The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, September 19, 1851, Image 4

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f-M ... 1 rl m\ *IMIE great remedy fur ltfi'!ifmnti*m. Gout, Pain in the A Side. Hip, Hatfe, Limb* and Joints; Seorftilo. King'* , Evil, White Swelling*, Hard Tumors. Stiff Joints, nml ! all fixed pama whatever. Where thin Pia>ter la applied j l*nin cannot exist. These Plasters powtes* the advantages of being put up In airtight boxe>;hcwu they retain their nil! virtues i in all climated. This celebrated Pain Kttmctnr lias b*en so r\fcn- I •ively ued by Physiriana and the pcqpje in grneml, j both in this coitntry and it in almost uo*d- j less to nay any tiling ulrnitt it. Vet tlwra imy •mac j who *ianq in need of it* healing powets tvlio have not yet tried it. Fur th-ir *k<w we will •iniply state wlmi it i {lax done in thousand* of ut*e*. and what it will do for (heat when tried. t\ VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. OsarhmKN—Your Hebrew Plotter ha* cured me of Siin of which I have nuflTered for twelve years pa.t.— tiring this period I labored under an atilie.tioii of fny loins and side, and’ tried many remedies that my own tnedic&i experience suggested, hut without obtaining re lief At 1 used your I’tasicr, and am now hy It* good eUccts entirely cured. I will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Piaster to all who are sulK-ring front contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the pule or back. The propleof Georgia have hut to become acquainted with it* virtues when limy will resort to it* use. Yount, truly, Jf. W. WALK UK, M. D. Pursy til, Mottrue County, Ga. To Messrs. Scovil h Mead, Nt*w Onions, La. JEW DAVID‘S OR HEBREW PLAS- T.ER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Me**r. Scovill & Mead: I have been troubled with the chronic rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the Ist of July, lHt'.t, I was so had that I could not turn myself in lied, and the pain so severe that I had not le|tl a wink for six days. At this time my abending physc ian prescribed the “Hebrew Plaster,” and it acted like a charm; the pain left tne. anil I slept more than half of the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the ‘‘Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy for all sort* of pains now in use. G. W. M'HINN. Hendersonville, N. C. Aug. 16, 1850. Beware of Counterfeit* and bare imitation* ! The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Tavi.oh on the steel plate engraved label on the topof earh box. Purchaser* are advised that a mean counterfeit of this articlejis ineiivtfenre. The genuine is sold only hy its, and hy our agents ap pointed throughout the South —and no fietllar is allowed lotdlit. Dealers and purehiisers geureally are caution ed against buying of any but our regular agents, otlier --.♦vise they will be imputed upon with a worthless article. scovil & mead, tin Chartres street, N. Orlenns, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must invaria bly lie addressed. Sold by Head St Oliver. Oglethorpe, Ga.; .1. E. St A. H. Thompson, Pond Town; 11. M- Jeter, ltiina Vista; D, Young, Ainericus; Dill.fc Marshall. Kurt Gaines; W. J. Anderson, Fort Valley; Cooper St Howard, Sold at wholesale by Haviland, Keese Si York; Haviland, Kisley St Ct* Augusta t;a.; Haviland liar nil I St Cos. and P. M. Cohen,(.'harlesum, S.C. April, 1851. .^sm|>yp’ DONE Y &. CO. WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have just opened at their STORE, ON MACON STREET, a New and wellne •lcted Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Consisting of Print*, Gingham*, Muslim, Lawn*, Braze 4c. sc. Also, a variety of Strnnnd Fancy Silk Bonnets! In addition to their general assortment ntay he found Hardware, Hallow-ware, Boot* and Shoo, Hat* aud Cajts, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Saddlery, and a good assortment of JFatnlly Groceries. IfrAi we shall make no allowance for long credit and bail debt*, we are confident that we can and will make it to llte advantage of those wishing to Imy to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. T. A. SWEARINGEN, I A. G. V. HONEY. April Bth, IBM. I—Cm PHILIP COOK, OGLETHORPE, GA., Praetices in the Counties of Houston, Mron, Dooly Sumter, Marion, Taltiol, and Crawford. April 8, IBM. 1-Jy, JAMES K. SELLERS, WATCH MAKER. A JEWDLSK, OGLETHORPE, GA., CX WOULD respectfully inform tlte public that he Jr* b&w permanently located in Oglethorpe, for the of Repairing (’lock*, Watches, Jewelry dkc. Ilf will visit all the principle town* and village in fifort,Ma. diirinff thf nnnmifr months for the ptirpotieof executing any work in his line of buninc** that may preseut itself. All repairing done in a work manlike manner, and warranted. April 21 ih, 1851 3-ts. GEORGIA, MACON COUNTY. WHEREAS, W. J. H. Carluton applies to tne for letters of Administration on the estate of Dr. 1. M. H. Carleton dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lo be and appeal at my Office within the lime prescribed by Law, to short cause if any they have or can why said let ter should not be granted. W. VV. CORBITT. C. C, O. July 9ih, 1851. ]3 i, B KAEDY MADE CLOTHING at Cost for Cash, by DONEY Sc Cos. July Ist 1851. 12-if. West Oglethorpe 1 SITUATED on ihe rise of Land West of ihe present locality of the City of Oglethorpe, Immediately after crossing the Branch.— Ground high and rolling, water good. Town Lotssuitable for business or residence. The Lots are immediately on the main road lead ing to Pondtown and Ainericus from which direction the principle trade for this point will come. Those desirous of health or plea., sar.t locations, will do well to call and exam ine for themselves. Lots have already been •old to the amount of several thousand dol lar*. Apply to the subscribers on the prem ises J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, July 9, 1851. 13 ts For Sale. LOT No. 9 on Square 3 on the Corner of Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap riy to PHILIP COOK, ’•‘--rps, July 3, 185!. 12-ts. PROSPECTUS of Tins South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is ‘iaoecj every “f'liday morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, at the low mice of Two Doll.iii a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We arc now and ever have been for the ’ Union. Tin; “OeuFgian” will, therefore, j advocate the measures of the great conser ! vative Ut ion Party, it will pursue a fait and ! candid course towards the Opposition—be llowing censure oil whatever is seosoritble, land ever hauling for tinih, tegatdies* of the j source front whence it emanates. Its columns will he filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of tint day; together with Statistics and general information on [ the uncrossing subjects of Internal Im provement And Southern Manufactures, ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted on the ollowing terms; One Dollui per square of twelve lines of less for the fust insertion, and Fifty Cents for each insertion thereafter. A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, or those inserted for three or six months. Also contracts will be made with County Officers, to advertise for them on the most liberal terms. AH letters on husiness, must be addressed to C. B. Youngblood, Publisher, and post paid. YOUNGBLOOD & HOGUE. Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7llt 1851. Drs. fnOMASOiT&r DAVISON, softyma© jpsi'S'ss©aA®rs OGLETHORPE, GA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public generally that they continue the practice of Medi cine inoj.e nejv town of Oglethorpe. Ah one of them has hiVo several years experience in the practice of .Medicine, they Halter themselves that they will be able to trcat'ilie various disease* of the human system in a scientific and successful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respectfully solicited. Cine of them may tie found at their office at alt hours., except when professionally engaged. Office on the corner of Sumpter and Crescent Sts. A. M. Thomason, M. D. I J. C. Davison, M. 1). April 7,1851. j—ts T H UDS ON, jMfrh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, hi Lanier Ga. TITIM, practice and transact faithfully all businqpMMl trUfituL to tds of Macon, Marion, Stewart, Dooly and Houston. May 7ili 1851 4-6 m GEORGIA—Macon County. WHEREAS A. A. Irwin applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of 11. We Ellis deceased: These are therefore to cite, summons and admonish nil persons concerned, that they be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted. W. W. CORBITT, c. c. o. August 6. 1851. 17-lm. H. N. GRAY Attorney anil Counsellor at Law, Blakely, Early C0.,G0. March 25, 1851. J—ly NEW STORE. Carson, Grier & Cos. HAVE just received from New York and opened at their New Store, opposite Price’s W are House, Baker Street, a large aud desirable slock of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting of everv variety of Staple stml Fancy “l*ry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, Htrd wat e, Cutlery and Crockery, Druggs A Med icines, Ready made Clothing, Sadlery, Sia tionery, Jewelry dec., dtc. All of which have been fatefully selected, and will be sold on very reasoneble terms. The Citizens of Macon mid adjacent Counties are respectful ly invited to c.till and examine our stock be fore making their purchases. We would also call the attention of those in llte vicinity of LANIER, to our Store in that place, where we have a Slock equal lo any in Oglethorpe, mid where almost nj article desired can he had on good terms by culling at the Brick Store. It. CARSON, J. M. GREER, J.T. CARSON. Oglethorpe May, 15 1851. stf PEMBERTON & SUBER, ARK now receiving and will continue to receive during J*- the Slimmer a large stock of Family Groceries , consisting of bacon, Lnnl, Flour, I .oaf ami Brown Suga <'ofll-c, Tea, Itice, Syrup, Molasses. Mackerel No. 1-2-3, Whiskey, Bum, Gin, Brandy, Wine, Porter Cordial*, l emon Syrup. Pickles, Preserve* Sea Lobrters, Sardines. Snuff, Sigar* Tolianco, Soup Starch, Sperm. Adaman tine and Star Candles, together win, a general assort ment of Confectioneries Str. Pure and Extra I , ad. Paints Oils, Putty. Varnish, Lamhlat k, and a variety of other Paints, Nails; and many oilier articles too numerous to mention, all of which will fte sold very for cash. < ‘all ami Hce for yourself before purchasing elsewhere. Their Store is on Crest ent street, one door west of the ■ Pavilion Mouse. They will give the highest market . price for Country Produce, delivered allheir Store. May I, IBM. 3-6 m Cabinet and Carriage lt4>|inirmg*ho|>. Corner oj the (Ireen Square and Moan STKXr.TS, 7jFAHE Undersigned would lake this nielli il. od ol informing llte public licit tboy aro now prepared lo exeuitp nil kinds of Cbi not work ; also to repair Carriage* at the shortest notice and iu the most workman Itk.i manner. WRIGHT Al BALLARD Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. ts - . NOTICES OF Mm no i els. Hi t\l it gno Ii a H ouse, Corner of Crescent and Sumter Slreels Oglethorpe Ga. HY A. M. THOMASON. rH> HE best aecomodaiinus that the limes j Jh ami market will afford may be found .at llte above minted House, at all limes.’ i No effort will be spared to render till who] call, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-lv. PAVILION HOU SE, OGLETHORPE, GA., Immediately Opposite the South Wesle n Rail Road Depot. S, S. BOONE. June 1, 1851. r 7-ts. Oglethorpe Hotel, bTTaRiES BELL. Allen sutton would wsppcifuiiy in form ihe public ihtti lip lots opened ainrjL’eand commodious house for Public Entertainment in the new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of James Bell, whoso uxperienc * in the business will en able him to give general satisfaction to all. The rooms of the house are well finished and supplied with excel lent beds. &r. The table will always be supplied with the best fare- the country can afford. In short it is inten ded, if possibl -, to make this houe superior to any in South-Western Georgia. A large Brick building is now being eret ted on the premises for the purpose of a Hording extensive accomodations, which will be completed by fall. ‘I he public are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. R AIL-ROAD H Opposite Central Hail jtfaaci Depot BAST MACON, BY 3.M. LANIER. May 15. 1851. ’ 5-ly, ROWLAND SPRINGS. IhiE subscnbjfih beg leave to inform friends and the public tlritt they have leased the above well known place of res|j||k, and that they intend keeping them during tiu; sumuMr season in a style superior to any watering place in the up-country. The /iotise will be open ami ready for the reception of visitors by the first of June, LaMKR &. USHER. IN. B —There will be a line of /Jacksat the Depot at Oartemville at all times, to convey passengers to the Springs, both from up and down trains of the Bail Koad May 15 1851. 5.3 m U&. L. FORT GAINES HOTEL. O. H. B A VIS AJ. B. BELPII, . HAVING purchased the above named Hotel would re spectfully informtheir friends and the public gene rally that they have taken charge of it. Thane visitinc Fort Gaines will please give them a call, as no pains will be spared for the accommodation of tho6e who favor them with their patronage. Annexed to the establishment is a large I*ot and com modious Stables, sufficient for the accommodation of Drovers. _L March 25, I*sl. I—ly DAGUEREOTYPESU PHILIP T. FEARS takes this method olinformiog (he citizens of Oglethorpe and its vicinity that he is now prepared to take likenesses in u neat and superior man ner, in Breastpins. Lockets, Morroco, Silk and velvet cases. Delay not, then, to se cure one or more of the mementoes of life, which, under the trying circumstances of a final seperation, no pi ice can purchase. Rooms at the Drug Store on Baker Street. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. For Sale. LOT Mo, 3, in square No. 9, in tlte town of Oglethorpe fronting on Macon Street, next lot to Jfeesre. Doney & ro's Store. For particular* apply at this offee, or ad dress the subscribers at Knoxville,(ia. WALTON & VINING. May7th 1851. 4-3 m GEORGIA —Macon County Court of Ordinary, May t'erm 1851. Preseut their Honors, Ichahod Davis, Jo seph Moll, Georg® Williams, O. C. Horne and Nttthan Bi t an, Justices 1~ T appearing In the Court that Abigal Duster, Adm'r on the Estate of Wilson Doster, decM, has fully settled up said Estate as appeared by the vouchers filed in office, and pravs to he dismissed from said Admin istration. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Cletk of this Court cause a Notice to he published, culling upon all per sens concerned, tube and appear at the November Term of said Court and show cause if any they have why letters of Dis mission should not be granted. A true extract from the minuies. W. W. CORBITT, Cl’k. May 22,1851. 6-m6m. Carriages! Carriages! fß’ HE Subscriber announces to the peo j9L pie ut Oglethorpe and somnnding Country, that he has non on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages, Rockaways, &r., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his line are invited to call and examine his Slock, at Messrs. Lewis Sc Price’s Wate House, on Baker .Street. T. M. JACKSON, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts J. Kaufman & Bro. FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup, Tobacco, Soap, Caudles, &c. See. Just received mid for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9lh, 1851. 13 ts BLANKS. “IWrOW on hand and fur sale at this Office, . liiilice’sSomm ons. Executions See. Sheriffs’ Deeds. Juror Summons, Bonds &c Any oilier IPatiks luitiislieil at short notice Allordert when accompanied by the cosh Will be promptly attended to, JYEW STORE, ON. SUMTER STREET, Fsrst building above, (he Magnolia House Smith & Rogers HAVE on Imml a well assorted stock o SPRING 4* SUMMER GOODS consisting of every variety of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Roots and Shoes, Hals , Hardicart Cutlery, and Crock’ ry, Druggs ami Mndiciius, Ready-made Clothing, SADLERY , STATIONERY, Syc. All of which will be sold at COST for cash. Now is the time for persons wanting anything in the Dry Goods line to supply themselves oil the most advantageous terms. Oglethorpe, June 5, 1851. Bl—. ~~ FOU SALE, M\ THE “PAVILION HOUSE” jf the new town of Oglethorpe, sidled on the corner of Crescent and Miiconßts., near and in full view of the Rail is now offered for sale. The handing is new, the rooms are large, neat jmjSggi, possessing every convenience for Mpconifon of travel ers and hoaiders. Pmjpsers are invited to call and examine for dpmselves. ASIIBJKn, BOON & Cos. May2Bhlßshjp 7_,f 17301; Sale, by DILL & MARSHALL, ■ < l ußn,,lv °* Rope and I ’‘VlflgjP FWrt Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851 9 ts ACON ! BACON ! ! have for sale llfl 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market prices. DILL Sc MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts LOUR. 75 Barrels Superfine Flour ’ for sale ut Fort Gains, Ga. hy DILL Sc MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. Brandy, wine, gin, whiskey, S \ RR UP, and VINEGAR, for sale bv DILL &. MARSHALL. Forr Gains. Ga. June 1, JB5l. 9tf SHOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery, crock ery, Haidware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, &c. See,, for sale at the cheap Store in Fort Gains Ga. by, DILL & MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the firm of T. M. Jackson Sc Cos., in the Counties of Macon, Sumter, aud Marion, are no tified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, of Oelelhorpe, for settlement. T. M. JACKSON Sc CO. June 19, 1851, 10-if, DRS. TOWNSEND’S Sc SANDS’Sars aparilla for sale at DONEY & Co’s. June 25th, 1851. HI OTIC E- Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. WELLES &.Co„ is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ei ther of the undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled firm, and are au thorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *l()-ty THE Undersigned having disposed of his interest in the GROCERY BUSI NESS to his late partner, Alr.G. F. PALMS and J. W. W EBS PER, of the late firm of Swift, Denslow Sc Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *IO\Iy. COPARTNERSHIP THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm ofMessis. A.'Welles Sc Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of WEBSTER & PALMES, at the old stand of A. W, Sc Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, W. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *lO-ly. A New Livery, Sale and Exchange STABLE, Located on the corner of Randolph niidChsifhsiin Streets, in full view of The Oglethorpe Hotel, WILL be completed and ready for business by the 20ih Inst. At this Stable will be kept, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Vehickles (if all descriptions, to hire, sell or swap. Persons will be sent to any point in Georgia. Horses boarded by the month, week or day. Persons coming to our place to take the cars, can find a large airy, comfortable and well kept Stable to leave their Horses at. Tlte Lots adjacent to the Stables, are shaded by n beautiful giove, and well supplied with running water; Drovers are therefore, invited lo give us a call, ns ample provision will be made for their accommodation. A. W. COLLINS, G. W. ASHBURN, J. C. ASHBURN, M. S. McKENZIE. Oglethorpe July 1, 1851. 12-titn. Job work neatly execu ted at thisoflice, forcash. MARRIAGE : WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY. THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! Many and many a wife endure* years of bodily safFcring and of mental anguish, prostrate and help less, embittering her life, that of her husband, and hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising from causes which, if known , would have apnred the suflering, the anguish to the wife, and to the bus band embarrassments and pecuniary ing their origin in ilie mind being weighed dovJ|afld harassed in consequence of the sickness of panion of his bosom. How important that the causes shoulddHplltnown to every wife, to every husband, tlmtßpPdreailful and harrowing consequences to tb||liealrb and haj> piness of both may be avoided Ljfiife is too short and health too precious to of the one to be spent without the fallJtjjjoyment of the other. The timely possession <Jfi little work entitled as follows has been the m4tna of saving the health and the life of tas ‘over THOUSAND t Jiave been sold since the first edition was is- The author has been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of those who have been indebted to its publication for all they hold dear (that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and who have favored him with tltousands of letters of encomium, some of whioh are annexed to the adver tisement. THE MARRIED WOMAN’S Private Medical Companion. BV DR. A. M. MAUR.ICEAU, , crEssoa or DIICAIE, or worn,. Twentieth Edition. 18mo„ pp. 850. Price, tl.oo. THIS WORK IS INTENDED ESPECIAL LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contempla ting mnrriaqe, as it disdoecj im|>ortant recrets which •houhl be known to them particularly. Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the one either budding into womanhood, or the one in 111* decline of year*, in whc*n nature contemplate* an important change—can discover the cauae*. ivmp tom. and the moat efficient remedie* and moat cer tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. The revelations contained in it* pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable lettors received by the author (which he is permitted by the writer* to publish} will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O. •'Davton, May 1, 1847. “Dr. A. U. Maoßickap My Dear Sir: ‘The Married Woman'* Private Medical Companion,’ for which I enclosed one dollar to your address, come snfely to hand, I would not have troubled you with these few lines, but tiial 1 am impelled hy a sense of gratitude, for myself and wife, to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in conaequence of her great an guiah and suffering some months before and during confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im minent danger, and which was. on the last occasion, despaired of. 1 supposed that this stale of lhinee was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At thin time (now alxiut two months) 1 heard your book highly spoken of. as containing some matters reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal, I can not express to you the relief it afforded my distressed mind and the joy ita pages imparted to my wife, on learning that the great discovery of M. M. Dost* mcaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was |>osible. No pecu niary consideration can ever repay tiie obligations 1 am under to you for having been the means of im parting to us the matters contained in * The Married Womans Private Medical Companion.’ Hut for this, ere another year would have passed over my held, in all human probability my wife would have been in her grave, and my children left moth erica* ’ Extract from a letter, Competence and Health. “Lancaster, Pa., Oct 24, 1847. “Mr Dear Sir: I know yon will Lave the kind ness to bear with me fn encroaching upon yonr time, while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife) the obligation* we feel ourselves under to you in hav ing made known certain matter*, contained In yonr most invnlunble * Married WOman’s Private Medical Companion.’ It ha* been worth it* weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will see that I can not do so too warmly, when 1 inform you of the extent to which I lmve, through it, been benefited. 1 will state my nituation when 1 obtained vour hook through the merest curiosity 1 look upon it as one of the most fortunate events of n\v life. 1 had been married sonic ten years, and was the father of seven children. I was long struggling unceasingly, to the end that 1 might gain a moderate competency, but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left me about where I was at the beginning of each year; and that only,, with the most stinted economy. Buffi* cing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon my health : I felt lew capable to endure its enntma intro, while I felt the necessity of perseverance. “ This constant, unceasing struggle on my part was imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi tion of my wife /with occasional intermission) for six years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of course incapable of taking the charge and manage ment of household affairs. Her condition arose from causes of •which 1 waa ignorant. Oh! what would I have given had I the six years to live oyer again! What would my wife have given to have been spared the long days and still longer nights prostrate on a bed of aicknefts! al) of which would have been avoided, had 1 then seen a copy of ‘ The Woman’s Private Medical Companion.’” From a Physician. DANGEROUS DELIVERIES, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C How many are suffering from obstruction or irreg ularities peculiar to the female system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are ignorant, nnd for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice! How many suffer from prolapsus uteri '(falling of the womb), or from Jlnor-albus (weak ness, debility, Jtc., Ac )! How many are in constant agony f<* many months preceding confinement! How many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and whose livea aro jeoparded during such time, will find in its pnges the means of prevention, amelioration, and relief! Extract from a Letter. To those just Married. —“ Had I known!” “Fim.*i>m.i > H!*, Nov. 49, 1847. ” Dr. A. M. MaUKickau : Hail 1 known of the im povtant matter* treateil of in ‘The Married Woman', Private Medical Companion’ *ome year* ago. how murh mi-ery I might have c*caped ! I have iuffered year* from eauea which you point out in your book, without know ing what to do. I obtained a copy, and found my ense trented of. I trust every female will avail hereelf of the information contained in it* page*.” Letter* are daily received of thi* character, unne cessary to preient. To those yet unmarried, hut contemplating mar riage, or pernapa hesitating as to the propriety of Incurring the respniisibilitie* attendant upon it, the importance of being pnaseed of the revelation* con tajned in thene page,, *n intimately involving their future hap pint* is, can not be appreciated. It la, or coarse, impracticable to convey more fully the various subjects treated of, as they arc of a na ture strictly intended for the married, or those con templating marriage; neither is it necessary, sittce it is every one's duty to become possessed of knowl. edge whereby tlte sufferings to which a w ife, a moth er, or a sister, may he subject, obviated. ty Copies will be *enr by Mall free of Postage te the Purchaser. t - On the receipt of One Dollar, “THE MA It- EIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PAN ION” is sent fmailed free) to any part of the United States. All letter* limit lie post paid (except those contbinimr a remittance), nnd addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1444, New York City. Publishing Office, No. 149 Liberty t., New York. Over *-20,1100 Copies have been seat by MAIL within three mouths with perfect safety and car tainty All persons wishing to purchase ihe Bbove work or Medicine, cun do so by applying to we by mail or otherwise; As 1 am Dr. Muu risenu’s Huihorized agent, i'HILIP T. FEARS—Oglethorpe Ga. Dealer in Druggs, Medicines and Books, Cookscorncr, Si. Buker - : i i; '"fl jgggfeM, as IjLgpiil s ill 1 MALE aBImaLE COLLEGE rpUE conductors of the Institution assure iu nvunsrwti A patrons, and the public in general, that there is apvayH shall be a sufficient number of competent ini struetorsand Tutoresses in’all the branches, professM to be taua'nt in the Institution- w A punctual observance of the rules, the preservation of good morals, a due regard to decency and politeness shall be promoted by every possible means, especially by persuasion, kind nnd gentle admonition. But when these are disregarded and faults wantonly committed against the fundamental principles of good education then proper severity shall be applied; and if unfortu’ nateiy, the obstinacy of the delinquent should amount ta ineorigibleness, no resource is left for the preservation of discipline, but expulsion or dismission, which, how, ever, shall never take place, but hy the decision of a majority of the Board, (Visiting Committee.) “ Ter ms: Orthography per Academic year, • 18 00 Tuition in Spelling, Beading, A ritlunetical ta hies, Writing and Arithmetic per Academic year, 10 00 The above with Geography, English Grammar, the use and drawing of JUape, 85 00 The above or either of the foregoin- with En glish Composition, Ancientand Modem Hi*, tory, with problems on the Globes, Orna mental Penmanship and Botany, 00 The above or either of the foregoing with Ge ometry, Algebra, Trigonometry Mensura tions, Surveying Navigation,Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology,Natural, Mor al and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric and Logie, 40 go The languages alone or with either the above departments, 40 go French alone, jq qq ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT I Instrumental Music, 50 00 Use of lusrrument, jo 00 Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 00 Wax Flowers and Fruit, 00 Drawing and Painting, ]j (gj Visiting Committee .* G. B. VVAHDLAW Esq. Col. J. E. BROWN’ Dr. WM. J. JOHN ON; JARED HUDNALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. J OHUAHARRI , Esq. apparatus: The Institution has an extensive Philmiipldra! Chemical, Astronomical and Mathematical Apparatus sufficient for the demonstration of all Chemical ami Scientific cognitia. The pupils are received for no less a period than a session. No deduction will be made for absence, unless ocea sioned hy protracted sickness. One lmlf, or part of the tuition i expected in advanaa. and the remaining at the close of the session. Board can be obtained, in respectable families, al from eight to ten dollars per month. v n r . JOH N A. GRANT, FortGainis, January, 1851. I—ly Principal. J. Kaufman Sf BroV NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE, On Baker Street below the Oglethorpe Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform t\>e Pub lic ihatihey have just opened tbeir Slock, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Ladies Dress Goods, Hose,Gloves, Laces, EdgiHgs, ilk Parasols, Fans, See,, logether with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice assortment of fine Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes nnd Boots. All of which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. John Freeman, WOULD rerpectfnlly inform the public that he 1* a oia- V chanic and that he can execute johsof *a*h, door* Minds and inride finiriiing ol, also he ran rnako chain pump, at the riiortest notice. He may be found it Boone’s Hotel at all times when not engaged. Oglethorpe, May 8, 1850. 46n GEORGIA—NIACOiN COUNTY, Court of Ordinary , July Term, 1851. Present’ llte Honorable Irhabod [Daris, George Williams, and Nathan‘Bryan Justices. WHEREAS, Janies S. Hollinshed, Administrator of Miles K. Harman, deceased. Conrad Murplt, Administrator of Jacob Jasper luppey, deceased, and James G. Moulton and McKinneih Taylor, Admin, isirators ol I homes Taylor, deceased, have duly petitioned llte Court for letters of dis mission from the Estates they severally rep resent: Therefore, all persons concerned, ate hereby cited to appear at the regular Term of said Court, on the Second Monday in January next, to show cause, (if any they canj why said letters of dismission should not be granted in terms of the Law. Given under my hand, at Office, in La* nier, this 7th day of July, A. D. 1851. W. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. July 9th, 1851. 136 m. Rates of toll at S. 11. CLARK’S FERRY, On Flint River. MAN and Horse, 10 J&ayf Ox Cart; 85 1 Horse Waggon or Buggy, 85 2 “ “ gQ 2 “ Close Carriage, Barauch or Rockaway, 85 4 or 6 Mule team, 40 Anew Bridge is now built on the road from the P erry to Oglethorpe across Buck’s Creek, making the distance only two and half miles from the Ferry. The landings are as good as any on the River. July 9th, 1851. 18 6m NOTICE. MRRBRS. NKLSON ACUMMIItQ would Inf.m Ih. public that pencil* hiring Huggic, from their Stable mu*t expect to pavon the delivery of them, and persona wMCwT"’ jgy.