The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, February 06, 1852, Image 1

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Office np Stairs, over the Post-Office. | . VOL. L /$ PMishal every Friday Morning , in the new Town of I Oglethorpe, .Hmcon County.Ga ,C. B. YMJSCBLOOD, Editor and Publisher. ‘TBBHB~S Per I 'ear in advance, i; . JIATEsj OF ADVERTISING. On* Dollrt per square (*f 14 line* or lese) for the first ■Mprtion, nj Fiftv Cents for each imertioo thereafter. A liberal deduction willbe madetothoee whoadver |j|p . ‘ Advertisement* not specified as to time, will be pub lished till ordered out and charged accordingly. H.N. ORA'S Attorney and Counsellor at W, Blakely, EnrlyCo.,Ga. S 1 Maxell 25. 1851- ‘ -'V “*] WiliplookT” AWtfo:t<S;V;'S’ e .t A’W. OGLETHORPE, GA* rBC tiers in th Counties of lloiiKton, Koon, I)ooly Sumter, Marion, I albot. and Ct&wfojU* April )|, 1851. R . H . SIMS, & CO., I GENERAL DEALERSIN Groceries and DomesUc Goods. ALSO B*oi, Shots, lln*, Caps, Bagging, Rope,i Iron, Steel, Nails, Ae.. At th* Brick Store,banner of Sumter and Chatham Sts., OGLETHORPE GA. N. B. An. Ononis Prom*tl At- TENUf.P TO. R. H. Sims. T. J. Threlkeld. October 3. 1851, gs—gm W. W. CHAPMAN & CO. WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Conner of Baker and Chatham Streets, OGLETHORPE , GA. ARCHIBALD W. MARTIN, W. W. CHAPMAN k CO. October 3, 1851 . 25. — 6 m. YOAOC ft ODEN, io, - NO. 94 BAT STItEET, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. W. P. YONOK. [ 17 6.11.] W. ODEN. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. N. OUSLEY gs SOiX. MACON, GA., GODFREY OUSLEY &,■ > 0., ’ SAVANN AII.GA. JAMES r.. noDFiiET, N. OUSLEY, Jill) 17, 1851. r otist.r.T. 14-6 m. P. G. ARRINGTON, attorney at law , AND OTARY PUBLIC, jOvtalliorpe, Matron Comity, Gn. April 17, 1850. i—\y Wilder A Cos. C •mia i.ssion M er c ha nt s. AND FACTORS. fflgßgU WASHBURN, 1 lit, Uav Street JVO ft WII.DEK, f Savannah, Ga FRA G. DANA. ) July 24, 1851. 15 G.r Hardeman & Hamilton, WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Macon, Ga. Hamilton & Hardeman, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will give prompt attention to all business committed to them, at either place. THOMS HARDEMAN. CnAS. F. HAMILTON. PAINTS OIL, kc., A LARGE qiisini'ny of Paints Oil t/X. just received and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Dec. gfrh 1851. 37tf. Flouil A FRESH Arrival-—for sale hyr A. J. O. HODGES. ’ Dec. 26tli 1851. 37tf. gmss. : A LARGE lot of Glass, just receive ed and for sale by i. O. HODGES. Dec.J26, 185.1, 37—if. RICE. ■■HUST received and for sale bv |P > J. O.HODGES Dec. 2®th, 37—ts. .. . .. T . - : - For Sale. A’ LIKELY negro Boy, about 16 or 19 ’ years old.’ Apply to F. T. SNFAD. At. Snead-A, Cbapatan-’s Drug Stote. Qglethrope Nov. 28, 1851. 68—ts; ®l|c (Scorgiftii* AYER’S- Cherry l*ectoi;l for the Cure of Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness. Bronchitis. Whooping-Cough , Croup, Ashthma and Consumption. Among the numerous disroverivH Science ha* made in this generation to tacililate the bti.>uief* of its enjoyment, at id even prolong the term o flu man ex istence, none can he named of more- v*a|’ able to inan kind, than this contribution ofClierui>try to the Mealing A r t. A vast trial of yg virtues throu.uhont this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of met! icines known, ran so surely at cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary dis- which have hitherto swept from ottr midst thou- Kamßaml thousands every.yfear. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe u Remedy has at length been found which tan be relied on to curd-the mfol danger ous. affections of the lungs. Our spare here will tot permit ns to publish any proportion of the cures affected . I by its use, but we would present the following opinions l men, and refer ftirlimr.Qtiqttirv to the circular l the Agent below named, .will always be plea ‘furnish free, wherein are full partieufare atul in- > p r( >of of those facts. 1 rom r e president of Amherst College, the £eiebn,, ( j p ro f essor Hitchcock James l \yer-—' % ir: I have used your Cherry Pec -10 ■ fi Ul | <4LS,e deep-rented Bronchitis, and am satisheo itm i chemical constitution, is an ad rntrable coi^p m j y or lllt} re | u .f Jaryugial ami brou emal t,iy opinion as to its superior char- jdt* s 6rvk*e, you are at liberty to use it _ HITCH! 6CK. L. L. D., From the “’•'V celebrated Professor Sil liman, M. A /,. /J., Professor oj Chemistry, i mingy, fyc, Yale Col lege Member of\ Li( JJht ~e // phi[ and Sctcdtijic es of America and Europe \ • 11 dew. the Cherry i aUmirahte romp.**, lion from st-me ol the bestajndm, .l • iVT *• ra ; aniFa.very eflertive it jin mitMided h> cure. \ New Haven,Cl., Nov. 1, 1849. % A/ajorPatttson. JV-siilcat of die \ nates 1.0 has used the Cherry Pectoral w “b\jerf^U,’,? to cure an inflammation of the lungs. *” ■ ’ Prom one of the first Maine. Nxco , Me., AJA, Dr. J. C. Ayer. .Cowell, Dear -Sir: I fT’ Rtantiv using your Cher.y PeoUlial in my ‘‘"'j l prefer it to any other id-dioine for pulmonary m 1 t’rma übservAuou of vtany e'ere cu-es. laV ced it will cure rnUgli-, culils, and disease* of raf* that have put to defiance &II other remedies. yF'**’ I invariably recommend its use in ra-es of cork lion, and consider it much the best remedy krioww that disease. Respectfully yours. 1.. S. CILS’II \N, Vt. \ PREPARED AND St HD BY JA.WIiS C. AYEI, 1 Practical Chemist Lowell, l/ass. Sold by P- T. Fears, Ogletlmr|H‘, Joseph Si| Rr , Afirhile, 8. U. Jones & co., .Montgomery, and Uri|ist s * p\„. S;,ll*y * TT SNKaD &i CHAP.VIAf Ocf. 17 1851. 2ft Brushes. h lumi inr snip n* NE\O k CHAP.Ua f , Off. 17 1851.’ 2 -| f SURGICAL Hiu! penial In-lnni'ti'-. Gold Foil, t( . For sale |, v . SNEAD Oil A P VIA/. On. 17 1851 c 7 „ R E( EIAF.D to-day a’ large ot of Cherry Perietal, Carl Live, 01, I). Ch.tsnes Galvkrric Kem.-dis, Townsend's and Sana’s Sarsapat illas, “Pepsin” the Great Dyspepsia’Remedy; , illf J various other Patent liiedisins. *fte\D & CHAPM AN. •Npv. 17iji, 1851 . ANIT STILL THEY'IMB:! Rece.ved Store, another larg • lot ol J| I11( J, (Heines, Paints, Ofls fc c „ Let afl W,n, wan. I are aitictei , at cheap pitee.t, give ,j n call, as we warrant every artirlr* hnd sell as cheap as any House in the .State. To the Ludteg who want fine To.le, a, tides, we would say come and examine our .Stock and judge lor yoursHvs. M ■ ... XEAD<fc CHAPMAN. Nov. 17ih % 1851. 33— 1| Piles! Piles!! Pile*!!! all v< i” ’ft 0 ar e nillering with this driad . Atlanta, S, pt . 25, 1850. meTt with s..r" ,fy t o’ ‘ l,!lv ® u “ ‘l Pryor's I'ile Oi.n- SlrlT r ,!' 1 *wrtne..t of utirrsdftlie pha- U) nilM thUJI 1 fur,l ‘ pr “ t *- h'W it is tho best application u. piles that 1 am acquainted with. H. WESTMORELAND. ri w „ Atlanta, Sept. 25, 1850. Piieo*:—Dear Sir; 1 ran arid do mint clieerfully and sui&erely certify to llie efficiency of your rile Uiulmenti Few persons can have a belter right to sprewan opinion concerning the many different reme that have been offtTied to the public fyr the cure of tne malady Ilian I have, because few have inure jeverely afflicted than I have been,and as few, perhuiw, have tried a greater rriiniber of remedies for it. my opinion J* that your pile ointment is the very best in use; mat it will not only sooth and ameliorate, but will |>osi liyety cure if properly applied and persevered in a fair inai. 1 recommend to all persons in reach of such a remedy tl* UjMJ 0 f your ointment. Yours reaped lull v, EDVV. YOUNG HILL. LaGinnge, Ga., Aug. 1850. Col. Wm. B. Phvor!—Dear Sir.— You ask uie to ex -1 opinion with regard to your ointment for Piles ami tniri is. j R m familiar with tlie.diUereul ingrciliein* mering into its composition, a* well of the mode of com- P|uiMiing it .and consider it an medy jKiwerfully efiica jous hi relieving tlie maladies n professes to cure, qk W ii ** Hmny other contagious diseases. I have known it ured. with much success in the treat- 5 ment of particularly and take great pleasure in of- Jering you tins testimonial of it* virtue. K. A. T. KILLEY, M. D. A. M. Sold by Philip T Feaus Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stulls and Books. Baker Street, Oglethorpe, Ga. I hysieitins supplied on liberal terms. Augut 1, 1851, ] 6 6m> OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY fi. 1852, F A C T O It S AND ( 1 om in i ssi (> 11 1W crelian ts, xIA DREWS HAH Dll ICK Sf CO., OGLE I’HORPE. G HARDBACK Sf COOKE. UAY sTItI.KT, > \V tNNAII, GA. The. House at Ogh thinpr iri.ll receive, and forward Produce, to the House at Su. vannuh. and furnish Family Supplies, Bunging. Rope, Sfc., (o their Patrons at Oghthurpe. ■John F. A.viikkws, .) .iin (J. Cos ‘Ki:, July 17, U tout (to -t. iLtto.tcK. 14 Gin. New Fall and IViuter hoods J. T. lUGG t WOULD respectfully call the attention of his frienih and the public generally to his large and well selected assortment of Si 9 *CJJ\H A A V.II.IMER ftOt MMJSg cbusisting of every ariety oi ‘tapir and U.mcy Di> tioods—such as Kerseys, .Satiio-ls, C'asimeres, C r iwtUs, Blankets, Flannels, Sltawls, Calicoes, Handkerchiefs, llbsi ry, Linens, >lnslins ; silks, a tins, and a variety of other Fancy A?ti< les. Ken and y -ill ade Clolfiin^ Os the L'Ucst Style and Bent (iuahty. II.VTS ami l. APS of every descri|tion. Bl)OT> and SHOES of all qualities A variety of UIIDCEIimS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY , ti(C. In ajiort, purchasers cau he supplied with almost any article they desire, o i Ike most reumnaUetcnfi*. ‘fliose who desire to get the fuH worili oi tlieii mon ey, Would do well to give me a oij, tor I pledge inysell tliat none who purchase shall go away without obtain ing a harjain. Furl Gaytts,Ga., Nov * Ist, Idol. I —ts Over 10,000 Pairs ol fl BOOTS AM) “•"SC* 9 SHOES. Keep it btjore the Ptoplt that .SIiARS&CO. A ON SUMTF.R SI REET, WAVE HOW opened two doors Iron. STUCK OF SouTST ANTTsiJOEs ever offered in Souiii-YVeslein Geuriria. A huge portion of wiudi is of their own until ulaepire, and war.anted not to rip, ctjmijMil.g of all qualities and prices; p .iis leone made Negro Shoes, double soled; I,OUO pairs of Kip Sewed ami Peaged, Bools ; 2*>() pairs Men’s Ddulile-soleil Water-Pi oof Boots; S(H) p.i.s singlrt and Double- soled Call Brogans; 1,500 pai.s Ladies’ L.-alhei Cloth, Morocco and Eifuotclcil Bootees and shoes; 1,500 pnirs Misses’ and Youths’ Bouts and shoes, all kinds; 1.500 pairs Boys’ Kip and I'iti k Boots anri sdip-s ; 500 p u.s Men’s 11 o ne-made soleil Bl ack Bro gans; 250 pairs Boys’do. ; 300 pairs gen* llemen’s and Ltldies’ Itnhbe. Ovei shoes; 800 pail's Noliictu Neyfo slun s at 90c. ; 10,000 O'S. Sole Leather, Call, Lining and Binding Skies, L sis, Shoe The at), Pegs, Shoemakers 4 * Pools, See. All we ;t*k ol Planters and dtlters is to ex amine our Stock hrtoie they par. li*e, as we expert to ‘ell i x luov.-lv lor CA-sll, which will enable us it. s -ll tow. r than any house that does a neiJii business. Give us a ( all! And if we can't sell we will charge noth , mg for showingonr Stock, Any Hinimel of BEEF HIDES taken in Exchange foi shoes or Leather. Oglethorpe, Oct, 10:li, 1851, 21) 6m DRY Goods; ll iidtv.ire ifcc. of even descriptionijiist rereVeit am! for sale by J. <), IIUDGKM. Oglethorpe, Oi l. 3 y 851. 25—if, Jewel ry. A FINE, lot of Jewell V j-*l received Wiid ill fur sale by, K \ I'FAiAN & BitO. Oglethorpe, Oil. 111, 1851, 26 it. BOOTS, Slides, Hals, Caps of even v.iiieiv jus. .eceivi and and lor sale by, *#*: ’ K \ I'FAi IN A BRO. Ogletlmrjw, Oi l. JO, 1851. 26 if 15 LARGE lot ofcflili - r B.h'uii for ~||e MX by J. O HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oci. “3, 1851, 25—if. SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. A UvILY TRAIN to. Passengers and Freight ItJHVeS MrtCirll at 0 1-2 A. A|.— All'ives hi Oglethorpe at ! I 1-2 A. .M.—Arrives hi Macon al 3 1-2 P. M, C■ •litre.'line ea< It way with the Central him! Macon k Wes lern trains, anil the Mail Sl-tge Line. Passengers dine in 1 ort Valley at 1 I-2 P. A.. GEO. W. ADAMS. Supi, >. W. H. K. Oglethorpe, Ocl. 10, 1851. 26 if IRON! IRON!! IRON !!! IRON !!!! TfS NOUGII IRON to supply evriyhndy just tereived and lying tint of ilours wliii |i itie puhln: ant invited to come Inr as sunn us possible, by J, O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Dec. 12, 1851 85--ts OUR COUNT RY’ S GOOD IS OURS. A &AILROA© SONG. UY CIIARt.BS P. BIIIRAS No more we sing tis they snug of old, To tile lanes of lute and lyre, Fur ! tve live ill lilt Iron .\<>e— In lltejtgt* ol SleHin mill Fuel rite Win 111 is lon busy for lire.lining. And Halil grnwii lay wise fur \V o. So to-tin* lorloeglotv ol tile Srienre, Let js sing of Hie Railway Chi ! I'He gulden rliariots of anrieiil .Kings Wulllil 11.i7W.1e the Wunileiing eye, .4ml ilie Ilea els of a million of sli'i-s might bow As the (jlittering tov rolled liv : But this is the Ite us llie l’eo|>h*, /Iml lieloie II sli.ill ItutV nil Kings- Ui 1 tie\ wli ned vvli -il they Hear the shriek., dug Os the Oragor. with ion wings! The Iduoil-alNiued Car of J oggernnnt o*er millions id’ iieeks Imli rolled, And its Piiesl ai .dl nied, * suell a I tin infill an onis Tim wm Id shall lo ver behold !’ Ihil wnl when llii* harnessed Omgnn L'un'i s Vu.iiitnig smoke an l lire, Fur the Pliesi, with their far and Idols, Shall perish beneath his m 1 And wn to all who iiplmlil the wrong— Love darkness lath, r than light— Fin Srieme liith opened .1 broad highway Fur Knowledge, and l’l'iilli, anil Kiglll, And he sends loilli III’ Cat to gallier The peirele of many lands, Unlit the nllel must oil inns Are giaspiug each olheis hands ! And llnis when tile people, as one are jniii.’d, A lid each to liis lellmv is know n, laveiilinn anil Ail, ami skill siiall wmk, At llie liitlding of Science alone. And who can tell o’ the greatness The VVoil I m iv hope lor then ! Foi llie Faith lHat uiovelli uiontifain* Have entered the souls tot men. F yyj (WB? 1,1 ,Jd * Bui sniilid tile praise nil die Iruu Age— Os die age r>f Steam and Fite. A'ld sing In llie glut V of Sen nee— Exult in the dpwr fall of war An (I shout for die fi rv Dragon, As lie Hies with llie Railway Car ! The Lastly and Yankee, or Fun on the Simpson, While the ‘Simp-iVo’ lay at our wharf lit'l trip a queer looking biped mi-'lf haw herti sni wending Itis way low at if the hoot; ’li.teing’ a large hai,'-trunk un der Ins anil. I,et us describe hull. His under top w.s covered with a coon skin cap, long uncotnbert hair streaking out f> mu Irene .lit it ait I tolling around like (1.. x ores a drake. His coal was built as it lur a single breasted vest, with a liars ■nw rior running the neck still as a .hingle; then altered by inserting sleeves shin fashion ini-• tile shoulders — die garment being hi. Honed up ‘flint'll in front with small hra-s button*. Be twepn ilie lower part and the ah.fe-tnen liui.ed and llte Dowsers was a gap ol a l.o.ii iliree inches, through which a dingy shill puffed nut like a life preserver— Ho pants va* of liney, wo >lsev. llte larger pan ol the cloth in the neiglti or hood ol liis hinder suspender It .lion*, the smaller (Joantfl remaining growing smaller till it reached sttiue six indies Iroli,ilic red iiulaned‘shoes fltal covered die petal exm iniiie-, as tight as Indian rnhfier g tilers. A l.ll'W conqi rtion il cnonten .in e, grey eyes, ami yon have the man.’ He Walked up I lie hank on the hoot, o|ep*iSMed on a cotton hale, i em.s.d hi- hi ids behind look a general -orver and untieing the engineer g> I nng npsleain, walked nriulnd In coui uihnicale widi him. ‘Gins* tins Vre’s a ‘innziu fast critter <>v your. ‘/ill,’-—erunleiljilie engineer nm dis> posed in enlarge his • irele ul acquaint- j Oil’ e H% the Cheterfir Id mode. •Never kicks eont uv the lireechiii.* ‘Ha.’ ‘Never rnrs nor pitlics, nur tiotliin of that sort,’ •H.h.’ •Well, old lioss. I guess vmi’ll never die In tin wa-lin” \<r liretll, for \e keep \er rests old iitoulli H- elnst as an l-ler.— Y-t f don’t pretend In say this ’ere ngL lookin’ eimeiKii can run I’.si. J niiina, es y eon’d seen in> brut tier's w lie’s uncle skeet, yer wiHitl’nl think it. Ycr see he ran agin lime, anil lew heat, he run s.> gtd.-alfierd fast that It s hair whipped olid cracked, •< that when lie rum emit hi tile pend of the race, he was clean bald-head* ed—fart —but lliitl war’ll! a pi iini ll tew wlmt he did one nite with a ghost.’— Here the engineer opened the safety valve, in cl ise proximity with, the coon skin cap, liirli suddenly disappeared, thn- breasting llie tbieaii of the gliusi story, its proprietor soon nnvkiim his eu trance into llie ladies t-altiil, wliirli ;is onlv liv a Id.o k riiHiiiherniaid. ’’s raliiii next door; no gem mao ’lowii in ’ere w iilout ladies,’ said the diikev, niiifry ai die intriision us sticli a ‘louk.inf man Hi llie cabin ‘.Jim c"me lew fetch nothin'’, je.t wauled !<• ex inline llie criilef. VVton’s them ar?’ pointing t ■ the stale rou e.. ‘F sr del ulies lierls sir.’ ‘How inanv In v \*r got?’ * Rout iliiri v, sah.’ •VVlia'f’* llie winieii folks ?* ‘On die dei k, salt.’ * Fitirty Incitis, a year, I ’spose—vxJam a line filace fur a doctor to settle in lots nv sit kness ’i ntiu met.ny,’ soliloquiz ed he, w hile lie stuck his head into a slate mom in see die accomdalions. ‘A real nai row contracted, tucked op con earn, me Ia Iks no in our keumry woulil’ul live in 4ih n tile, narrow contracted Ha iti • ho. lit.’ D .ring this s diluquy die chamber in ml opi n and tin- door into the gentle men’s c.diin. * > .I*, tri iijiii> iis like \er aim ’lowed in here’tall, yer most go Ikiiii here q ickee dm ’in di iel\.’ He sanuiered out of the dour, asking as il was stalled shin in Ills fare, il there w*s a regular Oucmr settled in that iieighlim liiuid, w hit It interrogatory not receiving a rcsponce, he ;ne<iitihnlated tile c .liiii with tils h inds crossed behind, iirakmu nhseivunous and mq ii nt, much 1 to the aiiiseinent of a crowd of pasS.n- ! liers, and none more than that ol a ih.hl refinied, patent elastic, made to t rdei (liy *. ...U-.iA .1.. ..‘V .- a* . i..i. W trite rlixs ly goatee, and bigger sicklier iiuiiislaclie, perlonreil soap links, shirt mi ll , i ai> (1 like two side boards, to fence in Hie lace, galvaiiileii wall'll i liaiu, wasp waist, little heeled boots, and goose neck ed cane wild a pup j.y ’. liead on it, ct.n taiiiing nearly as inficii hi antes as die owner— was cutting quite a swell, delu ding everything /or not being as lie wish.- ed ii, and disgusting every one by his Sc If iiiipi>iT;ni< e and senseless twaddle. Al dinner, by dinner, the dandy and Yankee sat opposite each oilier al the table, jitter Captain Dell had perfotill ed die Usual ceremony of asking a bless ing, llte dandy tlirowd himselt bark on his dignity, and called out in a pompous lone to the waiter: •Ym dnn’d wataw, brwing me the suppotißli of young female lieu, a fresh laid eegg, and rub the bocliain ol me plate widt a spediumiue of fruit wulgar <y odled a, Which wiil give me tiloah * ddunte II ivor.’ File Yankee quick threw himself back in imitation of Ins opposite neighbor, and in a usual tone'called out: ‘Yeuur durutl, all firnl, dad.-bliisted, dad-rabited, pesky looking little larnal black nigger, fetch me a peck ov corn, a bundle.n lodd. r, and rub me down with a w lit e I Iced. Men ceased to think of masticating, while an uproarious y.ll arose whirl, lairiy shook me rabiu, duiiug which the •laody was seen streaking out llte door willi afi iger in each ear. We are cred ibly inhumed that Hill lost four sus pender buttons, and ws doubled with an open cnuuleunuce an hour afterwards. The dandy wailed for llte next boat, while the Yankee made tile tup with a chalked liat. A Hint to Wives.—‘tfl’m not at It nine from the party to night hi ten o'clock,’ said a hushaud to his heller nml lugger hall, •ilnn’t wiat lot me.*—•Thill 1 won’t’ said the lady , significantly, -I wont wait, lint i’ll Come Inr yon.’ He return* itl hi tea precisely. Mtii-it vis tu the female diameter what ml peter is to heef—while it pre set Ves its purity it imparts a blush. It ynn wnnlil preset ve your pluck, keep out of debt. The same man . nnhi luce *an army w ith banners’ w iih ittn •* lenr,'Mill n<> sooner see a creditor lotn n comer, than lie will tremble like a liuhosli ‘tlpey with a hoholiuk.’ A loaler hiippencd in at one of the printing offices in Lwm, a f< w days since, •ml askeil the q e-tinn ‘What's the news?’ *l’ an (Inllats ayt in in adv. >uce,’ was the reply. He subscribed. ] TEEMS: $2 in Advance. To swear is neither brave, polite or wise. Wise men often miss the mark, and fools sometimes hit il. It is easier to reconcile ten angry per sons of common sense, than one angry look Toe purcsi altar of love is llie heart of a mother. A warm heart requires a cool head So a ship dial eanies a ureal deal of ad needs a first rale lielaisin m. •Win n 1 get into a scurpe, l always take fire!’ us the lucilVr tiiutcli said id itself. The history of most lives may be brief, ly comprehended under three hands; Om follies, our faults audour inislm times. ‘Gome line, my dear; 1 want to aril yon all aliimt >our sister. Has she got lieau.’ ‘No, it’s the jaundice slie’s gin; lire doctor Says sat.’ Honest Mtdostry is always rewarded. No young man enl complain ol ireing kefii poor, if he rolls up Ins sleeves and goes i hcei’l<.lly to work. To ‘l'llK iMHJSIKIOUS.—A reward of SSOO win he given to the fiistactirt form wlit. discovers a single newspaper bor rower that is willing to admit that there is ’allything published uow a days worth reading.’ II we go at noon day to the bottom of a dr.p piwe shall be able to see the stars, whirl, on the level ground are in visible. Emi so Iron, the (let.ills of griel —worn, w i eli lied, seared, and dy ing—the blessed appaiitions and ink. us ol heaven make themselves visible to our eyes. I None are so fund of know ing secrets ; as those who do not mean to keep them. | bu. it persons covet secrets as a spend- I thrill covets umuey tor llte purpose of 1 Ciieidallon. I Heller to Ire upright with poverty than deprived with an abundance. He whose tirtue exceeds his talents, is ike good mail, lie whose taieins* his virtue, is the mean one. VVltat do yuu wish to get in your two bntiles ?’ said a grocer to a little boy, as I lie entered his store. ‘Mother waips a cent’s worth of your best yeast.’ ‘Which bottle will you have it in ?* ‘l’ll have il in liotli ol'. in. Ami will you please pul a cork in them ? L'an’i yon send it home,’cause I'm going an other way ?’ ‘Well, where i* your cent ?’ ‘Mother says us how you must charge it.’ A Wcs'ern editor say* that he ha( three limes pm oil a clean shirt for the purpose ol calling upon the Governor of his State, hot did not sic him, and con* chubs an account of Itis disappointment in the follow iug notice •The Governor is respectfully’ informed that we cannot afford to make another such a run upon our linen, and if we are to have the honor of making Itis acquaint ance, lie will have no reason to con.plain if we are not altogether in trim.’ Ruvauding Honesty.— A colored setvani sweeping out a bachelor’s room f"iui(l a sixpence mi the carpet which he carried to the owner. ‘You may keep it for your honesty,’ said lie. A short time after he missed his gold pencil case, ami inquired of his set vatu if lie had seen it. ‘Yes sir,’ was the reply. ‘And what did ynn tl villi it ? •Kept it fur my honesty, sir !’ The old bachelor disappeared. Jean Paul says love may tlumbtr in a lady’s lleat I, bat it always Uitanie. A sick ni iit was told that nothing could cure Inin but a quart ul catnip tea, •Then / must die,’ said he ; ‘1 don’t hold hut a prut.’ A little t.i tasked her sister, ‘What was tfiaon, that papa reads about?*-. The older i hi|d replied, * Why, it is a great pile of nothing, and no pLl'e to pat it in.’ If >ou were binding an Indian with a cord, whau///g/e word in the English language would you use In express to him what you were about ? Ingenuity. (/ntlt.m ton I lie.J • Fade r, it tells here about ilium noted MSS. What were they lighter! wstl. ?* Tne lather In sitated, and when the qnc-tinn was tepealed, answered desper ately, * With the light of other days, my son !* NO 42.