for ail ttic lauds nd
ternate tee .ona. or iwe-taot reptiorcdisv >a
ted !jj-.Kid nriuber*, sibiatixl within *ri '
.liilef-' of tliiu rniu so i unpleted a>o hi :
cutnrinmous t« said compk-teu in ii"K of > n
miles, and no* i on, tuindred *
tiona, bn tin bernfit of He' mad bar on
cunple’A] ii,,- lev niiM-oi'.iv 1 miiif a
aforesaid: linridrd. h/..c tc*. Tie-! die -.
tcrminmis j>nne>p!e n‘-bv aripii- -hill not
extend to such lends as are taken by dm n i
raiiroa ( i otnpanies to m.ik>- up defleknteies.
provided -ln.t no land to make up smli ilc
flcicncies shall t«* raken at any point wilier,
ten miles upon each side of the line oi ru'd
jtonds. When the governor of said ft-ite
shall ce.lifv 'hat r'i. "iei -ir' : m id ten •
wcutivc in-’h-s Hindi have fK»'ri • '-ur lelixi ns
xfoiioaid, tl. m thy Secretary • f ti,.- Inter' r
Khali issue patents to said State !-< like r,iaii
ner for a life input* r. and w ijen • rlifli i--
of the completion of atldi ional seetioneof ien
eonseeu'tvo niiies of se'd iosd; • •- fri-m ;irue
to tiniemadeas afori wid, atiditional •ectio •
of lamls »h»''be patentwi ns Hfi-reanid. undi
; said roa.i* -ne e uriiieted. when 'ne rvhoie f
I the isnd. heretyr granted shio! be pat«--;t r d
| to the -States so, *hi i-foi-esani, and n -ne
other: Ihnridcl, That if said roads are r» *
comjjletid widiin ten yo.r- fimn tlm amp
iSlice’ of this t.cht. ihe rai,i' lands hmeby
granted oil not pnientw! shall lev; it to'hi.
United States
Sge And bt Vfurther f "acted , That ;:s
f soon hs'hegovernor of s.-iH Sla-- -t ail ii --
1 e.r '-tin»ed to tie filed with the Sci retair of
I the Intern-.' mop* hMigniiting tile rout- ->f
' said roads, then it shall lie ihe duty of die
: See.i-lpry of tlie Intvnoi to withilrnav Lorn
! market Oir lands embraced within me t -
visions of this art
Sl»r. ti And hi and f’C the) f. neied, lli V 1 -
United Httiti* mail she!! tic transported '-t'
said road, under the direction of tlio I’:"'
<ffflee Department, at such Jirii -as ( iingu- ;
may tiy hiw prowle I‘nmdrd , That until
such price is fixed by law, die Postmasb •-
Geiiein! alia)! have power to fix the rate of
coinpcnsn, ion.
Ari’Xornp, July 4. IHW.
Jhc Child'* First fs-sstu. Bod/.
Designed to b-m-h Mi-w .hue- to vemt
t>n m imi>r( vc»i plan.
of tii*:• ‘'M-sf li. -r ook a»r \ : »'ii*.
children that v;e h iv: vet ■-«’< l °«]d du a
lira 800.1 wm ira w...- pal,he fa---■ • amt <
generally euiployed in thy ic-tra-*;o -ot un
drew l/eta n ir.- .S'-- .
"Strut. «,S',Vpisec!-t:u,i;.vf: ujov • » • ■
ti Hook.' - / hi]* P< '
] lie , a--sen', .* . tilno - • "1 <o
ing speeim* n pagis -f li.t-O'o- 1 * the iinle oiiwi to i -.-e ' - I ’’
any one desiring P It w;H ii. • '•">
others inter:stcd in f-devaiim ' > -4
Ink Dopi -of tla work wilt o. -- '
-.(till. - . for tin- purport "| cxni,unatern, ou
‘■dot "fa 'lit
-IMVIP. PORTFK * fit.V! i ? K.
via s.uwom Btr. el. Pbi'.ade.tphi-.
4 Fs < -ii. ;lie City papers, j
:i'> < i*» Watton.
VV asmMvroN, June l <.
IheUl .. -s -s AU'-i'-t-y iTOJicrui \* too
.!t. ‘t >....!tiiti* ..vs) ihi iva6oiiini>’ ;- T.v'pfoi: ihe ; 'lU>v. iliu iri'batiiii
t . .-.v . Cos ' i iuckitii I Unit it inipos ■
; under ».!••. ~r ' t.ii •> ul thin act to coiu
ri v iit 'ii. siiu -:ra-. i" t. (t >\v;nou of otic of
ii; ! .< i| ! '.’i ’• ! ’.• • 'H. ■ 1 ’>y one of tliciie
1 Il.tiiia) > k Uinun: \ Jliihily he H not UlO
i <i:»viTi.vr IN I ' J !•.• btiHx*. di ctuil by
! tiiO pVt 'j')'- i ht* ti’ Mtui nlolheu as such
M’xtn »?••. \ . ..Tiv Nor is 110
t\| I't-ii,■ M.u t C. ■: ’ 111 r i'yr a Smto
uii-K't h*.* * . - ■ i'l-vr »r.i! :r the pressr
; \f* . : t •. -).•* ••••_ ". -g exercise ik>m
«t.- t. !..:_1 •!'.• I.Lis if - . xhtubt, uastOitJ
pi.iJil • 111'.' 1..- tl. .-..siuiU'd i‘V U U.ili
i in the pis -. oi :h<
lviiiovc l Uvtvciii..-. . \»t« the fimetiODß of
th • o?;i-m* pi wvidi-d ••>' Thu law lakes
i it» fct'' cc I*l Huoh nr, v*tiiein’i md be is
1 * j 1 u Atilt .ii’tvly "i cohn oi .mtlioiitv.
1 What 1. . • e ■ • til-* Ctov '.TD*i" tif.d equally
1 { ru«* . 'to ii- •'if', i" i. .-..'■ ••.o-. Executive and
.i• x>iiu** Ii tin* military
con.i.<-ain.' * un-1 ;:<•»■*’t'.- 1 ofDcc lie can
| i.-u.'* Thera kV. . C » :*!i uv v:n ancy he e«u
; iiii llii -.a.* . UO*. 1 Uiuali civil juris*
ion info - ' if i*.tiv ! " *-i the bauds of
th ;»•>». u (~> j.uit? t fit ir a pjtOintUi cut a from him
: sVh, ; ; v■* -" ! :I ■' • v ', .md thus
iV’.c!l t \. i.■ "t*aill 1 • liied ts the people
I i»v ii.t s.t : . i ••;;)’:! ;:■> .tel )-• rigorous
' ... . V,-I*l whrch-it t iv« With all
|'• ..f i :inc • pwn oft!-
I OCI- •; : *V! >' ’ T j:, MRil t"j UIUSt be.
j l lin mt ••- •' ' • 4 hmlts to
. - • .* I * • *SJ.)V hiip
I • ii.. - * t -
... ... • ... .••,*( •.1 m''tabic .-. *i -> require
ti,- L : . C.a of aV. civil govern
.. ..t .» -i t t*‘ • • • -i ■ ■aw ■ n marllal in ;t»
rifle*. r.i- 't.«u. iintta ii)..'' Ik* true ab l')
ti*. ... "i. • !•*••.. ■ : iho iivi *
eri'.u' "• i •••»•- i;• •• •*■ -sher*-itbreak«
~i;t Wu.iscv. v...,. i.-.iin \o meet
nvrt-if tbo
op,v *t,ifi» c- iitoandcr,
to | * ' t i jWablctO dSk
j : ii, .n.*• - ! - -v .» lUcrc m
; , . .. . . • - mil! try
COU’TU:i»lll*'; ?;*■.!• 1 * * r pci P ll\p di.’icr 'ltlii
,r - n-* •)•" •’, , *■ p" *’ iie a' * by ti-'*
tii-4 !-••' *. choice retber
thMJ !>V *lt • •!' o- Ul u. 1 in- ii* t ti' 1
him ric-ht u> r -•••> to -.ui-.-ii tk tiov:-
him U.e n-b’- i*:* l«av v r -aii icut miiit.-rr
liq. r it* er-.fie h■ 1 pvrf* . :r. rm uii’ilaiy du
l 10p f)'t ens -roc ):if )..'»Ui*-rnv ■. ulie -ii
•;• t. • ' : - i!j«* M'.pp- -•
i; ~£ w ■ Mi a , ‘,:*.l i to* •;*'• mili’.'f.v omi
j,i;,• , . i,. u- . ixic.p-*.*!dciit ill the iiv l an•
’ 1 1: ; »*I Mi'td }*uiji bra u! **f
11innuai. ..ntj *.>ib -r.'Hr.-j ho nr.y . vq i■••cch* the ju -, ;-di y i--e i’t- ' "V".-• i~ 1.-e • \'.'J - f*iPCtl
ifltbec - u-.r;;*:
,ir i: iip i;,i,> bis it. •)••.■ ny which it in *o be ev•
qsi , hi- to -V, St U)ili»ary lone
to ena'hi -mb «.:i .cr - --> , r.r: m his duties ami
Ufor hi'- nr‘i;r-.r: ml ir,''rurf *?ihuiuiH, of
hi.-' o\. i. a* ]v duu.ful. to \!\ und pTJuHbollcnd
fr. ;p, s . rim* si i; ‘ v miSifity ifp'vers, to he
■ i, 4 . and p. mil it a’. ? f bi.: ;i;v-iii*i hy the
ivi! a- fh* :::v, o: ;.y ';i 4 ll- *r»f ui'l-ointed hy
pirn u> ]■■•-fonii and im..- ' i il duti«. f If Dulse
.ii (i-1 i, --. S (id not l»»* •»!"•(. ■ if civil or<h : is
p\i >t 'V. i td • »iinin. i '*!'.■ duly* cuieu by
1 t; rjniinai ■ uiV'. Uu- ' iilibo v l*ovor,
*: i.u.* ’ , .lit! l.!"’)U- 1:
nrouq : .iv ivs.i.u \\v: peace i'- t ifh*'n>, aim ic
a* -v- uiu , yv ..-j; t.,;.- *n done and the civil
anth’.rit vum > • ;;tin .- lie< . • -time 11 ■* 1 .iiiei>n^,
♦ h;- . i> „ or .-. , t p.-rasive but Oil.
- •••,; . i Pi* nhi/le scope ,1
Die m vrv ! ' O ! ,t .1 ii- ’itS act. mi*! j
in ■■■■;; me t! t.: ItoM he ii'*l, I liav»
. U iyuu.l i« ’.x-.-t .rv ... n *-’*n 1" The xt t» •
n.-.*-;V»■*’■*’ !t ' V, r.n i>i• tr;• -• r. Mint- \
u ■■ ! ,!-,( • 4 .- ’; .<■» *.r-»;»*.d show to the •
,-His t {;’»: !-> • o: "t o.Ty, ! *y "'•mj-cD*"! (
Wilm i»tK •• 'to* I'.ti', tjollil 11. i
(5V.-1.1 i"!- ,!■ •; f.* . r.i. i-ad *
tTbc’irr *;• rii tii.d tuned- :•** wnttiti -how ihai '
Mthfltn...!of'*.e e • •- »'■
jm,IV, Is,, •- co-f'V't i iiluur nvi«l> duhn VMlk#*
booth. They -u.iid W'mi* jqirfoimi |
Kji'it! 'hi .x t’ ’*im Si ].ai't?ins of
; ‘h, n.' il:;-'; !ur
111,, lip.-- 11 --':. -1 I*l i-b'l’A’s' tl< 'ill,
. . I Mr „r: li.- I,v‘lll' . ("-'I HUUII til
|l;,' ~l I .- V"t . "C- fl'ill V " "'ll't
"Mt fie • : ,1 -il.- .I.iil tlii-ie
f.l-1 •- -n tr..- jTH'.li. ' I let it- «t!l >- l:-H < -el
d.-w: - . *-v '-.MS «*.|S -w!t • ■--ny staPt.reiin-ib
f .1! •;. J»» iIH ADO ’ *»** *-. '/'’U'.
The r.r.-t vjd.i* -• •> • ■ -,* utihmid tn detain I
h* v < ml* 0( •:.* Kii
Scd'.-iut Joio-ph M. hy. *»: - Uiino-i?
fIH-.u i' . . • »». .n‘, r h. ' • Hiiitioued
»• t Is 1 '’.*., it the -r.n.T ill Vpiit,
IMV, . tail- --. ’ •’- ■ ' trail 1-i ’i.l' nt
l’ tviee-- itilt -a -UiTlr-t i e - ratimii-'t
it 1.1. its.- a ,- :I1" ■ !i ■■ trait "I'd
1, ,■. ■, -',r- . -; -.1,-- , VV. -litiiL! in HI. tl'-;
tiine vt ! Ira - .ti- yi:;• -.! K'-m u
tv-oper » :iu o> : r - -i- ,n . -cent *|t, re ft-tni.
Ford’s fh.-atr- . wen. fr.-e tbintre snot
had-,--list nire leek , ahij'- carriage
i|;.t if. Uiu- , ts- --t iigi.t was direct 17
in t’-e'-.t -. :be - . I. im the large lump
,'.a’V iuuilt-1-: '-fin.- ,1 'ti- ilenlrf nf tin eml
M |e!- ■ t’f-U-re-il* 1 '- ■■ .Hi- M':.'l: h(--V ‘I a
vi..«tii-ii die x-.i ’ - 1 Wil'm n If'-otli took
ii ijui:: .
Mr Tien*U" nt W.ii \* •• *Uat iimvAiaatiour
Oblff b and to'f Mt r'D *»n tm c;round tint
the-'W"- ' • - -r,’-raw--",, IM-th t....l
Surratt Mr Pb* t' } *• alh 'h.\* '!••• grounds i
fqra;,* Ti
Bradi : ».»d T hei .I.f - m }°
ktiiuv- »* :. •• •- -•'.*•* • *•. uj'.h the pris
p, . V e!'”." t Them.
Th** h: 1 1* i-N idem •* e. : * -M h ' taken.
Art] { ‘a - . :*»•-. ;<)'•:•••. *" '-oiiricct tlii*
t :tr*i WO.D<I im ni-' -.i
-.ymni '■*.- * !»0 Mfi' i** • '*» who .1
t r iu (°d hi M-u n-A }<o , . ooverrinjr
vit 1 a i-sK vi• t!*m- e ■ r T,ri .)i at i>r*
ejld-.f D)“ i **:.-) e it *.v:rqiJ 1./ TiiOliJCllt he.
fort unoih 4 '. juiiiid )h* e.. ito on. was m*nt
iutf.* earvsjy-n? ;\ . ). -»1 pc-plc cam*
down li *iii the D■ 1. 'i Hoof said
it** Vht*u-U‘ Ic. e *Hil. \ ft *iVM)r now ; ‘
''A'jtucfc r bin's-. iv i**j. Jh '■■■'• .?*; i'scuiduit s they I
fs iUt-‘ : s D.cgjt.e *» along which
the I'i* ■'hi' >•. V■ uvs.m o-U.
not emo und fu-.v / tin tra.n i* My bad a ••■m
vet-kD'h.. -sill in' i iii b 'i.mae, her lH**>Di
Wim' into i*«f ■ U.. l lu ' \n .•}•*.- m h<» came
, n ii-:-I *.•• *•;:> H'ue 1 ’ ■+• ••*.'!.*.‘l ill tile iu
utflufent \< 04 em-u.Di ' . drink aad came
OUt; went ii th- enr" due to tuO *.ajp\
i .. . .
. 4 t;y <1 • and. . .*.!,' rni dH'4 the turn .
looked at tf.** :** K’ .Dmoo tTwotlo;
two ; the ('lock ‘ch tie- ▼(*-*.iUi*b*_. he (Jam
one who railed tin tibi'*; up . owfil’d*; H
stieet. bathe di*? e-;* 1 :*-m “ 'oq he came
(h.v/n v.ttim looked at D*- f-. cud •■ttMcd'tii**
S [.—ii-• p; ;.i- <:r ecttv r-- :i** -• • WO* nnd
S'’ir.'*wfc.'t‘ * -i" V. m* f;im-'* ■*•» :•> bed ami
V-’Ti If* frfcfO’io :•* Wi.*. IhV!. :< h'* TliOiltfilt
« "a- • -• •* Hoits Ueiv Oman r
£t-idiCIS , v i- ;.«♦« •* - * vuiv-nr in hu pctcke*
Wii-1 ;t iim:dk •• •v,.at..(t! uuuimd it, hi
ti-v-'cvis 'M.’-r *> ! u Dml im uutloiii' me
h;.ndL U ' :; h " •*• ■ * -- ’uTt-r. the J -i.m
i, . .lUTUHi:.! o •' • :. h* * m- 4 "■'••I! 1 : • b? ph.*'(*u
du,.. ;; u i;mil id ! Lht’l ‘U: w ith iH'lft (Uil
,h • . . . - •;*U!»C- pictured
r, .q* vs I ; i .-litßr> , be UO*
iuiie, niri fo'd .vin.i Lu* ihiM time that i!
-v ‘ nab* ‘ca '**ciock. wDDCS*»aw
• him { h-iT.iv
1 t-i?,, r - !""v U
~, , - |. ’ .Vhi - I-I -- o— INW
- -, ■- 1 : • <
j J; ,; ieP - u..t < *1 • ••-.mat-- c .
j ; th ‘iron* '! -ut•;oop'.-ri..>d
ii',".,. •’I-'-: ■ : i■- "ftheii o
{ -, :-. ' ■ snip . Ml
l * y ,t ,i : ~.,t -pr t t «,: tjr window end
K -. Pu.
OhJo.-tc.-l t"-
The ( ourt adjourned.
Thi Cabinet had a protracted special session
to-day. It hi stated on authority that il \va
decided K) rcßtore civil otlicers removed cou-
D-arT to law. They will he restored hv an
Executive order, which will he i.-hm-l i"
Internal revenue to-day, one million mid fifty
• even thousand dollars.
it'rosu Charleiktou.
CilsUUsßston, dune h»
A ymum inaii namexl (.’ K. Wolfe <\>iuimD‘*il
suicide last evening by drinkinq laudanum.
I rowi SCii bniimd.
Hiciimonm, T'lao IT
Hcuitairalio*n commenced in one w-aitl in ti!i
city to-day ; nt niqhi, is? whites and U4Pluck
had been registered. Registering .- ho con
m need in the county, where, at one !- , e«*h;e;,
only lour votes were registered during tin d-n,.
'Jdie iirst military oominission trial com
menecd here to-day. The ease was that of
Hovev, a teacher ot the freed men* who Imd
beer, sentenced by a civil court to one hun
dred auil fifty dollars fine and one month’.-- im
prisonment for whipping a boy named H <’
not belonging to his school; and a hi other <”
ITalz, who had,been fined one cent for coin
hidim; ilovey. The tines and iiupri.snnnmn;
wore set aside and the parties brought bt ior«*
Gcncrnl Granger, military commissioner for this
l).i\itl llnllington, an old citizen cl Ki> h
mood, died tb'm niorninq,
Tin? llnifed Slates Grand Jury ad i'Hmied tc
day, having made over fifty presentments.
EVom Pltlladelidihs.
I’iii' hia. J mu* I ■
The Select Ci uneil held * meeting to eons • r
■a »v jobition p.tMv d'ey Council, uvl' omins 1 ;
Pic: id( nl, whieli wa- warmly uiscu-.ed. r
re.S'dutior. was stiongiy opposed 'Via r
main question was put theae was no :U<‘H*:ii,
the Rc]'iiMicans lmving withdrav to
S'rnui (Talifoiidn.
San FiiOi'i-t", June
W. It. iligby, Republiiiin, i-s nominated :
( ttnpie-4 iu the second Dislrici.
The total remii-iai:-'•(•.< oi tiieGalifornia S.-•**.;.) ■
t rn Keli i t ommission are #TI,(HH) in rold
Ho'om 1 ymchlmrg
Li Ni jim.'uo, June 1 ?
K. H ttlarq vdite. ol the Uepubiioan, •
uli 't in the trees to-day, by Uu: -sun- ol 1) E
Hooixt i. in *gmscijunurt of an article l- lec-fm, 1
"ii iheir lather, ’the shot took-effect intheev*
the ball lodging in the head Mr Glas is com
fortable, but Die issue L yet. uncertain.
C 4 HKA- T S A ID Id]
o F
j\N the popular one price pim, givin,'. l ' evere
t » patron ;t handsome, ami rcliabit. AValeh i(
|li e price of Ten Dollars! without regard to
Value, and not to 'k paid for unlc.r j-uh liy
*.t'u factory !
fiOO Solid Gold H unting Watch' , tfg.iO o. 'o' o
Mayrie Goscd t.oi l Watch.* . J K: ~o f.i*o
SKI Ladiu ’ Watches, Enameled. HM) to ‘!Ovl
1000 Gold Ihint’qGliruii tur Walelu - -:bn 1-0 'it**'
KHKJGnkI Uuntimr English Levers, liOO to *‘.»o
:;(KH) (fold Iluntinq Duplex WaUln* -, !.»0 o
lOOorudd tlunty Ante’'< mi Watclu -. 10b to 1
,'tHHJ Bi!v< i Hunting Levers, .bfo Job
.KVK) silver Hnntinq Duplex** , Ts» to MO
JdbOO Gold Hunting Lupine-, .'>o t.. io
IC'XKI jilitaclianeoiH iS'ilu r Watelic:, -Ml to i«.)o
b.“0(K) limit jin; Sih * r W'liciug "o to f>o
:UXhK) Assorted "Wnteb' s, fall kind',) 10 l<t ?.'•
Even jKTrton obtain i Watch by t-hir-aiTamce
.a-.ul- «' , *>Ving but, «t 0 wliile il may U*. wonh
«TT'O N't pa Dial'll v diown
M- - n-v .1. fnimkiina-W Co.’s Great A meric-n
W rib dompany, Ve : w York Guy, with ft im
-Iticdhiic.iy di-posi of the, above nrornhi* *nt
*ipeU. tc tiJicait s, naming ai ticleg, are .pirn,ed
iil st ai; .I envelope J . Jfolih r are emitted to
arlUd'-s nnimid ( i) Iheir certificates upon p-)
)r,ct'l ul Tt ii Dollar*-., whether il b<* t Wateh
v.rh -li'ioo or one wortli leas Tin* return of
on. certificates cnftiks v*)U l<> I he ai’i i«*ies Jatocd
tliercou, ui'*>i» p.iymenl irresp* < livcof ifsAv; I'tfi,
nnd an no a-tide'valued !* -s flioii $lO mimed
on any certifieatf 1 , it will al once ' setn that
tin i * no lottery but a siraiglit foi mud Hgili
mate trau.-iietion which may be parlicip.m a in j
by i ven tin* mutt fastidious \
\ Muffle <'crlilieatc will be sent by mail •)•_*•■
paid, upon receipt of ‘.*s cents; ti\* for ir? ;
eleven tor $&; thirl.v-tlire< and an eh g;m! pr** .
miuin i/»r ;-sixt.y-bi:«. and mon valmdiie p > j
niimn for $lO , o»;e hundr *1 ami • me..«t euj; D- j
Watch f«*r Dlb. To AgenD, or llm \\ i hii-v >
enii>b>3 T nicm, thisiflu mref opportunity. If ■■ J
legitimately conducted lmsimvci, duly »ufho
rif.d by tin. Govu nnicnt, and open t’* 'he ona
ciirfTwl scrutiny, ’fry w.
Addn -
Jf. ik. l 0.,
Hb Broadway, m ar Y. <),
Xci-f oiu Giiv of New York
There ci'ineth glad tiilingo qf joy to all.
To young a id to old, to great-ltd h’ -mall
The beauty which*-nee was so preehn’ir .and rare, ,
Ik fj*e»*. ior all and all may be fair,
JBY Tin? ITS*!-: ov
White liquid
I-ol- j j,i|-iHvin:. unit I*-',- lUtilyili-; lift Clint ,
I'li-xi-.Ti i
'i'lK -ill: I'll' -ij ‘ll '* pl-'j *'' ---■! -
iu-;-Gil-riviii" tin- 'kin 1,1 iUHilti! iiiaf! ’i:.< i
lilll ' Lilly flMlHlt 111 .VHHIII ll -|llilk!>, |
~ ~,,,,, , ; i'livl,-., l*jil'l>!i -' ltlotl .Moll; |
i-. .~, - limvMt-M* Kn-iilioin, unit ,'1 Imrairi :
ihis ./tit-' Skin, kindly hailing tin- «.ine, 1.-»i I
mu tin -kin v.tiHi- "iiil '-li’:'! "I - l l'll-.' -tC!" *t- j
ut'- c -lonot 1"J ilciMi'toil !.y tlie i-l'wi-i seni'iiiy,
;,ml l.i'iii'- -i n...lik- i-i" |.;tr.-ilii,". i, iKir/i . '.iy
; I ,, rm |. . !! i-, lb.- -inly iH-lh-le "t I!.'-: !.i»u! n«-«t
"v i Fro inti, unit i: ty 'ln- I’iri
i:iih 11- ill-li- • ~-1,-:' 1,1. ll pei-ti'-t toilet, t'j)
„j ttil.OUO ixiUli-H ivi-rc mill (tiirhijtUiC l-wt
i :i ■ iill-'.ii-iil j'liuriuity "f Us elliu' V,
1-1-, I mill 75 , till., .Sent Ity mail, |'ui<l.
ri'-ii|»t i'i “i «'>-<•• I'-
l!l-’!(>’’. Kit, RIIUTTS A CO., Clii-iiiistn
AH> Hi ver Struct, 'Uvdy, N* V. .
u,4) ty i
JyKJM, [irivi-ti- iiistriii'iiu ini lu-iricil i'-1 - |
> ~ns. or thosp at,out to tu■ mai rii-d —hm-i’.i t
iiuite and iomale—in oyM-yrlilJiKi-onm-rniii:: 'to- i
amt ixlhUiiuk of otii- w-.vui, -v m i,,
il,-.: I.r-uuuxtiiiti unit j-iivintiiiuof nfts|>:. |
influiliiiu an tin: Ufcw illk-oviricr, m.-vir li-n,ir I
-■ivi-ii in tin Knyli-h lni.xoiay-', ’-v WM. VOI M:
M H Thin i» rtinily " i-nl'i.itil'-. awl itit'K-siou. j
, k It w written"in iSain lunituage for tin;
m, in ml i- idcr, und illiwtrated with num-.-u»- j
i;.,;i,Mr. At; j-iiuiig lUarricd people, < • j
i MontcinplatinM inarriaftM, and having ’ti
1--, i iini'MiUmnntto nn-j-ried UK% Blioild
i;,i- i„,"k. Itdiuitosi:' .a-i-reta that .-vtry ora
ui l be n-.-'inaiuti'd with, '.till tt is a hook Uiu
must bo locked u),, .nil not It. about the Ison-;
i. will Im>, sent to any one on the receipt of .50 :
mils. Address, Dr WM YOUNG, N--. Hi.
S-.iui-i;, above Fourth, I’liiludelptiiu, I" -
-No matter 'hat may be your disease, IhT.u 1 -
ion place yourself under tin - uiv. nf any ~f Ui t
i,.,tori--us QijaiKb—native or f.*re-Icr»i—''•! ■> l
-. tub oi any other pupi l', ici'i - y
i in. Young** i“ -k Hid read iuui-i-fui!> I:
I tin- ~:Mau9 of saving- you many:' dotla- ,--u~
i 1,- iiUli, and pos-ihiy yoiil life
! Dr YOfN'i iaii la- .oiisuUi-d -m uvv tla
j as,-., d'-si 'il-'it in Ii- puhliiatiun . a' -.
I No. i!G S|-ni,T street, abov, FoUilli
[ I’hila'dl-tplha
Vi •:*. ’• > V j'MEiiCIl AxxTiS,
p ra, *■- -;g -i FikRIHEBSI
VV' 1 -: v s,- .V.vv ” v ■ : ' i " ‘
n. , a■' i-.cV Vermiti^e,
: - . -Ul.'.-... ■; 11 ~ y .ui ■
j, ; \ , -I • 1 . M c,l I- t-'.-m. 1* ii.xVW to * • » g *-M
t. '• : . ... , -- t i . w: * !*.;■ m-ttu in U-!!- I'-A i .i.i’, ,-.*
('■ . - \ * ' ... * . « . ,J* L.* *\G !,•!.: iTHLLrh I'iTT.'-A itJ, r.*‘ .
\'• t .*' reglM; uU'DAxiuo <'• fi.!t;..te l L‘V •;g
p , \ , ... .. v;.ici.\ in i'.t* c'-fiiD'. ;»ud .S aiiiiWA , -•
, . ,* - to uluiiii T'v “'-eir p) i*a» . ..* *•.•
SB/ Wot!. & (si i.v.g..! LATE
H.p.p. -, fi.*-' i.'.veg (iOmph'ivi A;:*.»t VV
i.•. :*-.' V!l!,v;■ hie i'-.VII i'tsii tile if A--■ la!
t;*»:;• v ••*■ • . AiCl.Ai• Hfie, prepoed by
i., gs 7N i • I»i (oTll i'THi-b
i'l'i'Uti l no, A A.
ia 1 ■ -vi i. A..ln ET’H
ir. .. v iJVKR Pli.LrA,
- V; ,-*'■».• WtfspfjKil.f ttttflStfii liftolu. Ac.
•' i . ■■ f ,\ t C!‘ LiiK ’ A g , t„ :
l.;'V LJ> , a. • ■’ - .'A ira. NVt VV; Uu 1 1)0 . r Will be mg:*Ed. Vfie ;;.*C.I
p: v.u- . •*' - •.'•■*-. Di (-S'. , I ji'd-. fiVU'/Ui':.! :'*c l"..;"*a‘;:.?*!
' -*. : u ,- t.i u; ;-tie*** i-mu-* .
*••••!• •; t *‘m A..*t.y auu'd ptuv-gcib l,*M w«,^ : « J; .
in He: few \ ; • u*. -:* "-i , ■ . - - 1 a.wl lb AimiJ. That c, jch is the f*uv v fc
•; ; -' - •DLL: .•’ t. tA no ,*. Jimg l ,!* i.. ,y v.-u L * t.
ii Tili •> II ” : ’ ' • -<-*i: •' 'eg -nil* *1 l; • e.-.f, t jl:*.-„- •pi fi,.c-:.’
••••*• •-•>. * : - -’V •>_ i i-.*- uo -*.’ 'Pluit liny iu*vt: .men u
(>• •••:.• • - • - ‘-A . 1 ; I * *, •c* e;*u iit'.U .••fA'.e: t : *v,j..
. . .. . 1 - > >*! '•'!)- 1 etOllJli* .IldcM (Ulu !»»*.-.« of },ii i'.r .
.. .. . - : lira • . I* m .. . btif tlii.ply Tor IJV'EU C'GAiEJ. \ . va4
I 51, ■ ... • u: ”*1 : ’ .a u* ~ g v -i-i m’ILM u.'uin.
’ 1 '
| Ni.: i 1 *• V ■ ; D«'l"_i *ll f» alih When I be l.ivi i
1 r-cu.M •* • ••* f’l -iu* ' g l ' , ’ * *’ I,( •'«>'» t»u«. •• .«-u {-•.
1 * ;>v ' * : •*■ • •':*• 1 •*•««•• " 'b• t. Mini •• "*,'iy ! .p -• • if ;...
!“c t'L.' , * • 1 ’ J 1 If ’*•/ -■*''• •: ~ VEt).•• V• ■ • s
of ft •*)•' *•■ . • •")•*, tie.* u■ ; •!*,;• -•■■*• puyt.ivi.iii;', *. yen -j t-iii:!.*:..-, D u
qr.y **. • i *. ,i* •’ : * 'i'i e ■ >ts b .;!..* i•Di * liv: end ‘ L;. r :.i*u
•impr*.;! «. *.; \ '■ " |m -. ••*.!.*; 1 i * * • v * * ’ * ■ (*ve ■' : b** pu-. :• ‘ liiaißDn.j, c
,A, , > i ■••m;*At ii i,!.* ofdc' p «nu eHiuinai atroclA, ■ • b, -
one ui* i. 1 ,-*. *)dDi ' ‘ t.«i % dc i.JCx -.I e<i i- A; ;•.> of ,*.y,2. !
,u„g 1 ‘ ,i *,:» ; ‘ us the eulMidiiiei v!:itii t.*t*nir cuuti*
' • ; 1 he Live! .’ V. ■
. ;(. p ; , ..* :••• : . •-,* :*• * ic.u*. Ut •- n*g*ftts us 1 ::r. iii •; u igs ,*. ;< tmp.
• •--■ -j 1 . i*. , « - * *t Lin <i* : * tu ./ Go.-. qq.; -j,
! ‘Wv ... A £■«' *•. **'-■:&■ -44 I,EVr,R. v th.* right .Pm--, tmu, , .
% I Vi
| . i *- * * , .... *•' * : I* H(Ue( D int'U iE , !StSi!(gil..i'or ih * *’U. r i V‘ i; v • j ,
J ...A;,-• . /.i t. 1 . : i!'."iD* un<t t-f u s:t * He
* * - . :! : i., Jft" i;-. *.*‘*t ;*:.*, and W.M p.’f*,.. It m4 ; : c*.:
t y . ~.. l«*TI Mit'be-**’m oHi,*.'*ct ; ;q, i
|;>' >*) ; / ; ** ••* *.» *''»tUHll ' I'l)** t»t t It* 2:1- '*') U)J* i; ; . IV, •
,1 , ’ • A ■■■ «a. ’ and ho e. .jj ;!
v,,,,-) ; .. .... . . .-•• 'm 11 "Di *:g.rfi. im iv *>D i; ■*; G*Vi r.x* ;■•-1. u
v'-,*i'b o. - ; • tum.iuu up TorDVmhth.toii: h 1 t’v H.
J,g (b ~i * . i 11 i : i.*. u*i.'n-i tiie *.tu . ;nT c> .t- . . - v ,
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