The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, February 20, 1852, Image 4

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A Base Fraud.—A most outrageous fraud upon the British government has recently been detected by the officers of the Admirably. It has been perpetrate ed by persons who entered into contract to supply the Navy with patent preserved meat, packed in sealed tin cannisiers and warranted to keep fresh and sweet for five years. Suspicion was excited as to the quality of these supplies, and an examination was instituted, when it was discovered that out of seven thousand cannisters, it was found that only 189 contained anything fit to be eaten, the rest being garbage of the most horrible chriacier. ft is said to have come from Galata, in Moldavia. The British gov* ernmen has paid £200,000 to the con tractors who perpetrated this base fraud, it it not known of course, how long this Swindling operation has been going on. Sir Jolin Franklin’s ships were provision., ed with the preserved meat, and from the fact that at Beechy Island, where the last trace of hint were discovered, the ground was covered with heaps of emty canisters, there i reason to fear that his •tores were ol this character. Sensible Advice.—TheN. Y. Her- j aid ilms closes a long article on Kossuth; : We would advise him and his friends to turn their attention to, realities—not [ sophistries, absurdities and improbabili ties, however fine in language, novel in thought, or eloquent in delivery. Let them all take a lesson from ilieir avant courier, old Governor Ujliazy—let them go Iq the west, buy (arms, turn farmers and practical philosophers ; and-Kossuth may he returned from some western State as a delegate and a Congressman AH else is humbug. vixo Abroad “Officially.”— The state department, ii pursuance of a resolution of congress, has addressed cir cular letters to American ministers ?nd consuls, inquiring the expense ol living. Mr. Laurence answers by showing what it costs an ylmerican minister to live res iiectablv, not q iite half adequate. Mr. o. pars S6OOO a year (if house rent, and over SIOOO for carriages, horses, coachmen, &c. This leaves but S3OOO tor plj oilier expenses. 07* President Roberts hat received from the Prussian Minister, at the Court of St. James, a despatch, containing a formal recognition of fit** independence of Liberia by his Government. ff 7“ Doge had such a full house nt Newburypori, that the audience had to lough perpendicularly, there beipg no room lor lateral smiles, 05* The Enirtisli Tory historian, Ah lijfiui, relating Washington's retiripeni into private life, holds this language f “He bequeathed to his countrymen an Address, to which there is no enipposh lion of uninspired wisdom which can bear a comparison.” (BY AUTHORITY.) AN ACT to alter and change the time ol holding the Supreme Courts in (lie county of Marion, to allow s;t|d routv two weeks instead of one for the term of said court, to authorize the Judge of sail Court to draw two panel* of Grand and Peiii Jurors, and to author ize and require the Justices of the Infe rior Court of said county to draw an additional panel for the next term of said court. Ser. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreipnt-.tives of the jfitate of Georgia in Glacial Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act the time of holding the Superior Cotffljk the county of Marion shall be Mondays in February and. in*, •tead of the first Mondays in March and September; that said county shall have two weeks instead of one for the terms of . •aid courts ; that the Judge of said Sti. 1 perior Courts shall hereafter draw two , panels of grand and petit Jurors for each ( term of said Superior Court, the panel for the first week to be known as No. 1. and the panel for the second week to be ( known as juror No. 2. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by j the authority aferesaid, That the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county of Marion are by this act authorized and required to meet at their Court-house on the fourth Monday in January next, and draw from the Juror box of said county aonlber panel of grand and petit Jurors Ho serve the second week at the next term ] of said court under this act. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by ; the authority aforesaid, That all parties, whether jurors, suitors, or witnesses, < bound by subpoena, summons or recog- * nizance to appear before said Superior Court on the first Monday in March shall by this act be bound to attend said Superiror Court on the fourth Monday in February next, and that all bills, writs, 1 and processes made leturnhle to said court on the first Monday in March next! •hall be held and cansidered as returnable • to the fourth Monday in February next. I Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforeanid, That all lawj and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 10, 1851. AN ACT to alter and fix the time of hold ing the Superior Courts in the South Western circuit and to change the time of holding the Inferior Courts in the counties of Sumter and Lee, and to require the Judges of said circuit to hold court two weeks in Sumter and Lee at each term of said court, il the business is not dispersed of in a short er period and to draw two panels of grand and petit jurors in said counties of Sumter and Lee; and to legalize the adjourned terms of Decatur, Ear ly and Baker Superior Court and to change the time of holding the fall term of the Superior Court in the, county of Stewart. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by ih,e au thority of the same, That from and af ter the passage of this act, the times for j holding the Superior Courts in the South j Western circuit, shall be as follows: in I the county of Sunner on the second Mon | day in February and August. In the j county of Randolph on the second Mon- I day in March and September. In the county of Early on the fourth Mondav in March and September. In the coun ty of Decatur on the second Monday in April and October. In the county of Baker on the third Monday in ,4pril and October. In the county of Lee on the first Monday in May and November. See. 2- A nd be it further enacted bv the authority aforesaid, That all persons summoned, subpoenaed or bound as suit ers, w itnesses, jurors or in any other ca pacity to attend said courts at the terms which by the law now in force said Su perior Courts are to be holder), shall be and are hereby required and bound by virtue of said summons, snbptena or other process heretofore issued to attend said Courts at the time specified in this act. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all suits, recognizances, precepts and processes whatever heretofore issued returnable to the terms of sard courts as now fixed by law shall be considered and held a* returnable to the terms of said courts as and determined by this act. See. 4. AH be it further enacted, That the Judge of the Superior Court of said circuit at each term m the counties of Sumter and Lee ; shall draw two pan els of grand and petit Jurors to be desig nated as panel number one arid two res* pectively, panels one to serve the first week, anil panels two the second week of the terms of said Courts, and the Judge of said circuit required to hold court two weeks in the counties of Sumter and Lee if the business is not done in a shorter time. Sec. 5. Aml be it further enacted, That the time of lioldingjthe /aferior Courts ol the county of Sumter, shall hereafter be held on the second Monday in May and November, and the Inferior Courts of il]e county of l*ee shall here after be held on the fourth Monday in January and July. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all Jurors drawn and summoned, and all writs, precepts and processes of all kinds shall be returned to the time specified for holding the Inferior Courts in said counlieg of Sumter and Lee. Sec. 7. And be in further enacted, That the adjournment of Decatur coun ty Superior court to t|te second Monday in January 1852, and the adjournment of Early county S iperior Court to the third Monday in January 1852, and the adjournment of Baker county Superior Court to the second Monday in Februa ry 1852 be and the sa'me are hereby de clared legal and valid, and all business transacted at the said adjournment terms shall have the same force and validity’ as if done at a regular term of said Courts. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the fall term of the Superior Court of Stewart county shall be held on the third Monday in October in each year. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and ( parts of laws militating against this act i be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1852. I Cotton HWifk _____ y - I Cotton Statement, Feb. 20th, 1852. Rece’d at Oglethorpe for the week, ending Feb. 20th, 1,637 bales Ship’d per S. W. Kail Road, 1,745 “ 1 No returnes from one Ware-Hpuse. Total receipts up to this time, 31.923 “ Total shipments “ 24,832 “ Total balan lon hand, 7,091 “ Oglethorpe Feb. 20th, 1852. The market is fair, 4J to 7$ ex tremes,- Clf ARI.ST.ON Febr.l7. Cotton 6 a BJ. 1 New Orleans Febr. 15. Cotton, 6 ji 7s. Columbus, Febr, 18. Cotton. 5 a 7. i Oglethorpe Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY, BACON, Hauis, per lb. . . 14 cts. Sides, clean “ . . . 13 al3 Shoulders, “ . . 9 BUTTER, Goshen “ . , 20 a25 Country “ . . 12 als BAGGING, gunny yds. ... 15 Mail’d gunny “ . . , 15 HOPE, ... . 9 COFFEE, per lbs. . . 12 a 12J CANDLES, Sjiemi “ . . 40 aSO Adamantine, “ , , 35 a4O Tallow, . , 15 a2O FLOUR, per bbl. . .7,00 a 8,00 MACKEREL, No. l.“ . . . 14,00 “ “ 2, “ . . . 12,00 “ “ 3. “ 950 CORN, per bushel, . ’ 1,00 a 1,25 ME AL “ „ . . i,QO a 1,25 LAR I), per lb. , . . . 14 a 16 i LEAD, *...., 10 a 12 MOL ASSES, per gallon , 35 a 45 SYRUP, N. O.- . . 45 a 50 Clarifier! • . . 90 a 1,00 OIL, Linseed, . .1,25, 150 TURPENTINE “ . . 1,00 a 1,25 SUGAR, “ . , 8 a 10 TALLOW, per lb. . . 7 a 10 BEES’ WAX, “ . . 20 a 25 nails, •• . . 4 a 5 KICE, “ . . 5 a SALT per sack . . . 1,90 Another scientific wonde { Important to Dyspeptics.— Dr. J. S. Houghton’s pep*in, The True Digestive Fluiit, or Gastric Juice, prepared from Rennet, or the Jonh Stomach of the ox, alter direc tions ol Boron Liebig the great Plnsio Chemist, by J. S. Houghton M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a wondei ful remedy for Indigestion Dys\ pepsia, jaundice, liver Complaint, consti pation and debility, rtiring after nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric juice. Pamphlets, contain ing S<iemific evidence of its value, fur nished by agents gratis. See notice among the medical advertisements. DOCT, E. B. WOOD HAVING permanently located m this City, would most respectfully offer his I professional setvices to die citizens of Ogle . thorpe and surrounding country. Having recently returned from the Medical College, ’ he feels confident that he is now prepared to afford to his patients the advantages of the , latest improvements in Medical Science. I Be may at all times besot nd at the Ogle j thorpe Hotel, or at his Office over Chap man’s Book Store, unless professionally cal led away. Feb. 18, 1852. 44-atlß. Strayed or Stolen, 17XROM the stable of the Subscriber on . Sunday night last, a small sorrel Mare, six years old, a fine pacer &.C., A liberal reward will be paid for her recovery. Catharine harper. Feb. 16,1852. li* rjIWO months afterdate, application will JL be made to the Court of Ordinary of Macon county for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 4, in the first district of originally Mus cogee now Macon county. Said land belong ing to the estate of Mellon Templeton, late of said county deceased. A. H. GREER, Ex’r. Feb. 18, 1852. 18. Sash, Blinds, Panncl Doors tife. made to order, BY WM. ROBINSON &. SON. Shop on William Street, West Oglethorpe. Feb. 20,1852, 44,.at20. W. H. TURPIN, Manufacturer of, and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MA&a suns/ Plain Tin and Japanned Ware, llollow, Wood, Hurd-Ware, dec. On Sumter Street, Oglethorpe Ga. February 20, 1852. 44-ly. G. OELI.RICH, Cabinet Maker, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that he is now prepared to make any kind of Mahogany and other Furniture. All work done in the best style and at the lowest rates. Shop on the corner of Chatham and Ran dolph Streets, Oglethorpe, Ga. < Feb. 19. 1852. 44-6 m. I CO OR & ‘ A® JLiXW. OGLETHORPE, GA., ‘ W I i.l. practice in the Counties of Taylor Houston* ™ Mcon, Dooly Bumtr, Marion, Talbot, and Craw ford. One of the firm always at tlie office. Feb 20,1852. 44-ly. , Books 1 Books!! 60 COPIES OF THE J Married !Vonion's Medical Companion , J For sale at the “South-West Georgian’’ Os- j fice by C. B. YOUNGBLOOD. t P. S. All orders from abroad promptly ittended to. Sept. 12,1861. ANEW supply of Blank* for sale . al this Office,- alone Dollar per quire. AGIIQY OF STATE BAIK, OGLETHORPE, GA. F- T Si\EAD. Agent. WILL Advance on COTTON consigned to Macon, or Savannah. Office at SNEAD Sf CHAPMAN'S DRUG STORE, on Sumter Street December 17th, 1851. * 36 3r:n. 94k Blila. Blake’* Patent Fire Proof Paint, just received and for sale low lor cash by R. H. SIMS &. Cos. Oglethorpe Feb,, 4th, 1852. 42—ts IRON, V LARGE lot of Iron assorted, also German, Blister and Cast Steel, col, wrauglil and lloise shoe Nails and lioise shoes for sale bv R.H.SMIS&Co. Oglethorpe Feb. 4th, 1852. 42—ts. “1%/W OL ASSES, N. O. Syrup, Raisins, a i.vJL fine lot ol Sugar &c, &c., lor sale by R. H. SIMS & Cos. Oglethorpe, Feb. 4th 1852. 42—ts Georgia Macon County WHEREAS William Watson applies to me for letters of Administration on tlie estate of Isham Nowells dec’ll. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditotsof said deceased, to be aud appear at -*iy office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand offici illy this 14th January 1852. i VV. W. CORBItT, C.c.o. I jan. 16, 1852. 39-lm. j HOUSE AND SIGN PMITIIG, Gilding, Glazing, graining for, THE subscriber, on the first of March intends moving from Macon to Ogle thorpe, with a good stock of Paints and Var nishes, when lie will be prepared to execute all orders in his line on the most reasonable terms. 07-In he meantime all enquiries address ed to me at Macon will receive prompt at* tention. HENRY LOVI. Feb. 6,1842, 42-ts: GEORGIA—Macon County. WHEREAS Knltemia Wamack applies to me for letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Wiley Wam ack deceased: These are therefore to rite and admonish •H and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office wihin the time prescribed by law, to show oause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand of ficially, Jan. 14th 1852. jaa.~K,.lm. W. W, CORBITT, . ... Sale of Land. WILL be sold at the Court House in Hawkir.sville, Pulaski County, Ga. on the First Tuesday in Match next, Lot of Land No. 193 in the 19th’district of originally Wilkinson, now Pulaski Coun ty, the said Land belonging to the estate of John P. Parker, late of Lee Countv deceas ed, and sold by agreement of the Heirs, foi a division. WM. J. PARKER, Ag’t, Jan. Bth 1852. 39-smtd. for the Heirs. GEORGIA—Macon County. Court of Ordinary, Novmber term 1851. Present the Honorable lchabod Danis, Nathan Bryan, Joseph Mott , George William*. Ora/t C. Horne, Justices. \j\l HEREAS, Reuben Kaigler, adminis- j Jr trator of John J. Kaigler, deceased, j has duly petitioned the Court for letters of’ dismission from said Estate: therefore, all, persons concerned are hereby cued to appear I at the regular term of said Court, on the first i Monday in May next, to show cause (il aov ! they can) why said letteis of dismission should not be granted in terms ofl.he law. Given under my hand, at Office in La nier, this tlm 3rd, day of November 1851. W*i. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 7th, 1851. 30—om. s:&ir. mitler, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA. HAVE removed from Lanier, and will’ Practice in the Superior Courts of the Counties of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, I Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at the city of Macon. STEPHEN F. MILLER, DANIEL tv. MILLER, j ‘ January 16, 1852. 39-1 f. j 1 GEORGIA. Macon County WHEREAS I'homas G. Hudson ap- 1 plies to me for letters of Adminis- 1 trntion on the Estate of Leundor M Hudson deceased; Those are therefore to cite and admonish *ll and singular tlio kindred and creditors of ■aid deceased to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why auid letters slioul I not be granted. Given under mv hand officially, W. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. , January JJOtlt, 1852. 41-lrn. ANY quantity of nails just received and lur sale by J. O. HODGES. Dec. 26tli, 1851. 37tf. ” | IN QU/JRT BOTTLES. For Purifying the Blood, and for the Cure of scrofula, Rheumatism, stubborn l : leers, Dyspepsia salt Rheum. Fever sores, Erysiypelas, Pimples. Biles, Mercurial Diseases Cutaneous Eruptions , Liver j Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility Spc. It) this preparation we have all tip- restorative properties of the root, concentrated in their utmost strength ami efficacy ; hot while ‘-arsaparilta Root forms an im|n*r tant part of its is, at the same time, com pound w ith other vegetable remedies of great pow er, ami it is in the |>eculiar combination and scientific manner ofits preparation,that jts remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, tlie circulation ami the bowels; ami tlius three j processes w hich are ordinarily the result of three differ ent kinds of medicine, are carried on at tite same tittle, j through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent, | which gently stimulates w hile it disinfects and etpels front Ua* stomach ami travels all that is irritating, and at the same time restores their vigorand tone. Its great ; merit is, that it meets and neutralizes the actve principle of disease itself, ami when that is gone, the symptoms necessarily disappear ; andwe have only to point to the accumulated tosiimonyof multitudes who experienced its effects, to convince, incredulity itself of its real value. The Proprietors submit to the public the follow ing certificate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of Sarsaparilla New \ ohK, Kelt. 17,1849. Afessrs. Sands:— Having suffered many years with a disease of my throat, affecting tie* larynx, during which lime I was treated by the most distinguished physicians Europe and the United States, without receiving any permanent benefit, hut all tire time my general health and strength declining, and the disease making fearful progress : caustic applications were used, ami w hatever else was thought most efficient for producing a cure; but lam confident the deplorable situation 1 was in, the laryngitis being accom|mnied with phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, had I not obtained relief through the medium of your invaluable Sarsa|iarilla. 1 must say gentlemen, when l commenced using the Sarsaparilla 1 did not place much confidence in ita virtues; and this will not surprise you, when you are informed 1 had tried more titan fifty different remedies during the past four years, without anysuccess; but after taking yoir Sarsaparilla a few weeks. 1 was obliged at last to yield to evidence This marvellous specific has not only relieved hut cured me; and 1 the-efore think it inyduty, gentlemen, for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you tliisattes tatiun of my cure. Yours, very truly, ’ D. Parent. I Consulate ofFranee in the United States. , The above statement arid signature were aeknuw r tedged in our presence hy Air. D. parent as true. For the Consul General ofFranee. I L. ffURG, Vice Consul. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. It. Si D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists 100 Fulton st., corner of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United Slates and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. For sale bv SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Diuggists Oglelhorpe, Ga. JEWELER. 11. Ii M,3; “IS, ITS new loyyn of Oglethorpe, will at tend strictly to the reparing of I locks. Watches, & Jewelry.— all work done at theshortesl notice, Ogjoehorpe, October, 21 1851, DISSOL! TIONr Firm of Snead &. Chapman is this If day dissolved, by mutual consent j The business will b continued by F. T. Snead. F. T. S\EAD, F. S. CHAPMAN, j Oglethorpe Jan. 26, 1852, A CARD. | In retiring from Hie Firm nf Snead (c I Chapman, 1 lake this opporlnnil v lo tender ’ my thanks to the public for the very liberal putt image extended to us; and respectfully solicit n continuance of (lie same to my for mer partner, Mr. F. T. Snead, who will con tinue the Drug Business at the old stand, on •Sumter street. CtT** You will all do well to give him a tri. al, FOSTER S, CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 26ili 1852, 41-ls. New Clothing Store. M. SYLVESTER k liRO. HA VE just opened a large Stock of Cloth ing on Cuyler Sr. in Oglethorpe one Dour below Carson & Greer, which they will sell 25 |>er cent cheaper than any other establishment in the place. They have all qualities of Clothing, from common to the finest, all of which is made to order in the latest si vie and warranted to be good. Call in Gentlemen, and examine our stork before you purchase elsewhere: Oglethorpe, Out: 31st, 1851. ELECTION NOTICE Tl tere will be an Election in the Citv of Oglelhorpe on the Third Saturday in February inst. for it Mayor and Six Al dermen, to serve the present vear in the place ol thepresnei board of Comrs whose term lias expired by limitation. By order of the Board. E. VV. ALLEN C. C. February Ctlt 1852. j,i f . D R - J. S. HOUGHTON'S Kutered according to Act of Congress in the year 1851, by J. S. Ilouton, ic. D. in the Clerks office of the district court for the t*as rn district of /’ennsylvanm. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great cute Jor Dyspepsia! Dr. J. Houghton's PEPSIN, the true Digestive Fluid , or Gastric Juice, prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach oj the Ox, after directions oj Baron Liebig, the great u> Pityeiological Clu mist by J. S. Houghton, M. D. Philadelphia. Tki is truly a woiulrful remedy for Indigestion, dys pepsia, jaundice, liver complaint, constipation, and de ; hility, curing alter nature’s own method, by natures own I agent, the t.astric Juice. V£r Half a uaspoonful of I Pe|)sin. infused in water, will digest or dissolve five pouds 1 of roast beef in about, two ht urs, out of the stomach. -Pepsin is the cdiief element or great digestive princi ple the Gastric juice—the solvent of the food, the purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of the stom ach and intestines, tis extra* ted from die digestive stomach of the Ox. thus >ucnimg an artificial digestive fluid, precisely like the natmrtl gastic juice in its chemi -1 cal powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect fubsti- I lute for it. Ky the aid of this preparation the pains and ; evils of indigestion and dyspepsia are removed, just as j they would he by a healthy stomach. Il is doing wonde re for dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dvs|H ptic consumption, supposed to bn on the verge ol the gm\e. The scientific upon which it is bused, is in the highest degree curious and remaikuble. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. iferon Liebig, in his celebrated work on animal ('hem istry, say*: ‘An artificial digestive tluid analogous to the gastic juice, may in,* readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles of food, a.’ meat and eggs will be softened, chnnged and digested, just in the some manner as they would be in the human stomach.’ ftCr (.'all on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, grati.'f, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the I'nited States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER I)r. Ilughtoii’s Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, in curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline,and dyspeptic consumption. It is impoesible to give the details of cases in tin* limits of this advertise iiieni; but authenticated circumstances have been given ol more than two hundred remarkable cures, in Philadel phia, New York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate uses, and the cures were notonly rapid and wonderful, hut permanent. It isagrea! nervous antidote, and particularly useful hr tendency to Billions disorder, liver complaint, fever aud ague or badly treated lever uad ague, and the e\il efh ets of quinine, men ury and other drugs upon the di gestive organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemperance. Ur. Houghton’s Pepsin is prepared in powderand in fluid from--and in perscriplion vials for the use of Physicians. Private circulars for the use of Physicians, nuiy be obtained ol Ur. Houghton or his Agents, describing the whole process of prejiaration, and giving the authori ties upon which the claitnes of this new remedy are bas ed. As it is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised agau st its use by Physicians in res (actable stand - in KJW“I regular practice. Price, One Hollar per bottle. . Observe I his!—Kvery bottle of the genuine Pep sin bears the written .‘ignature of J. S. Houghton, . I>., sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy'-right and Trade Mark secured. fiCT Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in medicines. Fur sale ly SNEAD & CHAPMAN, DeuL lers in Drugs &c. at the New Drug Store, Oglethorpe Gtt. BOOKS! BOORS!! New Book Store , JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPF, ?Sear the Oglethorpe Hotel , WIiLRE ilio subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; also a general assortment of Wall Paper, W indow shades, Musical Instruments &c., all of which he will sell as low as they can bo bought in any other market. Just Received One fine Meludian, of super ior tone and finish. A lot of fine Vio lins, also a splendid lot of .dccordeons, Vary, ing in price from $1 50 to $25. A. 13. CHAPMAN. January 16, 1852. 39-ls. GEORGIA 1 la Sumter Su~ Sumter County. \ SlTurm issi! Joseph Daniel, \ vs - ( Bill for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f liot and Injunction. Win. Pritchett.) IT being repi evented to me by the Alliga tion in said Bill, that John L. i'asy has no settled residence known to Complainant hut is a transrient, unsettled person. It is or dered that service of said Bill he peifected on said John L. Chsv, publication in one of the public Gazet'cs in this State, once u month, for four months preceding the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Court this Ist day ol January 1852. M. M. GUERRY, Clerk. Dentistry. DR. A. C. HORNADY having lo cated nt BUENA VISTA, GA. respectfully announces to tire citizens of tlint place nnd the surrounding country that he is propared to execute all work be longsng to his ptofession it) a superior style at prices to suit the times. N. 13. All operations warranted.— October, 10 1851. 26-~6m P. S. Ladies waited on at their residence.