The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 22, 1851, Image 3

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j&Jporenews per Frinkln ßice—fine Ifgffolina >9 n 20;. Naval Stores un- Bj|PpK?<L The sales ol Cotton in Liv 2JWI lor the three cLv* pirvfiyns to the •ailing ol the VYuuhlin were 13,500 b-iles, i B&, a firmed and ordered for th t \ ‘ foipn of Oglethorpe. , ’ bg the the authority vested by the ‘Ait ijlHi j corporation. SEC. IV. Gambling Table. 1 person shall have, keep or use, or j •hall allow any other person to have keep j or use on his or her premises, wiih in the j town, any table, or means, constructed or used for the purposa of gaming, or on, or hyftrliich, any uame is played, by which money is lost or won, on his or her prem ises, or etsf-wlipre in the Town, under the penalty of paying a fine of not exceeding Oue Hundred Dollars (breach ofVenee. SEC. V. Disorderly driving Carriages he. through streets , ulhys. or on sidi talks. win person shall drive a vehicle of any dglcription, or ride or run u horse, mule orculher animal, in a disorderly manner, through tht streets, nor drive any drove offmnles or horses, through the streets. *feept in en eriny or lea\ ing the Town ; * nor (hall drive or place any luuse, mule, or other animal, or any kind of carriage, on any sidewalk or crossway, or in nnv •treels which in'er*ecu anv side or other Walk, in such a manner as to prevent the free’, passage ol persons ; nor shall any perwm hitch or tie any horse or mule, r OX, to anv shad** tree on the sidewa'ks, or (O p ilings femes or oilier inclosiir* s of lots, public or private. Pro* ide*l, nev ertheless. that this se* lion shall not pre eetil wagons *>r other carriages from l*ad ing or unloading at lie na*elo>u.e or oth er iti'r-'S when it shall he necessary.— Carts, drays, wagons, nmih u r carriages, •baSl not use the lanes or alleys of tie Tow n, excepting for the purpose of re ceiving or depositing goods, w.res or mfrc'iaudixe, under the penally of not ex ceeding Two Dollars, or except they have express permission of the owners of said !nes or alleys. SEC. V/ ■jSk’ trash, Uc. on Streets. Ji.J person shall, without permission *>m h Cnmnissionn\ w.ter> ilie deposit is to be rna<le, ilepnsit any quantity ol imteti-iU or earth, in anv street Apubiir alle ; such member shall give permission nnlv when any peron applv ifijx it iutemh earlv to remove said ar\ ,t#les. and ronuot convenicntlv place them *Ue here; and in suclt ease the member shall prescribe the r oleos piilint; and ar ranginji the same, and if lie deem it nee s|ary, shill require tite person to wit tot tlwr privilege j, given, to keep a lamp burning so as to shew their situation at all hours between da>k and niidnit'ln when tin* *.vtWni i> not sltinin.:, anil in tail* are to keep such lamp, the permission •hall he considered revorked. > AsVinlation of this rule shall he subject In a penalty of not exceeding Dollars. SEC VII. M Obstruction of sidewalks or Streets. *S’ P** rson shall place itt any street, or rtn anv sidewalk, any hox or boxes, einp ly ca.-ks or other ohstritctions of any kind, ■ to as to prevent the line passage nf per p r-jrwjrr 39 ”^?* y ol ' l . Mlljf” y species of wueel carriage mgvr titan twelve hours. ao ttions in streets. fto pt shall deposit in any street, ;|B or any p alley, any shavings, brick bats, or • refuse of other building me tetials, s lermit them there l< remain for a lon teriod than twelve hours. Weight Jk, not to be throufu Jrorn win I dies. &£•-. No pe^ shall tlwnw, nr cause to he thrown Hetty upper window or door of any other budding. any bag ging, r|hale, or any oilier arm le. which s|li any manner endanger nr annoy ptgers on anv streets. I SEC VIII. pumps und springs. Nopetliall put in any public pump, well or | , pieces of brick or oilier Sllhs|anr|diiig to prevent ihofree and wholesale thereof. N > pers m shall palce, ntf, ~, j,t- pla< ed near a pub lic pump or spring, anv barrel or Vessel oner’s ware, nor wash or fines „ anv rl or mli.-r artiiles, w'nilim twiuM\ set of such pump, well or u|uu r, or duany inj <rv thereto, under a penalty ut nut exceeding I’iveiity Dollars. SEC. /X. Prime*. It *h*ll not be bffvful for any person to build, have nr keep, any privy, nnr to dig, It *ve, keep or sink, any well lur a privy neater than four leel of any street or public all-y. or widiin two feet of the boundary line of his or tn-r lot ; and such privies as are now staivli'ig shall he re moved, to ronform to this rule within twenty day* alier the publication of the Mine, under a penalty of not exceeding One Hundred Dollar*. If not removed as aforesaid, the Marshal shall cause or procure it to be done, at as reasonable cost as possible. ‘I lie expense of which •removal mid Five D diar> for the Mar sh >l, shall, be paid by the ow ner or occu pier ol the pieinise*, which it lie refuses, execution s.mtl issue iherelor against him. SEC. X. Slaughter House. RNn person shall butcher or keep a slfHkLter pen or house, in this Town, < x replßbleave of i‘n or iinue f me Cum-- in waiting, subject at all limes to be disyotltiiiued upon it? becoming or a nuisance, kLu required, urnn-r Mutually ol’ nut exceed ing fifty dollars.^ Building fires in opin air or streets. Nu pei sun shall ki. die or liliuhl any fire in the open air, either in a street, pidjgji lie, or priva'e lot, within hundred-! feet of any buildings, lor kill drying hro-.j her, or any other purpose, under a pen alty of tint exceeiting Ten Dollars, (un less than One Dollar; provided that noth ing herein coniained shall he construed to interfere with blacksmiths in the exercise of their trade, if they do not make then fires within fin feet o’ anv house. SEC. LXXVII. Notice and dtinand tis taxes—defaulters. ll shall he duty of die uiaislial, as rollecloi of faxes, looive nonce ill tine or moreofilie G.ileiles of this town, and to at least once a> die house or residence * I"eai li person taxed,tn ■leinaii. file tax-s; mil unless said taxes he paid within two months from die dale of such uolire,j| shall be his dmv to m:k a lemrii of sui'li tlefanliers to the Hoaril anil thercupnr. executions shall issue ugHi'ist d.e (i-.nds or nel sons of sill'll del',olheis, for die am his, her, ill ilieir taxes, ivifii ‘ i ‘ li*'.**: len per rent. tin* moll, null cos. I.u i -mug. file I\<ars>iiil shall, at all times, have die mi* iledge of obtaining i xe. minis against tnv i'lilivjiJiml or individuals, upon making oadi Oelore anv ineiiih* r of llie Hoard, dial to* has good reason to believe that such person or orrsoos tire about to leave the t**wn, and that (here is danger of losing die whole or some part ol the taxes due by such person or poi sons; and under siirli < irrnnistai.ces the Mar shal must apnlv tor execution. (To be Continued.) OT?** Gen. Foote is the Union candi date for Governor in Mississippi. Gen. Quitman will probable be his oppon -ni. on the side of the Smith* rn Mights men. Congressional Conventions. 07*’ bin* Union C<>ug>essin in! Cos tvens lion fur the iiisi Distri’ i, wid n\*et m Holina>ville, Appling coiiipy. on the 18 b of J ne. The Union Congressional C<m ventiou fir theS coud District, will nice: pi Americiis, Sumter cnuoiy, on the 29th >d July. OCT** The Union Culture'siuntil Cm veotmu for ‘lie Third Disiriet, will ni -et hi th l n > of \l icon, on tlx* 4 It July. (7** Tin* Union ConureS'ioiial Con vuiitioo (or ilit* Fifth Di-irici, will meet in Cassvillc, Ca> c ititi'y, on the 25ui of J Hue. 07- Toe Union C *ugres>ion >1 Con vemioo lor ill*’ Sixth Distrii i, will out ; in J.-lKison, Jok-on county, on the Ist of July. The Kailroad Convention For the upoiillation of persons abroai’ it in iv be well to -late that the work of connecting of the sever i| Railroads, through this city is now rapidly progess ittg. The grading, bridging, superstate’ ture, See., are ul! mid r contract, and w ill he completed in time for tire urowine Crop, A portion of tin* ur oiite (or tin piers of the bridge has already be j n de livered, and there is now a lull force ol wmkmen in the quarries. Every tiling seems to he progressing finely, and we hone that by die lime design tied for hold ing the State Fair the work may he com pleted.—Journal and Messenger. Another Crash on Ilie state Kund. On the evening ol the 12-Ii ins!., while about three miles beyond Ringgold, all engine on die Road ran over a cow, throwing die baggage and two passen ger ears oil Ilie trai k. One p'i"enuer ear was ill'Ottil ten leel liooi Ilie toad, down -Ol eiilhai.kuient lour li-et high, and was crush and to pieces. Tile baggage car was also lorn to frag ueuts and si* it, leied along the road for gltv v arils. Ttie E'lil'ir of the Ciissmlli .J.u V I who w.i> oil the cars at di • lime, s-vr s di *i tin* a< client was oi't* •siooeii euli .it b die careleslie's I the E*igio er—that they were, at the time of me mo idiin, upon a part ol tile road where the row could have been seen adtstanee of at least a itfib-. Fortunately tin lives were Ins', hut tnaiiv of the passengers were s-rhiuslv injured. Capt. Z. T. Cannier, late Post Master in this Ci >, it is s.i is a defaulter to the Government in (lie snip ol $5,000 to $6 000. He is also said to he a D finl ler to a large amount, to various Planters, whose Fueiur he was. He left the city some eight or ten days since, when die de falcations became known, ami list not been herd from sine*. / Someone offers a thousand dollars a year for a man who will intend to his own business and let other people’s alone. early rising. Evrry yung man who de>irps to be in t* IliyeiP, good, happy, should learn to iise e->rly in the moi >ihig. He should do • bis lor various and strong reasons; a- 1 •mum which are tin* follow mg ; j 1. It i- li* altlty to ri-e ear'y.—lris’ scarcely pns-ihlc to ibi * I nrlu-aiiliv peison, i *ei'\ uid. w|e> ha, i.i'lb til habitually ill) early riser. Sickly no*, infirm old peo ple I know there may oe, who litve been in i lie If an rs ii lute rising through life, bm not many Iteabliv ones, file billowing are me names and ages of several men, most u( whom were eminently and re niurknhly Itealthy, who were distinguish’ er l lor eat Iv rising. Some o*’ them rose as early os 4 ■ *c*i rk in wii tor an*t sum uior ; and one nr two of them as early a 3 in summer. D>\ Fr inklin, 74; John W.\Jy, 83: Baffin, the naturalist. 81: Siaoisla■, dying n* Poland, SO ; Li’d 0 ik*., 85 ; the painier, 81 ; President Chaim Hv'r H *rv aid College, 81 ; Washing Bale, 68 ; l)r. Pn-isi- Iv, 71 ;/Dr. S iiuot-i Rant, 70; B sh *j. J tin s iviasou, ICO. Lew is (.’irnarocibloo. 2. It is deSrhp ii| lo rise early. Can any one enterl®i a dnuln cm this point ? None wltoliuve iyied it can, I Mill sun.— All tlte early risers^ha ye . \*>r se. p, fi,, ( . * arlv risi* g agreeable. . Due Author, in Heating on this subject,JLsjJje following remarkable yvords : ; * ‘I here is no time equal in,! Ire*lim*ss to the morning when N store lia just pait and with tlie gloomy nisniile which oiglll bad U ng over Iter. The ( ‘eaves sparkle w itii cry-ta! deiv ; the (Lov ers raise their r juicing beads t .wards tin ■ i; die buds poor I".fill their ail b in I l gladness ; and tbe wile face of . rea .ioii ilseil s*em as if aw aken* and and re (resiled |i 11,0 a liiylily sl.illlber. 3. It is good lor tbe m mtal thinking onwiis in ri-e early. Solomon -ay ,, — •Let in gi t op early to me vineyard, lei us >ee if the vine (Initish; it the lemjer ti rij -e appear; if toe pomegranates bud forth.’ The wise mail takes it for grant ed heie that the mind is ai five at Hie hour in ob>ei vatiou, as it truly is. Tliere is not a little reason tobeheye tlial Solomon dei nied t* is sacred season, as some have called it, t>> toe study ol the ‘hyssop,’ the ‘cedar,’ amt other plants trees; -and dial it was ills rnninin r studies that enabled him to become a teacher of all the kings •and die then known woifil. 4. It is good for tli** feelings and after-, lions to i is-* earlv S-*e liu* peasants ol . will,!, (or example, going Ibid, ,o dteic laluos—at the dawn of dnv singing ny unis about tm- ripp'ung stream, tin low ering cliff, the la! 1 , forest, and, and ere to ig to toe i ismg 00, in strains scare. iv exceed iig'by tlie most joy ous ofbile leath ered tribes, ,frill then again, ce diem play ing tvthtlieir babes hi ad the tends rues td paternal inve. |i lee are lieorlv, jov ■•us. tender and affection ue people to he found in die world, it i aiming these verv peasants of the e tit, 5. It is ecu.nomeal to rise early.— F1 auk I’ll Useii to ‘in , ‘ Karl;,- Ta h -1. and early to rise, ■Wakes unu;. UrwhUj and wealthy and wire. Ex-rcise of di*’ hiiijv, whedier in crea tion or at labor, i wor li a great deal more 10 the m-n iiiug than at any time of the day. A.t early walk is mm li more ngr-e ----| able, as well as more useful than a lader one. Tiie labor of die homer and tne cbiini’ is also more agreeable mi the un.-rn, iiis: than at any oilier tune, to say noth iug ul iis naliilnrsj.. ‘l'lit- b ssmi of the school *r the fnnily is easier studied, !>• t ’er iiiid-'i'tood, and more rea.hlv retain ed, lloto at any oilier time. Devotion ion, is more spiritual at lids hour than ,u anv t|uur of the day. G. it is rational to ri-e early.—To lav snoring in hie mo; tiing .liter the ‘im is up, or even alier earlv dawn, only renders us like brutes of die ino-t stupid soil — <he wuodcliuck, the hear, die marmot and die swim*. The FcoirivE Law—J..dpe Ntls.m,nn die opening o'’ me Untied Slates Circuit Court io New V m kuii Monday, made a truly coii'litii'ii.nil cliaige io tin* j r\: ‘ln regard i , ih,- I'.igidu* ,iv • law. lie.xai.i ibid no law Vj-r c mltJ euu-ria : u a iliiuhl ut ils (•o?.‘iliiotialiiy, and limit is tiiielinu on the North as w. || as on the Smith, lie explained life whole dieoiy of ”111 euverun.ent, and ili il no One ul ilie Union t ail obey die pat t of the Ki-ibral ( oil.pact wiiitli it i.s its iio r—st io resp> cl, and n jer| the other pari. 11 niost lit* obeyed and icspecied as a whole, or not at all.” A corresiioruleiii of do* Loodnii Adienanuu wriiing fioin Eevpi, *tales that die dr*stmc tioti of the ancient Te nplex and Purainids is tapidlv going *ili, lUsa's: * The Northern I'vraini.t is now in pro gr S’ of b**i’ig converted into a shine quarry, in order in build some new nnlarr or villa in die m i *ltl>*>* hood ; die tombs of Ahvd is are r iiisackcrl fur building niaterials. the T* iv’ple of liriiu ni is going fioiu die Inst six ve.irs, been knocked down, an I die mater als re moved from near Sheikh Fail!, eoiirl--y will) >ui die knowledge of Ira v. I ms, to vvlioin, indeed, Miev no livnger exist. I went in Skie mini to look it tin* great Idork of stone copied liv Wilkinson, and snppnsil to lie restoid to Lnironi’e. I ftiund that die first line Was eritirley gone. Tory ate biaking up the block to luuku lime.* A Qfffr Warning.— We notire, the mher day, an eld ai.d set niiri{l> murli user! 1 li* dollar t ill. mi f*nt* <>f da* ( liailesion (S. ; C.) hunks. i pon die hark of which was writ- I leu to a lire, tun qaiie fi g Me hand, the fol singular In e history and wail ing: j * 1 In- lasi r*mim*H of twenty-yne ihmisaml j dollars h-n me liv a nuiiat a limit, five years I ago, whi h aiuiiit tw o..thiols have lu en lost at ! the Cglii lalde, ai .j spr-r >on woiio nos. easy j virtue. Wan g met: lake v aini,.g finin m ! 1 I >o onvr*-d:Ci'(l ‘u Piis, an,l wiili looks! that show s tiie ill elf. cts of a I id spem lit',-, fur i a man aho is iniw only 23 years old, bat Ilk** I many others who have bad lh**ii own wav too I early. When diis is oone (oJ koo.vs where’ next is to c.oiiih from.’ O liii'lestou, Dec* 1840. R.H.S. ! COUM U.Th y MilbiU, i I M,vv 20 It, 1851. i KIGId.AU SlKF.riNa. Present—Tht I’n rid. i. Commissioners, Cumiiii.ig, Aarnold, Ivor- i son and Collins, file muon sos the last regular meeting | were lead and roidiii:i<*d. The it'i-ooot ol’ liunrv M. Bailey againsi | die Coniii:il liinrieen du’l.irs and loar i**ois. 1 and also die iti'i uuiil es Join) lingers against i dm co ncil for tiie Hum ,ut of lour dollars and p*o cools, were presented and ordeiod tn be I paid. Til** weekly reports of dm Cl**rk, Treas urer and Marshall were made and received, i On iiiot'oi) ol Ooni’i, Arnold, Itesolvid, That tin* If,am, *-s a commit tee ot (tie whole, take into consi leiafion the : Snl jec* ot pitlrisluiig llie li-gulaf piori i-.lings I ot llie II end .ok! dial tin . coni rail with mn | ol die presses In I III* ToWII, fill ill. .C pllilil- I frUl*•*!. and report at die next o.e--li:ig. t\£S"la t, I' tile M.lisliall be required tn give noiice in one of die ‘•'ewspnpers ol die town, llh.l ad |l••rs.)lls liahle to pay tayo •it I lit- of Ogl llnii'pe who Inve given in their lots, wili lie r qi'ieil to s* ide m* o- lirfnre th*'expiia'ioii ol two u.o.itiis IV..u. •he dale of said, until.*-, and also *o giv niiiiem the Jniirird it iMesseng. ■ and n the pv tiers of til • Town, ill,’ all real and pe simal estale in ihe I'owii of Oglellioriii’ who have mil relorm-d Sill'll liropeiiv lie ie- | q died in do so within llie sam** time, and up ! on tailure todo so dr- I nv ivdl bcstiittlv and ‘ itidisrrimiuali Iv eefoiced. Ills II i mu, Her!lord J. (load, finding his I professional eogagenieiiis would not allow •op iv pioper a'leinion In Ills sialio'i as Cmn • iiiissi'iuer, tendered Ids rosignati in, whirli i was accepted, (iiiiti’r. A. 0. Collins, fur , similar reasonslendeied his resignation wliicn , was also arcepled. I On moduli, it was oifiored that llie Clerk I give notice of an elecfij.pi lo (ill the vac ni cies occ-asioni..(J txy the resigiialio i of Com’rs Head and Collins. P, G. ARINGTON, Cl’k. OglHliftfpd Prices Current. C'lßKifcrtlV WtfilKl. V. BACON, .Dios, pei in. . t;i cis, JsliO'S, “ . , ]• b’hi.tilderj, “ . J 1 alii fl’J I’ I'KK, Goshen “ . 25 a St) Uoootiy “ . 12 . 15 COFFEE, “ . 14 a IG CANDLES. Sperm “ . 50 -• 60 AtlHiiianiine, “ . 4n H SJ Taliow, “ . 25 a 30 FLOU.iI, per bbl. $S Oils 8 5h MAC.KEHEL, No. 15 UOa 16 5 “ “ 2. “ 14 “ 3. *• 12 50 COHN, per bushel, 1 00 a 1 25 Mi; \ L 1 25 LAIS per 111. . . 12 al4 LE and), “ . , it) al2 Vi UL ASsES, per gallon 45 YIS UP, N. O. “ 50 a 55 Clatifiea 90 s ] ()() SUG AW, “ . Id a 12 SALT, tier bushel, . 1 to,i |25 Hi* r .. lb. . . 5 a 5£ Ol I® Linse*-d, o*r gdlon 1 25 a I 50 Tl KIM'NTINE “ 1 00a 1 v 5 r.ALLofv. if,. . io a 12 SF.rV'M \X per bl. . 20 a 25 N \ U.s, per ib. . . 6 a 7 FttOSFECTUS. OF THE SoulJi-Wcst Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is issii and every Thursdav looriin.g in the new Town ot OGf.t I HOIiFE, at the Inw pii.-e of Two a year, to be pui.a in advance. OUll TOLITU'S. We are now and net have hern for die Uni.>n.— I'he **G..*-rgiao” will, therefore, iitlvni ao tiip met.siues of the great tonser vu'ive Ui ion Party, il will pursue a lair and candid course ,Jinv irds die Opposition—tie slowing fee sine on whatever is seustirwlde, olid ever halt'iog fur liodi, lig.-lidless of tile siu.rr,. iroiii wili-nee ii . iiolnati s. Us col unns will lie filh-i, 1 wid, t fioit e seler- I•..its ot M sceHaifiuis. Polilii ai, Deni-slii and Coieun rrial N't ws, It kid a number of the um-i popnhir J.Mini,.ls of die day; mgedn-i widi Sialism sand general infillinailun o. die eoginssillg stlllp CIS nl Intckwi. !m pk- Tt.Mr.vr ‘led Suut/iirn AJaeufaitures. ‘l ue Edit rial Departim-iil w ill 10-occu pied by tail. A. C. Se’iTT, who is well known a* ail aideoi tiiend to the Union. ADVERTISING. Advcrtiseineiiis will be inserted on die following leans: O.ieD.oll ti per square of twelve line* ot less fur die fiist insertion, and Fifty Cents fur i at ll illseriino tlierenfter. A lihernl deiiticduii will be mails on vearlv advcrlisenieiits, nr ilinst* insetted for three tn six tieunits. Also contracts will be modi with Comiiy Officer*, to advertise or them on li e must liberal terms. All letteix on business, rnos* hr addressed In U. U Yoiingl.lnod, Ptlblither, at.ft pest paid. YOUNGBLOOD A. \LLEN. Ogleikotpo, Go. May 7th 1851. EVERY BODY RU i\ Ii Eit EM % S the Juhsrribi r will leave in a few days r\ he intends nffbiing some Imtlier m ducemerit In druse wlm liave mil proems and their likeness. ‘I hose iln ri tore wishing H lakeii can have il ixe.tiled in gland stile ai die exceeding low price of two dollars, in Moirocco rases. W. C. PATILLO. May 22, ’B5l. <> if. DAGUEREOTVPES!! Philip r. kemis tikes tins method ol i.ifomii ij ihi- ci'i/omi ol Ogl ilinlpi and its vicinity tint lie is uw prepared to lak'* likenesses iii a nral runt superior mate tun, ill Itii asltfins. Lie kids, Mm l oco. Silk and vi i -fi can s, It.laV mil, du 11, |o s* - j cure one „r more of the no tiiciitocs of life, I which, under the living rircin.isuiices of a| fiaal seper itino, no pi ice call purchase. Ro iiiis at the Drug Sune on Biker Sireet. May 22, is,sl. ‘ C-ts. 0 EOR ( J lA—iJacciTCoucty Court of Ordinary t May t'rrm 1851. Present, ilii-ii IJoinos, Iclialind Davis, lo- S“pli Moll George Williams, O. C. Home tlinl Nadtan Bryan, Justices. TIT appealing tn the Court that A local li Dostei, Ailin’r on the Estale id \V ilsO” Do.stei, dec’d, has I nil v settled iiji said Esiao as appears liy iin vom hers fif'd in i ffice, mnt (irays lo lie dismissed irmn sai I Admuusli'a ■ lion. Ii is dieri tore oidi-rid liv the Cmni that the (Tleik of lies Court cause a Notice ‘o In; imlilistied, railing <quin all persoi s run i i-rni-d, to be ami apj ear m the Novell.ln i i’ei iu of said Court and show cause if anv liev have why (cm is of Dismission should not lie granted. A true rxirait fimn tin* tniaotes. W. W. COR BE I’T. Cl’k. May 22 1851. 6 in6ni. (JEGRGIA —-Maeon C(unity. .-■t HERE AS Zirhaiih Gamili'ige ap * ▼ plies in me for tellers ol (xmmiian .shi|i fm llie orphans of loslma I’a* tor drc’ti: Tln-se aie to i it’ , summons and dm.ndli al: persons cmiei rn il. tli.d .hey • and anpear al iuv office wi Inn the time ore j scribed by law, to file dn-ir ohjeriionx, if any I they have, otherwise < fid h uors w i'l br granted. \V. VV. COKBET I’, c c. . May, 22. 1851. G_liiio^ IXolicu. rl!l ER E will he an Election held at lilt ; fi. Ollice of Dr. I verson, on Fi id", th* vttjjfp loslaui between the hours nf 10 to 12 I n'clot k, A. M ,for iwn Ciuiiuiissninets ut tin- Tuvvii ut Oglethorpe to fill die vac,am ics or casiotied h\ the ul B J. Uuadand A. \V C.dlios. Bv order of die Cnnmussioners, P G. AItINGTO.N, Cl’k. NUy 20 h 1357. 6 2 u Notice, Tax payers of the Town of Oglethorpe. *N acctirdancH with Net lion LXXVU o tile Oaliuances nf Ilia l’(. ll ut lliorpe, I have been duelled bv die Piesi tlent and Board of Commissioners in g'Ve notice that cuei v pet soil liable to Taxation, shall pay die same mi nr heftut- die 22d tin\ nl July, ami in .use of lailuie, Evectioi will be issued last irtfa. J \.MK< li. KELSON, Marshall. This k 1.1 Mv v, 1851, 6 2.n. I’. S. Aly Books ate now open and I an. ready I'm die r**cepdun ol Taxes. J. U. NELSON, Marshall. * # * Jetirn tl aod Messt tiger please rwpx anil turwaid their bill. r. I\ it its tint n tSf liro\S MOW i>l%Y GOODS AM CLOTHING STORE. On Crescent S ret t between the MngmJia am! Pavilion Houses. TTST’OULD it-spei'lli.liy iulorm the Pub- V V he. that they have just opened their I .Stork, conxi'iiog nf Calictie*. Girglunis, .Muslins, end all kind of Ladies Dtess Goods, Hosc.Gln'ex L tees. Edgings, Silk Parasols, Fa ns, tSic., together w ith a variety nf Fmcv J Arides, and a lin e itssi.rum-iil of fine Jew eliv. Also a fine lot of READY M ‘.DE CLOTHING, Shoe* end Boots. All t.f! which will be sold, fur cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6 if. Notice. I FOR WARN all ppianiit from trading fora certain promissory note made by William l. Hraiit. payable ‘o 1.1 . t'ockrf*ll, oi b- a ref* for twenty-live dollars, da ted ii* Drceniber. Ihs . and due of some iAoiitli: ns ‘aid Note was trad’ dto me. i*either lun or mis laid; and for which the maker has given an alias note. April 14.D51. 2—lt* E VV. AELEaV aTHcT SCOTT, Jltturnvy at Lnw y OGI.KTHUHPK, G.\. April 17th, 1.551. 2—3 m P. G. ARRINGTON, ATTOII \E Y AT LA W , AND Of’ARY PUBLIC, Oa'filio pc, Miiron Comtlr, Ot, April 17, oou. g—,y Drs. THOMASONITBAVISON, MJI*r.T..CI , b, iiA. f OESPECTPIiLLV inform dielv friei and and the public ii generally that they contiHU** the piattur* of Aledi it.e in the new town of Ogielhcrpe Am one of* a* had n*\eial yean. experi<nee in the | meHcf ot ■jtidiciiie, they flatter ihemselvoa they will be able . j treat the variou* disease* of tbo human syrtem ni a ■eientitic and suceei slid ipaj.rser. A nhare of puhlu* |4i roi.ajje i* respt caullv %o- ■ .i. One ot them tiUkj Ikj found at their office at all I.ours except v*.iien professional!v m^a^cd. on the comer of suwjPcr and Crescent M. I iioha ot, >l. D. I J. C. Davuon,]>l. I April 7 t y* I mm NOTICES OF MgfA no i els. Mm Oglethorpe Hotel, BY J XMEsTiELL. I A I.LEN SUTTON vv old respectf.illy ml.mii the poblit i!i:-u Im has opene f al&r c ai'*i corem'idious hip;-1 or !*ub ic K.ntertair.m-.* iiwsi of U,<lethorM\ tiuucr the managetji it a-’ ’.iHip •;< J!. whose ex ;>e-i**nr ■ *.i <*•• husi.iw will en able liii.i i) mve general Fiiii*'a> i* > u:l. -he roomi •1 llieliou-e ar v.eli lini s beil ai.d with eioei leiit hr i'. (fee. The fable will fi'nar o* upptied | the bc“ t fre the couiUry •■an In c h'**ri i : is inten* vl il it* iKihi . to make this huo 10 any m ‘outii- o>torn \ H r ick b.ii ihiu; is now l> i*iger ■ led on the preiniM** for in*- ol afFiHinf accmn nlatloDH. which will be of .'all. •he iHjbiicare invited to cal’- Oglt'ihurji:, I'h *B5l. 5 lv. luihTniull llTps E 7 Opposite Centrist Ilatl Stood, BASi •£ IHAO BY S.M. LANIER. yfty is 1351. s ‘*- BOIVCANIt STRINGS. *pf it sub -ci ibcrs loave to inf *rm t ix* i a:.u tht JL | ilai tin v lia* • Ir. As-d t!. -above w.'il ki.owa phiv'c ol* report, and i* at thv iateml keepiii< tnem duriftj th Mmsnier r*cain a Htyle Minerior u. an> wat. ti K* olaco in th** up c untrv. The ti u e will b*’ open ana ready for the reception of Aii,orb* th.* tir tofJuua* L \Mh H iV ÜBIIEK. J\ —There will be a line of //a. k^at tje Deimtat Carter* vi lie at ail times, to con\*s/ Uwm Sprint. b*>tb from *ip andtlown trams olta* wail Uoad* ALiv 15 1851. 5 3 ii U & L. “ PEMBERTON kTsUILR, I KV. now rec* ivn. and will continue to receive durlflf ** the Summer a Urge Mock of Family Grorcrie*,. c Hucoi;. i.ard. Flour, <oai and brown Susraf ‘offeo.’l*. a Rice. S-nm. Mola*sc. Vlackerel No. • ■•V'in-key. ilum *.in. ibaiidy, Win**. Porter ( ordial*, • F‘roo-i syrup. Pickle**. I'reserve** S*-a \/ Saroint?a, Suutt’ >ii;ars Tobacco, Soap Sip.rch, Spe-m. Adamaa ine and s*, Rr Ca.idl-s. toi*e<h**r wit a a general neip of (Tm c.Ctiouenrs Ac. Purr and S.itn* 1/ ad. I amt# . iis, putty Vanish l-amblack. t'da varictv of other P&intn .Nail ; and inmnv otb*-r to** numerou* t .neiition. all of which w ill b<* very low for cak. all and n-c for ymuvelf before purchr*in? el^ewhere. 1 heir ‘ s tore is on CrcFfcnt street, one d<*or weet of tUa Pa iiion Hou*e T'hey will give the maria mice for (’ouiitry Produce, delivered attheir iVtor* llv 1. l*M ‘ “notice. J •pi!F. tuVcrihir twins Jesirnus of rmhirkin, lr. ofl*f 1 b isiiicst. ottei, for i-ale. Ih-n ire (l.aifl im*rw>ljr Ii- Cnhinei vnd FumhlijT bu *ir.e,. om si- ti r of * foil .cit of io'i'w, in” mschiiwi'x. stock mi t.ind, lOvue and iol, arid — OI.O it 1 ‘S’ ted on .Macon.M■■•cm toctfiand xaiaine I*. turn,.oil'll. WILLIAM. Il WRIOHT. .Way7*h IW. A-rs- Macon Sheriff Sales. rLL b-old on the First Tw sJav in /u*-wMt.betfhf# the i.'ourt House iu Ia mer, vaiiluh lha houm ot *ale, the following proiwrty to wit. ‘l'wotiwn’ tM.i ivanier. ia e*il county, numbew on# (l)fc!iii under letter N . a the property of Tiim** s ui ,>;i h aft itt fr >iu Macon < ourt. John B. Arnold ’>aid liud.'ouand Josm A. Hood*, lire ►aid iota are nftiv occupied by eaui a nsMbdance aa4 ait* well iu>j ro\e.l. Aieo fifty acre* of land, par* of lot No *59 in the libtrict o: once now JVfac'n ecu ijr, iviugia Die Souih-wett coriit*i of >aui tot, to be ►olo as Wiluaiti *Voa.*t,> propenv. b; a ft fa from J/aroi. St’ f *rior • ourt, Itcbecca AiitcUall va. faiU v\ hat ley and Heury raunton. *1 IMaUN ah£ May Is 1851. JAMES K. SELLERS, XilillvX'l-v. tk. Olat.hTlIol: l*fc* i A f rjJL WOflil) rfßpectfuliy iu'orm thV public ttiat ba ■pYha* pf.rmaueiuly lo*ated in Oglethorpe, for tha tfiftrjai;,ijrr>ose of Kcpuiriitß Clock*. WaLcliißß. Jewelry <fec. Ut will visit ttlltne principle town* a. and vilia 6 ef m ■‘ouih-H pj-tcin tieurKU, iiuri : . the dimmer nvuitif* for he pii pG. ccf cicctni .fi any ia hir line of hurineea that may prewut iisulf. All rtpairing xiwua ir* a work* eaui.rt .'aa;uu*r. and warramstl* Apnl -lib, HSI 5-ts. For Sale. IOT No. 5, in *o,uarf No. 9. in the town of Ogh tliorpe, framing on Xaciiii Street next lot to Mown. l>oner * St<ir<*. For particular* apply at thi* oflee, orad drciuitheFuh'Cribenn at Krozvi! : e.t.a. WAI.TO.A Si VIM>6. .Vy7th !Ssl. 4-atm. T. 1111 l) s oY y ATTORNEY AT LAW. fix, VITIM, prsr'ict- an.! tranwc*.‘aithfuilj- all bn-,u.eM*. trusted ‘o his charjre in the routities of Mnron, Mirtofi, JSutntHer, Dooly ami iioostort. JMav 7fn ISSL 4-6 m foxTcET ‘ Mr.SKRS. NKl,st>N A ('• MMlNr.wotiM inf rm th, public that persons hiiin? ■ rrotnlhcir Siah!p, niitu eipi-clto pay on the d.-livcry of them, and person* b.-tli,ig hotw* wi*l-, them ir.ii'tpavmontlil'-. ■ h.-ir nc cfl*'ilit*s rrqu r.- i t.i. con;-..-. All persons imif-bt.'! -Jo them by note or sc -oant will phase *t-ule imtuediatrly. April *tlh. I sol. J-ts. ,M'.\V STOUK. Cars#a, (iiipr & I'o. eAVtI ji*i i r* iwii from New Yoik anl opt nei mi iNmv Sioim, oppo*ilt Piin # V Wan* 11 him*, fi.i k* i Suiot # u lai^o ami (j*>iiMhir Mink lit Spring ami Summer Goods, CiiPMs'ine >l every variety of Staple unit Fancy l"iy Good*, 800 s,nit ‘iioi-k. ll,ns orni Bonn, Ik, llnrd wiiio. Cuili ia Mm! Crockery. Dings &, MmL ii in *, l(,-ii y made Clotlm Smlen, Sta* liomr*, Jemlrv &•., it,. All ofhi.ti have boon emetolly minted, and will be mild n vety feaaonibte inoi*. The Ci.izene of Marnn mill Htljiii-viu Comiiii * are napei IlnU u invited to rail and examine our Ktoik be.., loir tonkin* ilieir (inn Im. ct. s We would hDo rail t|tr Httentiou of/fa in llio viridity of L WIEH, to oop/vq'>Hl ilirfl (dare, vvliere wo h„se ayfimiKt ho)’ • o any in Oglethorpe, and wg&id term* by ilitifle desired rati bn biuT culling at the Bi lik SyniHlv. C \RSOX, / J. M. tiKHF.W, x’ J T. CAUaON. John Freeman, >XD reopectfnlly inform the pwbjie that tie to am*- P'TUuir anil that he can eiiru e Jobs of ah, door*. Wir.J- and inside flubbin* ui ai*” beraj“J” chain pump* at the *hon<* i riior - ■ ■- ** I Boone * iloirt -■ ‘ ’