The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, April 23, 1852, Image 3

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Jt. Valuable Property For Sale. ® THE Undersigned subscriber desires lo sell on accomodating terms. Lots of Land, No. 32 33 64 65 66 98 99 126 127 128 129 130 132 158 and 159 in the tenth district, also No. 2 3 4 23 28 29 30 32 82 97 in the lout - teenth district; No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 j 34 35 36 in the fifteenth district > I Dooly County. Some of the above lauds have val uable improvements on them and can be pur chased either in single or collective lots to suit the purchaser. Also one tract of valuable Tobacco land containing 720 acres in the county of Gads den Florida, 8 miles N. E. of Quincy on Little River. Persons wishing any informa tion respecting the lands in Dool.v county will please call and see the Proprietor of the Pavilion House in the City ofOgletlmrpe or at Cedar Hill, or Slade’s Mills, in the coun ty of Dooly. Any person wishing informa tion respecting the tract of land in Florida will please call and sec Mr. Daniel M. Hin son Gadsden Cos., Florida or the propi iet-'r of the Pavilion House in this place. WM. SLADE, Oglethorpe April 20th 1852. 1 lv. To the Afflicted. THE undersigned having now pre pared themselves to treat till old Chronic Diseases of long standing in a scien tific manner, a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Drs. THOM AS OX 8f D AVISOS. Oglethorpe, april 16, 1852. 52-ts WANTED, immediately, at this Office, a boy about 14 years old, to learn the Pi'tilling Business. ST O LENT FROM the Subscriber on the 13tli of March a sorrel horse, four white legs and blare face. A reward often dollars will be paid for the recov ery of the horse or fifteen for the horse and thief. J. KAUFMAN. Oglethorpe April 16th 1552. 52 —ts. DRS. Thomason &. Davison’s Com pound Syrup of Sassafras, an ex cellent remedy for Scrofula, Kings Evil, and lo cleanse or purify the blood, remove hu mors from the skin &.C. For sale by die manufacturers. Oglethorpe, April 16th 1852 52-ts. DRS. Thomason & Davison’s Dys entery Syrup, for the cure ol Chol era Morbus, Diarrhea, Dysolitary &c. For sale by the manufacturers. Oglethorpe, ; il 10th 2552. 52t1. Al Hie Sign ol lire Biy; Hoot BANKS Si Cos. ARE now opening their Spring Stock of Bo’ is and Shoes, all qualities and pri ces, all of which are of their o n manufac ture and WARRAN FED not to Rip. Our customers and the “rest of mankind” tire respectfully invited to call and examine our stock whether they wish to purchase or not. April 6;h 1852. TWO Months a fie i date application will be made to the honorable /ti ferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting as Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a negro man, named Eliz", belonging to the estate oi Thomas Dye>s deceased. WILLIAM DYESS, Ex’r. Oglethorpe April 16 h 1852. 52—2 m. A New and Valuable Remedy. TT& RS. THO.VI A SON kDA VI SON’S .MJe Compound Syrup ol Urri Ursa, good for the Discharge of the urine ; Reliev ing the difficulties of the Kiiidiieys, Strength ening the urinary oigaus, and healing ulcera tions of the bladder. For sale bv Drs. THOMASON k DAVISON. Oglethorpe Ga. April 16th 1852. 52—ts. Sti m u lat ill g L i tiamen t. THIS Lin iment is well adopted to New. ralgia, Rheumatism, and Chronic erup tions. It has also been found beneficial in cases of Asthma, Chronic, Bronchitis, Chronic, Pleurisy, night sweats, Marasmus. Si. Yistus’ dangs, Cholera infantum, and where ever the skin is in a cold or relaxed Condition. For sale by Drs. Thomason k Davison. Oglethorpe Ga., April 16th 1852. 52—ts. COMSTOCK’S Patent Medicines for sale hv Drs. THOMASON fc DAVISON. Oglelhoipo Ga. April 16;li 1852. 52—ts. Restorative Cordial. GOOD in all cases of debility, and for Patients, Recovering from Fevers or other complaints that have produced debil ity; it is also good in Dysentery, and Diar rhea. For sale by Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON- Oglethorpe Ga. April 16th 1852. 52—ts. Antiseptic Tincture. THIS TVNCTURE is a most pow erful Antiseptic, and is very val uable Wash to cleanse old foul ulcers, and dispose them to heal. This is a most ex cellent family Medicine, useful for Dysen tary, Mortifications &.C., also for pains in the stomach, Cholic, head-ache, Worms &c. seldom comes amiss in any complaint. For sale by Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON. Oglethorpe Ga. April 16th 1852. 52—ts. Yolitile Ointment. AN excellent Remedy in inflamatoty quinsey; seldom failing to effect n cure. For sale by Dns. Thomason Ac Davison. Oglethorpe Ga. April 16th 1852. 52—if. *-C-* „ . • 7 • TV’ ra ; VVT'” . • fcC%, fn : V.--V ■iti§ ■ IN qUART BOTTLES. Fur Purifying the Blood, and for the Cure } of scrofula, Rheumatism, stubborn Liters, Dyspepsia, salt Rheum. Fever sore s, ; Erysiypelas, Pimples. Biles, Mercurial ; Diseases Cutaneous Eruptions , Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite , General Debility Sfc. In this preparation we have all the restorative properties of die root, concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while >arsuparilla Koot forms an impor tant part of Its combination, it is, at the same time, com pound with other vegetable remedies of great power, and it is in the peculiar combination ami scientific manner ofits preparation,that its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels; ami thus three processes which are ordinarily the result of three differ ent kinds of medicine,are carried on ut the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent, which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels from the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the. same time restores their vigorand lone. Its great merit is, that it meets and neutralizes the act ve principle ofdfe ase itself,and when that is gone, the symptoms necessarily disappear ; and v\c have only to point to the accumulated teslimmiy of multitudes who experienced its convince incredulity itselfofits real value. The Proprietors submit to the public the following certificate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by lifting their preparation of Sarsaparilla : ISew York, Feb. 17,1819. Messrs. Sands :-*-l?aving suffered many years with a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, during which time I was treated by the most distinguished physicians Kurope and the United States, without receiving any permanent benefit, but ail the time my general health and strength declining, and the disease making fearful progress : can tic applications were used, and whatever else was thought in ist efficient for producing a cure; I hut lam confident the deplorable situation 1 was in, the laryngitis being accompanied with phthisis and great, difficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, ha 1 I not obtained relief through the medium of your iwaiuahle Sarsaparilla. I must sav gentlemen, when L commenced miug the Sanapnrilla 1 did not place much confidence in its virtues; and this will not surprise you. when you are informed 1 hail tried more than fifty di tie rent remedies during the post four years, w ithout any success ; but after taking yo r Sarsaparilla 1 a few weeks. I was obliged at last to yield to evidence This marvellous specific has not only relieved hut cured me; and 1 thevlore think it myduty, gentlemen, for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you this attes tation of my cure. Yours, very truly, D. Pa it ent. Consulate of France in the I'nited States. The above statement and signature were acknow ledged in our presence by .Mr. I). parent as true. For the Consul < General of France. L. BORG, Vice Consul. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & I). S\N|)S. Druggists and Chemists 100 Fulton st, corner of William, New’ York. Sold also by Druggists generallv throughout the Fritted States and Canada*. Pf it-** $l pur bottle ; six bottles for $5. | For solo by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Dmggists Oglethorpe, Ga. J KWE L ~E K. 7 Dir”* * new r lowni>fOglethorpe, will at tern©?../ buid strictly to the repariin* of < ‘lTk*. Watches, Jewelry.— 8 j| ! fte%?B---g ![ nil work done at theshortest not ice, Ogjocliorpe, October, 24 1851, WmiMmMmß 23—-6 m DISSOLI TION. /jlNllE Firm of Snead & Chapman is this || day dissolved, liy mutual const ut The business will he continued by F. T. Snead. F. T. SNEAD, F. S. CHAPMAN. Oglethoipe Jan. 26, 1852, A CARD. In retiring from the Firm of Snead tfc Chapman, l lake this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the very liberal pal milage extended lo us; and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to my for mer partner. Mr. F. T. Snead, who will con tinue the Ding Business at the old stand, on Sumter street. CC?” You will till do well to give him a tri al, FOSTER S, CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 26tlt 1852, * 41-ts. GEO -W. FISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oglethorpe,ga. PRACTICES in the counties of Macon, Houston, IMa l rion, Sumter, Dooly, and Lee. He will also continue to practice in the following counties of the Southern Circuit—Pulaski. Telfair, Irwin, Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Apliug. Dec 12,1851. 35,.tf. G. OEL L RIC H, Cabinet Maker, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens A of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that he is now prepared to make any kind of Mahogany anil other Furniture. All work done in the best style and at the lowest rates. Shop on the corner of Chatham and Ran dolph Streets, Oglethorpe, Ga. Feb. 19, 1852. 44 6m. Macon April Sale. WILL be sold before the Court home dour in ilie town of La nier Macon County on the first Tuesday in April next between tlie usual hours of Sale the following property to wit : one negro man named Jim levied on as die properl, of David A. Carroll to satisfy a ft fa from Ma con Superior Court in favor of Daniel W. Smith and others vsl said Carroll. DAVIS GAM AGE Sheriff: FIRE PROOF PAINT. 44(SiiI|F 151,15. Blake’s Patent Fire Proof Paint, just received and for sale low for cash by R. 11. SIMS’ & Cos. Oglethorpe Fell., 4th, 1552, 42—ts l RUN. A LARGE lot of Iron assorted, alsoj German, Blister and Cast Steel, cm, wniuglu and liaise shoe Nails and lioise shoes for sale by R: U. SMIS &. Cos. Oglethorpe Feb. 4ib, 1852. 42—ts. GEORGIA —Maeon County. Court op Ordinary, Novmbkr term 1851. Present the Honorable hit a bod Davis, Sat/tan Bryan, Joseph Molt, George Williams. Oran C. Horne, Jus/ices. UEREAS, Reuben Kaigler, adminis- V v trator of John J. Kaigler, deceased, has duly petitioned the Court for letters of dismission front said Estate: therefore, all persons concerned are hereby cited to appear at the regular term of said Court, on the first Monday in May next, to show cause (if any ihey can) why said letteis of dismission should not be granted in terms ofilte law. Given tinder nty hand, at Office in La nier, this the 3rd, day of Novembei 1851. Wm. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. Nov. 7th, 1851. 30—6 m. S?& 1). MILLER, AT TORNEYS A T LAW, OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, HAVE removed from Lanier, and will Practice, in the Superior Courts of the Comities of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at the city of Macon. STEPHEN P. MILLER, DANIEL IV. MII.LEU. January 16, 1852. 39-if. DOCT. E. R, WOOD, E {SAVING permanently located in this d.iii City, would most respectfully offer his professional services to (Ire citizens of Ogle* llioipe and surrounding country. Having recently relumed from the Medical College, he feels confident that be is now prepared to afford lo his palienls the advantages of the latest improvements in Medical Science. He may at al! times be foi ud at the Ogle thorpe Hotel, or at his Office over Chap man’s Book Store, unless professionally rai led awa v. Feb. ‘ 18, 1852. 44-ailS. Sash, Winds, Panne! Poors 4§v. made to order , BY WM. ROBINSON & SON. Shop on William Sheet, West Oglethorpe. Feb. 20, 1852. 44..at20. AT THE SIGN OF THE 810 BOOT. LADIES kid ami enameled half Gaiters, Cushman lies, and Jemiv Linrl Bootees, jusi received and for sale hv BANKS Ac Cos. Feb. 25, 1852, ‘ al 25 rfBVO months afterdate, application will JL be made to the Court of Oidinary ol Macon county for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 4, in the first district of originally Mus cogee now Macon county. Said land belong ing to the estate of Melton Templeton, late of said count v deceased. A. H. GREER, Ex’r. Feb. 18, 1852. 18. GEORGIA—Macon County. WHEREAS /rhab<><l Davis, Guardian of the orphans of John J. Hongahook Deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Guardian ship : These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern ,to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in May next, to show CHjse if any they can why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand Officially. W. J. COLLINS Ordinary. February 27th, 1852* 45—2 m. N. B. notice is hereby given that Jas. S. Caldw ell will apply for the above Guardianship on the resignation o'” the above Guardianship. GEORGIA ) George W. Taunton Macon County. J of the 741st District G. M. of said State, loles before me, ilaivey Rodgers a justice of lire peace in said Dis trict, one eslray hay Horse Mule seven or eight years old with some black marks a round his legs, five feet high; nppmjsed by William McDowell and Harvey Taunton al one hundred and twenty dollais. This No vember 21m 1851. HARVEY RODGERS, J. P. A true extract from the estrav hook—this 17th February 1852. ’ W, J. COLLINS, C. T. C. Feb. 27th, 1852. GEORGIA —Macon County. William Hsu yf wny .applies to me lur letters of Administration on the enile of Mar garet Page Deceased: These are there fore t i admonish all persons interested lo beat my office and file their objection.- if any they have, within the lime pre scribed bylaw, why said letters should not he granted. W. J. COLLINS, Ordinary; Feb. 27 1852. 45—lm. PROSPECTUS <if tub South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-AY EST GEORGIAN is 1 isued every Friday morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, at the low price of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now nod ever have been for the i Union. — File ‘'(Jeorgian” will, therefore,, advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course taw.mis the Opposition—be stowing censure’on whatever is seusorahle, and ever battling for tiuth, regardless of lire! sour*:.! from whence il emanates. Its columns w ili be filled with choice selec- j lions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic’ and Commercial News, from a number of the j most popular Journals of the day; together | with Statistics ami general information on the engrossing Subjects of Intkr.nal !m ----! provlmbnt ‘l ift Southern Manufactures. .i)\ ERTISING. Advertiscn ertjs will he inserted on the following term's; One Dollar per square of twelve lines of less for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents foi each insertion thereafter. 1 A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements. Or those inserted for three or six months. Also contracts will he made with County Officers, to advertise lor them on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must he addressed ! lo C. B Youngblood, Publisher, aml post] paid. CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. ; Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7th 1851. OGLETHORPE Candy Manufactory, AND CON FE C T IONA Ii Y. 1 Jackson & Powell, Have tire pleasure of announcing to the ; public that they have opened in the City of 1 OGLETHORPE, on SUMTER St. next 1 door South of the Brick Store of R. 11. <Sims Cos , a large and extensive lot of CONFECTIONARIES, Such ns Candies, Cakes, Syiups, Preserves, Jellies, Jams, Pickles, Almonds, Raisins, i Currants, Brazil and Hazil Nuts, English < VV.limits, Apples, Oranges, Cocoa Nats, . Bananas, Plaintains, Dr ied Figs, Primes, Ci ; gars, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Cordials, , W'ines, for medical purposes, together with * OYSTERS, pickkl and fresh, and FISH ia i their sr.-son, and all other at tides in the Con fectionary line. They will also MANUFACTURE, in the -most superior style, and of the best mateii. - a|s, all sorts of CANDIES, CANDY ORNAMENTS. &r., and will neatly Emboss anti Ornament Cukes, for Balls, Parlies, and Weddings, at r short noticeaand on as reasonable terms as any establishment in Georgia. As they intend doing business strictly on the Cash Principle, all otders for any of the Cbove articles must be accompanied with the ■ CASH, to insure attention. In connection with their CONFEC TIONARY they intend keeping a regular and genteel, EAT7NG-HOUSE, ’ and they will he happy at nil times to serve ’ up lo their friends, and llw public generallv, HAM AND EGGS, OYSTERS, FISH, (”111 their season,) GAME, HOT COFFEE, &c. By strict attention to business, and a I desire to please, they hope to receive, as I they will endeavor to met it, a liberal share I of public patronage. ’ WARREN JACKSON, WM H. POWELL Oct. 31, 1851 29—if. e Candy Manufactory. IN EUFAULA ALA “ Patronize Home Industry.” W’E beg leave to inform the Public, that we have just added in our business the ’ M A N U F AC T U R E O F C ANDY, r which we feel confident ofcarrying on, in all its various branches in a style unsurpassed by any house in the country. Having put our Wholesale Prices as low as Northern Candy can be brought here, and being able to furnish an article MUCH PURER AND MORE DUKAIILE, we hope to deserve and receive from Retuilers a lib beral patronage. We will also manufacture Superior Syrnps and Cordials, in any quantity, and ott the most reasonable terms —also Cakes, and all kinds op Pastry. YVe will continue lo keep an enlarged as sortment of choice CONFECTION A 111 ES, CANDY ORNAMENTS, AND TOYS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, and FRUITS. Whicli we will sell —wholesale and retail— as cheap as they can be alforded any where around. orders for Balls, l-artics. Weddings, Ac.. promptly and neatlt executed; MARTIN &. CO UR IC. At the old stand near the Town Hall and the Post Office. Eufaula, Feb: 16, 1852'. 46—3 m. Taylor Sheriff Sale. WILE be Sold in the Public Square in the town of Butler, Taylor County, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of Sale, the fol low ing property lo wit: One lot of Land, No. 220, in the 12tli dis trict of originally Muscogee, now Tnylo- Countv, Levied on as the property of Daniel Spicer, lo satisfy two ft fits from the M igis.- Irate’s court of the 853d district G. Al. in far vor of Solomon Wall. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. Levee made and returned to me bv Constable. J. M. THOMPSON, Sit’d'. A/arc It 26, 1852. td. WII/TE Lead. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, i Oct. 17 1851. 27 ts I notlckT MRS. S. A. JACKSON has just opened and is still teceiving a Fine and well selected Stock of Silks, Bonnets, Ribbons, Trimings for Dresses which she olieis to sell low for Cash, N. B. Dresses and Bonnets made to or* der with neatness and dispatch. Oglethorpe March 12th 1852. 3w. TAILORING f j iTj|HI E subscriber respectfully nnounces to | JL tin* citizens of Oglethorpe, and the stuv ; - rounding Country, that he has commenced’ ; the Tailoring business in this city, till work i entrusted to his care will he made in a style ; not to lit* surpassed hy those whose name exceeds their talent. Cotiiogand repairing done with neatness and Dispatch. WILLIAM WALSH. March, 12th 1852. 47—3-*. McDonald & Willis Wholesale and Retail GROCERY MERCHANTS, Ami dealers in Cotsalry Prodiice ! One door north of Leins &• Price's Ware house. Oglethorpe, (la j SM/OULD Respectfully inform their V V friends atnl the public generally that j they have opened, and expect to keep cotl | stonily on hand, a general assortment of j I- antily Groceries and Piuvisions; such as j 1-lour, Bacon, Lard, Batter Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses and S\rup, Hire Mackerel &.C., together with such articles as Pepper Spice, Race and Ground Ginger, Saleratus, Salsmla, Potash, Nails, Powder and shot, with a line lot ol Tobacco, Cigars, and snuff, and many other articles, too u-tti- I onto menstion, A share of public patron age is respectfully solicited. They would al so inform their city friends that they expect to keep a supply of Core and Cora-meal, and Flour iu quantities to suit purchasers, with 1 vegetables of every variety that the surroua * ding country mav afford, ’ ‘ john McDonald. - WM. 11. WILLIS. Oglethorpe, March 1852. 49tf. ; NOTICE. A LL persons concerned are desired to /vV take notice that, on the fourth day of , March instant, 1 levied four attachments— , one at the instance of F. S, Lalltrop A Cos. vs. Erwin & Kenl'roe ; one at the instance of YVoodhura tfc Wyles “s: Erwin & Ren [- free; one at the instance of Harrnl Sprouls 1 & < o, vsi Erwin A Renfroe, and one, at s the instance of Townsend Arnold & Cos. vs: Erwin & Nelson, on the following property ■ in the city of Oglethorpe, to win a house ami > lot in said city of Oglethorpe oh the corner of > Sumter and Crescent Sts. fronting forty led on Sumtei st, and fifty feel on Crescent st. Being a part of lot number (17) Seventeen • in square No. 2 (agreeably to the plan of said city) and situate on the Corner opposite to Drl Thomason’s Hotel. Also on a House . and lot in said city fronting on Crescent st t forty feet aod running hack about 40feet,ad- I joining Slade’s Hotel 01 the Pavilion House, Being apart til lot No. 15, on squ ire No. 3, i Also on one vacant lot opsosile Slade’s llo s tel or Pavilion House, Situate on tin -3 corner of Macon and Crescent streets, front ing 40 feet on Macon st, and running back and along Crcs:ent street 150 feet being lot No. 2 in square No. 4of said city. The said attachments being returnable ‘to the next Inferior Court for Macon County. This March 18th 1552. DAVIS GAMMAGE Sh’ff. FLOUR. WINTER’S No. 1. Superfine, and Fam ily Flour, For sale bv McDonald & wielis. Oglethorpe, April 9ib 1852. GEORGIA, Macon Const?, ! uerkas Henry G. Law applies for V f Letters of Administration on the es tate of David Player, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased lo be and appear at the Ordi nary’s office within tlm time prescribed t>v law, to show cause if anv they can, why said letteis should not he granted. Given under mv hand officially, this 20l!i (lav of March, 1852. W, W. CORBITT,"Dept. O. March 26, 1852, 491 m, FOR sALcTiI f ONE half interest in the Office of the SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN. Foi particulars apply at this office. March sth, 1852. Carriage Repository. Buggys, Kockiiways. anti Faiaily Carriages. THE Sulisciibers have on hand, and “ill continue to Receive R*g ular Supplies id’eveiy Variety of Carnages, al Macon Prices with the Freight added, Our friends are requested to give us a call. G. C. CAIIMICH.EL & CO. Oglethorpe April 2nd. 1852. 50 ly. Botanic Drug Store OGLETHORPE CFO. DRS. THOMASON Ac DAVISON Will keep cuiistaiitlv on hand a guild assortment of Botanic drugs and medicines liy lira wholesale and retail. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. April, 1 1852. To The Alllicted. fin HE undersigned having permanently j|_ located 5 miles North-West of Pond Town in Sumter County, would lespeclfully offer his professional services to the Afflicted. The invariable success which has attended his pievious administrations,in curing the worst forms of chronic disease, and such too, as have baffled the skill of the most Scientific Physicians, he trusts will he suf ficient to guarratitee for future results ; Refers to undoubted Testimony. A remarkable case of Rheumatism and Fits cured in 3 weeks; . Ball Hill Muscogee Cos. Jan 25, 1552. Mr. Editor: Sir permit me to commu nicate to the Afflicted tbiougli the columns of your valuable paper the following facts, .lbout three months ago my Son Shepherd aged 22 years was attacked with acute Rheumatism in both of his knees which was so severe that it soon effected his whole sys tem, and seemed to locate principally, on his Brain Lungs and heart, 1 lie 4th -lav alter he was attacked he commenced having hard Fits. 1 immediately called in tin eminent Physician, who trented his case three weeks. But without benefit, S then called in two more Physicians of the same order (Old .School) one of whom treated his case two weeks, still lot grew woise, and had from two lo three tits nearly every night. The Doctors said that his condition was strange ami cutical, and they seemed to he ala loss to know what to do for him, as the remedies they prescribed, had no effect towards ing him. Ami all who saw my Sou thought that lie would lie certain to die. But just as I was about to relax all efforts of having anything more done for him, some person sent me one of Dr. Rowland’s Circulars, 1 examined it and saw that the certificates were from reliable sources ; and I resolved to haul Shepherd to Dr. R. When we r ---1 ived at the Doctor’s be was just alive and it was all that could be said, lor he was re duced so much that he could be compared to nothing hut a living skeleton to use the phrase, and at all times he suffered with the most violent excruciating pains, Ids mind was very much effected also. The second day after Dr. R. Commenced treating his case, he sloped having fits, and the filth day his pains subsided ill a great degree, I then left him under caiu of Dr. R. and returned home, related to my neighbors the extraor dinary relief mv Son experienced in so short a time, many seemed to doubt, and all were perfectly astonished, lie remained at the Doctors 3 weeks, and it afiords me pleasure to say that 1 believe lie has effected a perma nent cure, as Shepherd lias had no symptoms of a relapse in any way lor several weeks- It is my wish that the above statement he published so that others laboring under such and similinr diseases may he benefited also. Yours &c. ELIJAH PADGETT. YY'e the undersigned neighbois lo Elijah Padgett certify that his statements relative to the miraculous cure effected on his Sou Shepherd are correct. PERRY RADNEY. E. R SPURGIS. J. Q. A. JOHNSON; Hopeless ruse Valuable Property saved. IIJSMOPTVBIS II2ESIATBMESIS & Fl’l’S tTKEI). MARION, TWIGGS COUNTY, GA. JANUARY, 1851- Du. Rowland, Sir: l present you the following ceitificntu which I hope you will have published, so that others laboring un.. der such diseases may be henefitted also. About two years ago, one of my servants (Henry), was severely attacked with spit ting and vomiting of blood, attended with hard fits which he had paroxysms of weekly. I immediately placed him tinder thatred ini-nt of the most eminent Physicians ot tlfo old school in this section and after treating - his case a long time, they said he could not lie cured, and was beyond the reach of med icine. liemy grew w orse and had from one to two hard fits a week. iBVu and vomited up large quantities ol blood. As l consider ed his rase perfectly hopeless for a time, I had nothing done “for him. Hearing that von would itike patients afflicted with chronic diseases on conditions, l resolved to give yon a trial, and to the astonishment of my self and many others, in three weeks alter I placed Henry under your treaitiienl, he re lumed home entirely cured of his disticssing diseases ; he has been well 3 months and can do as much hard laborious work as he ever could. When l sent Henry to you, I would have taken a mere trifle for him, now ! consider that he is worth S9OO. Persons afflicted with such or similar diseases, would do well to give von a trial. Yours WM. FAULK. N. B. Hemy is still well, 22 Sept, 1851. Mr. Faulk is a gentleman of unimpeach able diameter, what he asset ts may he re lied upon and can lie sustained hy u number of respectable witnesses. Good Money Dale Cos. Ala. 1 Fib. ’52. Dr. Rowland, Sir: the perscription 1 got of you last year for my son that was es fueled with Dropsy (12 months), entirely cured him. Before I applied lo you every thing that could be devised failed to benefit hint. A. CLARK. Fer Particulars see Cirruiar. As usual the undersigned continues to treat all forms of Chronic diseases at $4 per month, except cases of Fits which be would prefer dealing conditionally, or $lO will be charged for each prescription when the med icines aro forwarded. lie is prepared to receive Patients at his Residence. Letters on business should bu pre paid and directed to J. W. ROWLAND, M. D. Pond Town Ga. March i>) 1852. 48—3 m. W,B GLASSES, N. O. Syrup, Raisins, a Ji fine lot of Sugar &c, etc., for sale by R. H. SIMS Ac Co s Fob. 4th 1852. 42—ts