The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, February 06, 1852, Image 3

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The Railways of the United States. — The American Railway Times, of the lsi Instant, contains a list of the rilwnys in tbe United States, by which it appears .that the number of railways in operation .is 263, measuring 11,565 miles in length, and construrred at a cast of $335,150. 848. The number of railways in course of constrnctionjis 74, measuring 11,228- miles. The total number qf railways is ■.337, ano the total number.of miles in op eration and course ofcotntr.ctiou is 22,- sl3. _ Cotton Blnrlifk Cotton Statement, Feb.tfth. 1852. (Rece’d at Oglethorpe for the wetji, ending Feb. 6th, 1,603 bales Sbip'dper S. VV. Kail Road, 1,400 “ Balance on hand, 2Q3 Total receipts up to this time, 29.306 “ Total shipments “ 21,725 •* Total balance on ban I, 7,581 “ Oglethorpe Feb. 6th, 1852. The market is active, 5f to 7| ex tremes, Savannah Feby. 5. S J a BJ. Charlston FeLr. 4, Cotton 6 a ; 9g. New Orleans Febr. 3. (Cotton, 7 a 7.J. CoLjU.Ojpus, Febr. 4. Cotton. 6 a 7. Oglethorpe Prices Current, COltltCCTlftl WEKICI.V. llaius, per lb. . . 15 CIS. Sides, clean “ . . . 13 a 14 Shoulders, “ . . W (BUTTER, Goshen “ . . 25 a3O Country “ f . 12 als JIAGGING, gunny yds. ... 16 Mafl’d gunyy “ . . . - ,15 ■ROPE 9 COFFEE, per lbs.'. . ’l2 a 12J CANDLES, Sperm “ f 40 a 5Q Adamantine, “ . . 35 a4O Tallow, ‘ *> 15 a 20 FLOUR, per fibl. . .7,00 a 8,00 MACKEREL, No. 1. *> . . . 4,00 “ “ 2. “ . . . 12,00 “ “ 3.“. . . 9,50 (CORN, per bushel, . 1,00 a 1,25 MEAL “ . . > 1,00 a 1,25 LARI*, per lb 14 a 10 LEAL), “ . . . . . 10 a 12 MOL ASSES, per gallon . 35 a 45 SYRUP, N. (J. v ‘‘ . . 45 a 50 Clarified “ . . 90 a 1,00 <OIL. Linseed, .** . . 1,25 a 1,50 TURPENTINE “ . . 1,00 a 1,25 £UGAR, “ . . 8 a 10 NAILS, • fa 5 RICE, . . 5 a 5J SALT per sail* . • • I*9o Another scj,entijic wonder ! Important io l)yspcptics.—Dr. J. Si Houghton's pepiiu, The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, pit-pined from Rennet, or site Jour ill Stomach of the oX, alter direc tions of B iron Liebig the great Physio logiial Chemist, by J. S. H,ought,m M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedy for Indigestion Dyss pepsin,jaundice, liver Complaint, consti pation ami debility, curing after nature's evil method, by A attire s own Agint, jibe Gastric juice. Pamphlets, contain ing S* ientific evidence of its value, fur nished by agents gratis. Se£ notice among the medical advertisement*. “ MEDICAL CARIX ~ ■p|R. William Ellis having pe#mancnjly [ § located in te city of Oglethorpe, most respectfully tenders his pel vices to its Citi zens and vicinity, with an experiece of more than twenty-five years, logather with prompt and d*bg el| t aitentiun to thedutiiaof Ins profession, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. He may be found at Snead Drug store or at his residence on Baker street. Oglethorpe Feb, 4t)i 1852. 4- if- HOUSE AND SIGN PAIHTIIG, Gilding, Glazing, graining &c. IfUIE subscriber, on the first of March I intends moving front Macon to Ogle thorpe, with a good stock of Paints and V ur nisiips, when he will be prepared to execute pit ordeis in his ljue on the most reasonable terms. the meantime all enquiries address ed to me at Macon will receive prompt at tention. HFNRY LOVL -Feb. 6,1842, 4 *’ lf: ELECTION NOTICE. Sliere will be an Election in ilie City glethorpe on the Third Saturday in February inst. for a Mayor and Six Al dermen, to serve the present year in the place ot ihepresnet board of Comr’s w hpsp term has expired by limitation. By order of the Board. E. VV. ALLEN C. C. February 6th 1852. tde. of Fine Chewing ■ IVlitf Tobacco, for sale Cheap, J. O. HODGES. Oct. 3, 1851 25 t£ ASIICSY SF STATS BAIM* ‘ OGLETHORPE, GA. F- T- SWE AD. Agent. ILL Advance on (.01 TON consigned to Marort, or Savannah. W V Office at SNEAD ts CHAPMAN’S DRUG STORE, on Sumter Sreet. December 17tli, 1851. 36-3 m. FIRE PROOF PAINT; j Bids. Blake’s Patent Fire Proof I Paint, just received and for sale low for cash b> R. H. SIMS &. Cos. Oglethorpe Feb., 4th, 1852. 42— ts IBOJX. A LARGE lot of Iron assorted, also German, Blister and Cast Steql, cut, w rang lit and Raise shoe Nails and lioise for sale by R. 11. SMIS &■ Cos. 1 Oglethqrpe Feb. 4tb, 1852. 42^tf. CIGARS. linn SPANISH ci- V. gut's to*’ sale by 1 R. fl. /SlflljS & Cos. Oglethorpe Feb. 4th, 1852, 42 —ts. MOLASSES, N. O. Syrup, Raisins, a fine lot of Sugar &r, &c.. for sale by R.H. SIMS & Cos. Oglethorpe, Feb. 4th 1852* 42 —if Georgia Macon County 311EREAS William Watson applies W] to nit: for letters of Administration on the estate of lsham Nowells dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and crediloisof said deceased, to be and appear at ->y office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand offici illy this 14th January 1852. W. W. CORBITT, c.c.o. jart. 16, 1852. 39-Im. BARRELS of Fresh Flour Xlße just received and for stile by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oi l. 3, ISSI. 25—if. BOOKS! noOKSIi Jl. Ni ic Booh Store , JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, A ear the Oglethorpe Hotel, WHERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window ‘hades, Musical Instruments &.C., all of which he will sell 33 low as they can be bought in any other market. Just Received One fine Melodian, of supeiior lunir and finish. A lot of fine Vio lins, also a splendid lot of Accordeons, vary, ing in price from $1 50 to $25. A. B. CHAPMAN. January )6, 1852. 89-if. GEORGIA,) lns>mle ,: Sa ; blunter Couufy. ) jsov.term ißsi. Joseph Daniel, \ vs. f Bill for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f lief and Injunction, ffm. Pritchett. J IT being represented to me by the Alliga tion in said BiJI, that John L. Cnsy has no settled residence known to Complainant but is a transcient, unsettled person. It is or dered that service of said Bill be perfected on said John L. Cosy, by publication in one of the public Gazettes in this Stale, once a month, for four months preceding the next term of this Caort. A true extract from the minutes of said Court this Ist dav of January 1852. M. M. GUERRY, Clerk. ~DISSOLITION. THE Firm of Snead & Chapman is this day dissolved, by mutual consent, Tin- business will be continued by F. T. Snead. F-T.Sn’EAD, F. S. CHAPMAN, Oglethorpe Jan. 26,1852, A CARD. In retiring Trom the Firm of Snead iS& Chapman, l take this opportunity to lender m y thanks to the public for the very liberal pationagu extended to us; and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to my for mer partner, Mr. F.T. Snead, who will con tinue tlie Drug Business at the old stand, on Sumter street. (r? You will all do well to give him a tri al, FOSTER S, CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 26tli 1852, 41-ts IIRI.B. 11A LI., RESPECTFULLY tenders his profes sional services to die citizens of Ogle thorpe and vicinity. His ofice is in Mrs, Rawson’s house, on the corner of Chatham and Macon streeis, where lie may be found at all'limes,’ unless absent on professional business, Jan, 80, 1853, 41’tf Carriage i\\ Maki rig and* and Buggy (||§) Re pairing, SHOP ON SUMTER ST. Near the Spiakaakino Hotel, OGLETHORPE, GA. THE New Firm of Wright, ‘.Vil- Siam'Si &. Cos,, have associated themselves together for the put pose of making and repairing Carriages, in a neat and fash ionable style,, with good materials, at as low prices as in any other southern market. We tlierefore solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. Those wishing any tiling in our line will do well in give us a call, as we intend not to be. excelled in ar "* WRIQHT WILLIAMS & Cos. ■December, 26th, 1851, 37—if. GREAT EXCITEMENT ATTHEu SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, j Those Cine Bools so much called for, are now on had, and will te sold, while ; cotton is*low, at *7, per pane. Nov. T7ih. 18-51. B ANKS & Cos. New Clothing Store, i M. SYLVESTER & BRO. HAVE just opened a large Stock ot Cloth- i iitg uoCtiyler St. in Oglethorpe one Dour below Carson & Greer, which they wiH sell 25 per cent cheaper than any Other establishment in the place. They have all qualities of Clothing, from common to the finest, all of which is made to order in the latest style and warranted to be good. Call in Gentlemen, and examine our stdek before yon purchase elsewhere: Oglethorpe, Oct: 3Lst, 1851. Oglethorpe Semina, y, Wo would respectfully announce to the Citizens ol Oglethorpe and it> vicinity vital tile exercises of this (<isti l lll i.• n will commence on Monday, the sth January. All persons .wishing In obtain hoard lor their children will find better ucrniiintlatioH, by early applica tion. F. T. POLH LI,, Rector. January I, 1852. 37 if. JEWELER. H 11 M * having pcrnia- Attn 9 \ ■f*’ ‘"f uenlly Incited in tjie j n ‘ : ” I^’nwnicfo(l(‘thorjiK, will at- Ug']efiorp*s ’ ‘ Gcoreia —M-trion county. tr has applied to me for letters of Guardianship lor the person and prop erty of Robert T. Bivins, minor. These are therefore t > admonish all persons in terested to be at my office and file their objections if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why sqjd letteis should not he granted. L. M ADDOX, C. C. O. January Ist, 1852. ‘37uls. AT TH E SI GN OF THE BIG BOOT -g aa ax PAIRS Ladies and Misses |_ fine Gaiters just received 1,,, BANK.B & Cos. Oglethorpe, Dec. 19, 1851. 36—ts. SaltTSaltl! Salt /!! A LARGE lot of Salt just received and for sale by J. O, HODGES. Oglethorpe, Pec. 5, 1851- 34 —it. ~CBOTHING. READY made CLOTIinG, a very large assortment just received and for safe by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Qgletlmtpe, Oct- 10,1851. 26 tl, 1 GEORGIA—Macon County. ‘VCHT HEREAS Rohemia Wamack t Ww applies to me for letters of Ad ministration on tlie estate of Wiley Watn ack deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at niy office within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand of ficially, Jan. 14th 1852. jan, 16,-jni, W, W, CQRBtT f, c. c.o. 8, & 1). BIILJLE R, ATTORN EYS AT L.A W, OfiLEl IIOKPE, GKOROIA, HAVE removed from Lanier, and will Practice in the Superior Courts of die Comities of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dimly, Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at the city of Macon. STEPHEN F. MILI.BR, D.yNJEL IV. MILLER. January 16, 1852. 39-ts. GEORGIA, Macon County ■my HERE AS Thomas (J, Hudson ap plies to me sot letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of Leander M, Hudson deceased; These are therefore to ette and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of’ said deceased to appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said letters slioull not be granted. Given under mv hand officially, w. W. CORBITT, C. C. O, January 30th, 1852. 41-lm. mss#*®-wM I- §m ftij-Tiff IN QU/IRT BOTTLES. for Purifying the. Blood, and for the Curt of scrofula, llh< umatism, stubborn l leers, Dyspepsia salt llheum. Be err sores , Erysiypelas, Pimples. Bites , Mercurial Diseases Cutaueous Eruptions Elver Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Urinate Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility dj’c. 11l this preparation we have alt the restorative properties pt ihe root, contentiate<l in tlieir impost strength and I etlieacy ; hOt while .-uivaparilla Uoot lornis an inijior taut purl ot its combination, il i. : , at the t-uiue, lime, com pound yiilh other vegetable rtyiitdics of great power, an l il ls m llie Comtmiaiioii und m loatilic tnaniiec oi its* preparatimi, that its reiaiirliable buccctis iu ;lie cure ot (Incase dcpcmls. ii acjj siuiukuucoii'siy the stoinachv tin* circulation uihltlie bu.vvoLs;.and tiujs three p.Aiccsses wide ii vire orduuu'ib Uus result of three diller* ent ot modtcinc, al*e cafrid-l oil at the Mime lime, through the lii'trumentality of this uiio rvinotliai ugeut, which genii) w hile it aud expels at ihe same time redttjfes tlieir vigor ainl tun ‘. Its groat merit is, that iiipocts aud neuieah/.eathe actv)>ri; t n|.e oiMisease itself.and when that is gone, the symptoms uecea-anly disappear ; and ne have only to |xiim to the I accuuitiliited testmL'iiy of mnltituiles who ej|eiitntvd its f'onviiiLv ine edulity ilseltofils real value. ! The i J rojiiie.twrssubmit to the publie the lolluivm ‘ certilieato from a higidv respectable Source, of a cuiv : made by using theTrpre[jaratiau of .Sarsaparilla : New York, Feb. 17,184 U, J Sands:—Having suffered rn:my years with j a disease of my throat, lUKctiug lh ■ larynx, daring which ; lime 1 Was treated by the most distiuguibhed .physicians ! Lurope and the United Stales, without roceiviug aijy permanent benefit, but all the time my gQnexcl health ‘ and strength declining, and the disease making fearful progress : caustic appticalions Were used, and whatever else was thought most efiicieut for producing a cure; hut lam confident the deplorable situation I was in, the laryngitis being accompanied with and great j •Ufficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, laid I not obtained relief through the medium of j your invaluable Sursupurdla. I must sny j when I commenced miug the Sarsaparilla l did not place much conlidenceiu its virtues; and this will not I surprise yon. when you are informed 1 had tried more than fifty dllieretu remedies during the past four years, * w ithout any sucrf‘Bß ; but after taking yui r JSarsaiiarilla a few weeks. 1w as obliged at last to yield to evidence This murvelloUH sjiecUic has not only relieved but cured me; and l theefore think it myduty, gentlemen, fur the beiiefitofsuffering humanity, to give you tldsuttes latum oi my core. ) ours, very truly, D. Parent. Consulate of.France in the United States. The above .statement and signature wore acknow ledged in our presence by Air. I), parent as true. For the Consul General of France. L. U.URG., Vice Consul. l?ti-e $f per Ito'ulc’; six'Bolllus lor ‘ifo'. For salt: Iv SNEAD Jc CHAPMAN, Druggists Oglethorpe, Ga. Dentistry. BR. a; C. HORNADY bavins lo cated at BUENA VISTA, GA. respectfully announces to tin* citizens id that place and the SHrronmiiiis Country that he is propared to execute all work be longsng to his piofession in a snpeiior style ai prices, to suit the times. N, B. All operations warranted.'— October, 10 1851. 26—Cm P. S. Ladies waited on at their residence. February Sheriff Sales. %,!/ ILL be sold, before the Court House if door in Lanier, Macon County, on the first Tuesday in February next, the fol lowing property; to ivit: One lot of corn, 30 or 40 bushels, levied jon as the property jif Charles Mi-Cutlers to satisfy a distress warrant returnable at the next Macon Inferior Court, in favor ol Ase-w ----i ell Thornhill. POSTPONED SALE. Also at the same time and place one road wagon and six mules, as the properly of nuEimielb Taylor, to satisfy a -li la fimn Macon superior Court in favor rs James Hicks. TUGS, DIXON Shffi J in, Ist, 1852. bi*. NO I 1C Fa. THE Copartnership heretofore ex isting under the style of Wright <Jfc Ballard is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All indebted In tlie firm may find llleirmites and accounts in the hands ol A. A. Robinson, for settlement, and will do well to settle'immediately. WRIGHT Si BALLARD. Oglethorpe, Dec. lltfi, 1851. 35,.tf. GEORGIA—Macon Comity. Court of Ordlvarv, ISoi. Present the Honorable Jchabotl Danis, Nathan Bryan, Joseph Mott, George Williams. Oran C. Horne, Justices. WHEREAS, Reuben Kaigler, adminis trator of John J. Kaigler, deceased, has duly petitioned the Court for letters of dismission from said Estate: therefore, all persons concerned are hereby cited to appear at the. regular term of said Court, on the first i Monday in May next, to show cause (il any .they can) why said letieis es dismission should not bu granted in terms oliho law. Given under my hand, at Office in La rrl'ci this (lie 3rd, day of Nnvembei 1851. Wm. vv. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 7th, 1851. 30 —Gui. D* J. S. HOUGHTON'S K-ttyrrpil neconlin- In Art of Cenfriw in tin* year HS>I. I Ijy-I.S. Ilnutim. ts. I', in tbe ('lcrUs nllici- ufUio district cintn tiirihe ee< An ristrict of /Vimtjlvnin'a. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC .WONDER! Great ant Jar Dyspcp * in! Dr: ./. Houghton's PE PULS, din: true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, prepared from ItENNET, or the Joint h Sl".'it,tch oj the Ox. after dim lit ns ij Baron Eiclug, the gnat Physiological C/u mist by J. S. HuugtLton, M. I). Philadelphia . This is truly a wondrlul remedy for Indigestion, dys prftsia. jaundice, liver complaint, constipation, and de bility, curing after nature's own method, by natures own .ftgeut. the <sisirie Juice. Half a teas{Sbonful of Pepan, uifpseil in wafer, will digentor dissolve five pou ls ol roast beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. , Bejisin is the chief element or great digestive |irinei pie of the Gastric juico—the mu vent oft ne food, the puritying. preserving, and stimulating agent of the stom ach and intestines, t is extracted from the digestive stomach ot the Che. ibus forming an artificial digestive final, precisely like the naturul gallic juice in its cheini eal | X"Vers, and furnishing a complete and jierfecl uh.sti tuie lor it. By the aid of i|iis preparation the pains and evils of indige.-tioD anti dyspepsia are lemoved,ju>t as they would be by n healthy stomach. It is doing woiidcre lor dyspeptics, curing .cox's of debility, emaciation, ner vous dec.Uie and “peptic eoiiMiiiiptUii, >uppood to on the verge of the grpvnTrhd sci- ntifie upon which it is based, is in the highest degree ciirjouiLaud temaikable. SC IEN TI FIG EVJ DE N CE- Unroll rieljig, in his 001. liraiv.l work on ammal t isiry, rays: ‘An aniiicial (ligcstive lliml analo-ons i u the HHtirjiuce.niay be n-adily prcponal from ilm luuomi metabrauv uflliu Ii us the calf in which iknnnsiir tieU-H<>t fiioJ, as niynt mat cjga i, it! be •olk-ncil,ehanaed and digested, jiM m tl r some AuatlUor as they would be i m the humanHVomaeli.* {fir < all ou the agent, and got a descriptive circular, graths. giv mg a large amount of scientific evidence, >m dar to the above. tog.MWwith rejiortu of rem*rkable I cur Wi hum all parts of the United Matos. AS A DYSPESI'tA CURER I)r Ilnsjhtnn u l*p*in Inis pr.luoed the most vneots, in owing eases of debility, unraeiutitin, nervous decline, and dyspepue c.aiMimpii.m, ]| is imisKsible to give the details of case* in’ (be limits of this advertise niein; but autlicnticttled circum-taoees have hem given of more than twdlnnaked remarkable cures, in I'hihnh I i Ptea, new \'ork anti Boston alum*. These were near. . ly all.desporale i uses, and the cures were iiolunly raoitl j and yvonderlul, bin peitnniisnt. j It IS a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful I lw tendency * tldlioiis disorder, liver complaint, lever i amt ague or isidly treated'lever and agile, and the evil edet is of qniiitnc. men nry and Ollier drugs upon ||,e di gestive organs, afici a long rjekjjMss. Also, fur excess in eating, andihe lob ireo use of anient spirits. It almost reconciles health vvilh intemperance. Hr. Houghton's Pep. in is prepared in powder and in fluid Irom—.u.d h! iwrsoription vials for tile use of Physieians. 1 rivate circulars for the use of Physicians, nmv l.e obtained ot Ur. Houghton or his Agents, .describing the w hole process of preparation, and giving the authori ties upon which .lie elntmes of this new remedy are bns soie proprietor, Mark necured. KT a!| and Dealers in medicines. For sole liy SNEAD &, CHAPMAN, Deal., Icrs in Drugs <&c. at the New Drug Store, Opleihorpe Ga. NA/LS. ANY quantity of mills just received and for sale l>y J. O. lIODGES. Dec. 26lit, 1851. 37tf. 0E 0■ W. FISH, A TTOItNEY A T L A W , OGLETHOUPE.tiA. PItACTICKS in the comities of Macon, Houston, Ma rion, Sumter. Dooly, and lie will alsocontinue to practice in the following coimtien of the Soutliorn Uircuit—l’uhtski. Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and -\pling. Due 12, 1851. 35. if. Feat hers. HALES of Feathers, snpeiior ar QJP wjc tide, just received and for sale hv J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, ”ec. 5, 1851. 34 tf. Harness! Harness! THE undereipnetl will keep con smutty on hand, and for sale tit G. C. Carmichael fc Co’s Ware-House, cor ner of Baker and Cuiler streeis. A largo supply of llamiss of all description, Car., tinges, Buggies, Wagons and Diays; also ex tra Bridle lines See. Which will bo sold at the lowest prices; all aiders promptly attended to. S. B. KING. Sept. 12, 1851; 22—4 m. CUTTLP.RY. THE finest lot of Pocket Knives ev er received in Oglethorpe, just re ceived and lor sale b v J. O. HODGES. Dec. 26th, !• 51, 37—ts. WANTED IT No. 1 Milch Cow, for which a fair JOL ptice will be paid. Apply at this office. Jan 8, —3t. Sale of Land. WILL be sold at the Court Uouse in lluivkiiisville, Pulaski County, Ga. on the First Tuesday in March next, Loi of Land No. 193 in the 19th district of originally Wilkinson, now Pulaski Cou-- IV, the said Lund hi lunging to the estate of JnlinP. Parker, late of Leo Cmintv deceas ed, and sold by agreement of ihe litdm, foi a division. WM. J. PARKER, Ag’t, Jan. Bth 1852. 39 smtd. for the Heirs. New Dry Goods & Grocery Store. On Diikfr Street. JUDGES, would res s ”p o fl peciftdly inform tlm ICiiisons ofOglellmrpe and die Planters of tlie snntimnling Country that lie is now open ing a large and well selected stock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Sadlery, Boots, Shoes Vc. lie will also keep constantly on hand a largo lot or (WERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Tilt!.public ate respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. -Sept. 12,1851. 22—if S, A. THORjS TO?? r Urnfiil liirgnm, OGLH THORPE, GA. OFFRUS Prnfps.-innal ic rvi<vs to the citizen” f e atid vicinity Office at Dr. Iverson’* Shop I ..allies can be vv aited on at tlieir nsiUence. OokUiinjie, duo. 12, 1851. 35-if. THE SEW IHKl'ti STOKE. SNEAD k CHAPMAN. ll’/* ole DIUJOGISTS | (S UMPTE II S Tll E E TANARUS.) Oglethorpe , (*a- THE until rsigned would respectful ly inform tlieir liiends anil the pnl:- lic, that they have just up tied a DRUG S FORE in Ogleihorpe, where the} will keep constantly on hand, ? large anil fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Surgical ami Dental I list rumen Is, gold Foil, Perlnniery, Soaps and choice ‘Toi let articles. Also, Paints, Oils, Potash VVi ndow Glass DyeStuir, Chuit e .Spices Essences, Patent Medicines, !k.< - . Le., and a full assorirneiil of whatever belongs t-o lie business. (I/* Having bail six years Practical Experience iu the Ding Business, and being determined to devote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a liberal patronage. Every article put up in the neatest .manner and Warranted Fresh and Pure, or liable to be returned. Physicians’ Proscriptions pul up with care urn! dispatch. The attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to ouc stock, as we feel confident we can sup ply them with all articles in our line, on . terms that will not fail to give satisfaction. SNEAD Si CHAPMAN. October 17, 1851- 27—ly. \ LARGE Lot of Bagging and Rope, POTASH. A fine article for sale bv, SNEAD fc CHAPMAN. Oct.'l7 ISSI. 27 ts OGLETHORPE Candy Manufactory, AND CONFECTI OX An Y. Jackson & Powell, Have the pleasure of announcing to tlie public that llicv have opened in the City of OGLETHORPE, on SUMTER St. next door South of tin- Brick Store ol R. 11. Cos , a laige and extensive lot of CON FECTION A Rl ES, Such as Candies, Cakes, Symps, Preserves, Jellies, J ims, Pit kies, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, Bia/.il and llazil Nuts, English Walnuts, Apples, Oranges, Coma Nuts, Bananas, Ploiotnius, Diied Figs, Prunes, Ci gars, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Coidials. Wines, fur medical put poses, together with OYSTERS, pick'll and fresh, and FISH in their seson, and all oilier ui tides in the Con fectionary line. riie V will also AI A N UI- AC I IRE, in din most supi lior style, and ol the best mult-ri. als, all sorts nt C ANDIES, CANDY ORNAMENTS, dtr., and will neatly Emii ss ami Ornament Cakes, fni Bulls, Parties, and Weddings, at short iiuineaaiid on as reasonable terms as any establishment in Georgia. As they intend doing business strictly on the Cash Pihnciplb. all oitiers for any of iho Cbove hi tides most be accompanied with the CASH, to insure attention. In i-iniiuciiou with their CONFEC TIONARY they intend keeping a regular and genleol, EATJNG- HOUSE, and they will he happy at all times to serve up to their friends, and ill* public generally, II VM AND EGGS, OYSTERS, FISH, fin their season,) G AME, HOT COFFEE, like. By strict attention to business, and a desire to please, they hope to receive, as they will endeavor to met it, a liberal share of public patronage. WAIUIBN JACKSON, WM 11. POWELL Oct. 31,185 L 29— ts. Another New Store-. In Cabaniss’ Building, Oglethorpe. Usi , THE Subscriber take* this Method of informing the Citizens of Ogle thorpe. and the Surrounding Country, that lie lias just opened, and offers for sale, Ids well assorted Stock consisting of DRY GOODS, R-ady made Clothing, Saddlery, Tniks, Valise’s, and almost anything that can he called ft r, usuly kep, in a.DryGood Store. M. 11. MEYER, Agt. | October, 10, 1851. 26 3m.