The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 10, 1851, Image 3

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Dentistry. DR. A. C. HORNADY having lo* catcd at OGLETHORPE, GA. respectfully announces to the citizens of Shis place and the surrounding country aiiat he has opened an office in the second Story of Dawson’s Store, on the Corner *jtafiun)ter and Cuvier sis., where he can beTdwKkiW nil time^OHM||^^ N. B. ‘*Adlf;'opSat)on> winL^d. — Terms CASH. W October, 10 1851. 26—6% Jt 9S T2Bl ‘M’Ol •“3 V S3SOW II f |v)topj adjoqia|So ot|l JBUfj •aip ‘s[ois; j ‘sunj) ‘sdeQ ‘smjj /'"h ‘sjoofl ‘saotis ‘spooQ Xjq OMIHAOTk-T •fIAVOX 11} Mo)g jSOdIDIfJ ol|X ft LARGE lot of choice Bacon for sale JO, by J. 0. IIODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851, 25—ts. DRY Goods, Hardware &c. of every description, just receved and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, ISSI. 25—ts. 6 BARRELS of Fresh Flour j just received and for sale hy J. O. HODGES. | Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—ts. j lof1 of r Fi " ft . c ['r vi,, *l a s?“ ‘Ur Tobacco, for sale Unnap, hy J. O. IIODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851 25—if. A LARGE Lot of Bagging and Rope, just received and for sale liv J. O. HOD'iES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—tl. > 2l i LOOK HEHE! VALUABLE MILLS FOR SALE, j jfNftjHE undersigned offers for sale, his Saw j JC and Grist Mills, situated a quarter of a [ mile south'of Oglethorpe. It is a valuable i location for a Wool carding establishment. Me also offers for sale several residence lots situated about tlie same distance south of Oglethorpe. S. G. COTTON. October 3, 1851. 25—ts. TIN, .SHEET IRON & COPPER, Manufactory. rvtiiE subscriber would take this method of j[ v informing the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding countiy that he is now prepared to furnish any quantity of Tin, Shoal Iron and Copper wane, on the most reasonable terms. All kind of Job wosk in h : s line done with neatness and dispatch. He will also furnish, Gutters, Conductors and Tin roofing for houses. Ho will also keep on hand a splen ded lot of Harness, sole and upper Leathers. (U 5 * Hides and Tallow taken rt) exchange for the abuve mentioned articles, J. B. BREEDLOVE. Oglethorpe, Ga. Oct. 3, 1851. 25—3 m. Administrators Sale. PURSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court while sitting for Ordinary pur poses, for liar County of Macon, will be sold on the Frst Tuesday in December next, be fore the Comt (louse door in the town of Lanier, Lots of Land Nos. 174, in the Ist Distort; 20 and 59 in the 2d District for merly Muscogee now Macon County, and No, 4 in the 30th District originally Lee now M iron County, belonging to the estate of John J. Hatigahouk, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JAS. S. CALDWELL, Adm’r, de bonis non. Oct 3, 1851. 25tds GE OR GIA —M aeon C oiiii! y. HERE AS Joseph TI. McKenzie, np- V f plies to me for letters of Guardian ship on llio persons and properly of the min ors of William Powell deceased. Those are therefore to cite and admonish ail who are concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Vv. W. CORBITT, C.C.O. Sept. 26, ISSI. 24—ts. EXECTORS SALE “W7’"S7"ILL be sold before the Court W ▼ House Door in Lanier on the first Monday in November next, a likely Ne groe Woman, by the name of Harriet, as the Property of Martha J. Bell, minor. Terms jnadc known on day of sale, JAMES BELL, Guardian, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. J3y virlure of on order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Macon County, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary. )KW7ILLbe sold on the first Tuesday in ff January next, Before the Court House Door in the Town of Lanier, within the legal hours of sale; the lands and negroes of the estate of Met? Gruder Bryan, lateofsaid County, deceased, there is a settlement of 557 acres vs the hind the place whereon the deceased died, and which adjoins lands of Maj. Young, Mathew Leggett, Ichahod Davts and James Caldwell, ; the lot of negroes are likely, l(r in number consisting of men, women, boys, girls and > children. The balance of the properly, -of j said estatr, will be sold on the place on the day following. Terms made known on the dav of sale, ; NATHAN BRYAN. | /Sept. 20, 1851. 24—if. GEORG IA —Macon Comity. ’¥7"I7HEREAS Tlionaas Amerson ap- V y plies to me for letters of Adminis tration on ilte estate of Jackson Taunton de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. W. W. CORBITT, C.C.O. Sept 26, 1851. 24—lm. GEORGIA, Macon County. Anderson C. Carter applies to me lor letters of nil minigmtion on the Estate of James B. Car ter dMjiteed. These an to cite and admonish all and and creditors of said deceased, to be and apri-ar at my Of fice within the time preslribee by law, to show cause if any said letters should be not granted. 1 > W. W. CORBITT, C.ab, Sept. 26, 1851. 24—% il arness! I! arness! i HE undersigned will keep con iia stantly on hand, and for sale at G. C. Carmichael & Co’s Ware-House, cor ner of Baker and Cuiler streets. A large supply of Harness of all description, Car., l iages, Buggies, Wagons and Drays; also ex tra Bridle lines &c. Which will be sold at the lowest prices; all otders promptly attended to. S: B. KING. Sept. 12, 1851: 22—4 m. PRETTY TEETH A Sweet Brea th |nh R. MAN-SON’S Vanilla Tooth Wash MJr for cleansing the teeth, and Puryfiying the breath, for sale at FEAR’S Drug Store. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts COME YE TO THE WATERS. WARRANTED no cure no pay, and no mistake ; Bonplawl’s Ft- Iver and Ague Remedy,for the peimantnt cure of fever and Ague. Call at the Drug Store all to shaketsand he healed. PHILIP T. FEARS. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts To t 3Ecrclmnts anti Planters, ACKBEVCY OF Trifi Planters’ Pauli. Office on Baker St. Oglethorpe, Ga. THE Subscriber is prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton and other Produce. Exchange on the North can be bad in snms to suit the purchasers. R. H. D. SORREL, Agent. Sept. 19, 1851. 23-ts. New Dry Goods & Grocery Store. On Baker Street, ‘O ODGES, would res- \Ljr • U. pectfully inform the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the Planters of the surrounding Country that he is now open ing a large and well selected stock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Haidwure, Crockery, Sadlery, Boots, Shoes Jbc. He will also keep constantly on hand a large lot of GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. .Sept. 12,1851. 22—if npOWNSEND’S, Sands’, Risby’s. and J 5 Comstock’s Compound Extract’s of Sarsaparilla, for sale bv, Aug. 1, 1851. PHILIP T. FEARS. ‘tailoring.” JOHN CRANE would respectfully in forme the Citizens of Oglethorpe and die surrounding country that he has now opened a Shop in this place for the purpose i of executing all business in his line tiiat may be entrusted to him, in the neatest and most fashionable style. He has on hand a large lot of Splendid Clocths dot men’s dressing, which the public are invited to call and ex amine before purchasing elcsvvhere. JOHN CRANE, i Oglethorpe, .Sept. 2G, 1851. 24—ts. Dry Goods at Wholesale savannah ga. D OBEKTB, FOOTE & MARSHALL are now re- IV reiving at llieir store, comer of Broughton ami Jeffeiran .Streets, opposite Naint Andrews’ Hall, a large and well selected slock. of Foreign and domestic Dry Goods, which they oiler for sale, open the usual terms. Wo sell exclusively w holesale, and think we are aide to oflei sufficient inducements to retain the trade in this city. We have now in store - 100 bales brown Shirtings and Sheetings; 50 cases bleeched “ 50 “ fancy Prints, 50 bates Negro Blankets; 25 “ lied and White Flannels; 100 cases Kerseys and I ind.-eys. ALSO— an extensive (uwortment of) Julies’ Dress Goods, Cloths, C'assimeres, and other miscellaneous articles; usually wanted by merchants from the, interior. ftCrParticular attention given to orders, September 26. 24—6 m Cabinet and Carriage Repairing Stoop. Corner of the Green Square and Mactn. Streets, Ooi.KTHoneK. PinH E Undersigned would toko this metli . JL od of informing tlio public tb it they aro now prepared to execute all kinds of Cabi net work ; also to repair Carriages at the shortest notice and in the most workman liko manner. WRIGHT & BALLARD Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. Jy Oglethorpe Prices Current. CORKEOTED WEEKLY. BACON, Hams, per lb. . 13 cts. Sides, clean “ . - 13 Shoulders, “ . 12 a 12A BUTTEK, Goshen “ . 25 a 3<)“ Country “ . 12 a 15 BAGGING, gunny . . 16 Mail’d gunny . . 15 I COFFEE, “ . 12 a 12$ CANDLES, Sperm “ . 50 a6O I Adamantine, “ . 40 a43 Tallow, “ . 25 a 30 FLOUR, per bbl. $7 (10 u 9 MACKEREL, No. l.“ 14 “ “ 2. “ 10 “ “ 3. “ 9 50 CORN, per bushel, l 00 a 1 25 MEAL “ l 30 a 150 LARD, per lb. . . 14 a 16 LEAD, “ . , 10 al2 MOL \SSES, per gallon 35 a 45 ROPE, ... . 9 SYRUP, N. O. “ 50 a 55 Clarified 90 a 1 00 SUGAR, “ .8a 10 SALT, per sack . . 2 011 .SALT, per sack, . 2 RICE, per lb. . . 5 a 5 UL, Linseed, prr gallon 1 25 a l 50 SERPENTINE “ 1 00a l 25 TAt&flW, per lb. . 9a 10 BEES’ per hi. . 20 a 25 NAILS, plr lb. . 4 a 5 FORT CMNES PRICES CURRENT CORRECI I.DMVEEIILY BY THE MERCHANTS* ill, 5:1 0 India, : : 5 a 6 Rope, per lb. : 9 a lOlOi!—-Wnp 175 a2 06 Bacon—Lotus, per lb, ]2 Linsetii, 1 *25 sides, “ 11 TminwL I 00 shoulders “ lOllYas—bushel 1 00a 125 Pork—iness, bbl. $lB a S2O Lem. Syrup bx, 44 . ‘ owwr —country, 11), 15a20phot—bngy 1'75a2 00* Candles—sperm, “ *isas;VSoap—pet lb. 8 adatt) inline, “ 40a50[SU'cl —cast, lb. 20a25 Candies—box, $-100 j Blistered** 18a20 Castings, per lb, 6jTallo\v, “ 8 Coffee—Rio, 17 Sugar—Stcroix, lb, 10 al2 Cotton, : : 8 N. Orleans, 8a 10 Fish—Mackerel, 1 sl4 Loaf “ 16 No. 2. . 13 Refined, “ 10a 11 No. 3. : 12 50 Crushed, “ 15 al6 Corn, per bushel, 100 Spirits—brandy, 50 aI 50 Flour—western, bbl. 700 cogniac, gal. 350 a 4 00 Canal “ 8 00 apple, “ 6*2 a 70 Glass—per box, 275 a 3 (K) Rum —iatnaiea** 1f- Gun Powde? I eg, 650a 700 N. England, 50 a62 Hides—dry, lb, 8a 9 Whiskey—raw, 35 Iron—Mveedes,lb, 5a 7 monongahala, 85a 100 Kngli.ii, “ 4a 6 rectified, “ 37 Lard, : : 12Gin—holland, I 75a2 00 Lead, : : 8 american, 62 Motlasses—gallon, 42 a 44 Vinegar—per gallon. 35 a 49 Salt—sack, 150 IWines —per gal. 74 a 100 TLANfjp wIREAIOUSET PTNIIE UNDERSIGNED bug leave to @ inform you that they Imve taken the PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE, fur a term of time and associated themselves together under tjie name and style of S. W. Blood worth & Cos., in the Ware-House and Com mission Bustness, in all its various branches. ‘l’lie business will be conducted by S. W. Bloodworth ; from his experience in the business, they feel confident of giving gene ral satisfaction to all those who may entrust them with their business; In confirmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoins e-d references, and at the same lime, ask a liberal share of their pationage. They promise to keep their patrons ad vised o! the slate of the market at all times; they take this occasion to say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterward wish it shipped to Macon or Sa vannah or Charleston, it shall he promptly attended to without any addilionalyxpense. Their Ware-House, in consequence of its locality, has advantages over any other in the place, in point of security front ftru, be ing remote from other buildings. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will he made on Produce in Store. All orders front Planters or country Mer chants will be filled at short notice, and, (as they have no interest in Merchandize,) at the lowest casli prices; S. W. BLOODWORTH, RICHARD JOHNSTON, REFERENCES, Planters : Dr. Thomas, 1 Isaac Clienev, Esq. ) Talbot Cos. Gen’l T. Griffin, ) M. D. Nortlt, F.sq. j Coweta Cos. James Neal, Esq. > Wm. Pryor. F.sq. $ Pike, Cos. Rev. W in, Moseley, l Judge A. W. Walker. J Henry, Cos. Thos. W. Ashford, I Ed. Broughton, Esq. | Troup, Cos. Judge J. May, ) T. Njchols, Esq. f Fayette Cos. I. Nichols, Esq. ) B. P. Bussey, Esq. ( Met iwether Cos. Chas. Cargil, Esq. r W. darkness, Esq. j Butts Cos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS : Rice Dulin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields & Adams, Macon, Ga. N. A. Harden &- Cos. 1 C. Partridge, Esq. > Savannah. Wm. P. Yonge, Esq.) Editors, S. W. Georgian, and S. Democrat. GRIFFIN, Georgia Sept., let. 1851. This is to certify that Mr. S. W. Hluoilworlh, has for several years been eneageil in the tVare-llouse and Commission business in this place, and from my acquaintance with him, 1 feel no hesitation in reoom- | mending him in that capacity to the patrons of Ogle thorpe ; lie is also a good judge of the quality of Cotton, and consequently an excellent salesman. A. A. GAULDING, Sen’ll partner of iho firm of Uaulding, Ferril & Chapman. Wm. It. PHILLIPS, Sen’r. partner of Jones Phillips &. Cos. Oglethorpe, sSopt. sth, 1851. 21 3m .Volico to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of| Addison C. Scott late of Macon Conn- i ty deceased, are hereby required to make ‘ immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate me hereby notified to , present them in terms of the law. E. W. ALLEN, Ex’r. | Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts SOUTHERN MUTUAL IJYSUIijUYCE CO ., Principle Office, Athens, Ga. Ai.bon Chase. Secy, Asbury Hull Prcs’t. bis company ha been in operation between three a.n*l four yen it, and bus acquired a capital in notes am! Cash of nearly Three Ilnßure*:! Thoiunnd Dollars. All losses promptly settled on the presentation of sal iffactor proof. Ftuw Risks, and insurances on Negroes, as web as upon the lives of W bite persons, taken by the under signed Agent at Oglethorpe, Ga. PHILIP COOK, Agent. July 31, 1851. 16 6m. MEDICAL CAUb. ~~ DR. JAMES M. FOKES respectfullyor* furs his services to the citizens of Ogle- j thorpe and vicinity in the various blanches ; o ( Medicine. He may be found at Mr. Fears Drug Stine during the day, and at the Pa vilion House at night, when not profession ally engaged. . August 14,1851. IS—ts To the Afflicted. fF you are laboring under any of the dis eases named below, and if you are real ly desitous of getting restored to bodily soundness, you have it in your power to <lo so now. The price is not mud), anil the cure is warranted. Os all the remedies yet before the public, there is none that can show such a handsome result for the same length of time, as Marshall's Magical Pain E radical or- Tiiis is a remedy not intended to cure eve ry disease that ‘flesh is heir to.’ Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are incurable, but we do not hesitate to say, that, if any of the following diseases can iie cured, Marshall’s Eradicalor will cer tainlvmlo it. Try it and he convinced. Fof Rheumatism, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, (spinal Affections, Palsy, Disloca tions, 8 bra ins, Bruises, Strains, (Edematous Swellings, AVeak Joints, Contracted Ten dons, Tumors, Nodes, Ganglions, Wens, Goitre, Head-ache, Weak Back, Gout, Scrofula and Tooth-ache. The following letter and certificate is from a person in the city. Tint original can be seen at the store of the proprietor. AUGUSTA, January 31, 1851. Messrs. VV. H. &, J. Turpin Gentle men, —1 have much pleasure in say jug that my wife, who has been afflicted with’.Rheu matism in the feet and knees for the past two months, has been entirely cured by the use of ‘ Marshall’s Magic Pain Eradicator.’ It is, in my opinion, the best remedy ever of feted the afflicted public, as it will certainly cute. Every body should have it. Yours, respectfully, &.c. For sale hy D’Antignac ,& Barry, D. B. Plumb &, Cos., VV. 11. Tutt, W. K. Kitchen and the Proprietors, Augusta, Ga. Fot sale in Charleston, by Nelson Cartpr, Ca & Courtlier, Dr. Cleveland, W. A. iSkrine, and John VV, iStov. For salcinglcihorpe, bv P. T. FEARS. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 om CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned being joint an equal partners in the town Lots of West Oglethorpe, located on apart of Land Lot number two hundred in the twenty eighth District, of original Lee, now Macon County Georgia, take this method of informing all whom it may concern, that a co-partnership exists in said property under the firm of J. VV. Herring & N. L. Angier, and that either partner, the names hereunto annexed is authorized to execute legal and warrantee titles to any or all of said Town Lots, located ns above described. J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, 1851 21 ts Georgia Macon County A LL persons interested, are hereby notified that four months after dale, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Said County, w hen sitting for or* dianry purposes for leave to sell the whole f the real estate of Howard W. Ellis eceased, late of said County. A. A. ERWIN, Adm’r. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 4n> Hardeman & Hamilton, WARE-HOUSE AND COMISSION MERCHANTS. Macon, Ga. *• ‘ Hamilton & Hardeman, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will give prompt attention to nil business committed to them, at either place. THOMAS HARDEMAN. CHAS. F. HAMILTON. EXECUTORS SALE. WILL be sold on Saturday, the 18th day of October next in the town of Oglethorpe one Blark Horse, ono lino Gold YVatch and Chain, half interest in | one Boggy and harness, and many articles I of house-hold furniture, all belonging to the j Estate of Addison C. Scott late of Macon j County dec’d. Terms on dav of sale. E. W. ALLEN, Ex’r. : Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts ‘ Keail this aud don’t Forgot* fIINIIAT it is perfectly useless to suffi i j ll with pains if you will call at the Drug Store, and supply yourself with medicine, j Or call on Drs. Head Oliver, Pitts lver on, or Fokes who are ever ready to relieve the sufferer and fullv Quallified. j Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts A LARGE assortment of Medical, Clas sical, Miscellaneous, and School Books (Bates, Pencils, Pape;, ink and Bank Books ot every description, and for sale by P. T. FEARS Druggist. Oglethorpe Aug. 1 1851. 16-ts WAREHOUSE commission” BUSINESS. OGLETHORPE, OA. r TT' n E undersigned having under construe- j &t. tion laige and commodious VV are-j Houses, take this mt iltud ul informing Plan-1 lets and Merchants generally, that tin v will, i in a few days, be prepared to receive UoJloli j in Store, or any kind of Merchandise’ on consignment. BAGGING, ROPE, or any Lind of sup plies, will be purchased in tins market, or ordered either from fiavanr.'.ih or Macon, at the lowest pl iers. The strictest attention ! will be paid to all business entrusted to their j care. From past experience we flatter our selves that general satisfaction will he given. LIBERAL ADVANCES made on Cot ton stored with ns. J. E. J. HORNE. August 22, 19—ts. J. VV. C. HORNE. IIENRY LATlliToir Dealer in F:rr?i' r :i and Domestic DRY GOODS Gibbons Sew Building, Corner of Congress Sc IVhitnkcr Slrct/s SAVANNAH GA, KEEPS constantly on hiiti.l. a:n! is r.<\v rev iving a large ami wellselecteil slock of Foreign and Domes tic IPH IW OO£j>&. suitable for the season, tv* wlirili he invites die j.ari'.’ ular attention of merchant** visiting the. market. August 20th, 1851. 19—vm.* FACTORS AND Coin mission M erehant s, ANDREWS HARDWICK ts CO., OGLETHORPE, G V. IIA a D WICK ts C O OKE, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. The House l ot Oglethorpe trill reer.ivc and forward Produce, to the House at Ba* vaniiah, and furnish if amity Supplies, Hanging, pope, jfcc., to their Pultons John yA Andrews, John O. Cooke, July 17, Richard S. Hardwick. 14-6 m. Hiacon Sheriff's Sale. NjniTlLL bo sold before the Court House Y y door tit Lanier, Macon County on the First Tuesday in October next, the following propel tv to wit: Lot of Land, No. j)2, in the 13th District of formerly Muscogee, now Macon County, Also one large Road Waggon und Six Mules, till levied on as the property of McKinnith Taylor, to satisfy a fi fa form Macon Supe rior Court, in favor of Jones Hicks vs. said Taylor.( Property pointed out bv defendant. THOS. DIXON, Sli’fi'. August 29. 1851. Floyd House, MACON, GEORGIA THOMAS WILLIAMS respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that lie has purchased the lease and furniture of tile above establishment, and that as sole pro prietor, lie intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po lite and competent clerks and seivauts, and is determined that the table and barksliall be suplied with the very bast the country affords. The House is too w ell known for him to sav any tiling in regard to it. The rooms aie in line repair, and the furniture as good as can be found in any House in the State.— Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old film of Buford ife Williams, dur ing his former connection with his House, lie pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire satisfaction to both new and old friends. July 24, 1851, 15 ly. IVaiinblc House and Lot For sale, on Sumpter street. THE SUBSCRIBERS offer for Sale their House ami Lot Situa ted on Sumpter Street, in Square three Lot No. 6. in the Town of Oglethorpe. The House is a large two story building, the lower story now occupied as a Store. | Those who desire a bargain would do I well to apply tarlv, as (Ids is one of the most valuable locations for business in Oglethorpe. T. 11. B. FLEMMING, J. J. CHAFFIN. Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, ISSI. 21 if Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the Citizens of Travelers Rest ainj its vicinity, that lie is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line ofbusi ness, such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, nt the shortest notice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethotpe and the. ad joining Country, that lie is prepared to exe cute all jobs that may be brought lo him, in the way of Harness making and Repairing; and lie keeps on luiiul, both Carriages, Buggies, and harness r-Hily made, and for sale at ihe lowest Cash prices. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine bis stock before purchas ing else where. , H. D. POWELL. Travelers Rt st, July 21, 1851. 15 l v HAD UN, FULTON & CO. Commission Merchants , NO. 207 BAY STREET J. \V RACUN, ) ‘ _ k. l. h i.tov. SAVADtIfAEi OA, i. w aiTEiiKAn, ) f ■ V ILL give strict attention to the sal* l. ii of Cotton and other produce, con:, .igned to them, and promptly fill orders for Bagging, Rope and Family supplies, at th* lowest pi ices. August 22, ISSI 19 6m. _ VOTiOK A FA CI'OHS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 RAY-STREET, SA VAJXNAJI GEORGIA. w. p. yon’ce. Qiilv 17 6m.] w. oor.y. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. iV. OUS LEY ts SON, MACON, GA., GODFREY OUSLEY Sf C 0., SAVANNAH, GA. JAMES E. OODFUET, n. ousley, July 17, 1851. u. f. ousley. 14-6 m. LEWIS * PKICE. Ware House and Commission M crchantSy OGLETHORPE, GA. W®/'E TAKE this method to say to our \J ts fiieods, and those who may entru us with their business, that we have conipld ted our Ware House in this place, and ar* now ready to attend to all business in our line. VVe will give our personal attention t* business, and no pains will be spared to pto motethe Interest of those w ho may favor u* with their business. The usual advance* made on Cotton and oilier produce in Store. ELBERT LEWIS, JOHN V. l'KJC’lt. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. 15 lj 12. U WEED, lUacon. Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Ili^cdivarc. invite the attentioa of v bis friends to bis stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware. Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agricultural Ijngliment, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin Plate, Sheet and bar Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other article usually kept in Hard ware Stores, which he will sell on reason*, ble terms. Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly ~pTcTlirrln g t o n , ATTORNEY AT L A VT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Oglethorpe, Iflacon County, Ga; April 17, 1350. D Washburn, Wilder ACo. Commission Merchanti, AND FACTORS. JOSEPH WASHBURN, 1 lit, Bay Street JNO. R. WII.I>ER, ! Savannah. Oa IRA G. DANA. ) July 24, 1351. 15 6m Land and other Property for Sale fjllHE Subscriber offers for Sale a vidua- II ble settlement of Oak and Hickory, Land, nearest point within one mile of Ogle thorpe, on boih sides of Flint River, (ilia residence on said land being within two and a half miles of Oglethorpe, on the East sid* of said Rivet) containing six hundred and fif ty or seven hundred acres, two hundred of which are now in cultivation. There is alsa a good Ferry on said land. There is also a settlement of hind containing about five hun dred acres. 200 of which are in cultivation which can be purchased on reasonable terms if desired, lying broadside of the above des ciibed settlement. Said lands are well wa tered. Also a small lot of Negroes, Mules, Wa gons, and ail the farming, implements be longing to the premises’ to be sold with ilia lauds, or without, to suit purchasers. The above property will be sold on good terms. Those who desire to purchase will do well to call and examine for themselves. SEN US 11. CLARK. July 24, 1851. 15 6m jG. C. CARMICIIJL&Co. THE Subsetibets having at <L2*S3efiW sociaied themselves under the above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware-House and Commission Business, tako this method of inlornring tha Planters and Merchants generally, tiiat they are now prepared to receive Cotton inSlota or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at all times Ragging, Rape, Twine, Sugar, Cofee, Salt, Iron, Syc. iV®- Liberal Advances made on cotton when desired. G. C. J, P, Harvey, references: Messrs. Logan & Atkiusun; Macon, Ga., “ Neely & Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3,1851. 12-ly. Administrators Sale . ACRE ABLE to an order of the Honor able the Inferior Court of Sunitar County, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold ai the Court House in Lanier, mi the first Tuesday in October next, on a short credit, say till the fust day of Jauuaiy, Lot of Land number eight (No 8) in the tec., com! district of formerly Muscogee now Ma con County, said land being part of the es tate of James M. D. King deceased, and sold for the benefit of the distributees. ANGUS M. D. KING, Adn.’r: 1 July, 31 1851. 16 tds.