The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, April 02, 1852, Image 4

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’ CLOTHING. READY made CLOTHISG, a very large assortment just received and for •ale by, KAUFMAN A BRO. Ogleihotpe, Oct* 10,1851. 26 if. JAMES K. SELLERS, WATCB MARSH. A JS WSX.SH OGLETHORPE, GA., QL WOULD re.pvitl'ully inform the public tlun lie f7\hiw fKrmiaiii'tiil) Inrau-ii in Ogleilmr|ie, fur the MMBnur|iimr ul'Hepuiriux ('luckn, Watchen, J*-Wrlry &c. He H ill visit all (he prinoijile town* am) villager in South* Western Georgia, during the Miitimrr nionlli* for the purpotteof executing any work in hi* Ime of busine** that may pr ent it* f. All repairing done in a work manlike manner, and warranted April *lih, 1851 3-ts. notice” MESSRS. NELSONS COM mini; would inform the public that pernon, litrim; HllKKie Irom lltt-tr Stable muni eipei l to pay on the delivery of them,and permne buardinghormre with them mttet pay monthly. Their ne - cmilien this jcourae. All permit. indebted to them by note or account w ill please settle immediately. April 24th, 1851. 3-ts Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce lo the Citizens of Travelers Rest and its vicinity, that lie is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line of busi ness. such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, at the shortest nutice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the ad joining Country, that he is prepared to exe cute all jobs that may be brought lo him, in the way of Harness unking ami Repairing, and that he keeps on hand, both Carriages; Buggies, and harness ready made, and fur sale at the lowest Cash prices. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine his stock before purchas ing else where. H. D. POWELL. Travelers Rest, July 24, 1851. 15 ly PLANTERS^WARE-HOUSE THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform you that thev have taken the PLANTERS WARE HOUSE, fur a term of time and associated themselves together under the name aod'style of . W. Blood worth Sl Cos., in the Ware-lloose and Com mission Business, in all its various branches. The business will be conducted by . W. Blood worth ; from his experience in the business, they feel confident of giving gene ral satisfaction lo all those who may entrust them with their business; In confirmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoin.-, ed references, mjd at the same lime, ask a liberal share of their patronage. They promise to keep their patrons ad vised of the slate of the mat ket at all limes; they take this occasion to say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterward wish il shipped to Macon or Sa vannah or Charleston, it shall he promptly attended lo without any additional expense. Their \V aro-House, in consequence ofils locality, has advantages over any other in the place, in point of security from fire, be gin remote from other buildings. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Lihetal CASH ADVANCES will be made on Produce in Store. All orders from Planters or country Mer chants will be filled at short notice, and, (as they have no interest in Merchandize,) at the lowest cash prices; S. W. BLOODWORTH, RICHARD JOHNSTON, REFERENCES, Planters : Dr. Thomas, 1 Isaac Cheney, Esq. J Talbot Cos. Gen’l T. Gridin, ( M. D. North, Esq. 1 Coweta Cos. James Neal, Esq. i Wm. Pryor. E S q. $ Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Moseley, I Judge A. VV. Walker. J Henry, Cos Thus. W. Ashford, I Ed. Broughton, Esq. j Troup, Cos. Judge J. May, 1 T. Nichols, Esq. f Fayette Cos. 1. Nichols, Esq. 1 B. P. Bussey, Esq. f Meiiwetlici Cos. Clots. Cargil, Esq. 1 W. Darkness, Esq. ) Butts Cos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS : Rice Dulin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields &. Adams, Macon, Ga. N. A. Hardee & Cos. ) C. Hartridge, Esq. > Savannah. Wnt. P. Yongo, Esq. ) Editors S. W. Georgian, and S. Democrat. GRIFFIN, (icon-in Sept., lit. 1851. This i to certify tint Mr. -S'. VV. Illuudworth, Ita. foraeveral years keen ensured in the Ware-Houw ami Commission business in this place, ami from my acquaintance with him, I feel no hesitation (in return mending him in that capacity to the patrons of Ogle thorpe ;he ialso a good judge of the quality ofCoUon, anti consequently an excellent salesman. A. A. GAULDING, Sen’r: partner of ihu firm of Gaulding, Ferril &• Chapman. Wm. Ri’PHILLIPS, Sen’r. partner of Jones Phillips A, Cos Oglethorpe, sSopt. slh, 1851. 21 3m. MEDICAL CARD. DR. JAMES M. FOKES respectfullyof fers his services to the citizens ol Ogle thorpe and vicinity in the various blanches of Medicine. He may he found at Mr. Fears Drug Stole during the day, and at the Pa vilion Huuxn at night, when not profession ally engaged. August 14,1851. 18—if For Sale. Lot No. o on Square 3 on the Cornet I of Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap ply l 0 PHILIP COOK. Oglelhorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ls DRY GOODS of all descriptions, just received sod fur sale by KXUFMAN it BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if R. E. SELLER'S VERMIFEUG. This Worm Medicine hat no superior— if an equal—in this or any other coun try. It is much wed and highly re commended by Physician*. %XL* ORMS frequently infest children, ag- T v gravate all other diseases, and are capable of |imducinff gtvat Wiftturimnctfn in the system, nntl, ruMMMjtieiilly all medirine* given lo remove them should be prepared with great care, and of the bent ran tenuis ; and it in to be feared that many of tlie worm ruedicine* in use are totally destitute of the*e qualities The Vermifuge which tin* subscriber offer* io the public ui prepared of the be>t material* that can tie procured, • thetruth bymenoftruth. Concerning Sellers* Vermifuge A single vial producing wonder*. Head the following from the Kev. S. Wake field. Pastor of the Liberty street Methodist Episcopal church : Pittsburgh, March 8, 1817. Mr. R. F- Sellers,—lt is from a sense of duty, a* w ell as with great pleasure, that I bear testimony to the vir i tueofyvrtir justly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a single bottle mid gave it to three of ray children, who had been ill for several weeks. The oldest was seven year* old. the next four, and the youngest eighteen month*. ‘Hie first passed fifty-six worms, the second forty-sc veil, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been do ing well, and are now in good health. Vours, respectfully, WAKEFIELD. Greenville, Va, January’ 15,18 5. Mr. R. E, Sellers, —Your Vermifuge gives universal satisfaction. 1 have sold Fahnestock's, M’lane’s and others,hut none has given the satisfaction that yours has. B. F. GRAHAM, Post .Vaster. Sellers’ Vermifuge—it xrorks wonders every where. Itio Samioy, hy. MS v 13, 1848. Mr R E Sellers—Dear sir: Your Vermifuge produce* such wonderful results, that / think it worth while to give* you a few facts about it. A neighbor, Dr Gray, bought from me one vial of it. and gave the contents to three of his children ; the first pfewed 180, the second 153, ami the third 70, making 403 worms discharged hy using one vial. Mr Gray immediately bought lour vials more. Mr. J M'Shurley also gave the contents of one via! to three of his children, w hich brought from the first 73. from tlie second 54, and from the third 3d, making 156 worms bv the use of one vial. I gave my own child, aged one year, two teas|iooufuls, which expelled 14, one of which was at least one foot long.— Your Vermifuge is considered the best that has ever been brought to our section of country, and so fur as I know, lias never failed. Yours, respectfully, J L TRUMAN. Ltl Physicians Speak. Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof. I.ick nu Station. Ky, Dec. 17, 1845. Mr R E Selim, — I have the pleasute to inform you that 1 have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results. I have formerly used Fahnestock**, but being Persuaded to try yours, 1 have found it far siipperior In every respect, and can say with out the fear of contradiction, that your Vermifuge pos sesre* more virtue than any 1 ever used, and most cor dially recommend it to the attention of the public. 1 will state a case where I gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. My brother's child was pining and wasting to a mere skeleton. In 36 hour* after 1 gave the Vermifuge, the t-normous quantity of upwards of sir hundred worm* were passed. The child that was given up for lost, is now as well as any in the neigh borhtMxl. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. Sellers’ Vermifuge the Best in the World Gallipoi is, O, April 1, 1851, This certifies that 1 have kept on hand and used in my practice, R E Sellers’ Vermifuge, for the two past years. lam confident in saying it Tias not failed, in a single instance, ft* relieve chihfran and adults troubled with worms ;*in many instances it has brought away large quantities. lam confident it is the best worm me dicine in use. All that is required to give it reputation in any family, is to give it a fair trial. R H WILSON, M. D. Point Pi.ean*ant, Vr, Oct. 4,1847. Mr. R. E Sellers.—Of your Vermifuge, I can say without hesitation that having used it extensively in my practice for the last fourorfive years, 1 think if decided ly the best preparation of the kind of which 1 have any knowledge, although 1 have heretofore used the prepa ration of several other manufacture!*. Yours, respectfully, I) COUGH, Af. D. Sellers’ Faintly Medicine. Graham Station. Ohio, May 25, 1849. Mr. R E Sellers, —1 think it right, for the benefit of other*, to state some facta in relation to your excellent Family Medicines. 1 have used your Vermifuge largely in my own family, one vial frequently answering for expelling large quan tities (say 100 to 200) of worms from two children. I have also used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and tney have, in every instance, produced the effect desired. As 1 am engaged in merchandising, 1 am able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where your medicines have been used in my section of the country. In conclusion, I may state that they are the medicines ol the duy, and are destined to huve a very extensive pop ularity. Vours, respectfully, W H P INN EL. Tit f. Verm i rroE will continue to have a red out side wrapper, and will have the name of Rab'tE. Seiler stamped upon each vial, w ithout which it is not his Ver mifuge. U E SELLERS, Proprietor, Pittsburgh, June Ist, 1850. For sale by SNEAD CHAPMAN, At tlta New Drug Store, Oglethorpe Ga. Carriages! Carriages! i m 1’ HE Subscriber announces to the peo ple us Oglethorpe and surrounding Country, that he has non on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages, Rockaways, Ac., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his linn are invited to call and examine his Stock, at Messrs. Lewis A Price’s Ware House, on Baker Street. T. M. JACKSON,Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts South Western R. R- Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rates of Freight on Cotton will be re duced as follows : Ft out Oglelhorpe and Montezuma lo Macon, per 100 lbs., 20 cts. Winchester, Murthasville and Mar “ shalville to Macon, pot 100 1b5.,18 “ Fort Valley and station No. 2, lo Macon, per 100 lbs., 15 “ “ Station No. 1 to Macon per 100 1b5.,12£ ‘ GEORGE W. ADAMS, Super’nl. dec 23 ts: New Dry Goods & Grocery Store. On fiakrr Street. ¥ BODGES, would res • ™W • II pectfully inform the Citizens us Oglethorpe and the Planters of the surrounding Country that he is now open ing a large and well selected stock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Haidware, Crockery, tsadlery, Boots, Shoes Ac. lie will also keep constantly on hand a large lot nf GROCERIES OF ETERY DESCRIPTION. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. Sept. 12,1851. 28-ts -- NOTICES OF xyjx MBl HO ! ELS. H Magnolia House,! Corner of Crescent and Sunder Streets Oglethorpe Ga. BY A. M THOMASON. THE best accomodations that the times and market will afford may be found j at the above named House, at all times. No effort will be spared to render all who call, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-ly. P A VILIONH OUSE, OGLETHORPE, GA., Immediately Opposite the Snth Westen Rail f.Rad Dept. s, s. BOONE. Junel, 1851. 7-ts. Oglethorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. A LLEN SUTTON would respeclfulld inform the public that lie Inis opency a large aiul commodious house for Public Entertainment in the new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of Janie* Bel!, w hose experience in the business will en able him to give general satisfaction to all. The room* of the house are well finished and supplied with excel lent beds, &c. The table will alwuy* be supplied with the heat fare the country can afford. In short it is inten ded, if possihln, to make this house superior to any in South-v\ eMern Georgia. A large Brick building is now beingerec ted on the premises for the purpose of affording extensive accomodations, which will be completed by fall. The public are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. FORT GAINES HOTEL. O. 11. DAVIS, HAVING purchased the above named Hotel would re spcctfuliy inform hi* friend* and the public gene rally that he ha* taken full charge of it. Those visiting Fort Gaines will please give them a call,as no pain* wifi be spared for the accommodation of those who favor him with their patronage. Annexed totheestahli*hment is a large Lot and com modioii* Stables, sufficient for the accommodation of Drovers. March 25, Dsl. I—ly RAIL-ROAD HOUSIL Opposite Central Rail Road Depot BASS MACON, BY S.M. LANIER. A/ay 15, 1851. 5-ly, Floyd House, MACON, GEORGIA THOMAS WILLIAMS respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he lias purchased the lease and furniture of the above establishment, and that as sole pro pi ietor, he intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po lite and competent clerks and servants, and is determined that the table and bar shall be suplied with the very best the country affords. The House is too well known for him to say. any tiling in regard do it. The rooms are in One repair, and the furniture as good as can be found in arty House in the Stale.— Thankful for the lifferal patronage bestowed upon the old firm of Buford A Williams, dur ing his former connection with his House, he pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire satisfaction to both new and old friends. July 24, 1851, 15 ly. J. Kaufman & Bro. FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup,Tobacco, Soap, Candles, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts SHOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery,crock ery, Hardware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, Ac. Ac., for sale at the cheap Store in Fort Gains Ga. by, DILL A MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. . 9 ts. Notice. THE South Wetcm Kailroad Company, wislir. to HIKE until the Ist of January next, twenty-five Ne |{roe* for repaint on the Kotul; for whicli fifteen dollar, per month will be paid; they will also be fed and clothed. GEO- VV. ADAMS. Supt. S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe. October 10,4851. — . 86 ts ■ /NSEED, Train, ff Lard, Neals. ■ A foot Oils, for sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, at the New Drug Store. Oct. 17 1851. 27 if FRENCH Window Glass. F<>r si by SNEAD A CHAPMAN. Oct. 17 1651. 27if Coffee, Syrup, and Molasses, received and for sale low by, KAUFMAN, A BRO. Oglelhorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 ts. FOR SALE! THE “PAVILION HOUSE” in the new town of Oglethorpe, situated on the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new theroomsare large, neat,and airy, possessing every convenience for the comfort of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON A Cos. May 28th 1851. 7-ts. I ” —— ■ ■ ■ ■■■— ■ I ¥ • f Liquor/ Jt i A LARGE quantity of Liquors, consist ing of Brandy, Rum Gin, Whisky 1 Port, Madeira, and Champaign Wines all, , of the best quality, just received and fursale by KAUFMAN A BRO Oglelhorpe, Oct. 10, 1851, 26tfl ! S. A. THORNTON. ; Dfntat lurgfon, . OGLETHORPE, GA. AFFERS hi. Professional services to the citixens of I “ Oglethorpe and vicinity. Office at Dr. Iverson’s Shop Ladies can be waited on at their residence. Oglethorpe, dec. 12,1851. 35- I f. FOR Sale, by DILL A MARSH ALL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and “i Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851. 9 ts BACOnTbACON! ! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market prices. DILL A MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 • 9tf FLOUR. 75 Barrels Supeifine Flour for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. by DILL A MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. * 9 ts. Brandy, wine, gin, whiskey, SYRRUP, and VINEGAR, forsale by DILL A MARSHALL. - Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851. 9tf Notice. ALL persons indebted to the firm of T M. Jackson A Cos., in the Counties of Macon, Sumter. Dooly and Marion, are no tified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, of Oglethorpe, for settlement. T. M. JACKSON A CO. June 19, 1851, 10-ts, NOTIC B. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. WELLES ACo., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ei ther of the undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled firm, and are au.. thorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. •10-ly THE Undersigned having disposed of his interest in the GROCERY BUSI NESS to his late partner, Mr.G. F. PALMS and J. VV. WEBSTER, of the late firm of Swift, Denslow A Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. •KKly. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm ofMessis. A. Welles A Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of WEBSTER A PALMES, at the old stand of A. W. A Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, W. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, Juno 19, 1851. 4j # lo-ly. Cigars. A LARGE lot of fine Cigars just re.- ceived and for sale rhesp bv, KAUFMAN A BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if THE conductor, of the In.Utmion assure its numerous patron., and the public in general, that there i., and apvay. aliall be a sufficient number of competent in structors and Tuloresse. in all the branches, professed to !> taualit in the Institution. A punctual obwrvance of the rules, the preservation of good morals, a due regard to decency and politeness, shall be promoted by every possible means, especially by persuasion, kind and gentle admonition. But when these are disregarded and faults wantonly committed against the fundamental principles us good education then proper severity shall be applied; and if iinfurtn, nateiy, the obstinacy of thedelinquent should amount to iiicorigibleness, no resource is left for the preservation of discipline, but expulsion or dismission, which, how ever, shall never take place, but by the deciaion of a majority us the Board, (Visiting Committee.) Tersnm Orthography per Academic year, f 16 00 ‘Tuition in B|teliing, Beading, Arithmetical ta bles, Writing and Arithmetic per Academic year, 20 00 1 The above with Geography, English Grammar, the use and drawing of Maps, 35 00 1 The above or eitlier us the furegoin- with En glish Composition, Ancient and Modern His tory, witli problems on the Globes, Orna mental l'enmansliipand Botany, 30 00 Hie above or either ol the foregoing with Ge ometry. Algebra, ’Trigonometry Mensura tions, Surveying Navigation, Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology,Natural, Mor al and Mental I’hiloeophy, Rhetoric and Logic, 40 00 The Languages alone or witlt either the above departments, 40 00 French alone, 30 00 ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT: Instrumental Music, 50 00 ■ Use of Insrrument, 10 00 ‘ Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 00 Wax Flowers and Fruit, 15 00 Drawing and Tainting, 15 00 , Visiting Committee: G. B. WARDLAW Esq. Col, J.E. BROWN’ Dr. WM. J. JOHNON; JARED HUDNALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. JOSHUA HARRIS, Esq. apparatus: The Institution has an extensive Philoehpliical Chemical, Astronomical and Apparatus sufficient for the demonstration of ail Chemical and Scientific cognitia. The pupils are received for no leas a period then a session. No deduction will be made for absence, nnleaa occa sioned by protracted sickness. One half, or part of the tuition is expected in advance, and the remaining at lh close of the session. Board can be obtained, in *eepectah!e families, at from eight to ten dolian per month. - JOHN A. GRANT, ! Fort Gain is, January, 1651. I—ly Prmdjmt- J. Kaufman 4* Bro’s’ NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On Baker Street below the • Oglelhorpe Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform the Pub lic I hat they hfive just opened their Slock, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Ladies Dtess Goods, Hose, Gloves, Laces, Edgings, silk Parasols, Fans, &c., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice assortment of fine Jew elry. Also n fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All of which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON, OGLETHORPE, GA., DESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public i * generally that they continue the practice of Medi cine in tlie new town of Oglethorpe. A. one of them has had several year, experience in the practice of Medicine, they flatter themselves that they will be able to treat the various disease, of the human system in a scientific and successful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respecliully solicited. One of them may be found at their office stall hours, except when professionally engaget). SCrOflice on tlie corner of Sumpter and CrescentSts. A. 51. Thomason, 51. D. ‘ | J. C. Davison, M. D. April 7,1851. i_ t f : £-—(;■ C.CARMICHJIU-Co THE Subscriber having as sorinied themselevs under the ■kbove name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware*Hoiiß. and Commission Business, lake this method ol informing the Planters and Merchants generally, trial they are now prepared to receive Colton in Stole or any oilier Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at ull times Bagging. Rope , Twine, Sugar, Coffee, Salt; Iron, iyc. ffc. Liberal Advances made on cotton when desired, G. C. Carmichasl. J, P, Harvey, references: Messrs. Logan &. Atkinson; Macon, Ga., “ Neely &. Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. B WEED, Macon. Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware . WOULD invite the attention ol his friends to his stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollotv-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agiirullural Imgliment, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin Plate, Sheet and bur Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other article usually kept in Hard ware Stores, which he will sell on reasona ble terms. V Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly Dry Goods a; Wholesale SAVANNAH GA. DOBEtITS, FOOTE & MARSHALL Ire now re- IA- ceiving at their store, corner of Broughton and Jefferson .Street*, opposite .Saint Andrew* * Han, a large and well selected Mock of Foreign and domestic Dry Good*, which they offer for sale, upon the usual term* We nell exclusively wholesale, and think we are able tooflei Huflicient inducements to retain the trade in this city. We have now in store 100 bales brown Shirtings and Sheeting*; 50 case* bleeched 44 “ 50 44 fancy Print*, 50 bale* I\egro Blankets; 25 *• Kerf and White Flannels; 100 cases Kerseys* and I indscys. —ALSO— axsorlinent of I Julies’ Dr.sGootls .'Cloths and other miscellaneous articles; Ustiullj walMSty merchants from the interior. SCrlmrticular attention given to orders. September 26. 24—Cm New Fall and Winter Goods. J. t.Tugqs WODLD respectfully call the attention of his friends ” anti the public generally Ui hi. large and well selected assortment of A SIIJtI.ytER aO f vs, consisting of every variety of Maple and Fancy Drj Goods—such as Kerseys, Satinets, Casinieren, Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, Shaw ls, Calicoes, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Linens, Muslins, silks, a liHs, and a variety of other Fancy Articles. Hen and jr-M n and c Clothing Os the Lnlest Style and Best Quality. HATS and CATS of every description. BOOTS and SHOES of all qualities. A variety of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CTL FRY, SC. In short, purehaserscan be supplied w-ith almost any article they desire, on the mot muonableterms. Those who desire to get the full worth ol tlteit mon ey, would do well to give me a cail, for 1 pledge myself that none who purchase shall go away without obtain ing a bargain. Fort Gaines, Ga., Nov. Ist, 1851. I—ts For Sale A LIKELY negro Boy, about 18 or 19 years old. Apply to F. T. SNFAD. At Snead 6c Chapman’s Drug Slote. Ogleihrope Nov. 28, 1851. 33—if: SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD, fin A DAILY TRAIN lor JjtL. Passengers and Freight leaves Macon at 6 1-2 A. M.— Arrives at Oglelhorpe at J 1 1-2 A. M Arrives at Macon at 3 1-2 P. M. Connecting each way with the Ceulral and Macon fc Wes tern trains, and the Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1 l>2 P. M. * GEO. VV. ADAMS. , Supt, S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26 ts BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps of everv variety just received and for sale by,” KAUFM4N & BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, iasl. 26 if Jewelry. A FINE lot of Jeweliy just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN &, BRO. Oglethorpe, OcL 10,1851. 26tf. D R J. S. HOUGHTON'S |rap Entered according to Act of Congrera in the year 1051', by J. S. 1 button, re. D. in tlie Clerks office of the diatribe court for the eas rn district of Pennsylvania. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great cute for Dyspepsia! Dr. J. Houghton's PEPSIN, the Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice , prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions oj Baron Liebigs ” | the great Physiological C/umist t by J. S. Hougtiton, M. D. Philadelphia. This is truly a wondrful remedy for Indigestion, pe|sia, jaundice, liver complnint. constipation, and a nd, bility, curing after nature’s own method, by nature* own , agent, the i.aetric Juice, fcr Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, inftised in water, w ill digest or dissolve five poudf of roast beef in about two hour*, out of the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great digestive princi ple of the Gastric juice—the solvent of tlie food, tho purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of the stom ’ ach and intestines, tt is tf extracted from tlie digestive stomach of the Ox, thus forming an artificial digestivk fluid, precisely like, the natural gostic juice in it* elienif ■ cal powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect Vuhfeti , tute for it. By the a id* 1 1 his preparalion the pain* anl) evils of indigestion and dyspepsia are removed, just as | they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing w onder* for dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to k ’ on the verge of the grave. The scientific upon which it it , bused, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Banin Liebig, in hi* celebrated work on animal Chem istry, say*: * Air artificial digestive fluid analogous to tn , gastic juice, may be readily prepared from the* 1 mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf in which various ar ticles of food, a*meat and eggs will be softened.’ changed > and digested, just in the some mauiier as they would in tlie human stomach.’ ftCT* Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, grati*, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together witli reports of remarkabU cures, from all parts of the I'nited States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER a 4 Dr. flughton'B Pepsin ha* produced the most marvellous effect*, in miring case* of debility, nervous decline, and dv*p vpt;c consuMptionl ‘ft is impossible to give the details of case* in the limit* of this advertise-! men!; but authenticated circum*faeces have bem given of more than two hundred remarkable cures, in Philadel phia. New York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate cases, and the cures were noUmly rapid and wonderful, but permanent. ‘ It is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Billions disorder, liver complaint, (eve? and ague or badly treated fever aad ague, and the it effects of quinine, men ury and other drug* upon the di gestive organ*. uftei a long sickness. Also, forexces* iu eating, and the too free use of ardent spirit*. It almost reconcile* health wit b intemperance. Dr. Houghton** Pepsin is prepared in powder and in f u 4 from-—and in vials for the use of Physician*. Private circulars.for the use of Physician*, inav l obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the am hoi - ties upon which the cftiime* of this new remedy ar** bjw ed. A* it i* not a secret remedy, no object loii “bf raised against it* use by Phvsiciausin respectable stand ing and regular practice. Price. One Dollar pcrlxml*. Observe 1 hi*!—-V.very bottle of the gmuiue Pop sin bears the written signature of J. S. Houghton. P.,‘ sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy-right andTr&tta 3/ark secured. % o i v le ACT all Druggists and Dealers in medicine*. Fursale |>v SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Deal Irrs in Drugs &c. al the New Drug Slorirj Oglethorpe Ga. BOOKS! BOOKS!! *1 Nac Book Store, JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, Near the Oglethorpe Hotel, WHERE the subscriber designs keeping • general assortment of Miscellatieottt and School Books, Blank Books, attd Stationery; also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window shades, Musical Instruments &e., all of which lie ill sell as low as they can he bought in any other market. Just Received— One fine Melndian, sf superior lone and finish. A lot of fine Vis litis, also a splendid lot of iiccnrdeons, vary, irrg in price from $1 50 10 $25. A. B. CHAPMAN. January 16, 1852. 39-ts. GEORGIA { In Sumter Sw Sumter County. ) NovZrm ißsi’. Joseph Daniel, \ vs. r Bill for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f lief and Injunction. Wm. Pritchett. ) IT being represented lo me by the Alliga tion in said Bill, that John L. Casy has no settled residence known to Complainant but is a transriem, unsettled person. It is or dered that service of said Bill be perfected on said John L. Casy, by publication in one of tiro public Gazet'es in this Slate, once a month, for four months preceding the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Court this Ist day of January 1852. M. M. GUERRY, Clerk. JPBentistry. T|R. A. C. HORNADY having la. JUTcated at BUENA VISTA, GA. respectfully announces to the citizens of that place and the surrounding; country that lie is propared to execute all work be longsng to his ptofesaion in a superior style’ at prices to suit the times. N. B. All operations warranted.-*-! October, 10 1851. 26—flm P S. Ladies waited on at their residence^