The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, December 12, 1851, Image 4

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JAMES K. SELLERS, WAicaausEE * jeweler OGLETHORPE, <U., (X WORLD respectfully inform lh* pulilic ttwii lie i jfTLha* permanently located in IWMIkHK, fi# *•> of Kepnirin? (Hocks, wateliei, Jewelry | Ac. lie will visit all tlic principle towns and villages in South-Western Georgia, during (lie simun-r mnnilw for the purpose of executing any work in his line of business thin may present itself. All repairing done in a work manlike manner, anil warranted. April 21th, 1351 3-ts. BLANKS. “NJTOW oo band and fur sale at this Office i JL.M Justice’s Summons, Executions dec. Sheriff's Deeds, Juror Summons, Bonds &c Any other Blanks furnished at short notice All orders when accompanied by the cash Wi'l be promptly attended tv. Books! Books !! 60 COPIES OF THE Married Woman's Medical Companion, For sale at the “South-West Georgian” Of fice by C. B. YOUNGBLOOD. P. S. All orders from abroad promptly attended to. Sept. 12,1851. ~ NOTICE. MESSRS. NELSON & GUMMING would inform the public that persons hiring Buggies from their Stable must expect to pay on the delivery of them,and persona boarding homes with them must pay monthly. Tlieir ne - ceasttiea require this courae. All persona Indebted to them by note or account will please settle immediately. April 4rh,1851: 3-ts FOUR MONTHS aftei date appli cation will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Macon County, when silling for Ordinary purposes for leavu to sell all the lands, negroes, goods, Chattels Ac. belong ing to the estate of McGromler Brvan dot’d. NATHAN BRYAN. Adtnr. Sept. sth, 1851- 21 4m Harness! Harness! THE undereigned will keep con siantly on hand, and for sale at G. C. Carmichael &. Co's Ware-Mouse, cor- 1 ner of Baker and Cuiler sireeis. A large supply of Harness of all description, Car tinges, Buggies, Wagons and Diays; also ex tra Bridle lines &c. Which will be sold at the lowest prices; ull orders promptly attended to. S. B. KING. Sept. 12,1851: 22—4 m. PRETTY TEETII A Sweet Breath’ DR. MANSON’S Vanilla Tooth Wash for cleansing tile teeth, and Puryfiying the breath, for sale at FEAR’S Drug Stoic. Sept. sth, 1851. .21 if Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the Citizens of Travelers Rest and its vicinity, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line ofbusi- Dess, such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, at the shortest notice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the ad joining Country, that lie is prepared to exe- i cute all jobs that may be brought to hint, in 1 the way of Harness making and Repairing; , and that be keeps on hand, both Carriages, < Buggies, and harness ready made, and for ‘ ■ale at the lowest Cash prices. , Those wishing to purchase will do well to 1 call and examine his stock before purchas- J ing else where. < H. D. POWELL. Travelers Rest, July 24,1851. 15 ly MEDICAL CARD. ‘ ■ r DR. JAMES M. POKES rospectfullyof- ! fers his services to the citizens of Ogle- , thorpe and vicinity in the various brandies 1 of Medicine. He may be found at Mr. Fears j Drug A’toie during the day, and at the Pa vilion House at nigiit, when not profession ally engaged. , August 14,1851. 18—ts j __ t Land and other Property fr Sale- ‘ ITjITHE Subscriber odors for sdea valua -11. ble settlement of Oak and Hickory, Land, nearest point within one mile of Ogle- ( thorpe, on both sides of Flint River, (the I residence on said land being within two and a half miles of Oglethorpe, on the East side of said River) containing six hundred and sis- 1 ty or seven hundred acres, two hundred of j which are now in cultivation. There is also h good Ferry on said land. There is also u 1 settlement of land containing about five hun tired acres. ‘2OO of which are in cultivation which can be purchased on reasonable terms if desired, lying broadside of the above des ctibed settlement. Said lands arc well wa tered. Also a small lot of Negroes, Mules, Wa gons, and all the farming implements be longing to tlie premises’ to he sold with die lands, or without, to suit purchasers. The above property will be sold on good terms. Those who desiro to purchase will do well to call and examine fur themselves. SENDS H. CLARK. July 24, 1851. 156 m SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO ., Principle Office, Alliens, Ga. At.bon Socy, Asnuuv llui.l Pres’l riVlix company lm tv-on in operation between tliree ;uoI -I four year*, mtd ha- acquired a capital in notes ami 1 rash of nearly Three Itim.lre.l Tluut-mid Hollars. All promptly sotilo.l on the presrntaUon of satisfiictorv proof, tink It IKK-, anil insurance* on Nejrroos, a- well a> upon the lives of White persons, taken by the under earned Agent at Oglethorpe. <t. PHILIP COOK, Agent. July 31, 1851. 16 6m. West Oglethorpe ? 1 ITUATED on the rise of Land West j of the present locality of the City of Oglethorpe, ; Immediately after crossing the Branch.— 1 Ground high and rolling, water good. Town Lots suitable for business or residence. The Lots are immediately on the main road lead ing to Pondtowu and Americas from which direction the principle trade for this point l will come. Those desirous of health or plea* ’sar.t locations, will do well to call and exam, inefor themselves. Lots have already been sold to the amount of several thousand dol lars. Apply to the subscribers on the prem ises J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, July 9, 1851. 13 ts For Sale. LOT No. 9 on Square 3 on the Corner of Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap ply to PHILIP COOK. Ogelthorpc, July 3, 1851. 12-ts. R. E. SELLER'S VERMIFUGE. This Worm Medicine has no superior— if an coual—in this or any oilier coun try. It is much used and highly re commended by Physicians. ORMS frequently infest children, ag f f gravate all other diseases, and are capable of producing great disturbances in the system, and, consequently all medicines given to remove them should tie prepared with great care, and of the beat ma terial* ; and it is to be feared that many of the worm medicines in use are totally destitute of these qualities, ‘file Vermifuge which the subscriber offers to tile public is prepared of llte best materials that ton he procured. THETRUTH BYMENOFTRLTH. Concerning Sellers’ Vermifuge. A single vial producing wonders. Head the follow ing front the Hev. S. Wake field. Pnstor of the Liberty street A/elliodist Episcopal church : Pittsburgh, March 8, 1847. Mr. H. E. Sellers, —It is from a sense of duly, as well ns with great pleasure, that 1 bear testimony to the vir tue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. 1 procured a single bottle and gave it to three of tnv children, who had been ill fursevernl weeks. The oldest was seven )oars old, the next four, and llte youngest eighteen inontlts.* The first passed fifty-six worms, llte second forty-seven, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been do ing well, and are now in good health. Yours, respectfully, S WAKEFIELD. Greenville, Va. January 15. IS 5. Mr. K. E. Sellers, —Your Vermifuge gives universal satisfaetion. I have sold Fahnestock's, M’l ane's and others,but none has given the satisfaction that yours lias. B. F. GRAHAM, Post A/aster. Sellers’ Vermifuge—it troths wonders every irherc. Dig Sandy, Ky. Afav 12, 1818. A/r It E Sellers—Dear sir: Your Vermifuge produces such wonderful results, that L think it worth w bile to give you a few facts about it. A neighbor, Dr Gray, bought from me one vial of it, and gave the contents to three of his children; the first passed 180, the second 153, anil llte third 70, making 403 worms discliarced by using one vial. Mr Gray immediately bought lour vials more. Mr. J M'Slmrley also gave llte contents of one vial to tliree of his children, which brought from the first 73, from the second 51, and from the third 3), making 156 worms bv the use of one vial. 1 gave my own child, aged one year, two leaspoonfttls, which expelled 14, one of which was at least one foot long.— S’our Vermifuge is considered llte best that lias ever been brought to our section of country, and so far as I know, has never failed. Yours, respectfully, J L TRUMAN. Let Physicians Speuk. Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof. Licking Station. Ky, Dec. 17, 1845. Mr R E Sellers,—l have the pleasure to inform you that I have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results. I have formerly used Fahnestock’s, but being Persuaded to try yours, 1 have found it far supperior in every respect, and can say with out the fear of contradiction. that your Vermifuge pos sesses more virtue than any 1 ever used, and most cor dially recommend it to the attention of the public. 1 will state a case where I gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. My brother’s child was pining and wasting to a mere skeleton. In 36 hours after 1 gave the Vermifuge, the enormous quantity of upwards of sir hundred worms were passed. The child that was given up for lost, is now as well as uny in the neighborhood. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. Sellers’ Vermifuge the Best in the World Galmpoi 18, O, April 1, 1851, This certifies that I have kept on hand and used in my practice, K FI Sellers’ Vermifuge, for the two past years. lam confident in saying it has not failed, in a single instance, to relieve children ami adults troubled witli worms; in many instances it has brought away large quantities. lam confident it is llte best worm me dicine in use. Alt that is required to give it reputation in any family, is logive it a fair trial. 11 II WILSON, M. D. Point Plean*ant, Va, Oct. 4,1847. Mr. R E Seilers, —Os your Vermifuge, I can say without hesitation that having used it extensively in my practice for the last four or five years, I think it decided ly llte best preparation of the kind of which 1 have any knowledge, although 1 have heretofore used the pre;ia ration of several other manufacturers. Yours, respectfully, I >COUGH, Af. D. Sellers’ Family Medicine. Graham -Station. Ohio, May 25, 1849, Mr. II E Seller*, —I think it right, for the benefit of otliers, to state some facts in relation to your excellent Family Medicines, I have used your Vermifuge largely in my own fnmily, one vial frequently answering for expelling large quan tities (say UIO to 200) of worms from two children. I have also used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and they have, ill every instance, produced the effect desired. As I am engaged in merchandising. I am able to state that 1 luive yet to hear of the first failure whore your medicines have been used in my section of the country. In conclusion, 1 may state that they are the medicines of the day, and are destined to have a very extensive pop uiarity. Yours, respectfully, W H PINNEL Title Vkrmisuok will continue to have a red out bids. wrapper, and will have the name ufKnb'tE. Sellers stamped u|Hitieadi vial, without which it is not Ins Ver mifuge. K F. SELLERS, Proprietor, Pittsburgh, Juuc Ist, 1850. For sale bv SNEAD 4- CHAPMAN, At ilia New Drug Store, Ogleihorpe Ga; COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED being join an equal partners in the town Lots of West Oglethorpe, located on apart of Land Lot number two hundred in the twenty eighth District, of original Lee, now Macon County Geotgia, lake this method of informing all whom it may concern, tlmt a co-partnership exists in said property under the firm of J. W. Herring So N. L. Angier, and that either partner, the names hereunto annexed is authorized to execute legal and warrantee titles to any or all of said Town Lots, located ns übove described. J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, 1851 21tf a, . NOTICES OF MM HOTELS. Jill Magnolia House, Corner of Crescent and Sumter Streets Cglelhorpe Ga. BY A. M. THOMASON. THE best accomodations that the times and market will afford may be found at the übove named House, at all times. No effort will be spared to render all who cull, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-ly. PAVILION HOUSED OGLETHORPE, GA., Immediately Opposite the Sntli Westeii Rail Rad Dept. S, S. BOONE. June 1, 1851. 7-ts. Oglethorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. ALLEN SUTTON would respectfully inform the public that he litis opened a large and commodious house for Public Entertainment in tlie new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of James Bell, whoso in the business will en able him to give general satisfaction to all. The rooms of the house are well finished and supplied with excel lent beds, tfee. The table will always be supplied with tlie best fare the country ran afford. In short it is inten ded, if possible, to make this house superior to any in (South-Western Georgia. A large Brick building is now being erectedon the premises for the purpose of affording extensive accomodations, which will be completed by fall. ‘I he public are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. | FORT GAINES HOTEL. O. 11. DAVIS, HAVING purchased the above named Hotel would re* B|iectfidiy inform hi* friends and the public gene rally tlmt he has taken full charge of it. Thus* visiting Fort Gaines will please give them a call, as no pains will he spared for the accommodation of those who favor him with their patronage. Annexed to the establishment is a large I*ot and com modious Stables, sufficient for the accommodation of Drovers. March 25,1451. I—ly RAIL ROAD lIOU S’E, Opposite Central Rail Road Depot EAST KACON. /Q BY S.M. LANIER. A/ay 15. S)SL, 5-ly. Floyd House, GEORGIA THOMAS WILLIAMS respectfully in forms his friends and llte public, tlmt he has purchased, tlie lease and furniture of the above estaoiflhmenl, and that as sole pro prietor, hi intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po lite and competent clerks and servants, and is determined that the table and bar shall be suplied with the Very best the country affords. Tlie House is (oo well known for him to say any thing in'regard to it. The rooms are in fine repair, and the furniture as good as cun be found in any (louse in the State.— Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon tlie old ftim of Buford & Williams, dur ing his former connection with his House, he pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire satisfaction to both new and old friends. July 24,1851, 15 ly. OGLETHOJ^E DRUG STORE. PHILIP T. FEARS takes this method of calling the attention of his ftiends and the public genetally to his splendid as sortment of Drugs and Medicines now on hand, and assures the Physicians of this and the sui rounding villages that he will do all in his power to give satisfaction. He Begs leave also to call the attention of the Ladies to his beautiful supply of PERFUMERY. TOILET POWDERS Sf PAINTS. Oglethorpe, August 1, 1851. 16-ts. Carriages! Carriages! mk THE Subscriber announces to the peo ple of Oglethorpe and surrounding Country, that he has now on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages, Rockawavs, &c., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his line are invited to call and examine his Stock, at Messrs. Lewis & Price’s Waie House; on Baker Street. T. M. JACKSON, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts J. Kaufman & Bro. FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, &c. &c. Just received and for sale. Clteup for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts RAEDY MADE CLOTHING at Cost for Cash, by DONEY & Cos. July Ist 1851. 12-ts. SHOES, Huts, Clothing, Saddlery, crock ery, Hardware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, &c. &,c., for sale at the cheap Store in Fort Gains Ga. by, DILL & MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. RABUN, FULTON & CO. Commission Merchants, NO. 207 BAY STREET J. w RABUN, ) R. L. rowoN, SAVANNAH, GA, I. T. WHITCHKAt), ) WILL give strict attention to the ale of Cotton and other produce, con signed to them, and promptly fill orders for Bagging, Rope and Family supplies, at the lotvest prices. August 22, 1851 19 6m. PROSPECTUS OF THE Southwest Georgian. The JpfuTH-WEST GEORGIAN n istted ejfry Friday morning in the new Townrof OGLETHORPE, at the low pi ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. QUR POLITICS. We upd over have been for the Union.— will, therefore, advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is sensurable, and ever battling for tiuth, regardless of the source from whence it emanates. Its columns will be filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, ToKyiml, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics and general information on the ongrossipg subjects of Internal Im provement and Southern Manufactures. ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted on the following terms: One Dollai per square of twelve lines of less for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each insertion thereafter. A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, or those inserted for three or six months. Also contracts will be made with County Officers, to advertise lor them on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed to C. B Youngblood, Publisher, and post paid. YOUNGBLOOD &, HOLLAND. Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7th 1851. FOR SALE. THE “PAVILION HOUSE” in lh. new town of Ogleihorpe, situated on the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new, the rooms are large, neat, and airy, possessing every convenience for the comfort of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON & Cos. May 28th 1851. 7-ts. FOR Sale, by DILL <k MARSHALL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851. 9 ts A CON ! BACON!! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market prices. DILL & MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts FLOUR. 75 Barrels Superfine Flour for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. by DILL & MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. RANDY, WINE, GIN, WHISKEY, SYRRUP, and VINEGAR, forsale by J DILL & MARSHALL. Fort wains. Ga. June 1, 1851. 9tf Notice. A, LL persons indebted to the firm of T. jnBM. Jackson & Cos., in the Counties of Mgpt, Sumter, Dooly and Marion, are no tififfl that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, of Oglethorpe, for settlement. TANARUS; M. JACKSON & CO. June 19, 1851, 10-if, NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. WELLES & Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ei ther of the undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled firm, and are au.. thorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G.F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *lO-Iy THE Undersigned having disposed of his interest in the GROCERY BUSI* NESS to his late partner, Mr.G. F. PALMS and J. W. WEBSTER, of tho late firm of Swift, Denslow &. Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *l(My. C OPABTKERHIIP. THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm ofMessis. A. Welles & Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, tinder the firm of WEBSTER & PALMES, at the old stand of A. W, & Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, W. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, Juno 19,1851. *lO-ly. A New Livery, Sale and Exchange STABLE, Located on the corner of Randolph and Chatham Streets, in Dili view of The Oglethorpe Hotel, WILL be completed and ready for business by the 20th Inst. At this Stable will be kept, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Veliickles of all descriptions, to Hire, sell or swap. Persons will be sent to any point in Georgia. Horses boarded by the month, week or day. Persons coming to our place to take the cars, can find a large airy, comfortable and well kept Stable to letivo their Horses at. Tlie Lota adjacent to the Stables, are shaded by a beautiful grove, and well supplied with running water; Drovers are therefore, invited to give us a call, as ample provision will be made for their accommodation. A. W. COLLINS, G.W. ASHBURN, J. C. ASHBURN, M. S. McKENZIE. Oglethorpe July 1,1851. 12-6;u. 3?©lf I MAf.K. and female college j rpHE conductors of the Institution assure its numerous J- patrons, and the public in general, that there ts, and a)ways shall be a sufficient number of competent in structors and Tutoresses in all the branches, prolesseu to he tauaht in the Institution. A punctual observance ofthe rules, the preservaUon of good morals, a due regard to decency and politeness, shall be promoted by every possible means, especially Dy persuasion, kind and gentle admonition. But W“ e u these are disregarded and faults wantonly committed against the fundamental -principles of good educauon, then proper severity shall be applied; and if unfortu nately, the obstinacy of tlie delinquent should amount to incorigibleness, no resource is left for live preservation of discipline, but expulsion or dismission, which, how ever, slmil never take place, but by the decision of a majority of the Board, (Visiting Committee.) Terms: Orthography per Academic year, $ 16 00 Tuition in Spelling, Reading, A rilhmetical ta hies, IVriting and Arithmetic per Academic __ year, - ■ -0 00 The above with Geography, English Grammar, the use and drawing of Maps, 25 00 The above or either of the foregoin r with En glish Composition, Ancient and Modem His tory, witli problems on the Globes, Orna mental Penmanship and Botany, 30 00 The above or either ol the foregoing with Ge ometry, Algebra, Trigonometry Mensura tions, Surveying, Navigation, Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology, Natural, Mor al and Menial Philosophy, Rhetoric and Logic, A® GO The Languages alone or with either tlie above departments, A0 00 French alone, 20 00 ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT I Instrumental Music, 50 00 Use of Instrument, 10 00 Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 UO Wax Flowers and F’ruit, 15 00 Drawing and I’ainting, 15 00 Visiting Committee: C.. B. WARDLAW Esq. Col. J. E. BROWN’ Dr. WM. J. JOHNON; JARED HUDNALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. JOSHUA HARRIS, Esq. apparatus: The Institution lias an extensive Philoshphical Chemical, Astronomical and Mathematical Apparatus sufficient for tlie demonstration of all Chemical and Scientific cognitia. The pupils are received for no less a period tltuit a session. No deduction will be made for absence, unless occa sioned by protracted sickness. One half, or part of tlie tuition is expected in advance, and the remaining at the close of tlie session. Board can be obtained, in ‘es;>ectable families, at from cighttotendollars iter month. JOHN A. GRANT, FortGainks, January, 1851. I—ly Pruieijui J . Kaufman 4* Bro 9 *’ NEW DRY GOODS . AND CLOTHING STORE. On Baker Street below the Oglethorpe Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform tlie Pub lic that they have just opened their Stock, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Ladies Dtess Goods, Hose, Gloves, Laces, Edgings, ilk Patasols, Fans, &c., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice assortment of fine Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All ol which will he sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON^ SPSESrSHeSABirg OGLETIIOKPE, GA., TANARUS) ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and tlie public ” generally that they continue tlie practice of Medi cine in llte new town of Oglethorpe. As one of them lias had several year* experience in tlie practice of Medicine, they flatter themselves that they will be able to treat the various diseases of the human system in a seientific and successful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respectlully solicited. One of them may be found at their office at ail hours, except when professionally engaged. KrOfliee on the corner of Sumpter and Crescent Sts. A. M. Thomason, M. D. | J. C. Davison, M. D. April 7,1851. I—ts aG. C. CARMICH JIL&Co. THE Subscribeis having as sociated themselevs under the above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware-House and Commission Business, take this method ol informing tlie Planters and Merchants generally, that they are now prepared to receive Cotton in Stoie or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at all times Bagging, Rope, Twine, Sugar , Coffee, Salt, Iron, fyc. Sfc. Liberal Advances made on cotton when desired. G. C. Cahmichax. J. P, Harvey, references: Messrs. Logan & Atkinson; Macon, Ga., “ Neely & Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. B. WEED, Macon, Gn. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware . WOULD invite the attention of his friends to his stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agricultural Imgliment, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin Plate, Sheet and bar Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other article usually kept in Hard ware Stores, which he will sell on reasona ble terms.!, < Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly Liquor/ A LARGE quantity of Liquors, consist ing of Brandy,'Rum, Gin, Whisky Port, Madeira, and Champaign Wines, al, of (lie best quality, just received and for sale by KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglothorpe, Oct. 10, 1851, 26 ts To the •Afflicted. IF you are laboring under any of (he dis eases named below, and if you are real ly desirous of gening restored to bodily soundness, you have it in your power to do so now. The price is not much, and the cure is warranted. Os all the remedies y e t before the public, there is none tiiat can show such a handsome result for the same lensth of lime, as 6 Marshall’s Magical Pain. Eradicatr- This is a remedy not intended to cure eve ry disease that • flesh is heir to.’ Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are incurable, but we do not hesitate to say, that, if any of the following diseases can be cured, Marshall’s Eradicator will cer * tainly do it. Try it and be convinced. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, Spinal Affections, Palsy, Disloca. lions. Sprains, Bruises, Strains, (Edematous Swellings, Weak Joints, Contracted Ten dons, Tumors, Nodes, Ganglions, Wens poitre, Headache, Weak Back, Gout’ Scrofula and Tooth-ache, * The following letter and certificate is from a person in the city. The original can b seen at the store of the proprietor. AUGUSTA, January 31,1851. Messrs. W. H. &J. Turpin Gentle, men,-—I have much pleasure in saying that my wife, who has been afflicted with Rheu matism in the feet and knees for the past tiro months, has been entirely cured by the use of •Marshall's Magic Pain Eradicator.’ It is, in my opinion, the best remedy ever of feted the afflicted public, as it cure. Every body should have it. Yours, respectfully, &c. For sale by D’Antignac Barry, D B Plumb;&. Cos., W. H. Tun, W. K.‘Kitchen and the Proprietors, Augusta, Ga. For sale in Charleston, by Nelson Carter, Ca &. Courtrier, Dr. Cleveland, W. A. okrine, and John W. Sxoy. For salcinglethorpe, bv P. T. FEARS. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 sn A CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD IWILL FORFEIT SIO,OOO I! and pay the same to any charitable institution, tl uny or allother articles that Mood ih e mar ket ns Salvel oi Liquids, unde their various cognomen of Pain Exterminators—Extra*- tois-Ointmenis—Killers. &c. &c. can per form such a cure, in all particulars, as has been performed by Dailey’s Magical Plain Extturtoi L'! in, vvlial is reported in my printed pamplet* as the “ Hague street Explosion Cum*.”! and 1 obligate myself more over, to pm s|- 000 to any party, who can prove tlmt'them is one word of tiutrutli in that statement ! Read it—Allye who have barge )'Steam Engines, lot it may save your lives, and the lives of thousands of otliets. Dailey’s genuine Extrudes, is not aloua good for the following diseases, hut it ha* piovcd itself in all cases, iiifailable ! OtUv g< l the Genuine at lit le, and there is no ntisi'aki - viz. Burns, Scalds, Piles, Note mid inflamed Eves, Erysipelas, fealt Klici.m, old and eu vt let ale suits, Cuts, Wounds, Swellings, Sprains, inflammatory and ehiouie Rltifinma tism, stiff joints, sere legs, cliilblads, f,.|,mx, et nipt ions, and all external inflammations. Bt ing the Salve in direct contiacl with liar diseased locality—rub in on well, when* the disease w ill hear it. On sores apply it by plasterssptead on linen, two applications * day, viz: morning and evening, is genet,ally sufficient in all case*, apply it leailesslv, as it is perfectly safe. Put it right inside in the corner of the eye, when the eye is inflamed —it will draw out the inflammation, free it from pain and ease the eye. Try it fearess ly and unreservedly it can do noliahn, and will certainly effect a cure ! Only— got the Genuine article! In case of broken breast and sore nipples, it never fails to affoid al most instantaneous relief, and effect a posilivo and sure cure. Caution!—The public is cautioned against base Counterfeits of my Salve, under the old wrapper. Boy therefore Dailey’s Extractor only in the present new wrapper and enlarg ed boxes —Mind ! the emblems on the new wrapper sun Triangle, serpent, Dove, Lion and Eagle. .£7° See tint printed circulars. DALLEY’S ANIM \L GALVANIC. Ascertain, quirk and never failing reme dy for the cure of Poll evil, galls, sores hu mors, bruises, swellings broken knees. Bone spavin, Quitterbone &c. N. B. Broken Knees it cures without scar or disoraticn of the hair ! H, DALLEY, Inventor and Proprietor. 415 Broadway, New York. AGENTS SNEAD & CHAPMAN. AT TIIB New Drug Store. SUMTER ST. OGLETHORPE GA. Oglethorpe Oct. 17, 1851. 27—8 t. Shoes for the Darkies. /J AA Pairs of well made Negro shoes, just received and for sale by, iDONEY & CO. Oglethorpe, oct. 10, 1851. 26 6m LEWIS lie PRICE, Ware Honse and Commission M er c h ant 8i OGLETFIOKPE, GA. WE TAKE this method to say to our friends, and those who may entrus us with their business, that we have complet ted our Ware House in this place, and ore now ready to attend to all business in our line. We will give our personal attention to business, and no pain* will be spared to pro mote the Interest of those who may favor us with their business. The usual advance* made on Cotton and other produce in iStore. ELBERT LEWIS, JOHN V. PRICE. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. 15 ly