The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, November 28, 1851, Image 3

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Sale of Property In Sumter County. *W7""W7’I LL be sold, at the residence of T T John-fll'cMurrain, late of Sumter ‘Qjymty, deceased. On the 18th day of Do. cember next,the following propel ty to wit: Several negroes, consisting of Men Wo men and Children. Five Hundred Acres of Land more or less, 270 acres’, of which are open and under tolerable good fence, with good dwellings out houses, Gin house Screw &c., on the premises. Also one fine Jack, i several Jennies, Horses, Mutes and other -Stock. Also about eight hundred bushels of Corn, Several thousand pounds of Fodder, and between twenty and forty acres of grow ing'Wheat and Oats. The above mention ed land, if not sold will be for rent. Terms made known on day of sale. Those who tdosire to purchase will do well to call and ■examine for themselves. LYDIA McMURRAIN, ■November 28 2851. 33—tds. RECEIVED to-day a large lot es Clierry Pectoral, Cod Liver Oil, Dr. Clnisties Galvanic Remedis, Townsend’s and Sand’s Sarsaparillas, “ Pepsin” the Great Dyspepsia Remedy; and various other Patent medisins. SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. Nov. 17th, 1851 33—ts. John Freeman, TlfOULp respectfully inform the public that he it a me ” chanie and that lie can exec-uie jobs of sash, doors blinds and inside finishing of houses, also he can make chain pump at the shortest notice. lie may be found at his residence at all times. Oglethorpe, May 8, 1*550. 4n?, GEORGIA —Macon County “'■7“®/11 ERE AS than Bryan appliia V V lor letters of Guardianship lor the Minor children of McGrouder Bryan De ceased, Tlies are thetefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and apper at my Office within tho time prescribed by Law, to show cause if any they have or can why said let ters should not he granted. VV. VV. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 21 1851. 33—lm. Sale of Lots in Oglethorpe. ON Wednesday the 17ili. day of Decem ber next, immediately after the sale of lots in Oglethorpe, bv Messrs Scott, Carhart Sc Cos. The subscriber will offer to the highest bidder, a number of lots for Resi dence. Terms, one third cash, and the re mainder in installments, of one and t\v 0 years. E. G. CABANIS.S Nov. 20eth. 1851. CHEAT EXCITEMENT AT THE, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. THOSE fiilfe Boots so much called for, are now on had, and will Le sold, while cotton i* low, at $7, per pair. Nov. 17th. 1851. BANKS &. Cos. Ml) STILL THEY COME!! RECEIVED this day, at the New Drug Stqre, another large lot of Drugs Me dicines, Paints, Oils &c., Let all >yhn want J , ure articles, at cheap prices, give us a call, as we warrant every article; and sell as cheap as any House in the Slate. To ti e Ladies who want fine Toilet articles, we would say come and examine our .Stock, and judge for yourselvs. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Nov. 17th, 1851. 33—ts. MANTEAU MAKING, 1 Miss Coiieiicita Vuiiiitnio HAS opened her Manleau making and Milleorey Establishment at the House of John l*. Harvey on Baker Street, w here she is always ready to accomodate the La dies. She also las on hand a variety of Bon nets, and Bonnet trimmings. Noy. 21. 1851. 33—-ts. OGLETHORPE - Candy Manufactory, AND C O N FE CTJ ON AR Y. Jackson & Powell, Have the pleasure of announcing to the public that they have opened in (tie City of OGLETHORPE, on SUMTER St. next door South of the Brick Store of R. H. Sims <s* Cos., a large and extensive lot of CONFECTIONARIES, Such as Candies, Cakes, Syiups, Preserves, Jellies, Jams, Pickles, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, Brazil and Hazil Nuts, English Walnuts, Apples, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts, Bananas, Plaintains, Diied Figs, Prunes, Ci gars, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Cordials, Wines, for medical purposes, together with OYSTERS, pic kid and fresh, and FISH in their seson, and all other at tides in the Con fectionary line. They will also MANUFACTUR E, in the most superior style, and of the best materi. all sorts of CANDIES, CANDY ORNAMENTS. &c„ and will neatly Emboss and Ornament Cakes, for Balls, Parties, and Weddings, at short noticeaand on as reasonable terms as any establishment in Georgia. As they intend doing business strictly on the Cash Principle, all oiders for any of the Cbove articles must be accompanied with the CASH, to insure attention. In connection with their CONFEC TIONARY they intend keeping a regular and genteel, EATiNG-HOUSE, and they will be happy at all times to serve up to their friends, and the public generally. HAM AND EGGS, OYSTERS, FISH, (in their season,) GAME, HOT COFFEE, &c. By strict attention to business, and a desire to please, they hope to receive, as they will endeavor to meiit, a liberal share of public patronage. fTARREN JACKSON, WM H, PcWELL Oct. 31,1851 29—ts. THE SEW DBl’G STORE. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. tv hole sale ana Retail DRUGGISTS (SUMPTER STREET ,) Oglethorpe, Ga. THE undersigned would respectful ly inform their friends and the pub lic, that (hey Inve just opened a DRUG STORE in Oglethorpe, where they will keep constantly on hand, ? large and fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Surgical and Dental Instruments, gold Foil, Perfumery, Soaps and choice Toi let articles, Also, Paints, Oils, Potash Window Glass Dye Stuff, Choice Spices Essences, Patent Medicines, &r. kc., and a full assortment of whatever belongs to tire business. ST** Having had six years Practical Experience in the Drug Business, and being determined to devote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a liberal patronage. Every article pm up in the neatest manner and Warranted Fresh and Pure, or liable to be returned. Physicians’ Proscriptions put up with care and dispatch. The attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to our stock, as we feel confident we can sup ply them with all articles in our line, on terms that w ill not fail to give satisfaction. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. October 17, 1851- 27—ly. TIIIEF OUT. STOLEN out of my shop last night five or six old silver Watches one a very arge old double cased silver watch, the THIEF had better return them, as they all need repairing and 1 have the No's and they will be very apt to convict the stealer and they will prove to be of very little value to the THIEF, if he gets clear with the Lot. H. H. MAPP Oglethorpe Ga. Oct. 28ih 1851. 9 —3 t. GEORGIA MADE Negro Shoes!!! BEING very desirous to introduce, our Manufacture of Southern made Negro ■Shoes, into &outn-Western Georgia, we have reduced the price to $1 12Jcts. They are double soled nailed heels, lacked toe and Shank, and Copper riveted eve seams.— Wart anted to be the heaviest and best made Negro Shoes got up in Georgia. BANKS & Cos., Nov. 7ih, 1851. 30—2 m. Rales of toll at S. 11. CLAICK’S FGKKY, On Flint River. MAN anJ Horse, 10 1 Horse Waggon or Buggy, 25 2 “ ‘‘ “ 30 2 “ Close Carriage, Barauch or Rockaway, 35 4 or 6 Mule team, 40 Anew Bridge is now built on the road from the Ferry to Oglethorpe across Buck’s Creek, making the distance only two and half miles from the Ferry. The landings are as good as any on the River. July 9th, 1851. 13 6m GEORGIA —Macon County. Court of Ordinary, Novmber term 1851. Present the Honorable lchabod Davis, Nullum Bryan, Joseph Mott, George Williams, Oran C. Horne, Justices, WHEREAS, Reuben Kaigler, adminis trator of John J. Kaigler, deceased, has duly-petitioned the Court for letters of dismission from said Estate: therefore, all persons concerned are hereby cited to appear at the regular term of said Court, on the first Monday in May next, to show cause (if any they can) why said lettets of dismission should not be granted in terms ofthe law. Given under my hand, at Office in La nier, this the 3rd, day of November 1851. Wm. VV. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 7th, 1851. 30—6ni. NOTICE. THE undersigned has now in Ids posses sion a fine gold detached lever watch 13jewels the leal ownerof which is un known. //'the real owner will come for ward he can have it by proveing property and paying all charges, GRENE DIXON. Nov. 14th 1851, 31—3 t New Clothing Store. M. SYLVESTER & BRO. HAVE just opened a large Stock of Clot 7 ing on Cuyler St. in Oglethorpe one Door below Carson & Greer, which they will sell 25 per cent cheaper than any other establishment in the place. They have oil qualities of Clothing, from common to the finest, all of which id made to order in the latest style and warranted to be good. Call in Gentlemen, and examine our s, ock before you purchase elsewhere; Oglethorpe, Oct: 3lst, 1851, JjSpcm. H- J. KiSfetsurs “JP!y / new Town of Oglethorpe, will at- U fjfWT *®nd * tr icdy to thu reparhn of II Clocks, Watches, & Jewelry.— all work done at the shortest notice, Ogleliorpa, October, 21^1851, EXECUTOR’S SALE. he sold before the Court ▼ y House Door in Lanier on the first Tuesday in December next, a likely Ne groe Woman, by the name of Harriet, as the Property ofMartha J. Bell, minor. Terms made known on day of sal*-, JAMES BELL, Guardian, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—tds. COME YE TO THE WATERS. WARRANTED no cure no pay, and no mistake ; Boupland's Fe ver and Ague Remedy, for the permanent cure of fever and Ague. Call at the Drug Store all ye slmkeisand be heated. PHILIP T. FEARS. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts New Dry Goods & Grocery Stoic. On Baker Street. TJODOES, would res • Hjr a JLjL pectfully inform the Citizens of Oglethorpe und the Planters of the surrounding Country that he is now open ing a large and well selected slock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Hatdware, Crockery, Sadlery, Boots, Shoes See. He will also keep constantly on hand a j large lot of CUOCERIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. Sept, 12,'1851. 22—ts TOWNSEND’S, Sands’, Risbv’s. and Comstock’s Compound Extract's of Sarsaparilla, for sale bv, Aug. 1,1851. PHILIP T. FEARS. TAILORINGS JOHN CRANE would respectfully in forme the Citizens of Oglethorpe and •he surrounding country that he has now’ opened a Shop in this place for the purpose of executing all business in his line that may he entrusted to him, in the neatest and must fashionable style. He has on hand a huge lot of Splendid Clocths sot men’s dressing, which the public are invited to call and ex amine before purchasing eleswhere. JOHN CRANE. Oglethorpe, Slept. 26, 1851. 24—ts. Dry Goods ai Wholesale SAVANNAH GA. DOBFUTS, FOOTE & MARSHALL are now re- L* ceiving at. their store, corner of Broughton and Jefleison -Streets, opposite -Saint Andrews’ Hail, a large and well selected stock of Foreign and domestic Dry Goods, which they offer for sale, upon the usual terms. We sell exclusively wholesale, and think we are able to offet sufficient inducements U> retain the trade in this city. We have now in store iOO hales brown Shirtings and Sheetings; 50 eases bleeclied “ “ 50 “ fancy I’rints, 50 hales INegro Blankets; 25 *• Red and White Flannels; 100 cases Kerseys and 1 indseys. ALSO— an extensive assortment of Ladies* Dross Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, and other miscellaneous articles; usually wanted by merchants from the interior. flCrßartieulur attention given to orders, September 26. 21—6 m POTASH. A fine article for sale by, SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if TT ORILLARD’S SNUFF. A large JsLd lot in Bottles mid Jars, for sale bv SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. ‘ Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts Agents at Gulethnrpe, SNE4D Si CH/JPMHN. Od. 17 1851. 27 if and ÜBINS Perfumery, for sale by, 1 A Si Oct. 17 1851. 27 if IT /NSEED, Train, Lard, if Neats.. li A fool Oils, for sale by SNEAD Si CHAPMAN, at the New Drug Store. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts URGICAL and Dental Instruments Gold Foil, Sic. For sale bv. SNEAD Sc CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851 27 ts. Family Supplies. SUGAR, Coffee, Flour, Tobacco See., constantly on band and for sale bv, DONEY Se CO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 6 m Notice. THE South Western itailrnatl Company, wishes to HIKE unlit de Ist of January next, twenty fiva Ne groes for repairs on the lioad ,• for which fifteen dollars permonlli will be paid; they wi II also he fed amt cloi lied. GEO- VV. ADAMS. Sopt. S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe. Octobea 10,1851. — 2C ts ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virlttre of an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Macon County, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary. WILL he sold on (lie fust Tuesdny in January next, Before the Court House Doof in the Town of Lanier, within die legal hours of sale; the lands and negroes of the estate of Mc- Gruder Bryan, late of said County, deceased, there is a settlement of 557 acres of the land he place whereon the deceased died, and which adjoins lands of Maj. Young, Mathew Leggett, lchabod Davis and James Caldwell, the lot of negroes are likely, 16 in number consisting of men, women, boys, girls and children. The balance of the properly, of said estate, will be sold on the place on the day following, and from day to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the dav of sale. NATHAN BRYAN, Sept. 26,1851. 24—if. To the People of South-western Georgia. when you come to trade I hat saved is money made. Messrs, doney & co.. have just received a large lot ol FALL &. VV IN 1 ER GOODS, of every variety.— Also a splendid assortment of Ready Made Codling,* Hats, Caps, Boots, shoes fte. All of which they will soil cheap enough to enable tho purchaser to save half his money. They also have on hand a large quantity of Choice Groceries, which they will sell very low. We would therefore say to the public. Call in, before you father go To trade with Greek or Jew, And you will fiudyhat Doney &. Cos. Con sell cheap bargains mo. DONEY & CO. Oglethorpe,. Oct, 10, 1851. 26 6m Another Noyv Store- In Cabaniss* Building, Oglctliorpc. u,, THE Subscriber lakes this Method ol informing the Citizens of Ogle thorpe. and the Surrounding Country, that lie has just opened, and offers lor sale, his well assorted Stock consisting of DRY GOODS, R“ady made Clothing, Saddlery, Trnks, Valise’s, anil almost any thing that can he called ft r, nsuly kept in a Dry Good Store. M. 11. MEYER, Agt. October, 10, 1851— 26 3m. Dentistry. EAR. A. C. HORNAOY having In* t vated at OGLETHORPE, GA. respectfully announces to the citizens ol this place and the surrounding country that lie has opened an office in the second Story of Dawson’s Store, on the Corner of Sumter and Cuvier sts., where he can be found at all times. N. B. All operation', warranted.— Terms CASH. October, 10 1 Sol. 26—6 m P. S. Ladies waited on at their residence. BARRELS of Fresh Flour m!? V*/ just received and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25 if. 1000%^^ by J. O. lIODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851 25—if. A LARGE Lot of Bagging and Rope, just received and for sale bv J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—ts. TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER, Manufactory. iffIHE subscriber would take this method of Jk informing the Citizens of Oglethorpe and die surrounding counny that lie is now prepared to furnish any quantity of Tin, Sheal Iron and Copper waie, oa the most reasonable terms. All kind of Job wotk in Ids line done with neatness and dispatch, lie will also furnish, Gutteis, Conductors and Tin roofing for houses. He will also keep on hand a splen ded lot of Harness, sole and upper Leathers. 05 s ” Hides and Tallow taken in exchange for the above mentioned articlos.^/j) J. B. BREEDLOVE. Oglethorpe, Ga. Oct. 3, 1851. 25—3 m. Administrators Sale. PURSUANT loan order ofthe Inferior Court while silling for Ordinary pur poses, for the County of Macon, will be sold on the Frst Tuesday in December next, be fore the Court House door in the town of Lanier, Lots of Land Nos. 174, in the Ist District; 20 and 59 in the 2d District for merly Muscogee now Macon County, and No, 4 in tlieSOtli District originally Lee now Macon County, belonging to the estate of JohnJ. Haugabook, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAS. S. CALDWELL, Adm’r, de bonis non. Oct 3,1851. 25tds NOTICE. ALL who are indebted to the firm o Wright Sc Ballard are hereby reques ted to come forward and make immediate settlement, either by Money or Note. WRIGHT & BALLARD. Oglethorpe Oct. 31, 1851. 29—ts. “Henry laturop, Jleaer in Fgrcip and Domestic DRY GOODS Gibbons New Building, Corner of Congress &i Whilaker Streets SAVANNAH GA, 17REPS constantly on hand, mid is now receiving ft ami well selected stock of Foreign and Domes tic ii si iy; o B)s. suitable for the season, to vvlicih lie invites the particular attention of merchant* visiting the market. Savftnuah, August 20th, 1851. 19—vm.* CiUGAR, Coffee, Syrup, and Molasses, F9just received and for sale low bv, KAUFMAN, Sc BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 t A LARGE assortment of Medical, Clas* sical, Miscellaneous, and School Book Slates, Pencils, Paper, Ink and Bank Book* ot every description, and for sale by P. T. FEARS Druggist. Oglethorpe Aug. 1 1851. 16-ls COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED being join an equal partners in tlie town Lots of West Oglethorpe, located on apart of Land Lot n uni her two hundred in tlie twenty eighth District, of original Lee, now Macon County Georgia, take this method of informing all whom ii may concern, that a co-partnership exists in said property under the firm of J. \V. Herring it N. L. Angler, ’ and that either partner, the names hereunto annexed is authorized to execute legal and warrantee titles to any or all of said Tow n Lots, located ns above described. J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, 1851 21tf Georgia Macon County ik LL persons interested, are hereby : .rttesa. notified that four months after date, j application will be made to the Inferior Court of Said County, w hen sitting for or* dianry purposes foi leave to sell the whole ! f the real estate ol Howard VV. Ellis eeeased, late of said County. A. A. ERWIN, Aclrn’r. Sept. slh, 1851. 21 4m SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. jOB A UAILY TRAIN for JLjA. Passengers and Freight leaves Macon at 6 1-2 A. M.— Arrives at I Oglethorpe at 1 1 1-2 A. M.—Arrives at : Macon ai 3 1-2 P. M. Connecting each | way with the Central and Macon &i YVes tern trains, and the Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1 l<2 P. At. GEO. W. ADAMS. Supt, S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if DRY GOODS ofall descriptions, just received and fur sale by KAUFMAN & BRO. Ogl ethorpe,Ocl. 10, 1851. 26 if Cigars. ALARGE lot of fine Cigars just re.- ceived and for sale cheap bv, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26 if ADMINISTRATORS SYALEb ASy I LL lie sold before the Court house V V door in Americas, on the Ist Tues day in January next, the following prop erly, as the Estate of Bryant Clark de ceased, lo wit: One Lot of Land, No. 192 lying, and being in the 28ilt t'gluh tlis trict, of originally Lee, now Sumpter County, containing two hundred two and half acres more nr less, and two fraction al Lots 145 123 in the same district con taining each one hundred acres, more or less, subject to the widows dower, the same being laid off and set apart for her. Also the following negroes namely, Patsy a woman thirty years old, Dmeila a woman seventeen years old, and her two children Sam a hoy two years old and Seaton an infant, George a boy 15 years old, and Peter 13 years old. Sold by order of the /nferior Court for a dis tribution among the heirs. Also, will be sold at the residence of the deceased on the fifteenth day of December next, the perishable proper ly of said estate, consisting of Horses. Hogs, Cattle, Slit ep, Corn, fodder, house hold and kitchen furniture, one Cotton Gin, one half or the widows interest in a dutch lan, together with other articles 100 tedious to mention. Sold by order of Court for a deslribution among the heirs. Terms made knon on tlav of sale. GEORGE SOUTHWELL, Ad’m. October, 17 1851. 27 2m DR.DE GILdFFENK/ED’S Cele brated Linament for Rheniatistn, For sale bv Si Oct. 16 1851. 27 ts. B/iRRY’S TRK OPH E ROU S Price 25 cts. ydgents. SNEJD if CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts pills if bt- TERS for sale by, SNE/1D Si CHj4PM/fN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if. BENCH Window Glass? F-r- • by SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if WH/TE Lead. For sale by SNEAD 8i CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts Georgia—Macon county. W I,ERKAS M,,ry L - L - Slh p.pj 7 applies to me for letters of Admin istration on the estate of U m F- Slappy late of Macon County deceased: These ara therefore to cite end admonish all and single the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at iny Office with in the time prescribed by Law, to show cause I any they have or can why said letters should not be granted. VV. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. October, lOtli, 1851. 26 Irn FOUND. T WEAR this place on Thursday last, by .I*B a boy belonging to the undersigned, a Silver Watch, which the owner can have by describing or proving properly, and paying all expenses. CULLEN COX. Oglethorpe Oct. 7th, 1851- 30—if. j Over 10,000 Pairs of f) BOOTS AND SHOES. Karp it bejore the People that BANKS & CO. ON SUMTER STREET. HAVE now opened two doors from R. H. SIMS <fc Co.,and intend kcc;>- ■ ing constantly on band the largest and !>■ t STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOE i ever offered in South-Western Georgia. A huge portion of which is of their own mat ulacttire, and warranted not to rip, consisting of all qua lilies and prices; 2,000 pairs horn made Negro Shoes, double soled ; 1,000 piis of Kip Sewed and Pegged Boots; — 250 pairs Men’s Double-soled Water-Proo Bools; 500 pairs single and Double soled Cali Brogans ; 1,500 pairs Ladies’ Leather Clotli, Morocco uml Enameled Bootees and shoes; 1.500 pairs Misses’ and Youths’ Boots and shoes, all kinds; 1,500 pairs Boys’ Kip and Thick Boots und shoes; 500 paits Men’s Home-made Double soled Black Bro gans; 250 pairs Boys’ do. ; 300 pairs gen tlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubber Over shoes ; 800 pairs Nothern Negro shoes at 90c.; — lO.OOOIhs. Sole Leather, Calf, Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Pegs, Shoemakers’* Tunis, &.C. All we ask of Planters and others is to ex amine our Stock before they purchase, ns wo expect to Sell exclusively for CASH, which w ill enable us to sell lower than any house that does a credit business. Give us a Call! And if we can't sell we will charge noth., ing for showing our Stork. Any amount of BEEF HIDES taken in Exchange lot shoe# or Leather. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10th, 1851. 26 Gin DRY Goods, Hatdware &.c. of every description, just receved and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3 [B5l. 25—if, Jewelry. A FINE lot of Jeweh y just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if. BOOTS, Shoes, Huts, Caps of every variety just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Pel. 10, 1851. 26 ts CLOTHING READY made CLOTHING, a very , large assortment just received and for sale hv, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct- 10,1851. 26 ts. M LARGE h.t of choice Baron for sale £% by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851, 25—if. PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE. THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform you that they have taken the PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE, for a term of time and associated themselves together under the name and style of S. W. Blood worth &. Cos., in the Ware-House and Com mission Business, In all its vaiious branches. The business will be conducted by S. W. Blood wort It ; from his experience in the business, they feel confident of giving gene ral satisfaction to all those who may entrust them with their business; In confirmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoin* ed references, and at the same time, ask a liberal share of their pationage. They promise to keep their patrons ad vised of the slate of the maiket at all times; they lake this occasion to say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterward wish it shipped to Macon or Sa vannah or Charleston, it shall he promptly attended to without any additional expense. Their Ware-House, in consequence of its locality, has advantages over any other in the place, in point of security from firu, be gin remote from oilier buildings. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liheial CASH ADVANCES will be mado on Produce in Store. Ali orders from Planters or country Mer chants will be filled at short notice, and, (as they have no interest in Merchandize,) at the lowest cash prices; S.*W. BLOODWORTH, RffcllAßD JOHNSTON, REFERENCES, Planters : Dr. Thomas, 1 Isaac Cheney, Esq. ) Tulbot Cos. Gen’l T. Griffin, ) M. D. North, Esq. ) Coweta Cos. James Neal, Esq. ) Wm. Pryor. Esq. ) Pike, Cos. Rev. Wm. Moseley, I Judge A. W. Walker. J Henry, Cos. Tiros. VV. Ashford, l Ed. Broughton, Esq. J Troup, Cos. Judge J. May, 1 T. Nichols, Esq. ) Fayette Cos. 1. Nichols, Esq. 1 B. P. Bussey, Esq. f Meiiwcthcr Cos. Chas. Cargil, Esq. I W. HarlTness, Esq. f Butts Cos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Rice Dulin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields Sc Adams, Macon, Ga. N. A. Hardee & Cos. 1 C. Hartrtdge, Esq. ;• Savannah. Wm. P. Yonge, Esq.) Editors, 8. W. Georgian, and S. Democrat. GRIFKIN, Georgia Sept., Ist. 1851. This is to certify that Afr. S. W. Bloodworth, has for several years been engaged in tire Ware-House ami Commission business in this place, and from my acquaintance with him, I feel no hesitation in recom mending him in that capacity to the patrons of Ogle thorpe ; lie is also a good judge of the quality of Cotton, and consequently an excellent salesman. A. A. GAULDING, Sen’r: partner of tho firm of Uaulding, Ferril Sc Chapman. Wm. R: PHILLIPS, Sen’r. partner of Jones Phillips & Cos. Oglethorpe, Sopt. sih, 1851. 21