The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, January 16, 1852, Image 3

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AGEIST SF STATE BA IK, OGLETHORPE, GA. F- T- SNfEAD. M7HLL Advance on COTTON consigned to Macon, or Savannah, f? Office at SNEAD Sf CHAPMAN’S DRUG STORE, ou Sumter Sreet. December 17th, 1851. 36-3 m. sobtherb magus. . THE public are respecifully informed tliat the Great Southern Circus, Robinson &. Eldred, Proprietors, will appear in the City of OGLETHORPE, on Thursday, January 22<i 1852. Tne Company as now constituted Comprises the lureest amount of Equestrian Talent ever offered to the Public. The Clowns are Signor FELIX CARLO and SAM LONG. Master JAMES ROBINSON and the whole Company are unequal led in Equestrian style, grace and daring. Jan. 16 1852. T. A.TIDMARSH, Ag’t. BOOKS! BOOKS!! £SXSD Iv A New Booh Store , JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, Near the Oglethorpe Hotel , WHERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous anil School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Musical Instruments &c., all of which he will sell as low as they can be bought in any other market. A. B. CHAPMAN. January 16, 1852. 39-ts. Encourage Home Enterprise. the Georgia Home Gazette. A SOUTHERN FAMILY JOURNAL. The “Home Gazette” is published week ly in'Augusta, Ga , by Robert A. Whyte, Editor and Proprietor, at the low rate ol $2 per annum in advance. It is a Journal of the larger size, printed on beautiful, paper with clear type, and presents as fine an ap pearance as any of the boasted Northern Weeklies. The “H me Gazette” is devoted to Lite rature, Art, Science. Education, General Intelligence, and Southern Interests, and is neutral in politics ami religion. To those, who desire a paper for the fireside and the Home Circle, the “Gazette” is offered with every assurance on the pari of the Editor, of a determination to afford satisfaction to his patrons. .He earnestly appeals to the peo ple of Georgia and the South to suppoit this Southern enterprise—confidant in the belief that they ivil afford it their prompt and gen erous assistance. Augusta, Ga. Jan. sth, 1852. Georgia Macon County WHEREAS William Watson applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Isham Nowells dec’d. . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditotsof said deceased, to he and appear at “iy office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not bn granted. Given under my hand offici dly this 14th January 1852. W. W. CORBITT, c.c.o. jan. 16, 1852. 39-lm. Sale of Land. WILL be sold at the Court House in llawkinsville, Pulaski County, Ga. on the First Tuesday in March next, Lot of Land No. 193 in the 19th district of originally Wilkinson, now Pulaski Cou-- ty, the said Land belonging to the estate of JohnP. Parker, late of Lee County deceas ed, and sold by agreement of the Heirs, sot a division, WM. J. PARKER, Ag’t, Jan. Bth 1852. 39-snild. for the Heirs. FOUJYD! JUST Thre Miles from (his place, anew Double Batreled Gun, which the owner can have by describing and paying for this advertisement, on application at this Office. January 16 1852, 39-ts. GEORGIA, > Sumter County. )jsiov.term issi. Joseph Daniel, ) vs. f Bill for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f lief and Injunction. Wm. Pritchett. J IT being represented to me by the Alliga tion in said Bill, that John L. Easy lias no settled retfdence known to Complainant but is a transcient, unsettled person. It is or dered that service of said Bill be perfected on said John L. Casy, by publication in one of the public Gazettes in this State, once a month, for four months preceding the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Court this Ist day of January 1852. ! M. M. GUERRY, Clerk. D R J. S. HO&iUitTON'’£> Rutered according to Act of Concrete in the year 1951, by J. S. Bouton, M. I>. in the Clerks oflice of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great cute for Dyspepsia! Dr. J. Houghton's PEPSIN , the true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, prepared from HEN NET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Che mist by J. .S’. Houghton, M. D. Philadelphia. This is truly a wondrful remedy for Indigestion, dys pe|ia, jaundice, liver complaint constipation, and de bility, curing after nature’s own method, by natures own agent, the tVastric Juice. 93T Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in water, will digest or dissolve five pouds of roast beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great digestive princi ple* of the Gastric juice—the solvent oftne food, the purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of the stom ach and intestines. it is extracted from the digestive stomach of the Ox, thus forming an artificial digestive fluid, precisely like the natural gastie juice in its chemi cal powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substi tute for it. By the aid of t his preparation the pains and evils of indigestion and dyspepsia are removed, just as they would be by a healthy stomach. Jt is doing wonders for dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The scientific upon which it is based, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Bardh Liebig, in his celebrated work on animal Chem istry'. says: ‘An artificial digestive fluid analogous to the gastic juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles of food, as meat arid eggs will be softened, changed and digested, just in the some manner as they would be in the human stomach.’ {KT Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratis, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER Dr. Hughtun’s Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, in curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline, and dyspeptic consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertise ment; but authenticated circumstances have been given of more than two hundred remarkable cures, in Philadel phia, Mew York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate cases, and the cures were notonly rapid and wonderful, but permanent. It is a great nervous antidote, and particularly usefiil for tendency to Billions disorder, liver complaint, lever and agile or badly treated fever aad ague, and the evil effects of quinine, men ury and other drugs upon the di gestive organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemperance. Dr. Houghton’s Pepsin is prepared in powder and in fluid from—and in perscription vials for the use of Physicians. Private circulars for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the authori ties upon which the claimes of this new remedy are bas ed. As it i. not a secret remedy, no objection can b raised against its use by Physicians in respectable stand ing and regular practice. Price, One Dollar per bottle. fcr Observe This!—Every bottle of the genuine Pep sin bears the written signature of J. !$. Houghton, M D., sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy-right and Trade A/ark secured. ftCT Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in medicines. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Deal, lurs in Drugs &c. at the New Drug Store, Oglethorpe Ga. NAJLS. ANY quantity of nails just received and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Dec. 26th, 1851. 37if. South Western R. R- Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rates of Freight on Colton will be re duced as follows: From Oglethorpe and Montezuma to Macon, per 100 lbs., 20 els. “ Winchester, Marthasville and Mar “ shalville to Macon, pet 100 1b5.,18 “ Fort Valley and station JVo. 2, to Macon, per 100 lbs., 15 “ “ Station No. I to Macon per 100 1b5.,12.j ‘ GEORGE W. ADAMS, Super’nt. dec 23 t s: CUTTLF.RY. THE finest lot of Pocket Knives ev er received in Oglethorpe,just re ceived and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Dec. 26th, |?sl, 37—If. j VALUABLE MILLS AND LAND FOR SALE. ON Monday the 26th day of Janua ry inst, I will sell, at public out cry, eleven hundred and fifty acres of heavily ti übered fine land, with ninety acres cleared and in a good state of culti vation, together with my saw and grist mills, the latter containing two pairs of stones; also a superior cotton Giu which is carried by water, with an excellent Strew attached, with all the fixtures be longing to each respeclully. The whole will be sold on a credit and possession given immediately, with the exception of the cleared land, which 1 shall reserve for one year. Three equal instalments will be given, the first to be* come due on the first day of January 1853, and the next, one and two years thereafter. i will also sell at the same time and place, a lot of stock Hgs and Cattle, on a credit of eleven months. The above property is situated in Ran dolph County Ga., on Patanla Creek, about equal distance from Foil Gaines andGeotgetown, with a supply of wa ter which is constant and at all limes suf ficient to propell double the quantity of machinery now in operation. The saw mill is so constructed that anther saw can be attached with very little additional ex pense, and the demand for Lumber is far beyond the present capacity of the mill to supply, and coiistaiitaly increasing, find the custom work for the grist mill is also exten-ive, and increasing constantly. The sale will take place on the premi ses. Newsoms Mills, Dec. 29th, 1851. JOHN NEWSOM. Lost Notes! Two notes, of which the following are true copies : $4,000 Ou the fifth day of January next I promise to pay to A. B. Lawton or bearer, four thousand dollars, value re., ceived. Signed by JOSIAH FLOURNOY. Oglethorpe Ga. Deer. 9th. 1851, $2,000 On tlie first day of Jane next, 1 promise to pay to A. B. Lawton or bearer, TwoTnousand Donat's, for value received. Signed by JOSIAH FLOURNOY. Oglethorpe, Ga. Deer. 9th, 1851. The Public are cautioned not to trade for said notes, and tiie Maker is notified not to pay them to any one except me, as they are 10.-l or mislaid. A, B. LAWTON Oglethorpe, Ga. Dec. 29th, 1852. a Da<iiicrrean Gallery \ c BY 1L 3. lUS&HNB L IS NOW OPEN in this City, in in Rooms over W. R. Dawson’s slote where he will exhibit some of the fin est specimens of the art. Those wishing a correct likeness of them selves or friends will do well to give him a call. Mr. L. has just completed a course of in structions in ttie art of Photography, and feels assured of giving satisfacton. He is al so in possession of the process for producing the CAMEO DAGUERREOTYPE, which is considered by judges to be the finest sped., men of the art. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine his specimens whether they wish a likeness or not. * Oglethorpe Jan. Ist, 1852. 37— ts. GEO. W. FISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, G A. PRACTICES in the counties of Macon, Houston, Ma rion, Sumter, Dooly, and Lee. He will also continue to practice in the following counties of the Southern Circuit—Pulaski. Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Afiling. Dec 12, 1851. 35-ts. GEORGIA Sumter County. WHEREAS Philip Cook applies to me for Letieis of’ Adtninis treiiun will) the Will annexed upon the estate of Henry H Lumpkin,pin. de’ctl: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to appear at tny office within the lime prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said letters shoul I not be granted. Given under my hand officially, this 11th Dec. 1851. LEWIS BRUNER, C. C. O. Dec. 12, 1851. 35 lm. Feathers. BALES of Feathers, superior ar tide, just received and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, 5, 1851. 84—ts. llarness! Harness! THE undereigned will keep con stantly on hnitil, and for sale at G. C. Carmichael & Co's Ware-House, cor ner of Baker and Cuiler streets. A large supply of HanUss of all description, Car riages, Buggies, Wagons and Dtays; also ex tra Bridle lines &c. Which will he sold at the lowest prices; nil otders promptly attended to. 8: B. KING. Sepf. 12, 1851: 22-4 m. Carnage Making and , and Buggy Benairiiig. SHOP ON SUMTER ST. Near the Spinkaskins Hotel, OGLETHORPE. GA. THE Ne*v Firm of Wright, Wil liams Si Cos., have associated themselves together for the purpose of making and repairing Carriages, in a neat and fash ionable style, with good materials, at as low prices as in any other southern market. We therefore solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. Those wishing any thing in our line will do well to give us u call, as we intend not to he excelled in ar ticles. WRIGHT WILLIAMS &i Cos. December, 26th, 1851, 37—if. BARRELS of Fresh Flour just received and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—ts. of Fine Chewing m vV V Tobacco, for sale Cheap, bv J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851 25—if. GEORGIA—Macon County. Court of Ordinary, Novmdkr trum 1851 Present the Honorable lchabod Danis, Nathan Bryan, Joseph Mott. George Williams, Oran C. Horne, Justices. WHEREAS, Reuben Knigler, adminis trator of John J. Kaigler, deceased, has duly petitioned the Court for letters of dismission from sain Estate: therefore, all persons concerned are hereby cited to appear at the regular term of said Court, on the first Monday in Mny next, to show cause (if any they can) why said letteis of dismission should not be granted in terms oftlie law. Given under my hand, at Office in La nier,this the 3rd, day of Novembei 1851. Wm. VV. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 7th, 1851. 30—6 m. GRE AT EXCITEMENT AT THE, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. THOSE fiine Boots so much called for, are now on had, and will te sold, while cotton is low, at $7, per pair. Nov. 17th. 1851. BANKS & Cos. New Clothing S tore. M. SYLVESTER k BRO. HAVE just opened a large Stock ofCloth ing on Cuyler St. in Oglethorpe one Door below Carson & Greer, which they will sell 25 per cent cheaper than any other establishment in the place. They have all qualities of Clothing, from common to the finest, all of which is made to order iu ’he latest style and warranted to be good. Call in Gentlemen, and examine our stock before you purchase elsewhere: Oglethorpe, Oct; 31st, 1851. J K W E L LB . IT XI If A PP, having perma- Jmln \ in the y SJJSjfr new Town of Oglethorpe, will at tend strictly to the reparing of I Clock*, Watches, & Jewelry.— E all work done at the shortest notice, Jl Og]oehor|)e, October, 24 1851, Valuable Town Properly FOll SALE. THE undersigned will offer fur sale at Public Outcry on the 28tlt ofJanu ary Next Two Lots with a good house on them, also one lot with a good house upon it, all in the town of Oglethorpe on the corn er of Crescent and Stewart streets. The above mentioned property may be purchas ed at private sale any time between now and the day of sale. Those who desire to pur chase will do well to call and examine for themselves us great bargains may be had. BARNEY McCAFFRY. Oglethorpe Jan. 1, 1852 37—tds. Oglethorpe Semina y, Wfe, would respectfully announce to the Citizens ol Oglethorpe and its vicinity that the txercises of this Institution will commence on Monday, the sih January. All persons wishing to obtain board lor their children will find better accomodation, by earlv applica tion. F. T. POLH LL,’ Rector. January I, 1852. 37 ts. Georgia—Marion county. Win. A. Black W w has applied to me for letters of Guardianship lor the person and prop erty of Robert T. Bivins, minor. These nre therefore t > admonish all persons in terested to be nl my office and file their objections if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letter, should not be granted. L. MADDOX, C. C. O. January Ist, 1852. 37tds. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT PAIRS Ladies and Misses B fine Gaiters just received by BANKS & Cos. Oglethorpe, Dec. 19, 1851. 36—ts. ~SaitTSalt!! Salt/// A LARGE lot of Salt just received and for sale by J. O, HODGES. Oglethorpe, Dec. 5, 1851. 34—ts. CLOTHING READY made CLOTHING, a very large assortment just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Ocf 10,1851. 26 ts. OGLETHORPE ( aiidy AJanufactoiy, AND C ON F E C T l O S A R Y. Jackson & Powell, Have the pleasure of announcing to the public that they ItHve opened in the GilV of OGLET tORPE, on SUMTER St. next door South oftlie Brick Srore of R. H. <s* Cos , a large and extensive lot of CONFECTIONARIES, Such as Candies, Cakes, Sympx, Preserves, Jellies, J inn, Pickles, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, B■ i/,il and llazil Nuts, English Walnuts, \pplt>B, Oranges, Cocoa Nuts, Bananas, Plaiutains, Dibul Figs, Prunes, Ci gars, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Cordials, Wines, for medical purposes, together with OYSTERS, pic kid and fresh, and FISH in their scsou, and all other at titles in tlie Con fectionary line. They will also MANUFACTURE, in the most superior style, and of the host niateri. als, all sorts of CANDIES, CANDY ORNAMENTS. &r., and will neatly Emboss and Ornament Cakes, for Balls, Parties, and Weddings, at short noticeaand on as reasonable terms us any establishment in Georgia. As they iniend doing business strictly on the Cash Principle, all otders for any of the Cbove at tides must be accompanied with the CASH, to insure attention. In connection with their CONFEC TIONARY they intend keeping a regular and genteel, EAT/NG-HOUSE, and they will be happy at all times to serve op to their friends, and the public generally. H \M AND EGGS, OYSTERS, FISH, (in their season,) GAME, HOT COl 1 EE, &c. By strict attention to business, and a desire to please, they hope to rereive, as they will endeavor to met it, a liberal share of public patronage. WARItEN JACKSON, WM H. POWELL Oct. 31, 1851 29—ts. Another New Store- In Cabaniss* Building, Oglclltorpe. a., THE Subscriber takes this Met bod of informing the Citizens ol O ;le thorpe. and the Surrounding Country, that lie lias just opened, and offers lor sale, his well assorted Stock consisting o( DRY GOODS, Ready made Clothing, Saddlery, Truks, Valise’s, and almost any tiling that can be called h r, usttly kepi in a Dry Good Store. M. H. MEYER, Agt. October, 10, 1851. 26 3tn. A LA ROE assortment o f Medical, Cl as \ sical, Miscellaneous, and School Books Slates, Pencils, Paper, Ink and Bank Books of every description, and for sale by P. T. FEARS Druggist. Oglethorpe Aug. 1 1851. 16-ls Dentistry. DR. A. C. HORNA’DY having lo cated at BUENA VISTA, GA. respectfully announces to tin* citizens of that place and the surrounding country that he is proparod to execute all work be longsng to his profession in a supetiur style at prices to suit the times. N. B. All operations warranted.— October, 10 ISSI. 26—6 m P. S. Ladies waited on at their residence. February Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold, before the Court House door in Lanier, Macon County, on the first Tuesday in February next, the fol lowing property, to wit: One lot of corn, 30 or 40 bushels, levied on as the property of Charles McCullers to satisfy a distress warrant returnable at the next Macon Inferior Court, in favor of .Vow el) Thornhill. POSTPONED SALE. Also at the same time and place one road wagon and six mules, as the property of Taylor, to satisfy a ft f horn Macon superior Court in far nr rs James Hicks. THOS. DIXON Sh’ff. Jan, Ist, 1852. trk (teniMSU tIACOAI COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present’ the Honotahle Ichabod Davis, George Williams, and Nathan Bryan Justices. H HERE AS, James S. Hollinslted, Administrator of Miles K. Harman, deceased. Conrad Murpli, Administrator of Jacob Jasper lappey, deceased, and James G. Moulton and McKinneth Taylor, Admin istrators of Thomas Taylor, deceased, have duly petitioned the Court for letters of dis mission from the Estates they severally rep resent : Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby cited to appear at the regular Term of said Court, on the Second Monday in January next, to show cause, (if any they canj why said letters of dismission should not be granted in terms of the Law. Given undet my hand, at Office, in La nier, this 7lh dav of July, A. D. 1851 W. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. July 9th, 1851. 136 m. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore ex istinir under the style of Wright ft, Ballard is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All indebted to the firm may find their notes and accounts in the hands of A, A. Robinson, for settlement, and will do well to settle immediately. WRIGHT ii BALLARD, Oglethorpe, Dec. 11th, 1851. 35. if. I For Stile A LIKELY negro Boy, about 18 or 19 years old. Apply to F. T. SNf AD. At .Snead A: Chapman’s Drug Stole. Oglelhrope Nov. 28, 185.1. 33—ts; New Dry Goods & Grocery Store, Oa Bttkcr Street. j> |g ODGES, would rex -3 JIJ! peel fully inform the Citizens .of Oglethorpe and the Planters of the surrounding Country that he is now open ing a large and well selected stock of Fancy aad Staple Dry-Goods, llatdware, Crockery, Sadlerv, Boots, Shoes &c. Ho will also keep constantly on hand a largo lot of ‘ IWiiWES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respecifully requested to call and examine for themselves. Sept. 12,1851. 22—if DRY GOODS >f all descriptions, just received and fir sale by KAUFMAN &BRO. Oglethorpe,Oct. 10, 1851. 26 ts Cigars. u A LARGE lot of line Cigars just re ceived and for sale cheap by, KAUFMAN k BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26 if SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Principle Office, Athens, Ga. At.bon Chase. Secy, Asbury Hull Pros’! HMiis company ha** been in operation between three ami A- lour years, and has acquired a capital in notes and cash of nearly Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. All losses promptly settled on the presentation of satisfactory proof. Kiri: Kisks. and insurance* on Negroes, as well as upon the lives of \\ lute persons, taken by the under signed Agent at Oglethorpe. Oa. PHILIP COOK, Agent. July 31, 1851. 16-6 m. H /NSEED, Train, cV Lard, Neats. A loot Oils, for -ale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, at the New Drugstore. Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts FRENCH Window Glass. For si ie by SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if HENRY LATH HOP, Ilcacr in Foreign urn! Domestic DRY HOODS Gibbons New Building, Corner of Congress k 11hi laker Streets SA VANN \ll GA, KERr.*? constantly on hand, and is now receiving a large ami well selected stock of Foreign and Dorne*- tie BBR CotMB9&, suitable tor the season, to wheili he invites tin* particular attention of merchants visiting the market. JSavaunah, August 20th, 1851. 19—vm.* MEDICAL CARD DR. JAMES M. POKES respect fullvof fers his services to the citizens of Ogle thorpe and vicinity in the various branches of Mrdicir.t. lie may be found at Mr. Fear* Drug Stole during the day, and at the Pa vilion House at night, when not profession al'v engaged. August 14, 1851. 18—ts a a, tho&ntonT Drutal Inrgpon, OGLFTHORPE, GA. OFFERS Li?* ProfiFsional services lo the citizen* of Oglethorpe and vicinity Office at Dr. 1 verson** Shop l .sidien can he waited on at their residence. Oglntltorpp, rler. 12,1851. 35-if. THE mV MU G STORE. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. IF A otcaalc and Retail DIvUG GISTS (.S’ VM P T Ell S TREE TANARUS.) - Oglethorpe, Gla. THE undersigned would respectful- ‘ ly inform their friends and the pub- j? lie, that they have just opened a DRUG i S TORE in Ogletbnrpp, where they will keep constantly on band, ? large and fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Surgical anil Dental Instruments, gold Foil, Perfumery, Soaps and choice Toi let articles, Also, Paints, Oils, Potash Window Glass'Dye Stuff, Choice Apices, Essences, Patent Medicines, &ic. iic.,and a full assortment of whatever belongs to the business. C 7” Having had six years Practical Experience in the Drug Business, and being determined to devote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a liberal patronage. Every article put up in the neatest manner and Warranted Fresh and Pure, or liable to be returned. Physicians’ Proscriptions put up with care and dispatch. The attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to our stock, as we feel confident we enn sup. ply them with all articles in onr line, on terms that will not fail to give satisfaction. SNEAD St CHAPMAN. October 17, 1851- 27—ly. A LARGE Lot of Bagging and Rope, just received and for sale by J. O. IIQDGE.V. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—ts, FDTASU. \ fine article for sale by, SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Ot 1.17 1351. 27 ts