Coffee County gazette. (Pearson, Ga.) 18??-1905, September 10, 1880, Image 3

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GEORGIA -Coffee Count. Whereas JBarbry Denton, guaidian for the person and property of Pracilia Denton, Luvina Denton and Barbery E. Denton, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust, lhis is to eite all persons con cerned, to file their objections on or before the first Monday in September next, if any they have why said letters should not be granted on the first Monday in October. Given under my hand and official seal this September 7th, 1880. T. Young, Ordinary. Printer’s fee §2 22. A CARD. All persons indebted to B. Pearson, either by note or open account, are respectfully requested to come forward and make imme diate payment of the same. I have been entrusted with the collection of all out standing debts, with instruction to close up the business by the Ist day of November, pros. After that date,, where no satisfactory arrangement are made, all unsettled busi" ness will be placed in the hands of an of ficer of the law. July 20th 18,'0. • JEFFEBSON KIKKLANI); AGENTS WANTED : —For the Illus trated Life and Adventures of FRANK AND JESSE JAMES, The noted Western Outlews, By Hon. J. A. Dacus, Ph. D. A tine and thrilling account (Illus trated) of their bold operations for 18 years in 20 different States and Territories, baf fling detectives and officials of the law. Best Selling Book of the Year. 21,000 sold in tour month's. 50 cents for Outfit. 81.50 for Sample Copy. Liberal Terms to Agents. N. D. THOMPSON & GO., Publishers, 520, 522 aud 524 Pine Street, ST, LOUIS, MO, 5 to jjkr day at honje. Samples worth So free. Address Stinson & Co. Portland, Maine' Notice. Having been so oftei dicited to allow my namp used a: candidate for representative ofCofiee county, I htive consented. I do not expect to use any effort, whatever, ou my part. It is with my friends. If they ftleel me 1 will serve them to the test bf my ability. Respectfully, C. G. B, W. Pahkeb, M. D. FOB TAX RECTOR 1 announce myself a candidate for n - election to the office of tax receiver . of Cof fee county, at the ensuing January election, and respectfully ask the .suffrage of my many friends. If elected I pledge myself to fill the office to the best of my ability. John Tucket:. ~ FOR SHERIFF. 1 unnorffi 1 , v -df c • .id; • lor re eh'i't’ori to ,tb< -■ i,(-I:ii oi ■ County fit :I>" Jill,nary < ■".'’loit. and res • pectfully a«k the l*bi 1 "q.povt of my friends. A. . , nmi-.w. • "TdS ORDINARY. I announce myself a candidate for re ejection to tl;e office of Ordinary of Coffee county at the January election, and re spectfully ask a liberal support from my friends. THOS. YOUNG. FOR CLERK I announce myself as a candidate for re election to the office of Clerk Superior court at the January electinn. Calvin Waiot. §O6 dollars a week iu your own town. $5 outfit free. Address 11. Hallett& Co., # ‘ . Portland, Maine. $77 A WEEK. Sl2 a day at home eaisly madia Costly Outfit free. Address LukeCo Portland, Moinc. A PER S C k who wishes to get the most goods for the smallest amount of CASH Should not fail to visit ou.r EXTFNSIVE ESTABLISHMENT- We still continue to Boom Along and as yet have not felt the dullness which is usually comes to the retail trade at this sea soy of the year ; nor have we found it necessary to Reduce the Price of any of our goods, io force their sale. We attribute this circumstance to the fact that all merchandise upon its arrival is marked at Living Proffit and we arc satisfied that people ap preciate our efforts Co serve them' by the increased amount of sales; • H. VICKERS & SON. Pear sob, Ga., Jun'e 18tb, 1880. fHE OLIVE 7 LEAF. A collection of beautiful tunes, new and ol'd. The whole of one or more hymns, accompaning each tune. For the glory of God and the good •of mankind. The,work is published by Rev. Wet. Hauser, My I)., and lion. Benjamin, Turner, Wadlv., Ga. - For, sale by Prof. J, V. Ricketson, Pearson, Ga. apr24-l- Koundabout Home. BRIEFLY NOTED. Not so hot. Need more kiver. Colquitt is the state. Is Mr. Colquitt the State? Some people seem to think so. Candidates and pretty women plen tiful.' Every man is guaranteed his right of opinion. There was no speaking at Douglas last Monday. Cutting rice was in order the first of the week. Rice is bringing, one dollar per bush el in this market. Wonder what is attracting Charlie up the road so often. Our colored citizens have opened a school at this place. Read the article on our first page headed “Should They?” Mr. Joe Greer is visiting his father, Mr. N. C. Greer, of our town. Cupid’s dart lnts penetrated the heart of one of our young gents. Wonder how the pulse of our can didates for the legislature beats ? Trade is rather dull. Farmers are tod busy with their rice to visit town. We hate to give oitr leaders manu factured locals—no other kind to be had. Coffee is hard to beftt on pretty women, rice, and the number of can didates. Out young folks had a gay ball in Masonie Hall, at Kirkland, last Friday evening. Alapalm is to have a grand ball to night. Some of our young gents speak of going. There has been a kind of tumbling among our candidates. Two of them., ha - <: come down. Lias, its getting time for another application, ain’t it? The color is begluing to change. Roe base been -installed behind the counter of 11. Vickers & Son. The position becomes him. . Last Wednesday was gloomy, dis agreeable day. Considerable rain fell in the afternoon. We are not running a paper solely for the pay we get, but for the amount of fun there is In it. We hav’nt got that half gallon of honey yet. Miss Florie Shackelford lias retur ned to her home in Albany, and leaves one sad heart to mourn her departure. Several citizens were assembled at Douglas last Monday- Among the number, it is said, there were but two Colquitt meti. Charlie can’t express it, , but he leels bad we know from his looks. He mournetk over-the absence of the idol of his heart. Of the large number of candidates before the people, a minority will be elected. Minorities are said to al ways be in the wrong. ’ The nights are getting long and -cool. “Jviver” is scarce, and the average old bachelor is begiuing to expence anything but comfort. We are glad to see that the San dersville Mercury has crawled down, off the fence, and now advocates Norwood a,lid honest government. Iler’s our OP good brother. A couple of the boys tried the speed of their blooded stock a few evenings since. They got along pret ty slow,' but one a good deal slower than the other, making a differ - ice of . about twenty-five yards. Lias’ “critter” run mighty hard, but some how didn’t get.along very fast. Lias ought to “.van for Josh Rail’s old Jim. ECHOLS SOLID FOR NORWOOD, From a gentleman who visited Clinch court this week we learn that Echols county is almost a unit for Norwood and honest government. He met a large number of gentlemen from every portion of the county, who said there were but three Col quitt men to be found within its lim its. founeTdeao, Col. Geo. B. Williamson, an old citizen of Waycross, was found dead in his office yesterday morning, sup posed to have died on Monday. Col. Williamson had an incurable cancer on his face that had eaten through into his mouth. In this condition it is thought his deatli was produced by a dose of laudanum administered by his own baud. He was about seven ty years of age. » ■ -**► Goods and cash exchanged for pro duce at Wm, Barker’s Our Berrien county friends will please pay over what they are due the Gazette to A. H. Turner, who will be at court at Nashville this month. I will receipt for the same by postal on Ms return. Respectfully, Wm. Parker. Fresh groceries at Wm. Parker’s THE BALL. The ball at Kirkland last Friday evening Was quite a success in every way, and when 4 o’clock, p. m. ar rived, all went home highly pleased and well aatiMied. Several Visitors present, which were ol'tlu: best estate. The music, by Messrs Burcli, O’Quinn and Moore was splendid. The committee tried invariably to please all present. The refreshments were good and cooling. Participator. Goods for cash at Wm. Parker’s . , - ; Emanuel Pearson, col., killed a rattle snakt- : rig six feet iu length, in Hr. Jeff' Kirkland's pas ture one day last week. - - • . -#>■■«► Ready mixed paints and paint brushes at Wm. Parker’s A PARALLEL CASE. The Atlanta Constitution’s ac counts of the utter annihilation of Mr. Norwood and the speakers sup porting him by Gov. Colquitt and his campaign canvassers, remind us of Smith’s description of his victory over Jones in a fist and skull fight at the Jug Tavern cross-roads. Smith, to do him justice, told the story of his triumph with a modest reluctace which did him ihfiihite credit. In reply to an urgent ques tion as to the real facts of the fight Smith said ; “Well, it happened just about this way. You see I wanted Jones to exhaust his strength, so I let him hit me a devil of a , lick in the left eye. That seemed to weaken him consid erably, and then I executed a piece of artful strategy. 1 led him cn until he tangled one of his legs Between mine, while I kept one of his arms twisted around my neck, and then I lay down on my Back and compelled Jones to come down on top of me with a heavy thud that jostled him considerably, Ti en I ingeniously led liim to exhaust him self by hitting me several licks in the mouth, and then by a brilliant move ment that heat Napoleon .ail hollow I inserted both of my wr ste through Jones’, and in another moment I stuck my nose bet". ;en his teeth aud then I had him! By George, boys, I had Jones then where he couldn’t move a peg. I did, pon honor. Then we were separated, and I never saw a fellow as much exhausted as Jones was. And J. felt somewhat fatigued myself.” The Cclqnitt speakers arc wiyiung just such victories as Smith was ’.'rag ging over, ColumiM Enquirer; | When senator Norwood made his ; speecli at Emory college, Gov. Col : quilt was on the platforfn, warmly : congratulated him and complimented j the address. Now that Gov. Colquitt I dishes the ballots of negroes, 4 he j quotes passages of the speecli he j praised so highly, to prejudice the I colored people against Norwood | Such conduct is generally thought unbecoming in a demagogue, but how should it be regarded when a cliris ' tian statesman adopts such a course of. action ?—Enquirer-Sun. Saddles and dress buttons at Wm. Barker's. -«*• Atlanta, September 7. —The Re publican State convention was in executive session all day,-trying to determine wbat policy it*should pur sue in the present campaign. An ef fort to endorse Norwood for governor ! was overwhelmingly defeated, and a resolution passed declaring it inexpe dient to nominate a governor or other officers. The sentiment is strongly in favor of Colquitt, A CARD. I regret very much to inform my friends that owing to circumstances by which I am surrounded, that I cannot serye them as Clerk of the Superior court, hence I decline to to contiue the race, and most respect fully ask those who intended support ing me to confer the favor upon Mr. Ward, the present incumbent, a gen tlemen of experience and ability. your Obt. Servent C. A. Gaskins» - Rice and cotton bought at Wm. Parker’s. willacooghfe items BY E. V. X. The dose is too large for us to swallow just now. We cannot stand it any long t. We certainly muff run.the race.for something, and as we have never had the honor of hold ing any office we now come out as an independent candidate, fearing the influence of no one ; but to be sure ar.out it, it is for a better half. Ha, ha, ha! what a! feeling it Produces just to be a candidate!! * We are glad to note the interest our people are taking in the culture of upland rice. It is fast becoming a paying product, yielding a hand some profit. A rice machine would pay well in this county, and. Pearson would be a splended place to locate it. It is our presumption that the vision of some of cur candidates are pretty sumbre, and before the election is over, there will be a grand prome nade among them. It was Saturday night. Not many weeks past, was told ye reporter by a country lad. He was sitting by the side of a pretty girl of twelve summers, he, asked to address her. Turning to him.she said, “Jolihy, its all right with me, but, oh, heavens! if I must tell the truth, mama says I am too young to spark.” You can get a hogshead of bacon or a paper of pins at Wm. Parker’s The Albany News and Advertiser have been consolidated, and will be conducted by Messrs Mclntosh & Evans, under the name of the Albany News and Advertiser. Ladies hats and bat trimmings at Wm. Parker's. Our town needs somthing more than wind work. Improvements of this kind only revel in the imagina tion and does not add to the iihprov ment of our village. Some time ago a rice mill, gin, etc., were to be erected right away, and we expected, ere this, to have heard the steam whistle calling the laborers To their work ; but this enterprise existed in imagination, and ip cite is :n? f to i>c found j Our village has been visited by | a larger number of (commercial trav ! *-lers than usual. Ladies are like watches—pretty | enough to look at; sweet faces and delicate hands, but somewhat diffi cult to “regulate” after they are set j a-going.-—Ex. NOW OR NEVER. The Southern Farmer’s Monthly will be sent FREE for the BAL jANCE OF THE YEAR to all sub scribers for 1881. Send in your 82 and get it. The farmers of Georgia j and Florida must all have their i names on our mail list next year, and this is the time to hand them in. Don’t forget it! Address J. If. Estill, Savannah, Ga. 1 1iEORGIA—Coffee County. Whereas Sellers Lee, administration on the estate of William Too ten: deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said administrrtion; therefore all per sous concerned, are kearby required to show cause on the first Monday in October next, why said letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. Given under m - hand at office this September 7th, 1880. Thomas Young, Ordinary, C. G\ Printer’s fee §1 95. GEORGIA —Coffee County. ! Whereas J. M. Denton, administrator of J.T. Denton, applies tome for letters of dismission from his administration; there fore all persons concerned are hearby re quired to show cause on the first Monday in October next, why said administrator should not be dismissed. Given under my hand and sea! this Sept. 7th, 1880. Thomas Young Ordinary. Printer’s lee 81. 83. FOR SALE. I The undersigned olfers his place, containing three hundred acres, one hundred bushels corn, 1 mule, stock cattle and hogs, potatoes, cane and all on the place lor sale. The land is all fresh and m a high stats of cultivation is situated five Bi'les from Pearsall. The place contains all necessary buildings aiid a well of good water. Parties desiring tc purchase can get a good bargain by applying to me on the place, o' addressing 'veto at Pearscn. Ceokgb Lex. Sept. Ist. ANOTHER OFFER. The puß’islier is determined tc place the Savannah Weekly News in flu; hands of everbody in Georgia and Florida who want a first-class news and family journal, and to that end ye offer to send the paper from this date (August 14th) to March 14th, 1881, for one dollar. This will cover the election and inauguration o r the Democratic candidates. Send in 3'our dollar and get the biggest and Be t newspaper in the !jouth. Asddress J. 11. Estill, Savannah, G THF. HEATHERCOTES. This is the title of a new serial story, by Miss Mat Grim, of Atlanta, the first chapters of which will appear in ,the Savannah Weekly News of Saturday, August 28th. Without anticipating, we may assure the lov ers of pleasant fiction that a rich treat awaits them in the perusal of this charming story of home file. Sub scribers, to have it entire, should send in their naipes at once. Sub scription, six months, $1; one year, $2. Address J. 11. Estill, Savannah, Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTERS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA Coffee County. Notice is hereby given to iff persons ha t ing demands against John Hill, late of said county deceased, to present them to me ptoperally made out within the time' pre scribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and also persons in itebted th said deceased, are hereby required to mak< immediate payment-. August lltb, 1880. John,-Starling, U dm , M Mathew, Sumerhn, ) Printer.s fee $2 28. GEORGIA— Coffee Cora?i. Four months after date leave will be granted to John W. Turner, ad ministrator on the estate' of Arthur Turner, deceased, to make distribu tion of said estate among the lawful distributees*. Given under my hand official 3ig j this April 1880 Thomas Young, Ordinary