The Orthodox democrat. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1885-1???, January 03, 1889, Image 4

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JSOOING. ify Lassoos a ■Bear. is Toss He I* to Death. jfls have been going Wji lassooing bears, fea *, many of them and unusual to s|truo. Asa rulo, most of these cow -I*3 who hivci mado successful casts of Bio nooso have found in a very few min* lies and much to th-ir dismay that Hey hnd tho bear just whero they didn’t Mjat him, and so they have been glad ■toughto drop the riata or rope and ■camper away. Hero is a true story, ■Wla/jts of which aro not yet a month miles north of Fort Davis, W.a, near tho pan-handlo country and Ip oil tho prairie dog town fork of the ffitd Niver, is tho prosperous cattle 'ranch and range of the Mill Iron boys. There. are a great many nice, fat year lings on this range, and.besides supply- I ing tho Chicago and St. Louis markets | with beef, tho Mill Iron boys mado the ■ diacovjry not long since that thoy had a yearly boarder in the shape of a big '■'brown bear, who requirod a yearling at lea* once a day for breakfast, dinner acdsupp'r. This bear was, in fact, an ole’/ customer. He had boon known for years by all tho hunters iu the country rouud about, and had scorned all at tempts to kill him. lie had fat tened upon lead, winked at pitfalls, sneezed at traps, and turned up his noso at poisoi.ed meat. In short, he was lully able to and proferrod to kill his own beef, cal or mutton, as the case might be, rather than bare it salt ed for him by others. Oaa evening in *the latter part of September Bu 1 Carra ffcay, an experienced roper and ono of the best cowmen on tho plains, chanced ito bo out on the range horse hunting, jwlien he saw a big brown object sud denly jump from out tho chaparral, knock a yearling heifer over with his paw, and before the latter could re cover the object had dragged his prey tlio hushes and out of sight. I Bud could scarcely believe his eyes. alono, and had no weapon of sSßaisc or defense, save his trusty pocket-knife, and / (iva bear at lus elbow. |||>>? llis mustang was sobered, fiery, a racer, /and besiles all this liis master’s control Id the chaparral rodo /ope ready in hia hand (five Bruin a toss if tho BBK-lunitv offered. At last HSoldly emerged from tho No sooner had he shown his [md than whiz i through the air spun |n magic circlet that settled [plgly down over the l ear a head; hut the animal in stantly seized the noose with his paw and very politely threw it off. Then the bear turned tail, and began t 9 rui over tho prairie. What a chance for a cowboy who could, while going at full gallop, catch and throw a 1000- pound steer as easily as he could a cat. This experienced roper had a choice of throws either to catch by any leg or immediately over the head. In any case a sure tumble was in store for the bear. The mustang started after the game, , And meanwhile Bui Carraway was getting his riata ready for final cast. O ice, twice, thrice he cir cled tho oblong ring around hia head, then away it went spinning through tho air as true as a bullet to the mark. Tho bear was a captive. With one short snap Bud je kod tho animil from his feet and seat him roll ing over and over in the dust. He [treated this brute the sami as he would [handle the fiorcost and most unruly y teer, giving him no slack of rope, but |alw(i/s kooping the strand taut, so that .the life was noarly choked out of him •before the cowboy dismounted. The mustang was responsible for & great deal of those tac'ics, for ho had been trained and taught exactly what to do under such circumstanco?. With a word to his steed (which meant to al ways keep that rope tight) tho cowboy jumped to the ground, and, watching his opportunity, he rushed in and suc ceeded in cutting tho bear’s throat with his pocketknife. Tho kids measured five feet nine inches in length, and his 1 ; was between 600 and 700 York Times. Army Musicians. , f i a sign board in front of the regu lar army recruiting station in New York, every day in the year can be seen the word’, "Musicians Wanted." Clarinets, tifors, and snare drummers aro always in demand, because skilled musicians can find more lucrative em ployment outside of the army, and con sequently they do not enlist. The pay of an army musician is S2O per month, and no distinction is made between a pounder of the bass drum and a skilful clarinetist. Another deterring influence is tW fact that army musicians are not tailored to play outside of comp or and thus earn an extra honest Hilar. Peg. ious to two years ago the EKvids Island band futnished music Wiring tho summer for Glen Island, but lie army officials cut off this source of ■evcnuc. Cornet players aro as plenti ful as sparrows in t'hff park and applica tions aro reciivod every day for posi tions. Tho clarinet player’s place in Udßlfrst to fill. only twenty-fivo in Hancock, FOB FARM AND WARDEN. Shelter for Stock. It is now so common for farmers to provide stabling for thoir cattle, es pecially for cows, that hut few who are at all well-tc-do neglect it. Still there aro some who even keep cows without any decent provision for thorn, and will let them stand out and shiver in cold storms, and evon go out to milk in the rain and anow without any protection for themsolves. That cows treated in that way will rapidly shrink in their milk goes without jsaying. Whero a man can do no better, ho should put up a straw shelter of sc mo kind at onco, which will servo a good purpose until he can build something better and more permanent. My experience is that a person might as well do without cattle as not to protect them properly through the winter. —[Nc-w York World. How to Bury a Hoolc. How many plow points havo you broken, first and last, upon that fast stone? How many times lias it been criss-crossed by the harrow? How much injury has been done to your horses by the shocks received when they wero brought to a sudden stand still? How much less has tho yield of your crops been on account of this cumberor of tho ground? Now is as good a time as any, perhaps, to dig it out and convert it into fence material or Lury it. Having buried mmy large stones, I iffiim that the danger in curred is very slight if tho work is at tempted in tho right manner. l>o not dig under it at all. Keep tho cxc .va tion about six inches from ths nearest side of tho stone. Make it long enough, wide enough and deep onough to con tain the stone with room to spare. When the hole is dug sufficiently large, then with long-handled tools careful y remove the six-inch shell if earth as low as you can reach easily without tak ing any risk of being crushed. A plank laid along the furthor edgo if tho hole may give you some advantago in dig ging. Next dig a narrow trench along tho opposite side of tho stone from the excavation. Make this trench close to the stone and partly under it. Now pour water into tho trench, and keep on pouring until the earth underneath is softened into mud, when tho stone can usually he slid without much trouble into the hole. A lever can be used to give it a start.—[Boston Culti vator. Benefits of Crop Rotation. Every observing farmer knows that cattle can bo pastured in a field after horses, and will subsist for a time where the horses would have starved; and that sheep will do well after tho cattle. A similar principle applies to tho raising of the various farm crop3. Wheat may thrive glorioudy on tho plant food lett in tho soil by a corn crop; oats on that left by the wheat and corn; potatoes on what was not taken by tho three preceding crops. But tho requirements of plant nutrition are not the only reasons nor the strong est ones that can ho urged in favor of a strict systom of crop rotation. The chief objection to planting tho same crop year alter year in tho samo ground is that the insects and diseases affecting that crop attack it each succeeding y, ar with increased force. Frequently tho entire soil, and tho wholo vicinity be come overstocked with the insects and the spores of diseases injurious to that particular crop. S lifting tho lo cality of such ciop from oao field to another near by can afford, at best, but partial protection in this respect; and it wero far prcfirable to select for each crop subject to insect attacks and dis eases a location at the greatest possible distance from any field where that crop was grown tho year before. If seme such crop could be left out of tho farm rotation for ono or moro years alto gether, one might bo able to starve out the insects and diseases affecting it for some years; and if by concerted action such a measure could be extended to a wholo neighborhood, or cou .ty, old fashionei big and clean crops might for a time bo grown again.—[American Agriculturist. Old Hens. Book-makers as well as other people sometimes make mistakes. They ted us hens are unprofitable for eggs and breeding purposes after threo years o' age. If so, is it not dui to the insani tary practices of breeder ? Yesterday we passed by a hen whose ago we were informed was fourteen years. Tho day before we encountered one whose own er informed us that though very old she lays the eggs and hatchos and rears four broods of chickens annually if permit ted. Sho was sitting on her third “setting" of this year a few days ago, when “broken up” by the mistress. Whenever not allowed to ait, she com mends again in a few days to lay more eggs. And yonder there is still another hen that was aged in 1830. On an ad - jacent place a hound hi t been trained to borrow and carry homo from any placo around when he could do so with out peril to himseK. Ho had removed every vestige of poultry s;.ve tho said old bon upon whose parson he was attempt ing to execute a lovy, or more properly to levy an execution, when tho oppor tune arrival of tho owner arrested the sinister purpose of canis permanently and rescued Dame Partlet from a sad fate to live a glorious career. Being sole survivor and furnished soon with a lev ing companion, 3he has attempted wit entire success to pay the debt of grai tude to the owner by furnishing him this day with tho many hundreds oggs and cbic’teus consumed on his ! > stillJi'a'j and rears annua _ her three broods of chicks, besides tho oggs sho is not allowed to brood. One remarkable clutch consisted of males alone —a dozen—part of which were exchanged at tho rate of ono for two females to holp the old hen to supply the heavy demand on her energies and industry. Oi l hens properly treated are profltahlo in spite of books and wiseacres.—[Niw York Wituess. educating a Colt. B.'gin the education of a colt by bridle handling, first on one side and then on tho other. Put him about iu different directions, forward, backward, to the left and right, aid get him to yiold to tin bit in cnch of them direc tion 3 . This should bo dono both in the stable and I, aid iu using tho rcin3 for this purpose tho trainer shou'd ex ercise a steady, firm pressure on tho bit until tho colt yields, when the pres sure should bo removed at onco, in order for him to uiderstand that he has obeyed. When the colt’s head can bo handled in every conceivable direction and tho muscles of hit neck aro supple and con trolled, then ban ilo tlu forward feet, then the It dy, ar.d finish with the hind feet and tail. Whe i handling :ho colt’s feet teach him not only ti allow you to pick them up and ru > and rap on them with a hammer, but to boil them up until you git ready to let them go. Take the tdl in your hand carefully anil raise it well up over hi3 bick, repeating this till ho mikes no (bj.'Ction. Take a polo about the size cf a sle 1 stake, pole him all his body, ard pry in be tween liis logs until he sbow3 no fear of it. Teach him to stand and allow a harness to bo tossed on to and all about him. II indie umbrella’, robes, paper, etc., about his head and body until lie is utterly indifferent to them ail. Lad and hack him into and over an old pair of shafts repeatedly, and when he is standing in them raise them up and rub his logs wita thorn, and finally bring tho crossbar against his ban idles, gently at lint, and then more forcibly, until hi cares nothing for it. AU theso things should be done to the colt beforo ho is hurnossod i at all. A colt should be put through a series of reining lessons before he is hit heel to a vehicle. While lining him the whip ought to be used, not only to get motion to handle oe, but with a view to educating him to increase his speed when it 13 applied and getting him under control of it, for no horse is safe to drive unless ho will “go to the front” when tapped with the whip. Ii striking a horse with awhipalways do so forward of tha loias. I) iriag hii reining lessons the colt should be taught to stand still at the simple word “whoa." Hi should be also taught to b :ck. When first liarneS3cd the colt should be taken ia a large yard and started about carefully, and when ho can be driven and backed all about the place it is time enough for a trainer to trust himself in the road, where there is more danger of a mishap, and where control could not so readily be obtaiue 1 if ono should occur. In order to “way wise” a co't quickly and make a nice reiaer ho should be reined about from one side to r.ncther, driven tlircu h shallow ditch"?, up alongside of fences and cut again into the road, turned around fre quently, to the right r.nd as often to the loft, and taught to pass teams either to the ii ,ht or left when meeting or overtaking th m —[Chicago Globe. Farm and Garden Notes. The cropping pr.CGS diminishjs tho supply of plant food. The humble cow pea does net rcceivo iho attention it merits. Sheep are often injure! by roaming through tab, wot gras. A rough bark on trees invites borers; smooth bark repels them. Swedish turnip 3 , parsnips and carrots are all excellent for fattening hogs. The poisoned trees ce;d not bo iu a pasture lot nor around tho dwelling home to be a sourej of danger. I there is the least possible chanco of horses, cows, shesp or other animals grazing about them, or of chiid reu playing there, tho caution should be observed in using arsenites. Digging wells and 1 oring deep holes for the | urpose of making them serve as an cutlet for surface drainage will rarely prove successful unless a subter ranean sties'll is reached, or tho earth below is < xlramoly dry nnd porous. Sometimes a cavern or open spices be tween rocks aie penetrate l and become av dlablo for tho reception of surface moisture. Art’s Vestiges in Central China. A missionary who settled in the Prov inco of £z-Chuan, Central China, and visitod the great Biddhist peak, Mount Omel, describes tho temples as still showing many wonderful works of art, notwithstanding conflagrations, devas tating wars and rebellions. Near tin foot of tin mountain Is a pagoda of bronzy thirty feet high, ia fifteen stories, covered with an immense nuts | her of figures delicately cast. O fig ures of Dublin there aro no less than j 4,700, some of 1111011 linvj been mutil ated by collectors of relics. All Invaluable Bird. Old gentleman —What is the prico of j that parrot. Bird dealer—l wouldn’t sell that bird or love or money. yO and gentleman—He mast be very pro ficient in conversation to make liim so f ihi ;ble. Bird dealer —O 1t h aconljAj.agjfl^ I iiii H. 111 Oil AI NT A ll Pet dogs wearing! are among the sigh ofl An eastern clogs the burners i EH with asbestos. J A walking-stick, 1 of which is aa oar-tii\ convenience for dep'Bjl Jack Brown, on tho Michig/ : f liviug imago ofjL dan. r 1 Tho largost played in a New It ii eight feet in 1 three in diameter Bl The Persian nsm HI Yange Doon-ya, whS of tho new scunds very much 1 H nur.ciatiou. Tho heart cf t! I seems is preserved m B relici of tho poet in son, Sir Percy She fl manor, Bournemout H A Bangor (Mo.) lr H ted for hi3 abiuntmi SH his own stairs tho H ing a notico on his gS o'clock,” sat down H Tho postcfiioe at Ml joys a distinction @|| from aay other in tnH box rooters from threl Wed Virginia, Mary la: vania. Tlu tax collectors’ re<fesMMlH ancient 10;yplians wcroSS| broken pieces of rrockcrjAHH them, from tho Br.tish Museum tion, havo boon translated, and show tho tax in Egypt under the early Ctecirs. A bachelors’ club organized in Bon tonville, Ark., is to impose a heavy fine on members unmarried at tin end of 1880, excepting those who can give satisfactory evilence that they have proposed and been rejected three t''Uo3 during the year. There lias jud been landed at San Frnccieco a Ireak worth mention, in shape of a black mare from Australia that is utterly and absolutely without hair, iven where mano and tail ought to be. In all other respects sho is a model of the cquiuo race. While duck shooting on Mautoulin Is laud, Canada, Dinnl Hagey discov ered a cave full of human bones that further examination showed to be tlioss of Indians, thcugli how, why and whonce tiny camo there is one of those things ■whereon history and tradition are alike silent. Blank smiths, who sometimes get hold of fractious horses, will appreciate the device of a Sidney, Ohio, maa. Ilia invention is a horseshoeing rack, and consists of a pan, realiiy adjustable to the sizo of any animal, and in which a horse can be securely fastened, the rack being made so that it can be readily taken down and moved out of tho way. It is stated upon authority that there is a set of false teeth at the bottom of nearly every well in New England—as people are prone to lose thc-m while drawing water —aUo that they are fre quently found by clam-diggers embed ded in the sand—rather glnstly mem orials of the bathing season—and that trainmen often find them beside the railway where they have droppod from tho mouths of ontlooking passengers. The putting on a short time ngo of tho fast expresses between Elinburgh and London has revived memories of the old inhabitants as to English rail roading forty years ago, and one of those allegos that he can remember when the train for E imburgh was started by a bugle playing ‘ ‘l’d boa Butterfly.” The passenger cars wore ns much like stage coaches as possible; tho baggago was carried piled oa top, and tho guards sat like drivers on top also. Cold-Water Fishes. It will boa surprising fact to many readers to learn that cold waters abound more ia life than do warm waters. The schools of herrings about the coasts of Japan greatly exceed those of England, though the Japanese waters arc the colder by at least 20 degrees. An idea of their numbers may bo had from Cupt. 11. C. St. John’s “Notes and Sketches.” In May and June this fish appears in incredible numbers. The straits, bays and creak3 are alive with herrings. They arc ia such numbers that tho3o nearest tho boach are pusbod out of tho water, and tin shore for mi. o3 is thus kept constantly repleni bed with fresh fish; cr.uatless numbers of sea-gulls, eaglo% crows, besides foxes, wolves and bears find an ever ready meal, and the way tho sea-gulls' just picked tho tidbit from UlO back of tho neck, and left tho remainder of tho fi-h, showed how well they knew tho supply was constant. The Japanoso simply rui a not straight out from the shore, 130 or 200 yards along a liae of Btakcs. At the end of tho net is a bag, into which the fish, ou striking tho net and along it, soon find tbeir r (piled, tin fid>.-'£;t' |jMg|jjj| oh, li.ui’ lli: bagl&jga end lot '.lie fi ll This species ol and coarser thJ pcraturo of tlio v pear to flouridj nnr/ c jjJSp where rtf imkn'i/t The hue .■ contain tlmus.. . * k of acres, often acres arc natives are cal ed, tic-ally his slaves, as tl.ef'flfe Y'td' and are in debt from year i<s*ss|| owner of tho lands, who collctl^H with interest. The home of the land-owner is also called the hacienda. It is located ou some healthful hillside and resembles a walled town, with its arched gateways, towers and church belfry overlooking the walla, within which are gathered at night, ou Sundays and feast days, the peon laborer, all the horses, cattle, mid everything that is his, and are fed, man and beast. There is a church and priest at every hacienda, supported by the tribute exacted fmm all of high aud low degree. Rich and poor must pay, ac cording as the land has yielded sub stance —a duty religiously adhered to. As on the plantations in the South, the peons are supplied with what they need from the hacienda “commissary.” Their wants are few, but the end of tire year usually finds a balance against them, which must be deducted from the next crop, and thus the peon is ever “dealing in futures.” The farm wagon is as much a curiosity as the one-handled plow. It goes on two wheels. Tho wheels are very curiously wrought. They are sawed, or more properly hewn, from tho trunk of a tree. Trees large enough for a wheel are scarce, and the wheel must be built m sections. The proper thickness, say six or eight inches, is cut off the tree; this is out ia half making two pieces, which are afterward oined together with other pieces, making a wheel not ex actly round, but the Mexican does not care for that, so long as his wheel is big enough. A wooden axle, a tongue and a huge box or bed complete the vehicle —not a pretty ono to be sure, but sub stantial enough to bear a load needing eight, ten and twelve oxen to draw it. Mexican farm transportation does not go altogether on wheels. The burro, or donkey, is the chief beast of burden, and it can carry more than it can pull. Each hacienda has them in droves. The little animals are patient aud untiring, and will trudge for miles to market or the railway station, with two to four sacks of corn or wheat, weighing more than their own body. In the mining districts, and from the stone quarries, they carry bags of silver ore, or slabs of stone,stag gering over mountain roads, where a horse would not dare to go. I have seen a drove of burros coming to a city in the early morning, so concealed with their loads ot garden-provender that only their little hoofs and the tips of their long ears could be seen, looking for all the world like walking hay mows. While the hacienda may own hun dreds of burros, tho peon may bo too po ;r to possess one, and must carry on his own back tho product of h s labor. He will often carry as much as the burro. At Toluca I saw the most novel team I came across in all my travels. An In dian had hewn a stick of timber, about Bxlo inches, and twenty feet long, which he had placed on two wheels—or rather rollers, they were so small—and with his squaw (who had a baby on her back), and the burro, they three brought the timber from tho mountains to market at Toluca, all working abreast in the harness. Fruits, “garden-truck,” chickens, turkeys and other poultry, pottery and light farm products, are brought to the cities from distances of thirty, forty and fifty miles, in slatted boxes or cages, strapped to each burro, or one on the back of an Indian peon. The contents sold, tho homeward trudge is with a lighter load but a scarcly heavier pocket, tho net profits having gone for pulque, the native drink, anew zarape, a rcboso for his wife, or a spreading, gilt edged sombrero, for your average Mexican wil wear a thirty-dollar hat, if he goes bare footed. It is only the burro that must walk home, aud it is always the unhap py lot of this one or 11 at to carry a bur des both ways, for his master must ride home always, aud sometimes with the load to market. — Prairie Farmer. Shocked Into n Confession. At the Manchester U^alandVpolicc court Upv'"’~ .■ _ . . JfclC j§rajjWM Sing on a . (). Mc ; oute, 183 ;lars. (In ilose 4c. it*. readers o above iure tho n its vir ittle ant! will give SS P -X* , sw York. fitlTclr Delicious. !l to the taste are Hamburg Figs Id be placed upon the table for ho one would suspect that they an very superior crystallized fruit, is what makes them so popular Ld children for the cure of con- L indiKeßtion,and sick-Ueadacbe. Hone Fig. Alack Drug Cos., N. a. , Vrh Cared* ■Hkcars of suffering from KHL Catarrh, anil vainly nt last found a BaVtely cured and saved BTerer from tliisdread- .wi.istamped ME® .ftwrence, 88 Warden recipe free of cliurge, u od before eonline ■■[■l makes labor in Truth has cure-1 thousands of peepe with rheumatism. It neutra’izos in the blood, which causes those ten and aches, and also vita ises and enriches tlr liood, thus preventing the recurrence of Iho disease, rhoso facta warrant us in urging you, if yon suffer rheumatism, to give Hood’s Sarsaparilla a trial. “I had rheumatism so that vhen I sat or laid do-.\n I could hardly g-et up. Hold's Sarsaparilla has almost cured me.”—P. Carnes, Gaion, O. N. B. If you make up your mind to try take Hood’s Sarsararilla, do not be induced to take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C.. 1. HOOD ii CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. I GO Doses One Dollar SENT FREE, Every reader of this paper who expects to buy anything in the lino of Diamonds, fine Jewelry, Silver and Clocks —or who thinks of buying A WATCH Should send for our new illustrated catalogue for 1889, which we send free. J. P. Stevens k Bro„ Jewelers, 47 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. I FOR THE BLOOD. i Swill's Specific ha*cured me of :i imilif-r --nant breaking out on ray leg. which caused i intolerable pain. It was called Euz-m iby the doctors—four of whom treated me with •no relief. I candidly confess that T owe my prcS'-nt good health to s. S. H.. which in my estimation is invaluable as a blood remedy. Miss Tvma DeWitt, 2227 N. 10th St.. St. Louis. Mo. I Our baby when two months old. was at flacked with Scrofula, which for a long time destroyed her eyesight entirely and caused [us to despair of her life. The doctors failed ,t'> relieve her, and we gave Swift’s Specific, [which soon cured her entirely, aud she is 'now hale and hearty. K. V. I)klk, I Will's Point, Texas, j Scrofula do eloped on my daughter—swy 11- [iiiKaiul lumps <;ii her nook. We gave her Swift’s Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the cure prompt. | S. A. Dearmond, Cleveland, TANARUS nr [ CJPTRnd for book giving history of Blood [Diseases and adv icotosuir- r-r, maiVl free. THE tiWlI’T SPKC’IFL CO.. • Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. MOTHERS’ FRIEND makesICHILD BIRTH Ml IF~US£D before confinement. Book to “Mothers’* Mailed Free. BHABFIKU) RKGI'LATOB CO., ATLANTA, BA. Sold by all Druggists. The Only Printing Ink Works In the South. HODGE & EVANS, Manufacturers of all kinds of Printing Inks, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. REPAIR AT A R R U jj Cream Bali. SyyicOLD >N HEAD PyW. u ELY BROS., 56 Warren St..N.Y DETECTIVES Wanted in every County. Shrewd men to act under instruction! In our Secret Service. Experience not necessary. Particulars free. Graanan Detective Bureau Co.ll ArcuU.Ciaeinaiti.O. r-f-w Ho-tutiful Satin 50 111:1 iflw'i i11.4 .iLnuaro all oolorn. lfto. extra q'y. nib kfyJMfPißAa “iic. Figured Silk 100 triangular pieces 20c. Satin Ribbons >.iu. wil. any color It yd. 15c. 20 yd. -sc. Lentanc* N. Y. Silk Mi 1, Little Ferry, N.J. /Or —,/vrhfVl * R y Pico’s Cure for Con -110 71TI 1 If \ sumption is THE BEST vuica IBAUC STUDY. liook-kcepin.?, Business Forms penmanship. Arithmetic, Short-hand, etc.. Ml T lv* at home on more u'Juol ”1 nnylhinjc H-r in the fj-1 *. T< I Ilia IIU-E. A'lJrv PEEBLES? jMeivous* V/.* Prostration Rheumatism Kidney Diseases AMD All Liver Disorders ( olHpTtwHßfi of rhenmatTWHHH Sam übu H South Cornisßjfvl “It haft good for kidiv jKBa than any othel cine.” Geo. /■ Sioux City, “Paine's pound has been ofereg benefit for torpid If' ■ indigestion, and bilio* ness.” Elizabeth/ Udall, Qucchce, V) The Tea that has gained such a rcputat : on at Expositions. The proprie tors of IIE-NO Tea are Martin Gillet & Cos., a house established at Baltimore in y Mention this e&S&MzizfSiK?'- / paper and send your address for a 25 cent book, fIH by mail, charmingly illustrated, ■ titled “Tea Gossip,” which teVj3 B about Tea, how it is made in ChiH and exposing its humbug. ■ fend in silver or stamps, ten ff for an eighth of a pound Aw, package of IIE-NO Tea. Address Martin. (Jh-let Lombard Street, Baltimore'?** P/il! lie soiDflj v. K 1 li^vt I 1 FOR COhjUMPf-l Piso’s ( lire i- out best selliA , I cine. I h ire a personal knov.Jlj I its benefii - cts, iind rootWwKll —S. Labsy ; Druggist, Allegheny! (** puf \z\ WHITE \ **',/ i 1 I | Til ADR MARK. WB SUCCESSORS TO MORDECAI LEWIS. JOHNiT. LEWIS & BR> WARRANTED PC RE 'fpl White Leal', Red Lead, Litharoe, Oriill Mineral, PJ inters’ Colors and Linseedv g CORRESPONDENCE SO 1.11 ITEtf'S BICILL EH nonsM SiSklLitlli! ranaWaJH Lines never under Horses’J Every horse owner buys ircivjKs&m Four styles—Go!<l, N ick* l '# pun FiniMli. Retail to -M The 4 Sample* by not as represented. money refunded. Ag’lH inHHSISH to s.’i.VJ monthly. A*en]B' Terms free. Browser 111 far. Cos. HoWB WISE GREASj NEVER GUMS, Never Freezes or r M*lts. \ Wp box Guaranteed. Sample orders solicited. V> prices. WISE Axle Urense best innde. all Jobbers, Cheaper than common grease. Ch-w* & \\ IS K CO.i Mfrs.. 39 River St, Chicago It 1 hav-ia positive remedy for the. übove disease; bv thousand,-a of cases of the worst kind and of lomrsi'inj* have been cured. So strong is my faith in its I will send two bottles Ire*, together with a va! Ce3| treatise oa this disease to any sufferer. Give V. O. addrae. A. BLOCOM. M. ft, 191 FMrlSt^B SALFSMENiip! x-ccut stamp. W ‘ Hs $3 Per Day Permanent p;*aitlou. fl posta 2 answered ylonej advanced for wages, -AlvertUing, eh Centennial f“iMjfacb.’r:ng Cos., Cincinnati. OhiJ w ‘fH who have used PJsc*- SaS BCure for Consum r . 7% 1N I |e m it is BgST O i-jffp- Hold •.i 1 ? E;, y'.