The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 14, 1852, Image 3

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TO THE PUBLIC. | THE undersigned is prepared to execute | ‘in the most workmanlike manner, all j work in his Tine, sucti as house building, Gin Getting* Screw btu\dipg, Mill writing &c, i on ss reasonable termers *any other work-1 man in South All letters ad- j dressed to him in Oglethorpe Ga, will re ceive prompt attention. ALEXANDER SMITH Oglethorpe; May 14, 1852 4—ts NOTICET THE undersi||ed with the view of closing ihtlljusiness of tlte firm, offer for sale their entire stock of GRO CERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Cheese, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, end other articles in our,ltoe of business, AT COS T PRICES, till the 15th June next, at which time we will sell the remainder at AUCTION on a credit of four moms. All Shose indebted to us will please call and set tle* as the business of the firm must be wound p. HUSON & LITLE. The Grocery business will be continued by the undersigned on his own account. v 4;M. HUSON. ’ Oglethorpe, May Ist, 1852 4—3 NOTICE. I HEREBY forwarn aU persons from tra ding for n certain promissory note gi.ven by nte to Rhody Morris r(iarer,.dated sorue time in January last and payable lire first day of January ~J£S3, for two hundred aud twen ty dollars. As tlte considerations for which the above note was given have failed, 1 am determined not to pay it unless compelled bv% law. C. D. KENT. May 7,1852, 3 3t millinerOstablishment. miss C. VALENTINO, .W aeon Street, Oglethorpe* Get., ( Next door to Dr, Head’s office.) HAS just opened and is si HI receiving a fine-und well selected stock of Milks, Bonnets* Ribbon*, Trimmings for dresses, dec.* which she offers to sell low for cash. Dresses and Bonnets made to order with neatness and dispatch. Bonnets and Hats bleached, pressed aud dressed in the latest style. May 7, 1852. 3 3m FAMILY GROCERY STORE. THOMPSON di FEEL, RESPECTFULLY inform theirfriends and the public generally, that they keep constantly on hand wfull assortment of Fafnily Groceries, iilour* Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, Malt, Molasses* Myrup, Rice, Mackerel* Corn Meal, &c., together with every variety of Spices, Fruits* Nuts, 6cc. Also, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and many other articles too tedious to mention—all of which they will sell as low as any other establishment in the city. Call aaJtry them—store on[Cuyler street. May 7,1852. 3 ly NOTICE. 1 HEREBY forewarn all persons fiom tra ding fora certain promissory note given by me in the latter part of March, to John Oliver or bearer* for the sum of ten dollar#, payable the fust of May instant. As the considerations tor which the said note was given have in part failed I am fle"- termined not ta pay the full amount unless coibirelied by law; \ WM. H. WRIGHT, May 7.1852. \ 33; 020 REWARD! STOLEN front the subscriber, on Mon day, the 19ih day or April, a fine #om osou-sized* patent lever GOLD WATCH/ 18 carets fiue, with a white dial, very richly 1 carved on (ho outside cases* with the initials G. C. E. engraved in the centre and on lire outside of one of the cases. The number of the Watch is 8013—the maker’s a a ate is Magnus, of London* w ARCH’D ODOM, * Oglethorpe* May 7,1852. 3 if Notice. IMTT BOOKS are now open for the iy M (lie taxable property in ibis city. All persons are required to give in before ;lie first day of June, or they will be double <axe3. T. A. SWEARINGEN, c. c. Oglethorpe, April 30. 2 id DENTAL NOTICE. FIINCIS H. SMITH, D. D. 8., fOraduaie of tkpMu**ue College of Dent# Surgery,] HAS removed to Oglethorpe and res pectfully solicits its citizens and the community generaßjrto call on him, He has just returned from Baltimore and is in pos session of all the new and latest improve ments fn Dentistry, such as Air Chamber Suction plates, for entire sets; Jaw and Block teeth, entire sets, without springs, &c. Persons wishing work done would do well to call and examine his new styles. Office at present, at tlte Pavillion House. •May 7,’52. 3 ts PAVJLION HOUSE. OGLETHORPE GA. faosiTß the Depot Wm. Slade. THE Proprietor will he pleased at all times to have a liber# phare of pation age and will try at all times to make his pat rons as comfortable as lie can possibly do by the close attention of himself and servants to their welfare dutfftg tbeir slay with him. WM. SLADE: Oglethorpe Gal .April 23 1852'. I—ly.l—ly. COMSTOCK*a|l'ajHr Medicines for sale by A# Dm. THOMAjVn & DAVISON. Oglethorpe Ga. /tyf\)6tWAßs2. 52—tf’ | June Sberrff Sales. ■ be sold, before the Court House j ▼? door in Lanier, Macon County, on ! the first Tuesday in June next, the follow j ing property, to wit: One house in the city of Oglethorpe, and tho lot on which it stands—adjoining lots of Allen Sutton, en Randolph street. Levied on ns the property of Josinh Horton, to sat isfy a fi fa from Macon Superior Court ip favor of Thomas J. Grubbs vs. said llorlon, property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, lot of land No. 154 in the fitet dis liict of originally Muscogee, now Macon county, levied on as the property of Wiley Webb, to satisfy a fi fa from Macon Snpe iior Court in favor of Edward Biooks its. Wiley Webb, principal,and Henry if. YVeljb security. Said lot of land well improved. ’ Also, the South-West half of lot of land No. 17b, in the second distiict of originally Muscogee now Macon county—levied oil as the property of Stephen Hobbs to satisfy a fi fa from Macon Superior Cofrt in favor of James m. Fokes vs. Madison Hobbs and Stephen Hobbs, * Also, 150 acres of land on the south side of lot of land No. 120 in the 29th district of originally Lee now Vlaeon county —levied on as the property of A. M. Tbooftissofl, to satisfy three fi fas from the Justice's Court us the 740th District Geoigia Militia—uvo in favor of. William Massay vs said Thomas soo, and one it) favor of Hall & Calhoun vs. Morgan 4c Goodwin, principals, and said Thonusson, security, i THOMAS DIXON, Deputy Sheriff. us Lanier, April 30,1852. 2 dds aEORGIA, Macon County, Id ERE AS Jesse Barfield applies for WY letters of Guardianship for Macon BalfielJ- ♦ P ’ff,liese#re therefore to cite Rnd admonish all concerned to be and appear at the Ordi nary’s office within ibe lime prestribed by law, to show cause if any they can. why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. , W. W. CORBITT, Dep.O.d. April 30 2 1m sa st i oriTf ALL PEARSONS are lyreby cautioned agiinst traSbig lor Jbne promissory note for Four lluiidWjd D/lars, dated some lime last January, ber or Ist day of next, Said note was drawn in favor of jKhn P. Harvey, and signed by R. A. 11. W, Lee, and Janies B. WilliauJ, anXendorsed by J, P. Harvey to one AyR. Lawrence, The’ consideraliou for wlffch said was given< havifi£ failed, we a eft determineU not to psy said note unless compelled by la\. R. k. H. GRIER, WARREN W. LE£, JAB. B. WILL/als, JOHN P. HARVEY. Oglethorpe, 1852. 2 3t cTpipT AL L persdfes are litjreby cautioned against (raffing foraArtain promisso ry tj|te for about \>htv-tfree dollars. Said not#was dated in Jlnuajp last, and due 25th day of December V/st day of January nexL Said note wi||iven to one A. R. Lawrence, and sigm/ly the subscriber and G. p. which said note w/s glVen liavinj entirely failed, I am detei/ined ffin to paffcudd note unless conipelledpiy law. • / JOHN \ HARVEY. Oglethorpe/April 30, 1812. 3t 2 Fe ve A e m edy. DRS. Tliomtton/nd Davison’s Fever and Ague r^fdy—a safe and certain cure for chills Itodfllker, for sale by the manufacturers. M April 30. • 2jf 7 j j ‘l 11 tWinde rsigned would take this metli- JL od of informing Stock Drovers nnd Waggoners, that he has fitted up an exten sive 2*23 ar.d WAGGON, YARD, at the fork of the road leading from Oglethorpe to Traveler's Rest and Americas,] within the Corporate limits of the city of* Oglethorpe, where he is prepared to accom modate all those who patronize him, on lib eral terma. W. B. JONES. April 30, 1852. 2 3m BLACKSMITH ING” Peter Crog Is a ts, ( Lale of Macon Ga.f TAKES this method of informing hi* friend* and the public generally that he ia carry ing on the Blank smithing business in all its branches in the City of Ogle thorpe, where he hope* by strict aUention to business to receive and merit a liberal share of patronage. Par ticular attention will be given to malting or repairing /'laniation tools. AU worljUone by him will be war ranted. “ Shop next door to Afessiffijlunni-utt & Little’s Carriage Shop, on Chatham .Street. Oglethorpe, April 23d, 1952. I—3m. Notice I PERSONS wanting Brick work done*’ are hereby informed tlmt the under signed are prepared to execute all work in their line as clteap or cheaper than any other company can do it. For further particulars apply to JAMES LANDERS &tO. Oglethorpe, April 30, 1852. IK 3m notice; EVERY and all persons wanting Brkk work done can be accommodated by applying to the subscriber. My work shall be in as good style as can he done in dfijgpfrrfCH and on us reasonable terms.—* 5 Forttwther information apply to J. H. HOLLAND. Ogleiltbrpe, April 30, 2 ts A Valuable Property For Sale. A THE Undersigned subscriber desires to sett ‘dn accomodating jej-nts, Lots of Land. No. 32 33 64 65 66 98 99 126 127 128 129 130 132 158 and 159 in tfie tenth district, also No. 2 3 4 23 28 29 flO 32 82 97 in the four - tee nth district;’ 34 35 36 in the filteenth district c f Dooly County. Some ol the above lands have val uable improvements on them and can be pur chased either in single or collective lots to suit the purchaser. Also one tiact of valuable Tobacco land containing 720 acres in the county of Gads den Florida, 8 miles N. E. of Quincy Little River. Persons wishing any informa tion respecting the lands in Dooly county will please call and see the Proprietor of the Pavilion House in the City of Opleihorpo or at Cedar Hill, or Slade’s Mills, in the coun ty of Dooly. Any person wishing informa tion respecting the tract of land in Florida will please call and see Mr. Daniel M, Hin son Gadsden Co.,.Florida orthe propiiet-'it of the Pavilion House in this place. WM. SLADE. | Ogl*(Mßcpe April 20th 1852. I—l v. To th Afflicted. THE undersigned having now pre- IJB’ud themselves to treat all old Chronic Diseases of lung standing in a scien tific manner, a share of public pationage is . respectfully solicited. Drs. THOMASON DAVIHON. % Oglethorpe, aprd 16, 1852. 52-ts WANTED, immediately, at this Office, a boy about 14 years old, lo learn the Piinting Business. Drs. ti. >innfi>n StfDuvisun’s Com pound SvruVo#Sassafras, an ex cellent remedy for Scrßffla, Kings Evil, and to cleanse or purify remove hu mors from the skin dtc. \or sale by the manufacturers. J \ Oglethorpe, At (lie Nign of (lie Big Boot. RANKS &t Cos. ARE now opening their Spring Stock of Bor Is and Shoes, all qualities and pri ces, all of which are of tlieir own manufac ture and WARRANTED not to Rip. Our customers and the “rest of mankind” are respectfully invited to call and examine our stoek whether they wish to pnrehase or not. April 6th 1852. TWO Months after date application will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting as Court of Ordinary, for leave to , sell a negro man, named Elize, belonging to the estate of Thomas Dyess deceased. WILLIAM DYESS, Ex’r. Oglethorpe April 16th 1852 52—2 m. ■ ■ . .itwan .. A New &id Valuable Remedy. Drs. T ™.M ASTON & DAVISONS ColtboliMySyrnp ofliAki Ursa, good for ifie l7kgi#ge of the ori|p ; Reliev ing the the Kindnws, Strength ening the urinaiyttgans, and ulcera tions of the blafldiT For sae by Drs. TH/Sl aSON &l/)AVJSON. Ga. A[l yit 1852. 52—ts. S t i m u 1 atiiiguHtiam cut. THIS Lin un|ntN|Jadei>lfeft Vo New* ralgia, Rnetnyptlfnnd Chronic erup tions. It has also JFen/uund beneficial in cases of Flirauic, Bronchitis, Pleuris# njfn swifts, Marasmus. St. Vistus’ Nnfantum, and where ever is i\ a coM or rcl.ixet} by V \ JOes. TrHOMAsoX&t, Davison. Ha,, April lTesi(jniliv^Co|dial. GOOD in Atbility, and for Patients, tying from Fevnfs or oilier complaints thfflEave produced debil ity; it is also good itJß|uentarjr, and Diar rhea. Forsato bjHf Drs. THOmSONIt DAVISON- Oglethorpe Gy April An^cptiyrl^nctnre >■l HIS is a most |>OW JL erliil and is very val unble Wash to cainsenld foul ulcers, and dispose them to jJW. This is a'most ex cellent family mtdtnlrte, nseful frtr Dymn tary, Mortificaßona also for pains in the stiynach, rfliolic, hnU-aclie, Worms &e. seldom conun auiiss in am complaint. For eale by w_’’ yk . Dfp./THOASON ® DAVISON. OgletlKffpe GkaTXpril 16th 1852. 52—ts. Georgia—Macon County; Ordinary ; Court-May TerSßkzi. RDER'NItSI.—Upon the of Ichabod Davis, Guawlian or.lli\mi nor'children of John J. it is ordered by the Court that all jtarsgiis contyrned are requited to appear at theJnly term of the Ordinary Court of said comity, and show cause, if any they have, why llie’ t said Ichabod Davis, Guardian as aforesaid, should not be dismissed from his said Guar dianship. t temie extract from the minutes of said, t W. J. OOLLINS, O.d. May 7, 1852. 340 J Georgia—Maeoo County; WHEREAS John James applies tome for letterstf administration on the estate of Fcasit James, dec’d. The so Bre therefore to aduionish all interested, to beat my offico and file their objections, if any they have, tviihin the lithe prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. W. J*. COLLINS, Ord’y. Mny 7, 1852. 3 30J ’ \ IN qU*4RT BOTTLES. For Purifying the lilood, and for the Cure of scrofuldk Rheumatism, stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia? salt Rheum. Fever sore s, Erysiypelas, Pimples. Piles, Mercurial Diseases Cutaue.ous Eruptions , Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility Sfc. * In tliin preparation we have all tire'restorative properties of the root, concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; bat white sarsaparilla Hoot forms an lt'.ipOr tanl purl of its combination, it is, at the sume time, com pound with other vegetable remedies of great power, amt it is in the peculiar combination and scientific mamfcr of its preparation, that its reraarlmble success in tbe cure of disease depends. It acts simuhuueously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels; and thus three processes w hich nre ordinarily the result of three differ ent kinds of medicine, arc carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent, which gently stimulates while it disinfects and expels from the stomach and (towels all that is irritating, and at the same time restores theirvigurand lone. Its great merit is, that itmeels and neutralizes the aclve principle ofdlseasc itself.and when that is gone, the •■mptunv. necessarily disappear; and we have only to poiimiu the accumulated testimony of multitudes who ex|x?rieneetl its effect*, to convince inciedulity itself of its real value. The Proprietors submit to tire public the following certificate from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using theirprepnration of Sarsaparilla New York, Feb. 17,1819. Afessrs. Sands Having suffered many years with a disease of my throat, affecting the larynx, during, which lime I was treated by the most distinguished physicians Europe and the United States, without receiving any • permanent benefit, burall the time my general health and strength declining, and the disease making fearful progress : caustic applications were used, and whatever else was thought most efficient for producing a core; but lam confident the deplorable situation 1 was in, the laryngitis being accompanied with phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, would soon have terminated my life, tiad I not obtained relief throiigls, the medium of your invaluable Sarsaparilla. I must sav gent'emen, when I commenced using the Sarsaparilla 1 did not place much confidence in its virtues; and this will not surprise you, when you are informed I had tried more than fifty ilifibrent remedies during the past four years, without any soecees; hut after taking yoi.r Sarsaparilla a few weeks. 1 obliged at last to yield to evideuee. This marvellous specific lias not only relieved btU cured i me; and 1 the-efore think it my duty, gentlemen, for the benefit of suffering humanity, to give you thisattes ’ tation of my cure. _ Yours, very truly, D. Parent. Consulate of France in the United •States. The above statement and signature were acknow - ledged in our presence by Mr. U. Parent as true. For the Consul General of France. 1.. BOKG, Vice Consul. - Prepared and sold,’wholesale and retail, by A. B. ie I). SANDS, Druggists and Chemists 100 Fulton st., corntjr of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Pridrljl per botile ; six bodies for $5. For sale by SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Diuggisls Oglethorpe, Ga. Jlwfiti. iiHkxsns new I ow\of Oglethorpe, will at* ttndthe reparint? of all work notice, | ou; T lON, I'irtgLaf Snead &, Chapman is this y4l by mutual consent T(ne bußine|ig t 'A'i(kl)f continued by F. T. Saend. F. T. SNEAD, F. S. CHAPMAN, i Oglethorpe Jan.‘26, 1852, ‘ ■ A CARD. In retiring front tljfc Firm of Snead &. Chapman, I lake thi? opportunity to <eoder my thanks to the public for the very literal pationago extended to uy and respecifully solicit a continuance of the same to my for me* partner, Mr. F. T. Snead, who will con* tinv| the Drug Business at the old stand, on Surntyr street. Qs** You will all do well lo give him a tri al, FOSTER S, CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, Jan, 26ih 1852, 41-ts. ’ ‘GEO .w. FISIir ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, OA. PRACTICES in tha eotmties of .Macon. Houston, Ma rlon, Sumter, He will alsospntinue to practice in the'foudPTOS'ceiinlies of tBo Southern Circuit—Pulaski. Telfair, Irwin, Thortias, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware and Apling. Dec 12, 1851. 85-if. G. OELLMVH, Cabinet Maker, RESPECTFULLY informs the AiiJfhns £||klethorpe and the surrounding he is now Brepared to make any kind oNMahojuny autl other Furniture. All work Rbno in the jfest style and at ilm ‘lowest rates. , M Shop on the cornorraf Chatham and RajH dolph Streets, Ogtetlmrpe, Ga. Feb. 19. 1852. / 41-6 m. 1 treorgia^-MacoyCounly; WHEREAS JLevi Barfield applies for letters of /suarßkihship for Ca liter* ine Barfield and innis Barfield, minor hil dren of Lewis Bitfield, deceas'd— These nre tlmrefore to cile H*nd admonish all and the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bn and appear at tlm Ondi nary’s office witliin the time prescribed liy law, to show cause if nny they can, why said 1 letters should not be granted. Given utidei mv hand officially, this 80th day of April, 1852. W, \V. CORBITT, Depi. O. April 30, 1852, 2 lm, FIRE PROOF PAINT. Bids. Blake’s Patent Fire Proof 4LP™™ Paint, just received and for sale low for cash hv . U. 11. SIMS ft Cos. Oglethorpe Feb., 4 ill, 18)2. 42 —if IRON. A LARGE lot of Iron assorted, also German, Blister and Cast Steel, cot, ivraughl and liaise shoe Nails and boise shoes for sale Itv R: 11. SMIS & C it. Oglethorpe Feb. 4th, 1852. 42—ts. GEORG U—Macon cJnty. CoUItT OP (ApiNARY, NojlHbkß TF.ItM 1851. Present Nathan Brkin, JurpJi Mott, George lliam *. (Than 09 Horne, Justices. IlEKEA.sVleraien Kaigler, adminis trator of Kaigler, deceased, has duly petitioned Ve Court for letters of dismission front therefore, all persons concerned Ae Vtrelty cued to appear at the regular lert/of s;JU Court, on the first Monday in May i*xt, to Vliow cause (if any they can) why/said lettVs <>f dismission should not be granted in terra ofthe law. Given mjfler my hand, afypffioe in La nier, this thefrd, day of November 1851. \V L. W. CORBiTTVC. C. O. Nov. 7 p, 1851. a(^-6m, ~sT& d.milYei^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, HAVE removed front Lanier, and-will Practice in the Superior Ctuttls of the Counties of Macon, Sumter, Marion, Dooly, i Houston, Crawford, Bibb and Twigg**, and in the Supreme Court at tlie city of Macon. I STEPHEN p. MILLER, DANIEL IV. MILLER. January 16, 1852. 30-if. j . POCT. E. B. WOOD. 1 STAVIjJjiG permanently located in this [ H. City, would most respectfully offer his i professional services lo the citizens of Ogle* tltorpn and surrounding country. Having [ recently returned front the Medical College, ■ he feels confident that he is now prepared lo . afford lo his patients the advantages of the • latest improvements in Medical Science. He may at all limes be found at the Ogle thorpe Hotel, or at his Office over Chap . man’s Book Store, unless professionally cal’ led away. Feb. 18, 1852, 44-atlß. • Sash, Blinds, JPannel Doors 6fc.madct(\order, • BY WM. ROBINSON &. SON. Shop on William Street, West Oglethorpe. Feb. 20, 1852. 44 ~al2o. ; GEORIM A—Macon (/unly. j. BEREAS M liabod Davis, Wv Guardian of me orphans of John ■ J. IlougahoA applies to me for letters of DisAssiotyrom said G^trdiin* These are tlwnijri e to” cite and admonish all whom it niaAmncorn ,to he and appear at my offico on ft- before the first Monday ’ in May next, to*nv ca ise if any they can 1 why said should not be • granted. Ginurwer my hand Officially. f W. Febrnary/7ih, 18&2* 45—2 m. N. is Vereby Riven that Jas. S. ynldwell willnpply lor the above c Guardianship on theAesignaliou o r the* r above Guardianship. \ . GEORGIA George W. Taunton Macon County, j of tlm 7415 l District G. „ M. ofsaid Stale, lole* before mo, Ilaivey , RodgM •’ justice of (ho peace in said Dis trict, one astray bay Horse Mule seven or eight years old with some black marks a-, round his logs, five feet high; appraised by uTi iam McDowell and Harvey Taunton at | one hundred and twenty dollars. This No.. vent her 21st 1851. HARVEY RODGERS, J. P. A true extract from the estray book —ibis 17th February 1852. W. J. COLLINS, C.I.C. | *’ . Feb. 27th, 1852. GEORHUA —Macoi County. WiHiam jift*. W w kpy applfes l‘ me for letters tis Administration o/the es'ate of Mar i garet Page De?>m/d: These nre there fore ti atlinouislyMl persons interested to beat my offi'-eifnA file their objections if a*v they \pydn the time pre scribed by Vm, wMEnid letters should mi be granted. ‘•^SL HL. JJf. J. Ordinary. WlybyE7 1352. ~ 45-wlm. THfljftanic JQCrug Store geo. I Vis. thHm/son & imvison Will keep JLnstnnilv on hand a pond Assortment of Bey and medicines try the wholesale md rctaTK A share *fpublic patronage is tjjpperifully solicited: April, 1 I Mo2. jBTJtRS Thomason Cltol ie MixtniV gyd fur flatulence, Cholic, pains at slitVsraimich}tand howells; also good to relieve UlLnM;‘an<l tisusea.— For sale by the matUna<%ffr. Ogleti)(#|ie, rtffTil NOTICE. ALL persons concerned are desired lo Jake notice dial, on the fouith day of March insiaot, I levied four attachments— one at ihe instance ol F. S, Laihrop A". Cos. vs. Ei win &. Retifrnt-; one at*tlie instance of Woodburn &. Wyles “S'. Erwin 6c Ren froe; one at the inslanrs ofllarrul Sprouls 6c I o. vsl Erwin A- Renfroe, and one, at the instance of Townsend Arnold & 00. vsi . Erwin & Nelson, op the following property i in the city of Oglethorpe, to wi’: a house and I lot in sa*<lA:ity of Oglethorpe o’t Ihe corner of I (Sumterand Crescent Bts. froi><iiig forty led on Sumtei st. add fifiy feet on Crescent si. Being a part of lot number (17) Seventeen in square No'. 2 (agreeably to the plan of said city) and situate on die Corner opposite to Dr’. Thomason’s Hotel. Also on a Mouse and lot in said city fronting on Crescent st. forty feet running hark about -^)feet, ad joining Slade’s Hotel or the Pavilion House, Being a part ol sot No. 15, on squ ire No. 3, Also on one vacant lot opsosite (Slade’s Ho* tel or Pavilion House. (Situate on tho corner of Macon and Crescent streets, front ing 40 fret on Macon si,*and running bark and along Cres.-ent street 150 feet being lot No- 2 in sqoaie No; 4 of said city.’ The said attachments being returnable to the next Inferior Court for Macon County. This March 18th 1852. DAVte GAMMAGE Sh’ffi OGLWHOpfrE Candy factory, C O N ARY. Jackson & Poifdl. Have the pleasure us announcing to (he public that tliev have opened in the City of OGLETHORPE, on SUMTER St. next door Souili of the Brick Srore of R. H. (Sims Cos * a large and extensive lot of j CONFECTIONARIES, Such ns Candies, Cakes, Syiups, Preserves, Jellies, J inn, Pickles, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, Brazil and llnzil Nuts, Hnglish Walnuts, Apples, O ranges, Cocoa Nl, Bananas, Plaintains, Diiod Figs, Prunes, Ci gars, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Cordials, W ines, for medical purposes, together with OYSTERS, pickld and fresh, and FISH in I heir seson, and ull oilier at tides in the Cott fectionary line. They will also MANUFACTURE, in the most superior style, and of the best materi. als, all sorts of * CANDIES, CANDY ORNAMENTS. 6k., and will nentlv F.mboss and Ornament Cakes, for Balls, Parlies, nnd Weddings, at short noticenand on as reasonable terms as any establishment in Georgia. As they intone] doing business strictly on the Cash Principle, all oiders for any of the Cbov e hmisles must be accompanied with tlte CASH, to insure attention. In connection with their CONFEC TIONARY they intend keeping a regular and genteel, EAT7NG-HOUSE, and they will be happy at limes lo serve up to llteir friends, ami tlw public generallv, HAM AND EGGS. OYSTERS, FISH, (in their season,) GAME, HOT COFFEE, 6c c. By strict attention to businrss, and a desire to please, thoy hope to receive, as they will endeavor to met it, a liberal share of public patronage. WARREN JACKSON, WM It. POWELL Oct. 31,1851 29—ts. Candl Maiiu/factorv. IN EUFAUJJf ALA- * “ I'at maize Hotpe industry.” WE beg U‘i\e to inform tlte that we have added fooitg business the M ANUFAcYdR E Jf C ANDY, which we feel confldeTu o/carry ing on, in all its various branchi-A*in J stylo unsuipa>sed by any house in llielcotijmy. Having put our VtnLESAt.n Prices as t ilow as Northern CaAcft i-nit he brought lu re, and being abJejfc furnish an nriicln MUCH •PURER AND mVw\ DUKAOLZ, we hope to deserve and receiVe wont Retailers a lib heral patronage. / % We will also maAtifacßtre Supeiior Syrups/■ nd tVidiala, in any quantity, a/d on thaniost reasonable terms —also I \ Cakes, and ki.i. kinds Vr Pastuy. We will contiiue lo keep *t enlarged as sortment of chuj/e CONFECT\ONARIES, CANDY* ORNAMENTS, A\D LIQUORS, GICiARS, and FWUITS. Which we win sell—wholesale n\d retail— as cheap as t4ey cun be afforded y where around. L \ ft ORDERS FUR \ Bulls;, JPni-tics. Weddings, Ac-. promptly/td ncatlv executed: \ / MARTIN <fcCOURV: (C/ a ’ the old- stand near the Town Vail und ihe Post Office. Eufa Ja, Feb: 16,1852: 46—3m^ Georgia—Mason County. TWO Months after date application will be made toilm ordinary of said County fur leave to sell Lot of land Number U3 in the Third district secon I section of originally Muscogee now Marion county, also Lot of lq£l number 275 in die seventhdistriciTltird section Cherokee. Belonging to the cstato of Addison C. Scott, late of Macon Couniy deceased. E. VV. ALLEN Ex’r, Oglethorpe Arpil23d 1852. RS. TiifciidSo.. -isoi/sDys entary for the cure of Cb< I* era Morbus, Diamffie, Dysentery 6c c. For sale by the manufartNHfs. ( r , VolitHe iOLnlment. AN ixcellnik ltemdfy In iuflamatoty g quiusey ; Anlom (ailing to effect ct te. For ahGr\ VGA. ‘i\pM(soN &, Davison. Ogleihorpa Ga. Apidl 16ih 18>52. —52