The Willacooche sun. (Willacoochee, Ga.) 1904-193?, October 11, 1907, Image 1

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-1 | i -Jr'l | j‘lj| \| \ | (“ ljlk®i '■ ' •r -• <_i V ■—- VOL. 111. NO, 44. Small Items too Short for a Head. ■■ - T Mr. E. L. Moore Is building a nice dwelling on Alliance St. Good rice 22 -pounds lor sl..# .•at J. O. Mull is. . Mrs. W. M. Kirkland, of Kirk-, land, is the guest of her daugli I ' ter, Mrs. B. F. Sunrmeriin. You v ill always find the fresh est groceries and best prices at J. O. Mollis. •>; Col. B. T. Allen, of Pearson, spent Tuesday here, and was a j Ttaasiil Business College, THOMASVILLE, GA. This is the SchoSi that secures the BEST po sition for its gradu ates. Open ail the year. Enter now. Write to day for full informa tion, A. W. BAIL president v ' " '' " v i FITE 810 BAYS. Oct. 29-30-31 Nov. 1-2, , FITS BIG DAYS VjY The Cream of Attractions of all the Georgia ! HORSE RACES L ATJirJ RACKS ’ Fairs have been secured for our Exposition jj BICYCLE, RACES, FOOT RACES Our two-year-old half mile track is being put in excellent condition. That it will be a 'Broxton Midway is enough said. A solid half mile of shows, including the best out this season. FREE ATTRACTIONS FOR ALL~ BEST BAND MUSIC IN THE STATE^ Reduced Rates on all Railrods Convenient Schedules xor Everybod SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Have Beer* Made to Accommodate the Large Crowds The people are coming from the mountains and seashore, Everybody knows whataßroXtOH fair is. It stands out alone. The best place to have the best time. Sppcial train and rates from Willacoochee. BIT FORGET TIE BUTE 11l welcona-s caller at the Bun ofdcf. Just received, a nice line'ef Pattern Hats. Ofell and see them 8.. F. Summerlin. Mrs. J. E. Frt'twell spent Sun day and Monday in Waycross, guesf of relatives. 17 pounds‘good granulated su gar for SI.OO at J. O. Muftis, M. <*aska« & Co.,have as nice line of Shoes as you will find in this or Sfiy other city. For Sale:—A good bird dog, about 9 months old. Will sett cheap .for cash. Apply to C. E. Gray, Pinebloom, Ga. WILLACCOCHEE, GA., FRIDAY CCT. 11. 1907. •as BM Big Court. Coffee Superior Court con vened last Monday with Judge Thomas A, Parker preskJibg. Hon. A. D. Gale is acting Solic itor-General. - »• * The grand jury was empan nel led with Joe Brewer as fore man, Ben F. Holtzendorff as Clerk, and John ITg.ll as Bailiff. Judge Parker’s address to the jury was perhaps the strongest charge he has made since coming upon the bench. The jury is fairly a representative body of ■ Coffee county citizens and tnc jmbtie service is in good hands. After organizing the Court and calling the issue docket for an noucemenfs Judge Parker gave a recess to Tuesday morning. 8. o’clock. The criminal docket will be ta ken up next Monday morning. .."Mrs Harvard and daughter, Miss Gladys, who have, been the guest of Mrs. B. G. Obenyrnfor the past two weeks, returned to their home in-Cochran .yesterday. Messrs. Frank Wilson, J. *o.i Mull is, Ben Williams and IP C. Sheppard spent Sunday in Pear son. As nice a line of ready made, Clothing, as you will find in town, all sizes and styles to select from. Prices. very reasonable. B. F. Summerlin. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. West and daughter Miss. Edna, of Albans arrived Wednesday and wiiAnhll the guest of Mrs. p . p. Sum J inferlih-lOP ar few days. J. J. Vickers’ Store ' >;o firm fs meeting with or de er,', ing of‘greater success, than Ye above named. His, as you Thow, is a general store, and is lj|e(3 Ao the walls with '.staples, at the right -Reason, at |fe right place, and in large ijUdnlities, gives him an adv-ui tjg-e, in the way of price concbs g inany smaller firms i to obtain. He he e judicial amhsystem printers ink, lienee his ■ has been buM% up, 11* st:ns: ; , because of Aggressive pushing, ustworthy, accomtno d-tiing. make this store a place v.he*re one can trade wity pleas ure—and profit.. V wSee the change of ad of the (fey Drug Co, in this issue, and vken von.need anything In their. ' lit epead and see them. k - * Hiss Ludie Stewart, of Hiliad, Fn, was the guest of Mtss Daisy •Jv-rns," the latter part of last. w?.-k. t Ml) B; S. McGranie, of Bridgo bt la. spent the first part of the » jjk in the city, guest'of his ! bother, Mr G. F. McCrahie. A large line of shoes to select frdm, at as low prices as good s! 1 fight. You can g AiHi£rYP7r^ re - P- • yum " ■nb-i o Warn ML - q -■ XSirmans, of Knk- Sifc of her- vi -■ U ■ tv, I * ur-H^'mr No home is complete w:P-oul. the presence o T a child, No heart' is loiml.v that is full of father and mother love. To watch the 'growth of a child and see it develop, day try day, i**' th e greatest pleasure accord'd mortals. This pleasure ha ; just fallen to the lot of Mr. and Mrs. L. Edniundsoii who arOj i -’ioi ring at the arrival of a bright baby, boy at their home-. 10 pounds good Green ernroe at W. H. Dunya ms. -i- , Miss Gussio Ahirtn of WaJ-nesville, spent a few days the passed week here, guest of Mrs. T. J. Wells. Get your neighbor to sudscribe for the Willac >®ehee Sun. PfAfsg • '¥lh>w Pdsnf i i tipi Sjlj* film ivs lit From any view point The City Drug Co., holds out the greatest advantages to every one who has any thing to buy in the line Drugs, Medicines, patent prep arations and toilet articles. Freshest Stock Greatest Variety Best Store' Service if., - and a positive guarantee that every article sold is ex actly as represented. The City Drug- Co., ONE DOLLAR A YI AR LOOK OUT About j- carload snuff will ai ! - j rive in a few days at the Fancy ) Grocery fcttore. Balance ta fol- I low. * ’ I For Sale—threeniffle tbfrlling houses. | Trrms easy. M. B. Iww, Willtioooehot. !<-a. ' r •:. -• > Out of Sight. / '‘Out.of f>a o { mind.” is-.m old saying which allies with ferae to a sort-, barn‘or wound tbit’s beep. : t,- aU-C with Bucklrn's Arnky Salvo.,' ■ it’s our of sight, out of mimV g.nd oat ■of bxisti ncr; Pile's tpu aßd/ch'ibhiius' disappear ttiSer its' inttueaw, .Guaranteed by Gaskfes Drug CoV, Druggist. 25c. Get your neighbor to subscribe for the Wiliacoochee Sun.