The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, April 30, 1852, Image 4

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Bk -as. m >i a *• *i oli u liouiu‘. Corner <! Cr •<•/// ami Sum! it Sind. •rltUt>- !<• i>:- HY A. M THOMASON. rgMlt: b. si ttccoasndalinn* that the *•••** £ ....,1 nmrk’ l will afford maybe **•> m I lie above mi.ill'll llou*e, HI all iNo effort will lie spared to render all who rail, 'iMiiforlnl>li’. June 5. 18.51. 8-ly. < oleiliorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. ■ LLEN SUTTON would repecifulld ‘A mlo 111 ilie |iublic tliHl lie Inn opency iVne ami r.iimiotlioii- liuiMefor Public Kntertamiwi.i in tlie new town <u O.leiliurpe, niiiler the inauai.-meni „f Jam.-- Bril. wit,*-* experience in the badlWMi will en able liim i*> jfm I'ruerHi i-ali.lhctitm l*> all. Ihe roon*f of l ie iiihi e are well lininlietl ami ini|i|ilie<l wilii excel- Af. Tlie lahle will at way. be MqiplMtl with me h -tiarellieriiunlryemn artonl. In niton it iainten il,.,| if wM-ibl-i, in make tlii- lioune superior to an) in emaili-.. I >ieni Georeia. A larji* Hrirk buililina i now re, led on ilir premises li.r llie |lr|.iw nl atlnriling ••ueu.r.e ai'iiaiaalwiaiiia, which will be cunniieled b> lull. I lie public are Invited to rail. Ogleilrorpp, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. RAILROAD HOUSE, Opposite Central Mtatl Hoad Ur pot 33AST MACON. IJY S.M. LANIER. jlfoy 15.135 i. 5-I*. S, A. THORNTON. Ilnitnl tiirgroii, OGLETHORPE, GA. ORTHS his Profßininal m*i'vice* to ihe ciir/'Hi* of O. !ci:tor|ie and vicinity. (Mlicc nt hr. im thui% >* io(> I_i li.** can Im* waif-tl on nl their rcsiil. ricc. ()jlcilioipp. drc. 12,1851. 35- I T. PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE. FXXIIF. UNDERSIGNED bog leuve to £ i..f,ir.■. you lliiii they have taken ilie PL \Ni Kits WAKE-HOUSE, for a term nf liiuc ami associated iheniselves tngeiher mel’ r |i.o ii' it ml style of . W. Blond worili Sc Go., in the Ware-House anil Coni mission Business, in all its vaiiuus branches. The business will lie conducted by . W. Blimdwmill ; from bis exprr'e ice in the business, lin y feel runlident of giving gene ral satisfaction to all those who may entrust iliem with their bnsimss; In confirmation nt W'i'c'i, we refer the public to lire subjoin ed references, and at the same lime, ask a liberal share of their pan unage. Tin y promise to keep their patrons ail vi.'il nt the state of the maiket at all limes; t'.ev t ike this ocrasion to say to any who may S.oro their Colton with them, should they usu rwaid wish it shipped to Macon or Ba vji.'iul. nt Charleston, it shall be promptly s.t ...t- .♦ “• without an’ expense. I•’ i W ■.■•'House in consequence of its I > al'tv, ! s adv .ntagea over anv oilier in .I:,’ lilac . i” point ofsociltitv from fire, be i'tn rein ‘• timii other buildings. They will •i* linv nt nieis’ cotton insert'll if desired. L tn ‘ C'V>H ADVANCES will lie made on Prieto *• in Store All or 'is from Planters or country Mer chants wil In filled at short notice,. and, (as tti v b.ive no inteiesi in Merchandize,) lit ■ I'i'a. .1 -ash pries; * W BLOOD WORTH, RICH \RD JOHNSTON, REFERENCES, Planters ; Dr. Thomas, I Isaac Chenev, Esq. f Talbot Cos. Gen’l T. Gtiffin, I M. D. North, Esq. | Coweta Cos. .lames Ne l, F,q. ) Win. Pryor. Esq. V Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Moseley, ( Judge A. W. Walker. | Henry, Cos Thus. W. Ashford, I Kd. Broughton, Esq. | Troop, Cos. Judge J. Mav, 1 ‘l'. N'n hols. Esq. ( Fayette Cos. I. Nichols, Esq. I B. P. Bussey, Esq. | M*tiwethet Cos. Clias. Curgil, Esq. I W. Harkness, Eq. t Bolts Cos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS: Rice Dulin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields Sc Adams. Macon, Ga. i\. A. Hardee Sc Co.Y C. Ilartrulge, Eq. > Savannah. Will. P. Yonge, Esq.) Editors, S. W. Georgian, and S. D'-mocrat. UKIEKIN. €w*orsy**t In. ISSI. Tlii* is to certify lint Mr. .S’. \V. lilo*Nl\vorili. Ita* f.r several yviiin eijfii<fpl in tin* M'trv-lfunsr an I ('om ai-'i'Mi lMt*iiie** in tlii* place, and from my Ms |Tiisii.iit<*o with liiaii, I foci no iiopiUitinn in r*rom tiifiulmH him ill that ca|iacity to the [Ktirons of Oofa tho (*; he mhKo a <mnl (inlge of ihe quality of Cotton, mid consfiiuciilly an excellent sale^mno. A. A. GAULDING, Sen’r: partner of the firm of Gaulding, Ferril vV Cliiipmnn. Wm. R. PHILLIPS, Seo’r. partner of Jones Phillips Sc Cos Oglethorpe, Sept. stli, 1851, 21 Silt. MEDICAL CARF PR. JAMES M. POKES respect full vof lers his services to the ritigens ol Ogle- I tint ue an I vicinity in the various limiirlins of Mrrlicine. He may he found at Mr. Fears Drug .Stole doting the clay, mid at the Pa viliou House at night, when not professiou nl'v engaged. Xiigosi 14,1851. 18—if For Sale. JT OT No. 9 on Square 3on the Corner of Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap ply to PHILIP COOK. Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ts DRY GOODS iif all descriptions, just rel ived and for sale liv KVUFMAN &.BRO. OgUtlierpe, Oct. 10, 1831. X# ts R. E. SELLER'S VERMIFUGE. Tuit fVonn Medicine hoe nor up rinr if an equal—in Hut or any other roan try. It ie much need and highly te commended by Phyttciane. n’OKMS frequently infest children, ag gravate all other diseases, and are callable of producing givat durturhancea in the system, and, consequently aul medicines given to remove them dmuld be prejMircd with great care, and of tlie best ma terials; and it is to be feared that many of the worm medicine* in u.-e are It stall y destitute of these qualities. Tins Vermifuge which the subscriber offers to the. puhiic is prepared of the best nmterids thul can be procured. THETRUTH B FmE.N OF rROTH. Concerning tellers’ Vennifuge A single vial producing wonders.. Head tlie following from tlie Kev. 8. U ake field. Pastor of ihe Liberty street A/et hod is t ICpiM*pal church: I*l l TSiuJßcjii, Marcfi 8, 1847. Mr. K. K. Sellers,—lt is fnmi a sense of duly, as well as witli great |di attire, that I bear testimony to tlie vir tue of your jiihtly celebrated Vermifuge. I pmcureil a single bottle and gave il u* three of my children, who I sail lieen ill for several weeks. The oldest was seven years old. tlie next four, and tlie yiHingest eighteen months. The first passed fifty-six worms, the second forty-seven, sod tlie third a considerable nunifier not distinctly recollected. Since tlien tliey baye been do ing well, and are now in good health. Yours, respectfully. 8 WAKRHELD. (jtmkknvili.b, Va, January 15,18 5. Mr. R. E, Sellers,—Your Vermifuge gives universal satisfaction. 1 have sold Fahnestock s, AT I one’s and other',but none has given the sat him*lion tlial yours lias H. F. GRAHAM, Pisit iVaster. Sillers’ Vermifuge—it irorkt wonders every where. Rio Sandy. Ky. .Mav 1?, 1818. Afr U E Sellers —Dear sir: Your Vermifuge pnsliices such wonderful results, that / think it worth while to give you a few facts uhoiit it. A neighbor, Dr tray, Isnight from me one vial of it, ami gave the contents to three of his children; the first pa.-s*d 180, the second 153, and the third 7t, making 403 worms discharged bv using one vial. Mrf*rav nuiiiediately bought four vials more. Air. J Al Shurley also gave the contents of one vial to three of his children, which brought from the first 73, from the second 54, and from tlie third 3. iiinkiiiif 156 worms bv the use of one vial. I gave mi own child, aged one year, two reas|sionfuls, which expcibtl 11. one of which was at least one foot long.— Your Vermifuge is considered the best that has ever I **en brought to our section of country, and so far as I know , lias never failed. Yours,respectfully, J L TRUMAN. I jet Physicians Speak. Sillers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof. Station Ky, Dee. 17. 1845. Mr R E SM rx,—l have the pie-axtre to inform you that 1 have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi liiire with the most happy results. I have formerly used Fahnestock**, but being Persuaded to try yours, I have found it far tupperior in every’ respect, and can say with out the fear of roniradiction, that your Vermifuge pos sesses more virtue than any I ever used, and most cor dially recommend it te the attention of the public. I will state House where I gave one vial of your Vermi fuge. Aly brother's child was pining and wasting to a mere skeleton. In 36 hours after I gave the Vermifuge,. the enormous quantity of upwards of rix hnndrctl w. rm. were p*o>ed. Tlie child that was given up for lost, now as well as any in (lie neighborhood. AAIKUUBE AKNEIT, . D. Sellers’ Vermifuge the Best in Ihe fl orid (iAi.Liroi IS, O, April 1, 1851, This r-rlifi that Ilia, a kept on iiaixi aiul used in my laui’iici-. K K .Seller.’ Vermiruae, for the two past years. Imu <-uiifniriil iriMiyiny it Itas not (ailed, in a simile insianee, to relieve children and adults troubled with Worms; in many instate, it lias brought away lur-e iptantities. lam eoulidenl 11 is the best worm me dicine in use. All tliat is require,l to give it reputation in any family, i. to give il a fair trial. R H WILSON, M. D. Point Pi.kan.ant, Va, Oct. 4,1847. Mr. R E Sellers, —Os your Vennifuge, I can say without hesitation that having used it eitensively in my lintrlife fertile last four or five years, I think itdecided- Iv tin- I test prepumliim oftlte kind of which I have any knowledge, although I have heretofore used the prepa ration of several otln-r ntannfacttireis l ours, tesperlfnlly, I) COUGH, M. D. Sellers’ Family Medicine. **kaiiam .Station.Oliio, May 25, 1849. Mr. U K Seller*, —I think it right, for tlie benefit of I • •tlicr*, in -mte fux U in relation to your excellent ( Family Medicines. I have used your Vermifuge largely in my own family,) “ini \ ial I'rcqiitMitlv uiw* ering for expelling large quail- < tjliea ray 100 to 2<I0) of worm* fruin two children. I| haveafao u* and your liver Pills and <’ugh Syrup inniy 1 l imily.juiihn. y Lave, in every msiance, produced the ■ It- < i fh^ired. \k I am -it mi*, and in hi n *. . idi-in j- I am able toatate liia* I have jet in hcui *’ tt.c lii<! inihire where your iiHNlii'ine* have In .*n u cd in my section of th* country. liicoiiclii inn, i ma\ .-late that they are the medicines ol ihe day, and are destined to hu\e a very extensive pop ularity. \ ours, respectfully, W II PINNEL. The Vermifuge will continue to haven red out smfc vsrupjHT, and will have the name o\'Roh*tiC. Seller* siaiii(K*d uj sin each vial, without which it ianot bin Ver mifuge. K E SELLERS Proprietor, Pittsburgh, June Ist, 1850. For NiL* by SNEAD S? CHAPMAN, At lli. New Ding Store, Oglethorpe Ga. Carriages! Carriages! FOR SALE. t HE Sttbarriber announces to the peo ple ol Oglethorpe anti sin rounding Country, that lie has now on hand, and will roniinue m receive. Buggies, Carriages, Kockawats, See., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his line are invited to call and examine his Stork, at Messrs. Lewis Sc Price’s VVate House, on Baker Street. T. M. JACKSON,Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 if South Western IL R- Company, ON and after the first of January next, the rales ol Freight on Cotlun will be re duced as follows : Fioiii Oglethorpe and Montezuma to Macon, per UK) lbs., 20 cts. •* Winchester, MariltasviMe and Mar ** shalville to Macon, pet 100 1115.,18 “ Fort Valley and station Mo. 2, to Macon, per 100 lbs., 15 “ “Station No. I to Macon per 100 lbs., 12$“ GEORGE W. ADAMS, Super’nt. dec 23 if: New Dry Hoods & Grocery Store. On Baker Street. 11ODGES, would res • ™W m M i pertfully inform the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the Planters of the surrounding Country that he is now open ing h large and well selected stork of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Hatdware, Crockery, Sadlery, Roots, Shoes dec. He will also keep constantly on hand a large lot of CROrERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Tlie public Hre respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. 12, 1851. M-ts BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps of every variety just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN Sc BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 ts Jewelry. A FINE lot of Jewehyjust received and for sale by, KAUFMAN Sc BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26tf. FOR Sale, by DILL & MARSHALL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and T wine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851 9 ts BACON! BACON!! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at tlie low est market pi ices. DILL Sc MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts t I* LOUR. 75 Barrels Superfine Flour * for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. by DILL Sc MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. BRANDY, WINE, GIN, WHISKEY, SYRRUP.and VINEGAR, fursale by DILL Sl MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851. 9tf Notice. ALL persons indebted to the firm of T M. Jackson & Cos., in the Counties of Macon, Sumter. Donly and Marion, are no tified that their notes and accounts have been placed in the hands ol Philip Cook, Esq, ol Mulethorpe, for settlement. T. M. J ACKSON Sc CO. June 19, 1851, 10-ts, NOTICE. THE Co-partneiship heretofore existing under the firm of A. WELLES &Cos.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ei ther of the undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled firm, and are au thorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. •10-ljr THE Undersigned having disposed of bis interest in the GROCERY BUSI NESS to his late partner, Mr.G. F. PALMS andJ. W. WEBSTER, of the late firm of Swift, Denslow Sc Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *ICMy. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Undersigned having bought out tlie interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm of Messis. A. Welles & Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY .and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of WEBSTER Sc PALMES, at the old stand of A. W, Sc Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, A%. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. I Savannah, June 19,1851. *lO-ly. Cigars. | A LARGE lot of fine Cigars just re- I reived and for sale cheep bv. KAUFMAN & BRO. ! Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if J. Kaufman & Bro. I.’* LOUR. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, ’ Syrup, Lemon Syrup,Tobacco, Soap, Candles, See. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 if O HOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery,crock • erv, Hatdware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee. See. See., for sale at the cheap Store ip. Fort Gains Ga. bv, DILL & MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. * 9 if. Notice. THK Sunlit Western Hailroail Company, wi.ltes in HIKE until llw IstofJanuiry nent.twenty five Ne groea for repair, on rite Hoad; for wliirh fifteen dollars tier inontlt will be tiaid ; tliev will also lie fed and clothed. GEO- W. ADAMS. Supt. S. W. It. R. Oglethorpe. October 10,1851. — 26 ts W /NSEED, Train, fy Lard, Neats. B -ditto! Oils, fnr .ale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, at the New I Drug Store. On. 17 1851. 27 if FRENCH Window Glass. For *. • by SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. On. 17 1851. 27tf Coffee, Sytup, and Molasses, received and for sale low bv, KAUFMAN, &. BRO. Oglethorpe, Oct. 10, 1851. 26 if. FOR SALE. THE “PAVILION HOUSE” in tlie new town of Oglethorpe, situated on the enrner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in lull view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new the rooms are large, neat,and airy, possessing every convenience for the comfort of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON Sc Cos. May 28th 1851. 7-ts. Liquor/ A LARGE quantity of Liquors, consist ing of Brandy, Rum, Gin, Whisky i Pori, Madeira, and Champaign Wines all, I nf the best quality, just received and fursale i by Kaufman & bro Oglatharpe, Oe. !•, 1851, 2fitf J. Kaufman Bro** NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On Baker Street below the Oglethorpe Hole!. WOULD respectfully inform the Pub lic that they have just opened their Stock, consisting of Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind nf Ladies Dtess Goods, Hose,Gloves. Laces, Edgings, silk Parasols, Fans, See., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a litre assortment of fine Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes nnd Boots. All ol which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-if. DrsTTHOMASON & DAVISON, s>mwssx<&&&wa OGLbTIIORPG, GA., D ESI’ECTFTLLY inform their friendsand the public ” generally dial they continue tlie practice of Aledi cine in die new town of Oglethorpe. A one of them ha had several years experience in the practice ol Medicine, tlt-v flatter themselves that they will be able hi treat the various diseases of the human system in a scientific and successful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respectfully solicited. One of them may lie found at their office at all hours except when professional It engaged. Kr< Iftice on the corner of tSumpter and Crescent Sts. A. M Thomason, M. D. I J.C. Davison, M. U. April 7,1851. I —if f—7-^G.c,qßHicHiuc ■Hzh HE Subsetibnis having as sociah-d ihnmselevs under the above name, for the purpose of traiisadit g a General Ware*Hous and Commission Business, take this method ol iiiioriiiing ihe Planteis and Merchants generally, that tlie) are now prepared to receive Coiiuti in Stole or any oilier Goods on ConsJgniiieiil. They will have on hand at all times Bagging, Rope, Twine Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, dj*c. Sfc. Liberal Advances made ort rollon when desired. G. C. Carmichasi,. J, P. Hakvev. references: . Messrs. Logan Sc Aikins„n; M.irnn, Ga., “ Neely Sc Fleming; Griffin, “ I Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. E. B WEED, Macon, Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware. WOULD invite the intention m his friends to his sunk ol ('in , lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agiirultural ■ Imglimenl, Axles, Spiings, Mill Irons, Tin Plate, Sheet and bar Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws and every other article usually kept in Hard ware Stores, which he will sell on reasona ble terms. Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly New Fall aad Whiter Gauds. J. T. SUGG •’ WOI’LD reftpeulfully call the attention of his friend* ™ and the public generally to his large and well selected assortment of ! SPMJI'G A SWlJftJftßn GOO ns, con*inting of every variety of >taple and Fancy Dry (■nod*—Hticli as Kerseys, Satinet*, ('asimeres, Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, Shawls. Calicoes. Handkerchief*. Hosiery, Linens, Muslin*, silks, a tin*, ami a variety of other Fancy Article*. Bendy-Made Clofcliinjr Os the IjdLsl Style aiid Ih st Quuhty. HATS and CAPS of every description. IU)OT> and SIfOKS of all qualities. A variety of tIROCERIES , JIAUmYAHhCTL IliY, s<’ In short, purchasers can be supplied w ith almost any article they desire, of he mart reasonable term*. Those who desire to get the full worth ol theii mon ey, would do well to give me a call,for I pledge mysell tliat none who purchase shall go away without obtain ing a bargain. Fort Gaines, On. f Nov. Ist, 1851. I—ts For Sale A LIKELY negro Boy, about 18 or 19 yeurs old. Apply to F. T. SNEAD. At Snedd Sc Chnpitian's Drug Sioie. Ogleihrope Nov, 28, 1851. 33—if: SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. A DAILY TRAIN for Passengers and Freight leaves Moron at 6 1-2 A. M.— Arrives at Oglethorpe at J 1 1-2 A. M.—Arrives at Macon ai 3 1-2 P. M. Connecting each way with tlie Central and Macon &i Wes tern trains, and tlie Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1 1-2 P. IVI. GEO. W. ADAMS. Supt, S. W. R. R. Oglethorpe, Ocl. 10, 1851. 26 ts ~BOOKS! BOOKS!! fUP A New Book Store , JUST OPENED, IN OGLETHORPE, Near the Oglethorpe Hotel, WHERE the subscriber designs keeping a general assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery; , also a general assortment of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Musichl Instruments &c., all of which he will sell as low as they can be : bought in any oilier market. Just Received —One fine Melodian, of superior tone and finish. A lot of fine Vio lins, also a splendid lot of Accnrdeons, vary, ing in price from $1 50 to $25. A. B. CHAPMAN. , January 16, 1852. 39-if. D R J. S. HOUGHTON’S ss? Filtered according to Act of Congrew in the vear 1851, by J. S. Ilouton, te. l>. in the Clerk* office of the di*trict court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! Great cute for Dyspepsia! Dr. J. Houghton t PEPSJN, the true Digestive Fluid, or GaHric Juice , prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of Ihe Ox, after directiont of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist by J. S. Houghton, M. D. Philadelphia. This h truly a womlrful remedy for Indigmtthin, dys pepsia, jaundice, liver complaint, oonptination,and de bility, coring after nature's own method, by natures own agent, the i.astric Juice. fgT Half a tcaspoonfitl of Pepsin, infused in water, will digestor dissolve (ivepoiids of roast beef ill about two liuirs.outof the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great digestive princi ple of the Gastric juice—the solvent of the food, the purifying, preserving, and stimulating agent of the slmn ’ aclt and intestines. It is extracted front the digestive stomach of the Ox. thus forming an artificial digestive ! fluid, precisely like the natural gastic juice in its chemi ’ cal powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect suheti-1 i lute for it. By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils of indigestion and dyspe])eia are removed, just as | they would be by alu althy stomach. It is doing wonders fordyepetaics, curing cases of debility,emaciation, ner vous decline and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The scientific upon which it is , bused, is in the higltesl degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Baron Tichig, in his celebrated work on animal Chem istry. sayn ‘An artificial digestive fluid analogous to the , gastic juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane ofthe stomach of the calf in which variousar tides of food, as meat and eggs will be softened, changed 1 atsl digested, just in the some manner as they would lie in tlie human stomach.’ OCT Call on the agent, and get a descriptive eircu'ar, gratis,giving a large amount or scientific evidence, sim ilar to the above, together with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the I'nited States. AS A DYSPESPIA CURER Dr Hug I it. .li s Pepsin has produced the most marvellous efleets, in curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline, and dvspeptie consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this adv, rtise menl; hut authenticated circumstances have been given of more than two hundred remarkable cures, in Philadel phia, Mew York and Boston alone. These were near ly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid ami wonderful, but permanent. It is a great nervous antidote. nn,l particularly useful for tendency to Billions disorder, liver complaint, lever and ague or badly treated fever and ague, and the evil effects of quinine, men ttry and other drugs upon tlie di gestive organs. altera long sickness. Also, forexcess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemperance. Dr. Houghton’s Pepsin is prepared in powderand in fluid from—aid in perscription vials for the use of Physicians. Private circulars.for the use of Physicians, ‘may lie obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing i the whole process of preparation, and giving the authori ties upon which the claitues of this new remedy are bas ed. As it is not a secret remedy, do objection can be ’ raised against its use by Physicians in respectable stand ing and regular practice, nine. One Dollar per bottle. BT Observe This!—Every bottle of the genuine Pep sin bean the written signature of J. 8. Houghton. D. tole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy-right and Trail* Mark secured. Mr Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in medicines. Fursale by SNEAD Sc CHAPMAN, Deal. lers in Drugs &c. at the New Drug Store, j Oglethorpe Ga. GEORGIA, l Sumter Su o <3 t V vrlor Court, oumter loanty. ) Nov.term l&5l. Joseph Daniel, \ vs. f Bill for discovering Re- J. L. Casey, f lief and Injunction, i Wm. Priiclipti. J IT being represented lo me Itv the Alligtt lion in said Bill, dial John L. Lasy has , no settled residence known to Complainant but is a transrient, unsettled person. It is nr l dered that service of said Bill be perfected on ■ said John L. Casy, bv publication in one ol ilie public Gazelles in this Stale, once a month, for four months preceding the next term of this Court. A lute extract Irom the minutes of said 1 Court litis Ist dav nf January 1852. M. M. GUERRY, Clerk. PROSPECTUS OF THE South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is isued every Friday morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, at the low price of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the Union.—The “Georgian” will, therefore, advocate the measures of ihe great conser vative Union Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is spnsurable, and ever battling for ti tiili, regardless of the source from whence it emanates. Its columns will be filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic 1 and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statislics and general informailon on | the engrossing subjects of Internal Im- I provemf.nt nnd Southern Manufacture*. < ADVERTISING. i Advertisements will be inserted on the I following terms: One Dollai per square of twelve linesof less for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each insertion thereafter. , A liberal deduction will be made on yearly i advertisements, or those inserted for three or | six months. Also contracts will be made ( with County Officers, to advertise lor them j on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed | to C. B. Youngblood, Publisher, and post , paid. CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. Oglethorpe, Ga. May 7lh 1851. CLOTHING. READY made CLOTHIVG, a very largt assortment just received and for sale by, KAUFMAN & BRO. Oglethorpe, Ocf 10,1851, 26 ts. To The Afflicted. THE undersigned having permanently located 5 miles North-West of Pond Town in tSumter County, would respectfully offer his professional services to the Afflicted. The invariable success which has attended his pievious administrations,in curing the worst forms of chronic disease, and such too, as have baffled the skill of the most ■Scientific Physicians, he trusts will be suf ficient to guarranlee for future results; Refers to undoubted Testimony. A remarkable case of Rheumatism and Fits cured in 8 weeks; Ball Hill Muscogee Cos. Jan 25, 1952. Mr. Editor: Sir permit me to commu nicate to the Afflicted thtough the columns of your valuable paper lire following facts. About three months ago my Son Shepherd aged 22 years was attacked with acute Rheumatism in both of his knees which was so severe that it soon effected his whole sys tem, and seemed to locate principally, on his Brain Lungs and heart. The 4th day after he was attacked he commenced having hard Fits. 1 immediate!} called in an eminent Ph\ sician, who treated his case three week-* Bui without benefit, I then called in me 1 more Physicians of the same order (Old School) one of whom treated his case two weeks, Slill he grew worse, and hud from two to three tits nearly every night. The Doctors said that his condition was strange and cuticnl, and they seemed to be at a loss to know what to do for him, as the remedies | they prescribed, had no effect towards rcliev ’ ing him. And all who saw my Son thought that he would be certain lo die. But just 1 as I was about to relax all efforts of having anything more done for hint, some person ’ sent me one of Dr. Rowland’s Circulars, I examined it and saw that tlie certificates were from reliable sources ; and I resolved i to haul Shepherd to Dr. R. When we ar -1 rived at the Doctor’s he was just alive and it whs all that could be said, for be was re duced so much that he could be compared to nothing but a living skeleton to use the phrase, and at all times he suffered with the most violent excruciating pains, bis mind was very much effected also. The second day after Dr. R. Commenced treating his case, h • slopetl having fils, and the fifth day his pains subsided in a greai degree, I then left him under cate of Dr. R. and returned home, related to my neighbors the extraor dinaty relief ntv 7<on experienced in so short a time, many seemed to doubt, and all were perfectly astonished. He remained at the Doctors 3 weeks, and it aflords me pleasure to say that I believe he hat, effecied a perma nent core, as Slrepherd has had no .(ymptonis of a relapse in any way for several weeks* It is my wish that the above statement be published so that others laboring under suds and similiat diseases mav be benefited also. Yours &c. ELIJAH PADGETT. We ilie undersigned neighbots lo Elijah Padgett certify that bis statements relative to the mirartiiotts cure effected on Iris Sots Shepherd are correct. PERRY RADNEY. E. R >PURGIS. J. Q. \. JOHNSON. Hopeless case—Valuable Property saved. HAEMOPTYSIS lIiEMATEMt.MS* FITS tVUEO. MARION, TWKSGS CttUNTT, OA. JANUARY, 1851, Dr. Rowland, Sir: I present yon the following certificate which I hope you will have published, so that others luboring un. der such diseases mav be bene fitted also. /Iboni two years ago, one of my servants (Henry ), was severely attacked with spit ling and vomiting of blood, attended with hard fits which he had paroxysms of weekly. I immediately placed him under the treat ment of the most eminent Physicians ot the old school in ibis section and after treating his case a long time, they said he could not be cured, and was beyond tlie re tchuf med icine. Henty grew worse and had from one to two hard fits a week. Spit and vomited up large quantities of blood. As I consider ed his case perfectly hopeless fur a time, 1 had nothing done for him. Hearing that you would lake patients afflicted with chronic diseases on conditions, I resolved to give you a trial, and to the astonishment of my self and many others, in three weeks after I placed Henry under your treatment, ho re turned home entirely cured of his distressing diseases ; he has been well 3 months and ran do as much bard laborious work as Ire ever could. When I sent Henry lo you, I would have taken a mere trifle for him, now I consider that he is worth S9OO. Persons afflicted with such or similar diseases, would do well to give voua trial. Yours dec., WM. FAULK. N. B. Henry is still well, 22 iSept. 1851. Mr. Faulk is a gentleman of unimpeach able character, what he asset ts may be te licd upon and can be sustained by a number of respectable witnesses. Good Money Date Cos. Ala. 1 Ft b. ’52. Dr. Rowland, Sir: tin* perscription ( got of you last year for my son that was ef fected with Dropsy (12 months), entirely cured him. Before 1 applied to you every thing that could be devised failed to benefit him. A. CLARK. For Particulars see Circular. As usual the undersigned continues lo treat all forms of Chronic diseases at $4 per month, except cases of Fits which he would prefer treating conditionally, or $lO will be charged for each prescription when the med icines are forwarded. He is prepared to receive Patients at his Residence. Letters on business should bn’ pre paid and directed to J. W. ROWLAND, M. D. Pond Town Ga. Mareh j 9 1852. 48—Sm. MOLASSES, N. O. Syrup, Raisins, and fine lot of Sugar See, See., for sale 1 by R: H. SIMS Sc Co s Ftb. 4th 1852. 42—ts