The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, February 06, 1852, Image 4

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JAMES K. SELLERS, WA.TCBttXA.KB*> AJAWfiLSU OGLETIHHiPIt, CiA QSk WOULD respectfully inform the public that be X J afc^ i permanently located in Oglethorpe, for the of Itepuiring (lock**, Watcher, Jewelry •. lie will vUil All the principle town* ai d village* in *HU;h-\V esiern thsorgia, during the summer mo.illiM for pirjMwe of executing any work in hi* line of but-hies* Jiui may pr eat it** f. All re inuring done in a work* Manlike winner, and winauM April 21th, HLWKS, “FOTOW on li mj and .fur sate at ihht Office jLtP Jwueiri SimiwuM. Eiri'uii>ni See. buitilPs Deeds, Juror Summons, Bonds&c Any other Blanks furnished hi sliorl Notice All orders when accompanied by the cash Wt'lbe promptly attended 10. Books! Books!! GO COPIES OK THE Married fVouian't Ale Heal Companion, Fur sale at I lie “SnUlh-West Georgian” Of fice hy C. B YOUNGBLOOD. P. S. All orders from abroad promptly attended In. Sepi. 12, 1851. NOTICE^ UESSR-j. NKf.soN ACI M tit !*-: went,l in form Gie ™ public tlmt |ktvoii hirin’ from llti-ir Stable mil.i etpecllo pay on 111.* Jcl i Vcr\ o| lii'tn. n In! IS’rsnn* JwanlmghorHj* with them newt pnV monthly. Their n. *®®*itie this roll/T*. <W *per*iMis imlchtcil id them by notcor account will uli>c settle immediately. April 9h,1®1. 3-ts Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce in me Citizens of Travelers Rest a rid its vicinity, tliul lie is prepared to execute all finds of wink in his line nfhnsi ne<, such as making and repairing all kind o! Vehicles,ul the shinies! in tire. And al so lo the Citizens of o|<|eih npe and the ad joining Country, dial lye is prepared to exe cute all lulls tliul may lie brought to hint, in the way of Harness miking and Repairing; and lliil he keeps on lit it I, both Carriages, Buggies, and harness r adv made, and* lor vJe at the lowest Cash prices. Those wishing In purchase will do well lo call and examine his slock before pur,ditto ing else where. t . 11. D. POWELL. Travelers Rest, July 24, 1851. 15 ly PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE. ,fipHE UNDERSIGNED h.-g leave to JL iot'iirm vimi lictt tln*v have taken the PL \ NT E Its YV A HE. HOUSE, for a term of lime and Mnociaied themselves log. liier under tile diiiih nod style of . YV. Uloorl worlli A Ho., in ilie VVnre-House and Cont nii-sinn Busine**, in nil its Valient branches. The business will tie conducted by t YV. IHooilw.iiili ; from liis experience in the luisiness, lin y feel ronlidelit of giving gene ral sniist iciioii lo nil those who limy entrust llirm with llieii hnsiin ss ; In confirmation ■>.| V>UiAJ ■■ ■ 11 11 * mmmJnmmm T*****— — —'IfUtTWrynty Vised 111 tile Stale of the market hi hII times; .they t ike this occasion lo say lo any w ho may Store lln-ir Coilon wnh them, should they afterward wish il shipped to >1 aeon or Sa vannah oi Gliirli sion,ii slt.ill he promptly ■ lleiuled in without any additional expense.’ I, heir Ware-1 loose in consequence of its locality, has ailvnntiigi s over anv oilier in the place, in point ot security from fire, be gin remote from oilier building*. They will also have pi inters’ cnlion insured if desired. Liheial CASH ADVANCES will be made on Piotlure in Store. All order* from Planters or country Mer chants will be tilled at shoit notice, and, (as they have no interest in Merchandize,) at the lowest cash prices; S. W. U GOOD WORTH, RICHARD JOHNSTON, REFERENCES, Planters : Dr. Thomas, t Isaac Cheney, Esq. J Talbot Cos. Oen’l T. Griflin, \ M. D. North, Esq. ) Coweta Cos. James Neal, Esq. J Win. Pryor. Esq. \ Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Moseley, I J edge A. W. \\ alker. ) Henry,’ Cos. Tlios. \V. Ashford, i Kd. Broughton, Esq. ) Troup, Cos. Judge J. May, t T. Nichols, Esq. J Fayette Cos. I. Nichols, Esq. ( R. I*. Hussey, Esq. ) Metiwether Cos. Clias. Cargit, Esq. I W. Darkness, Esq. | Butts Cos. COMMISSION MERG’D VNTS ; Rice Dolin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields A Adams. Macon, Ga. N. A. Hardee Ac. Cos. ) O. Ilartptlge, Eq. > Savannah. VV'm. P. Ynnge, Esq. ) Ed tors, S. W. Georgian, and S. democrat. fiIIiFKIN. (ieorgii Spin., Int. MM. Thi i* t* certify tint .Ur. S. YV liUxHjworfh. h%* fl>r ••v*ral y**an Iwmi entp&7l in the U'jir*-I|t.ue ami Com-niH*ion in this plan*, ami from my ar jmiiiinnce with him, I no lifHitatinii in iOcimlj winding him in that c.iparity to the patron* of (> u |f. thmp- ; hr* i*al*o u t'fxnl jn,l rs of th* quality of Cotton, aaJ eumveijurntly a*i xr**ll**iit ilrtnn. A. \. G YULDINq, Sen’t". partner of the film of Uaulding, ret til A Chapman. Win. R. PHILLIPS, Sen’r. partner of Jones Phillips A Cos Oglethorpe, Kept, sth, 1851. 81 Bm. MEDIAL CARD DR. JAMES M. FOKES respeetrullvof lacs hi* service* to the citizens ol Ogle thorpe an I vicinity in the various Inam lic* of Medicine. lie mly tie found at Mr. Fears Drug Si te during the day, and at the Pa. vilion II tnr at night, when not profession ally engag-d. .Au|*ifi 14,1WL It—if For Sale. LOT No. 9 on Square 3 on the Corner of Mmcoii and Chatham Streets. Ap-i ply to PHILIP COOK. .Ogellhorpe, July 3, 185'. 12-ts R. E. SELLER'S VERMIFUGE. Thi* IVorm Medicine ha* no superior— if an equal—in thtt or any other coun try. ll u murk used awl highly >e. { Commended by Ehytteians. H’ OHMS fu-qm ntly mleai children, ag gravMle all other diseases, and are capable of producing great dUlurbauccH in the system, and, coiisequentty all medicine* given to remove them •should be prepared with great care, and of the bent ma terials ; and it *to be feared that many ot the worm medicine* in use are totally deMitnfe of lhe*e qualmei. The Vermifuge winch thesubicriberoften* to the public is prepared ot the best nniieri ;ht tlmt can be procured. THE TRUTH BY MEN OF I’RjUTH. Cimm-rning Sellers’ Vermifuge A single vial producing wonders. Keaii the follow mg firuin llic Kev. a. tt ake fielil. Pastor of tUe Liberty street Jielttotiut Episcopal church : Vi tTs.unoil, March 8, 1817. JJir. It. fk Sellers,—ll is from a sense of duly, as well as with greal pleasure, lliai 1 liear lesiimuiiy li tie vir tue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a single boille and gave it lot lire® of my children, who had been ill for several week* I lie oldest was seven year* old. the next lour, and the youngest eighteen months. The lirst |svssed fifiy-six worms, llie second Jorry-seven, and the third a considerable nnmller not distinctly tecnllected. Sonet: then they have been do ing well, and are now in good health. Vours, respectfully, WAKKrIEI.U. isskKNv it.t.k, Va, Juintury 15, Id 5. Mr. H. E. Sellers,—i our Vertnlliige give* universal satisfaction. I linve sold Fahnestock s, fi t tine’s and utlier*,hut none has given thesatislaciinii that your* hiss. if. E. t.U.VII 1 51, I'ost .Master. Siller*’ Vermifuge—it work* uonder* every where. Hu, SaNUT. by. May 19,188. ,Vr It E Sellers—Devour: tour Vermifuge produce* •itch w onderful festflU, that / dunk it wortti white tp givewoua few’facte about tU A neighbor, J>r C.igy, h night from me one vial of it, and gipe the ■ onleiits In three of hh. children; Ihe lirst ’iin-sed Ido, the second 153,and the 1 third in, making 403 worms di- charged by Using one vial.’ MrUrgy nnniedialely bought lour vials more. Air. J M'Slmiley abo die eoiueni* one vial to dim- of lijs cliiidreu, which brought from die lirst 73, from die second 51, and from tin; dun!’ 30, making 150 worms bv the u-e of one vial. I gave inv own eliiul, aged one year, iwo lea'|**mlnls, wnleli evpelled 1 ui which w‘h a 1 ! least Uffl lling.— Vutir Vermi luge is considered die best dull lids ever been broughi lo our section of country, and so iaras I know, lias never failed. Yours, respectfully, J L-TRVMAN. Let Physicians Speak. Sellers’ Vermifuge is (he best tn use.— Here is moofi ntatio.n Ky, Dec. 17,1845. ,Mr R K Sellers,—i have the jpleaMi eto inform you that 1 have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi fuge witbtlie most happy results. 1 have formerly used Kahnwloek’s, but being l’ersuadcd lo try yours, I bine lound it far eupperior ill every respect, and call say with out the-tear id’contradiction, that your Vernulyge po"- srsscK more virtue limn any teyer Used, and most cor dially reeomiin nd it to the attention id’ the public. I M ill stale a case where > gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. Mi brother’s cliild was pimog and wa-liug to a mere skeleton. In 3li hours after I gave llie Vcrmiluge, the • normous quantity oi u. wards ol eu- liif itfrttf wonu* were passed, ‘l’lie cinld ftmi ilijs giyen up for lost, js now as well as any in.tla- neighborhood. AMMuO'.E AU.NI.IT, m. and. Sellers’ Vernfijugpthe liesfin the H orbl i.At-uyoi ie, O, api it 1,1*61, Tilts certifies that lliaie kept 011 hand and used in my practice, K E Sadlers’ Vermifuge, fur tbe two past years. lam confident in saying it lias not tailed, in a siiijl” ill lance, to relieve children and adults troll 111,-I i with Warns; Ja many iniai.ce it has brought away 1 —wv K V L II 1 1 .. [ 1 **’ nr lTr, Sellers.—lil your Verimluge, 1 can say without hesitation that having Used it cxieiisively in my prai lie ■ lor the lasi lour or live years. I Ihlok ildecided ly die tiest preparation oftlie kind of winch 1 have any knowledge, although 1 have heretofore ued tile prepu ration of several other manufactureis Vours, rwpecuiilly, l> C’OtIGII, M. D. Sellers’ L ‘anuly Medicine. Graham .Station, Ohio,.May 1849. Mr. H K i*ellern, —1 think it right, for tlie hriirfit of other*, to •mu* *ome facts in relation to your encelltnt Family Medic ten. 1 liast*. u w >our Vermifuge largely in my own family, one vial frequently answering for *xp-l!ing large quuu* lilies (fay lOu toguO) of worms from two rtuldren. I havealxo u>i‘(J your liver Fill* ami C’oiiglt .ft'vruji mmy family, ami tney ha\e, ill every inslaace, produced the ellect dexired. A* I am engaged in merchandising, l am able to stale that 1 have yet to hear of the lir*l I'adtire where ydur medicines have been u*ed in my section oftlie cun ntry. In conclusion, I may stale that thev are the medicine* ol the day, and are destined to have a very extensive pop ularity. Vours, respectfully, W II PIN.NEL. Tiik Vkrmipuge will continue to have a red out side wrapjM’r. and will have the name of Hits't E. Seller* stamped upon each vial, without which it is not his Ver mifuge. K K SKLLfcUS Proprietor, Pittsburgh, Juue Ist, 1850. For gale by SNFAD ($• CHAPMAN, At ilia New Drug Store, Oglethorpe Ga. COTTON YAKN. “U *aß V LES of Cotton YnrojoM recoiv- M ud anil fol sale at Eactorv prices by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Di e. 5, 1851. 34—if. SCO AH AND COFFEE^ Juit received and for sale bv J. O. I JUDGES. Dec. 26,1851, 37—if. Carriages! Carriages! rtf’ iif. soh scribet anno liter* to the pco- JL pie ol Oglethorpe nml smr moiling Country, ihm he has nop on hand, ami will continue to receive, Moggies, Carriage*, Rnckauats, Jcr., and wi.l sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing lo purr base anvihiog in his line are invited to rail and examine his Stink, at Messis. Lewis A Riige?* Wain Mouse, on Baker Street. T. M. J VCKSON,Agent. Oglrthorpn, July thh, 1851. 13 if South Western R. R- Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rates of Freight on Cotton will he re duced as fnllnwx ; Ft out Oglethorpe ami Montezuma to Macon, per 100 lbs., 20 cl*. •* Winchester, MartliusviMe and Mar “ clialville to Macon, pet 100 1115.,18 “ Fort Valley and station JVo. 2, lo M icon, per 100 II)*., 15 “ “ St iiion No. I to Maron per 100 * GEORGE \V. ADAMS, Super ot. der if: I NOTICES OF | Em ho . i:ls. Ht >1 aif m ot i a II on se , Corner of Cr. scent and Sumter Street* ’ OjElflliorpo (in. BY A. M TIIOMASON. THEb-st acroiilniliiiivyis ihtil ilip limes and market will afihirtl may he Jnund al llte aln ye nur.iied Hei.ise, hi all lime*. No efl’.ui will be gpurelj |u fender all wlm call, ruiul'oiishle, June 5. IKSI 8-tv. PAVILION OGLETHORPE, GA., Imm diateiy Oppoti'i the Sulh Weslen Rail f.Rad Dept. s, s. BOONE. June], 1851. 7 i *gle! horpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. I. LEN ?rUTTON ~wTiii|(] reaped folly ititVil 111 I lie pHblir I hal lie lias opened alfltPue and ciwnmodion* lioi*p fop Ihiblic KnUTtainiiP'nt iaihenew i<ium of under th* ihannircment of Jaine- Bell, w lMs*expericic • in the wijl en able him *o give genevw sitisihc im to an. Tlip nmin of the liotve an* well futh-hed and pupjdie*! ,with..excel-’ leiil InhN. A'C. ’Hie fable will always be Hwotilied ‘ith the fhc,cmnlrv eaii aflinl. In ph*>rt ft i inten ded. if puwfyl . hJ make thl* hou-e ipierior 4v tM?viu Sunil- extern Uvrstu. A ‘Unz** Brack buiMin? i .now l>*injzerei fed on the premise? for the purpone of affording extensive aec'm*dation*. which will be completed by fall. ‘• he public are invited to call Oglctliorpn, Mhv, 1.5. jB5l. 5-ly. FORT GAINES HOTEL O. 11. I>VIS, nWINfS |ut*; inform his Jftnd the public tf\ine raily tlini he ha taken full charue of it. I hoe \ ißitin? Fort tlaines will please jpv them a * all. an no pain? will be spared lor the aecmninodatton of those who favor him with their patrow&qr*. Annexed to the eptabin'bment i? a larL r e Lot modiotu* Stables, sullicient lor the accommodation ol Drover?. .March 25, I *!. I—ly RAIL R AD~ fl USE, Opposite Central Rail Road, Or pot ‘ EAST IWIACOWr. BY S,:M. LANIER. Afny 15, 1951. 5-ly. Floyd House, MAI ON, f.EORGIA /■jptJOAl \S WILLI VMS lespeclfolly in- II hums li)* liierulk the pullin’, that he I iltltl p.nreliase(i ijre Jeuj,e fnioilme of the ulioye establishment, anil that as sole pro p ii tni.lie inti nils to give the business liis stricl persomd alleintoo. lie will secure po lite and coiMpeii-nr a: and seiyanu, and is delermipeil tliny i)v lydde mid hat shall he suplied wub tile very best the cmmliy affords, l i e House is 100 well know n for him lo say -mw.iihiiiriiir me patronage tn siowid j upon Id fnm of MufoH A *V illioins, dur ing his former counertion w ith his House, lie pleilgi s hinisell to spare no i ifoil to give eu lire saiisfnciiioi to both new and ujd Irlei.d*. July 2*, I So), 15 ly. J. Kaufman & Bro. FLOUR Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syriip, Lennm Symp, I’oliacio, Soap, Candles, &•. Ac. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. .Qg.lejhorpe, July Dili, 1851- R) ts HOF.S, flats. Clothing, Saddlery, crock • ; erv. Ilatdware. I'miiiture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Rlnw*. Sugar, Cnfl’ee, &i &c., for sale at the chean Store ir Fort Gains (in. by, DILL & MARSHALL. June 1, 1851, 9 ts. Notice. THF. Sutjlli Western Hailmail rompany, wishes lo J-lllllE until tie Ist of.lauti try next, twenty fiva Ne (>roe for renain* on the I load , for which fifteen dollais gerninnih willThi paid ; they will also he fed and elm lied. GEO- VV. AD VMS. Snpt. S W. IL R. Oglethorpe. Oetohea 10, ldst. 26 ts W /NSEED, Train. Lml, Neats. JLii .tit O>D, lor - tie liv SNEXD& CHAPMAN. .. H.e !?, Drug Store. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if F DENCH Window c lass. F r -I by S\E\D O.i. 17 1851. 27if lIRNRV LATHROP, Drier in i'grcign ttnd dum slie DRY noons (ijbbous New Uuil bug. Corner of Congress Si l Chita her Stmts 8 W \NN \lf ()A, KKKP-S pon-lanily on liaml. ami i- now receiving a lartri* ami vvcll ►clcch-.J ntock of Foreign and I)niii-S ----tic It St 1’ lio O DS- -Unable fi;r the sejfxnn to w licili hr invi e- (lie (la. lii.lllar attention of merrhaiita veiling die market. Savannah. Augan Akk. IWt. I’J—v.* iNtiTICE. VLL who are inrlelili-d lo the firm it YY tight &. Ballard are hereby reques ted to mine forward and make immediate settlement, either by Money or Note. YVRIGHT A BALLARD. Oglethorpe Oct. 31, 1851. 29— ts. SUGAR, Coffee, Syrup, ami Molasses, jo*l received and for sale low bv, KYUFYI \N, A BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if. | PROSPECTUS OF THE South-West f.'eorgian. Th SOUTH.WEST GEORGIAN is jm*d ovfry Ftitlav morniuß in dm new Town f OGLETHORPE, i the low pi ice of Two Dollars a year, In 80 paid in advance. i OCR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the j Union. — The “GeoiHn”. will, therefore, advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Party, il will puisne a fair and candid course inward? life Oi'P‘'siii<m —i>e- slnwiirtr censure on yvl) never'is sensnrahle, anil eve,r hauling fvr tilltll, H gaidless of llie sotirco SrwHi wbwiice ii euianaiej, its coluunis will be Oiled •with choice sejec-, lious of Mrscellgnmins, Pnlilv al, Domestic and Commercial News, frnfll a number J’ die nin*l popular Journals Ilf the day-; together with Statistics and general inforiiialloii on lilt 1 engrossing snhp'Cls ol INTKRNAI. Im pßotement tnd It nut hem Manufactures. ADVERTISING. Advertisenieiits will be iuserled on (hr foil owing terms: One Dollai per square of twelve lines of less fnf ijte fyp uiseriimi, and h i]i) CpuY-sfor eat'b juger,lion ihereuller. A liberal dfdnr•linn will be made on yearly advertisements, or those inserted for three or six nioullis. Also cdjHracts will he tmde with Conniy .Officers, to advertise or them on’lhe inoftl liberal teims. All letter* tui business, runsl he addressed to G. B Youngblood, Publisher, and post paid. CHARLES II YOUNGBLOOD. Ogletlioipe, Ga.. May 7th JB5l. ’ FOR SALE. ri'’ HE “P AVILION HOUSE” in the I mnv town of Oglethorpe, situated en the corner of Crescent and Martin Sis., near and in lull view of the Hail Road Dtpm. is now uflelrd fur sale. The building is new, the rooms are’ large, neal,and airy, possessing every convenience fur llie eomfnri of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers ar/s invited to call and examine for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON.& Cos. May 28ili 1851. 7-ls FOR Sale, by DILI. & MARSH A LL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Furl Gains, Ga. June, l IBsl. 9 If B ACON! BACON! ! We have sos sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market pi ice*. DILL A MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. Juue 1, 1851 9 if FLOUR. 75 Barrels Superfine Flour for sale at Furl Gains, Ga. by DILL A MARSHALL. June 1,185). if- Brandy, wine, gin, whiskey, SI RR UP, mid VINEGAR, fm sale by DILL A MARSH JX notice. ALL person* indebted to the firm of T. M. Jackson A Cos., in the Counties o Macon, Sumter. Douly and Marion, are no tified that their notes atul accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, of Oglethorpp, for settlement. T. M. J ACKSON &CO. June 19, 18.5.1, ).0.-lf, NOTICE. r I H E Co-partnership heretofore existing I under the firm of A. W ELLE* ACo.. is this day dissolved by wu.lual . onseilt. Ei ther of the undersigned, will attend to the business ol the unsettled linn, ami are au thorised lo use its name in liquidation. 4. WELLES, G. F.PVLMES. Savannah, June 19e - ly J,'.'.”" 1 .. THF Undersigned Imvit gclispnscfJ of his interest in the GROCERY J)Us|. NESS to his late partner, Mr.G. F. P \LMS and J. VV. WEBSTER, of Iho late firm ol Swift, Deuslow A Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *l(Kly. C OPARTIV JT-RSHIP. THE Undersigned having hooght out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm ol'Messi*. A. Welles A Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of VV’FBSTEB A PALMES, at the old stand of A. VV. A Cos., and lespeclfolly solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and ■*t the public generally. J, WEBSTER. geo. f. palmes. Savannah, Juno 19,1851. # lO-Iy. DRY GOODS of all descriptions, jusl received and ILr sale bv K \UFMAN Si BRO. Oglrthorpe.Oct. 10, 1851.’ 26 if Cigars. Ala rge ioi of fine Ciars jtisl re. ! •reived und for sale rlimp by. kaufman & uko. Oglethorpe, Oei. 10, 1851. 26 if Rabun, fui.ton & co. ~ Commission Merchants, NO. 207 BAT STREET J. W RABUN, ) i T- wnrrirauD,) WILL give siriri aiiention to the sale of Cotton and oilier produce, c on.- signed io them, and promptly All orders for B igping, Rope and Family supplies, at the lowest prices. August 22, 1851 19 £ ra< t-. ’ •’ * . i ~ | -\ - , .. ,-i.-..-av a* - .-tsi MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE TUB eomlunlors qf the Instituti m assure il4unier^> . patrons, and the public in general, that there is, unu always shall be a sufficient number of competent in structors and -Tutoresses in all ihe jjranphes, professeiL to be tauaht in the Institution. A punctual observance of the rules, the preservation •*f giKHI morfet*, a due regard l* decency and pouieness. sliall be promoted by every ppwrible means, especially by |>erpuasion. kind and gentle admonition. But wlten these are disregarded and faults wantonly committed against the fundamental principles of good educaUofn thgi pro|>er severity shall be applied; and if uniortu nately, the sliduld amount to incurigrbleness, Ho rt-soun;e it left lor the preservation of discipliutf. hut expulsion or dismissiugf, which, how ever, shall never take place. by the of u of the Board. (Visiting Coiumiuee.) Term s: Orthography per Academic year, $ ls (X> ’I uition in >pelling, Heading, ‘ ritluaetical ta bles, IVritiug and Arithmetic per Academic year, *® The above with Geography, hhiglishGrammar, the use aud drawing of Map*. The above or either of the t'oregpin .with En glish t'ompositioii, AncientVnd Modern His tory, wjlh qn the tdobes, Oriia mental I'eiuqan-hip gin : Bot?yiy, 3d >OO The above* r either ot tftcforcgnjng with Ge oj;ietry, Algebra, ‘I rigoi oqieiry jHcnstna*, Sgryeying Nftviguiion, Civil Engi neering, IheuiLtry, tetlogy,>a.uml ? Nior al auu Mental rlulosoph), Rhetoric and ® Logic, 40 Ot Tile lAnguagcv alone or with either the above depurlineuts, 40 00 French alutiet W 0^ ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT C Instrumei tat MUmc, 50 ot> Use of insrrument, 10 On Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 00 Wax Flovxere and Fruit, 15 (X Drawing and • uniting, 15 00 Visiting Committee ; (i. B. VV AtU)LAW Lsq. Col. J. E. BUOWN’ Dr. v\ AL J. JOUNON; J AHED A LL; Csq. BENJ. IIODGS, Esq JOSHUA iIAUKI.% £sq. X a p |p. A r a t u s : The Institution- ha* an extensive lMiilo.hpliical Chemical, Astronomical ami Malheinaui al. Apparalut sufficient for the demonstration of nil Chemical and Scientific cogniiia. The pupil* are received for no less a period than a session; Ijio deduction j*iU be tpade for absence, nnlexs occa sioned b) protracted sickness. •‘J ’ (hie half, or part of lire tuition isetrnecU and in advance, and the remaining at the close of the session. Hoard can he obtained, ill “v-pecUltile families, a) from eight to ten dollars per mouth, JOHN A. Git A NT, t oar Gaines, January, JBb‘. I—ly I’nui ijul. J. Kaufman 4* Bro'* JNEYV i)HY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On linker Si reel below I lie Oglethorpe Up! el. respectfully inform thp Rxxb, nTTUffTfis, liiunm kind ol Ladies Dicss Goods, lloso.Gluves Laces, Edgings,silk Parasuls, Fans, Ac., together with a vaiiefy of Fancy lArtich'S, and a litre assortment of fine Jew elry. Also a fine Jot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoe* nml Boot*. All ol which will be sold, liut cash, at Nvw Yoik cost price. May 22, 1851. 6 if. Drs. THOMASON & DAVL ON, s©i*A3Jif3® L Tt,(tllHK, DA., Bfls P|-,< -| t- 1 inform Mieir t>iei.d-aud the public g**iu*rally tLat lhe|’ comiiuit the piki-tiee of eirie in the new town of Oglethorpe As one of them has had seieral years experience in tire practice of Aledieme, tli-v flatter tliemwlves that they will b.. able to trral the various diseases of the human system hi a scientific and successful inamjer. A share of public pa jnmage is res ( )eciiul)y anljrjted. One of tlieuy may be found atlheir offiee alall hours except when professional!i -ngaged. Rj-ttfiice on the cornerofSuinpicr am) Crescent Sis. A. M. I uojtxsoß, AI. 1), | J.C. Oayisojs.M. O. April?, 1851. jilts ,--y B.ftt3BlCHmtCa I H E Subset Hieis having .is* smjntcd lheinsi'levs under the aliovo name, lor the purpose oftraiisiirtii.g a Genural Warf-Hoiis and Commissiyn Business, lake this uicthotl ol iiiuiruiiiig iho Planters and Merchants generally, liiul tbev are now prepared lo receive Gm'inu in fitoie or any other Goods on consignment. I hev will have oil hand at all lime* Bagging, Rope, Twine , Sugar, Cos fee. Salt, Iron, <Spc. Sfc. Liberal Advances made on cotton when desirt and. G. C. Cahmich-el. J, P. Harvey. it Messrs. Logan A A'kins..n; Macon, Ga., ” Neely & Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. B WEED, Macon. Go. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware . WOULD invite the attention ol his Iriends to his stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware. Guns, Qlacli smiths and Carpenters Tonis, AtMUtiliiiral imglinieni, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin Piste, Sheet and bur Copper, Lead mid Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other aitjtlp usually kept in Hard ware Stores, which he will sell on reasona ble terms, Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly Liquor/ A LARGE quantity of Liquors, consist ing of Brandy, Runt, Gin, VVhiskv Port, Madeira, and Champaign Wines all, of the best quality, just received and forsale’ b J , Kaufman & bro Ogl.ih.rpt, Oet. 10, 1851, 26 ts To the mflUfflicted. {F you are laboring under any of thedi*. eases named below, and if you are re|. ly desiiims of gening restored to bodily soundness,.you have il in your power in d# so now. Thy* price is not much, and th cure is warranted. Os allihe remedies yet before llie public, (here i> pone that can show surly a handsome result for the same length rtf lime, as Marshall's Magical Pain. Eradicatr This is a teniedy not intended to cureeve. rv disease that ‘flesh is heir to.’ Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are incurable, bot we do not hesitate to. say, that, if any of the following disease! can be cored, Marshall’s Eradicator will cef ninlv do. il. Try il and be convinced. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, Spinal A flections, Palsy, Disloca.. lion*. Sprains, Bruises, Strains, CEdenialou* Swellings, Weak Joints, Contracted Ten ilohti, Tumors, Nodes, Ganglions, Wpns, Goitre, Bearf*ache, Weak Back, Gout, Scrofula and Tooth-ache. The foliowiitg leiier and certificate-is IVom person in llie city. The original caa he seen gj the Store of tfte proprietor. AUGUSTA, January 31, 1851. Messrs. W. B. &, J. Turtin :—Gentle men,---1 have mneh pleasure in saying that my wife, who has been afflicted wjili Rheu matism in llie feet nd knees for the past two months, has been entirely cured by the usa of * Marshall's Magic Pain Eradicator/ it my opinion, ihe Itest remedy ever of feied the afflicted -public, as il will certainly care. £veiy body.*lwmld-hanre its- -*-** Yours, respectfully, Si, c. ( For sale by D’Aniignac Sc Barrv, D. B Plumb:*, Cos., W. 11. Tint, VV. K. Kitchen and the proprietors, Augusta, Ga. Fm sale in Charleslnn, by Nelson Carter, Ca &, Court rier, Dr. Cleveland, VV. A. tSkrine, and John W. Btoy. For salciitgletliorpe, bv P. T. FEARS. Sept. sth, JB5l. 21 siu A CIIAIJ.EVGE TO THE WORLD t IWILL FORFEIT SIO,OOO !! and pay the same to any charitable institution, ii any or allother articles that flood the mar ket us Snivel ot Liquids, unde, their variouv cognomen of Pain Exterminators—ExTrc tois-Uintments —Killers. &c. Ac. can per for’.n such a in all particulars, as ha* bea ttfcietformed by f- D illey’s Magical Pl ain Extractor )j! in, wlial is reported in my printed pamplet* as the “ Hague street Explosion C**c."! and J obligato myself moreover, to pay SL -000 to any party, who can prove that tin ro is qiie word of untruth in that siaicmt m|! Read il—Alive who have cli.Kge ofrSteuna Engines, lot it may save your lives, and lit* livesuf thousands ofolhet*. nien 111 trtreaseir.’lulnilriiTle ! Oulv get tlie Genuine aith le, and there is no misiakr; viz. Burns, &enlds, Piles, sore and inflamed Eves, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, nfi nud en viteiate sores, Cuts, Wouids, Swelling*, Sprains, iufiamni n*ry and chronic Rlminnut tisit t, stiff joints, vote legs, chiiWads, felons, WiiprrOns, iitd all external iirflnnimation*.— Bi ing tlie Salve in direct with th* diseased locality—rid) in on well, where th* disease will hear it. On sores apply it, plasters spi earl on linen, two Hppli.ntions a dav, viz: morning and evening, is genernllt siifficieitt in all cases, apply it learlessly, as it is perfectly safe. Put il right inside in th* corner oftlie eye, when the eye is inflamed —il will draw out the inflammation, free it from pain and ease the eye. Try it fearex*- ly and ui reservedly it can do no harm, and will certainly effect a cure ! Only— gel the Genuine article! In casT of broken breast and sore nippl. s, it never fails lo affotd aL most instantaneous relief, and effect it positive and sore cure Caution!—Tlie public is cautioned against bu*e Counterfeits of my Salve, under the old wrapper. Buy therefore Da Hey V ETxtrartoc only in the present newr wrapper and enlarV, ed boxes—Mind ! (lie emblems on the neA* wrapper sun Triangle, serpent, Dove, Liu* ami F.agle. £7* See tho printed circulars. DALLEY’S AN I'M \L GALVANIC. Ascertain, quick and never failing reare, dy for the cure of Poll evil, galls, sores It*. mors, bruises, swellings broken knee* Bone spavin, Quitterbone &c. N. B. Broken Knees it cure* without scar or disuruticn of the hair ! H, DALLEY, Inventor and Proprietor.* 415 Broadway, New York. AGENTS SNEAD A CHAPMAN, AT TIIE j ‘ New Drug Store. gi SUMTER ST. OGLETHORPE GA Oglethorpe Oct. 17, 1851. 27—8 t. * ’ MOLASSES. AFRESH *PP.Iy of Molasses, * su perior quality just received and (or s -* , et'y J.O. HODGES. Dry Goods at Wholesale savannah ga. DQBFttTS, FOOTE & MARSHALL are now re “’ celv,, at ‘heir store, comer of. Broughton snd Jeflefson Streets, opposite .Saint Andrews’Hall, a lares i, and well seleoltxj sue* of Foreign and domestic DrT * f.ixids whipl, they otter for sale, upon th usual terns. WereH exclustveiy Vsboiesale. and think we are aMa to oifci suflicient induce meats to retain the trade in this f'l city. We have now in store ‘ 00 bales brown Shirtings and Sheetings: 50 cases hleeched “ <> 50 “ fancy prints, 50 bales .Negro Blankets; *■* *’ Bedand WTiite Flannels: 100 cases Kerseys and Lindseys. —ALSO— an eitensive assortment of Udies’ Dress Goods “Cloth. Cassnneres, and other miscellaneous articles;’ usualftf* wanted by merchants from the interior. attention given to orders, Si—