The Orthodox democrat. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1885-1???, January 03, 1889, Image 3

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x to take a parfcnei island it is our desire to rmiflL * KB as possible. ||Jrbia is no old chestnut, but wsolutely what I say. and if requested %^Jk I WILL SHOW ORIGINAL INVOIIx ’ and &D.y article from a paper of pins to jjM ! ®BS or suit of cloths. /*■§£]! It is needless for me to narticulizjjS fmei s? and friends all know that/ it, cncicest and best selected stc- . n, and of course the most desir®“‘*“*' ,> * picked up by the first purchl n selling goods at these cut pri/ ASH WILL BE DEMANDED FOR EVERYTHING, :> goods will be charged to anyone. I a133 insist on prompt settlement from who owe me. Yours Truly, Edgar L. Roger's. C. FJ<W *rs<l Mr./I. M. Johnson art* now with me mid Will h barn ;hir f-• tj- ill. afe/L !. .NI s. / S I form?; mar- go ; : / Market firm. m Weclnefdsf, 4 & ! it A Morgan- Hrerci veil i (8.11 lot of choice Hhcci. Geo AB Hr. ■ hsrii C>i<j*r of Atlanta Visit- Bo here lasi w*k. ■tenley’s ( Vlery, Beef and Iron ■y.pcpria mid indigo*! on. O. W. Ik ■ 1 Mclhoiirln of Atlanta waf in nv tnfbuy flour jjSleronne 1 honHoa ojf Millcdge- relatives In Barnet WjJ. X. or,; l.O get your Ire bride* > ■ n ;<-*• b’lgsjy whip# §■•*. c< n> Tenhady i ;-iteil : *n<l In last week. ■Lfcaiey’s Celery, Bee) ad Iron H'jralfriaand ne>*vou lsa Inches. IHl^Hurd. ■ nil Harp of Mact s is ' ieiting ■■■'.Mb* (hi* wets. ■r you want s bargain in a Now ■ferioau tie" iuj Muohtn#. t all mi K BuKOCK. Ini t hrlstmas trees dslichted the people in Baraesvin*. One at ■hii tie; church asd 'BO Met-odist Hiaait- Hall. Beth were well laden ffli p.xke.aU tin i iwge'v attend*. worst toy;ur*- about i atarrb is goroits U*tiUii‘*v f. <*'>iis:iinpl ion '■l- s:n*.pa , i!l:i '• 1 1*--s i*aturrit liy ■kip the Moo i* * ij who Esnear Columbus, ac.. idgnUlly shot j If in the hand and waist with a | ,jit Sat** day. I Ik- n \ *’f' t Jll * ll ) IvT ’B is ‘hr* only u 1 anti’fl. ii”.e^^^ ■ . ■\SrWk,- iff r * /. mk^ rr* \ (liriatmaa week was jolly enough but orderly and comparatively peace ful in Bartlesville. A few darkies only decided to entertain the mayors court and were duly accomodated. Marshal Faster felt good over hav ing a <|uiet time during Christmas, .So he invited Col. Taylor, Ur. Perdue and wife, Goodwyn,Christian, Morgan and several other friends to dine with him- A bountiful repast was spread and good cheer prevailed. I have built a powder magazine and will deliver powder by the quarter, half, or whole keg in Bartlesville to merchants at factory prices. J. L Kennedy. A bright and happy new year to every reader of The Democrat. New is the time lor new resolves. Many a new leaf was meutally tamed over on the Brstday of January. The sincere wish of the Democrat is that we may all write, only in golden letters, upon t! a bright new page,in each life marked by the year ISSB. Those were lively boys who put the buggy on the awning over Colliers store and blockaded the streets with fences built of fire-wood, Christinas eve night. A sigu of a bar room placed on Mr. Hwatts store displayed their artis tic.i! capacity, or perhaps their stomachs capacity There is no tell* intr who did it, for the very boys whom voh might suspect are ttie* must anxious to find out. Go to J I*. Kennedy’s to buy your groceries tobacco &e ebe®p. Just llirfivpd One cur Rust Proof Oats oh cis, one **ar Mixed Oats 4'j cts, one car superb flour ib.OO per barrel, one car bran 1.10 to 120 per iOO, one car best salt TV) iiis sacks 05 cts, one cur best suit 12*"> lhs I sacks B'i cts, one cir choice while corn TO els. And stack- of all kinds dry goods, and groories in same proportion. We and efy competition. Dont buy un til you see us. J. W. STAProRI) AtFONS fov and tys ag > tlx* o year on! sob of M r D. Wright, of Mhw*. was car lams i<> hire an operation eiitdi his eyes. )-"ri- Bfchu was in Macon L. an*ucnig ti.e i':. ■ \J w ith cirn - -"\n: to At \ ami - " / *<*•■ how |||ff*ll in ah'- hi-- Imf.les j* Hj^tithKn. between 9 and hi Saturday, Officer Smith found the body of a newly horn child in a ditch, near the mouth of a sewer, on Third avenues between Thirteenth and I Fourteenth streets. The body was j wrapped in a black cloth, and the | skull was crushed. When you want a good shoe go to ' J. 1,. Kennedy and call for the Gaincs : ville Shoes. Fear Cuseeta a convict by the name •of Richmond Goats, eciit up from • Dougherty couuty, killed another by | striking him with a shovel. Tiio eou i viet killed was from Carioil county. I His name was Usury Farrow. The ! trouble was caused by Bonn very in i ulting iaaguaje used by Farrow to ! Coats; V;1 Ice. Crops are now all gathered, and 1 i urgently ask my friends, who have not settled their accounts, to do so without further delay. it. PeiyUio. Friday night the negroes met at 0, i T. Face’s plantation, three miles from Dawson, for the purpose of discussing ! the political situation, ’they could not arrive at an agreement, and hav ing plenty of whisky aboard, a general free fight ensued, in which two or three were seriously cut, and Jim Mc- Cortly, a worthless town negro, was shot in the hip. The wound is pain ful. He will recover. A fresh lot of sausage always on hand at J. L, Kennedy’s, The congregation of the First Presby terian church, of Atlanta, gives its pas tor, Rev. Dr. Barnett, a nice Christ mas present. It has unanimously voted to gi re him a four month.; leave of absence, and make him a present of a trip to the Holy Baal, paying all his expenses. The cost is estimated at SI,OOO. More strength and power lies in a single dose of B. li: 1!. i Botanic Blood Balm) than in u hundred and ises of sarsa pariilo extract, and other so called blood remedies. Bead of its miracu lous cures iu other parts of mfr paper. GEORGIA PIKE COUNTf To all and singular the Sheriffs of said state and ti *ir lawful Deputies ~ Greeting; We earn maud you, that of the goods and chattels, land and tene ments of W P Bussey rc A K Eubank to wit. A certain two story house and lot ia the town of Barnewiiie said county of Pike known as the ‘‘iJaruea Place” the lot containing one acre more or less and bounded as follows; on tile North l>y Ann street east by Ist of Mrs America Davidson, Houtii by Johnsons and Higgins aud west by Jackson street you cause to be mad* the saua of Five hundred dollars and —cents, principal,arid the further emu of seventy t.iree dollars and sixty cents, inteiest, up the the 4th day of October 18SS, and also the furtljer of Eight dollars and cents for costs, with interest on the principal stun, front the -day of October 18SS also tifey Seven and 30,400 dal la r* attorneys fees which suuir, T B Neal John K"ely A K ii Thornton lately <m the 4t!i day of October IS4S, before !he SupcrinrOTiirt recovered against the said <V 1’ Bussey and A K Eubanks a id said described property, by the foreclosure of a mort gage Deed te said described property, from the said W P Bussey and A I*l John ’ *► ' > [iith in H&*- mU Haney widow HKji,.fr home in t sick about ■°(ildren n: left BBjh'rs death reviv- H' sad deaths in Husband, though Hdenly of heart Hstitue with six H :;/ative* snd r aY fered hope 'Ll', bed the X'. Doubt- EL 1 r bright > ust as he Hiinathing to the Huother by his I "lie next oldest is a good printer li. Avery 1 r g'ut I . Julia, is tin* I l* groin of five I dally intelligent I island d.-stii ite I Sly to t!i ■ chart- I of Hon. P. F. Kdny evening nf- Im uftlietion.;She Hristhm lady, and H- in the land. H most popular H her death is mi ll he Tina daugh- H. U- Jenkins, err well ns her own Hi’ relatives and hurried Sunday HHti.t "< uu i*rv. The BBirse at the Captist BTev. J. M.Waller the ■bitand touching. So ran Unties to gat tu-r in his ’ r*3 sale. Geergia Pike County Whereas mi the third day of April ISSS, T. <I. Mid dlebrooks mad# aud delivered t* me a certain contract with power of sale therin whereby he empowered i.-,,* ah administrator on the estate of Mrs. Mary Jane ('hamber* to sel! cartian properly herein after described to satis fy certain tn irtgages thereon in tit a manner and on the terms herein. After set forth. Now iu penmattce of said power of sale I will sell at public outcry to the highest and best cash bidder on Main street in the town of Ha rites* ville Pike county tin;, on the first Tuesday in February 185.9 between the legal hours of sale the following pro perty described in said mortgages and which lam authorized by slid power of sale to sell for the purpose of paying the debt due by tlie said TG Middte brooks to me as aduisnismitor on the estate of the said Mary Jane (’hambers viz: a cctaiu store house and lot in the town of Bartlesville Pike county Ga., bounded ok the north by W M Midtllr broeks ou tliy east by Jackson siraet on tiie . nu lb by Alien lot and on the we,t by Main street. Said propary will be sold to satisfy mortgage held. . -aed -and controlled by said Wary Jane (.'hambers dated I tec 29th USd and Jan 21st I'-tSf) and embodied in said con tract of sale Said sal* will be for ease and f will make to the purchaser u deed conveying to him whatever right title and interest T G Middlehrooks had hi said property at the time aai j mortgager ware execute !. UK Chambers, Adra o;i estate of Mary Jane Chambers. Barnesvil'e (la. Jan ’r-J 1889. novo KOKKITI'IiE. Georgia Pike Cot.n:v. To all and singular the .Sheriffs ; ! .-aid: Greeting ! whereas Henry Jones Principal, J F I Main G w McNamara securities did I on the dav of October one thousand j eight hundred an ; eighty one before J I) Stewsui a .fudge of superior court make and enter into their certain on ; ligation of lieu date, commonly cull- ! cd a hind signed with their hands timl j sealed with their seals, and attested! by J D Stewart and which is now here j in court ready to be shown, whereby the said ueury LJ- oca, J F Mann, (t 1 w McXarrmraacknowledge themselves to owe and to be justly indebted to Alford it Colquitt, Governor of said 1 j State, and bis successors, in the suin' of twelve hundred dollars which said ! bind was subject u, and had the-emit* a certain condition ist substance and to ] the el*o—! following,tli it is to say; that j if the .id Henry D.Jones should per- i j sona'i - l.a and appear at the superior I court of ssid county on the day of Oct i lkdl fro tj day to day and term to term, I and not depart thence without leave !of said court to answer for tbs ofienso !of Rape then the above obligation to Ibo void, e ueof full f 1 rec. | And whewas, *<„ Uo. <* d,>* term of I the superior court of the uotinty afore ! said to.wit: On thoSth day of Oct. One | thousand eight hundred* and eighty j eight the principal !•: wry 1 .Tones be - thrice duly called in open court, ! and failing to appear, an 1 tne said I\V McNamara and J F Mann being duly called and I— mi ire ! to nro-lu-.-c j the body of the said Henry I, niac in j court, and failing so to ib>, it was thcie j upon ordered, considered and adjudged j ltv the umrt, that their said bond he | forfeited lo the state and that t-Vire ' Facias should issue th-roon, in terms jof thtflaw. All of whi-h by the re cords of slid court, reference bolus ; thereunto had, will more fully and at 1 large appear. Those arc ll ercf .;••* to nonniand you ! nud each oi you ih .t you make known to tl *• s-uid Henry Ij Jones J K Mann and: i W McMura if to la ii ui*(! r. you* Bail" i Ik, that thy and each of them, ibeat and appear in terms of the law, at : the nexr .Superior court to be held io i and far the county of Pike, on the i first Monday in April next, ii,?n aad ; ther* to r.’i'iw cause why final judg I ment should not bo enters.l ! them or either or any of them, on ! their *<;i' bond * * forfeited to the .State iinfa v ... .ate for ths amount with i.hcrc-t and costs. the him ■ G w Oust in a , ; r.. (■■■ A sure* if ■j3Ejjk*.-i&> ■ **;;.iizn nc ■Bd j in Son r ,u ttjmßm. "uutv H mi SsS ■wßEgl ;;;■* !1. * - ! -: • 1 Bit 1 . ; ••>. cry. i • isi.s V: " 1 ,| * Yus- Sheriffs Sales forFebhrart Will be sold before the court House Door Inlhe Town of Zebulon Pike County Georgia between the Legal bouts of sale on the first Tuesday Feb ruary n it,*o the h guest bid ler forceSh the following described property to wit* Lot of land no 142 in the first District of Pike couxtr -loataiulng 202 p acres ntore or less and bounded north by laud of IHakely Bagwell eait by lauds of C. K. Willson south by laa ls of J. L. Caarriker and west by laud ofH. G. &J. \V. Sullivan. levied oil as the property of Cyrus B Wilvon by virtue o aid toeatisfy acir ai if issued fom l’ikesupriot'r Court in iu favor of T J Brooks and J B Mills vs U R Wilson. Property pointed out by plaintiffs aity an 1 deft nil iis in possession has Leg al notice of the levy. Alsoat the same time and place fif teen acres oiT of south vast corner of north half of lot of land No 78 in 7th district of said county aid hounded north and west by lands #f Mrs P A Christian .south by lauds of C C Hightvwer and cast by Z L Fryer levied ou as the properly of Z L Fryer by virtue of and to satisfy a certain ttfa issued from Justice court of the IxiJrd dixt (I M in favor of Jackson G Smith vs Z J. Fryer, levy made by W J Gordy L C and defendant has been notified in writing of this levy. Also at the same ttmeaad place ail that tract of land situaU lying and l*e ing in Bth dist of sa. J vfntv of Pike mid known auA distinguished in ti e plan of said district as lots of land NO3 4k and 54 containing 4oTJ acres more | or leas according to recent survey of ! county surveyor mid land commission : ers. Levied on aa the property of \T ! P Bussey and >m f? Wuittaker by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage Ufa ■ ~1 from Pike superior emit in favor of Mrs C L Rogers ■ s VV P JJu ***y and , Vf ti Whittaker. Pr.*j>orty ted out ’ r . f’j and-:, l ined in saiu ilia, wr.ticu no -Iti ■> levy given W S Wluttukor on# i of ibe (let miauls. 1 Al-o at the name time and p!ae one 15 horse power Birdsall engine and skids, on* vcrable Friction feed saw j mill complete with saw & belt. Levied j on as the property of J C Jiimrierson Iby virtue of and u* satisfy a mortgage ! ilfn issued from Pike superior court in ! favor of the Birdsail Compau yv.s J C ! Jiuiihersoti. I Also at the same timo and place oue 1 dark brown mars unite ago seven ycais j named Bell,oue black mare mule nine I years old named 1 -v.< •, one sorrel ! mare mule age nine yc-arelld Flora ! and oae light sorrel horse named j George age thirteen vo us. Levied on ; as the property ef Gyrus K Wilson by | virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage Ufa ('issued from Piko superior court in | favor of A BchHerman vs (' K Wilson, Properly p -lilted out and deserib. 1 in said Ufa. Also at the same time and place 0:1s house and let in the town of Aiilner Pike county Va known as the Black smith shop lit bounded north south and west by Central R It east by Main street containing one half acre more or less. Also lot known as the Peach I Orchard lot near t*id town of Milner j beunded north by n O Burs cast bv ! la id of Mrs Howe and Fambro sourii ' by lands of Moore Marsh A (Jo ami jv. eat by lu -a! R R containing four ! acres tuort o • lesr. Levied ou as the i property of A J White by virtue |of and to satis.y a certain tba i-sui-J ] fr-un Pike superior court in favor of I ills Maryland Fertiliser Fauufaciur i ing Cos va. A J White. Property point e-d out by Plaint ills Ally and lgal ; notice given of this levy. Also at the same time- and 1 ici one one horse wagon new Grade a and seat with pait ! of barmen levied on as the property >,t | John Warner by virtue of and to eatis : fy a mortgage iifa issued from Pike au i pericr court in favor of Hummers ml I Murphey vs .Ihon warnerand CT 1; i ; i ,\iso at the same time and place on ; new Gr.ul • a one horse wagon ands -at I and Grade A Harness Levied on as the Igr iper;y of Kmnia Yarbougb by virtu-.* I of and to satisfy a mortgage Ufa issued from Pike superior court ie favor of ! Summers & Murphey vs Etnina Yar- I bough. Also nt the same time and place fifty acres of land more or less in the sourii cast corner of lot No 14') hi the Bth do t lof said county bouuden norm by Sea , born Jo tics east by Mrs (Sarah Holton 1 west by If it Adams and south by H i C Yarbrough. Also one Van Winkle j saw miii complete with saw and about i oil feet o' o bring, one oh saw t'ceten : nial cotton gin, one cotton prea-mind one condenser. Lev ie ion as tlie pro periy of S O Yarbrough by virtue of ! and to satisfy a certain Ufa issued from j Pike county court in favor of it J j Powell vs is G Yarbrogh and B 11 Adams property pointed out by plain -1 tills Altv. W, M, llown.U', Sheriff. ; Jan Srd 1880. TamErs . rsut’ male. | ! By virtue of an order gantedby thesu ; perior court Fulton < 'o Ga will be koU to t ie highest bid lor before the court house door in Z itiloii G-i during the lego h*ura < ’ on the Ist Tuesdy in , I'ebiuary next the fo lowing discribcd proparty for reinvestment. 60 acres of land located with in \ mile oftiio iasorporate linfas of Barn - /Hie fronts !s Kail Hoad :d is in go xi state of cuitlv.l' i i./o'or information concerning .■lid prop.-rty call on a U Cham >ers ntratsville <I-i or address tha un i*r rigll'jd at Atl.i ita Ga. j w h ii Futrell ! Trustee for children. KI'AS^-ruIsJTJDTIT} watch in the world. P [| f (■ timekeeper. War-X XULiXJ canted. Heavy Solid OoM \ilantinp Caaea. Doth Udla ff &ud gents’ sise, with work* ami eaaei of eqoal value Vm One 1* era on >□ each lo eeltiy can aecure one free, together with our large and val uable line of Ilanicbold Hnraplea. Thene aamplM. a* well as the watch, we end "**** I l P.‘i7\,Free, and after you have Kept them ia your home ftrr © months and shown them to tbota who inay'uarc ended, they bocomc rour own JJTODcrtT. Thoo who wyttn at ©ttce ran bo sure of receiving the Wnt<‘N and Sfiittplea- V/o nay all exr*cea, fWiahf.ctc, Addrcaa SUinoa A Cos., Doi B IS, X'ortluuil, Maine, tm MIA yc, il : r - jfiSWA.vo do it (..: =• r e-i In ;a* tbr- P-,„ - other itubiatn v y>—.' -T. ‘y; V ’’ , ibt troiltl. Vi an 6rtCv* fir.- /ear.v *n< t • den . *-■'*• Jtt d' iy' = ; vy-yrc.sS.fevcljijrs w-itkoic ,-1t.1n : ,-, v.will r rt ,,-a,,m*ry. AC2KTS WANTB©^l^nv^ V* sy '. ■%% ’ a, %t a£jrn tß yr makfrg !mms7s per mouth, bart^eva ! i.- Vi. ' ‘A i; ’ 1 -U- *sro IrO dsmxi C-• stor. ls.dlr, hove treat .ucysiw ujfep. V; si pine ’ aWo in. IC alt i-!w, only So wi. S, (h.n P*~ s. *<s •? on lV * Cflf VratJ -nTOXI? L- 11-' '■’'.•'■i',,,- “elWt.'-g "t dh'Sik.. I.-■ mov.-.t or ■ rb’ o.' ptpi-w. V*, jr.ju th VCs," tvvs,. tin '• S- viipat! n. r-. i roar i.dhrss-a l-icml oa t V 'rrt'-r- ji-’icolare. j i*L Erie, Pa Dyspepsia Makes the lives < many pcopto rti!Mral.le, net Bften lends t. self-ilestructlon. atier eatteg, sour stomach, sick licuilix'iv, lirartbHrn, loss f appetite, a faint," all gor. i" tiding, bad taste, coated tongue, and Irnyya- Jiiritv o£ fbo bowels, are Distress Ly ju# Of the more romiaou After s-iuptoms. Dyspepsia does _, , not get well of Itself. It ia3t,n.j irqnires iiareti imt-I-'-coI attention, and a uuiedy like Pood's karia jiarilla, wUkh acts gently, yet surely apd cf.klently. It toues the etomaoU and • organs, regulates the digotUou, mate* ■> good appetite, and by tlius Sir'?'’ overcoming tlic local syrnp- „ VT * . loins reii-.ovuj the :-ymiv.- nUolUticl.c Ibctlc cScots i t (be disease, ballistics U;c headache, and refreshes tho tired mind. “ I lias e been troubled with dyspepsia. 1 had hut liUle appetite, and what I did ea! .. . distressed me, or did me Heart- g|, o( p j a an hour bum alter eating I would expe rience a faintne3, or tired, all-goue fcolintc. as though I had not eaten any thing. My trou ble, T think, was aggravated by my business, which 1.3 that of. a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a SOUf room with fresh paint. I.nrt spring 1 took lionrfs Frtsa- StOmaCfl riUa—took three l.otlh's. it did ino ar irimiCKse r.mouut <i gf"L Jt ruvo pc ui appilUe, and my fi>od rdi.-.)*eil ;a:u saiivfiod the crarins I L id prcviruf-ly ospcvk'iict u.” G£OKue -Y. rAuii^WaUriown, Hood’s SarcapcrilSa fioM by all drus?Rt-s. gi; fix for go. l'ropsirod only \>yC. 1. HOOD A Apothocorioa, I.itwcU. "ah ICO Doocs On© DeSiar ra B ip ll 'Vao rrr Wen’;. Nervom and Ivbi fL BiMtatv'l alui from Nervous BBa a In • >**il ity, sumind Niu;b t-19l 2aa I ly Krai-‘•ions, an.l a!i flu* of ♦•aily T:v 1 1 Habit*, which lead to i'retnature De cay, ( oiHumptiou ot lusanl;/, send for Pears’ Treatise on of .*an. with patti .alars f:r Homs Cure, Cures No cure no pay. .1 S. Pt.uw, 812 and Lc Church St,, N> i.v k\’Tean. :v-, lily. lons* Loaned oo Farms. J Five years time at 8 per cent interest secur ed by mortgages on farms or other real es tate Through the aid of oi r GUARNTEECOM FA NY chartered this year in Macon we are now fully prepared to secure these loans promptly and without fail. Apply to Lawton & Smith successors to R. F. Lawton, Macon, (ja. OBTHODOX. My Dear .'Sir. You’ll do yourself great injustice if you 1 dent price ray i'tovas, Yewing Machine::, Hard war e an d House fnr nis h ins Goods before you buy elsewhere. I an ob 1 iged to sell. Yours in distress, J. T. CHAMBERS, jr- Richard Winsten. 80 0 1 m SHOb MAKER ADD REPAIRER in cellar aa.i r Swutls building. OssTRAh Railroad op Georgia, mum srn C’oiTfct 2O taking • loot DsMC. 1 - SS. TAX DAT Uf XME. Lra EVST !i :SD: Atlanta !>'*• -’i-. M. c< M>. _ L'* 6.50 a m .... *.W .1 :r . ...... ..1 >.•>,' :: n •• 14 ” 3.1) ** “ 11.1*0 ” *• . . 1 0i) p : •• 12“ 2 lip tn 4.37 j-m.. .15 r 1 “ 4 “ 7:15 p n: 14:17 )m 14.50 < lii'tv e WEST HOUND; Mi ii B'viUft Ai’.D'.la No. 3lv i. 40 a m ... :-T) i m 7 *'• in “ 11 •* 0:15 :t Til 10:50 a l 1:1) • *• 1 14 > ill :2J .n 1 • U i *S■)N c:<)i; NT V T il\l v. Tn <!ti \&t'K\ Ba.'ti ‘s v Lv 7.1 );v .ii. • “ 2:00 pi ** ii > p . ■ IVvill- i' Lv 11:25 a h\ £ ‘ U 2; •' lu.thfi in;ora.:: : -u -laMv* t- •... best tout- s, a - it ual • . • -. . .il jj or:, ;-;i'a Ilian, • *a. vvey^rnnu.m ps. 8 Woouw.Ld.BJi ATTO FNt j WiS )'U ATTORNEY JT LAW WotAintj. t ** > * WHI in aU th Cwrw. i># UclMid fiia Bamwiv aul uif* uiuhf •tr ▼. R. F Tad mar. *n’t j. V. S&MMi A Cn .4%frtl. J. M. noV*t M V., J )■ Niv tjgm W' J F.RW)J>TK %% ATTORNLY-AT-LA w. \ liRABWIV ILf.TC, . ... tfA strict |sivn to Luaiku## j tO hl MW*. i j __ _ I y- M. It TAYI.OR, ATTORriEYAT LAW BASXKSVILLK Cotlcdtnoaj a ipccUlty hi ***** <A G^aurgl*. \yM. s itititakjh:* ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practise in !kt 01 FU& t . ttit auil Subicmtt <.'o' u urf tfca 5’ *-’■ i J A.H>T, ATTORNEY AT LAW Barbctv:f :.S i i Promjii aiiotj • omttm&i **■ ru*tf(l to liL eai* a* JJ l ERDUK, M. D , K i saxavii.Lß, . W* t>Wce J \Y. Higbtowttf'i D* tu: Residence on Thorn a 5 ton saroai J I. FOG*. 0 n'r\ll ve in 1 Mac r.ARVBSVTI.I Or!2i. Lji hT Hit s iu bank. kt.Vcoi.ef 1 log, Ltvev pies, Black-Heads, SunLvtn suS j j'au. A few ap*>t!esti,jiiß will render ttß ruest stiibbornly red skin eofi, stioctis aB white. Viola Cream is not a paint aL powder tocover defects, but a remedvtoctKt It is SHpwior to aii oitivr preparations, and is guaranteed to give eatbtaciion. At and rue - gists or mailed for SO cent a. ]*rpared by Ci. o. BITTNHK 3c. CO., TCUtt'O, OSSIO. Fold bvJ.W HlullroWi?. Burn ville, Ga. May lJth I JOHN MOYER. FASHIONABLE TAYLOR. WORK DOKK IN J. ATM 1 STYiX AVB ± ■■ 1. rJogueU Nfctl r#*paiOfi. 1 j*-a ; the MiUdll*rytk’ 6 jciil UJff. i ; ■.? pR m REPEATING riFL^ ; BALLARD GALLEI^iARftEWF^ > Scat | M ag. Jj ig. jj Uibre | k 1 ■mu | * u >'- j %< .A gf ir j m j I Afik your dealer to show out. our rifles. gSySS. j piustrausi Catalogue pent FHHK on uj-plioatiou. Address MARLIH FIRE ARMS SO. %||^ L I' o. llox S Y ~ NEW EATEN, CONN. lyman’s ralont CoiabiMtioa Gnit-S^t Qt 4b rev ff ( a . v pc* iron ■'-pa.- UpgH iiS • rt.l • ■•( ) [,- IStlvo. e I.H wm. rv a nUh sM* Ed tTr?l B AEiM~T6BU FOR ATX jjtZghfl dp* RtPtSSsJistets ?y!,fc ( ’■ '■ ■ .