The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 17, 1851, Image 2

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MMIk :. V ■ ; lutniaani now ik *: dropped thk cat” 4 Now, Lam ,* ?:} Mr#, P-iriiji^idn, she chute iflui !• mu u with a basket covered over, * take Toby and drop her mhmvw here, and take care that ><t • ihiu’l Conte hark at’ain. Cor j am shit and tired J driving her out of the butler. Site i the thievingfiq mature ! Hm don't j Jmri her, L-auc ; * I J I I 3 take ojie that she | don't come linek-* Ike smiled as lie received hi- 1 barge, ami the old lady i<-il li titpv in getting ri I ol her trouble without resorting to violence. She would r,filler have endur ed the evil- offlie cat, great as the ej iff j was, than that the poor quadruped should he inhumanly dealt with/ She savv Ike depart in the dtik ol the even ing, and watched him until he heeante Inst to v iew in (tic shawtlnw of a tree.— Il was full hail an lionr before he return cd with his empty basket; nit nmi-md glee marked liis appearance—il sparkled in his eve, it glowed in his cheek, it sported in Ids hair—and Ike looked re ally handsome ns he stood before the dame and proclaimed the success of lti mission. * Did she drop easy, Isaac ?’ n-ked the old lady, looking upon him kindly; ‘and won’t site come back?’ 4 She dropped just ns easy!’ said Ike, letting his .basket fall on the floor, and laying his cap on the table, somewhat endangering a glass lamp with wooden bottom dial stood thereon ; * Die drop ped just as easy ! and she won’t come back—.you may bet higher on that.’ * Buiyou didn’t beat and mangle her F-aae, did you ? if you did, j should lie 1 afraid site would come hack and haunt us—l haye dirard ol such things;’ and i she looked anxiously in his fare; hut I -detecting there no irate of guilt, she i patted him on the head and parted hi hair, and told him to .-it down and eat hii supper, which the young gentleman did witb coii.-iderahle unction. Q/ Isaac,! I-uae .Mrs. P.-trUe hminn at fit# foot of the little stairway that led to the Ifttle attic where tire boy slept, the next morning Jalier the above oetnrsnc,e, * Isaac !’ ami lie soon came downstairs slowly, rubbing his eves as hecame. She hud disturbed his morn ing nap. Isaac/ said she, ‘what is that hang ing yonder to a limb of our apple tre**?’ One scattered tree/ as she said, con stituted her whole orchard unless she counted the popular by the corner. rs‘ I can’t see so Itr off/ stid ke, still rnbbiog’his eyes. ‘ VVerf, I* should think it was a cat ; and it looks to me like our Tobby. Oh, Isaac ! ’if you have done this!’ and a lone akin to horror trembled in her v oiee. I'll go and see if it’s her,’ said ke, as if not hearing the last part of the re mark, and be dashed out of Ihe door; hot sooocame back with wonder depitced on every feature of his expre.-sive coo tenauce. 1 Oil, it is her ! sure enough it is her!’ cried he; 1 but 1 dul drop , her!’ 4 Well, how could she come there then ?’ ami the old lady looked puzzled. 4 i’ll 101 l you how / guess it was/ said ike looked demurely up, 4 I guess she committed suicide because we was going ‘• to drop her ; they are dreudlul knowing < creatures, you know.’ I •jTrite enough/ replied the old lady, ‘ while, glistened in her eye—her | pity was excited; ‘true enough, i-aae, ■ atiiljl dare say she thought hard of us ; (or doing it, hat she hadn’t ought to if < she’d considered a minute. < Ike said no more, hut went and cut i down the supposed suicide with a serious ‘ maimer, aod/iuried her beneath illegal- ‘ lows, deep down among the roots of the j 1 old tree, ami she never came hack. The old lady told the story to the 1 minister,'and Ike vouched for it, hut for it, but the good man shook In- head in- ; credulously at the idea of the suicide, j and looked at the hoy. He very tvi\ 1 dently understood how the cat was dop- j pal.—Cur pit Hag. 7ri.shGkntii.ity—An |visit insolvent,! an artificial fly m tiiufielurcr, w how as ex- j amiiied latelyjiu one ol die Loudon /nsol- j vent courts,excused liimsel for not having | kept eceourils,|h_vJsaying|lhai lie had been bred a gentleman, and ‘despised himselfj for having to earn his bread.’ A Dutchman passing n number of railroad tracks in the course of a day’s journey, and never having seen any be fore, was non-plnssed to aecoot lor their use. Allen Jill, after examining one of them for about twenty five minute#, and ccrulrhiilg his head quite bald, he ej mi lated. *Tay most he.iron damps to keep der ertquakes from preakoig up der roat.’ We are 100 apt to hate had men when we should only pity (hem and often flatter ourselves that we are haling the vice when we are only haling the mail. C7* Did toil ever notice that rnwnr Is •re universilly very great talker*.' 1 CHICKEN F/XLN’S ‘ | Printin’ Language. —Every profession ijlas it, (critical terms, and of course tile | printers have a ‘small smattering/ which •is inteiligible only to tile craft. The following, say the Delaware Republican, Jis a specimen ; il don’t mean, lmwever, as much as it would seem to the uninitiated : ‘Tom, nut Geneal Washington on the | galley, and then finish the murder ol that vnitng uitl you commenced yesterday. | Set op the 1 (tins ol Herculaneum ; distrib- ; | iile the small-pox sand you need’i fioish ‘ ! dial runaway match ; have the high Water; iin the paper this week. Let tile pi alone liil alter dinner, pul the baibaeue to press, and then go to the devil, and he will tell ‘yon about the work for the morning*’ Not imieli wonder dial Dr. Faustus was burned for inventing such a diaboli cal art. Coij'l.D’T TKt.b THE DIFFERENCE.— A loalar got hold of a green | er-immon, which (before they are ripened hv 1 lie Iro.-t) are said lobe most bitter and pm It- j ery fruit known. He took the persimmon outside the garden-wall, ami commenced upon it by seizing a generous mouthful! of the fruit, which proved to be in a state to frizzle Ids lips and longue most provokiimly. •How do you like it?’ inquired the owner of the g arden who had been vvatc li ing him. The saliva was oosing from tlie cor ners of the fellow’s mouth, and he was able only to reply— ‘How- do I look, niiber ? Am 1 wis sling’ or tingin'?’ A YANKEE PASS. j The follow ing good story is related by j the correspondent of an old paper of 1791): Not long since, a gentleman from Cnn jOcrlirut, being on his way to the west ward, was slopped in New York Stale, on Somlav, by a miserly Dutchman, who {was invested with civil authority. Mi. j 11. in vain pleaded the necessity of pur 1 ijonig Ids journey unmolested. At lengths taking a five dollar from his pocket-book,* . ‘ SU <MO at ><>'’ •"•';! ’ ice, on t , condi tion that you give me a piss.’ Alter a few minutes pause, the merce nary character replied : | ‘7 will give you von pass lor five tol lars , you may write de pass, and 1 will * make my mark X —.’ Mr. B. accordingly sat down and wrote an order on a merchant in town 1 for fifty dollars worth of English goods ‘ —with the dutch signature—and took ! Ids leave wjjli ‘Your humble servant/ — called on the merchant, who cheefidly loaned fifty dollars with die idea of fifty , per cent gain, on the goods. Soon after, die merchant called on our noble Dutch man for the balance of the order, at which 1 lie stared and exclaimed; 1 I owe yog nothing, ize give no order ; 1 but on seeing Ids mark, exclaimed : s •Dish is dat Yankee pass He found himself reluctantly obliged e in conceal the demand ,'.-wearing dat if 11 he could see dat rascal, he would give l ’ him von horse Ikketi.' —Courier oj llie 11 A. 11. 1799. THE CLOCK OF DEST NY. “To every tiling there is a season, and t :t time to every purpose under the heav- 11 en.’ I —As il he had said, Mortality is a ( huge lime-piece, wound up by the Al mighty Maker ; and after lie has set it a- s going, nothing shall slop it till the angel swears that lime shall be no longer.— I But here it ever vibrates and ever udvau- I ces —locking on children of Adam into 1 existence, and licking another out—Now .1 il gives the whirl of warning, and the t world may look out for some importent 1 event ; and presently it fulfills its war- v ibng, iiud rings ina noisy revolution.— s But there ! as its index’ travels on, so res- 1 olute and tranquil, what tears ami rap- I tars attends its progress! It was,only | another wag of the sleepness pendulum ; but it was iVuught with destiny, and % fortune was made—a heart was broken I —an empire fell. We cannot read the 1 Writing 011 the mystic cogs as they are | coining slowly op; hot each of them is j coining on God’s errand, and carries in : graven brass a divine decree. Now, {however —now that the moment i$ past, \ we know ; and in the lulfilhneut we can I read the fiat. This instance was to say to Solomon, 4 Be horn!’ this other was | to say to Solomon in all his glnrv, • Die ! ,1 —That instant was to plant Israel an l > .|l.istine, that other was it* * pluck him i op.’ And ilm*, iux italde, inexorable, titer great clock of human destiny moves no, till a mighty hand shall grasp its heart, anil hash* plan sc of iron. See how fixed, how fated is each vicis situde ! how independent of human con trol**! There is a “time to he born/ and however murJi a mail may dislike die ear io which his existence is cast, he latinol help himself; that time is his, and ;he must make the most of it. Mdiou need not complain that his lot i, fallen !mi evil (lajs; for these are his days, and he can have no other. Roger Bacon and Galileo need not grudge their pre pious hi ing, that they hate prematurely launched into'the age of inquisitor* and know ledge-quenching monk-, fur this age ; wa* ftiade to.make them. And so with the time to die. Voltaire need not offer’ half his fortune to buy six week*’ reprieve; for if the appointed moment has arrived, il caiiuol pass iuicretei nitj w ithout taking : the skeptic wi'h it. And even good Heze-j kiab—lns.tea 1 sand praters would not! have turned 1 lie shadows backwards, had that moment ol threatening death been tile I [ mono til of God’s intention. THE SOUTH-WEST CEORIiIAN,! T b. TOijsSim imv FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1851. Agents (or llic South-West Georgian, SI’ENCER Cai.dwhi.i., Fori Gaines, Ga I Jeter A. llnmjK, near Americas, do. J. P. Gal*, liainbridge., do. j Col. VVm. T. Perkins, Cuthbert, do. G. Cvuirnr.iiS, Esq. Cuthbert, . Gii.iieht JM. StokCs, ,B ladjL Lrv cn. dot l)r. Wm. M. Stukks, Douhf co. do. M. L. iIaLMAN, llroohmillr.. Str.w'rtdo. A. A. Ih.AKEi.v, ffriffll Pike co. do. John \V. G uir fix.,.Griffin, do. J. TANARUS, Ma \V t'ranchville, do. IV. J. Parker, Clieitvba. Lee Cos., do. A. J .Williams, Agent for Sumter co. Ifctfuctioii iet tiiutrrins ol tßic Sontli-%Vest Georgian, After the first dot/ of October the Geor gian will be furnished h> subscribers at. the following rules : SI.OO for C months, if paid in advance, 125 “ 14 if not paid in advance. 2,0') for 12 months if paid m advance, 2,50 44 “ if not paid io advance, Indiirrmrnls to Clubs. Five Copies G months for §4,00 in advance, Ten Copies 44 44 * 4 7 ,00 “ Five Copies 12 months “ 8,00 “ IcarCopits 44 “ “ 15,00 “ Fifteen Copies 12 mo. “ 20,00 “ We have been induced to offer die above terms in order No increase the circulation of our paper, and for that purpose wo eariislly solicit the co-operation of oor fiiends. If we meet with suflicient enruragi'inent, we intend getiino new material in a few months and enlarging ojir paper. (t7* VV r e are very sorry that our Edito rial columns will appear this week to our reader-, altogether vacant. But as the most of iltem are well aware of the ab- \ sence ol our Editor, we have no doubt |< they will till look over it, as he is expect- c ed to return in the latter part of this week, t or the first of next, when, we have no I doubt, our soberibers will have an assort- *■ ment of the best productions of the mind. . i THE ELECTION. We have the Election returns from all J ■ the eonlitics except two, which are 7rwin and Union; which will increase Mr. | Cobh's majority to some 19,000. | Georgia inis followed the example (hat she has just been taught by her sisters. We { allude to Alabama and .Mississippi.—She I has done Iter duty, in electing it man who 1 has always supported the Union in everv ! position lie lias been placed. Mr. Cobb is a man who is well qualified to take charge ; of the Executive affairs of State, Geors , gia is now a shining ornament to the , world. Let all her si-ter States do as I site has done, and the Banner of Wash- ‘ ingtnii will ever stand unmoved, and the < Union oi our fore-fathers will ever be I perpetuated. ‘ OUR CITY. ! We are proud to announce to the pub lic. that our city is prospering very fast, the streets are filled with Planters wag gons from all parts of (lie surrounding country every day. They are bringing in their cotton and other produce. Oor tow n is new and rough the streets are yet filled w itlt building material with tlie ex. ceeption of the streets that is iiumt iliai in ilie business part of the Tow n. All new Towns however, labor under similar cir cumstances, wlien in their infancy. But industry and age will make onr little Town quite a pleasant place. 7n fin til is now pleasant, to any one who loves to see improvement going on. 7t is a con tinual uproar tiinooir the Carpenters and other mechanics* The echo and re-echo of hammers and the thrilling voice of the saw and jack plain is heard from early in the morning until 10 and 11 o’clock at night. Buildings are being prep.u.J for the extension <>l business, in great rap piditv, the ware-houses ol five business, companies are now open and prepated 1 for receiving cotton, they are ready and waiting for you, planters to bring on j our Crop. We would call the attention of readers to he advertisement# of Messrs. SIN KA D ’ CH/JPAIv4N, wholesale and retail Dr uggist, Oglethorpe Gj. They are now ready to fill not all oijderS, entrust ed to their care, in the neatest manner. PA7NFUL HUMOR. The Wotidville (Miss.) Republican ! publishes the following. We give il to j oor readers as we find it in that paper, j telling them to place what credence in it I lltev choose .* ‘During the lasi few days a report has been in circulation in our v ‘trinity io the follow ing effects: It is staled that on; Friday last, r.s three childien were re-! turning to their home from school, near. Liberty, in A mile county, they were o- I | vertuken by a pack of dogs in pursuit of i ; runaway negroes. The dogs fell upiuL ! thtin, and before assistance could he | tiered, killed and veilrly dtVaired taro] \ one of them. The father of the cliiljN-n I hearing their screams and the hajJMg of the dogs, ran out with his gun trad sue- ! feeding in killing two of theJi, At this : time the owner of the dog-jpitle tip and! threatened to shoot theJjafher if he shot! any more of the douflf The msfresset)! father lehotfletl hi-gK and deliberat'd}'! shot the owner of thejjiogs through the j ‘heart; alter which die gave himself op. | was tried mijgtli.selsargcd. We have not , heard tbs names of any of the parties.” } m miw —t administrators sale. WT JILL he sold before the Court house V y door in Amorims, nil the Ist Tues day in January next, the following prop eny to wit : One Lot of Land, No. 192, lying, and being in’the 28ih eighth dis trict, of originally Lee, now* Sumpter County, containing two hundred two anil hall acres more or le-s, and two fraction- j al Lots 145 123 io the same district con-! taining each one hundred acres, more or less, subject to the widows dtnver, the ) same being laid off and set apart for her. Also tlie following negroes namely, Patsy a woman thirty years old, Dnicila a woman seventeen years-old, and her ta ti children Santa hoy two years old I and Seaton an infant, George a boy 15 years old, ami Peter 13 years old. Sold by order of the /nferior Court for a dis tribution among the heirs. Also, will be sold on thy fifteenth day of December next, the perishable proper ty of said estate, consisting of Horses. Hogs, Cattle, Sli-ep, Corn fodder, house hold and kitchen furniture, One Cotton Gin, one half nr the widows interest in a dutch fan, together itb other articles 100 ludious to mention. Sold by order ol Court for a destribuiion among the heirs. GEORGE SOUTHWELL, A (I’m. October, 17 1851. 27 2m A CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD t 1W ILL FORFEIT§IO,OOO !! and pay the same to any cltaiitahle institution, if any or ailother articles Unit flood the mar ket as Snivel or Liqi ids, unde lln-ir various cognomen of L’ain Exterminators—Extrac tors—Dint moms— Killt-ts. &c. &c. can per form such a cure, in aii particulars, as has been performed by -Dailey’s Magical Plain Extractor! ! in, what is reported in mv printed pamplets as the 44 Hague street Explosion Case.”! and l obligate myself more over, to pay $l - to any party, who can prove that tlitre I is one word of untruth in that statement ! Read it—Allye who have charge of-Stem; Engines, lot it may save your lives, and the fives of thousands ufotheis. Dailey’s genuine Exiractes, is not alone good for the following diseases, hut it has piovetl itselfin all cases, iufailable ! Only get the Genuine article, and there is no mistake; viz. Burns, Scalds, Piles, sore and inflamed Eyes, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, old and en veterate sores, Cots, Wounds, Swellings, 3prains, inflammatory and chronicßluinimu tism, stiff joints, sere legs, chilhlads, felons, eiruptions, and all external inflammations.— Being the Salve in direct contract with the diseased locality—rub in (in well, where the disease will bear it. On sores apply it by plastersspiend on linen, two applications a day, viz; morning and evening, is generally sufficient in all cases, apply it fearlessly, as it is perfectly safe. Put it right inside in the corner of the eye, when the eye is inflamed —it will draw out the. inflammation, free it from pain and ease the eye. Try it fearless ly and unreservedly it can do no harm, and will certainly effect a cure! Only—get die Genuine article ! In case of broken breast and sort; nipples, it never fails to nflbld al most instantaneous relief, and effect a positive and sure citfe. Caution!—The public is cautioned against base Coutiteifeits of my Salve, under the old wrapper. Boy therefore Dailey’s Extractor only io the present new wrapper and enlarg ed boxes—Mind ! the emblems till the new wrapper sun Triangle, serpent, Dove, Lion and Eagle. 05*” ‘See tins printed circulars. DALLEY’S AMM \L GALVANIC. Ascertain, quick and never fa iling reme dy tor die cure of Poll evil, galls, sores hu mors, bruises, swellings broken knees.— Bone spavin, Quitteibune &c. N. B. Broken Knees it cures without scar or disoraiirn of the hair ! 11, l) A LLEY, Inventor arid Proprietor. 415 Brand way. New York. AGENTS SNEAD A CHAPMAN. AT TUB New l>roj Slore. | SUMTER ST. OGLETHORPE GA. I Oglethorpe 17, 1851. 27 —8 t. THE SEW DEIC STORE. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Wholesale anti Retail DRUGGIST’S (.SUMPTER STREET,) Oglethorpe Ga. THE undersigned wotiid ly inform their friends and lie, dial they have just opt tied a JpRUG S FORE iu Oglethorpe, where ilfy will keep constantly on hand, ? lajVe and fresh assortment of Drugs audjledieines, Surgical and Dental lnAnnients, gold, Perfumery, Soapsid choice Toi let articles. Also, ljjffnts, Oils, Polish i Choice Spices, j Fs-eucrJgjpSiem Medicines, ike. be., and a full aptfmerit of whatever belongs to (C? Having had six years Practical ‘Experience in the Drug Business, ami ’ being determined to devote to it their j w hole attention, they hope to merit and | receive a liberal patronage. | Every article put up in the neatest j manner and Warranted Fre.-lt and Pure, j or liable to be returned. Physician’s Proscriptions put up with care and dispatch. i ‘l’lte attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to our stock, was we fell confident ve can sup ply them with all article in our line, on terms tltiil will not fail In nice satisfat lion. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. October, 17 1851. 27 I v W /NSEED, Train. Lard, fy Neats. ■ A foot Oils, for -ale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, at the New Drug Store. Oet. 17 1851. 27 if j POTASH. A fine article lor sale by, SNEAD & CHAPMAN. ! Oet. 17 ISSI. 27 if I- - Dental Insirumcnt.- Gobi Foil, &c. For sale lit. SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if FRENCH Window Chi--. F..r a’ei by SNEAD k CHAPMAN. On. 17 1851. 27 ts WH7TE Lead. For sale hv SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 i 851. 27 tf’ BRUSHES, all kind lor -ale bv SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. Oft. 17 1851. 27 ts IT ORILLARD S SNUFF. A large lot in Battles and Jar-, for sale In m SNEAD CHAPMAN. ‘ Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts TAPPINGS BUCHU. P,.e SI at Guletliurpp, SNE.dD CHAPMEN. On. 17 §B5l. 27 if nTTiY y ‘ SIR I 0 PHE RO U S Price 25 cts. Auni ts. SN RAD 6/ CH A PM/IN. Oct. 17 1851 27 ts | K'^R7DF7jR/li''Fi; N K/EIFsTv, -1 J?lir.i.etl Linainetil lor Rhetiiatism, For sale bv SNE/1D Si CH JP.M/IN. On. 1G 1851. 27 ts. ÜBINS Perfumery, for sale bv, 1 A SNEvdD Si CII A PM AN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts Moufjt’s pills s,- bit* TERS for iale by, S N E A D Ik ULJPM/fN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if. J) 9S TSBI M ! 01 ’l-'O OT 7$ ‘S:iSOIV ’ll T •pi.llj-J nt|l JltafyJ * . -si,] ‘sitiiQ *sde3 ‘sitqj ‘stoofj ‘saoqg ‘iqioxiQ A'Q DNIH J.O r J ‘ ■iiavox 19.101S ls<)diKH[;j aqx j Another New Store fnCabani’s Building, Ogletlioi-pc. Ua 5 THE Suhscriber takes this Method of informing the Citizens of Ogle thorpe. and the Surrounding Country, that he lias just opened, and offers lor sale, his well assorted Stock consisting of DRY GOODS, Ready made Clothing, Saddlery, Truks, Valise’s, and almost any thing that can he called ft r, usuly kept in a Dry Good Store. M. H. MEYER, Agt. October, 10, 1851— 26 3 in . Georgia—Macon county. \f WeTH EREAS Mary L. L. Slappy V ▼ applies to me for letters of Admin istration on tlie estate of VVm F* Slappy late of Macon County deceased: These ara therefore to cite end admonish all and single the kindred and creditor# of said decease I to he and appear at mv Office with in the time prescribed by Law, to show cause il any they have or can why said letter should I not bt! grunlrd W. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. I October, 10th, 1851. 26 Im | * - ‘* !• •Over 10,000 Pairs of BOOTS & SHOES I Keep it before the People that BANKS &jCO SUMTERHS!*REET, M I. V * W ? llnors lr |{ * t! * StWh&Co., and intend kt, mo Constantly on hand the largest and hL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ever offered iu South-Western Georgia, y huge portion of which is of their own niati nfactiire, and warranted not to rip, consisting of all qualities and prices; 2,0(X) pairs honu made Negro Shoes, double soled; 1,000 pairs and Kip Sewed and Pegged Boots*— 250 pairs Men’s Double-soled Water-Pi'ouf Boots; 500 pairs single and Double sole* Calf Brogans; 1,500 pairs Ladies’ Leaiht. Cloth, Morocco and Enameled Bootees and slioes; 1,500 pairs Misses’ and Youths’ Boots and shoes, all kinds; 1,500 pairs? Boys’ Kip and Thick Boots and shoes; 500 paits Men’s Home-made Double soled Black Slo gans; 250 pairs Boys’ do.; 300 pairs gen tlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubber Over sliot-s; 800 pairs Notheru Negro shoes at 90c.; 10,000 Ihs. Sole Leather, Calf, Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Pegs, Shoemakers’# Tools, &c. All we ask of Planters and others is to ex amine our Stock before they purchase, as we expect to sell exclusively for CAS!!, which will enable us In sell lower than any house that titles a credit business. G ive us a Call! And if we can’t sell we will charge noth ing for showing our Stock. Any aiiiiniH us BEEF HIDES taken in Exchange for shots or Leather. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10th, 1851. 2t> Cm Liquor/ A L \RGF. quantity of Liquors, consisf m iu<r of Brandy, Rum, (Jin, VVhiskv, Puri, Madeira, and Chni[stigi) Wines, ail nf the best quality, just received'and for sale by ‘ K U’FMAN &. BHO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851, 26 ts Gi^ars. Ms LARGE lot of fine Citinrs just re- JjSL < civet! and for sale cheap hv, KAUFMAN Ik BRO Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26 if KJI-'b'AR, Cnffee, Symp, and Mufis-es, X3j'.st tect ivi-tl and fur sale low by, K U FMAX. & BRO. Oglethorpe, Ort. 10, 1851. 26 if 800 FB. Shoes, Hals, Caps if every variety just received and i'ur sale In,, K AI'FM \ N & BRO. Oglelh.iroe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if ME VDV made CLOTHI sG, a vi rv large aasurtmenl just ret eived anil for sale l.y, KAUFMAN & BRO. Ogietliotpt, Oct* 10,1851. 26 ts. ORV OOODS id .all (Jest rip'iuns, just ret eived and for salt- hv KVUFMAN &. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26’ /, To the People of .Soiit h-w us!uni Gcor&ia. Remendier, that win n you route u> trade I hat money saved is money made. ‘MESSRS. DUNGY k CO. hm: l"JL.itisl rt-ceix etl a large hit til FALL tV \V I N'l’Eß ROODS,of everv varielx. -- A!s-.i ;i splendid assortment us Heady IVlade Goth ing, Ibifs, Caps, Knots, sliot a Ac. All us which they will sell cheap enough to enable the purchaser to save half his money. They also have on hand a huge quantity ol Choice Groceries, which they will sell very low. We would therefore say to the public. Call in, before you father go To trade u-iili Greek or Jew, And you will fmdjhat Doney A Co s sell cheap bargains ton. DONEY de CO. Oglethorpe, Oct, 10,1851. 26 6tr Family Supplies. SUGAR, Coffee, Flour, Tobacco tfcc,, cohanily nd and for sale hv, HOMEY & CO. j Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 25 6t Shoes for the Darkies. /M Pairs of well made Negro shoes, just received nndi for sMe by. [DONEY & CO. * Oglethorpe, oci. 10, 1851. 26 6m SOUTHWESTERN RAIL ROAD. Kin 4 DAILY TRAIN for Passengers and Freiglrt leaves Macon at 6-2 A. IM.— Arrives si Oglethorpe at 11-2 A. M Arrives at Macon at 3-2 P. M. Connecting each way with the Central and Macon Wes tern trains, and the ITallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fori Valley at 1 !>2 P. M. GEO. VV. ADAMS, Supt. S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 ts Notice. Till;!‘> llr " n ' 1 r "mpny,’ wh to “iRE until ti e Ist of Jantnry next, twenty livs Ne grtws for repair), on the Hoad ; for whirlt fifteen ifolbt. perm--nth will lie paid; limy will also be fed and riot bed GEO VV. ADAMS. Supt S. W. R R. I Oglethorpe. Octobe* 10,1851. jg g